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Tables of Hertzian Contact-Stress C o e f f i c i e n t s

Duane H. Cooper


Formulations are given for the c o e f f i c i e n t s X, jjl, i? defined by

H„ Hertz in terms of the solution of a transcendental equation involving

e l l i p t i c i nt eg r al s and used by him to describe the deformation of bodies

subjected to contact s t r es s es . Methods of approximate c al cu l at io n are

explained, and errors in the tabl es prepared by Hertz are noted. For the

purpose of providing a more extensive and more accurate t abulation, using

an automatic d i g i t a l computer, these c o e f f i c i e n t s are reformulated so that

a large part of the variatiqm i s expressed by means of e a s i l y - i n t e r p r e t e d

elementary formulae. The remainder of the v ar iat ion i s tabulated to 6

places for 100 values of the argument. Graphs of the c o e f f i c i e n t s are

also provided.


In two papers [ 1 ] published in 1881 and 1882 , H. Hertz reported

his anal ysi s describing the e l a s t i c st ress system generated in two bodies

i n i t i a l l y making a f r i c t i o n l e s s contact at a single point upon being pressed

together with a force F. The description includes formulae for the o ver al l

deformation 6> the distance through which parts of the bodies remote from

the contact approach one another, and the semi major and minor axes, a and

b, of the e l l i p s e bounding the contact i nt e r f a c e . These formulae involve

elementary al gebrai c expressions multiplied by certain c o e f f i c i e n t s [2],

X, p, , u, for each of 6> a, b, r e s p e c t i v e l y , which c o e f f i c i e n t s are defined


in terms of a solution to a transcendental equation involving e l l i p t i c

integrals. Rather than give det ai l ed prescriptions for the c al cula tion of

these c o e f f i c i e n t s , Hertz tabulated them, saving his readers from a

"wearisome" task, and leaving the main body of his papers uncluttered with

a digression on such matters.

Unfortunately, the tables prepared by Hertz were given to a rather

coarse i nt e r v a l for the argument, and the values of the c o e f f i c i e n t s were

specif ied to only 4 decimals ( l a t e r rounded to 3 ). These tables served the

purpose, at l e a s t , of providing e x p l i c i t expressions, and useful ones,

presumably with i nt er po la ti on, for describing many p r a c t i c a l cases in which

very precise estimates would not be needed. Later versions of the table

of Hertz have been published [ 3 , 4 ] in which interpolated values for h a l f

of the o r i g i n a l i n t e r v a l s appear. Unfortunately a l s o , however, errors

which appear in the table of Hertz are reproduced in these l a te r versions,

so t hat, for certain e n t r i e s , the values are not accurate to 3 decimals nor

yet to the 4 decimals o r i g i n a l l y quoted.

The discovery of these errors serves as the motivation for an

examination of procedures to be used in making fresh cal cu la ti ons of the

Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s . I t i s r ea di ly believed that finding the solution to

the transcendental equation of Hertz by numerical methods, and the evaluation

of e l l i p t i c a l i n t e g r a l s using that solution as an argument, involve i n t e r ­

polations that would be exceedingly wearisome to implement by hand methods

to any reasonable degree of accuracy. Such procedures are best l e f t to an

automatic d i g i t a l computer. The o v er a l l plan of the c a l c u l a t i o n , however,

i s one in which the solution of the transcendental equation appears as a


parameter which i s to be eliminated from expressions connecting the co­

e f f i c i e n t s with a certain variable t, to be, in the end, regarded as the

independent variable. Both the c o e f f i c i e n t s and t are given as e x p l i c i t

functions of that parameter. This observation leads to the suggestion that

curves of X, p,, u may be plot ted parametrically versus t to achieve a

graphical elimination of the parameter, e s s e n t i a l l y replacing numerical

int erpolations by graphical ones. The accuracy with which t hi s can be done

may be enhanced by the use of certain simple approximations \ Q, p, , such

that the r a t i os \ / \ , p,/p, , u/1; e x h i bi t small v a r ia t i o ns . For smaller

values of t , where these r a t i o s show larger v a ri a t i o n s , linear interpolation

on logarithmic scales i s seen to be f e a s i b l e , even by manual numerical methods.

An accuracy of 0 . 1% seems to be r ea di ly ac ce ss i bl e by such methods.

Despite the f e a s i b i l i t y of graphical methods, one could desire

access to an accurate t a bl e, and there i s l i t t l e reason for such a table not

to e x i s t . Accordingly, the tabulation has been done using a CDC-1604 com­

puter. In designing the t a b l e , the principl e was followed of seeking a

formulation o f the c o e f f i c i e n t s in which a large part of the var iat i on could

be expressed by means of elementary functions of rather simple structure that

would e xh i bi t a straightforward relevance to the c o n ta ct - s t r e ss problem.

Such a formulation was found, and the tabulated part i s of the reformulated

c o e f f i c i e n t s denoted by X*, p,*, v*. As a further convenience, the tabulation

i s given for the argument t = c o s t .

Hertzian Deformation Formulae

Hertz took the i n i t i a l shapes of the bodies to be pressed together

as being described by quadric surfaces, as e l l i p t i c or hyperbolic paraboloids,


Fi g. 1. Geometry of the contact between quadric surfaces i l l u s t r a t e d by

e l l i p t i c and hyperbolic paraboloids for the upper (principal
axes x ±, y z) and lower (principal axes x , y , z) surfaces,
r e s p e c t i v e l y , in which the axes for one surface have been turned
through an angle u) r e l a t i v e to those for the second.

in the neighborhood of the i n i t i a l point of contact. The contact was

assumed to be f r i c t i o n l e s s , so that the force F with which the bodies were

to be pressed together would ne ces sar il y be directed along the normal to

the i n i t i a l tangent plane, and the r es u l t i n g contact i nt er face would be free

of t ract ion [ 5 ] , He regarded his description of the i n i t i a l shapes as being

appl icabl e to a greater v a r i e t y of shapes, applicable to the contact of a

sphere with a cylinder, for example, because the i n f i n i t e s i m a l dimensions

of the contact i nt e r f a c e , small in comparison to the i n i t i a l r ad i i of

curvatures of the bodies, was ne ces si t at ed , for p r a c t i c a l mat erial s, to main­

tain the v a l i d i t y of the assumption of Hooke's law. I t w i l l be recognized,

however, that there are exceptions, the contact o f a sphere with the i n t e r i o r

of a c l o s e l y - f i t t i n g c ylinder , for example, in which the contact w i l l not be

i n f i n i t e s i m a l , even for st ress regimes for which Hooke's law w i l l remain

valid. For these, the quadric-surface approximation may be of questionable

u tility.

The undeformed quadric surfaces are completely spe ci f ie d by the

p r i n c i p a l - a x i s curvatures at the i n i t i a l point of contact and y ^ for

the f i r s t body, and ^ and y ^ for the second body. These curvatures are

reci procal s of the corresponding r ad i i of curvature, and each i s taken to be

p o si t i v e i f the center of curvature for each instance l i e s within the body.

