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PROJ CON RWP DHA! PHASE-IV NLC BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) INFRASTRUCTURE (UNDERGROUND) ELECTRICAL WORKS {SECTOR -C) tem Description Unit aty Amount [Nate Al lems shal be caried out accordance with to] lpecifeation and drawing and to the satisfaction of the] [Engineer [SECTION A: HT & LT OUTDOOR PAD MOUNTED EQUIPMENT ee ‘Suppiy, metalation, testing and commissioning ol lotowing 11 KV HT, 4 way & 3 way pad mountod swrtches fang Mai Unt) as per WAPDA Speciicavon No. ODS, l46 Q0/NSi C37 71-1984 amended to-date and Techical ISpecticatons in Section 4” T1KV pad mount Sway & 4 |way svtches” and prvsion of foundation according to] Drawings provided by manufacture mal respect and to tne approveat of te Engmnoor way Type Pad Mounted Switch (Ring Main Unit) Each 2.00 Preparation of foundation Tor Tolowing Pad Mounted Jswiches (RMU) conforming to requiements, Techrical ISpociicatons, Standards, Drawings ete; complete in al respects and to the approval of the Enginge. Each 200 Preparation of foyndation for folowing Pad Mounted Jestrouton. anstormere conforming. o. requrement, Hechrica! Spocitcatons. Standards, Drawings el lcomplote in at respects and to tho approval of tho] lengnser al lss0 Kwa Each 400 b l2o0 Kwa Each 2900 soo Kva_ 400 [Suppiy, metalation, —Tesing and _conmasionng of lotowng outdoor type Pad Mounted astnbution) lwansformers (Kiosks) and requiced number of HT. lawiches. HRC fuses ote, for H.T. Cable connections and} IMcCe of requied raigs, conforming to relevant lwaPow IEC, Technical Speciicaions! Standards on tel lateaay prepared foundation, as por tam 2.00 above leompiete in all respocts and to the approval of the] FEngioor [eso xva Each 400 0 KvA Each 20.00 hoo Kva Each “400 Preparation of foundation for 3Phase LT Ostibuton lbores (Service Box Feeder Pilar), foundation lonforming to. requirements, Toctnical Speciicatons, Standards, Drawings, etc. complete i all respects and to ne approval of he Engineer Each Supply. nsialanon sting aid Comnvasioning of Phase LT eistution boxes (serie box / feeder pilar) for lpowsing of olectic connections to the residential Jconsumers. The LT distribution bows are to be insatd Jon the aiteady prepared foundation as per item 5 00 lavove complete mall respects and 0 the approval ofthe [Engineer 4. way service box feeder Pilar comprising of- Each [way sence box’ feeder par comprising of Each [2 wiay sence box! feeder pillar comprising of PROJ CON RWP DHAI PHASE-IV NLC BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) INFRASTRUCTURE (UNDERGROUND) ELECTRICAL WORKS (SECTOR -c) tem # System for HT 3.Wvay.4.Way Stches (Ring hae Uni, Pad Mouried Dist-buton transformers and LT Dstibuton| Boxes, nluding earth electrode set, with MS GaWvanize) learn roa 8" cia x 10 long incl grouns conduct |iomm 2g stranded G. wre) and clamps etc to acheve| the species earting results up to 5 Ohms as required fr completion of the tem as por requromente, specications completo in al rospects and to the approval of trl lEngeeer Unit ay 70.00 Rate ‘Amount Providing and fing of earth connecting. point, wit [s00%mm SOrm x 20mm copper bar wih terminals, insur suppers, ups, ats, ete ach 140.00 Total Carried to Electric Works Summary PROJ CON RWP DHAI PHASE-IV NLC L OF QUANTITIES (BOt INFRASTRUCTURE (UNDERGROUND) ELECTRICAL WORKS {SECTOR c) item # tem Description Unit ay Rate Amount SECTION B: HT & LT CABLE SYSTEM 7 |Bxcavaton of every type of tench in any type of sol Inn the projec area fer lying of HT & LT cables, as per mas lamensions given on the arawings, complele in all" ae Iespecs ae fo the approval ofthe Engineer %—|Baceting of any ipo ofwonen aieady excavaid as pal lam 1.00 ator laying various cables (HT & LT} nex sana, preocive bnoks and excavated earth compacted to (95% mosis AASHTO dons i layers of not excoesna 15" thickness. sie clearing et.8s per cravings. complete in allospocts and tothe approval of the Engineer 1a)|Sand tied and Cover on 200000, bf bncks (Protection Cover 3k 3 79490 00, [covets earth back ing and compaction ct 5.75800 3 |Suopiy ana instalation of HT & LT cable markars as pr lspciteaons, cravings comploto in all expects and to] Each 1400 Ine eporoval le Enginoer 3 [Supp laying, connecting, Tesing