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d and f-Block Elements 833



d and f-Block Elements

d-Block elements Cobalt Co 27 [Ar] 3d74s2

A transition element may be defined as an

element whose atom in the ground state or ion in
common oxidation state has incomplete sub-shell, has
ID Nickel
[Ar] 3d84s2
[Ar] 3d104s1
[Ar] 3d104s2
electron 1 to 9. It is called transition element due to Table : 19.2 Second transition or 4d-series
fact that it is lying between most electropositive (s- :
block) and most electronegative (p-block) elements and Element Symbol At. No. Electronic

represent a transition from them. The general configuratio

electronic configuration of these element is n
(n  1)1 to 10 ns 0 to 2
Yttrium Y 39 [Kr] 4d15s2
The definition of transition metal excludes Zn, Cd Zirconium Zr 40 [Kr] 4d25s2
4d-orbitals are filled up

and Hg because they have complete d- orbital. Their Niobium Nb* 41 [Kr] 4d45s1

  
common oxidation state is Zn , Cd , Hg . They also do Molybdenum Mo* 42 [Kr] 4d55s1
not show the characteristics of transition element.
Technetium Tc 43 [Kr] 4d55s2
Element of group 3 (Sc, Y, La and Ac) and group 12

Ruthenium Ru* 44 [Kr] 4d75s1

( Zn, Cd , Hg ) are called non typical transition element.
Rhodium Rh* 45 [Kr] 4d85s1
Table : 19.1 First transition or 3d series :
Palladium Pd* 46 [Kr] 4d105s0

Element Symbo At. No. Electronic

l configuration Silver Ag* 47 [Kr] 4d105s1

Scandium Sc 21 [Ar] 3d14s2 Cadmium Cd 48 [Kr] 4d105s2

3d-orbitals are filled up

Titanium Ti 22 [Ar] 3d24s2 Table : 19.3 Third transition or 5d-series :

Vanadium V 23 [Ar] 3d34s2 Element Symbo At. No. Electronic

* 5 1 l configuration
Chromiu Cr 24 [Ar] 3d 4s
m Lanthanu La 57 [Xe] 5d16s2
are filled

Manganes Mn 25 [Ar] 3d54s2 m


e Hafnium Hf 72 [Xe] 4f145d26s2

Iron Fe 26 [Ar] 3d64s2 Tantalum Ta 73 [Xe] 4f145d36s2
834 d and f-Block Elements
Tungsten W 74 [Xe] 4f145d46s2 the atomic number. The decrease however, is not
regular. The atomic radii tend to reach minimum near
Rhenium Re 75 [Xe] 4f145d56s2
at the middle of the series, and increase slightly
Osmium Os 76 [Xe] 4f145d66s2 towards the end of the series.
Iridium Ir 77 [Xe] 4f145d76s2 Explanation : When we go in any transition series
from left, to right, the nuclear charge increases
Platinum Pt* 78 [Xe] 4f145d106s0
gradually by one unit at each elements. The added
Gold Au* 79 [Xe] 4f145d106s! electrons enter the same penultimate shell, (inner d-
Mercury Hg 80 [Xe] 4f145d106s2 shell). These added electrons shield the outermost
electrons from the attraction of the nuclear charge. The

Table : 19.4 Fourth transition or 6d-series : increased nuclear charge tends to reduce the atomic
Element Symbo At. No. Electronic radii, while the added electrons tend to increase the
l configuration atomic radii. At the beginning of the series, due to
smaller number of electrons in the d-orbitals, the effect
Actinium Ac 89 [Rn] 6d17s2
of increased nuclear charge predominates, and the
Rutherfordiu Rf 10 [Rn] 5f146d27s2

atomic radii decrease. Later in the series, when the
m 4 number of d-electrons increases, the increased shielding
Hahnium Ha 10 [Rn] 5f146d37s2 effect and the increased repulsion between the electrons
6d-orbitals are filled up

5 tend to increase the atomic radii. Somewhere in the

Seaborgium Sg 10 [Rn] 5f146d47s2 middle of the series, therefore the atomic radii tend to
6 have a minimum value as observed.

[Rn] 5f146d57s2
[Rn] 5f 6d 7s 6
(ii) The atomic radii increase while going down in
each group. However, in the third transition series
from hafnium (Hf) and onwards, the elements have
atomic radii nearly equal to those of the second
Meitnerium Mt 10 [Rn] 5f146d77s2
transition elements.
Explanation : The atomic radii increase while
Ununnilium Uun 110 [Rn] 5f146d87s2
going down the group. This is due to the introduction of

Unununium Uuu 111 [Rn] 5f146d97s2 an additional shell at each new element down the
Unubium Uub 112 [Rn] 5f146d107s2 group. Nearly equal radii of second and third transition
series elements is due to a special effect called
Elements marked with asterisk have anomalous lanthanide contraction.
configurations. These are attributed to factors like (2) Ionic radii : For ions having identical charges,
nuclear-electron and electron-electron forces and
the ionic radii decrease slowly with the increase in the
stability of half filled and full filled orbital.

atomic number across a given series of the transition

All transition elements are d block elements but elements.
all d block elements are not transition elements.
Elements Ionic Pm:(M3+)/pm:

Physico-Chemical Properties of d-Block Elements
Sc – 81
(1) Atomic radii : The atomic, radii of 3d-series of Ti 90 76
elements are compared with those of the neighbouring

V 88 74
s and p-block elements.
Cr 84 69
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn
Mn 80 66
227 197 144 132 122 117 117
Fe 76 64
Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge
Co 74 63
117 116 115 117 125 135 122*
Ni 72 –
* in pm units
Cu 69 –
The atomic radii of transition elements show the
Zn 74 –
following characteristics,
Explanation : The gradual decrease in the values
(i) The atomic radii and atomic volumes of d-
of ionic radius across the series of transition elements
block elements in any series decrease with increase in
is due to the increase in the effective nuclear charge.
d and f-Block Elements 835
(3) Ionisation energies : The ionisation energies These elements occur in three types e.g., face- centered
of the elements of first transition series are given cubic (fcc), hexagonal close-packed (hcp) and body-
below: centered cubic (bcc), structures.
Elements I1 I2 I3 The transition elements shows both covalent as
well as metallic bonding amongst their atoms.
Sc 632 1245 2450
Explanation : The ionisation energies of the
Ti 659 1320 2721
transition elements are not very high. The outermost
V 650 1376 2873 shell in their atoms have many vacant, partially filled
Cr 652 1635 2994 orbitals. These characteristics make these elements
Mn 716 1513 3258 metallic in character. The hardness of these metals,

Fe 762 1563 2963 suggests the presence of covalent bonding in these
metals. The presence of unfilled d-orbitals favour
Co 758 1647 3237
covalent bonding. Metallic bonding in these metals is
Ni 736 1756 3400 indicated by the conducting nature of these metals.
Cu 744 1961 3560 Therefore, it appears that there exists covalent and
metallic bonding in transition elements.

Zn 906 1736 3838
–1 (5) Melting and boiling points : The melting and
* in kJ mol
boiling points of transition elements except Cd and Hg,
The following generalizations can be obtained are very high as compared to the s-block and p-block
from the ionisation energy values given above. elements. The melting and boiling points first
(i) The ionisation energies of these elements are increase, pass through maxima and then steadily
high and in the most cases lie between those of s- and
p-block elements. This indicates that the transition ID
elements are less electropositive than s-block elements.
Explanation : Transition metals have smaller
decrease across any transition series. The maximum
occurs around middle of the series.
Explanation : Atoms of the transition elements
are closely packed and held together by strong metallic
bonds which have appreciable covalent character. This
atomic radii and higher nuclear charge as compared to
the alkali metals. Both these factors tend to increase leads to high melting and boiling points of the
the ionisation energy, as observed. transition elements.
The strength of the metallic bonds depends upon

(ii) The ionisation energy in any transition series

the number of unpaired electrons in the outermost
increases in the nuclear with atomic number; the
shell of the atom. Thus, greater is the number of
increase however is not smooth and as sharp as seen in
unpaired electrons stronger is the metallic bonding. In
the case of s and p-block elements.
any transition element series, the number of unpaired
Explanation : The ionisation energy increases due
electrons first increases from 1 to 5 and then decreases
to the increase in the nuclear charge with atomic
back to the zero .The maximum five unpaired electrons
number at the beginning of the series. Gradually, the

occur at Cr (3d series). As a result, the melting and

shielding effect of the added electrons also increases.
boiling points first increase and then decrease showing
This shielding effect tends to decrease the attraction
maxima around the middle of the series.
due to the nuclear charge. These two opposing factors
The low melting points of Zn, Cd, and Hg may be

lead to a rather gradual increase in the ionisation

due to the absence of unpaired d-electrons in their
energies in any transition series.
(iii) The first ionisation energies of 5d-series of
(6) Enthalpies of atomization : Transition

elements are much higher than those of the 3d and 4d

series elements. metals exhibit high enthalpies of atomization.
Explanation : In the 5d-series of transitions Explanation : This is because the atoms in these
elements, after lanthanum (La), the added electrons go elements are closely packed and held together by
to the next inner 4f orbitals. The 4f electrons have poor strong metallic bonds. The metallic bond is formed as a
shielding effect. As a result, the outermost electrons result of the interaction of electrons in the outermost
experience greater nuclear attraction. This leads to shell. Greater the number of valence electrons, stronger
higher ionisation energies for the 5d- series of is the metallic bond.
transition elements. (7) Oxidation states : Most of the transition
(4) Metallic character : All the transition elements exhibit several oxidation states i.e., they show
elements are metals. These are hard, and good variable valency in their compounds. Some common
conductor of heat and electricity. All these metals are oxidation states of the first transition series elements
malleable, ductile and form alloys with other metals. are given below in table,
836 d and f-Block Elements
Outer Ele. Confi. and O. S. for 3d- elements (iv) The transition elements in the + 2 and + 3
Elements Outer Oxidation states oxidation states mostly form ionic bonds. In compounds
electronic of the higher oxidation states (compound formed with
configuration fluorine or oxygen), the bonds are essentially covalent.
Sc 3d1 4s2 + 2, + 3 For example, in permanganate ion MnO4–, all bonds
2 2
formed between manganese and oxygen are covalent.
Ti 3d 4s + 2, + 3, + 4
3 2
(v) Within a group, the maximum oxidation state
V 3d 4s + 2,+ 3,+ 4,+ 5
increases with atomic number. For example, iron
Cr 3d5 4s1 + 1, + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6
shown the common oxidation state of + 2 and + 3, but
5 2
Mn 3d 4s + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6, + 7 ruthenium and osmium in the same group form

