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PSC150S: Physics

Assignment 7
Due date:

Friday 14th July, 2023

Problem 7.1. Suppose a current I = 1.67 A flows in 18 gauge copper wire (ordinary household wire). The
diameter of 18 gauge wire is d = 1.02 mm. Calculate the drift speed of the conduction electrons in this wire

Problem 7.2. The current supplied to a lamp with a 100-W light bulb is 0.87 A. The lamp is wired using
a copper wire with diameter 2.588 mm (10-gauge). Find the magnitude of the current density.

Problem 7.3. A wire carries a current. If both the wire diameter and the electron drift speed are doubled.
By what factor will electron current increase? Show your calculations.

Problem 7.4. A current passes through a cylindrical wire of radius r = 5 mm the current density is 10
A/m2 . What will be the current density through a wire with r/2?

Problem 7.5. A proton beam in an accelerator carries a current of 125 µA. If the beam is incident on a
target, how many protons strike the target in a period of 23.0s?

Problem 7.6. The energy used by the iron for 2 minutes is 18 kJ, at a voltage of 250 volts. How large is
the current in the iron?

Problem 7.7. A 280 V – 10 A electric lamp is used for 30 minutes. How much energy does it require?

Problem 7.8. A resistor has a potential difference of 24.0 V and radiates heat. The rate at which thermal
energy produces is 16.0 W. Find out the resistance value.

Problem 7.9. The battery of mobile phone functions at 12.0 V, further, it needs to provide a current of
0.9 A when music plays, how much power will it require for it?

Problem 7.10. An immersion heater must increase the temperature of 1.50 kg of water from 10.0◦ C to
50.0◦ C in 10.0 min while operating at 110 V.
(a) What is the required resistance of the heater?
(b) Estimate the cost of heating the water. Find the cost knowing that energy is purchased at an estimated
price of 1 rand per kilowatt-hour:

Problem 7.11. The radius of 22-gauge copper wire is 0.27 mm.

(a) Calculate the resistance per unit length of this wire.
(b) If a potential difference of 10 V is maintained across a 1.0-m length of the copper wire, what is the
current in the wire?

Problem 7.12. An aluminum wire with a diameter of 0.100 mm has a uniform electric field of 0.200 V/m
imposed along its entire length. The temperature of the wire is 50.0◦ C. Assume one free electron per atom.
(a) Use the information given in the text to determine the resistivity of aluminium at this temperature.

(b) What is the current density in the wire?
(c) What is the total current in the wire?
(d) What is the drift speed of the conduction electrons?
(e) What potential difference must exist between the ends of a 2.00-m length of the wire to produce the
stated electric field?

Problem 7.13. A wire 50.0 m long and 2.00 mm in diameter is connected to a source with a potential
difference of 9.11 V, and the current is found to be 36.0 A. Assuming a temperature of 20◦ C, identify the
metal out of which the wire is made. You will need to look up data about different metals.

Problem 7.14. At what temperature will aluminum have a resistivity that is three times the resistivity
copper has at room temperature?

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