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10, OCTOBER 2022 8911

A Multicoil Array Transceiver Antenna Design for

Touchless Hygienic Artificial Human Interfacing
Vivek Kumar Srivastava , Graduate Student Member, IEEE,
Ananth Bharadwaj , Graduate Student Member, IEEE,
and Ashwani Sharma , Member, IEEE

Abstract— This article presents an optimized multicoil array the tangibility problem, the modern AHIs adopt hygienic
transceiver antenna design to localize the position of a human touchless techniques using advanced remote peripherals [4].
hand for a touchless artificial human interface. The functioning Associated with this technology, sensing the position of a
of the system is evolved from combined principles of a two-coil
and three-coil magnetic resonance coupling-based wireless power human hand remotely and tracking the fingertip movement
transfer techniques. The proposed system comprises a transceiver is crucial. Various techniques adopted for this purpose include
antenna platform made of spatially distributed multicoil arrays vision-based [1], [5], mechanical sensor-based [1], [6], and
as transmitter and receiver antennas, and a resonator coil. The magnetic field (H -field)-based [4], [7] sensing systems. The
resonator coil attached to the fingertip of the user is localized vision-based systems [8], [9] require a digital camera and com-
by comparing the voltage gains of the receiver antenna array
working as sensors with the decision thresholds. Therefore, the plex data processing algorithms and are susceptible to ambient
coil arrays of the transceiver platform and the resonator coil conditions such as background light, presence of objects,
are jointly optimized to enhance the localization accuracy by and mobility. Due to this, these systems have limitations of
maximizing the separation of receiver antenna readings from the high cost, low latency, and sensing accuracy. In contrast, the
decision thresholds. The fabricated prototype of the optimized mechanical sensor-based systems [1], [7], [10], [11] impose
antenna system is measured, and performance is analyzed for
various movements of the user fingertip. The results reveal the wearable hand gloves comprising a variety of sensors such
decision threshold limits of the design for localization and prove as bend, stretch, and inertial sensors and are less affected
that the proposed transceiver antenna system is able to track by ambient conditions. However, a bulky data processing
the human hand movement successfully. Unlike other vision and communication unit are attached to the hand, posing
and sensor-based interfacing, the proposed transceiver antenna great discomfort. Besides this, the inherent problems associ-
system provides a cost-effective, user-friendly, and hygienic
solution. ated with the sensors, such as the aging effect, inconsistent
sensitivity, sluggish response, and incompatibility of rigid
Index Terms— Artificial human interface, localization, mag- sensors with flexible gloves, make the sensor-based systems
netic resonance coupling (MRC), multicoil array, transceiver
antenna. ineffective.
To avoid the aforementioned limitations, the H -field-based
sensing systems are adopted in which two approaches are
I. I NTRODUCTION considered, first: using permanent magnets and Hall-effect sen-
sors or sensing coils, second: exploiting magnetic resonance
A RTIFICIAL human interface (AHI) plays a vital role
nowadays in allowing humans and machines/computers
both to interact with each other in a smart way. The mod-
coupling (MRC) using coil antennas. In the first approach,
the Hall-effect sensor array or EM coils and permanent mag-
ern AHIs are smarter, more user-friendly, flexible, and reli- nets are used as hand wearables, e.g., rings and wristbands,
able than conventional peripheral devices such as keypad, to track the hand movements [12]–[14]. These systems have
mouse, keyboard, touchscreens, and touchpad systems [1]–[3]. inconsistent accuracy due to the permanent magnets losing
Traditional AHIs are tangible, making them susceptible to strength with time. Similarly, the hand tracking system pro-
spreading infections among common users of the same device. posed in [15] comprises magnetic nodes attached to all the
This is critical in pandemic times to avoid tactile interac- fingertips. Complex wired connections affixed on the user’s
tions with any common interface to machines. To address hand are used to transfer the sensed data, which are again not
user-friendly. To overcome this problem, the fingertip tracking
Manuscript received 23 September 2021; revised 20 March 2022; accepted system proposed in [16] uses no wearable but two probing
20 April 2022. Date of publication 30 May 2022; date of current version
9 November 2022. This work was supported by the Prime Minister’s Research coils located in the sensing platform to sense the change
Fellowship (PMRF) and Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), in impedance shift due to the presence of the user’s finger
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, under Grant as a dielectric. The highly complex circuitry and frequent
ECR/2018/000343. (Corresponding author: Ashwani Sharma.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT calibration requirements are the system’s limitations which
Ropar, Rupnagar 140001, India (e-mail:; render it as cost-ineffective solution. The need for frequent; calibration can be avoided by adopting the second approach
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at of an MRC-based system using coil antennas for localization
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2022.3177534 purposes.
0018-926X © 2022 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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For instance, two-coil MRC-based positioning systems are