6 2
Fe 3d 4s + 2, + 3, + 4, + 5, + 6 compounds in the + 4, + 6 and + 8 oxidation states.
Co 3d74s2 + 2, + 3, + 4 (vi) Transition metals also form compounds in
Ni 8
3d 4s 2
+ 2, + 3, + 4 low oxidation states such as +1 and 0. For example,
Cu 3d104s1 + 1,+ 2
nickle in, nickel tetracarbonyl, Ni(CO)4 has zero
10 2
oxidation state. Similarly Fe in (Fe(CO )5 has zero
Zn 3d 4s +2

oxidation state.
Explanation : The outermost electronic
The bonding in the compounds of transition
configuration of the transition elements is (n - 1)d1-
10 metals in low oxidation states is not always very
ns2. Since, the energy levels of (n-1)d and ns-orbitals
are quite close to each other, hence both the ns and (n-
(vii) Ionisation energies and the stability of
1) d-electrons are available for bonding purposes.
Therefore, the number of oxidation states show by
these elements depends upon the number of d-
electrons it has. For example, Sc having a
configuration 3d 1 4s 2 may show an oxidation state
oxidation states :The values of the ionisation energies
can be used in estimating the relative stability of
various transition metal compounds (or ions). For
example, Ni2+ compounds are found to
thermodynamically more stable than Pt2+, whereas Pt4+
of + 2 (only s-electrons are lost) and + 3 (when d-
electron is also lost). The highest oxidation state compounds are more stable than Ni4+ compounds. The
relative stabilities of Ni2+ relative to Pt2+ and that of
which an elements of this group might show is
given by the total number of ns and (n -1) d- Pt4+ relative to Ni4+ can be explained as follows,

electrons. The first four ionisation energies of Ni and Pt

The relative stability of the different oxidation Metal (IE1+IE2) (IE3+IE4) Etotal, kJ mol-1
kJmol-1, -1
kJmol , (= IE1 + IE2 + IE3 +
states depends upon the factors such as, electronic
configuration, nature of bonding, stoichiometry, lattice
energies and solvation energies. The highest oxidation Ni 2490 8800 11290
states are found in fluorides and oxides because Pt 2660 6700 9360

fluorine and oxygen are the most electronegative 2+

Thus, the ionisation of Ni to Ni requires lesser
elements. The highest oxidation state shown by any energy (2490 kJ mol–1) as compared to the energy
transition metal is eight. The oxidation state of eight is required for the production of Pt2+ (2660 kjmol–1).

shown by Ru and Os. Therefore, Ni2+ compounds are thermodynamically

An examination of the common oxidation states more stable than Pt2+ compounds.
reveals the following conclusions. On the other hand, formation of Pt4+ requires
lesser energy (9360 kJ mol–1) as compared to that

(i) The variable oxidation states shown by the

transition elements are due to the participation of outer required for the formation of Ni4+(11290 kJ mol–1).
ns and inner (n–1)d-electrons in bonding. Therefore, Pt4+ compounds are more stable than Ni 4+
(ii) Except scandium, the most common
This is supported by the fact that [PtCl6]2–
oxidation state shown by the elements of first
complex ion is known, while the corresponding ion for
transition series is +2. This oxidation state arises
nickel is not known. However, other factors which
from the loss of two 4s electrons. This means that
affect the stability of a compound are,
after scandium, d-orbitals become more stable than
the s-orbital. (a) Enthalpy of sublimation of the metal.

(iii) The highest oxidation states are observed in (b) Lattice and the solvation energies of the
fluorides and oxides. The highest oxidation state shown compound or ion.
by any transition elements (by Ru and Os) is 8.
d and f-Block Elements 837
(viii) Transition elements like Sc, Y, La and Ac do The H represents the enthalpy change required
not show variable valency. to bring the solid metal M to the monovalent ion in
(8) Electrode potentials (Eo) : Standard electrode aqueous medium, M+(aq).
potentials of some half–cells involving 3d-series of The reaction, M(s)  M+(aq) +e–, will be
transition elements and their ions in aqueous solution favourable only if H is negative. More negative is the
are given in table, value is of H , more favourable will be the formation
Standard electrode potentials for 3d-elements of that cation from the metal. Thus, the oxidation state
Elements Ion Electrode reaction E°/ volt for which H value is more negative will be stable in
3+ 3+
Sc + 3e –
 Sc the solution.
Sc Sc – 2.10

Ti Ti2+ Ti2++ 2e–  Ti – 1.60 Electrode potential for a Mn+/M half-cell is a
measure of the tendency for the reaction, Mn+(aq) + ne–
V V2+ V2++ 2e–  V – 1.20
 M (s)
Cr Cr 3+
Cr 3+ –
+ 3e  Cr – 0.71
Mn Mn2+ Mn2++ 2e–  Mn – 1.18 Thus, this reduction reaction will take place if
the electrode potential for Mn+/M half- cell is positive.

Fe Fe2+ Fe2+ + 2e–  Fe – 0.44
The reverse reaction, M(s)  Mn+(aq) + ne–
Co Co 2+
Co 2+
+ 2e  Co

– 0.28
Ni Ni 2+
Ni2+ + 2e–  Ni – 0.24 Involving the formation of Mn+(aq) will occur if
the electrode potential is negative, i.e., the tendency
Cu Cu2+ Cu2+ + 2e–  Cu + 0.34
for the formation of Mn+(aq) from the metal M will be
Zn Zn 2+
Zn 2+
+ 2e  Zn

– 0.76
The negative values of E° for the first series of
transition elements (except for Cu2+/ Cu ) indicate that,
(i) These metals should liberate hydrogen from
ID more if the corresponding E° value is more negative. In
other words, the oxidation state for which E° value is
more negative (or less positive) will be more stable in
the solution.
dilute acids i.e., the reactions,
When an elements exists in more than one
M + 2H+  M2+ + H2 (g); 2M + 6H+  2M3+ + oxidation states, the standard electrode potential (E°)
3H2(g) values can be used in the predicting the relative

are favourable in the forward direction. In actual stabilities of different oxidation states in aqueous
practice however, most of these metals react with solutions. The following rule is found useful.
dilute acids very slowly. Some of these metals get The oxidation state of a cation for which
coated with a thin protective layer of oxide. Such an H  (H sub  lE  H hyd ) or E° is more negative (for less
oxide layer prevents the metal to react further.
positive) will be more stable.
(ii) These metals should act as good reducing

(9) Formation of coloured ions : Most of the

agents. There is no regular trend in the E° values. This
compound of the transition elements are coloured in
is due to irregular variation in the ionisation and
the solid state and /or in the solution phase. The
sublimation energies across the series.

compounds of transition metals are coloured due to the

Relative stabilities of transition metal ions in presence of unpaired electrons in their d-orbitals.
different oxidation states in aqueous medium can be
Explanation : In an isolated atom or ion of a
predicted from the electrode potential data. To

transition elements, all the five d-orbitals are of the

illustrate this, let us consider the following,
same energy (they are said to be regenerate). Under
M(s)  M(g) ; H1  Enthalpy of sublimation,
the influence of the combining anion (s), or electron-
Hsub rich molecules, the five d-orbitals split into two (or
M (g)  M  (g)  e  ; H 2  Ionisation energy , IE sometimes more than two) levels of different energies.
The difference between the two energy levels depends
M  (g)  M  (aq) ; H 3  Enthalpy of hydration, H hyd upon the nature of the combining ions, but corresponds
Adding these equations one gets, to the energy associated with the radiations in the
visible region,
2 2(  380
2  760 nm ) . Typical splitting for
M (s)  M  (aq)  e  dx -y dz
octahedral and tetrahedral geometries in fig.
H  H1  H 2  H 3  H sub  IE  H hyd d-

dz2 dx2-y2
dxy dyz dzx
Octahexial field No field Tetrahedral
The splitting of d-orbital energy levels in (a)
an octahedral, (b) a tetrahedral, geometry. This
838 d and f-Block Elements
However, if radiations of all the wavelengths (or
colours) except one are absorbed, then the colour of the
substance will be the colour of the transmitted
radiation. For example, if a substance absorbs all
colours except green, then it would appear green to the
The transition metal ions which have completely
filled d-orbitals are colourless, as there are no vacant
d-orbitals to permit promotion of the electrons.
Therefore, Zn2+ (3d10), Cd2 + (4d10) and Hg2+(5d10) Sc 3+,

Ti4+, Cu+ ions and Zn, Cd, Hg are colourless and
diamagnetic. The transition metal ions which have

E completely empty d-orbitals are also colourless, Thus,
E= h
Sc3+ and Ti4+.ions are colourless, unless a coloured
anion is present in the compound.

Colours and the outer- electronic configurations
Splitted d- Electron gets
orbitals promoted to the of the some important ions of the first transition series
Promotion of d-electron to a higher
higher level
level elements are given bellow,
by Ion Outer Number of Colour of
The transition metals in elements form or in the configurati unpaired the ion
ionic form have one or more unpaired electrons. When on electrons
visible light falls on the sample, the electrons from the
lower energy level get promoted to a higher energy
level due to the absorption of light of a characteristic
wavelength (or colour). This wavelength (or colour) of
ID Sc3+

Ti 4+


the absorbed light depends upon the energy difference
of the two levels. Rest of the light gets transmitted. The s
transmitted light has a colour complementary to the V3+ 3d2 2 Green
absorbed colour. Therefore, the compound or the Cr 3+
3d 3
3 Violet

solution appears to be of the complementary colour. 2+ 5

Mn 3d 5 Light pink
For example, Cu (H 2 O)62  ions absorb red radiation, and
Mn3+ 3d4 4 Violet
appear blue-green (blue-green is complementary Fe 2+
3d 6
4 Green
colour to red). Hydrated Co2+ ions absorb radiation in
Fe3+ 3d5 5 Yellow
the blue-green region, and therefore, appear red in
sunlight. Relationship between the colour of the Co3+ 3d7 3 Pink

2+ 8
absorbed radiation and that of the transmitted light is Ni 3d 2 Green
given in table Cu 2+
3d 9
1 Blue
Relationship between the colours of the Cu+ 3d10 0 Colourles

absorbed and transmitted light: the complementary s

Zn2+ 3d10 0 Colourles
Colour of the Colour of the s

Absorbed Transmitt Absorbed Transmitt (10) Magnetic properties : Most of the transition
light ed light light ed light elements and their compounds show paramagnetism.
IR White Blue-green Red The paramagnetism first increases in any transition
element series, and then decreases. The maximum
Red Blue-green Blue Orange
paramagnetism is seen around the middle of the series.
Orange Blue Indigo Yellow
The paramagnetism is described in Bohr Magneton
Yellow Indigo Violet Yellow- (BM) units. The paramagnetic moments of some
green common ions of first transition series are given below
Yellow- Violet UV White in Table
green Explanation : A substance which is attracted by
Green Purple magnetic filed is called paramagnetic substance. The
substances which are repelled by magnetic filed are,
d and f-Block Elements 839
called diamagnetic substances. Paramagnetism is due (ii) The availability to vacant inner d-orbitals of
to the presence of unpaired electrons in atoms, ions or suitable energy.
molecules. (12) Formation of interstitial compounds :
The magnetic moment of any transition element Transition elements form a few interstitial compounds
or its compound/ion is given by (assuming no with elements having small atomic radii, such as
contribution from the orbital magnetic moment). hydrogen, boron, carbon and nitrogen. The small atoms
s  4 S S  1 BM  nn  2 BM of these elements get entrapped in between the void
spaces (called interstices) of the metal lattice. Some
where, S is the total spin (n  s ) : n is the number of
characteristics of the interstitial compound are,
unpaired electrons and s is equal to ½ (representing
(i) These are non-stoichiometric compounds and
the spin of an unpaired electron).

cannot be given definite formulae.
From the equation given above, the magnetic
moment ( s ) increases with an increase in the number (ii) These compounds show essentially the same
chemical properties as the parent metals, but differ in
of unpaired electrons.
physical properties such as density and hardness. Steel
Magnetic moments of some ions of the 3d-series and cast iron are hard due to the formation of

elements interstitial compound with carbon. Some non-
Ion Outer No. of Magnetic moment stoichimetric compounds are, VSe0.98 (Vanadium
configuratio unpaired (BM) selenide), Fe0.94O and titanium nitride.
n electrons
Explanation : Interstital compounds are hared
Calculated observe
and dense. This is because, the smaller atoms of lighter

elements occupy the interstices in the lattice, leading to
a more closely packed structure. Due to greater
electronic interactions, the strength of the metallic
bonds also increases.
(13) Catalytic properties : Most of the transition
Cr2+ 3d4 4 4.90 4.80
metals and their compounds particularly oxides have
Mn2+ 3d5 5 5.92 5.95
good catalytic properties. Platinum, iron, vanadium
Fe 3d6 4 4.90 5.0-5.5
pentoxide, nickel, etc., are important catalysts.

