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LINDA: We’re back for more, more of Time Traveling.

I really hope you enjoyed that last experience and, of

course, Adamus has more.

So, let’s take some good, deep breaths, as we get

ready for this next experience. That breath of life.

Take the good deep breath, that breath with

Presence. Feel it. Feel it.

Take the good deep breath, opening to the highest

potentials, feeling Adamus. He’s here, as always,

with every breath. Let yourself just feel into this. Be

with it.

Take that good deep breath. Take that good deep breath.

Breathe for you. ADAMUS: I Am that I Am, Adamus of St. Germain.

Did you notice in our last session where we did

this kind of whirlwind of past lives, did you happen

to notice that feelings actually are bigger than

thoughts? You know, I’ve said to you that it’s not

about going in and remembering dates and names.

The mind likes that, but it’s actually the feelings that

contain so much more. You’re left with something

afterwards. You’re probably still feeling into it for

hours afterwards. When it’s just thoughts and details,

it goes away right away, but it’s really the feelings

that count.

Did you also feel that, with what we were just doing,

it’s kind of waking up that whole soul circle of past

lives? They can feel that something is going on.

They’ve been going through a lot of their stories –

now with you coming into Realization, they’ve been

going through things – but now they feel something

within themselves that they didn’t feel before within

the whole group of past lives. You’re at the center of

the circle. You’re that flame, that light for each and

every one of them. They’re feeling it; you’re feeling it.

Details are not so important. It’ll come to you later.

Now, in our last session, we went into past lives,

and you notice that everything now we’re doing is

associated with you. We’re not just not going into a

random date at some point in time. Each and every one of these involve you. You were there. It’s easier

that way. It’s easier to really get the feel. But you can

also do this with picking a certain date in time in the

past or the future and feel into it. But for the sake of

what we’re doing here in Time Traveling, we’re going

to stay with your involvement in these things. You get

a better feeling of how to feel.

Moments of This Lifetime

Now, in this session, we’re going to be going to

this lifetime. We’re going to be going on kind of a

whirlwind tour of different moments in this lifetime.

So, once again, I ask you to get relaxed. Get a sip

of water before we start. Let’s take a few more good

deep breath together, as we begin the experience

in this lifetime. And, once again, let yourself feel.

Let yourself shine that light. You don’t have to

do anything else. As a matter of fact, you don’t

want to be doing anything else, other than letting

your consciousness radiate. You don’t want to get

entangled with all these experiences. You also want

to honor them for what they went through, and

when you try to change it, you’re not honoring.

You’re inflicting yourselves on them. So just shine

your light, and that’s a good thing to do, whether

you’re going into past or future lifetimes or at any

moment in this lifetime. So, let’s get into the experience now, this lifetime,

different events, different feelings.

Take a good deep breath.

This lifetime, you probably know it pretty well, pretty

familiar with it. This lifetime.

Let’s start, as we always do, with being in Presence.

(music begins)

You know, you may have felt in our last session that

you kind of went out there. But you did – not out of

your body or out of your Presence; you just expanded

your Presence – and that’s why you may have felt a

little drifty afterwards, because you’re really opening

up and expanding beyond your normal human

awareness. Now, you’re letting yourself enter the

other realms, but from your Presence.

Let’s take a deep breath and just feel into this

whole lifetime, up until right now. This whole

beautiful lifetime.


No details, just feel into you, the center of the circle,

your soul’s designated ascendee. It’s quite a story,

isn’t it? Quite a story. It’s got its twists and turns, its

drama, its lows and its highs.

(pause) Sometimes feeling that you’re out there alone on this

voyage, this journey to your soul, out there all alone

without any tools. But funny how every tool you

needed just happened to be there at the right time.

Maybe not the time your human wanted it, but at the

right time.

Let’s now, from being in Presence, let’s call upon that

moment of your birth in this lifetime. That moment of

your birth. Let it come to you.


Your birth in this lifetime. Feel into it.


There’s the physical part where you’re literally being

birthed – coming out of the womb of your mother,

taking that first breath – and then all the feelings

around it. And that’s what I really want you to do is

feel into the feelings. The literal physical birth is not

that big of a deal, but feel into all the feelings that

this newborn child – you – are having. And there

were many.


