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expressing : to show (thoughts, feelings etc ) by looks, actions etc.

discouraged : deprived of hope or confidence.

associated: connected.

envy: a feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success.

flamenco : dance characterized by strong rhythmical movements and clapping.

sated:heavy and full.

P2P: Path to Profitability.

fed up: being unhappy, bored or tired of something which has been going on a
long time.

melancholy: a kind of intense and thoughtful sadness.

grief: a strong sadness often caused by the death of someone you love.

sorrow: something which causes) pain of mind or grief.

slightly: somewhat.

repressed: unable to show their true feelings and emotions.

conquering: to overcome or defeat.

stiff upper lip: not showing your feelings when you are upset, even though it is
difficult not to.
down in the dumps: feel miserable and depressed.

(Adjective)superior: higher in rank, better, or greater, than.

(Noun )superiority: supremacy or advantage.

ruled: govern

courage: bravery-the quality that makes a person able to meet dangers without

feeling blue: feeling upset and sadness.

recap: abbreviation of recapitulate means to go over again (the chief points of a

statement, argument etc.

characterization : describing someone’s character or character description.

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