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Week 7 (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Self - Learning

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City
Capsulized Self - Learning Empowerment Toolkit
TOPIC Demonstrates an understanding of scientific processes in animal/ fish raising

LEARNING Possible hazards that animal raising can cause to the people and CODE
COMPETENCY community.

LEARNING Identify possible hazards that animal raising can cause to the people and community.

IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.

Animals- injuries inflicted by animals can include bites, kicks, crushing, ramming, trampling,
and transmission of certain infectious diseases such as giardia, salmonella, ringworm and
leptospirosis. chemicals- pesticides and herbicides can cause injuries such as burns, respiratory
illness or poisoning.
You can reduce the risk of farm injuries and illness at your farm by evaluating the risk and
minimising them. Accidents can be prevented through better farmer and worker educaton, making
sure equipment is well maintained and has adequate safety features, having safety procedures in
place, and training every worker and family member about potential dangers.

Common Hazards

Every farm is different, but hazards common to most farms include:

1. animals – injuries inflicted by animals can include bites, kicks, crushing, ramming, trampling,
and transmission of certain infectious diseases such as giardia, salmonella, ringworm and
2. chemicals – pesticides and herbicides can cause injuries such as burns, respiratory illness or
3. confined spaces – such as silos, water tanks, milk vats and manure pits may contain unsafe
atmosphere, which can cause poisoning or suffocation.
4. electricity – dangers include faulty switches, cords, machinery or overhead power lines
5. height – falls from ladders, rooftops, silos and windmills are a major cause of injury
6. machinery – hazards include tractors without roll-over protection structures (ROPS), power
take-off (PTO) shafts, chainsaws, augers, motorbikes and machinery with unguarded moving
7. noise pollution – noise from livestock, machinery and guns can affect your hearing
8. vehicles – crashes or fall from motorbikes, two-wheel and quad bikes tractor, utes and horses
can results in major injuries
9. water – drowning can occur in as little as five centimeters of water. Dams, lakes, ponds, rivers,
channels, tanks, drums and creeks are all hazards. Young children are particularly at risk
10. weather – hazards include sunburn, heat stroke, dehydration and hypothermia.

2|P a g e
SAQ-1: How important is it to know the common hazard in animal raising?
SAQ-2: How can we reduce the risk of farm injuries and illness at your farm?

Let’s Practice!

(Answer on the Answer Sheet provided for Activity and Assessment.)

Direction: List down common hazard from farm.

1. ______________________ 6. __________________________
2. ______________________ 7. __________________________
3. ______________________ 8. __________________________
4. ______________________ 9. __________________________
5. ______________________ 10. __________________________

Key Points

 Hazard – is any agent that can cause harm or damage to human, property, or the environment, risk is defined as the
probability that exposure to a hazard will lead to a negative consequence, or more simply, a hazard poses no risk if
there is no exposure to hazard.

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets.)
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

1. _______________ - hazards include sunburn, heat stroke, dehydration and hypothermia.

2. _______________ - drowning can occur in as little as five centimeters of water. Dams, lakes,
ponds, rivers, channels, tanks, drums and creeks are all hazards. Young children are
particularly at risk
3. _______________ - hazards include tractors without roll-over protection structures (ROPS),
power take-off (PTO) shafts, chainsaws, augers, motorbikes and machinery with unguarded
moving parts
4. _______________ - such as silos, water tanks, milk vats and manure pits may contain unsafe
atmosphere, which can cause poisoning or suffocation.
5. _______________ - crashes or fall from motorbikes, two-wheel and quad bikes tractor, utes
and horses can results in major injuries
6. _______________ - falls from ladders, rooftops, silos and windmills are a major cause of injury
7. _______________ - pesticides and herbicides can cause injuries such as burns, respiratory
illness or poisoning
8. _______________ - dangers include faulty switches, cords, machinery or overhead power
9. _______________ - injuries inflicted by animals can include bites, kicks, crushing, ramming,
trampling, and transmission of certain infectious diseases such as giardia, salmonella,
ringworm and leptospirosis.
10. _______________ - noise from livestock, machinery and guns can affect your hearing

3|P a g e
TLE 6 CG page

This LR is produced and distributed locally without profit and will be used for
educational purposes only. No malicious infringement is intended by the writer.
Credits and respect to the original creator / owner of the materials found in this
learning resource.