and commissioning folowng 8750. / 15000" Vol grade HT| XLPEPUCISWAVPUC armored aluminum conduct! [abies tom Pad Mouniad 4-vay switch (Ring Main Un fo Transormers. buried in ground in aeady excavated Irenches or twough the RC andlor uPVC pipe (akeacy jest at oad crossings) including cable bang test [abies and provson of warning tape as per raqaement, [Specticatons and stendards. provided in tho avon lazauings. compote in all espects and fo the approval Ino Engineer 120 Sa. nim XLPEPUCSWAPVG armored auminan aaleanductor 3 coe able — |Supei. yrs. conecing, esing and eonmesiang o foiowng ‘6001000 vols’ grade LT PYCISWAPvC| mare aluminum conductor codbES rom pad mounted) frenstormer to service box (Geder plan) ad deecty aready excavated wrenches or twough the RCC. andy luPvc ‘pipe (aready instaied at road crossings) and loovsion of warning tape 98 per requirement, [Spectcatons and standards provided. in the given larawings. complete in all expects and tothe approval {ne Ena, ” 4700.00 a}120 sq mm 4.cow PvcISWapve Cable 7 5790.00 7 |Suppy larg, eannecing, esting and commissioning of own 6001000 vots grade LT PVCISWWAVPVC copper [conductor cabo from sevico box (Feeder pil tothe Jressontal consumer. including suply and instalation of lat fang and termination maton, brace cable glance. lees, gs, tes, accessories et, nthe folewing 26s: 16 $9. mm 4.Core PVEISWAPVG Cobia m 640.00 PROJ CON RWP DHAI PHASE-IV NLC BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) INFRASTRUCTURE (UNDERGROUND) ELECTRICAL WORKS {SECTOR -C) Hom # tem Description Unit ay Rate Amount 110 Sq. mm 4-Core PVOISWAPVC Cable ™ vs1000 3 |[Supely. eying. connecting, testing and commissioning [PVC "sngle core coppes wie, as. exeut protective] [conductor (CPC), run along with the cable, incing al loiting and trminaton accossorae, cable gs, ferrules | ete ne towing ses 70 Sq_mm 1 cor pve m 575000 ‘3 [Supply instalation. earthing, testng and commasionnal lot folowing HT heat sivikable.terminalon “bis [Rayenem /:M / Col pack for cabies laid under work itm} 14.00 6.5.00 incuting cable glands, fries, lugs. tes and} Iniscelancous materials and instalation a8 pe Jrequrements, standards, specifcaions, complete in al respects and io tne approval of he Engineer [20 Samm XLPEIPVCISWATPVC armered aluminum] Eycn mi i) eonauctr 3-core cable i 120 Sqm XLPEIPVCISWAIPYC armored alunioum| —Eycn 1085 (2 eonauetr 3-05 cable 70 |Supply. instalation, Tesing and commissioning _o towing LT. oat sivinkable termination Wis or Rayeher| |" SwCoipsct for cables fad under work ior” 6.00] Including cable glands fecules and miscallaneous] mater and instalation as por requirements, standards, [specticavons comploe i al respects and fo the approval Jot me Engineer 1120 Sgn LT Core PVOISWAPVE Cable Each 7200 Ti Prowsion of Forzortal ust boring at road Osea] Including UPVC 0 pipe, back filing and compaction forT| a6 a 2 |Culting of exsting road and making it good as per orginal lpeciicaton and. isttucton of Engineer Incharge) Mir 9.00 complow in at respons en 13 ]Suppiy and istatation of buried RO pipe, wncaial jexcavaton sand bedding back fling ete, complete io respect and as per Specification and Orawings and to te} approval ofthe Enginer_in he olowng ses. |EVGIRCC Pipe 4a) 180 mm (6) da RCC Pipe ™ 225.00 oleiametors for aucts: Providing laying and Joining of Upve pipe of folowing «| samoters for ts 7S |yeve Pipe = «4190 mm (07 dia UPVC Pipe m 31000 1100 mm (4) da wPVC Pipe m 7296.00 5 mm (3) a UPVC Pipe ™ 204.00 17 "Suppiylayng, connecting testing and commissioning PVC insulated single core copper concuctr cable as lereut protnetve conductor (CPC), run along wih'the| Jobs cable, including al joining and termination accessories, lable wos, fries, ot [50 a.m 1 coro FC. = ase200 Total Cartied to Electrical Works Summary ‘tom PROJ CON RWP DHAl PHASE-IV NLC BILL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) INFRASTRUCTURE (UNDERGROUND) ELECTRICAL WORKS {SECTOR -©) (SECTION! Unit ay Amount [Supp and instalation of hot-dipped gawanized conea [and octagonal steel poles (pole galvanized in 8 out as per [8S729, and wins speed 160 km 1 hou. pole complete Jit dep drawn base plate, se lacking inspection door jth special Key ony. back anchor bots, galvanized ruts Jgatanzos washers, brackets. camps, earth