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Address: Manangle, Sipocot, Camarines Sur Subject: EDUC 200
CP NO: 09203367785 Date: January 04, 2022

1. How do your account to this statement “participatory action research is people-

Participatory action research is people-oriented in the sense that it is the people who believe and
feel that there is a problem. Everybody is involved in solving the problem from the planning stage
to the implementation stage. For instance, “Akyat Bahay Gang” problem. Everyone is involved in
this problem and the people in the community join hands with the research team to remedy this
Participatory action research is people-oriented because it involves researchers and participants
collaborating to understand social issues and take actions to bring about social change.
2. In your own opinion, which is better, participatory action research or descriptive research?
Why? Support your answer.

In my opinion, descriptive research is better because in descriptive research, researchers can use a
wide range of methods for data collection and it is fast and cost-effective, it also provides holistic
understanding of the research topic, the results obtained through the descriptive method of research
often have high external validity as research conducted in the respondent’s natural environment and
no variables are manipulated.
3. Explain briefly the principles of participatory action research.
a. The methods used have direct bearing on the beliefs and vision of the participants in the
b. It should aim for the solution of the problem in order that the concerned people in the community
be benefited as soon as possible.
c. All the participants must be involved in the formulation of the problem to its solution
conceptualization and implementation
d. The members of research team should be made up of researchers and the people representing all
elements in the situation.
e. The researchers should view the research process as a total community experience where
community needs are established and awareness and commitment within the community are
f. The research participants should see the research process as a dialogue over time and to static
picture occurring from one point in time.
g. The aim of the research process, like the aim of the educational process, should be the liberation
of the creative potential of human beings and harnessing of human resources in order to solve social
4. By presenting schematic diagram, discuss the steps as framework of participatory action research.
Identification of the Problem and Community
The research problem is the heart of a study, and it drives the research questions and
provides the framework for understanding the research findings.

Statement of Goals/ Objectives

Objectives clearly and concisely describe the aims and goals of a research while defining
their scope for investigation.

Identification of Participants
The participants are selected who can best inform the research questions and enhance
understanding of the phenomenon under study.

Organization of Research Team

Research team members are there to answer your questions and help you find answers to
questions they cannot answer. The organization will help everyone know where to find
specific items.

Establishment of Timetable
The timetable shows exactly what is to be done at a particular time. It helps to prevent
wastage of time.

Conduct of Research Project

The primary goal of the research is to guide action, gather evidence for theories, and
contribute to the growth of knowledge in data analysis. For the study to be done accurately
conducting research is a tool for that.

Evaluation of Result
Evaluation provides a systematic method to study a program, practice, intervention, or
initiative to understand how well it achieves its goals.

Interpretation of Findings
The interpretation of data helps researchers to categorize, manipulate, and summarize the
information to answer critical questions

Implications/ Recommendations
Recommendations are arguably the most important part of the analysis phase—this is
where you'll suggest specific interventions or strategies to address the issues and
constraints identified in the assessment. Recommendations should directly respond to key
findings arrived at through data collection and analysis.

Implementation involves putting research results into practice. The strategy for
implementation should be addressed in the research work plan, and throughout the
conduct of the research.

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