The pr inc ipal axes of curvature for one body are taken to make an angle u)

with those for the other body. See F i g. 1. The deformation formulae are

expressible in terms of certain combinations of these p r i n c i p a l - a x i s curva­

tures. These combinations are


Y3 “ [(Yu +Y 2 i)(Y12+Y 22 >+ (Yu -Y12)(Y21-Y22)sin2U)]% , (la)

Y4 = ^ ^ 11 -Y 12 ) 2+ (Y2 l "^ 22 ) 2+ 2 (^ l l " V i 2 ) ( V2 i - Y 22 )cos2u)^ ’ (lb)

Y5 = ^<V11+Y12)+^(Y2i+Y22>> (lc)

and i t may be seen that they are rel at ed as the sides of a r i g h t triangl e

of which y5 would be the hypotenuse, and of which the a u x i l i a r y angle

T = c o s -1 ( y 4/y 5 ) (Id )

would be the angle opposite 1 ° the case of contact between i de n t i c a l

c ylinder s, the a u x i l i a r y angle has a simple int erpretat ion; i t i s then

the same as cd.

I t seems appropriate to ref er to the par ti cul ar combination of

e l a s t i c constants appearing in the deformation formulae as the Hertzian

modulus. I t is [ 3 ]

H = ( 4 / 3 ) E / ( l - n 2) , (2)

in which E i s Young's modulus and n i s Poisson's r a t i o . This i s a s t i f f n e s s

modulus; for the two bodies j o i n t l y , the compliance moduli would be ad d it i v e ,

so that the j o i n t s t i f f n e s s modulus would be

H12 = ^H1 +H2^ ’ ( 3)

in which the subscripts refer to f i r s t and second bodies. In the formulae

that follow, w i l l be written simply as H with the understanding that the

quantity given by Eq. ( 3 ) is meant.












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
T (Degrees)

Fi g. 2. Plots of Hertzian c o n t a ct - st r es s c o e f f i c i e n t s , \ , 1 /(jl, i;> vs the

a u x i l i a r y angle t , together with the complementary e l l i p t i c -
i n t e gr al modulus k ,=u/|j,. The complementary modulus (shown in
square root) was used as a p lo t t i n g parameter, via Eqs. (8).
These c o e f f i c i e n t s define the o v er al l deformation and the
dimensions o f the i nt er face e l l i p s e , via Eqs. ( 4 ) , in their
dependence on the undeformed-body curvature parameters of
Eqs. ( 1 ).

Fig. 3. Plots of the same c o e f f i c i e n t s as in F i g. 2 , except to logarithmic

s ca l es . The straightness of the curves for t l e s s than about 20 °
indicates that logarithmic int erpolation can be more accurate
than the l inear , for such values of t .

The three deformation formulae of Hertz may be written

Y56 = ( F y 52/H)2/3\, ( 4 a)

2 1/3 ( 4 b)
Y5a = (FY5 /H) 7 p>»

Y5b = (Fy 52/H)1 /3 v , ( 4 c)

in which the deformation 6 i s the distance through which the parts of the

two bodies remote from the contact approach one another, and a and b are

the semimajor and semiminor axes of the e l l i p s e that i s the projecti on upon

the i n i t i a l tangent plane of the boundary of the contact i n t e r f a c e . The

i nt er fac e i t s e l f i s also a quadric surface. A plot of the int er fac e pressure

would again be a quadric surface, with maximum pressure in the center, a

maximum which i s 50 % greater than the average pressure. The r a t i o of that

average P ^ to the Hertzian modulus may be computed by dividing Fy,. /H by

Y5 rrab to obtain
2 1 /3
Pav/H = (Fy 5 /H) piVTT (5 )

In Eqs. ( 4 ) and ( 5 ), the Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s X, p,, v are expressible

in terms of complete e l l i p t i c i n t e g r a l s of modulus k, which modulus i s to be

found as the solution of a transcendental equation involving the a u x i l i a r y

angle t and these same e l l i p t i c i n t e g r a l s . Pl ot s of X, p,, V and the com­

plementary modulus

k- = o - k 2)%, ( ) 6

or i t s square root, are given in F i gs . 2 and 3. Formulae for these are


given below.

Formulae for the Hertzian C o e f f i c i e n t s

With the help of the Byrd-and-Friedman handbook [6] , the e l l i p t i c

i nt eg ral s set down by Hertz may be cast into the standard forms

( l / a \ 2) (K-E) = ^TTY5 (H/F) sin2T/ 2 , ( 7 a)

( l / a 3k2k ' 2) ( E - k ' 2K) = ^tty5 (H/F) cos 2t / 2 } ( 7 b)

in which the complementary modulus k* for the complete e l l i p t i c int eg ral s

K(k) and E(k) , of f i r s t and second kinds, r e s p e c t i v e l y , i s given by

k' = b/a = v/p, = ( 1 -k ) z o ( 7 c)

(The complementary modulus was written by Hertz without the accent, as

simply k, since he elected to omit the reduction to normal Legendre notation

used here, and thus found no occasion to refer to the modulus i t s e l f , for

which the unaccented symbol i s usually reserved. Also, in his a r t i c l e of

1881 , misprints sometimes give the appearance of an interchange of the

roles of a and b in the formulae. These misprints are corrected in his 1882
article.) Equations ( 7 ) may be regarded as determining p and v, upon the

elimination between them of the modulus and i t s complement, as functions of

the a u x i l i a r y angle t °

Si mi l ar ly , the e l l i p t i c i nt eg r al expressing the deformation 6

(for which Hertz used the same symbol, except in bold face, as for the semi­

major axis of the i nt er face e l l i p s e ) may be cast into normal form, r es ul ti ng

in the formula

\v = ( 2 /TT) k iK. (8a)

The elimination of the modulus i s to be obtained by solving the transcen­

dental equation obtained by dividing Eq. ( 7 a) by Eq. ( 7 b) giving an expression

for tan
2 t /2 in terms of the modulus regarded as the unknown. Af te r some

trigonometric manipulation, t his transcendental equation may be written as

(k "Vk^)(K-E)/E = sin^T/ 2 , (8b)

and a complementary expression may be obtained for cos

2t/ 2 , suitable for

insertion into Eqs. ( 7 a) and ( 7 b). When t h i s insertion i s made, the

d e f i n i t i o n s given by Eqs. ( 4 ) and ( 7 c) may be used to write

y,3 = (2/TTk'2) E , (8c)

V3 = ( 2 k' /n) E, (8d)

a f t e r some manipulation. The solution of Eq. (8b) provides the value of

k' and, via Eq. (7 c ) , the value of k to be inserted in the remaining Eqs. (8)

for the cal cu la ti on of \, jj,, y as functions of t.

Manual Computation of the C o e f f i c i e n t s

Obtaining the e x p l i c i t solution of the transcendental equation

of Hertz, Eq. (8b) or i t s equi val ent, i s indeed "wearisome" i f numerical

methods executed "by hand" are to be used to obtain r e s u l t s accurate to

3 or 4 decimals, or b et t e r . The pr inc ipal d i f f i c u l t y obtains in assuring

that int erpolations of s u f f i c i e n t accuracy may be made in the r ea d i l y -

a v ai l ab le tables of K and E, e s p e c i a l l y for modulus values near unity where

K has a logarithmic s i n g u l a r i t y . As may be seen from F i gs . 2 and 3 t his

obtains for t near 0 ( k1 near 0).