Co2+ 3d7 3 3.87 4.4-5.2

Platinum is a general catalyst. Nickel powder is a good
Ni2+ 3d8 2 2.84 2.9-3.4
catalyst for hydrogenation of unsaturated organic
2+ 9
Cu 3d 1 1.73 1.4-2.2 compound such as, hydrogenation of oils some typical
Zn2+ 3d10 0 0 0 industrial catalysts are,
In d-obitals belonging to a particular energy level, (i) Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) is used in the
there can be at the maximum five unpaired electrons in Contact process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid,

d5 cases. Therefore, paramagnetism in any transition

series first increases, reaches a maximum value for d5 (ii) Finely divided iron is used in the Haber’s
cases and then decreases thereafter. process for the synthesis of ammonia.

(11) Formation of complex ions : Transition Explanation : Most transition elements act as
metals and their ions show strong tendency for good catalyst because of,
complex formation. The cations of transition elements (i) The presence of vacant d-orbitals.
(d-block elements) form complex ions with certain

(ii) The tendency to exhibit variable oxidation

molecules containing one or more lone-pairs of
electrons, viz., CO, NO, NH3 etc., or with anions such
as, F–, Cl–, CN– etc. A few typical complex ions are, (iii) The tendency to form reaction intermediates
with reactants.
[Fe(CN )6 ] 4  , [Cu ( NH 3 ) 4 ] 2  , [Y (H 2 O)6 ] 2  ,
(iv) The presence of defects in their crystal
[ Ni(CO ) 4 ], [Co ( NH 3 )6 ] 3  [FeF6 ] 3  lattices.

Explanation : This complex formation tendency is (14) Alloy formation : Transition metals form
due to, alloys among themselves. The alloys of transition
metals are hard and high metals are high melting as
(i) Small size and high nuclear charge of the
compared to the host metal. Various steels are alloys of
transition metal cations. iron with metals such as chromium, vanadium,
molybdenum, tungsten, manganese etc.
840 d and f-Block Elements
Explanation : The atomic radii of the transition 4 FeCr2O4  16 NaOH  7O2  8 Na2CrO4  2Fe 2O3  8 H 2O
elements in any series are not much different from (b) Conversion of chromate into dichromate :
each other. As a result, they can very easily replace Sodium chromate solution obtained in step (a) is
each other in the lattice and form solid solutions over treated with concentrated sulphuric acid when it is
an appreciable composition range. Such solid solutions converted into sodium dichromate.
are called alloys. 2 Na 2 CrO4  H 2 SO 4  Na 2 Cr2 O7  Na 2 SO 4  H 2 O
sodium chromate sodium dichromate
(15) Chemical reactivity : The d-block elements
(transition elements) have lesser tendency to react, i.e., On concentration, the less soluble sodium
these are less reactive as compared to s-block elements. sulphate, Na2SO4.10H2O crystallizes out. This is filtered
Explanation : Low reactivity of transition hot and allowed to cool when sodium dichromate,

elements is due to, Na2Cr2O7.2H2O, separates out on standing.

(i) Their high ionisation energies. (c) Concentration of sodium dichromate to

potassium dichromate : Hot concentrated solution of
(ii) Low heats of hydration of their ions.
sodium dichromate is treated with a calculated amount
(iii) Their high heats of sublimation. of potassium chloride. When potassium dichromate

Chromium containing compounds being less soluble crystallizes out on cooling.
Na 2 Cr2 O7  2 KCl  K 2 Cr2 O7  2 NaCl
Potassium dichromate, (K2Cr2O7) sod .dichromate pot .dichromate

Potassium dichromate is one of the most Physical properties

important compound of chromium, and also among (i) Potassium dichromate forms orange-red
dichromates. In this compound Cr is in the hexavalent
(+6) state.
Preparation : It can be prepared by any of the
following methods,
ID coloured crystals.
(ii) It melts at 699 K.
(iii) It is very stable in air (near room
temperature) and is generally, used as a primary
(i) From potassium chromate : Potassium
standard in the volumetric analysis.
dichromate can be obtained by adding a calculated
amount of sulphuric acid to a saturated solution of (iv) It is soluble in water though the solubility is

potassium chromate. limited.

2 K 2 CrO 4  H 2 SO 4  K 2 Cr2 O 7  K 2 SO 4  H 2 O Chemical properties

potassium chromate potassium dichromate (i) Action of heat : Potassium dichromate when

yellow   
 orange 
  heated strongly. Decomposes to give oxygen.
K2Cr2O7 Crystals can be obtained by concentrating 4 K 2 Cr2 O7 s  

4 K 2 CrO4 (s)  2Cr2 O3 (s)  3 O 2
the solution and crystallisation.

(ii) Action of acids

(ii) Manufacture from chromite ore : K2Cr2O7 is
(a) In cold, with concentrated H2SO4, red crystals
generally manufactured from chromite ore (FeCr2O4).
of chromium trioxide separate out.
The process involves the following steps.

(a) Preparation of sodium chromate : Finely K2Cr2O7 (aq)  conc .H 2 SO 4  KHSO 4 (aq)  2CrO3 s  H 2O
powdered chromite ore is mixed with soda ash and On heating a dichromate-sulphuric acid mixture,
quicklime. The mixture is then roasted in a oxygen gas is given out.

reverberatory furnace in the presence of air. Yellow

2K2Cr2O7  8 H 2 SO 4  2K2 SO 4  2Cr2 (SO 4 )3  8 H 2O  3O2
mass due to the formation of sodium chromate is
obtained. (b) With HCl, on heating chromic chloride is
4 FeCr2O4  O2  2 Fe 2O3  4 Cr2O3 formed and Cl2 is liberated.
K 2 Cr2 O7 aq   14 HCl aq   2CrCl3 aq   2 KCl aq   7 H 2 O  3Cl 2 g 
4 Cr2O3  8 Na2CO3  6O2  8 Na2CrO4  8 CO2 (g)
4 FeCr2 O4  8 Na 2 CO 3  7 O2  2 Fe 2 O3  8 CO 2 g   8 Na 2 CrO4 (iii) Action of alkalies : With alkalies, it gives
sodium chromate chromates. For example, with KOH,
The yellow mass is extracted with water, and K 2 Cr2 O4  2 KOH  2 K 2 CrO4  H 2 O
filtered. The filtrate contains sodium chromate. orange yellow

The reaction may also be carried out by using On acidifying, the colour again changes to orange-
NaOH instead of Na2CO3. The reaction in that case is, red owing to the formation of dichromate.
d and f-Block Elements 841
2 K2CrO4  H 2 SO 4  K2Cr2O7  K2 SO 4  H 2O K2Cr2O7  H 2SO4  K2SO4  Cr2 SO4 3  4 H 2O  3O

Actually, in dichromate solution, the Cr2 O72  ions 2 KI  H 2 O  O   2 KOH  I2 ]  3

are in equilibrium with CrO42  ions. 2 KOH  H 2 SO 4  K 2 SO 4  2 H 2 O]  3

Cr2 O72   H 2 O ⇌ 2CrO42   2 H  K2 Cr2 O7  7 H 2 SO 4  6 KI  4 K2 SO 4  Cr2 SO 4 3  3 I2  7 H 2 O

(iv) Oxidising nature : In neutral or in acidic Ionic equation :

solution, potassium dichromate acts as an excellent Cr2 O72   
 14 H  6 I  2Cr 3
 7 H 2 O  3 I2
oxidising agent, and Cr2 O72  gets reduced to Cr3+. The
Thus, when KI is added to an acidified solution of
standard electrode potential for the reaction,

K2Cr2O7 iodine gets liberated.
Cr2 O72   14 H   6 e   2Cr 3  7 H 2 O is +1.31V.
(e) It oxidises H2S to S.
This indicates that dichromate ion is a fairly K2Cr2O7  4 H 2 SO 4  K2 SO 4  Cr2 (SO 4 )3  4 H 2O  3O
H 2 S  O  H 2O  S ]  3
strong oxidising agent, especially in strongly acidic
solutions. That is why potassium dichromate is widely

K2Cr2O7  4 H 2 SO 4  3 H 2 S  K2 SO 4  Cr2 SO 4 3  7 H 2O  3S
used as an oxidising agent, for quantitative estimation
of the reducing agents such as, Fe2+. It oxidises, Ionic equation
(a) Ferrous salts to ferric salts Cr2 O72   8 H   3 H 2 S  2Cr 3   3 S  7 H 2 O

K2CrO7  4 H 2SO4  K2SO4  Cr2 SO4 3  4 H 2O  3O (v) Formation of insoluble chromates : With

2 FeSO4  H 2SO4  O  Fe2 SO4 3  H 2O  3

K 2 Cr2 O7  6 FeSO 4  7 H 2 SO 4  K 2 SO 4  Cr2 SO 4 3  3 Fe2 SO 4 3  7 H 2 O

ID soluble salts of lead, barium etc., potassium dichromate
gives insoluble chromates. Lead chromate is an
important yellow pigment.
2Pb NO3 2  K2Cr2O7  H 2O  2 PbCrO4  2KNO 3  2 HNO3
Ionic equation (vi) Chromyl chloride test : When potassium
Cr2 O72  
 14 H  6 Fe 2
 2Cr 3
 6 Fe 3
 7 H 2O dichromate is heated with conc. H2SO4 in the presence
of a soluble chloride salt, the orange-red vapours of
(b) Sulphites to sulphates and arsenites to chromyl chloride (CrO2Cl2) are formed.

arsenates. K 2 Cr2 O7  4 NaCl  6 H 2 SO 4  


K2Cr2O7  4 H 2SO4  K2SO4  Cr2 SO4 3  4 H 2O  3O 2 KHSO 4  4 NaHSO 4  2CrO2 Cl 2

chromyl chloride
Na 2 SO 3  [O]  Na 2 SO 4 ]  3 orange red vapours 

Chromyl chloride vapours when passed through

K2Cr2O7  4 H 2SO4  3 Na 2 SO3  K2SO4  Cr2 SO4 3  3 Na 2SO4  4 H 2O water give yellow-coloured solution containing chromic

Ionic equation
CrO2 Cl 2  2 H 2 O  2 HCl  H 2 CrO4
Cr2 O72   8 H   3 SO 32   2Cr 3   3 SO 42   4 H 2 O Chromic acid. (yellow solution )

Chromyl chloride test can be used for the

Similarly, arsenites are oxidised to arsenates.
detection of chloride ion is any mixture.
Cr2 O72   8 H   3 AsO 33   2Cr 3   3 AsO 43   4 H 2 O Uses : Potassium dichromate is used as,

(i) An oxidising agent

(c) Hydrogen halides to halogens.
(ii) In chrome tanning
K2Cr2O7  4 H 2 SO 4  K2 SO 4  Cr2 SO 4 3  4 H 2O  3O
(iii) The raw meterial for preparing large number
2HX  O  H 2O  X 2 ]  3 of chromium compounds
(iv) Primary standard in the volumetric analysis.
K2Cr2O7  4 H 2 SO 4  6 HX  K2 SO 4  Cr2 SO 4 3  7 H 2O  3 X 2 Structures of Chromate and Dichromate Ions

where, X may be Cl, Br, I. Chromates and dichromates are the salts of
chromic acid (H2CrO4). In solution, these ions exist in
Ionic equation : equilibrium with each other. Chromate ion has four
Cr2 O72  
 8 H  6 HX  2Cr 3
 3 X 2  7 H 2O oxygen atoms arranged tetrahedrally around Cr atom.
(see Fig). Dichromate ion involves a Cr–O–Cr bond as
(d) Iodides to iodine shown in Fig.
842 d and f-Block Elements

2– 2–
Electrolytic method : Presently, potassium
O O O O manganate (K2MnO4) is oxidised electrolytically. The
electrode reactions are,
Cr pm
Cr Cr 131°
O O At anode: 2 MnO 42   2 MnO 4  2e 
O O 161 green purple
Chromate ion Dichromate
At cathode: 2 H   2e   H 2 g 
The structure of chromate (CrO2–ion
4) and dichromate
(Cr2O72–) ions The purple solution containing KMnO4 is
Manganese containing compound
evaporated under controlled condition to get crystalline
Potassium Permanganate, (KMnO4)
sample of potassium permanganate.

