ES Parent Bulletin Vol#4 2011 Sep 23

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International School Manila

Volume 04 23 September 2011


12 Oct 6 26 28 Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing ES Parent Meeting on Internet Safety @ 7.30am, ES Computer Lab 2123 Wednesday Morning Student Late Start @ 8.30am

From the ES Administration

Dear Elementary School Parents, Differentiation and Assessment Last week we had the benefit of hosting Bill and Ochan Powell for four days of professional learning with our faculty. As ISM we consider learning to have no end point and that as a community we are engaged in learning as an on-going process. On Friday, as an entire faculty (Preschool 12), we were able to engage in a series of ongoing discussions on assessment and in particular assessment for learning. Assessment for learning can be defined as the process by which we turn day to day assessment into a teaching and learning process that enhances (instead of merely monitoring) student learning. The benefit of having focused conversations across a school, as we seek to explore the underlying assumptions of assessment for learning are huge, clarifying our own notions of the difference between this type of assessment and grading. These discussions led into a weekend workshop on the Saturday and Sunday with over 50 teachers on differentiation. When we talk about a differentiated classroom, we mean a place where teaching and learning is flexible, purposeful and respectful. There is flexibility in instruction, learning engagements and assessment, which caters to the diversity that exists in all of our classrooms at ISM. Learning is purposeful, in that the teacher has identified the learning goals and is aware of the success indicators of these. To be Respectful is to acknowledge that each and every student brings unique differences to the classroom. Every student has a different level of readiness the space where learning challenges are balanced with a childs capacity to accomplish tasks independently. Equally, all students have the right to be interested, challenged and engaged at an appropriate level. Both differentiation and assessment for learning are underlying pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning. They are not something which can be done at a certain time of day, in a certain subject, but overarch all that takes place in our classrooms at ISM. It is through this on-going professional learning with our faculty that we continue the ongoing process of moving beyond principles and into practice for your childrens learning. Internet Safety Next Monday 26 September we will be conducting an ES
(Continued on page 2)

5, 12, 19, 26 7, 21 10 - 11 21 Wednesday Morning Student Late Start @ 8.30am ES Parent Bulletin Parent Teacher Conferences Early Student Release @ 12pm ES Assembly, Fine Arts Theatre

24 School Holiday - No Classes Nov 1


In order to best serve the ISM Parent Community, it is essential that information be quickly disseminated when necessary. For this reason, the accuracy of your contact details in our database is of the utmost importance. Please note that Parent Contact Information must be updated online by the parent. To make any changes or verification in contact information, please access one of your childrens data file via the ISM website ( and then under Login, click on Powerschool Public Access and enter your Username and Password. On the page that opens, click on the Demographic Update icon for changing or updating demographic information.

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

23 September 2011

From the ES Administration

(Continued from page 1)

From the PE Department

parent workshop on internet safety. The key areas we will be exploring include: Having an open dialogue with your children about their on-line habits Knowing / being involved in your childs interests online The workshop will be held from 730am to 8am in Room 2123 (ES Computer lab) Parent Teacher Conferences For 2011/12 these will be held on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 October. More information will be coming home shortly. Our purpose for these meetings is to provide you with very clear feedback about where your childs learning is at this point in time. Adam Campbell Elementary Principal Michael Rourke Elementary Assistant Principal

Students in Physical Education lessons are encouraged to protect their skin against the sun's ultraviolet rays whenever possible during lessons on the ES Field or in the Swimming Pool in addition to any other outdoor play time. Childhood exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun is a major contributory factor in the later development of skin cancer and eye damage. Please ensure your child has a hat to wear for all PE lessons. The use of sunscreen is also encouraged.

From the Music Department


Are you in Grade 4? Do you like to: Sing? Dance? Act? Are you interested in costume or set design? Would you like to help with lights and sound, assistant directing, playing in the orchestra or backstage support? Or maybe you have another creative talent you would like to share! Would you like to take part in an amazing and creative journey that ends in a spectacular stage performance? Then Childrens Musical Theater is the activity for you!!! This is your chance to express your creativity, have fun and SHINE!!! Childrens Musical Theater: Mon., Oct. 10 Fri., Oct. 21 Registration with Ms. Toni in ES Office Nov. 2 Feb. 1 (Wednesdays) Rehearsals in FAT 2:30-4 Mon., Feb. 6 and Tues., Feb. 7 Rehearsals in FAT 2:30-5 Wed. Feb. 8 Dress Rehearsal in FAT 2:30-5 Thurs., Feb. 9 School Performance 1:00pm Evening Performance 6:00pm If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email at, or come by my room before or after school. I hope to see many of you involved in this very special activity!!!!! Sincerely, Ms. Marnie Room 1164 2

