NFPL D23 06

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Derogation Applicant Harun Or Rashid Date of derogation: 7th June-2023

Position of ADDlicant Sr. llanager Department: Quality

N'Derogation NFPL.D23{6 Derogation type : QUALITY AUDIT
Concemed Members Names & Position
fechnical Member Mr. Mizanur Rahman General llanager-Operation
)roduction Member Mr. Asaduzzaman Shohao Sr. lianage(Sydhetic Dyelns)
Xuality Member Harun Or Rashid Sr. manaqer-Lab & Quality
/Veaving concem Mr. Anwar Hossen AGIII-Microfab
:ina! lnspec-tion t r. Shahidullah Pramanik Itanager-Final lnspection
DSM Code 9810009{18
COMPONENT NAME P2{OT PES DDY CIRE Supplier Name: Nice Fabrics Processing Ltd.
.olor Name ilcol307 Blsck
tv impacted: 14126 Yds CodeCNUF: I PS+el
Pl No I & 288 lVendor I SI{OWTEX OUTWEAR
0ther Comments: WIO-12910 '{GrHFP1JII023O258

Non Conformity Light line mark on the fabric.

How & when was detected the problem: During iftsp€ction at Garments.
Reasons of the derogation: Ouring insp€ctlon, they found light line mark on the fabric.
There is no safety or legal issue. Factory already produced bulk Yds. So
please help u3 by derogating this quantity.

Risk and conseguences for: Processing faults

Customers / Users: No issue from customer.
Safetv / Non safetv: No $afe,ty Bsue.
Decathlon: N/A
Economic: No Economic impact will be there for Derc{ation.
maoe: No lmage risk
-egal: No Legal risk
Supplier workers: No harm or complications for supplier worker.
Cther risk (production, supplier ...):N/A

Boot Cause: t) Due to Reed poblem.

Conccflye Action Plan: 1/ We are changing reed b get the beltgr result

N/A N/A N/A I rurn

Decision We are rcquesting to cut the fabric.

Decision Maker Name: Harun Or Rashid
Position: Sr. ilanaqer(LAB&OADI
Expiry date of deroqation : 7th June-2023 /r\
Position: Sr. Manage(LAB&OAD) Name: Harun Or Rashid Date:0710612023 Signature:

Fatimatuz Zahar-QPL

Shahinur Rahman-Ouplication & method Leader

Rezuwanullslam-PTM MinhaiulIslamoPilQ

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