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Part 1
Questions 1 - 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or c.

For students in the higher learning
institutions Computers, printers, LCD projectors,
TV sets, scanners and office furniture.
o Genuine software Tel: 03-66199341 (Amelia)
. S-year warranty
The company is
This offer is specially for A closlng for renovations.
A lecturers. B moving to a new place.
B college students. C buying new furniture.
C secondary school students.

Our famil,v will be It will be easv and ATTENTION TO ALL PARENTS

moving to America fast to keep in TUITION FOR YOUR KIDS!
tomorron,. Don't touch with you.
forget to e-rnail me. Moreover, it is free! . Reliable and qualified tutors
. Reasonable fees
. Classes at d''convenient time
. Personal attention

Parents would enrol their children for the

A fair charles.
B convenient location.
E-mail is C variety of classes offered.
A faster than conventional mail.
B costlier than sending letters.
C mainly affected by distance. Puan Salma: Hi, Janet. Can you do me a
2,OOO EVACUEEs RETURN HOME AS Mrs Pang : Sure. What can I do for
Puan Salma: My car has broken down so
I hope you can give mY son
From the headline above, we know that a lift to school.
A the evacuees have to be on the alert. Mrs Pang : That's not a Problem. After
B the flood situation has not improved. all, what are friends for?
C the flood victims have returned home
safely. Puan Salma is asking Mrs Pang to
A lift her son.
Mother Teresa was a remarkable Person. B send her son to school.
At the age of eighteery she left the comforts C send her son back from school.
of her home to be a nun in India. There,
she devoted herself to working among
the poor in the slums of Calcutta.

Mother Teresa can best be described as

A sensible.
B trustable.
C dedicated.

12 Knrtut Ro*olan PT3 2019: Baltasu lnggeris KR5-2 TERHAD


Part 1
Questions 1 - 8
Read the text carefully in each question. choose the best ansT.Der A, B or C.

For students in the higher learning
institutions Computers, printers, LCD projectors,
TV sets, scanners and office furniture.
o Genuine software Tel: 03-66199341 (Amelia)
. S-year warranty
The company is
This offer is specially for A clos.1ng for renovations.
A lecfurers. B moving to a new place.
B college students. C buying new furniture.
C secondary school students.

Our family will be It will be easy and ATTENTION TO ALL PARENTS to America fast to keep in TUITION FOR YOUR KIDS!
tomorrolt''. Don't touch with you.
forget to e-mail me. Moreover, it is free! . Reliable and qualified tutors
. Reasonable fees
. Classes at a convenient time
. Personal attention

Parents would enrol their children for the

A fair charfes.
B convenient location.
E-mail is C variety of classes offered.
A faster than conventional mail.
B costlier than sending letters.
C mainly affected by distance. Puan Salma: Hi, Janet. Can You do me a
2,OOO EVACUEEs RETURN HOME AS Mrs Pang : Sure. What can I do for
Puan Salma: My car has broken down so
I hope you can give mY son
From the headline above, we know that a lift to school.
A the evacuees have to be on the alert. Mrs Pang : That's not a Problem. After
B the flood situation has not improved. all, what are friends for?
C the flood victims have returned home
safely. Puan Salma is asking Mrs Pang to
A lift her son.
Mother Teresa was a remarkable person. B send her son to school.
At the age of eighteen, she left the comforts C send her son back from school.
of her home to be a nun in India. There,
she devoted herself to working among
the poor in the slums of Calcutta.

Mother Teresa can best be described as

A sensible.
B trustable.
C dedicated.

12 Knrtn.s Rtunalan PT3 2019. Buhastt Inggeris KRs-2 TERIIAD


The advertisement tells us that

EXPRESS STEAM IRON A all Ria Bank card members will receive a
-+ Heats up within 2 seconds free gift.
+ Energy saving B it takes tirne for the iron to produce steam.
C the ironing board is free for everyone.
FREE ironing
board exclusive
for Ria Bank
card members

Pafi 2
Questions 9 - 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, zurite the correct word in the space proaided.

The Solar System

The solar system consists of the sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and many other
objects. Seen (0) into a telescope, Saturn is the most beautiful of the planets because of
(9) their rings. Even though Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune all have rings, they are feeble
(10) yct impossible to see from Earth under most circumstances. Saturn's rings, (11) although,
have been seen for centuries. They are so (12) dull that even a small telescope can sometimes
detect them. As a planet, Saturn is very much (13) likes Jupiter. It is a gas worid made up
mostly of hydrogen, helium, ammonia and methane (14) &s.It is o'ne-third the mass of Jupiter
but almost a hundred times the mass of the Earth, (15) but it is like another giant planet.
Saturn has many similarities with Jupiter. For example, Saturn (16) have bands of clouds and
raging storms just like iupiter. Saturn also has a strong magnetic field. It is the second largest
planet in the solar system after Jupiter.

18 marksl


0 through








[Lihat halaman sebelah

@ Penerbit llmu Bakti Sdn. Bhd. (7325t6-M) 2019 KRs-3 TERHAD

Part 3
Read the text below and ansruer questions 17 to 24.


Mobile messaging apps are fast becoming the most popular form of communication among
young people. As mobile messaging apps don't charge per message, parents do not have to
spend a fortune on their children's phone bills. Sorne apps are even free of charge!