Potassium permanganate is a salt of an unstable
Physical properties
acid HMnO4 (permanganic acid). The Mn is an +7 state
in this compound. KMnO4 crystallizes as dark purple crystals with
greenish luster (m.p. 523 K).
Preparation : Potassium permanganate is
obtained from pyrolusite as follows. It is soluble in water to an extent of 6.5g per 100g
at room temperature. The aqueous solution of KMnO4

Conversion of pyrolusite to potassium
has a purple colour.
manganate : When manganese dioxide is fused with
potassium hydroxide in the presence of air or an Chemical properties : Some important chemical
oxidising agent such as potassium nitrate or chlorate, reactions of KMnO4 are given below,
potassium manganate is formed, possibly via potassium Action of heat : KMnO4 is stable at room
manganite. temperature, but decomposes to give oxygen at higher
MnO 2  2 KOH  

2 K2 MnO 3  O2  2 K2 MnO 4  2 H 2O
K2 MnO 3 
potassium manganite
4 H 2O]  2 ID temperatures.
2 KMnO 4 s    K 2 MnO 4 s   MnO 2  O 2 g 

Oxidising actions : KMnO4 is a powerful agent in

2 MnO 2  4 KOH  O2  fused
2 K 2 MnO 4  2 H 2O neutral, acidic and alkaline media. The nature of
pyrolusite potassium manganate reaction is different in each medium. The oxidising
 dark  green mass 
 
character of KMnO4 (to be more specific, of MnO 4 ) is

Oxidation of potassium manganate to potassium indicated by high positive reduction potentials for the
permanganate : The potassium manganate so obtained following reactions.
is oxidised to potassium permanganate by either of the Acidic medium
following methods.
MnO 4  8 H   5 e  ⇌ Mn 2   4 H 2 O E o  1 .51 V
By chemical method : The fused dark-green mass
is extracted with a small quantity of water. The filtrate Alkaline medium

is warmed and treated with a current of ozone, chlorine MnO 4  2 H 2 O  3 e  ⇌ MnO 2  4 OH  E o  1 . 23 V

or carbon dioxide. Potassium manganate gets oxidised
to potassium permanganate and the hydrated In strongly alkaline solutions and with excess of
manganese dioxide precipitates out. The reactions MnO 4 , the reaction is MnO 4  e  ⇌ MnO 42  E o  0 .56 V

taking place are,

There are a large number of oxidation-reduction
When CO2 is passed reactions involved in the chemistry of manganese
3 K 2 MnO 4  2 H 2O   MnO 2  4 KOH

2 KMnO 4 compounds. Some typical reactions are,

potassium manganate potassium permangana te
In the presence of excess of reducing agent in
2CO 2  4 KOH  2 K2CO3  2 H 2O acidic solutions permanganate ion gets reduced to
When chlorine or ozone is passed manganous ion, e.g.,
5 Fe 2   MnO 4  8 H   5 Fe 3   Mn 2   4 H 2 O
2 K2 MnO 4  Cl2  2 KMnO 4  2 KCl

2 K2 MnO 4  O3  H 2O  2 KMnO 4  2 KOH  O2 g 

An excess of reducing agent in alkaline solution
reduces permanganate ion only to manganese dioxide
The purple solution so obtained is concentrated e.g.,
and dark purple, needle-like crystals having metallic
3 NO 2  MnO 4  2OH   3 NO 3  MnO 2  H 2 O
lustre are obtained.
d and f-Block Elements 843
In faintly acidic and neutral solutions, manganous Manganous sulphate (MnSO4) to manganese
ion is oxidised to manganese oxidised to manganese dioxide (MnO2)
dioxide by permanganate. 2 KMnO 4  H 2O  2 KOH  2 MnO 2  3O
2 MnO 4  3 Mn 2  2 H 2 O  5 MnO 2  4 H  MnSO 4  H 2O  O  MnO 2  H 2 SO 4  3
In strongly basic solutions, permangante oxidises 2 KOH  H 2 SO 4  K2 SO 4  2 H 2O
manganese dioxide to manganate ion.
2KMnO 4  3 MnSO 4  2H 2O  5 MnO 2  K2 SO 4  2H 2 SO 4
MnO 2  2 MnO 4  4 OH   3 MnO 42   2 H 2 O
Ionic equation
In acidic medium, KMnO4 oxidises,
2 MnO 4  3 Mn 2   2 H 2 O  5 MnO 2  4 H 

Ferrous salts to ferric salts
2KMnO 4  3 H 2 SO 4  K2 SO 4  2 MnSO 4  3 H 2O  5O
Ammonia to nitrogen
2 KMnO 4  H 2O  2 MnO 2  2 KOH  3O
2 FeSO 4  H 2 SO 4  O  Fe 2 SO 4 3  H 2O]  5
2 NH 3  3O  N 2 g   3 H 2O
2KMnO 4  8 H 2 SO 4  10 FeSO 4  K2 SO 4  2MnSO 4  5 Fe 2 SO 4 3  8 H 2 O
2 KMnO 4  2 NH 3  2 MnO 2  2 KOH  2 H 2O  N 2 g 

Ionic equation
Uses : KMnO4 is used,
2 MnO 4  16 H   10 Fe 2   2 Mn 2   10 Fe 3   8 H 2 O
(i) As an oxidising agent. (ii) As a disinfectant
The reaction forms the basis of volumetric against disease-causing germs. (iii) For sterilizing
estimation of Fe2+ in any solution by KMnO4. wells of drinking water. (iv) In volumetric estimation
Oxalic acid to carbon dioxide
2 KMnO 4  3 H 2 SO 4  K 2 SO 4  2 MnSO

COOH 2  O  2CO2  H2O]  5

4  3 H 2 O  5 O 
ID of ferrous salts, oxalic acid etc. (v) Dilute alkaline
KMnO 4 solution known as Baeyer’s reagent.
Structure of Permanganate Ion (MnO4–) : Mn in
MnO4– is in +7 oxidation state. Mn7+ exhibits sp3
2 KMnO4  3 H 2 SO4  5COOH 2  K2 SO4  2 MnSO4  10CO 2  8 H 2O
hybridisation in this ion. The structure of MnO4– is,
shown in fig.
Ionic equation
2 MnO 4  6 H   5 COOH 2  2 Mn 2   10 CO 2  8 H 2 O

Sulphites to sulphates O Mn O–

2 KMnO 4  3 H 2 SO 4  K 2 SO 4  2 MnSO 4  3 H 2 O  5 O 
Na 2 SO 3  O   Na 2 SO 4 ]  5 Strucutre of MnO4– ion
2 KMnO 4  3 H 2 SO 4  5 Na 2 SO 3  K 2 SO 4  2 MnSO 4  5 Na 2 SO 4  3 H 2 O

Ionic equation
Iron and its Compounds
2 MnO 4  6 H   5 SO 32   2 Mn 2   5 SO 42   3 H 2 O
(1) Ores of iron : Haematite Fe 2O3 , Magnetite
Iodides to iodine in acidic medium

2 KMnO 4  3 H 2 SO 4  K2 SO 4  2 MnSO 4  3 H 2O  5O (Fe 3O4 ), Limonite (Fe 2O3 .3 H 2O) , Iron pyrites (FeS 2 ),
Copper pyrities (CuFeS 2 ) etc.
2 KI  H 2O  O  I2  2 KOH  5
(2) Extraction : Cast iron is extracted from its

2 KOH  H 2 SO 4  K2 SO 4  2 H 2O ]  5
oxides by reduction with carbon and carbon monoxide
2KMnO 4  8 H 2 SO 4  10 KI  6 K2 SO 4  2MnSO 4  5 I2  8 H 2O in a blast furnace to give pig iron.
Roasting : Ferrous oxide convert into ferric
Ionic equation
2 MnO 4  16 H   10 I   2 Mn 2   5 I2  8 H 2 O Fe 2O3 . 3 H 2O  Fe 2O3  3 H 2O ; 2 FeCO 3  2 FeO  2CO2
Hydrogen peroxide to oxygen 4 FeO  O2  2 Fe 2O3
2 KMnO 4  3 H 2 SO 4  K2 SO 4  2 MnSO 4  3 H 2O  5O Smelting : Reduction of roasted ore of ferric
H 2 O2  O   H 2 O  O2  5 oxide carried out in a blast furnace.
(i) The reduction of ferric oxide is done by carbon
2KMnO 4  3 H 2 SO 4  5 H 2O2  K2 SO 4  2MnSO 4  8 H 2O  5O2
and carbon monoxide (between 1473k to 1873k)
844 d and f-Block Elements
2C  O2  2CO (d) Case-hardening : It is a process of giving a thin
(ii) Fe 2O3  3CO coating of hardened steel to wrought iron or to a strong
673 K
2 Fe  3CO2 . It is a reversible
and flexible mild steel by heating it in contact with
and exothermic reaction. Hence according to Le-
charcoal followed by quenching in oil.
chatelier principle more iron will be produced in the
(e) Nitriding : It is a process of heating steels at
furnace at lower temp. Fe 2O3  CO  2 FeO  CO 2
(it is not reversible ) about 700 o C in an atmosphere of ammonia. This
1073 K process imparts a hard coating of iron nitride on the
(iii) FeO  C   Fe  CO
endothermi c surface of steel.
reaction Properties of steel : The properties of steel
The gases leaving at the top of the furnace contain depend upon its carbon contents. With the increase in

up to 28% CO and are burnt in cowper's stove to pre- carbon content, the hardness of steel increases while
heat the air for blast its ductility decreases.
Varieties of iron : The three commercial varieties (i) Low carbon or soft steels contain carbon upto
of iron differ in their carbon contents. These are; 0.25%.
(1) Cast iron or Pig-iron : It is most impure form (ii) Medium carbon steels or mild steels contain

of iron and contains highest proportion of carbon (2.5– 0.25–0.5% carbon.
4%). (iii) High carbon or hard steels contains 0.1 – 1.5
(2) Wrought iron or Malleable iron : It is the percent carbon.
purest form of iron and contains minimum amount of (iv) Alloy steels or special steels are alloys of
carbon (0.12–0.25%). steel with Ni, Cr, Co , W, Mn, V etc., For example
(3) Steel : It is the most important form of iron
and finds extensive applications. Its carbons content
(Impurity) is mid-way between cast iron and wrought
iron. It contains 0.2–1.5% carbon. Steels containing 0.2–
ID (a) Stainless steel (Fe = 73%, Cr = 18%, Ni = 8%
+ C) is resistant to corrosion and is used for making
ornamental pieces, cutlery etc.
(b) Invar (Fe = 64%, Ni = 36%) has small
0.5% of carbon are known as mild steels, while those
coefficient of expansion and is used for making metre
containing 0.5–1.5% carbon are known as hard steels.
scales, pendulum rods and watches.
Steel is generally manufactured from cast iron by
(c) Manganese steel (Fe = 86%, Mn 13% +
three processes, viz, (i) Bessemer Process which

carbon) is very hard and resistant to wear and hence is

involves the use of a large pear-shaped furnace (vessel)
used for making rock drills, safes etc.
called Bessemer converter, (ii) L.D. process and (iii)
open hearth process, Spiegeleisen (an alloy of Fe, Mn (d) Tungsten steel (Fe = 94%, W = 5% + carbon)
and C) is added during manufacture of steel. is quite hard and is used for making high speed cutting
Heat treatment of steels : Heat treatment of steel
may be defined as the process of carefully heating the (e) Permalloy (Fe = 21%, Ni = 78% + carbon) is

steel to high temperature followed by cooling to the strongly magnetised by electric current but loses
room temperature under controlled conditions. Heat magnetism when current is cut off. It is used for
treatment of steel is done for the following two making electromagnets, ocean cables etc.

