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LINDA: We’re back. I hope you took good care of

yourself, and we’re ready for some more Time Traveling.

So, with that, let’s take the good deep breath, that

breath of life.

Let the energies flow with each breath, breathing

into you that deep, conscious breath. Deep,

conscious breath.

Take the good deep breath, opening up to Adamus

and what he has to share with us.

This very special experience is here. Breathe it in.

Breathe in Adamus. He’s here with every breath, always.

Take that good deep breath.

Breathe for you, as we begin, opening to all that you are. ADAMUS: I Am that I Am, Adamus of St.

A while back, our dear friend, Tobias, made a

statement, a beautiful statement, that kind of

touched many Shaumbra around the world. He said,

“The future is the past healed.”

That’s a profound statement. It means that once you

let go of the wounds and the old perception of the

past, once you let go of the judgment and the way of

looking at the past with a negative or a critical eye,

that frees you. And when you free yourself, it frees

the future. You free up potentials. See, normally,

you’re going on this linear track. Yesterday is going

to be like the day before it and tomorrow is going to

be like yesterday, and you just kind of keep going,

waiting for something to happen, waiting for some

divine intervention, waiting for some outside force to

change the habits and the patterns. But otherwise,

most people just keep on going along the same. Their

future is dictated by their past. Most people.

Tobias said that the future is the past healed, let

go. The past let out of its little painful box, its little

misery state of being. And it’s not done because of

counseling the past. It’s simply done by allowing the

past and then releasing it.

You see, when you release what is your past or your

future, what you’re really doing is bringing all those memories and all those wounds and stuck energy

and all that crap, and you’re bringing it right to the

altar of your soul. Then you’re saying, “All right, I’ve

had enough of perceiving my life like I have been. No

more. I give unto you, my soul. I give it to you. I’m

ready now to turn it over to wisdom.” And the soul

finally takes a deep breath and almost laughs and says

“Finally!” You see, because the soul won’t interfere.

If you want to have the perception that life is difficult

and you’re lacking in abundance and things are awful,

it’ll let you live that way. It’s not going to interfere,

because why? It has compassion. It’s the observer. It’s

going to let you go through the experience.

But when you come to the point of saying, “No more.

I’m going to take all this stuff that I can’t seem to

deal with and I’m just going to plop it right down at

the altar of the soul and give it to my soul now – give

it up – and let the soul now turn all of that crap into

wisdom,” then it does. Then it does.

So, it’s “The future is the past healed.” I have a little

bit different way of stating that, of course. I say that

“The future is the past illuminated.”

The future is the past illuminated. When your

light from your Presence right now is allowed to

shine upon the past and the future; when your

consciousness is given to radiance upon everything

that’s every happened to you, upon all those past

lives in your soul circle and this lifetime; when that light is allowed to shine, that changes not just the

future, but the past. So actually, more accurately

you could say the past and the future are changed

by the illumination.

The future is the past illuminated. The past is the

future illuminated. It’s all about illumination, about

letting the light shine. It’s really that simple, that

easy. And if you think to yourself, “Well, I’m not really

sure how to shine my light,” it’s already shining. It’s

already shining. All of your consciousness, everything

about you is already radiating. You don’t have to

flip a switch. You don’t have to force anything. You

don’t have to hold your breath or do ceremonies. It’s

already shining. You already know. Now let yourself

realize, “I am allowing my light to shine upon every

part of myself, upon my past, my future, right now.”

That changes everything. I mean, everything. It

allows the stories to rewrite themselves. It allows you

to go from reincarnation to reinvention. It happens at

serious quantum physics levels, metaphysical levels,

to where indeed the past changes, and it affects

everything. Everything.

You know, one would argue that, well, “If you change

the past, doesn’t it actually change everything?”

Well, yeah, duh! (Adamus chuckles) Now, if you

start thinking about the whole world, that’s another

thing. We’ll talk about that at some point. But right

now, just the work you’re doing right here in this

very simple little Cloud Class of yours is changing all of that. Yes, the book is being rewritten, and it

might even get a new title. It will stay with the same

leading character – you.