For cases in which a limited accuracy would be s a t i s f a c t o r y ,

values may be read d i r e c t l y from F i gs . 2 and 3, o f course, or interpolations

may be made in the table of Hertz to obtain the values of p, and u, and thus

the values of k' may be obtained for use in Eq. (8a). The table of Hertz

i s , except for three instances, accurate to within one unit in the fourth

decimal. For the three exceptions, at t = 10 ° , 20 ° , and 70 ° , corrections

are given here in Table I. These errors in the table of Hertz were

Table I . Corrections v e r i f i e d by automatic d i g i t a l computer of the

erroneous values for p,, v appearing in the table of Hertz [ 1 ],

T Source V

Computer 6.6115 0.3110


Hertz 6.6120 0.3186

Computer 3.8160 0.4121
Hertz 3.7799 0.4079
Computer 1.2851 0.7999

Hertz 1.2835 0.8017

discovered by graphical means and v e r i f i e d by computations on an automatic

d i g i t a l computer to a much higher accuracy. Hertz did not tabulate values

of X. His errors are reproduced in l a t e r tables [ 3 , 4 ] of the Hertzian

coefficie nts. As may be seen from Fi g. 2, interpolation in a table for p,

w i l l give the more accurate r e s u l t s i f based on 1/p,, i f t not be too small.

There i s , however, a s i n g u l a r i t y in slope in each of X, p,, v, and J k ' at

T — 0. S i m i la rl y, linear interpolations in v w i l l not be quite so accurate,

since the curvature may be observed to " i n f e c t " a larger range of values

near t = 0, and the same problem may also be observed for X. In these

cases, i nt er po la tio n on logarithmic scales w i l l be more accurate, as may be

seen from F i g. 3.
An e x p l i c i t solution of the transcendental equation of Hertz may

be avoided, along with i nt erpolations d i r e c t l y in tabl es of K and E.

Instead, one may s e l e c t , with the help of F i gs . 2 and 3, values of k' for

which tabular values of K and E are a v a i l a b l e , and which correspond to t

values bracketing the desired t value. Then for these k' values, the

corresponding values of X, p,, v, and t are computed from Eqs. (8). If t

be small, interpolation in these values to logarithmic sc a le s, either by

p l o t ti n g X, p,, i? _vs t on lo g -l og paper, or numerically, w i l l y i e l d the

X, |i, V values for the desired value of t . For these small values of t>
the approximation

K « l n ( 4/ k ') , (9 )

since k' w i l l al so be small, w i l l sometimes be h e l p f u l . If t not be small,

another i nt er polation aid w i l l be needed.

For these larger values of t , i t i s he lpf ul to compute the r at ios

X/X , p,/p, , v/v t in which X , u , V are approximations given by

o o o o o o

= (sin-r)^, (10a)

= ( l / 7 2 ) / s i n ( T/2) , (10b)

= (1/ a/2)Xo/ c os ( t / 2) , (10c)


X p, V = 1, (lOd)
0^0 o


F i g. 4. Pl ots of Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s as r at i os to certain approximating

functions serving as i nt er polating aids. Graphs such as these
may be r eadily made to be read to an accuracy of 0 . 17. as
parametric plots via Eqs. (8) and ( 10 ).

also approximately obeyed by X(j,v, The reason for computing these r at i os

i s that they exhi bi t a range of v a r ia t i o n , for t not too small, that i s

rather s l i g h t . Thus, interpolation errors stemming from the neglect of

curvature (second-order dif ferences) w i l l be lessened in seriousness, or

may e a s i l y be corrected by computing values for 3 or more values of t

neighboring the desired one. Graphs li ke those shown in Fig. 4 may be

prepared that may be read to an accuracy of 0 . 170 without excessive d i f f i ­

culty. The noted errors in the table of Hertz are p a r t i c u l a r l y conspicuous

on such graphs.

Automatic D i g i t a l Computation of the C o e f f i c i e n t s

In the i n t e r e s t of preparing a table to small increments of t

and great accuracy in X, |i, v a program was written for an automatic

d i g i t a l computer (Control Data Corporation model CDC-1604 ). This program

used an e l l i p t i c - i n t e g r a l subroutine based on an approximation accurate

to within about 1 . 5 x 10 -
, as described by Hastings [ 7 ]. The approximate

e l l i p t i c i nt e g r a l s are represented by expressions of the form

P(Tl)+Q(T|)lnT|, (11)

in which P and Q are polynomials for which appropriate c o e f f i c i e n t values

have been tabulated by Hastings, and T| i s the square of the complementary

modulus defined in Eq. (6).

Equations (8) were recast in terms of T| and a deri vat ive

expression for Eq. (8b) was obtained with the help of well-known formulae

[6]. Based on these formulations, a Newton-Raphson routine was written


to solve Eq. (8b) for T) to an accuracy of 5 parts in 10 10, st ar ti ng from

the approximation

\ - ( t /9 0 °)3. (12)

From 3 to 5 i t e ra t i o ns s uf fi ce d to solve Eq. (8b) for t values in the range

from 0 .1 to 89 . The values of T\ so obtained were then used to compute

X, p,, t; with an ov er al l error primarily imposed by the subroutines and

believed to be l ess than about 2 x 10 . Tables of these values are given

to 6-place accuracy in the appendix.

Reformulation of the C o e f f i c i e n t s

In planning for the publ icati on o f a table of Hertzian c oef ­

ficients, the experience obtained in preparing Fi g. 4 led to the thought

that a formulation might be found for which the tabulated values would

encompass a rather small range of v ar iat i on for nearly a l l of the argument

values. I f so, the accuracy with which a table of fixed size could be used

would thus be enhanced. At the same time, however, i t was desired that any

reformulation not require extensive additional computations in order for

the tabulated values to be rel at ed to the c o n t a ct - st r es s s i t u at i on .

One possible reformulation seeks to r el a te the semiaxes of the

e l l i p t i c a l boundary of the i nt er face with the semiaxes of the curve of

i nt er sec ti on that would obtain i f the two surfaces simply interpenetrated

one another without deformation, since Hertz had already noted that the

dimensions of these two e l l i p s e s were nearly the same.

Let the interpenetration distance be c al le d d. I f one surface


be defined by the equation

z = A1x2+CxyfB1y 2 , ( 13 a)

while the other be defined by

z-d = A2x +Cxy4-B2y ,
2 ( 13 b)

then the projection upon the x , y plane of t heir i n t er s ec t io n i s the curve

given by

d = Ax2+By2 , ( 13 c)

in which A = A^-A2 and B = B^-B2# As Hertz pointed out, i t i s always

possible to choose a coordinate system in which the c o e f f i c i e n t s of the xy

term in Eqs. ( 13 a) and ( 13 b) are one and the same while A and B are each

positive. Af te r some al gebrai c manipulation, i t i s possible to obtain the

expressions of Hertz for y^ and y^:

Y5 = A+B> ( 14 a)

“ Y4 = A-B> ( 14 b)

and thus obtain e x p l i c i t expressions for A and B:

A = ^( y 5' Y 4> = Y5 sln2T/ 2 , ( 15 a)

B = h (y 5+ Y4) = Y5 cos t/ 2 . ( 15 b)

Thus, i t i s seen that the e l l i p s e o f interpenetration given by Eq. ( 13 c)

has the semiaxes

<*= [ 2 d/(Y5 -Y4) ] %, ( 16 a)

P = [2d/(y5+Y4)]^. ( 16 b)

I t i s the casting of Eqs. ( 4 b) and ( 4 c) into t h i s form that i s the basis

for the reformulation.