proposed to detect axial and rotatory movements of the shaft
in [18] and [19] and to detect the finger movements in [19].
These systems consist of a few spatially distributed coils
embedded in a stationary transmitter (Tx) platform and a
moving receiver (Rx) coil attached to the hand finger whose
output signals are processed for localization. Therefore, the
data processing units are placed with the hand resulting in user
discomfort. Although the immediately mentioned systems use
two-coil MRC-based technique for localization, they are not Fig. 1. Application scenarios of the proposed MRC-based transceiver
optimized to exploit the full potential of the MRC approach.
The two-coil MRC technique is conventionally optimized
for the application of wireless power transmission (WPT) generates a uniform H -field instead. The proposed transceiver
between a Tx antenna and an Rx antenna [20]–[25] where antenna is modeled, and optimization problems are formulated
the reduction in power transfer due to misalignment of the Rx to achieve optimal design parameters of the antenna system.
coil is the primary design challenge. To mitigate that, in [20], The prototype of the proposed design is fabricated in low-cost
a two-coil MRC-based complex 3-D structure for Tx antenna PCB technology, and the antenna system is experimentally
is proposed to power the Rx wirelessly. Whereas, in [21]–[23], validated. The use of the hybrid two-coil and three-coil MRC
planar multicoil array antennas are designed for Tx to generate technique for localization makes the system user-friendly by
a uniform magnetic field for displacement-insensitive WPT removing the processing unit from the user wearable device
systems. For the same objective, nonuniform magnetic field and performing the sensing and computations solely at the
forming is exploited and proposed as an optimal solution interfacing platform. This is verified by a real-life demonstra-
in [24]. Similarly, in [25], a position detection system for vehi- tion of a touchless fingertip tracking application.
cles based on the two-coil MRC technique is proposed using This article is organized as follows. Section II presents the
distributed coil antennas at the Tx, and the design objective of proposed transceiver antenna system model. The optimiza-
displacement-insensitive WPT is targeted. Further to enhance tion of the proposed antenna system and its realization is
the power transmission in the two-coil system, a third coil presented in Section III. The performance of the proposed
denoted as resonator coil is inserted to realize a three-coil system is validated using simulations and experimentation in
MRC technique [26]–[29]. To note that the literature works Sections IV and V, respectively. Further comparison of the
on MRC have primary design objective of addressing mis- proposed work with the existing research works is presented
alignment problems in WPT systems by achieving a consistent in Section VI. This article is concluded in Section VII.
output voltage in the Rx coil irrespective of its movements.
However, Rx localization is not possible in this case because II. P ROPOSED T RANSCEIVER A NTENNA D ESIGN
the voltage readings cannot be distinguished for varying Rx AND S YSTEM M ODELING
positions. Therefore, to precisely estimate Rx position, the The proposed MRC-based interface system is depicted in
variation in Rx voltage is essential. Fig. 1 showing potential applications of the proposed trans-
Addressing the aforementioned challenges, Srivastava et al. ceiver antenna platform such as contactless keypad for ATMs,
[4] have presented a preliminary idea of MRC-based trans- AHI-based computer trackpad, and contactless access con-
ceiver antenna which uses the principles of three-coil MRC trol. The proposed interface system comprises a transceiver
techniques, where a single resonator coil is attached on the antenna platform and a wearable resonator coil attached to
fingertip to track the hand movements. The study in [4] only the fingertip at a height h as shown in Fig. 1. The transceiver
proposed the initial idea along with certain preliminary verifi- antenna consists of a Tx coil array and a Rx coil sensor array
cation by simulations; however, proper validation of the claim co-located within the same platform. This arrangement greatly
with an optimized antenna system design is not presented. simplifies the wearable device design providing a user-friendly
Moreover, the Tx antenna used in [4] is a single coil forming solution. Moreover, inclusion of the Tx array and the Rx sensor
a uniform H -field which is an unoptimized design achieving array together within the transceiver antenna platform makes
improper voltage readings in Rx for different fingertip posi- the proposed system cost-effective and low in latency for
tions. Therefore, complete design optimization is essentially localization.
required for good localization accuracy. In the proposed work, The transceiver antenna is designed in low-cost PCB tech-
an analytically optimized transceiver antenna platform is pro- nology, and the Tx coil array and the Rx coil sensor array
posed where the Tx and Rx array antennas are co-located are printed at the front and back layers of the same PCB,
within a planar structure. In contrast to [4], the proposed respectively. For PCB realization, a double-sided FR4 sub-
design works on a hybrid approach of two-coil and three- strate of thickness, t = 1.6 mm, relative dielectric constant
coil MRC techniques. Moreover, the proposed transceiver r = 4.4, loss tangent tanδ = 0.02, and 0.017 mm of
antenna contains a spatially distributed Tx coil array which copper deposition is used. The schematic model of the pro-
is optimized to generate a nonuniform H -field distribution posed system compatible with PCB technology is shown in
to improve the resolution of Rx voltage levels, and this is Fig. 2. The Tx comprises an n × n array of K number of
in contrast to the unoptimized single-coil Tx of [4] which spatially distributed planar elements where each element is a