purposes, Properties of iron

(i) To develop certain special properties like (1) Dry or moist air has no action on pure iron but
hardness, strength, ductility etc. without changing the impure iron when exposed to moist air is covered with
a layer of rust Fe 2 O3  Fe(OH )3 . However, finely divided

chemical composition.
(ii) To remove some undesirable properties or pure iron burns in air or oxygen forming Fe 3 O4
gases like entrapped gases, internal stresses and (magnetic oxide of iron).
strains. The various methods of heat treatment are,
3 Fe  2O2  Fe 3 O4
(a) Annealing : It is a process of heating steel to
redness followed by slow cooling. (2) Iron decomposes steam at red heat
(b) Quenching or hardening : It is a process of 3 Fe  4 H 2 O   Fe 3 O 4  4 H 2
Red heat

heating steel to redness followed by sudden cooling by
plunging the red hot steel into water or oil. (3) Action of acids : Iron reacts with dil. HCl and
(c) Tempering : It is a process of heating the dil. H 2 SO 4 liberating hydrogen. with hot conc. H 2 SO 4 , it
hardened or quenched steel to a temperature much gives SO 2 , with dil. HNO 3 , it gives NH 4 NO 3 and
below redness (473–623K) followed by slow cooling. moderately conc. HNO 3 reacts with iron forming NO 2 .
d and f-Block Elements 845
Cold conc. HNO 3 makes iron passive due to the (c) Due to oxidising nature Fe 3  ions FeCl 3 is
deposit of a thin layer of iron oxide (Fe 3 O4 ) on the used in etching metals such as copper
surface. 2 Fe 3   Cu  2 Fe 2   Cu 2  (aq)
Hot conc. HNO 3 reacts with iron liberating NO.
(d) In vapour state FeCl 3 exists as a dimer, Fe 2Cl6
Fe  4 HNO3 (hot conc. )  Fe(NO3 )3  NO  2H2O
Cl Cl Cl
(4) Iron does not react with alkalies.
Fe Fe
(5) It displaces less electropositive metals (e.g.,
Cl Cl Cl
Cu, Ag etc.) from their salts
CuSO 4  Fe  FeSO 4  Cu (e) FeCl 3 is used as stypic to stop bleeding from a

(6) Finely divided iron combines with CO forming cut.
penta carbonyl (4) Ferrous sulphate, FeSO 4 , 7 H 2 O (Green
Fe  5CO  Fe(CO)5 vitriol) : It is prepared as follow ,
(7) Iron does not form amalgam with Hg. Fe  H2SO 4  FeSO 4  H2
(8) Iron is the most abundant and most widely
(i) One pressure to moist air crystals become

used transition metal.
brownish due to oxidation by air.
Compounds of iron
4 FeSO 4  2H2O  O2  4 Fe(OH )SO 4
(1) Oxides of Iron : Iron forms three oxides
FeO , Fe 2O3 (Haematite), Fe 3 O4 (magnetite also called (ii) On heating, crystals become anhydrous and on
magnetic oxide or load stone). strong heating it decomposes to Fe 2 O3 , SO 2 and SO 3 .
(i) Ferrous oxide, FeO : It is a black powder, basic in
nature and reacts with dilute acids to give ferrous salts.
FeO  H 2 SO 4  FeSO 4  H 2O ; It is used in glass
industry to impart green colour to glass.
ID FeSO 4 .7 H 2 O 
2 FeSO 4  
 FeSO 4  7 H 2 O

 Fe 2 O3  SO 2  SO 3

(iii) It can reduce acidic solution of KMnO 4 and

(ii) Ferric oxide Fe 2O3 : It is a reddish brown
K 2 Cr2 O7
powder, not affected by air or water; amphoteric in
(iv) It is generally used in double salt with
nature and reacts both with acids and alkalis giving
ammonium sulphate.
salts. It can be reduced to iron by heating with C or CO.

(NH 4 )2 SO 4  FeSO 4  6 H 2O  FeSO 4 .( NH 4 )2 SO 4 .6 H 2O

Fe2O3  3C  2 Fe  3CO ; Fe 2O3  3CO  2 Fe  3CO2 Mohr' s salt

It is used as red pigment to impart red colour to Mohr’s salt is resistant to atmospheric oxidation.
external walls and as a polishing powder by jewellers. (v) It is used in the ring test for nitrate ions
(iii) Ferrosoferricoxide Fe3O4 (FeO. Fe 2O3 ) : It is where it gives brown coloured ring of compound
more stable than FeO and Fe 2O3 , magnetic in nature FeSO 4 . NO.

and dissolves in acids giving a mixture of iron (II) and FeSO 4  NO  FeSO 4 . NO
iron (III) salts.
(vi) FeSO 4 is used in manufacture of blue black
Fe3O4  4 H 2 SO 4 (dil)  FeSO 4  Fe2 (SO 4 )3  4 H 2O

(2) Ferrous sulphide FeS : It is prepared by

(vii) FeSO 4  H 2O2 is known as a name of
heating iron filing with sulphur. With dilute H 2 SO 4 , it
Fenton’s reagent.
gives H 2 S . FeS  H 2 SO 4 (dil)  FeSO 4  H 2 S 
(5) Mohr's salt FeSO 4 . (NH 4 )2 SO 4 . 6 H 2O : It is a

(3) Ferric chloride FeCl 3 : (i) preparation : It is

double salt and is prepared by crystallising a solution
prepared by treating Fe(OH )3 with HCl containing equivalent amounts of FeSO 4 .7 H2O and
Fe(OH )3  3 HCl  FeCl 3  3 H 2O (NH 4 )2 SO 4 . It may be noted that Mohr’s salt contains
The solution on evaporation give yellow crystals only Fe 2  ions without any trace of Fe 3  ions. In
of FeCl 3 . 6 H2O
contrast FeSO 4 .7 H 2 O always contains some Fe 3  ions
(ii) Properties : (a) Anhydrous FeCl 3 forms
due to aerial oxidation of Fe 2  ions. Mohr salt is,
reddish-black deliquescent crystals.
therefore, used as a primary standard in volumetric
(b) FeCl 3 is hygroscopic and dissolves in H 2 O
analysis since a standard solution of Fe 2  ions can be
giving brown acidic solution due to formation of HCl obtained directly by weighing a known amount of the
FeCl 3  3 H 2O  Fe(OH )3  3 HCl Mohr salt.
846 d and f-Block Elements
It acts as a reducing agent and as such reduces further heating. If the temperature is too high, cupric
acidified KMnO 4 and K 2 Cr2 O7 solutions. oxide changes back to cuprous oxide

MnO 4  5 Fe 2   8 H   5 Fe 3   Mn 2   4 H 2 O 4 Cu  O2    2Cu 2O 

Below 1370 K
 4 CuO

(Red) Above 1370 K (Black)

Cr2 O72   6 Fe 2 
 14 H  6 Fe 3
 2Cr 3
 7 H 2O CuO  Cu    Cu 2 O
High temp.
(From mohrs salt)

Copper and its Compounds (3) Action of acids. Non oxidising dil. acids such
as HCl, H2SO 4 have no action on copper. However,
(1) Ores : Copper pyrites (chalcopyrite) CuFeS 2 ,
copper dissolves in these acids in presence of air.
Cuprite (ruby copper) Cu 2 O, Copper glance (Cu 2 S ) , 1
Cu  2 HCl  O 2 (air)  CuCl 2  H 2 O
Malachite [Cu(OH )2 . CuCO 3 ], Azurite [Cu(OH )2 . 2CuCO 3 ]

(2) Extraction : Most of the copper (about 75%) With dil. HNO 3 , Cu liberates NO (nitric oxide)
is extracted from its sulphide ore, copper pyrites. 3Cu  8 HNO3  3Cu(NO3 )2  2 NO  4 H2O
Concentration of ore : Froth floatation process.
With conc. HNO 3 , copper gives NO 2
Roasting : Main reaction :
Cu  4 HNO 3  Cu(NO 3 )2  2 NO 2  2 H 2 O

2CuFeS 2  O2  Cu 2 S  2 FeS  SO 2 .
With hot conc. H 2 SO 4 , copper gives SO 2
Side reaction : 2Cu 2S  3O2  2Cu 2O  2SO 2
Cu  2H2SO 4  CuSO 4  SO 2  2H2O
2 FeS  3O2  2 FeO  2SO 2 .
Compounds of Copper
Smelting : FeO  SiO 2  FeSiO 3 (slag)
(1) Halides of copper : Copper (II) chloride,
Cu 2O  FeS  FeO  Cu 2 S
The mixture of copper and iron sulphides melt
together to form 'matte' (Cu 2S  FeS ) and the slag floats
on its surface.
CuCl 2 is prepared by passing chlorine over heated
copper. Concentrated aqueous solution of CuCl 2 is dark
brown but changes first to green and then to blue on
Conversion of matte into Blister copper On heating, it disproportionates to copper (I)
(Bessemerisation) : Silica is added to matte and a hot chloride and chlorine
blast of air is passed FeO  SiO 2  FeSiO 3 (slag) . Slag is
2CuCl 2  2CuCl  Cl 2

removed. By this time most of iron sulphide is

It is used as a catalyst in the Daecon’s process for
removed. Cu 2S  2Cu 2O  6Cu  SO 2
the manufacture of chlorine.
Blister copper : Which contain about 98% pure Copper (I) chloride, CuCl is a white solid
copper and 2% impurities (Ag, Au, Ni, Zn etc.) insoluble in water. It is obtained by boiling a solution
Properties of copper : It has reddish brown of CuCl 2 with excess of copper turnings and conc. HCl .
colour. It is highly malleable and ductile. It has high
electrical conductivity and high thermal conductivity. CuCl 2  Cu  2CuCl

Copper is second most useful metal (first being iron). It It dissolves in conc. HCl due to the formation of
undergoes displacement reactions with lesser reactive complex H[CuCl 2 ]
metals e.g. with Ag. It can displace Ag from AgNO 3 . The CuCl  HCl  H[CuCl 2 ]

finally divided Ag so obtained is black in colour.

It is used as a catalyst alongwith NH 4 Cl in the
Copper shows oxidation states of +1 and +2. Whereas
preparation of synthetic rubber.
copper (I) salts are colourless, copper (II) salts are blue in

(2) Cuprous oxide Cu 2 O : It is a reddish brown

colour. Cu (I) salts are less stable and hence are easily
oxidised to Cu (II) salts (2Cu   Cu 2   Cu ) . This reaction powder insoluble in water but soluble in ammonia
solution, where it forms diammine copper (I) ion.
is called disproportionation.
Cu   2 NH 3  [Cu ( NH 3 )2 ] . It is used to impart red colour
(1) In presence of atmospheric CO 2 and moisture,
to glass in glass industry.
copper gets covered with a green layer of basic copper
carbonate (green layer) which protects the rest of the (3) Cupric oxide CuO : It is dark black,
metal from further acton. hygroscopic powder which is reduced to Cu by
Cu  O2  CO 2  H 2 O  Cu (OH )2 CuCO 3 hydrogen, CO etc. It is used to impart light blue colour
(green lay er) to glass. It is prepared by heating copper nitrate.