I t may be seen from Eqs. ( 15 ) that Eqs. ( 16 ) may be written

a= (2d/Y5)\b 0 > ( 17 a)

P = (2d/v5) vQ/ \ , ( 17 b)

using the d e f i n i t i o n s given in Eqs. ( 10 ) , whereas from Eqs. ( 4 ) there


a = (6/ y 5 )^^"^M-> ( 18 a)

b = (6/y5) 2\ 2 v , ( 18 b)


a = (6/ y5) V o(I, ( 19 a)

b = (6/V5) 2( v0/^0 ) u > ( 19 b)

in which

- = (ii/|io )(X/Xo ) “^\o' ^ , (20a)

v = (u/1?0) ( X/ Xq ) V (20b)

represent possible reformulations.


Fig. 5. Schematic drawing of the indentation of a compliant plane on

the part of a s t i f f "sphere," a paraboloid of revolution. The
o v e r a l l deformation 6 i s twice the interpenetration distance d.

In terms of these reformulated c o e f f i c i e n t s , the expressions

analogous to Eqs. ( 16 ) are

a = [ ô/0 y5-Y4) ]^I , (21a)

b = [6/ (y 5+Y4>]^Ü. (21b)

Since i t may be seen from Eqs. ( 20 ) and Fi g. 4 that p, and u w i l l depart very

little from unity for t not too small (y^ not too large in comparison to

y ^ ) , the pri nc ipal difference between Eqs. ( 21 ) and Eqs. ( 16 ) i s at tr ib ut a bl e

to the factor 2 multiplying d. I t may be said t h a t, for interpenetration and

int erf ace e l l i p s e s of the same size and not too elongated, the deformation 6

i s about twice the interpenetration d. This observation i s exact for

cir cul ar int er f ac e s for which y^ = 0 and p = p = 1. This case i s i l l u s ­

trated in Fi g. 5, depicting a s t i f f "sphere" in contact with a r e l a t i v e l y

compliant plane. I t may also be observed with the help of F ig. 6 t hat, as

Hertz had noted, the i nt erf ace e l l i p s e i s r e l a t i v e l y longer and narrower

than the interpenetration e l l i p s e would have been.

While the reformulation of p, and y appears to o ff e r some i n t e r ­

pretive advantages, besides providing, as shown in F i g. 6, a reduction in

the range of v a r ia t i o n , the reformulation for X does not do quite so much.

I t does at l e a s t reduce the range o f var iat i on while o f fe r in g no i n t e r ­

pretive d i f f i c u l t i e s ; i t consists in the su bst itu ti on of y^ for via the

t riangl e rel at ionship noted in connection with Eqs. ( 1 ):

^3 =
( 22 )

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
T (Degrees)

Fi g. 6. Plots of Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s in an intermediate reformulation

that compares the dimensions of the i nt er face e l l i p s e with those
of the interpenetration e l l i p s e for an interpenetration distance
that i s hal f the o v er a l l deformation, showing the interface
e l l i p s e to be, as Hertz observed, somewhat the longer and the
narrower of the two.

This s ubst ituti on provides for writ ing Eq. ( 4 a) as

Y36 = (Fy 32/H)2/3\* ( 23 a)

in which

X* = ( X/Xo )XQl / 3 . ( 24 a)

With t his reformulation, the remaining ones of Eqs. ( 4 ) may be written

Y3a = (F-y32/H)1 /3 [ y 3/ ( y 5- y4) ] 2p,*, ( 23 b)

9 1 /Q 3^
Y3b = (f Y3 /H) 7 [Y3/(Y5+Y4) 1 2^ , ( 23 c)

in which

|JL* = \m/X* , ( 24 b)

v* - vJX *, ( 24 c)

to complete the reformulation

The reformulation represented by Eqs. ( 23 ) and ( 24 ) i s that to be

chosen for tabulation. That the range of variation has been s ub st a n t i a l l y

reduced may be seen from F i gs . 7 and 8, showing X*, p*, v* to both linear

and logarithmic scales. Also shown are curves of the geometric mean

y which may be used to define the radius o f an equivalent c i r c l e of

contact for the computation of the average int erf ace pressure. The formula


P /H = (F y 32/ H ) 1/3/ h* v*tt . ( 25 )













0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
T (Degrees)

F i g. 7. Pl ots of Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s in the f i n a l reformulation denoted

by VJ» the a u x i l i a r y angle t . These c o e f f i c i e n t s define
the o ver al l deformation and the dimensions of the int erf ace
e l l i p s e via Eqs. ( 23 ) , in their dependence on the undeformed-body
curvature parameters of Eqs. ( 1 ) . Also shown i s the geometric
mean of the pair of c o e f f i c i e n t s used to compute interface
pressure via Eq. ( 25 ).

0.1 02 05 1.0 2 5 10 20 50 90
f (Degrees)

Fi g. 8. Pl ots of the same c o e f f i c i e n t s as in Fi g. 7 , except to logarithmic

s ca l e s . Comparison of these two plots with F i gs . 2 and 3 shows
that the s l i g h t e r part of the curvature-parameter dependence i s
expressed by the reformulated c o e f f i c i e n t s .

The plot of ^ ( p * v*) shows that i t i s remarkably close to the value of \*

over most of the range of v ar iat ion in t . Tables from which F ig s. 7 and 8
were prepared are given in the appendix.

Many p r a c t i c a l cases obtain in which uo = 0. For these cases the

formulae, Eqs. ( 23 ) , are si mplified because y^, y^, and y^ obey simpler

formulae. These are

V30 “ [ ( Y n + Y 2 1 ) ( Y 12+ Y 2 2 ) f . (2 6 a )

^40 = % (Y U + Y 2 1 ) - % ( Y 12+ Y 2 2 ) . (2 6 b )

^50 = % (Y U + Y 2 1 )+ % (Y 12+ Y 2 2 ) - (2 6 c )

Many p r a c t i c a l cases also obtain in which the a u x i l i a r y angle t

has no simple geometric si gni fi canc e (the exception i s the contact between

i d e n t i c a l c yl ind e rs ). I t i s then more convenient to use

t = Y4/Y5 = cost ( 27 )

as the a u x i l i a r y v ar iab le . Als o, i t i s rare that one would be interested in

extremely elongated i nt er face e l l i p s e s that would obtain for t near unity

(t near 0), except in the l imiting case of contact between p a r a l l e l - a x i s

cylinders for which a separate treatment may be given [ 3 , 4 ]. For t hi s

reason, the tabulation given here as Table I I presents X*, p,*, and u* as

functions of the argument t . From the plot shown in Fig. 9, i t i s seen

that the range of v ar iat ion i s quite small in comparison to that of

Fi g. 2, and that the curvatures are quite small a l s o , for the range of

values of t most l i k e l y to be of i n t e r e s t . I t i s Table I I , then, that i s

Table I I . Values of the reformulated Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s , X*, p*, v * > as
functions of t = c o s T for use in Eqs. ( 23 ) and ( 25 ) , with a u x i l i a r y
angle t as defined by Eqs. ( 1 ). For p l o t , see Fi g. 9 .