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Fig. 3. Impact of resonator on H -field distribution produced by a single turn

Tx coil presented in [4].
Fig. 2. Schematic view of the proposed system for n = 3. (a) Tx coil array.
(b) Rx coil sensor array. (c) Resonator coil.

above Rx coil-5. The corresponding H -field distribution for

multiturn coil antenna denoted as Tx coil-i ∀ i ∈ [1, K]. Here, Y = 0 cut is presented in Fig. 3 and exemplifies the presence
K = n 2 is the total coils present in the n × n array (n is an of disturbance caused by the resonator coil to the nearby
odd integer), e.g., for an array shown in Fig. 2, n = 3 and placed Rx coils. Therefore, the system does not provide an
K = 32 = 9. Similarly, the Rx is an n × n array of K sensor optimal localization accuracy. This problem is avoided by
elements realized as planar multiturn coil antennas denoted as the use of Tx with an n × n array of coil elements that
Rx coil-i ∀ i ∈ [1, K] as shown in Fig. 2(b). The resonator can power each Rx coil sensor individually as depicted in
is a multiturn single coil of a size equivalent to a single coil Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Moreover, this provides an opportunity to
of the Tx array and modeled in Fig. 2(c). When the Tx array exploit nonuniform H -field forming to enhance localization
is excited with an ac source, voltages are induced in the Rx accuracy.
sensor coils due to magnetic coupling and voltage readings For analysis, let VRxi
(x, y) denote the voltage gain of the Rx
are used to track the position of the resonator coil (fingertip). coil-i matched output with respect to the Tx coil matched input
when the resonator is placed at coordinate (x, y). VRx i
(x, y)
A. Working Principle of the Proposed System denotes the S21-parameter measured between the antenna
ports of Rx coil-i and the Tx. Thus, in the absence of the
The proposed transceiver antenna works on the principle
resonator coil, the voltage gain of Rx coil-i is VRx i
(∞, ∞)
of two-coil and three-coil MRC-based WPT techniques. In a
corresponding to the two-coil MRC system. The system is
two-coil MRC system, two spatially separated coils, a Tx coil
designed to maximize VRx i
(∞, ∞) and obtain similar values
and a Rx coil, are tuned by external capacitors to resonate at
for each Rx coil-i ∀ i ∈ [1, K]. However, in the presence
a common operating frequency and maximize voltage gain of
of the resonator coil near to Rx coil-i , the corresponding
the Rx with respect to the Tx. Whereas an additional resonator i
VRx (x, y) deteriorates and the difference in the Rx sensor
coil is inserted between the Tx and Rx coils in the three-coil
voltage gain is registered for the localization process. Using
MRC system to achieve a higher WPT range. The presence
the comparison of the Rx sensor voltage with predefined
of the resonating coil between the Tx–Rx coil pair shifts
threshold levels, the position of the resonator coil can be
the resonance frequency of the system, which is re-tuned to
estimated. Therefore, the farther the separation of the voltage
the operating frequency by tuning the matching capacitors.
gains from the decision threshold in the two cases, the better
However, without re-tuning, if a resonator coil is brought
the accuracy obtained in positioning. Therefore, in addition
closer to the originally tuned Tx–Rx pair of a two-coil MRC
to the maximum VRx i
(∞, ∞) obtained in the absence of the
system, the resulting detuned three-coil system encounters a
resonator coil, the optimization of the proposed system also
reduction in voltage gain. Thus, the two states, the presence
targets to minimize VRx i
(x, y) in the presence of the resonator
and the absence of the resonator coil, can be distinguished by
coil to maximize the accuracy. This forms the objective of
comparing the change in Rx coil voltages.
the optimization problem defined for the proposed antenna
Using this principle in the proposed design, the Tx coil
array and the Rx coil array are tuned to resonate at the
operating frequency in the absence of the resonator coil, and
therefore, forming a two-coil MRC WPT system locally per B. Design Parameters of the System for Optimization
array element. The Tx is designed to generate a strong H -field
distribution in the plane of Rx. This H -field distribution drives The geometric parameters of the Tx coil array are maximum
0 i
the voltage outputs of the Rx sensor coils at the operating side dimension of the pad (STx ), maximum side length (STx ),
i i
frequency. However, in case a single large Tx coil is used, conductive strip width (wTx ), inter-turn spacing (gTx ) of the
as presented previously in [4], which generates a uniform Tx coil-i ∀ i ∈ [1, 9], and minimum side length (STx min
) as
H -field distribution, the presence of a tuned resonator in denoted in Fig. 2(a). For the design with n = 3, the number
i i
the vicinity of any of the Rx sensor coil can also disturb the of turns in the Tx coil-i , NTx , for a given side length STx is
readings in the neighboring sensor coils. To demonstrate the calculated as
disturbance caused by the resonator coil, a single large Tx coil  
as presented in [4] is simulated in commercial EM software STxi
− STx min
NTx =
 i  +1 . (1)
both in the absence and presence of a tuned resonator coil 2 wTx + gTxi

