Define Employee Subgroup in Sap

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SAP HR – Define Employee Subgroup in SAP

What is an employee subgroup in SAP?

Employee subgroup is further category of an employment. For e.g. Regular employees are further categorized
into regular full time employees and regular part time employees.

Technical field name of employee subgroup in SAP is “PERSK”


SAP R/3 Role Employee Subgroups


Transaction SPRO

SAP IMG Path SPRO => SAP Reference IMG => Definition => Human Resources Management =>
Employee Subgroups.

Configuration Values

We are going to create the employee subgroups in SAP as per below values

Employee subgroup Name of EE subgroup

TE Trainee

EX Executive

AS Associate

TC Consultant

FS Full Shift

PT Part Time

How to define employee subgroup in SAP

Refer below step by step configuration procedure for creation of new employee subgroup in SAP HRM.

Step 1 : – Execute tcode “SPRO” from SAP command field.

Step 2 :- From display IMG screen, follow the navigation menu as shown below image and double click on img
activity “Employee subgroups”.

Step 3 : – In next screen, a choose activity with two options displays for maintaining the employee subgroups
in SAP.

1. Edit employee subgroup environment

2. Define employee subgroup.

Double click on employee subgroup option to define new employee subgroup in SAP as per requirements of an
organization enterprise structure.
Step 4 : – From change view employee subgroups overview screen, choose the option new entries for creation
of new employee subgroup in sap.

Step 5 : – On new entries employee subgroup SAP screen, enter the following details.

Employee subgroup : – Enter the 2 digits key that defines as employee subgroup in SAP.
Name of EE subgroup : – Enter the name of an employee subgroup that shows in SAP system.

Maintain all the required employee subgroups in SAP as per requirements an organization enterprise structure,
choose save button and save the details. Now you get a message as “Data was saved”.

Successfully we have created new employee subgroups in SAP HR.


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SAP HR - Enterprise Structure

⊩ SAP HR - Company Code

⊩ SAP HR - Personnel areas

⊩ SAP HR - Personnel subareas

⊩ SAP HR - Employee groups

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