t X* p* V* t X* p* V*

0.00 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 .50 .98361*2 1.076128 . 89957*+

.01 .999994 1.001662 .998329 .51 .982853 1.07751+8 .896993
.02 .999978 1.003317 .996650 .52 .982036 1.078964 .894375
.03 .999950 1.001*963 .991*962 .53 .981189 1.080377 .891719
.01* •999911 1.006602 .993261* . 51+ .980311 1.081787 .889021
.05 .999861 1.008233 .991558 •55 .9791+01 1.083193 .886281
.06 .999800 1.009857 .98981*2 .56 .9781+57 1.084595 .883498
.07 .999727 1 . on 1*71* .988117 .57 .9771+78 1.085993 .880668
.08 •999643 1.013081* .986381 .58 .9761+63 I.O87386 .877790
.09 •999548 1.011*686 .981*636 .59 .9751+09 1.088776 .874863
.10 .9991+1*1 1.016283 .982879 .60 .971+311+ 1.090161 .871882
.11 .999323 1.017872 .981113 .61 .973177 1.091540 .868847
.12 •999193 1.0191*56 .979335 .62 .971996 1.092915 .865753
.13 .999052 1.021033 .977546 .63 .970767 1.094284 .862599
.11* .998898 1.022601* .97571+5 . 61+ .9691+89 1.095647 .859382
.15 .998733 1.021*169 .973932 .65 .968158 1.097003 .856097
.16 .998556 1.025729 .972107 .66 .966772 1.098352 .8527*+!
.17 .998367 1.027283 .970270 .67 .965327 1.099693 .849311
.18 .998165 1.028831 .9681*20 .68 .963819 1.101026 .845801
.19 •997951 1 .03O37I+ .966556 .69 .96221+5 1.102350 .842208
.20 . 997721* 1.031912 .961*679 .70 .960599 1.103663 .838526
.21 •997485 1 . 0331*1*5 .962788 .71 .958877 1.104965 . 83*+750
.22 .997233 1 . 031*973 .960883 .72 .957071+ 1 . 10625*+ .830872
.23 .996967 1 .O36U96 .958963 .73 .955183 1.107530 .826888
.21* .996688 1.038011* .957028 . 71+ .953198 1 .IO8789 .822789
.25 .996395 1.039528 .955077 .75 .951110 1.110031 .818566
.26 .996089 1.01*1038 •953110 .76 .91*8912 1.111253 .814211
.27 .995768 1 . 01*251*3 •951127 •77 . 91+6593 1.112453 .809712
.28 •995434 1.01*1*01*3 .91*9126 .78 .941+11+3 1.113627 .805059
.29 . 995081* 1.01*551*0 . 91*7109 •79 .94151*9 1 .114772 .800238
•30 .991*720 1.01*7032 . 9^5073 .80 .938797 1.115884 .795234
.31 •994340 1.01*8520 . 91*3019 .81 .935869 1.116957 .790029
.32 •993945 1.050005 .91*091*6 .82 . 93271+7 1.117985 .784604
•33 .993533 1.0511*86 .938853 .83 .929407 1.118961 .778934
.3U .993106 1.052962 . 9367^0 . 81* .925822 1 .119877 .772994
•35 .992662 1.051*1+36 .931*606 .85 .921961 1.120720 .766751
.36 .992200 1.055905 .9321*51 .86 .917783 1.121478 .760166
.37 .991722 1.057371 .930273 .87 .913240 1.122132 •T53193
.38 .991225 1.058831* .928073 .88 .908273 1.122661 .745775
•39 .990709 1.060293 .92581*9 .89 .902807 1.123035 .737840
.1*0 •990175 1.061749 .923601 .90 .89671+1+ 1.123215 .729298
.1*1 .989621 1.063202 .921327 .91 .889956 1.123150 .720032
.1*2 .98901*6 1.061*651 .919027 .92 .882268 1.122765 .709885
•43 .9881*51 1.066097 .916701 .93 . 8731+39 1.121953 .¿98641
.1*1* .987835 1.067539 .911+31*6 . 91+ .863109 1.120552 .685990
.45 .987196 1.068979 .911963 •95 .850727 I.H8301 .671460
.1*6 .98653^ 1.0701*15 . 9095^9 .96 .835369 1.114743 .654282
•47 .98581*9 1.07181*8 .907105 .97 .815309 I.IO8989 .633057
.1*8 .985139 1.073278 .901*628 .98 .786702 1.098938 .604763
. 1*9 . 981*1*01* 1 . 071*705 .902118 .99 . 7371+76 1.077506 .560295
.50 .98361*2 1.076128 . 899571+ 1.00 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000


0 .9




0 .5

0 .4




0 0.1 0.2 0 .3 0.4 0.5 0 .6 0.7 0 .8 0.9 1 .0

t = Cos t

Fi g. 9. Plots of the reformulated Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s , p*, v*, _vs

t=cosT, as tabulated in Table I I . For the greater v a r ie ty of
p r a c t i c a l cases, t w i l l not be close to unity ( t w i l l not be
close to 0), so that the straightness of the curve indicates
that interpolation in Table I I need involve few precautions.

thought most l i k e l y to be of wide u t i l i t y .

Table I I and the pl ot of Fi g. 9 may be extended to negative

values of t by the formulae,

X* ( - t ) = \ * ( t ) , ( 28 a)

= v*(t), ( 28 b)

v * ( - t ) = p,*(t) . ( 28 c)

Similar formulae extend the plot s versus t beyond 90 ° . These are

X(T) = X( 180 ° - t ) , ( 29 a)

M-(t ) = u( 180 ° - t ) > ( 29 b)

u( t ) = |i( 180 O- T ), ( 29 c)

applicable also to the various reformulations denoted by bars and s t ar s.


Thanks are due to Mr. K. C. Kell ey for programming the computer

to produce the console-typewriter print photographically reproduced here

as Table I I ,

Appendix: Supplementary Tables of Hertzian C o ef f i c i e n t s

Although the o r i g i n a l table of Hertz with the corrections shown

above in Table I , the values shown g raphic all y in F i g s . 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and

9, together with values that may be computed by hand methods, w i l l s a t i s f y

needs for values of the Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s of moderate accuracy, and the


values shown above in Table I I w i l l s a t i s f y needs for high accuracy in most

cases, there are some few spe cial iz ed i nt e r e s t s that may remain unsat i sf i ed .

Very accurate values for the o r i g i n a l formulation of these

c o e f f i c i e n t s as used by Hertz may s t i l l be of i n t e r e s t to some. For them,

the s i x- pl ac e tabulation of Table AI i s presented for increments in the

a u x i l i a r y angle of 1° . For those whose i n t e r e s t extends to extremely

elongated i nt er face e l l i p s e s involving extremely small values of the

a u x i l i a r y angle, the logarithmic tabulation of Table A l l extends the range

down to 0.01°.

Others may find i t convenient to work with the c o e f f i c i e n t s in the

reformulation denoted by s t ar s, but, because of an i n t e r e s t in extremely

elongated i nt er face e l l i p s e s , find the argument represented by the cosine

of the a u x i l i a r y angle, as used above in Table I I , inconvenient. For them,

the si x- pl ac e tabulation of Table AIII i s presented for increments in the

a u x i l i a r y angle of 1° . When the i n t e re st extends to angles le ss than 10 ° ,

the logarithmic tabulation of Table AIV extending the range down to 0 . 01 °
should be used.
Table AI. Values of the Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s X , 1 / jjl, y versus t, the
a u x i l i a r y angle in degrees, covering 0 < t < 90 .