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The coordinates of the Tx coil-i center is (x ti , yti , 0) and The optimal design of the proposed system is presented sub-
evaluated as sequently.
0  5   5 i 
pi = − + STx , x t = ±
i i
+ + pi
2 2 2 2
 5  The optimization of the proposed system is performed
S Si jointly for Tx and Rx coil arrays and the resonator coil to attain
yti = ± Tx + Tx + pi . (2)
2 2 the global design objective as discussed in Section II-A. The
Here, pi is the separation between adjacent coils. Particularly global objective is now stated as: to form optimal nonuniform
for coil-5, the center coincides with the origin. Similarly, Hz in the absence of the resonator coil such that VRx i
(∞, ∞)
the design parameters for the Rx coil sensor array are the is maximized and to minimize VRx (x, y) in the presence of the

maximum side length (SRx i

), minimum side length (SRx min
), resonator coil. Since the design problem is very complex, it is
i i
number of turns (NRx ), conductive track width (wRx ), and divided into sub-objectives that are interdependent and jointly
inter-turn spacing (gRx ) corresponding to each coil in the Rx achieve the global objective.
array as denoted in Fig. 2(b). The maximum number of turns
in the Rx coil, NRx , for a given SRx is found by A. Optimization Problem Formulation
 The Tx coil array design is optimized in the absence of
SRx − SRx
the resonator coil to generate nonuniform Hz distribution so
NRx = +1 . (3)
2(wRx + gRx ) i
that VRx (∞, ∞) ∀ i ∈ [1, K] are maximized and achieve
similar values. For this, initially the coil-K/2 located at the
In the design, the center, (xri , yri , zri ), of Rx coil-i is assumed
center of the Tx array (e.g. coil-5 as presented
 i in Fig. 2)
coinciding with the Tx coil-i but zri = 1.6 mm representing the
top layer of PCB. For optimization of resonator coil, the design
is optimized to achieve maximum field i Hz (0, 0) at the
origin. Here, . denotes the ceiling function. Let iV be
parameters are maximum side length (Sres ), the number of
defined as the percentage deviation of the voltage gain of
turns (Nres ), track width, (wres ), and inter-turn spacing, (gres ), K/2
the other Tx coil-i from the voltage gain VRx (∞, ∞) of
which are optimized to maximize the effect of its presence on
the coil-K/2. Subsequently, for a given Rx coil array, iV
Rx coils.
is minimized to achieve similar voltage gains in the absence
Once the design parameters of the proposed system are
of the resonator coil. To accomplish this sub-objective, the
defined, further optimization adopts nonuniform H -field form-
optimization problem is formulated as
ing. To analyze the field generated by Tx coil array, the 1) Sub-Objective-1:
H -field formulation for a square coil is used. The z-component  
 V i (∞, ∞) − V K/2 (∞, ∞) 
of the H -field, Hz , at any observation point (x, y, h) in space  Rx 
ij Min V = i Rx

generated by a single turn- j with side length STx i
STx ,wTx
i  K/2
VRx (∞, ∞) 
of the Tx coil-i , carrying current I0 , and located at (x ti , yti , 0) is ∀ i ∈ [1, K] i = K/2
formulated as [30]

preceded by Max Hzi (0, 0)

4 K/2 K/2 K/2
(−1)i Mi Ni STx ,wTx ,gTx i
Hzi j (x, y) = − 0
≤ 62 mm, 10 mm ≤ STx
≤ 21 mm
4π i=1 ri [ri + (−1)i+1 Ni ] ri [ri + Mi ] S.t. STx
wTx ≥ 0.5 mm,
i i
gTx ≥ 0.5 mm, and
r1 = N12 + M12 + h 2 , r2 = N22 + M22 + h 2

STx = 8 mm. (6)
r3 = N32 + M32 + h 2 , r4 = N42 + M42 + h 2 Following Tx coil array design, the resonator coil and
STx the Rx coil array are jointly optimized. This is performed
N1 = −N4 = + x − x ti by placing the resonator coil at certain location, Pn , with
ij coordinate (x Pn , y Pn ) at a height h above the transceiver
S antenna. The Pn location in the design process begins
N2 = −N3 = Tx − x + x ti
2 with coordinate (0, 0) and assumes perfect alignment
STx with the Rx coil-K/2. For this arrangement, the res-
M1 = M2 = + y − yti
2 onator coil is optimized to have a maximum effect on
K/2 K/2 K/2
deteriorating the voltage gain VRx (x t , yt ) of the
M3 = M4 = − Tx + y − yti . (4) Rx coil-K/2. Hence, to design the resonator coil, the
optimization problem is formulated as
Hence, the total field, Hzi , generated by the Tx coil-i is given 2) Sub-Objective-2:
by the summation of Hz due to all the turns of the coil as K/2 K/2