Oh, even a baby child can have feelings. Its mind

isn’t developed yet, but it can certainly have

feelings. And it’s not just a baby child, it’s you

coming into this lifetime. (pause)

As you’re feeling into it, remember shine your light

on your own birth.

For the vast majority of you, you came into this

lifetime with very high aspirations, big goals. There’s

part of you that knew that this was the lifetime. Part

of you that knew that it wasn’t just the lifetime; it

was the lifetime during the Time of the Machines,

during the whole change of human consciousness,

the beginning of a new human species, the beginning

of real technology on the planet. And as much as

there may have been excitement about it, there was

also that anxiety, that wondering.

Let your light shine upon this newborn baby, yourself.


Most of you came into a family that you had been

with before. Souled beings, human beings that

you’ve had other lifetimes with. Why? Because it

was convenient. It was a way in. It was familiar, and

part of you knew that you would be leaving them

at a certain point. But right now, it was comfortable

and convenient.

There’s been times you might have cursed this

selection of yours, but it worked. Let your light shine,

as you feel into all the hopes and the desires and the

aspirations of yourself now being born. (pause)

I chose this point of birth specifically because your

human mind may not have remembered your actual

birth. It probably doesn’t, but it’s there. It’s there in

the Akasha.

It’s very different than most of your other births in

other lifetimes. This one had a very specific mission.

This one was intentional.

You didn’t just get sucked back into the planet for
another lifetime. In this lifetime, you knew that there

was going to be a lot of things to do, a lot of things to

overcome. But there was a high level of confidence,

“I can do it. I know I can do it.”

You’d prepared for it. See, oftentimes, somebody has

a lifetime, they die in that lifetime and they go into

the Near Earth realms; or sometimes beyond into

the Crystalline Realms, but so often now just into

the Near Earth realms. It’s nonphysical, but it’s very

similar to Earth. And there’s really no contemplation

of their next lifetime. They’re simply in the Near

Earth realms continuing almost like they had been

doing in their lifetime previous.

There are some who go to this place we call the

Monatry, and this is where you get away from

mass consciousness. This is where you work with

very high angelic beings in helping to shape your

next lifetime. This is where you go to release a lot of the junk from

the previous lifetimes.

This is where you go to imagine what this lifetime

could be. Not every little detail along the way, but

your evolutions along the way, your enlightenments

along the way.

Many of you actually went through the Monatry

before coming back in. Some, yes, you popped right

back in. You got sucked in by karma or excitement or

both. But you knew at that moment of birth that now

you’re here again.

It was both exciting and frightening. There was a

sense of confidence – not in the little baby, but in

your spirit, a sense of confidence, “I can do this” –

but also, a sense of fear, wondering if you really

could. Wondering all along if you would remember

– at some level, maybe not consciously, but at some

level if you would remember – what this lifetime was

all about, the lifetime.

And then in those moments right after birth,

right with all this wondering and excitement and

trepidation, suddenly a light appeared. A reassuring

light. And that’s you from right now, shining your

light saying, “We’ve got a lot ahead of us, many,

many years. A lot of hills and valleys, a lot of

rainbows and a lot of storms, but we’re going to

make it. We’re going to make it.” Along the way, some who have been part of our

Mystery Schools, some who have been with us in

the Temples of Tien, you know in those first days or

weeks right after birth, they left. They didn’t make it

more than a few days or weeks. It was too much, and

they felt it. They felt maybe they weren’t ready. It

was too much.

But you – you felt the light. It’s the light that you’re

radiating right now, a light that said, “Even if you get

off the path, even if you forget, even if you feel like

you’re going backwards, I’m going to be there” – this

light – “I’m going to be there to remind you. And

it might be during some really tough times, but I’ll

remind you and I’ll let you know from the future that

it all works out.”

So, take a deep breath and let your light shine onto

yourself at this time of birth into this lifetime. At this

time when there might have been a feeling, “Maybe

I’ll just back out now. Maybe I’ll wait for a decade,

a couple decades; I’ll wait to come back in,” but this

light was shining upon you.

And then when you finally opened your eyes, your

mother looked down at you and said, “This baby

is special.”