T X 1 / (JL V T X 1 / |JL y

0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1+5 „ 851+711+ »519086 „603828

1 „1211 07 .027077 .131295 1+6 „ 8611+99 .529269 .6 1115 9
2 .1 7 9 3 1 4 „ 01+1+958 »169191 1*7 „868091 .539458 .6 1 8 5 0 7
3 . 221+669 .060689 .196597 1*8 .874493 . 51*9655 ,625875
1+ „2630 71 .075231 „218919 1*9 .880709 .559861 .633267
5 „2 9 6 8 9 1 + „088983 .238136 50 . 8867I+2 -570077 . 6I+Q 685
6 .3 2 7 3 9 1 .102163 . 255221+ 51 . 89259 !* . 580301+ . 61+8135
7 .3 5 5 3 1 9 . 111+902 „ 27071+6 52 .898269 . 59051+1+ „655618
8 .3 8 1 1 7 9 .127291 .285061 53 .903770 .600796 .663138
9 .1 +05321+ •139392 . 2981+15 5*+ .909099 .611063 .670699
10 „ 1+28013 -151253 .310983 55 . 911*259 . 62131+6 .678303
11 „1+1+91+1+3 .162910 „322896 56 .9 1 9 2 5 1 . 63161+5 .6 8 5 9 5 5
12 „1 + 6 9 7 7 0 .174392 .334254 57 .924079 . 61+1962 .693658
13 „ 1+89118 „185722 •345135 58 . 9287 I+I+ „652297 .7011+11+
1k .5 0 7 5 8 6 „196920 .355604 59 „9332 1+7 „662652 .709227
15 .525261 .208000 .365713 60 .9 3 7 5 9 2 .673027 .71710 0
lé .5^2210 .218977 .375504 61 . 9I + I 78 O . 6831+25 .7 2 5 0 3 7
17 .5 5 8 1 + 9 5 .229861 .385015 62 .9 1 + 5 8 1 2 .693845 .733041
18 „5 7 1 * 1 6 7 . 21+0663 .394275 63 . 91+9690 . 701+289 .7 1 * 1 1 1 6
19 „5 8 9 2 6 9 .251392 . 1+03312 61+ .953416 .7 1 4 7 5 9 .71*9261+
20 . 60381+2 „ 262051+ . 1+12150 65 .956991 .7 2 5 2 5 5 .757490
21 .6 1 7 9 1 7 „272656 „ 1+20807 66 . 9601+15 •735778 .76 5797
22 .6 3 1 5 2 7 „283206 „ 1+29303 67 .963692 .7 4 6 3 2 9 .7 7 1 + 1 8 8
23 . 61*1+696 .293706 .437653 68 .966820 .756911 .782667
2k „6571*50 „ 301+161+ . 1+1+5871 69 „969803 .7 6 7 5 2 3 .791238
25 „669810 . 311*582 •4 5 3 9 7 1 70 •97261+0 „7781 67 .799904
26 .6 8 1 7 9 5 * 321*965 „1 + 6 1 9 6 3 71 •975333 „ 78881+5 „808670
27 „6931+22 •335317 „1+69859 72 .977883 •799557 . 81751*0
28 „701*707 » 31*561+0 „1 + 7 7 6 6 8 73 „980290 „810306 „826516
29 .715665 .355938 •485399 71+ .982556 „821091 .835605
30 . 7263 I O „366213 „1 + 9 3 0 6 0 75 „ 981+681 .831916 „ 81+1+808
31 .736652 .3 7 6 4 6 9 „5006 59 76 „986665 „ 81+2780 . 851+132
32 .jk ô jO k .386707 „508202 77 „988510 .853686 „863580
33 .756475 .3 9 6 9 3 0 „5156 98 78 „990216 .8 6 1 + 6 3 5 .8 7 3 15 7
3*+ .765975 .1+0711*0 „5 2 3 1 5 1 79 .9 9 1 7 8 1 + „8756 29 „882868
35 »7 7 5 2 1 3 .4 1 7 3 3 9 .5 3 0 5 6 7 80 .9 9 3 2 1 3 „8 8 6 6 6 9 »892717
36 „7 8 1 + 1 9 7 „1 * 2 7 5 2 8 -5 3 7 9 5 3 81 . 991+506 .8 9 7 7 5 7 .902710
37 „7929 35 .1 + 3 7 7 1 0 •545313 82 „9 9 5 6 6 1 „9 0 8 8 9 1 + „912851
38 „ 8011+33 „1+1+7887 .5 5 2 6 5 3 83 .996679 .920083 „ 92311*6
39 „809698 „1+58059 •559976 81+ .997561 •931325 .933601
i+ o .817736 „ 1+68229 .5 6 7 2 8 9 85 .998307 „ 91+2621 . 91*1*220
1+1 . 825551+ .4 7 8 3 9 7 .5 7 4 5 9 4 86 .998916 •953975 „9550 10
1+2 .833155 „ 1+88566 .5 8 1 8 9 7 87 .9 9 9 3 9 1 .9 6 5 3 8 8 .965976
1+3 „ 8I+O 5I+6 .498736 „589200 88 -9 9 9 7 2 9 „976861 „9771 26
1+1+ .8 1 + 7 7 3 1 „5089 09 .5 9 6 5 1 0 89 -9 9 9 9 3 2 .9 8 8 3 9 8 . 9881+65
1+5 „ 851+7 1 !+ .5 1 9 0 8 6 „603828 90 .1 „000000 1,000000 1»000000

Table A l l . Values of common logarithms of the Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s

A = 3+logA, M = log|j,, N = 2+logv, versus T = 2+logT, for
the a u x i l i a r y angle j in degrees, covering the range
0.01° < t < 10°.


0 .0 0 •893551 2 .9 8 6 9 16 .408482
.1 0 .9 5 4 57 2 2.917015 .443433
.20 1 . 0 1 5474 2 .8 4 7 0 3 7 .478422
.3 0 1 .0 7 6 2 5 4 2 .7 7 6 9 7 7 .5 13 4 5 2
. 4o I .I 3 6 9 0 5 2 .70 68 3 2 .548524
.5 0 1.197421 2 .6 3 6 5 9 6 .583642
.60 i .2 5 7 79 6 2.566 26 5 .618808
.7 0 1 .318024 2 .4958 33 .654024
.80 1 .3 7 8 0 9 7 2.425295 .689293
.9 0 1 .438006 2 .354644 .724618
1 .0 0 1 .4 9 774 4 2 .28 38 73 .76OOO3
1 .1 0 1 .5 5 7 3 0 2 2.212975 .79 5453
1 .2 0 1 .6 1 6 6 6 8 2.141941 .830970
1 .3 0 i .675833 2 .0 70 76 2 .866560
i.4o 1 .734784 1 .999427 .902227
1 .5 0 1 .7 9 3 5 0 8 1.9 2 7 9 2 5 .937978
1 .6 0 1 .851991 1.8 5 6 2 4 3 .973820
1 .7 0 1 .9 1 0 2 1 7 1.7 8 4 3 6 8 1.009759
1 .8 0 1.9 6 8 1 6 8 1 .7 1 2 2 8 1 1 .045803
1 .9 0 2.0 258 26 1 .6 3 9 9 6 7 I.O 8 19 6 2
2 .0 0 2 .0 8 3 16 8 1 .567402 1.118248
2 .1 0 2 .140169 1 .494564 1 .154672
2 .2 0 2 .19 6 8 0 2 1 .421426 1 .1 9 1 2 5 0
2 .3 0 2 .2 5 3 0 3 7 1.3 4 7 9 5 5 1.2 2 7 9 9 8
2 .4 0 2.308835 1 .274116 1 .264940
2 .5 0 2 . 3641 56 1 .199864 1.3 0 2 10 0
2 .6 0 2 .4 1 8 9 5 0 1 .1 2 5 1 5 0 1 .3 3 9 5 1 1
2 .7 0 2 .4 7 3 1 5 7 1.049914 1.377215
2 .8 0 2 .5 2 6 7 0 7 .974085 1 .4 1 5 2 6 8
2 .9 0 2.579511 .897580 1 .453742
3 .0 0 2 .6 3 1 4 5 7 .820297 1 .492737