lg insic| Inspecton door compartment and pole iner compartment Jsutable to hol! cable connection box(es mentored i [200 ters no. 400) inclucing all aconssores ete. as per] standards, specications, drawings, completa’ in all respects and to the approval of the Engieer, tho] towing sizes [Giaging Fae w ortnary sal prown and wracion in postin] land siting in 150mm tick CC type O 1:¢8 foundation) land Bom thick CC typo 1:48 muter al round fr and} ste! utuiar gavansed pole Y2meters ong complet wih) ase pate as spo. (exlisive costo foundation) [Sapna hoe i erdinary sal prown and wracion poston) land ting in 180mm tek CC type O 1:48 foundation] land Bom thick CC type D 1:48 muter all round fr and} ste! tubular galvansee pole 9 meters long complet wi] ase pate as spa. (exclusive costo foundation) Each 190.00 Hype "A" 17 meter hgh Hotaipped gavenzed, conical land octogonal Stee! pole with double arm, having 15] Imotor sim projection (exclusive cst of foundation) Each [Suppy, staat and connecting up of street ight tar} [protection class IP 68) for mounting on above poles, wth) [pure anacized aluminum rofectors, SMD SMO LED Light [conto gear and fate sutabe for ambient tomperatse +] [35°C (cont gear compariment) nthe folowing sizes Each [Cucoif pics sires ght are [60 watt suo L=D ach 90.00 20 watt SMD LED Each 30.00 [Supply lalaion and coanactng up of Towing cable [connacien box (protection cass IP 44) comprising wi [Amp single polo mature creut breaker (CB), 400] \vat hgh votape resistance copak terminal / connect [SOGEXI Paul Jardan make) 3s fellows [Cable connection box with wo numbers TOARP sil pole MCB for double arm poe. | [Cable connection box wih one number TORR Sng pl iC tor double arm pot 225.00 [Supp instalaton, complete connections. Test] commission of folomng ‘Street Lght Conte! Panel [SLCP) at per single tne power serematc incuding) lprovsion of RCC base foundation, compete in ail respects as per speciicabon, drawing and io the aperoval atthe Engineer, 2 flows ai [Steet ight contol panel (SLCP) Type 4 Each 1300 » [Steet ght contol panel (SLCP) Type 2 Each 9.00 PROJ CON RWP DHAI PHASE-V NLC LL OF QUANTITIES (BOQ) INFRASTRUCTURE (UNDERGROUND) ELECTRICAL WORKS SECTOR -C) tom # Wom Description Unit aly 7 [Sopp wwtalaton_and_conecing up of mulrcor] lsoa'000' vor grade PVC / SA / PVC armoured] Jauminum conductor street ight cabo lai actly in the] laveady excavated vench as per tem no. 18.00 or akoad) laid RCC pipe rom nearest pad mounted transformer to) |vect ight conto! pane, including supply and instalation) lta fang an dotominaion mater, brass cable glands, ecuos, ups ts, accessories. et. n the foowng sizes. fs sqm « core PVCISWAIPVC ™ 177.00 7 |Suppy, vataation and connecting up_of tul-core Jeonri000 ‘vot grade Pvc / SWA PVC armoured) Jawnioum conductor for street tight ereut wring le [sect n the already excavated trench as per tem 10, 18.00 or aready tad RCC pipe form stat ight t conto panel to sect ight foture, inciting supply and instalation of al xing and termination material, brass] cable glands, ferrules, ug, Hes, accessories, et, inthe] towing ses. ay|18 Samm 4-core PvCISWAPVE m 6,864.00 70] Supply ying, connecting, lestng and commasioning of JPVE insulated single core copper concuctor cable, 2] lereut protective ‘conductor (CPC), run along withthe] labia, Inciuding all jointing and termination accessories, eable ups, fenuias oc. [0 Sa. 1 ore PVE m 7,280.00 Ti | Supply, staiation, tesling and conmiasionng of Sor] [25 mm sq PYCIPVG copper Conductor Cable between| pole base cable connection bex and light fodure geat [compartment inside the street ight pole, compete in a leepocis as por design specications and approval ofthe} [Engineer m 680.00 2 [Providing and Toying concrole 11 VS Foundation (class 6) fr sweet ght poe, all as per drawing and a] lnsiructed by Engineer. inucing reorcement an thing} lot toundation base plates, foundation bot etc. compel in lat ospect Each 22800 73 [Excavation and back fing of every ype of Wench ar] Iype of so witin the project for tying of street ght U7} [tbe ncudng sand cushion and warning tape ee oun a2000 % 4] 100 mm (4) a wove pipe m 2000 ‘Total Carried to Electrical Works Summary Section A Section B Section C GTotal

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