Could you imagine now – some of you are pretty

good writers – writing a science fiction/New Thought/

spiritual book? You know, you’ve all read some really

good books that changed your life. Imagine writing

one now about you in your Presence right now letting

your light shine, and then all these stories, all these

past lives all start changing. And then coming to the

big climax at the end of the book, how suddenly you

find yourself in your sovereignty, in your ascended

status, and suddenly you’re there. Everything is

integrated. There are no past lives or future lives.

None of that. You are just there in total beingness

bathing in your own wisdom, and you say, “Oh,

this is actually not the last chapter of the book. It

was the first chapter, and the last chapter. I Am

Here. Everything now has been brought to light and

wisdom.” What a great book. What a great movie.

Twelve Minutes into the Future

So, with that, I’d like to start in with our first regular
time traveling experience. I call this the “Twelve

Minutes into the Future” experience. We’re going to

go 12 minutes into the future. We start by taking a

deep breath right now in Presence. Right now, in Presence.

Take a deep breath. Feel yourself. You’re here. It’s

okay to be here.

You know, you say, “Oh, but my body hurts” or “I’m

tired.” Yep. Be aware of that. But also, be aware in

what you might not have otherwise realized was

that right here also is your light body, you could

say, from the future, but it’s right here. Also, is the

resolution to all these stuck energies that have been

holding you back and all the persistent, annoying

questions that come into the mind and all the self

doubt. But beyond that is that true Self that’s not

carrying those burdens.

So, yeah, be present so you can feel not only if you’re

tired or aggravated or whatever it happens to be, so

you can feel that, but then it allows you to feel all

these other things as well.

So, let’s take a deep breath together, as we begin

this experience.

Here you are in your Presence, and what we’re going

to do is go 12 minutes into the future.

(music begins)

Just a simple 12 minutes, pretty easy. That’s not

going too far. And, of course, it all starts with letting

it come to you. You don’t go out there 12 minutes from now, because

then you’re out of Presence. You let it come to you.

Take a deep breath and feel into that.


Now, it’s not too hard to imagine 12 minutes from now.

You let it come to you and observe.


It’s not trying to figure out, “What am I going to

be like in 12 minutes?” It’s just feeling into it and

sensing it.

You might not see anything. That’s not the point.

It’s letting it come to you and just feeling into it,

sensing it.


You’re not trying to determine what it’s going to be

like, how it should be. You’re simply letting it come to

you. You, about 10 minutes from now.

Take a deep breath and let it come to you.


It should feel pretty familiar, because, oh, it’s just a

few minutes off into the future.

(pause) Avoid trying to be logical about it, trying to evaluate

it. Just observe, feel and sense.


Be aware that your light, your consciousness is

radiating, shining, and let it come to you.


See, you’re at the center of the circle, surrounded

by all these lights representing all the experiences

of the past and the future, and that one light

representing 12 minutes into the future comes to

you. Slowly approaches you. It comes to you as you

radiate your light.


And remember that even if you don’t think you’re

getting anything, you are, but at a level not quite yet

registering in the mind. But it will.

But you should definitely be able to feel and to

sense. Even if it feels blank, let yourself sense and

feel into this.


Let it come to you.

Just observe.

(longer pause) Let yourself feel it.

(long pause)

Let yourself feel whatever you’re feeling. Even if it’s

distractions of the mind, wondering what you’re going

to cook for dinner. It doesn’t matter. Let it come.

We’re not trying to filter out anything here.

(longer pause)

Keep breathing. We’re in no rush here.

(longer pause)

Take a deep breath and feel.

(long pause)

Let it come to you. Let your light shine.


As you observe, just observe whatever you’re

feeling or getting. Then let yourself open up that

observation, to observe in a more expanded way.

Observe not just the obvious, but what’s laying just

beyond your state of awareness.