Written by:

Eric R. Benito
Teacher I
Ayala Central School Sped Center

4|P a g e
Learner’s Activity and Assessment Sheets

SAQ 1: How important is it to know the common hazard in animal raising?

SAQ 2: How can we reduce the risk of farm injuries and illness at your farm?

Let’s Practice!

Direction: List down common hazard from farm.

1. ______________________ 6. __________________________
2. ______________________ 7. __________________________
3. ______________________ 8. __________________________
4. ______________________ 9. __________________________
5. ______________________ 10. __________________________

Let’s see how much have you learned today!
Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer.

1. _______________ - hazards include sunburn, heat stroke, dehydration and hypothermia.

2. _______________ - drowning can occur in as little as five centimeters of water. Dams, lakes,
ponds, rivers, channels, tanks, drums and creeks are all hazards. Young children are particularly at
3. _______________ - hazards include tractors without roll-over protection structures (ROPS), power
take-off (PTO) shafts, chainsaws, augers, motorbikes and machinery with unguarded moving parts
4. _______________ - such as silos, water tanks, milk vats and manure pits may contain unsafe
atmosphere, which can cause poisoning or suffocation.
5. _______________ - crashes or fall from motorbikes, two-wheel and quad bikes tractor, utes and
horses can results in major injuries
6. _______________ - falls from ladders, rooftops, silos and windmills are a major cause of injury
7. _______________ - pesticides and herbicides can cause injuries such as burns, respiratory illness
or poisoning
8. _______________ - dangers include faulty switches, cords, machinery or overhead power lines
9. _______________ - injuries inflicted by animals can include bites, kicks, crushing, ramming,
trampling, and transmission of certain infectious diseases such as giardia, salmonella, ringworm and
10._______________ - noise from livestock, machinery and guns can affect your hearing

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Learning Competency:

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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City



Learning Area: _____________TLE__________________ Grade Level: ____6____

Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Quarter: _____________1____________________________________________________
Week: _______________7____________________________________________________
Learning Competency: __ Possible hazards that animal raising can cause to the people and community.____


1. Read carefullythe learning resource (LR) page by page to evaluate the LR for compliance to standards
indicated in the criterion items under each factor below.
2. Put a check mark (/) in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your answer is NO, cite
specific page/s, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your recommendations in the attached
Summary of Findings form.
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.

Standards /Criterion Items Yes No

Factor I. Intellectual Property Rights Compliance
1. The learning resource has no copyright violations. /
2. The copyrighted texts and visuals used in the LR are /
3. The copyrighted materials used in the LR are accurately /
4. The references are properly cited in the Reference/s box /
using the DepEd LR Referencing Guide.
Note: At least 3 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor II. Learning Competencies

1. Content is consistent with the targeted DepEd Most /
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) intended for
the learning area and grade level.
2. The MELC is subtasked into learning objectives based /
on the Compressed Curriculum Guide Syllabus (CCGS)
of a specific learning area.