Table A I I I . Values of the reformulated Hertzian c o e f f i c i e n t s X*, p*,

versus ,tthe a u x i l i a r y angle in degrees, covering
0° < t < 90°.
T X* M* u* T X* p* V*

0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 *+5 • 959381* 1.1 0 4 5 9 0 „835852

1 .466891 .894918 „364561 46 .961487 1 .10 2 9 6 3 .840504
2 .548 70 7 .960352 .418495 47 .963510 1 .1 0 1 2 9 1 .845090
3 .600635 .997373 „454440 48 . 965^55 1 .0 9 9 5 7 7 „849612
4 .639064 1.0 2 2 5 2 8 „482248 49 .967325 1.0 9 78 2 1 .854072
5 .669633 1.041126 .505294 50 „969124 1 „096025 .8581*73
6 .695007 1 .0 5 5 5 6 1 .525172 51 .970852 1.094191 .862816
7 .7 16 6 7 3 1 .0 6 7 1 2 0 .542771 52 „972514 1.092319 „867103
8 •7 3 5 5 W 1 .0 7 6 5 7 5 .558644 53 .974111 1.090411 .8 7 13 3 5
9 .7522113 1 .084425 .573157 5*+ .9756U5 1 .088468 .8 7 5 5 15
10 .7 6 7 18 5 1 .0 9 1 0 1 2 .586568 55 .977119 1 .086492 .879645
11 .780684 1.0 9 6 5 8 1 .599065 56 •97853*1 1 .084482 „883724
12 .7929711 1 .1 0 1 3 1 0 „610791 57 .979893 1 .082440 „887756
13 .804237 1.1 0 5 3 3 7 „621855 58 .9 8 II9 6 1.0 8 0 366 .891740
14 .814614 I.IO 8 7 6 9 „632344 59 .982445 1.0 78 2 6 2 .895679
15 .824219 I .I I I 6 8 9 .642329 60 „983642 1„0 76 12 8 .8995711
16 .83311*7 1.114165 .651868 61 .984789 1.0 7 3 9 6 5 .903^25
IT .841475 1 .1 1 6 2 5 2 „661007 62 .985886 1.071773 „907235
18 .849267 1.1 1 7 9 9 7 „669788 63 .986935 1.069552 .9HOO3
19 .8 5 6 5 7 7 1 .1 1 9 4 3 8 „678243 64 .98793T 1.0 6 73 0 5 .91 *+732
20 .863454 1„12 0 6 0 6 .686404 65 „988893 I.O6503O .918421
21 .869936 1.1 2 1 5 3 0 0694293 66 .989804 1.0 6 2 7 2 8 .922072
22 .876059 1.122233 „ 70193 *+ 67 .990671 1 „060400 .925686
23 .8818 52 1.122735 .7093*^6 68 • 991*195 1 .058046 .929263
2k .887344 1.123054 .7 16 5 4 5 69 .992277 1.0 5 5 6 6 6 .932804
25 .892556 1 .1 2 3 2 0 7 .7235^6 70 .993018 I.O 5326O .9 3 6 3 11
26 .897511 1 .1 2 3 2 0 5 .730364 71 • 993718 1.0 50 830 .939783
27 .902226 1 .1 2 3 0 6 2 .737009 72 •99*1378 1 „048374 .943222
28 .90 6718 1 .1 2 2 7 8 9 .7^3^93 73 •99^999 1.0 4 58 9 4 .946628
29 „911002 1.122393 .749825 74 •995581 1 »043389 .950001
30 .915093 1 .1 2 1 8 8 6 .756014 75 .9 9 6126 1 .040860 .95331+3
31 .919001 1.121273 .762069 76 .996633 1.0 38 3 0 6 .956654
32 .922738 1 .1 2 0 5 6 2 .76 7995 77 .997103 i .035728 .95993!+
33 .926314 1.119759 .773801 78 .997536 1.033125 .963184
3k .929738 I .I I 8 8 7 0 . 779*191 79 .997933 1.030499 .966405
35 .9330 19 1 .1 1 7 9 0 0 .785073 80 .998295 1 .027848 .969597
36 .9 3 6 16 5 1 .116853 .790550 81 .998621 1„025173 .972760
37 .939182 1 . 11573 *+ .795928 82 .998912 1.022474 .9758911
38 „942077 1„114 54 7 .8 0 12 11 83 .999168 1.019751 .979001
39 .944856 1.113295 .806404 84 .999389 1.017003 .982081
ko .9*17525 1 .1 1 1 9 8 1 „8 115 10 85 .999576 1.014231 .9 8 513 3
4i .950089 1 .1 1 0 6 1 0 „816532 86 .999729 1.011435 .9 8 8 1 59
k2 „952552 1 .1 0 9 1 8 2 „821474 87 .999848 1.0 0 8 6 13 „991158
k3 . 95^920 1.107701 „826340 88 .999932 1.0 0 5 7 6 7 -99^131
kk .9 5 7 19 6 1 .1 0 6 1 7 0 »831132 89 .999983 1.0 0 2896 .997078
k 5 •959384 1 .104590 .835852 90 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

Table AIV. Values of common logarithms of the reformulated Hertzian

c o e f f i c i e n t s A* = 1+logA*, M* = 1+logp*, N* = l+logu*,
versus T = 2+logT, for the a u x i l i a r y angle t in degrees,
covering the range 0.01 < T < 10 .