  Min VRx (x t , ytK/2 )
Sres ,Nres
Hzi (x, y) = Hzi j (x, y) . (5)
when resonator aligned with Rx coil-K/2
s.t. 18 mm ≤ Sres ≤ 22 mm, Nres ≥ 1
The total H -field distribution originated by the Tx coil array opti opti opti
can be evaluated by superposition of  the individual H -field
STx = STx , NTx
= NTx , wTx
= wTx
of each coil element of the array as i Hzi (x, y) using (5). i
gTx = gTx (7)

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Fig. 4. Resonator coil position for optimizing Rx coil sensor array.

opti opti opti opti

where STx , NTx , wTx , and gTx represent the optimized
Tx parameters obtained as solution of sub-objective-1.
Succeeding (7), the Rx coil array is optimized con-
sidering various positions, Pn , of the resonator coil.
Since the resonator coil attached to the fingertip can
be present anywhere on the platform, there are various
alignments possible with the Rx coil array. For instance,
Pn locations in the second quadrant of the transceiver
antenna are shown in Fig. 4, where the following three
cases of alignments are possible; perfectly aligned to
one single Rx coil (P1 , P3 , P7 , P9 ), aligned with two
adjacent coils (P2 , P4 , P6 , P8 ), and aligned with four
adjacent coils (P5 ) denoted as ζ1 , ζ2 , and ζ3 , respectively.
To distinguish these cases for better positioning of the
resonator coil, the voltage gain values of a particular Rx
coil-i for these cases should be appreciably separated
away from the decision thresholds. For example, let
the resonator be placed at P9 , P6 , and P5 , represent-
ing the three cases of alignments, then, particularly
for Rx coil-5, the corresponding voltage gain levels
VRx (x P9 , y P9 ), VRx
(x P6 , y P6 ), and VRx 5
(x P5 , y P5 ) should be
unequal and their difference is maximized. Similarly,
the voltage gains for one particular case of alignment
should be equal for all the Rx coils lying under the
resonator coil. For instance, if the resonator is placed at
P6 , then the voltage gain levels of the Rx coils lying
under the resonator, VRx 5
(x P6 , y P6 ) and VRx 2
(x P6 , y P6 ),
should ideally be equal. This is achieved by defining the
decision threshold limits, γ1 , γ2 , and γ3 , for the three
Fig. 5. Flowchart for optimizing the proposed transceiver antenna system.
different cases of Pn alignments, respectively. The Rx
coil parameters SRx i
, NRx i
, wRx i
, and gRx i
are optimized to
i is solved by an algorithm adopting hybrid approach of ana-
attain farthest possible VRx solutions from the decision
thresholds γ for various Pn . For this, the difference func- lytical modeling of Hz(x, y) and simulation-based parametric
tion defined as δRx = |VRx i
(x Pn , y Pn ) − γ | is maximized
optimization of VRx (x, y) in Section III-B.
for each Rx coil-i . Hence, the optimization problem to
design Rx coil sensor array is defined as follows.
B. Design Procedure to Optimize the Proposed Transceiver
3) Sub-Objective-3:
 i  Antenna System
Max δRx = VRx (x Pn , y Pn ) − γ  The flowchart of the design algorithm to solve optimization
(SRx ,NRx ,wRx ,gRx )

s.t. SRx = 18 mm, = 8 mm min

SRx problem (6)–(8) is presented in Fig. 5. A detailed description
of the steps involved in the design process is now provided.
wRx ≥ 0.5 mm, gRx ≥ 0.5 mm Step 1: All the design parameters are initialized.
opti opti
STx = STx , i
NTx = NTx Step 2: The Tx coil optimization process begins with the
opti opti
= wTx , gTx i
= gTx initial iteration to first achieve
 i the objective function defined
Sres = Sres
, Nres = Nres
opti in (6) to maximize i Hz (0, 0), by sweeping design
K/2 K/2 K/2
variables STx , wTx , and gTx .
wres = wres
, gres = gres
Step 3: Subsequent to Step 2, other Tx coil-i is opti-
opti opti opti opti
where Sres , Nres ,andwres , gres
are the optimal resonator mized to achieve the objective (6) as minimizing iV by
coil parameters. The optimization problem defined in (6)–(8) sweeping design variables STx i
, wTx
i i
, and gTx and initializing