Note: These 2 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not

indicate compliance to this factor. Complied
Factor III. Instructional Design and Organization
1. The LR contributes to the achievement of specific /
objectives of the learning area and grade level for which
it is intended.
2. Sequencing of contents and activities from /

7|P a g e
lesson facilitates achievement of objectives.
3. Content is suitable to the target learner’s level of /
development, needs, and experience.
4. Content reinforces, enriches, and / or leads to the /
mastery of the targeted learning competencies intended
for the learning area and grade level.
5. The LR develops higher cognitive skills (e.g., critical /
thinking skills, creativity, learning by doing, problem
solving) and 21st century skills.
6. The LR enhances the development of desirable values /
and traits such as: (Mark the appropriate box with an
“X” applicable for values and traits only)

Note: At least 5 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not

indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor IV. Instructional Quality

1. Content and information are accurate. /
2. Content and information are up-to-date. /
3. The LR is free from any social content violations. /
4. The LR is free from factual errors. /
5. The LR is free from computational errors (if applicable) /
6. The LR is free from grammatical errors. /
7. The LR is free from typographical errors. /
Note: At least 6 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
indicate compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor V. Assessment
1. The LR provides useful measures and information that /
help the teacher evaluate learner’s progress in mastering
the target competencies.
2. Assessment aligns with the learning competency/ies. /

3. Assessment provides clear instructions in the TRY /

4. Assessment provides correct answer/s.
Note:All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor. Complied

Factor VI. Readability

1. Vocabulary level is adapted to target users’ experience /
and understanding.
2. Length of sentences is suited to the comprehension level /
of the target user.
3. Sentences and paragraph structures are varied and /
appropriate to the target user.
4. Lessons, instructions, exercises, questions, and activities /
are clear to the target user.
5. The LR provides appropriate mother tongue for the /
target user.

8|P a g e
Note: At least 4 criterion items must be marked YES to Complied Not
indicate compliance to this factor Complied


Factor I. Physical Attributes
1. All necessary elements are complete. /
2. Cover elements are correct and complete. (i.e., w/ grade /
indicator & learning area, CapsLET title, quarter,
headings, division tagline)
3. The CapsLET follows the prescribed learning area color. /
4. The LR observes correct pagination. /
5. Contains accurate learning competency and code. /
Note:All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor Complied

Factor II. Layout and Design

1. The LR follows the prescribed CapsLET template. /
(maximum of 10 pages and minimum of 3 pages)
2. The LR follows the prescribed CapsLETpaper size /
(long bond paper - 21.59cm x 33.02cm).
Note:All items be marked YES to indicate compliance to this Complied Not
factor. Complied

Factor III. Typographical Organization

1. The LR uses appropriate font size (12 or 14) and styles /
(Calibri Body, Arial or Times New Roman).
2. The LR follows the rules in the use of boldface and /
Note: All criterion items must be YESto indicate compliance Complied Not
to this factor. Complied
Factor IV. Visuals
1. It contains visuals that illustrate and clarify the concept. /
2. It has images that are easily recognizable. /
3. Layout is appropriate to the child. /
4. Text and visuals are properly placed. /
Note:All criterion items must be marked YES to indicate Complied Not
compliance to this factor. Complied

Recommendation: (Please put a check mark (/) in the appropriate box.)

based on the recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes
must be implemented.

his material is non-compliant to the requirements in one or more factors. Revision based on
the recommendations included in the Summary of Content Findings form and LR with marginal notes must be

I certify that this evaluation report and the recommendation(s) in the summary report are my own and have been
made without any undue influence from others.
Name/s Signature/s

Evaluator/s: NEIL P. ENRIQUEZ ________________________

9|P a g e
HOMER B. AGUSTIN ________________________

ERIC R. BENITO ________________________

Date accomplished: ___________________________

This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in ADM
Layout Evaluation and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating
Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.

Summary of Content Findings, Corrections and Review for Locally Developed


Title of the CapSLET: ____________________ Grade Level: ______

Part of the Brief Specific Put a check mark
CapSLET/ description recommendatio
Paragraph of Errors/ ns for
/ Line / Findings/ improving the
Page Observatio identified Not
number (in ns criterion Implement
chronologic ed
al order)

Legend: (Type of Error)C - Content, L – Language, DL – Design and Layout

Other Findings: Write additional comments and recommendations not captured

in the evaluation tools used.
10|P a g e
Prepared by: Date accomplished:
_________________________ _____________________
(Signature Over Printed Name)

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