(2) In presence of oxygen or air, copper when 2Cu ( NO 3 )2  2CuO  4 NO 2  O2
heated to redness (below 1370K) first forms red
cuprous oxide which changes to black cupric oxide on
d and f-Block Elements 847
(4) Copper sulphate CuSO 4 . 5 H 2 O (Blue vitriol) :
It is prepared by action of dil H 2 SO 4 on copper scrap 2CaSO 4  CO 2
in presence of air. 2Cu  2 H 2 SO 4 O2  CuSO 4  2 H 2 O At lower temperature azurite is formed
(air )  423 K
3 CuSO 4  3 CaCO 3  H 2 O   2CuCO 3 .Cu (OH )2
(i) On heating this blue salt becomes white due to Azurite

loss of water of crystallization. 3CaSO 4  CO2

CuSO 4 . 5 H 2O  CuSO 4  5 H 2O
503 K
On heating, both decompose to give black cupric
Blue White oxide, water and CO 2 .
At about 1000 K, CuSO 4 decomposes to give CuO
They are used as green and blue painter’s
and SO 3 .

pigments under the name ‘malachite green’ and
CuSO 4   K  CuO  SO
 azurite blue’.
Silver and its Compounds
(ii) It gives a deep blue solution of tetrammine
(1) Ores : Argentite (silver glance) Ag 2 S , Horn
copper (II) sulphate with NH 4 OH .
silver (AgCl ), Ruby silver (Pyrargyrite) 3 Ag 2S . Sb 2S 3 .
Cu 2 SO 4  4 NH 4 OH ,  [Cu(NH 3 )4 ]SO 4  4 H 2O

Blue colour (2) Extraction : Cyanide process or Mac Arthus-
(iii) With KCN it first gives yellow precipitate of Forrest cyanide process : This method depends on the
CuCN which decomposes of give Cu 2 (CN )2 . Cu 2 (CN )2 fact that silver, its sulphide or chloride, forms soluble
dissolves in excess of KCN to give K3 [Cu(CN )4 ] complex with alkali cyanides in the silver. This implies
that silver compounds will dissolve in solution of alkali
2CuSO 4  4 KCN  Cu 2 (CN )2  2 K2SO 4  (CN )2
(iv) With KI it gives white ppt. of Cu 2 I2
4 KI  2CuSO 4  2 K2 SO 4  Cu 2 I2  I2
White ppt.
ID cyanides in the presence of blast of air.
4 Ag  8 NaCN  2 H 2 O  O 2 ⇌ 4 Na[ Ag (CN )2 ]  4 NaOH
or 4 Ag  8 CN   2 H 2 O  O 2 ⇌ 4[ Ag (CN )2 ]  4 OH 
(v) With K4 [Fe(CN )6 ], CuSO 4 gives a reddish brown
Ag 2 S  4 NaCN ⇌ 2 Na[ Ag(CN )2 ]  Na2S
ppt. of Cu 2 [Fe(CN )6 ]
AgCl  2 NaCN ⇌ Na[ Ag(CN )2 ]  NaCl .
2CuSO 4  K 4 [Fe(CN )6 ]  Cu 2 [Fe(CN )6 ]  2 K 2 SO 4

Reddish brown ppt. The reaction with the sulphide is reversible and
Uses : For electroplating and electrorefining of accumulation of Na2S must be prevented. A free excess
copper. As a mordant in dyeing. For making Bordeaux of air is continuously passed through the solution
mixture (11 parts lime as milk of lime + 16 parts copper which oxidizes Na2S into sulphate and thiosulphate.
sulphate in 1,000 parts of water). It is an excellent
2 Na2  2O2  H2O  Na2S 2O3  2 NaOH
fungicide. For making green pigments containing
copper carbonate and other compounds of copper. Like Na2 S 2O3  2 NaOH  2O2  2 Na2 SO 4  H 2O

Verdigris which is Cu(CH 3COO )2 Cu(OH )2 i.e. basic 2 Na[ Ag(CN )2 ]  4 NaOH  Zn  Na2 ZnO2 
copper acetate and is used as a green pigment in 4 NaCN  2 H 2O  2 Ag
paints. As a fungicide in starch paste for book binding
(3) Extraction of Ag from argentiferrous lead

(PbS + Ag2S)– Parke’s Process : It is based upon the
(5) Cupric sulphide CuS : It is prepared as following facts (i) Molten Zn and Pb are immiscible,
follows : Cu ( NO 3 )2  H 2 S  CuS  2 HNO 3 . zinc forms the upper layer (ii) Ag is more soluble in

Black ppt.
molten Zn (iii) Zn-Ag alloy solidifies earlier than
(6) Basic copper carbonates : Because of lower
molten Pb (IV) Zn being volatile can be separated from
solubility of the hydroxide, the normal carbonate does Ag by distillation. Ag is purified by cupellation.
not exist. Two basic copper carbonates occur in nature
Properties of Silver: Silver is a white lustrous
viz malachite CuCO 3 .Cu(OH )2 which has a fine green
metal, best conductor of heat and electricity. Being
colour, and azurite, 2CuCO 3 , Cu(OH )2 which is deep blue soft, it is alloyed. The silver alloy used for making
in colour. jewellery contain 80% Ag and 20% Cu. The
Malachite is prepared by heating a mixture of composition of a silver alloy is expressed as its purity
CuSO 4 solution and limestone in a sealed tube at 423 – i.e. the amount of Ag present in 1000 parts of the alloy
443 K Ag does not react with dilute HCl or dil. H 2 SO 4 and
aqua regia but reacts with dil. HNO 3 and conc. HNO 3
2CuSO 4  2CaCO 3  H 2 O    CuCO 3 Cu (OH )2
423 - 443K

848 d and f-Block Elements
forming NO and NO 2 respectively. Chlorine also reacts AgNO 3 is used in the preparation of ink and hair
with Ag to form AgCl . dyes.
2 Ag  Cl2  2 AgCl Photography : The photographic plate is coated
with a colloidal gelatinised solution of AgBr . During
Hot conc. H 2 SO 4 reacts with Ag forming SO 2
exposure, AgBr is reduced to metallic silver.
like Cu
2 AgBr  2 Ag  Br2
Compounds of Silver:
(1) Silver oxide ( Ag 2 O) : It is unstable and The exposed film is developed. The developer
used is an alkaline solution of hydroquinone or quinol
decomposes into Ag and O 2 on slow heating.
which reduces some of the exposed AgBr to black silver.
2 Ag 2O  4 Ag  O2 C6 H 4 (OH )2  2 AgBr  2 Ag  C6 H 4 O2  2 HBr

(2) Silver halides (AgF, AgCl, AgBr and Agl) : Quinol Quinone
Only AgF is soluble in H 2 O . AgCl is insoluble in H 2 O The film is finally fixed by dipping in a solution of
but dissolves in NH 4 OH , Na 2 S 2 O3 and KCN solutions. sodium thiosulphate or hypo which removes unchanged
AgBr as complex ion.
AgBr is partly soluble whereas Agl is completely
AgBr  2 Na 2 S 2 O3  Na 3 [ Ag (S 2 O3 )2 ]  NaBr

insoluble in NH 4 OH . Except AgF , all the remaining
After taking a print of the photograph it is finally
three silver halides are photosensitive.
toned by dipping in a dilute solution of gold chloride to
AgCl  2 NH 4 OH  [ Ag (NH 3 )2 ]Cl  2 H 2 O
Diamine silver (I)chloride impart a beautiful golden colour or it is dipped in
potassium chloro platinate K2 PtCl 6 solution to get a
AgCl  2 KCN  K[ Ag (CN )2 ]  KCl
Pot. Dicy ano argentate (I)

AgCl  2 Na 2 S 2 O3  Na3 [ Ag (S 2O3 )2 ]  NaCl

Sod. Dithiosulp hato argentate (I)

(3) Silver nitrate (AgNO3) : Silver nitrate

(AgNO3) is called lunar caustic silver nitrate on heating
ID shining grey tinge.
AuCl 3  3 Ag  3 AgCl  Au
Gold and its Compounds

(1) Occurrence of gold : Gold is mainly found in

above its m.p. (485 K) decomposes to silver nitrite but native state either as vein gold, placer gold or alluvial
on heating to red heat gives silver. gold. It is also present to a small extent in the
2 AgNO 3   2 AgNO 2  O2
Above 485 K
combined state as sulphide, telluride and

arsenosulphide. It is considered to be the king of metal.

2 AgNO 3   2 Ag  2 NO 2  O2
Red heat

Some important ores of gold are:

When treated with alkali, AgNO 3 forms silver
(i) Calaverite, AuTe2 (ii) Sylvanite, AuAgTe2 and
oxide which in case of NH 4 OH dissolves to form
(iii) Bismuth aurite, BiAu 2
complex ion.
(2) Extraction of gold : (i) Mac-Arthur-Forest
2 AgNO 3  2 NaOH  Ag 2O  2 NaNO 3  H 2O
Cyanide process : The powdered gold ore, after

2 AgNO 3  2 NH 4 OH  Ag 2O  2 NH 4 NO3  H 2O concentration by Froth-floatation process, is roasted to

Ag 2 O  4 NH 4 OH  2[ Ag (NH 3 )2 ]OH  3 H 2 O remove easily oxidisable impurities of tellurium,
Diamine silver hy droxide arsenic and sulphur. The roasted ore is then treated

AgNO 3 reacts with iodine in two ways with a dilute solution of KCN in presence of
atmospheric oxygen when gold dissolves due to the
6 AgNO 3 (excess) + 3l2  3 H 2 O  AglO3  5 AgI  6 HNO3
formation of an aurocyanide complex.
5 AgNO 3  3l2

(excess) 4 Au  8 KCN  2 H 2O  O2  4 K[ Au (CN )2 ] 4 KOH

+ 3 H 2O  HIO3  5 Agl  5 HNO3 Solution

In contact with organic matter (skin, cloth, paper The metal is then extracted by adding zinc dust.
etc.) AgNO 3 is reduced to metallic silver (black) 2 K [ Au (CN )2 ]  Zn  K 2 [Zn(CN )4 ]  2 Au 
2 AgNO 3  H2O  2 Ag  2 HNO3  [O]  oxidises (ii) Plattner’s chlorine process : The roasted ore
organic matter is moistened with water and placed in wooden vats
AgNO 3 gives different coloured ppt. with with false perforated bottoms. It is saturated with
current of chlorine, gold chloride thus formed is
different anions like Cl  , Br  , I  , S 2  , S 2 O 32  , CrO42  , PO 43 
leached with water and the solution is treated with a
etc. reducing agent such as FeSO 4 or H 2 S to precipitate
d and f-Block Elements 849
AuCl 3  3 FeSO 4  Au   FeCl 3  Fe 2 (SO 4 )3 (2) Aurous sulphide, Au2S : It is prepared when
H 2S is passed through an acidified solution of
2 AuCl 3  3 H 2 S  6 HCl  3 S  2 Au 
potassium aurocyanide, K[ Au(CN )2 ]
The impure gold thus obtained contains
impurities of Ag and Cu. The removal of Ag and Cu from 2 K[ Au(CN )2 ]  H 2 S  Au 2 S  2 KCN  2 HCN
gold is called parting. This is done by heating impure It is a dark brown solid, not attached by dilute
gold with conc. H 2 SO 4 (or HNO3 ) when Ag and Cu mineral acids and hence is probably the most stable
dissolve leaving behind Au. gold compound.
Cu  2H2SO 4  CuSO 4  SO 2  2H2O Zinc and its Compounds
2 Ag  2 H2SO 4  Ag 2SO 4  SO 2  2 H2O
(1) Occurrence of zinc: Zinc does not occur in the