Take a deep breath and open your observation.

(longer pause)

Keep breathing and letting it come to you. (long pause)

Just feeling and observing. Feeling and observing.

(very long pause)

No agenda. Not trying to do anything. Just observing.

(longer pause)

Just observing now what’s about one minute into

the future. Eleven minutes have passed, and in just

a moment you’re going to meeting yourself from

the future.


(music ends)

Okay, let’s take a good, deep breath. Feel into

your Presence.

Good, deep breath. Okay.

Twelve minutes into the future, and suddenly your

Presence meets your self along the way, meets the

future. Suddenly, they’re together, like right now,

12 minutes later. You just met yourself in time

traveling, and this happens all the time. It’s just

that you haven’t been aware of it. You’re constantly

going back into, whether it’s the past or the future,

constantly meeting yourself.

Again, imagining that there is this circle with all of

the experiences of all the different lifetimes, but it’s not sectioned off into past life or future life. They’re

just dots of light, each representing an experience

that you’ve had, and you’re in the center. And when

you allow it to come to you, it’s there, and suddenly,

you’re meeting yourself. You’re there in your own

past, in your own future, and your light is shining.

It’s happening constantly. It’s happened all the way

along, ever since you were a young child, meeting

yourself along the way, what you would call your

future, but it was really your Self in Presence. You were

meeting it. And, again, the mind doesn’t know how

to comprehend it or understand it, so oftentimes, it

ignores it. But sometimes it comes along in sleep, while

you’re sleeping and you’re dreaming about it. Other

times, you have that kind of opening, that conscious

insight into, “Something just happened. I felt some

grand being come and visit me” or “I even felt myself

from the future.” It’s happening all the time, and

right now it’s happening more than ever because of

everything that’s happening at a soul level, all of the

past lives being called back, being called back together.

It’s happening a lot, and you’re in the center of all this.

Reviewing the Experience

So, what did you feel? What did you feel?

Well, it’s going to range from, “I didn’t feel a damn

thing, Adamus. I fell asleep.” That’s fine. Just allow yourself to feel whatever it is. But maybe you were

feeling relaxed finally, maybe relaxed so you could just

kind of what you think is falling asleep. But you didn’t.

You were just in a slightly altered state.

Maybe you felt that there was just nothing, nothing,

nothing, and that’s fine. But as you become more and

more aware, you’ll realize there is something. It’s

just been kind of pushed off onto the side. It’s been

shielded. There’s a lot going on out there, and maybe

the mind doesn’t understand it, but these are things

that you can feel and sense.

You might have gotten distracted. The mind suddenly

fills in the void, the quiet and everything else, and

starts wondering about paying bills or who you’re going

to meet next week or some projects that you haven’t

finished. I swear sometimes that humans don’t finish

jobs or tasks that they have just so it gives their mind

something to think about, because the mind loves

thinking about unfinished business. You might have

started thinking about that, which is pretty natural,

because that’s what the mind does, “I’ve got to work on

this; I’ve got to work on that.” But if you allow yourself

to just allow those thoughts and feelings but then open

up to the next levels, you’ll start to realize that there’s a

lot more there.

Some of you started feeling, realizing, “You know,

myself in the future just 12 minutes away is a lot more

relaxed and a lot more, oh, just aware and conscious. It’s not as frantic as the me in the past. It’s not

to figure everything out.”

And a lot of you might have thought, “I’ve already

done this before. Have I taken this class? Maybe

Adamus talked about it in a Shoud or another

workshop, because I’ve already done this before. I’ve

gone, you know, into the future 12 minutes.” No, we

haven’t done this before, unless you were in one of

the live workshops. Most of you weren’t. You haven’t

done it before. But because it’s in the future and

we’re playing with that right now, it feels like you’ve

done this before. Because it was already there as a

potential, when you feel into it, it feels familiar. It

feels like, “Geez, I’ve done this.”

