Top Tips in The Classroom

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UNIT 4 – Top Tips to Make it Work in the Classroom

˜ Ensure your classroom is both func�onal and s�mula�ng. Prac�se walking around, to
check that you can easily reach every student. Consider involving your students in
designing the room set-up.
˜ The ten minutes before class starts is prepara�on and organisa�on �me. Take this �me to
set up your classroom, equipment and to write your objec�ves on the board.
˜ Review all your materials before the lesson to prepare for possible vocabulary and
comprehension difficul�es.
Keep instruc�ons short and simple, the pace of the lesson brisk and vary how students
work together (e.g. pairs, group work) to add spice to the class.
˜ Plan to involve students in everything: elici�ng vocabulary, modelling, chorusing,
correc�ng, using the board, etc.
˜ Choose different students to answer ques�ons, ensuring everybody gets a turn.
˜ Check with your Director of Studies what rules are already in place and then work
collabora�vely with your students to establish specific rules for your class. Make sure you
then apply the rules fairly, appropriately and consistently.
˜ Use computers as a tool to support an ac�vity, not a replacement for teaching a class.
Ensure you introduce and demonstrate any ac�vity in the same way as you would with any
other new resource. Remember, not all your students may be familiar with computers /
new media.
˜ Set some clear rules before accessing online sites with your students – you want them to
be looking at the ac�vity, not Facebook!
˜ Make sure that students can only access appropriate material online. It can be useful to
have computers set up ready in the room you will be using, to reduce the chance of them
accidentally stumbling on something else. Also, consider blocking inappropriate sites.
˜ You can put this in its own sec�on or include an alterna�ve for some of the stages in point
2 above. For example, if students struggle to think of anything to say in the group
discussion, we will brainstorm some ideas on the board first, in order to give them some


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