Properties of Gold: Gold is a yellow, soft and native form since it is a reactive metal. The chief ores
heavy metal. Gold and Ag are called noble metals since of zinc are (i) Zinc blende (ZnS) (ii) Calamine or zinc
they are not attacked by atmospheric oxygen. However, spar (ZnCO3) and (iii) Zincite (ZnO)
Ag gets tarnished when exposed to air containing traces (2) Extraction of zinc : Zinc blende, after
of H 2 S . Gold is malleable, ductile and a good conductor concentration by Froth floatation process, is roasted in

of heat and electricity. air to convert it into ZnO. In case of calamine, ore is
Pure gold is soft. It is alloyed with Ag or Cu for calcined to get ZnO. The oxide thus obtained is mixed
making jewellery. Purity of gold is expressed in terms with crushed coke and heated at 1673 K in fire clay
of carats. Pure gold is 24 carats. Gold ’14 carats’ means retorts (Belgian Process) when ZnO gets reduced to
that it is an alloy of gold which contains 14 parts by metallic zinc. Being volatile at this temperature, the
weight of pure gold and 10 parts of copper per 24 parts
by weight of the alloy. Thus the percentage of gold in

’14 carats” of gold is =

 14  58 .3 % .
ID metal distils over and is condensed leaving behind Cd,
Pb and Fe as impurities. The crude metal is called
spelter. The metal may be refined either by electrolysis
or by fractional distillation.
Properties of Zn : Zinc is more reactive than
Most of the jewellery is made from 22 carat gold
(91.66% pure gold). Gold is quite inert. It does not mercury. It is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
react with oxygen, water and acids but dissolves in Zinc readily combines with oxygen to form ZnO. Pure
aqua regia zinc does not react with non-oxidising acids (HCl or

3 HCl  HNO 3  NOCl  2 H 2O  2Cl]  3 H 2 SO 4 ) but the impure metal reacts forming Zn 2  ions

Au  3 Cl  AuCl 3 ]  2 and evolving H 2 gas.

2 Au  9 HCl  3 HNO 3  2 AuCl 3  6 H 2 O  3 NOCl Zn  2 HCl  ZnCl 2  H 2 

Auric chloride Nitrosyl chloride
Hot and conc. H 2 SO 4 attacks zinc liberating SO 2
Oxidation states of gold: The principal oxidation

states of gold are + 1 and + 3 though + 1 state is more

Zn  2 H 2 SO 4  ZnSO 4  SO 2  2H 2O
stable than + 3.
Compounds of gold Zinc also reacts with both dilute (hot and cold)
(1) Auric chloride, AuCl3 : It is prepared by HNO3 and conc. HNO3 liberating nitrous oxide ( N 2 O) ,

passing dry Cl 2 over finely divided gold powder at 573 ammonium nitrate (NH 4 NO3 ) and nitrogen dioxide
K (NO 2 ) respectively.

573 K
2 Au  3Cl 2  2 AuCl 3 4 Zn  10 HNO3 (warm, dilute) 

It is a red coloured crystalline solid soluble in 4 Zn(NO3 )2  N 2O  5 H 2O

water and decomposes on heating to give gold (I) 4 Zn  10 HNO 3 (coldvery dilute) 
chloride and Cl 2
4 Zn(NO3 )2  NH 4 NO3  3 H 2 O
AuCl 3  AuCl  Cl 2 Zn  4HNO3 (hot and
It dissolves in conc. HCl forming chloroauric acid conc.)  Zn(NO3 )2  2 NO2  2 H 2O
AuCl 3  HCl  H[ AuCl 4 ] Zinc dissolves in hot concentrated NaOH forming
Chloroauric acid is used in photography for toning the soluble sod. Zincate
silver prints and as an antidote for snake poisoning. Zn  2 NaOH  2 H 2 O  Na 2 [Zn(OH )4 ]  H 2
or Zn  2 NaOH  Na 2 ZnO 2  H 2
850 d and f-Block Elements
(3) Special varieties of zinc. (i) Zinc dust : It is 373 K. At 723 K, it becomes anhydrous and on further
prepared by melting zinc and then atomising it with a heating, it decomposes.
blast of air. ZnSO 4 .7 H 2 O   ZnSO 4 .H 2 O 
373 K
723 K

(ii) Granulated zinc : It is prepared by pouring

2 ZnSO 4   2 ZnO  2 SO 2  O2
1073 K
molten zinc into cold water.
It is used to prepare lithopone (BaSO 4  ZnS ) , a
Both these varieties of zinc are used as reducing
agents in laboratory. white paint and also in galvanising iron.
Compounds of zinc ZnSO 4  BaS  ZnS  BaSO 4
(1) Zinc oxide (Zinc white or Chinese white), It is also used as an eye lotion.
ZnO : It is obtained by burning zinc in air or by heating Mercury and its compounds

zinc carbonate or zinc nitrate.
(1) Occurrence and extraction of mercury :
2 Zn  O 2  2 ZnO

Cinnabar (HgS) is the only important ore of Hg. It is

ZnCO 3   ZnO  CO 2
concentrated by froth floatation method and mercury is
2 Zn( NO 3 ) 2   2 ZnO  4 NO 2  O 2
extracted from this ore by heating it in air at 773-873 K

It is a white powder but becomes yellow on (auto reduction).
heating and again white on cooling. 273  873 K
HgS  O2   Hg  SO 2
It is insoluble in water and is very light and hence
commonly known as philosopher’s wool. The mercury vapours thus obtained are condensed
It is amphoteric in nature. to give liquid metal. Hg thus obtained contains
ZnO  2 HCl  ZnCl 2  H 2 O impurities of Zn, Sn and Pb. These are removed by

ZnO  2 NaOH  Na 2 ZnO2  H 2O

(Acidic) Sod.zincat e

or ZnO  2 NaOH  H 2 O  Na 2 [ Zn(OH )4 ]

Sod. tetrahy droxozincate (II)
treating the impure metal with dil HNO3 , mercurous
nitrate, Hg 2 (NO 3 )2 thus formed react with metals
present as impurities forming their nitrates which pass
into solution leaving behind pure mercury. However, it
It is reduced both by carbon and H 2 and is used
is best purified by distillation under reduced pressure.
as a white paint
ZnO  C  Zn  CO ; ZnO  H2  Zn  H2O 6 Hg  8 HNO 3 (dil.)   3 Hg2 (NO3 )2  4 H 2O  2 NO

(2) Zinc chloride, ZnCl2 : It is obtained when Zn Zn  Hg2 (NO3 )2  Zn(NO3 )2  2 Hg

metal, ZnO or ZnCO3 is treated with dil. HCl. It
Similar reaction is given by Pb and Sn.
crystallizes as ZnCl 2 .2 H 2O and becomes anhydrous on
Properties of mercury : Mercury is less reactive
heating. ZnCl 2 is highly deliquescent and is highly
than Zn. It is a liquid at room temperature and has low
soluble in H 2O and also readily dissolves in organic
thermal and electrical conductivity. Mercury forms

solvents like acetone, alcohol, ether etc. its aqueous

dimeric mercury (I) ions, Hg 22 in which the two atoms
solution is acidic due to hydrolysis.
ZnCl 2  H 2O  Zn(OH )Cl  HCl are bonded by a covalent bond. It is slowly oxidised to
HgO at about its boiling point. Hg does not react with

Anhydrous ZnCl 2 is used as a Lewis acid catalyst

dil. HCl or dil. H 2 SO 4 but reacts with hot concentrated
in organic reactions. Mixed with moist zinc oxide, it is
used for filling teeth and its solution is used for H 2 SO 4 to form HgSO 4 , it reacts with both warm dil.

preserving timber. Anhydrous ZnCl 2 used as a Lucas and conc. HNO 3 evolving NO and NO 2 respectively.
reagent with conc. HCl.
Hg  2H2SO 4 (hot, conc. )  HgSO 4  SO 2  2H2O
(3) Zinc sulphide, ZnS : It is a white solid. It is
soluble in dil. HCl and thus does not get precipitated by Hg  4 HNO3 (conc. )  Hg(NO3 )2  2 NO2  2 H 2O
H 2 S in the acidic medium.
Hg does not react with steam or water hence can’t
ZnS  2 HCl  ZnCl 2  H 2 S .
form any hydroxide.
It is a constituent of lithopone (ZnS  BaSO 4 )
Compounds of mercury
(4) Zinc sulphate, ZnSO4.7H2O : It is commonly
(1) Mercuric oxide, HgO : It is obtained as a red
known as white vitriol and is obtained by the action of
dil. H 2 SO 4 on zinc metal, ZnO or ZnCO3 . On heating, it solid by heating mercury in air or oxygen for a long
time at 673 K
first loses six molecules of water of crystallization at
d and f-Block Elements 851
2 Hg  O2   2 HgO(red )
673 K Below 400 K, HgI 2 is red but above 400 K, it
above 400
turns yellow
or by heating mercuric nitrate alone or in the Kbelow 400
presence of Hg HgI 2 K HgI2
(red) (y ellow)
2 Hg( NO 3 )2  2 HgO  4 NO 2  O2
red HgI2 readily dissolves in excess of KI solution to
When NaOH is added to a solution of HgCl2 , form the (HgI 4 )2  complex ion.
yellow precipitate of HgO are obtained.
HgI2  2 KI  K 2 HgI4
Hg 2 Cl 2  2 NaOH  HgO  H 2 O  2 NaCl Red ppt. soluble colourless solution
(y ellow)

An alkaline solution of K2 [HgI4 ] is called Nessler’s
Red and yellow forms of HgO differ only in their
reagent and is used to test NH 4 ions.
particle size. On heating to 673 K, yellow form changes
to red form. It gives a brown ppt. of NH 2  Hg  O  Hg  I
HgO   HgO (Iodide of Millon’s base) with NH 4 ions.
673 K

y ellow red

It is used in oil paints or as a mild antiseptic in 2K2[HgI4 ]  NH 3  3 KOH  NH 2 .HgO.Hgl  7 KI  2 H 2O

ointments. It is used in ointments for treating skin
(2) Mercuric chloride, HgCl2 : It is obtained by infections.
treating Hg with Cl2 or by heating a mixture of NaCl (4) Mercurous chloride, Hg2Cl2 : It is obtained as
and HgSO 4 in presence of small amount of MnO 2
(which oxidises any Hg(I) salts formed during the
ID under :
(a) Hg 2 ( NO 3 )2  2 NaCl  Hg 2 Cl 2  2 NaNO 3
white ppt.