In a way, it even frightened her. She saw the light

coming all the way from the future, from right now,

all the way through the birth, through the baby, and

through its eyes. She saw that light. Others have seen it along the way too in your

lifetime. Others have seen something very, very

special in your eyes, that light that shines from you.

Let’s take a good deep breath. Not telling that

newborn baby what it’s going to have to do or what

the journey is going to look like, but simply shining

the light.


And just that baby knowing that it works out, that

gives it the confidence, the energy and the wisdom to

endure what it’s been through in this lifetime, some

of the toughest things a human will ever go through.

That very light that you’re shining right now.

Let’s take a deep breath with that.


Let’s now be in Presence, be in Presence and call

forth a time in your younger life – maybe you were

five, eight, ten, twelve years old, somewhere in your

early life – a big trauma. A big trauma. Let that come

to you.

It could have been an illness that brought you

almost to death. It could have been a lot of family

dysfunction. It could have been a death of a loved

one at that early age.

(pause) It could have been when you stopped feeling and

seeing the angelic friends that you had, that nobody

else saw, but it was suddenly time for them to leave.

But let it come to you, whatever the trauma was.

Don’t try to force it. Let it come to you.

Childhood trauma.


Take a deep breath and feel into this.


You know, sometimes when you feel like crying? You

feel like crying but you don’t know why, you just feel

like crying? What you’re picking up on is this trauma,

this childhood trauma. It’s been crying and crying and

crying ever since.

It might have been physically hurt, but most likely

emotionally truly hurt.

Right now, it continues its story in the other realms.

It continues crying.

You see, just because linear time moves on, doesn’t

mean the story ends. Sometimes it goes on and on

and on in the other realms. So right now, it needs

your light, for you to shine it.

Consciously there with it, with this young child. Not

trying to counsel it, not trying to appease it, but simply

shining your light. That’s all it needs. All it needs. (pause)

This traumatized young self is lonely and frightened.



It doesn’t trust adults, for the large part. It doesn’t

really trust them and doesn’t know what to trust.

It’s been put through hell, not knowing where to turn.

And then suddenly, suddenly this bright light appears.

In the midst of all the tears and the sadness, this

bright light appears, and some will even perceive it as

an angelic being standing there in all its glory and its

goodness and its compassion.


No words need to be said. It’s just the light says everything.


No words being said, but what happens with this young

traumatized self, it hears what it needs to hear. Not

because you’re saying anything, it just needs to hear

what it needs to hear, and it could be thinking it’s

hearing, “I love you so much.”

It could just need to hear, “It all works out. It all

works out.”

(pause) For so many of you, it simply needs to hear. “I see

you. I see you. You are acknowledged. I see you. I

know who you are and what you are.”

You see, the beauty of just the light is you don’t

have to limit it with words. The minute you start

speaking words, it limits it. But when you’re just the

light, that young traumatized child can hear what it

needs to hear.

“I love you. I acknowledge you. It all works out.”

It’s not you saying the words, but it’s what that child

wants to hear. That’s what happens when you just

shine your light, and then the child can start to see

the bigger picture. It starts to feel confident that

everything does work out in the future. It starts to

feel that it’s not alone. Oh, as lonely as it’s felt, it’s

not alone, that there’s an angelic being there guiding

it, loving it.


That’s the value of shining light.

Whatever it is – a wounded child, the angry or hurt

past life – it’ll hear what it wants to hear, what it

needs to hear in that moment. You don’t have to say

a word. You just shine that light, “I Am that I Am.”

And what happens now with this young traumatized

child is it realizes it can release that crying that’s

been going on in the other realms for a long time. It can let the crying go now. It’s not lonely. It’s not

unseen anymore.

The child can wipe its eyes, take a deep breath, and

realize that there’s so much ahead and not to be

distracted by this one traumatic incident. But there’s

so much ahead it literally changes the story, even to

the point where you may not feel that crying off in

the other realms, wondering what that is.

Let’s take a deep breath, shining light upon this

young part of yourself.


Now, again, from Presence, from the Presence right

here, let’s bring in a very recent event, this thing we

called Heaven’s Cross. It took place on March 22, 2023.

Let that come to you now, that day.


