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DUTe&demiek Lmaay om
Aua lected os Aho 1h usidot ek
Lordio m 2002 usdh hoppert
balh he tukumg p a l Bhaalup Jorma
o i y amo h e hem eppe&uuen
Jmolam Notienal Cemgres
He sas coedreol os he eeples
rcosiolornt. f e usas kmeom os he
Missile Mne Tmdio en hu werk
ann the cdoselepmaril bolsio misil
amd aumch 12ehickeechmeegy
Topic Date

APJ Abdul Kolam

leuRtoki Jaimulobdeemdbdul Kolam

ADB LOm lomdiam aoespace bcemust amd
Ramcam h b eukedas the l|th
residomt ek Lnduayenm 2002 de 200, Fo
Aso Xecod o Zhe h roicor a
Lrdia Am2002 u h he &uppel e
bah h uburg par Bhaaluya Jarnoo
o t y amd h e hem- eppesuuen
Jmoliam Notenal Cemgro
He sas toebreol e a s ihe eepls
rcosclonnt. Tle Lusa3 Rmetom a2 h e
Missile Mn e Tmolio on hu werk
a he dleelepmerlb ballslic missile
amd Moumch ehucke Techmelegy

PU. Abak Kolamm
Aos betum m l5
CAeben 1931 . a
lamilMustmn amuly
UCe o Romebusaxam
em omnbomm 18lamd,
hen u n h e Madras
rceeidency amd umeuS
um The Stt el Tamil Nadu. Hlis faiher
Joimulabdoem.ALOs a beat eusmehamd
ameaecolmbsaue. His meth
Ahiommo uwo3 Oheuketoi Heuwas
Ahe eumgel eeuh brahos ord me

API. Nbalul Kalom gel his pumasy
educuen omKammoshusoscamn
Elemmenlu h e e l amd bohusarth
ughwrSeamda oheet. Fle uos
Om ogerag t d e t e cenlumued his
gPocluauen m Yhusics em saumt
Josephb Cotloge amd ator im 1955, he
udiwd Aeroepace Emgmaeumgem
Mowb oB Lmstto lechuneleay.
Topic Date

ocemplaimgis highoneolucoluen
he Aetmed Ahe DRDO(Aeuemalcal
Deeelepamem Mobliahnmeni e dhe
Delence Koteatrohomd Deeleponet
gamLaLn asaCAemitomd o i a
he eoly 96O&, Asgked usuh he
INCOSPAR (Indeam NolLenol Cemorcltee
Spaco Qescarch) undn Vka
Sahabhau, aomeuSnLd Bpace Beuest

Kolama& Jroseatoh amd eduucalemol
Keodoahip bireught hie geat Xaurels
amd pH0iugeio h 1980.8Lshich

umeloh Yhu leaduship)clicectertap lo

payedamnajh a l i n ole2eXDping
unamy miisilox mdo thomiz&Lem
imoluomgAgmuam Amleimmeduole romgo
Topic Date

-ballialic mibeileamd Kthi he

tocical sueacele-slaceunnibsile,
alheugh thaprejeoL& kore
Culiseol eh nianomagomnemiamd Ces

Chie, Scoiiic
Adyiser Ahe er
Awhe pxEnRcla
dadopemalort OdLc

at ha highst logels
ho Pund
MunisMn iad
Secxcau e h Delemee Reseanch and
Deelepmnert Dgemibouem kn dul
992 1 Decemnbe 19g9

Kalan achuDARed 7 hemeQrY deCPtOtDs
e HD umiN2e&lies IhepekeTmeat
efLmda emeuhed h n L h A h e
Fodmo Dhue2ham u 198 amdAhe
olma Vibhuham in 1990 ehhis csetk
eLthDRDO amd 1SRO JOmd his AEle C
abcLmlikeadiseh le ha retemment.
Tm 1997, Kaam ceceieed the mighest
AALlonknbuh olLndas he Bhazat-
Topic Date

Aalma enhiucerbibuilien de he

dolence Tochmelegyim lndio

D PTbou Kalam aRe mam
m&puolenal aquetes.

yeu loiy umepen gue up bacause

FAIL meams
First Attermpt ln
I e u asamt te shime Kee o sum
Fiu bun ka he sum
eun best Aeachor ib en Xost

"Yeu hoge te dream beaeyeu

oeamns Ceme ue
Thumeimg is Ahe Lapilal ,Emtorprise
is Ahe Aoay laxrd wetk is he
Topic Date

Om 97 J u 90n5, Kolam davalled le
Shilleng de doliseno lectiune en 9
Creaingo Liuiable Plamet E a i h o t
he lmdiom lm&tlio e Mamageme
Shlenng At Ooumd 6:35pmlST
emly iemumules l e hiz lecuro
hecellopácd Kolamn uws vCenkurned
olead aaudolen corolac brrost


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