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NRx = 1 and SRx = 18 mm for initial iteration. The design

parameters corresponding to minimum iV are stored for each
Tx coil-i ∀ i ∈ [1, K].
Step 4: The obtained parameters corresponding to mini-
mum iV are consider as the optimal Tx coil parameters as
opti opti opti opti
STx , NTx , wTx , and gTx .
Step 5: The problem defined in (7) is now targeted in the
presence of the resonator coil, which is aligned with the Rx
coil-K/2 in the beginning.
Step 6: Sweep the design variables of the resonator coil Fig. 6. Transceiver antenna system. (a) Bottom view, (b) top view,
K/2 K/2 (c) resonator coil bottom view, and (d) resonator coil top view.
and evaluate VRx (x t , ytK/2 ). Select the optimal res-
opt opt
onator coil parameters Sres and Nres corresponding to min- TABLE I
K/2 K/2
imum VRx (x t , ytK/2 ) to achieve the objective (7). O PTIMIZED C OIL PARAMETERS OF THE P ROPOSED A NTENNA
Step 7: Place the resonator coil optimized in previous step
at other location Pn and assign the corresponding threshold
values as γ1 , γ2 , and γ3 , respectively, for the three cases
of alignment; with one (P1 , P3 , P7 , and P9 ), two (P2 , P4 , P6 ,
and P8 ), and four (P5 ) Rx coils as defined in Fig. 4.
Step 8: Determine VRx i
(x pn , ypn ) ∀ i ∈ [1, K] for various
parametric sweep of Rx coil parameters and evaluate the dif-
ference function δRx defined in (8) for each Rx coil-i affected
by the resonator coil.
Step 9: The Rx coil design variables SRx i i
, NRx , wRx
i i
, and gRx
are selected to achieve the objective function defined in (8) to
maximize δRx .
Step 10: Repeat Step 7 to Step 9 for all the defined positions
Pn and store the various maximum δRx and corresponding
optimal Rx coil parameters.
Step 11: Repeat Steps 6–10 by increasing NRx of coil-i by
one for maximum NRx 0
and store the result in δRx (n) vector. Fig. 7. Optimized H -field generated by the Tx coil array. (a) Analyt-
ical distribution, (b) simulated for cut y = 0 mm, and (c) simulated for
Choose the best result corresponding to the minimum value cut y = 21 mm.
in the vector δRx (n) and obtain the optimal Rx and resonator
opti opti opti opti opti opti
coil parameters as SRx , NRx , wRx , gRx , Sres , and Nres .
Step 12: Determine VRx i
(∞, ∞) for the optimal Rx coil demonstrated in Fig. 7(a). The analytical results are verified
array parameters and check for iV ∀ i ∈ [1, K]. Repeat all using an EM simulator. The 2-D plots of the H -field generated
the steps until iV obtained for all Rx coils is minimized. from the optimized Tx coil array are compared in Fig. 7(b) and
Fig. 7(c) for y = 0 mm and y = 21 mm cuts, respectively, and
the results are found corroborating. The VRx i
(∞, ∞) values
C. Result of the Optimization Process observed in Rx coil-i ∀ i ∈ [1, 9] are included in Table I.
The parameters of the proposed system are optimized using The parametric variation of Sres and Nres for opti-
algorithm presented in Fig. 5 for K = 9 design. The PCB mization of the resonator coil as formulated in (7) is
layout of the resulting optimized design is shown in Fig. 6 shown in Fig. 8(a). The optimal parameters for the resonator
opt opt
depicting the Tx coil array at the bottom layer and the Rx coil are Sres = 22 mm and Nres = 8 to minimize VRx 5
(x t5 , yt5 )
coil sensor array at the top layer of the PCB, respectively. from Fig. 8(a).
Fig. 6(c) and (d) shows the bottom and top views of the The parametric study for optimizing the Rx coil sensor
resonator coil layout. The connections across the two PCB array in the presence of the optimized Tx and the resonator
layers are made through vias. The coil elements of Tx array are coil located at various positions (P1 –P9 defined in Fig. 4) is
connected in series to minimize the number of ports required in presented in Fig. 8(b)–(d). The plots are shown for various
the Tx and avoid additional jumper inter-connects. The system i
NRx and wRx i
= gRx
= 0.5 mm, and for the proposed design
has in total ten ports out of which the Tx coil array has one port K = 9, the threshold values accounted in the algorithm are
denoted by Port-Tx, and the remaining nine ports are attached γ1 = −40 dB, γ2 = −30 dB, and γ3 = −27 dB. To observe
to the nine sensor coils of the Rx array and denoted as Port the effect of NRx on voltage gain, consider that the resonator
Rx-i ∀ i ∈ [1, 9] in Fig. 6. The optimal Tx coil parameters 1
is first placed at P1 . In this case, only VRx (x P1 , y P1 ) for Rx
are listed in Table I, and NTx i
= 5, wTxi
= 0.5 mm, and coil-1 is below the threshold defined as γ1 = −40 dB for
gTx = 0.5 mm are obtained and h = 10 mm is considered
various NRx i i
in Fig. 8(b)–(d), whereas VRx (x P1 , y P1 ) for the
in this study. other Rx coils are above the threshold γ1 = −40 dB and
The analytically optimized H -field distribution generated most uniform (∼ −26 dB) for NRx i
= 1. Similarly, when the
by the Tx coil array in the absence of the resonator coil is resonator is shifted to position P2 , the voltage gains for Rx