Many of you will remember it. But here in this

experience, I ask you to go deeper. Not just into the

events that happened on that day – what time you

woke up, if you happened to tune into our message,

what you did the rest of the day – but I ask you now

to let yourself feel into what else was going on in the

background, in the other realms; what else was going

on within you that you might not have been aware of

right away. Let that come to you now, March 22, 2023, the day

of Heaven’s Cross, and feel into it, as you shine

your light.


The light helps to open up, to bring an awareness to

not just what was happening to you as the human on

that day, but what was happening in the other realms

with you. And specifically, what was happening with

your soul circle of lifetimes on that day. Feel into it.


That day might have come and gone without any great,

big events, but yet there was something big happening.


Let yourself feel into it and let your light shine, not
just on your human experience on that day, but into

your multidimensional other-realm experiences. Into

your entire soul circle, whether it was past lives or

future lives. Letting your light shine onto them.

This day was a focal point, a turning point.


Let your light shine onto that human on that day

who might have been wondering, “Am I really ready

for this? Does anything really actually open up? Will

I experience more divinity?” Let your light shine on

that right now. (pause)

You see, just your conscious Presence here, your light

here, that will bring that divinity and the awareness

of it to the human.

So, that day of March 22nd was the day you visited

yourself from your Presence, from your divine

state. That kind of makes the prophecy come true,

just in that.


Opening yourself, accepting that light.


Once again, that’s all you need here is just to bring

your light. You’re the candle. You’re the one that

brings the light to every experience, every lifetime,

every defining moment such as this.

The light doesn’t try to change the dark. The candle

doesn’t try to force darkness out. Not at all. It

accepts the darkness. It doesn’t try to change the

darkness. It just allows itself to be there.

It doesn’t try to burn the darkness away. It doesn’t

take up battle with the darkness. It simply lets its

light shine.

That’s the same thing you’re doing here in Time

Traveling , just letting your light shine. You are

the candle. (pause)

By allowing yourself to shine your light on yourself

on that date, it completes the loop, the circle. It

brings the divinity in. It opens you up, access into

the other realms.

Let’s take a good deep breath, a good, deep breath

with that experience.

Let’s come into Presence right now, once again. Come

into Presence.

Take a couple good, deep breaths, a sip of water, if

you want.


Doing this type of thing – journeying, going into time

itself – this is a natural thing.

I know it feels a little unusual. When we start doing

it, the mind is racing away, wanting to know what it’s

supposed to see or hear. Eh, you learn that that’s not

that important. What’s important is the feeling, is the

consciousness, is the light that you bring, and, again,

it’s a very natural thing.

We’re doing some very specific experiences here in

Time Traveling, but what you’ll find yourself doing,

whether it’s in dream state or just even in your

waking state is you find yourself now letting all of you

come back to you. Every past lifetime, every experience. You start

letting them come to you just to be in the light. And,

in a way of speaking, they’ll line up just to be in that

light. This is where true integration occurs.

Like I said, I can’t do it. I can’t be the one in the

center of that circle. They’d laugh me out of there.

But when you’re there in Presence, when “I Am

Here” in Presence, they’ll line up, including you in

this lifetime.

Let’s take a deep breath and one more experience.

Take a good deep breath. Be in your Presence

right now.

We’re going to call in – in this lifetime – we’re going

to call in your Realization.

Now, it didn’t occur in an exact time and point of

time. It didn’t occur at an exact hour and minute and

second on a certain date. So, in a sense, we’re not

trying to find or bring in a specific time. But there

was a moment, a consciousness, kind of a tipping

point of Realization in this life.

Let that come to you now, as you breathe, as you feel.


Your coming to Realization in this lifetime, let that

come to you.

(pause) Now, this might seem a little blurry here, a little

blurry. And the reason is because, you see, it could

have already occurred before you knew it. It could

have already occurred a couple years ago. It’s kind of

this timeless thing where there really is not a past or

present. But your Realization, whether you realized it

or not, could have already occurred.

It could be at some point in the future when you

become realized, but it doesn’t have to stay in the

future, you see, and it doesn’t have to be a year

or five years from now. It can change to where it

occurred a year or two ago. Mentally confusing,

yes, but feel into it. This is metaphysics. Not logical

always, but it’s true metaphysics.