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

23 September 2011

From the ATAC Office

ES/MS RIFA Soccer Festivals: Please note the next soccer festival date is this coming Saturday September 24th. The boys teams play at the same venues as last time (all C teams at CSA and the E&G teams at ISM) Please arrive by 7:30am all games will start at 8am sharp. The MS girls festival will be played this Saturday afternoon at ISM starting promptly at 1pm. Girls please arrive by 12:15pm. Parents please note there are a number of events going on at ISM this Saturday and parking space will be limited. Check the links in helpful shortcuts on the ATAC Blog for exact details regard the ES and MS RIFA 7 aside soccer festivals. Cross Country news: Please note the next Cross Country race will be at Faith this Saturday September 24th for MS and HS runners. Good luck to all participants. ISM will host twilight races with a 3.2km and 5km race for MS and HS runners from Faith/ISM and Brent schools on Friday Sept 30th. We are looking for parent volunteers to assist with finish line tasks and course marshaling duties on Sept 30th. If you are available to help please tell your child to inform their coaches. NCC Cheerleading Camp: This Saturday Sept 24th our cheerleaders will be having a one day cheer camp to hone their cheerleading skills. This camp is run by the NCC (National Cheerleading Camp) organization and specialist instructors will be assisting our cheerleaders during Saturdays workshop at the Covered Court. For those parents interested in the 1st Season IASAS championships at Singapore you can now access the full tournament draw with details of all events on the ATAC blog. Our teams will depart for Singapore Wednesday Oct 19 and return to Manila Sunday Oct 23. The ATAC Blog ( is the one stop shop for information related to the sports/activities program please take some time to peruse the blog for information. GAME SCHEDULE PDF: (access to game schedule information) Information about all mid week/weekend fixtures for ISM teams can be found via the ATAC blog. Please note the game schedule does change often due to involvement with many local schools so please check the page regularly to find out the latest information of where and when the Bearcats teams are playing. Click on schedules tab or the Bearcat logo to be directed to the You will need your power school user name and password to access the game schedule pdf. BEARCAT DEN: Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den: Mon, Wed and Fridays from 11:30am 1:00pm and 2:30pm 4:00pm. Tues and Thurs afternoons from 2:30-4pm. If you are interested in joining our group of volunteers in the Bearcat Den please contact our BCD volunteers coordinator Radhika or pop in to the Den near the HS Cafeteria and talk with one of our volunteers they will be very happy to make you welcome.

Mark Pekin
Director of Athletics/Activities International School Manila E-mail: ISM Website: ATAC Blog:

Elementary School Parent Bulletin

23 September 2011


October 3-7, 2011 ES Science Lab (Rm. 2126) All students will be photographed, regardless of purchase. Each class will have a scheduled time for the shoot during the week. Students must wear their school uniform during the photo shoot. Photo Order Envelopes will be distributed to students on September 30. Payments should be placed inside the envelope and should be brought by the student on the day of the shoot which will then be given directly to the photographers staff. No payment will be received by the teacher or the ES Office. Parents may contact the photographer directly for late orders/payments. TINO LEY Tel. 522-1374 / Mobile 0920 950 4209 E-mail: Please use 1 envelope per student, NOT two students in one envelope. School Photos will be delivered to students on December 14, 2011. Parents are welcome to see the photographers staff in Rm.2126, 2:00-2:30 PM, during the photo shoot week to choose which of their childs photos they want prints made.

From the PTA Travel Expo

For the ISM Community Sponsored by the ISM PTA Parents, teachers and staff in the ISM Community are invited to attend our Travel Expo! We will have travel-related airlines, hotels and resorts with valuable information and special offers! Special presentation by Ivan Henares, travel junkie & writer, TV host, tourism consulant, heritage advocate & educator, Ivan is proud to have visited all 80 provinces of the Philippines and is on his way to visiting the world. He is Vice President & Trustee of the Heritage Conservation Society and Philippine Representative to the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC). Ivan teaches tourism courses at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. Tuesday, October 4, 2011 7:30 9:00 AM, Little Theatre Join us and get your travel plans organized!

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