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Fig. 8. Optimization of (a) resonator coil, (b) Rx coil sensor array NRx = 1, Fig. 9. Frequency response of the proposed system. (a) Reflection coefficient
(c) Rx coil sensor array NRx = 3, and (d) Rx coil sensor array NRx i
= 5. i
of Rx port-i in the absence of the resonator coil, (b) VRx (∞, ∞) variation,
(c) reflection coefficient of Rx port-i in the presence of the resonator coil
above Rx coil-5, and (d) VRx (x, y) of Rx port-i.
coil-1 and Rx coil-2 are below the set threshold γ2 = −30 dB
and above γ1 = −40 dB. Whereas for other Rx coils, the
voltage gains are above γ2 and observed as more consistent
for NRx = 1. Likewise, other positions can also be verified.
This concludes that NRxi
= 1 has least effect on VRxi
of other
Rx coils which are not in close proximity of the resonator
suggesting NRx = 1 as the optimal Rx coil array parameter.
The algorithm reveals that the optimal Rx coil array parameters
are SRx = 18 mm, NRx = 1, and wRx = 0.5 mm. The
performance of the proposed transceiver antenna system is
evaluated subsequently.


The performance of the optimized system is evaluated in
two states, with and without the resonator coil. In the absence
of the resonator coil, the input reflection coefficient (port
matching) of various ports of the Rx coil sensor array and
the corresponding VRx i
(∞, ∞) versus frequency are shown
in Fig. 9(a) and (b). The results indicate that VRx i
(∞, ∞) of
different Rx sensor coils are ∼−26 dB at operating frequency
f = 13.56 MHz. However, once the resonator coil is placed
in the vicinity of any Rx coil, the voltage gain of that coil
is drastically reduced due to detuning of input matching.
To demonstrate this, the detuning of Rx coil-5 is demonstrated
by plotting all Sii in Fig. 9(c) when the resonator is placed
above Rx coil-5 at position P9 . The corresponding change in Fig. 10. Simulated VRx i
(x, y) variation for various movements of resonator
i coil in (a) and (b) horizontal, (c) and (d) vertical, (e) and (f) main diagonal,
VRx is plotted in Fig. 9(d). The comparison of Fig. 9(b) and (d)
and (g) and (h) off-diagonal directions.
indicates that the presence of the resonator coil above Rx coil-
5 reduces VRx , while the other Rx coils are not much affected
because of the proposed nonuniform field forming and the use the other Rx sensor coils show voltage gain of ∼−26 dB.
of coil array at Tx which allows individual coupling with each As the resonator coil shifts to H2 where it is aligned between
Rx sensor coil. Rx4 and Rx5, the VRx 4
(H2 ) and VRx
(H2 ) values for Rx coil-4
To exemplify further the tracking of fingertip, various move- and coil-5 are −32.53 dB and −35.8 dB, respectively; both
ments of the resonator coil are analyzed as shown in Fig. 10. are below the predefined threshold γ2 = −30 dB. Further
For instance, consider the tracking process for horizontal movement of the resonator coil to H3 aligns it perfectly with
movement of the resonator as defined in Fig. 10(a) with Rx5 and VRx5
(H3 ) = −45.26 dB is observed below the decision
marked positions, and their corresponding VRx i
(x, y) values threshold γ1 = −40 dB. Similarly, the remaining positions
are plotted in Fig. 10(b). The resonator begins from position H4 and H5 can be verified from values shown in Fig. 10(b)
H1 where it is aligned with Rx4. In this case, the voltage for horizontal movement. The other movements can also be
gain of Rx coil-4 is VRx 4
(H1 ) = −43.33 dB, which is well verified similarly by comparing the VRx i
(x, y) values of Rx
below the set threshold value (γ1 = −40 dB), whereas all coils with decision thresholds.

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Fig. 12. Experimental setup and fabricated prototype.

Fig. 13. i
Normalized VRx (∞, ∞) values measured without resonator coil.

Fig. 11. Simulated VRx i
(x, y) variation under varying distances of resonator
coil in (a)–(c) horizontal movement and (d)–(f) main diagonal movement.