(b) HgCl 2  Hg    Hg 2 Cl 2 (condenses

Heat in an iron retort
HgSO 4  2 NaCl   HgCl 2  Na 2 SO 4
MnO 2
on cooling)
It is a white crystalline solid and is commonly
It is purified by sublimation.

known as corrosive sublimate. It is a covalent

compound since it dissolves in organic solvents like Mercurous chloride is also called calomel. It is a
ethanol and ether. white powder insoluble in H 2O . On heating, it
decomposes to give HgCl2 and Hg.
It is extremely poisonous and causes death. Its
best antidote is white of an egg. Hg 2 Cl 2  HgCl 2  Hg

When treated with stannous chloride, it is first


It dissolves in chlorine water forming mercuric

reduced to white ppt. of mercurous chloride and then to
mercury (black).
2 HgCl 2  SnCl 2  Hg 2 Cl 2  SnCl 4 Hg2Cl2  Cl2  2HgCl 2

white ppt.
With ammonia, it turns black due to the formation
Hg2Cl2  SnCl 2  2 Hg  SnCl 4 of a mixture of finely divided black Hg and mercuric

amino chloride.
With ammonia it gives a white ppt. known as
infusible white ppt. Hg2 Cl 2  2NH 3  Hg  NH 2 HgCl  NH 4 Cl
HgCl 2  2 NH 3  Hg(NH 2 )Cl  NH 4 Cl
It is used to prepare standard calomel electrode
A dilute solution of HgCl2 is used as an antiseptic.
and as a purgative in medicine.
(3) Mercuric iodide, HgI2 : It is obtained when a
(5) Mercuric sulphide, HgS : The solubility
required amount of KI solution is added to a solution of
product of HgS is lower than that of ZnS and hence it
HgCl2 .
gets precipitated as black solid when H 2 S is passed
HgCl 2  2 KI  HgI2  2 KCl through an acidic solution of any mercury (II) salt.
852 d and f-Block Elements
HgCl 2  H 2 S  HgS  2 HCl general electronic configuration is, [ Xe ]4 f 1 14 5 d 0 10 6 s 2 .
Promethium (Pm), atomic number 61 is the only
It is insoluble in water and HCl but dissolves in
synthetic (man made) radioactive lanthanide.
aqua regia (1 part conc. HNO 3  3 parts conc. HCl)
Properties of lanthanides
3 HCl  HNO 3  NOCl  2 H 2O  2[Cl ] (i) These are highly dense metals and possess
Aqua regia Nitrosy l chloride Nascent chlorine
high melting points.

HgS  2 | Cl |  HgCl 2  S  (ii) They form alloys easily with other metals
(Soluble) especially iron. e.g. misch metal consists of a rare
earth element (94–95%), iron (upto 5%) and traces of
On sublimation, its colour changes to red and S, C, Ca and Al, pyrophoric alloys contain Ce (40–5%),

hence it is used as a red pigment. La + neodymium (44%), Fe (4–5%), Al (0–5%) and the
rest is Ca, Si and C. It is used in the preparation of
(6) Mercuric sulphate, HgSO4 : It is obtained
ignition devices e.g., trace bullets and shells and flints
when HgS is treated with conc. H 2 SO 4 .
for lighters and cigarette.
Hg  2 H 2 SO 4  HgSO 4  SO 2  2H 2O (iii) Oxidation state : Most stable oxidation state

of lanthanides is +3. Oxidation states + 2 and + 4 also
It is a white solid which decomposes on heating to exist but they revert to +3 e.g. Sm 2  , Eu 2  , Yb 2  lose
give mercurous sulphate.
electron to become +3 and hence are good reducing

3 HgSO 4  Hg 2 SO 4  Hg  2 SO 2  2O2 agents, where as Ce4+, Pr4+, Tb4+ in aqueous solution
675 K gain electron to become + 3 and hence are good

It is used as a catalyst in the hydration of alkynes

to give aldehydes or ketones. It is also used as a
cosmetic under the name Vermillon and in ayurvedic
oxidizing agents. There is a large gap in energy of 4 f
and 5 d subshells and thus the number of oxidation
states is limited.
(iv) Colour : Most of the trivalent lanthanide ions
medicine as makardhwaj.
are coloured both in the solid state and in aqueous
(7) Amalgams : Mercury forms alloys commonly solution. This is due to the partly filled f-orbitals which
known as amalgams, with all metals except iron and permit f–f transition. The elements with xf electrons
have a similar colour to those of (14 – x) electrons.

platinum. Hence it is transported in iron containers.

(v) Magnetic properties : All lanthanide ions
(8) Alloy of transition metal : See in table with the exception of Lu3+, Yb3+ and Ce 4+ are
discuss earlier in metallurgy. paramagnetic because they contain unpaired electrons
in the 4 f orbitals. These elements differ from the
Lanthanides and Actinides
transition elements in that their magnetic moments do
Lanthanides and actinides are collectively called not obey the simple “spin only” formula  eff  nn  2 

f-block elements because last electron in them enters

B.M. where n is equal to the number of unpaired
into f-orbitals of the antepenultimate (i.e., inner to
electrons. In transition elements, the orbital
penultimate) shell partly but incompletely filled in
contribution of the electron towards magnetic moment

their elementary or ionic states. The name inner

is usually quenched by interaction with electric fields
transition, elements is also given to them because they
of the environment but in case of lanthanides the 4f-
constitute transition series with in transition series (d-
orbitals lie too deep in the atom for such quenching to
block elements) and the last electron enters into

occur. Therefore, magnetic moments of lanthanides are

antepenultimate shell (n-2)f. In addition to incomplete
calculated by taking into consideration spin as well as
d-subshell, their f-subshell is also incomplete. Thus,
orbital contributions and a more complex formula
these elements have three incomplete outer shells i.e.,
(n–2), (n–1) and n shells and the general electronic eff  4 S S  1  LL  1 B.M.
configuration of f-block elements is (n–
which involves the orbital quantum number L and
2) f 114 (n  1)d 0 10 ns 2 . spin quantum number S.
(1) Lanthanides : The elements with atomic (vi) Complex formation : Although the lanthanide
numbers 58 to 71 i.e. cerium to lutetium (which come ions have a high charge (+3) yet the size of their ions is
immediately after lanthanum Z = 57) are called very large yielding small charge to size ratio i.e., low
lanthanides or lanthanones or rare earths. These charge density. As a consequence, they have poor
elements involve the filling of 4 f-orbitals. Their tendency to form complexes. They form complexes
d and f-Block Elements 853
mainly with strong chelating agents such as EDTA,  - configuration. When the oxidation number increases to
diketones, oxine etc. No complexes with  -bonding + 6, the actinide ions are no longer simple. The high
ligands are known. charge density causes the formation of oxygenated ions
(vii) Lanthanide contraction : The regular e.g., UO22  , NpO 22  etc. The exhibition of large number of
decrease in the size of lanthanide ions from La 3  to oxidation states of actinides is due to the fact that
Lu 3
is known as lanthanide contraction. It is due to there is a very small energy gap between 5f, 6d and 7s
greater effect of the increased nuclear charge than that subshells and thus all their electrons can take part in
of the screening effect. bond formation.

Consequences of lanthanide contraction (ii) Actinide contraction : There is a regular

decrease in ionic radii with increase in atomic number
(a) It results in slight variation in their chemical

from Th to Lr. This is called actinide contraction
properties which helps in their separation by ion
analogous to the lanthanide contraction. It is caused
due to imperfect shielding of one 5f electron by another
(b) Each element beyond lanthanum has same
in the same shell. This results in increase in the
atomic radius as that of the element lying above it in
effective nuclear charge which causes contraction in
the group (e.g. Zr 145 pm, Hf 144 pm); Nb 134 pm, Ta

size of the electron cloud.
134 pm ; Mo 129 pm, W 130 pm).
(iii) Colour of the ions : Ions of actinides are
(c) The covalent character of hydroxides of
generally coloured which is due to f – f transitions. It
lanthanides increases as the size decreases from La 3  depends upon the number of electrons in 5 f orbitals.
to Lu 3  . However basic strength decreases. Thus (iv) Magnetic properties : Like lanthanides,
La(OH )3 is most basic whereas Lu(OH )3 is least basic.
Similarly, the basicity of oxides also decreases in the
order from La 3  to Lu 3  .
(d) Tendency to form stable complexes from La 3 
ID actinide elements are strongly paramagnetic. The
magnetic moments are lesser than the theoretically
predicted values. This is due to the fact that 5f
electrons of actinides are less effectively shielded
which results in quenching of orbital contribution.
to Lu 3  increases as the size decreases in that order.
(v) Complex formation : Actinides have a greater
(e) There is a slight increase in electronegativity
tendency to form complexes because of higher nuclear
of the trivalent ions from La to Lu.
charge and smaller size of their atoms. They form

(f) Since the radius of Yb 3  ion (86 pm) is complexes even with -bonding ligands such as alkyl
comparable to the heavier lanthanides Tb, Dy, Ho and phosphines, thioethers etc, besides EDTA, -diketones,
Er, therefore they occur together in natural minerals. oxine etc. The degree of complex formation decreases
(2) Actinides : The elements with atomic in the order.
numbers 90 to 103 i.e. thorium to lawrencium (which M 4   MO 22   M 3   MO 2
come immediately after actinium, Z = 89) are called
Where M is element of actinide series. There is a
actinides or actinones. These elements involve the

high concentration of charge on the metal atom in

filling of 5 f-orbitals. Their general electronic
MO 22  which imparts to it relatively high tendency
configuration is, [Rn ] 5 f 1 14 6 d 0 1 7 s 2 .
towards complex formation.

They include three naturally occuring elements

thorium, protactinium and uranium and eleven
transuranium elements or transuranics which are
produced artificially by nuclear reactions. They are

synthetic or man made elements. All actinides are

Properties of actinides
(i) Oxidation state : The dominant oxidation state
of actinides is +3 which shows increasing stability for  Iron pyrites is also known as Fool’s gold
the heavier elements. Np shows +7 oxidation state but (CuFeS2).
this is oxidising and is reduced to the most stable state
 Ni can be extracted by or ford process.
+5. Pu also shows states upto +7 and Am upto +6 but
the most stable state drops to Pu (+4) and Am (+3). Bk  Chromium oxide is also known as chrome green.
in +4 state is strongly oxidising but is more stable than
 Cr2O3/C5H5N or solution of chromic oxide in
Cm and Am in 4 state due to f 7 configuration. Similarly,
pyridine is known as Collin’s reagent.
No is markedly stable in +2 state due to its f 14
854 d and f-Block Elements
 Cr2O3.2H2O is also known as Guignet’s green.  Schweitzer reagent is [Cu(NH3)4]SO4.
 Zn, Cd and Hg are not expected to form covalent  Etard reagent is CrO2Cl2.
bond amongst themselves, hence they have relatively
 Barfoed’s reagent is Cu(CH3COO)2 + CH3COOH.
lower melting point.
 Milon’s reagent is the solution of mercuric and
 The +2 oxidation state become more stable while mercurous nitrate.
the +3 state become less stable from left to right in
the periodic table.  Zeigler natta catalyst is TiCl4 + (C2H5)3Al.

 For the first four element of a transition series  Lindlar’s catalyst is Pd/BaSO4.
 Wilkinson’s catalyst is [Ph3P]3RhCl.

higher oxidation states are more stable than lower
oxidation state. For next five-element lower
 Adam catalyst is Pt/PtO.
oxidation state are more stable than higher oxidation
state.  Brown’s catalyst is Nickel boride (P-2 catalyst).
 Many transition metal compound are

isomorphous e.g. FeSO4.7H2O and ZnSO4.7H2O
because of almost equal ionic sizes of these metals.

 Lightest transition metal is Sc and heaviest and

densest transition element is osmium.
 Mercurous ion exist as dimer Hg22+ and not as
Hg+ and this explains its diamagnetic nature.
 Pt, Pd and Ir are inert metal.
 TiCl4 and TiO2 are used in smoke screens.
 Mo is used in X-ray tube, Ta in analytic weight
and instrument used in surgery of veins.

 Fe2+ is green and Fe3+ is yellow.

 Fe3+ is powerful oxidizing agent than Fe2+ ion.
 Iron carbide or cementite is Fe3C.
 Kipp’s base is FeS + H2SO4.
 Copper dissolves in an aqueous solution of FeCl3.

 CuSO4 reacts only with KI does not react with

KCl, KBr or KF.

 CuCl2 and CuBr2 are covalent and exist as

polymer while CuF2 is an ionic solid.

 All silver halide except AgF are insoluble in


 Ag, Au and Cu are known as coinage metals.
 Fulminating gold is Au(NH2) = NH or N2H3.
 Purple of cassius is a colloidal solution of gold.
 Mercuric salts are more stable than mercurous

 All the elements of f-block are in group 3 of the

periodic table.

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