Every one of the potentials in what you would call the

future, or the past that hasn’t been experienced yet,

feels like that. A lot of familiarity, a lot of, “I’ve been

here before.” Maybe even that feeling of déjà vu –

we’ve done this before – because it’s all part of your

overall soul experience.

Some of you may have felt a sense of maybe fear.

Fear about what you were going to be like, even

though it’s only 12 minutes from now; a feeling

of anxiety, “What if there is no 12 minutes from

now? What if I die right in the middle of this damn

merabh?” That would be sad, but I wasn’t going to

let you do that. A fear of – generally – a fear of the

future, an anxiety about the future, and there’s a lot of that. Not with everybody, but there’s a lot of

“What’s going to happen? What didn’t I prepare for?

What do I need to be afraid of? What’s coming up?”

And you start living like that, and you start living

then small and not opening up to all the potentials

that are there for you. Not only that, but then

isolating yourself even from the past, because maybe

the past – you don’t perceive it as being that good.

So suddenly, you shut down, shut down, shut down,

shut down, and suddenly, you’re just living from day

to day, most days being the same, but at least you

know how to deal with it. It’s the devil that you know.

There’s no need to fear the future at all. It’s all

yours. It’s all what you, as the designated ascendee,

feel it and choose it to be. The future isn’t like a

scary forest that you have to go into late at night

wondering what’s going to eat you alive. The future

isn’t worrying about “What’s the planet going to be

like in five years or ten years? What am I going to

be doing? Am I going to be sick? Am I going to be

destitute? Am I going to be all alone? Am I going to

have dementia?” These are fear thoughts, and they’re

not really about the future. They’re about your

emotions, they’re about your perception; they have

nothing at all to do about a real future.

Some of you are real worriers – not warrior, worriers.

You worry about everything that’s going to happen

next. And has it ever occurred to you that generally

none of that happens? You worry needlessly. If you’re really to go into your future and feel it, bypassing

the anxiety, the stress and everything else and

feel it, it’s an absolutely beautiful garden designed

specifically for you. It’s an absolutely beautiful series

of experiences in your life, if you open up to them,

if you allow your light from right now – not your

worry, but your light – to be there. You cast it upon

what you call your future. It’s not really the future.

It’s just the next experience that you have, and your
experiences don’t need to be ones of suffering. They

don’t need to be ones of anxiety. They can be ones of

true joy and freedom.

So, we did that brief little experience, 12 minutes

into the future. It wasn’t too tough. It’s easy to come

back from there. And one of the big points is you’re

constantly meeting yourself along the way in your

past and your future, constantly meeting yourself.

And, as you’re aware of that now, you’ll also be

aware of how you can shine your light into all of that

and it makes a profound difference. The past can be

reinvented, the future can hold all new potentials,

and you don’t have to do a damn thing other than to

be in your Presence and let your light shine.

This is one of the main tenets of the metaphysics

where we’re going now. No longer being afraid of

the future or thinking it’s just on some linear path

or thinking that you have to overcome things about

yourself or be smarter or do more ceremony or

more prayer or anything like that. It all changes now. It all changes. You are free to roam about

your reality, shining your light and watching how

everything changes.

We’ll come back for some more experiences, but

right now take some time to really feel into what you

just did. Walk around a little bit. Feel into it. Not to

think it, but feel into it. And if you think that nothing

happened, walk around a little bit. Get your body

moving a bit and you’ll suddenly start to realize a lot

more happened than what you thought you felt.

With that, I Am Adamus of St. Germain.

We’ll be back for more Time Traveling: The

Metaphysics of the Soul. Thank you.

LINDA: Take that good deep breath, feeling into this

future experience, what it meant to you. Just feel into

it. Something so new, in a way. Breathe it in. Let it be.

Take the good deep breath. Adamus reminds us

to walk around, feel into it, take care of you. And

remember, especially, to hydrate for you.

So take some good, deep, conscious breaths, letting

yourself really feel into that experience you just had

and be with it. And we’ll be back for more.

Thank you and take that good deep breath.

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