To note that setting the decision threshold values is crit-

ical for localization performance of the system, therefore,
for practical purposes, any variations due to imperfections in
hardware realization can be incorporated by calibration and
using normalized decision thresholds (γth ). The influence of
distance is presented by plotting the normalized voltage gains
of the system simulated for varying distances (h = 5 mm,
10 mm, and 15 mm) in Fig. 11 with corresponding γth marked.
Here, Fig. 11(a)–(c) corresponds to the horizontal movement, available values are inserted in series with the coils as shown
whereas Fig. 11(d)–(f) are plotted for the main diagonal move- in the inset of Fig. 12. The final prototype is tested, and
ment. The plots indicate that a slight variation in the resonator the VRxi
(x, y) values are recorded from the Rx coil sensor
coil separation from the transceiver antenna does not much array using the network analyzer. Furthermore, the effect of
affect the pattern of the normalized VRxi
(x, y) in the range of random errors on the verge of external noise is addressed by
5–15 mm with respect to the normalized threshold levels set converging 1000 samples of data using an inbuilt averaging
as γth1 = 0.25, γth2 = 0.5, and γth3 = 0.65, respectively, for factor function available in network analyzer. The data are then
various aligned conditions. collected in the absence of resonator coil, and the measured
Thus, the results of Figs. 10 and 11 together prove that normalized VRx i
(∞, ∞) for each Rx sensor coil is shown in
the voltage gains of Rx coils change insignificantly with the Fig. 13 including simulation results for proper comparison.
vertical moving resonator coil in the vicinity and are eas- In the absence of the resonating coil, the measured voltage
ily detectable with appreciable differences from the decision gain values of the Rx sensor coils show slight variation, and
thresholds to implement the position tracking of the resonator the measured data corroborate with the simulation result.
coil. Further experimental verification of the proposed system Now the resonating coil is moved in the vicinity of the
is presented in the next section. transceiver antenna by following the paths defined previously
in Fig. 10 (left column), and the measured VRx i
(x, y) val-
ues are recorded. The variation in the normalized voltage
gains of Rx sensor coils for these movements is plotted in
To validate the proposed design, the coils are fabricated Fig. 14 also indicating the normalized decision thresholds (γth )
using a PCB prototyping machine in the laboratory. The set by measurements. To distinguish the voltage gain values
fabricated prototypes are shown in the inset demonstrating the for tracking the fingertip movement, the normalized decision
experimental setup to measure the S-parameters in Fig. 12. thresholds γth1 = 0.25, γth2 = 0.5, and γth3 = 0.65 are set for
An Agilent Vector Network Analyzer (PNA-L N5230C) is the resonator coil positioned, respectively, over a single Rx
used to measure the impedances of unloaded coil input ports. coil, two adjacent Rx coils, and four adjacent Rx coils. The
The impedances (Z i ) of various coils measured at the operat- experimental results obtained are found in good agreement
ing frequency of 13.56 MHz are shown in Table II including with the simulation results for various resonator coil positions,
the corresponding capacitance (Ci ) value required to resonate as shown in Fig. 14. For all the movements of the resonator
each coil at 13.56 MHz. The SMD capacitors of the closest coil, the voltage gain patterns of Rx sensor array are shown to

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Fig. 14. Normalized VRx measured for (a) horizontal movement, (b) vertical
movement, and (c) main diagonal movement.

Fig. 16. Real-life demonstration to trace the position of the moving fingertip.

Fig. 15. Experimental setup with different metallic objects. (a) Conducting
sheet, (b) ring, and (c) keychain.


Fig. 17. Real-life tracing (a) path followed and (b) acquires LED response
for traced points.

Fig. 16 demonstrates a real-life application of the pro-

posed antenna used for tracing the moving fingertip. The
THE T RANSCEIVER A NTENNA proposed transceiver antenna is excited by Agilent Signal
Generator (E8257D), and the responses obtained from the Rx
sensor coils are processed using Arduino Uno controller board.
A 3 × 3 LED array is used to visually display position
tracing. The fingertip with resonator coil follows the path
defined in Fig. 17(a), and the acquired responses from the
LED array at various time instants are shown in Fig. 17(b).
follow the desired trend with respect to the set threshold value, The demonstration depicts the glowing LED corresponding
and therefore can be distinguished. Further experiments are to the resonator position aligned with the particular Rx coil.
conducted in the presence of metallic objects, e.g., keychain, When the resonator comes between the two Rx coils, both
ring, and metal sheet in the vicinity of the proposed antenna, the corresponding LEDs glow. The complete path tracing is
when the resonator is placed above Rx coil-5 as depicted verified in Fig. 17. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the
in Fig. 15. The corresponding voltage gain obtained at Rx proposed localization system. A comparison of the proposed
coil-5 is illustrated in Tables III and IV, which exhibited an multicoil array transceiver antenna with existing works is
insignificant effect and can be tolerated. presented in the subsequent section.

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