Feel into your Realization as a human on this planet

in this lifetime.

And then shine your light.


You might be saying, “Well, doesn’t my realized being

shine its light on me?” It’s like, no. You’re the one in

Presence. You’re the one right now. You’re the candle.

Let it shine on this coming to Realization

And then feel into it.


What is it you’re feeling here? You’re shining your light upon your own coming to

Realization; feel deeply into it.


Perhaps you’re realizing that you were really

always realized.

I’m not talking about mind games here. I’m talking

about consciousness. You were always realized. You

just weren’t ready to face it yet.

In a way, you could say, there was never a defining

moment of Realization in your lifetime. It wasn’t like

suddenly Realization swooped into your life. And for

those of you who think that it hasn’t occurred yet,

you’re just waiting and waiting and it’s somewhere

off in the future. But then it’s like that head smack

moment, “I was always realized. The light was always

there. I just didn’t allow myself to see it.”

Right now, I ask you to shine your light upon your

Realization. I ask you to face your Realization. In

other words, let it be here.


Now, this is truly a case of you meeting you in the

past and the future. Remember our little 12-minute

exercise we did earlier where you met yourself in the

future? But here now it’s you meeting you in a very

beautiful way. It’s timeless and it is in time at the

same time. And I’m not trying to be philosophical here, but it’s

you meeting you. You from the Presence right now.

You shining your light. You’ve been shining it onto

past lifetimes and this lifetime. You shining your light

onto you, and it’s simply a reflection of yourself.

You, meeting you on these pathways of time and


You, coming from the future where you are fully

ascended, where you’ve completed all your lifetimes

on the planet. That was the starting point.

It wasn’t the end point; it was the starting point.

And then you meeting yourself from the past, your

Lemurian lifetimes, your first lifetimes on the planet,

and they come together. They meet each other along

the way.

Consciousness meets consciousness. And suddenly

you realized the light was always there. The

Realization was always there and now you’re

conscious of it. They meet each other along the

pathways that lead from the past to the future, and

the pathways that lead from the future to the past.

You meet yourself in this moment. Light upon light.

Take a deep breath.

(long pause)

It’s you meeting yourself in these corridors of time. You realizing it’s all happening in the Presence, not

necessarily in the past or the future.

You realizing that you’re a timeless being living in a

timed reality.

It’s the And . It’s the And . You’re human and

you’re divine.

And in this sacred moment, meeting yourself along

the corridors, light on light, consciousness on


Take a deep breath, and let yourself feel this most

pure and sacred feeling.


And let yourself now integrate all that right here into

this human reality. Let yourself bring it in.

Bringing that light into your body, into your thoughts.

At the same time, bringing that light to every past

life, every future life, every experience that you’ve

ever had or will have as a human on this planet.

Bringing that light now, holding that candle high

above your head into your soul circle, into all the

lifetimes right now, no matter when those lifetimes

occurred, what happened, or how they ended.

Shining that light to each and every one of your lifetimes.

(pause) And then watching now as they, one by one, as

they lift their hands each with a candle shining back

to you.

(longer pause)

Let yourself receive their light, as they are

receiving yours.


And now watch, feel, observe as their stories start

changing, as they all start integrating back into the

center, through you, to the soul.


You don’t need to force anything or rush them. This is

all very natural right now.


Let’s take a good deep breath.

This is time traveling. Time traveling with your light.

Time traveling into your Self, into the depths of your soul.

Time traveling, as the center point in the circle, in the

lifetimes of your soul.

This is the time traveling that really counts. It’s not

about going out there and trying to see what the

future is for the planet ten years from now. That’s

child’s play. It’s a distraction. This is what counts. This is Time Traveling:

Metaphysics of the Soul.

And I Am Adamus of St. Germain.

Thank you, and thanks to all of your past and

future times.

LINDA: And so it is.

Stay with that breath of life. Breathe with Presence,

allowing yourself to be with this experience. So

personal and so big for each of us.

Be with it. Breathe with it. Let your energies flow. Let

your energies flow.

Take the good deep breath, taking care of you. Taking

care of you.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible


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