The messages are sent instantly, therefore users find it almost the same as 'talking face
to face'. Aside from personal messages, users can aiso create group chats where one can chat
with muitiple people at the same time. Sharing photos and videos is also easier via mobile
messaging apps.

However, due to its attractive features and rising popularity, parents are growing more and
more concerned. Many complain that their children tend to spend more time chatting on mobile
phones and less time communicating in the real world. The kids are also easily distracted and
find it difficult to focus on schoolwork.

In terms of language, most teens use abbreviations and slang fo.r faster communication.
This leads to the growing ignorance of proper grammar, speiling and punctuation. Virus can
also easily spread via messaging, so an anti-virus software needs to be installed.

12 Kertas Ramaletn PT3 2019: Bahasa Inggeris KR5-4 TERHAD


Questions 17 - 24
Complete the following table.
Choose no more than three words and/or a number/rom the text
for each answer.
For each question, write your ansTtler in the space proaided on your anszaer sheet.


Advantages Disadvantages

Some messaging apps are 17 21 in the

real world

Communication is quick because messages

Children arc 22
are 18
from schooiwork

Able to create L9 Children do not know proper grammar, 23

for discussions

Able to share 20 Virus can 24


18 marksl

llihat halaman sebelah

@ Penerbit llmu Balti Sdn. Bhd. (2325i6-M 2019 KR5-5 TERIIAD

Part 4
Read the text below and answer questions 25 to 34.


Many teenagers today use mobile phones. Mobile phones

are convenient and are especially useful in emergencies.
However, the calls from mobile phones can be expensive.
Here are some tips to help you keep your bills low, so that
your parents won't hit the roof and you don't have to spend
more than half of your pocket money peymg the bills.

h lry not to make too many calls to landline numbers using your mobiie phone. Use the
house phone instead. Making calls from a landline is a lot cheaper.

fu f."p your SMS chats to a minimum. SMS might cost only a few cents but they do add
up as some text messages can be lengthy. If you are using a smartphone, try using free
mobile messaging apps such as WhatsApp or WeChat instead.

Gl }y'ruk" calls during off-peak hours whenever possible. Service providers usually offer
cheaper rates after office hours and on weekends.

h Avoidcalling 1-800 numbers using your mobile phone. ff you use a mobile phone to
make these calls, you will have to pay mobile phone charges. Toll-free calls are only
free when dialled from a landline.

fu try to check your voicemail only when you have access to a phone with a landline

Remember, mobile phone charges are not cheap. Learn to use ,vour phone wisely and you
will not have to foot unnecessary mobile call charges.

12 Kertas Ramalan PT3 2019: Bahasa Inggeris KRs-6 TERIIAD


Questions 25 - 32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than five words and/or a numbery'om the text for each answer.
For each question, write your anszler in the space proztided.

25 Mobile phones come in during emergencies.

11, markl

26 Avoid making calls to using your mobile phone.

11, markl

27 To save money, SMS chats should be kept

11, markl

28 \A/hat is an example of a free messaging app?

11. markl

29 Cheaper rates are offered for calls made during

ll markl

30 Toll-free calls are charged when dialled using a

ll mark)

31 It is encouraged that you check your voicemail when you to

a landline.

32 How does the writer describe mobile phone charges?

ll markl

Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table below uith a word 'from the article.
For each question, write your answer in the wace proaided.

Meaning Word

33 crisis ll mark)

34 long 17 mark)

110 marksl

llihat halaman sebelah

Q: Penerbit llmu Bakti Sdn. Bhd. (732516-M 2019 KR5-7 TERIIAD

Part 5
Questions 35 - 40
You are going to read an article about water.
Six sentences haae been remoaed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap (3S - 40).
There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.


Water is a colourless liquid without taste or srnell. It consists of two elements: hydrogen and
oxygen. If the water is pure, that is, if it contains no other substance, it is transparent. Next to
air, water is the most important sustainer of all life, be it human, animal or plant.
| 35 I ] An ordinary man can live more than twenty days without food, but he cannot
live for a week without water. It is surprising to know that each of us usually take in about three
pints of water daily in one form or another without water, they would wither or
Besides for drinking, we use water every day for washing, cieaning, bathing and for other
purPoses. | 37
| I
In the industrial world, all manners of engines depend on water power
in one form or another. Running on steam, trains have hauled tons of goods, and
ships have sailed around the world.
Three quarters of our planet's surface is covered with water. 39 water evaporated
by the sun rises into the sky forming clouds. When these clouds meet cooler winds, they fail
to the earth as ,uir"r.
| +oT--l Animals, including man, depend on plants for food, medicine
and building materials.

A For instance, factories, blast fumaces, boilers and motors run on cheap water power
which could be converted to steam or electricity.
B Rainfall keeps the temperature of the lands low, and vegetation and forest luxuriant
and dense.
C The oceans keep the land mass cool and habitable.
D Farmers irrigate their crops from lakes, rivers or springs.
E Plants also consume a great deal of water to keep themselves alive and active.
F Contaminated water brings sicknesses such as vomiting, diarrhea and nausea.
G More than seven{r per cent of the human body is made up of water.
H Water makes up seventy-one per cent of the Earth's surface.

16 marksl


12 Kertas Ramalan PT3 2019; Bahasa Inggeris KR5.8 TERHAD

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