T A* M* N*

0 .0 0 .14 6 2 59 .704632 •18 5351

.1 0 .173 9 ^ 6 .718 0 6 5 .203635
.20 .2 0 15 15 .731^20 .2 2 1 9 5 7
.30 .228961 .7 ^ 6 9 3 .240320
.40 .256279 .757881 .258726
.50 .283462 .770 979 .2 7 7 1 7 8
.60 .310 50 4 .783981 .2956 76
.70 .33 739 8 .796883 .3 14 2 2 6
.80 .3 6 4 1 3 7 .809678 .332828
.90 .39071^ .822360 .3 5 1^ 8 7
1 .0 0 .4 1 7 1 1 9 .834923 .370205
1 .1 0 .1*3 3 ^ 3 .847358 .388988
1 .2 0 .469376 .8 59 6 57 .407838
1 .3 0 .49520 7 .8 7 1 8 1 1 .426761
1 .4 0 .520825 .883810 .445762
1 .5 0 .5 4 6 2 16 .895641 .464846
1 .6 0 .5 7 1 3 6 6 .907293 .484020
1 .7 0 .596260 .9 18 7 5 0 .503291
1 .8 0 .620879 .929997 .522 6 6 7
1 .9 0 .645205 .9 4 10 15 .5 4 2 15 6
2 .0 0 .6 6 9216 .9 5 178 3 .5 6 1 7 7 1
2 .1 0 .692888 .962278 .5 8 152 0
2 .2 0 .7 1 6 1 9 5 .972471 .601420
2 .3 0 .7 3 9 10 7 .982331 .621483
2 .4 0 .7 6 15 8 9 .991820 .6 4 1 7 2 7
2 .5 0 .783604 1 .OOO895 .6 6 2 173
2 .6 0 .8 0 510 7 I.OO9503 .682842
2 .7 0 .826049 1 .0 1 7 5 8 4 .70 3761
2 .8 0 .84637^ 1.0 250 6 1 .724958
2 .9 0 .866016 1 .0 3 1 8 4 7 .746465
3 .0 0 .884900 I.0 378 3O .76 8 3 18


1» Heinrich Hertz, Miscellaneous Papers (Trans, by D. E„ Jones and G. A.

Schott) Macmillan and Co., L t d . , London, 1896, pp. 146-183. (Contains
English translations of the papers from J. Reine und Angew. Math.
(Crel le) 92^, 156-171, 1881, and Verhand. Vereins Beforder,
Gewerbefleisses, Nov. 1882.)

2. The notation for these c o e f f i c i e n t s i s not to be confused with that

which i s sometimes used for certain combinations of e l a s t i c moduli.

3. H. L. Whittemore and S. N. Petrenko, " F ri ct i on and carrying capacity

of B a ll and Roller Bearings," Technologic Papers of the U. S. Bur.
Standards, No. 201, October 1921.

4. S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, Theory of E l a s t i c i t y . 2nd Ed.

McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1951, pp. 372-377.

5. L. E. Goodman, "Contact Stress Anal ysis of Normally Loaded Rough

Spheres," J. Applied Mechanics, Trans. ASME, Series E, 29, 515-522,
1962. ~~

6. P. F. Byrd and M. D. Friedman, Handbook of E l l i p t i c Inte gral s for

Engineers and P h y s i c i s t s , Springer-Verlag, Berl in, 1954.

7. C. Hastings, J r . , Approximations for D i g i t a l Computers, Princeton

University Press, Princeton, N. J . , 1955, pp. 172, 175.
_i1 _

i Dr A.A. Dougal 1 National Security Agency

1 Asst Director (Research) Attn: R4-James Tippett
■ Ofc of Defense Res & Eng O f f i c e of Research
Department of Defense Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755
Washington, D.C. 20301
1 Central I n t e l l i g e n c e Agency
i O ff i ce of Deputy Director Attn: OCR/DD Publications
(Research and Technology) Washington, D.C, 20505
The Pentagon, Room 3-E-144
Washington, D.C. 20301 1 Colonel Kee
• l Director Room ID-429, The Pentagon
1 Advanced Research Proj ect s Agency Washington, D.C. 20330
Department of Defense
Washington, D.C. 20301
1 Aerospace Medical Division
i Director for Information Sciences Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235
Advanced Research Proj ect s Agency
1 Department of Defense
Washington, D.C. 20301 1 AUL3T-9663
Maxwell AFB, Alabama 36112

■ i Director for Materials Sciences
Advanced Research Proj ect s Agency 1 AFFTC (FTBPP-2)
I Department of Defense Technical Library
m Washington, D.C. 20301 Edwards AFB, C a l i f . 93523

■ i Headquarters 1 Hq SAMSO (SMTTA/Lt Nelson)

Defense Communications Agency (333) AF Unit Post O f f i c e
The Pentagon Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a 90045
Washington, D.C. 20305
1 Lt Col Charles M. Waespy
■ 20 Defense Documentation Center Hq USAF (AFRDSD)
• Attn: TISIA Pentagon
Cameron St at ion, Bldg 5 Washington, D.C. 20330
Alexandria, V ir gi ni a 22314
1 SSD (SSTRT/Lt Starbuck)
1 Director AFUPO
National Security Agency Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a 90045
1 Attn: Librarian C-332
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755
1 Det #6, OAR (LOOAR)
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m Attn: Col Daniel W. McElwee
Department of Defense
1 Washington, D.C. 20305 1 ARL (ARIY)
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433

1 Dr H.V. Noble 1 Dr L. M. Hollingsworth
Air Force Avionics Laboratory AFCRL (CRN)
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 L.G, Hanscom F i e l d
Bedford, Massachusetts 01731

1 Mr Peter Murray
Air Force Avionics Laboratory 1 AFCRL (CRMXLR)
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 AFCRL Research Library,Stop 29
L.G. Hanscom F iel d
Bedford, Mass 01731
1 AFAL (AVTE/R.D. Larson)
Wright- P a t t e r son AFB, Ohio 45433
1 Colonel Robert E. Fqntana
Dept of E l e c t r i c a l Engineering
2 Commanding General Air Force I n s t i t u t e of Technology
Attn: STEWS-WS-VT Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433
White Sands Mi s si l e Range
New Mexico, 88002
1 Colonel A.D. Blue
1 RADC (EMLAL01) Bo ll i ng Air Force Base, D.C. 20332
G r i f f i s s AFB, New York 13442
Attn: Documents Library
1 Dr I.R . Mirman
1 Mr H. E. Webb (EMIA) Andrews AFB, Maryland 20331
Rome Air Development Center
G r i f f i s s AFB, New York 13442
Andrews AFB, Maryland 20331
1 Academy Library (DFSLB)
U„S, Air Force Academy
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80912 1 Lt Col J.L. Reeves
Andrews AFB, Maryland 20331
1 Mr Morton M. Pavane, Chief
AFSC S c i e n t i f i c and Liaison Of fi ce
26 Federal Plaza 2 ESD (ESTI)
New York, N.Y. 10007 L.G. Hanscom F i e l d
Bedford, Mass 01731

1 Lt Col Bernard S. Morgan

Frank J. S e i l e r Research Laboratory 1 AEDC (ARO, INC)
U.S. Air Force Academy Attn: Library/Documents
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80912 Arnold AFS, Tenn 37389

1 Technical Library,AFETR 2 European O f f i c e of Aerospace Research

(ETV,MU-135) S h e l l Building
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Brussels, Belguim

STINFO O f f i c e (For Library) 5 Lt Col Robert B. Kalisch
Pat ri ck AFB, Florida 32925 Chi ef , Elect ronics Di vi sion
Directorate of Engineering Sciences
Air Force O f f i c e of S c i e n t i f i c Research
Arlingt on, V i r gi n i a 22209
1 APGC (PGBS-12) 1 Commanding Off ic er
Eglin AFB, Florida 32542 Harry Diamond Laboratories
Attn: Dr Berthold Altman (AMXDO-TI)
Connecticut Avenue & Van Ness S t ree t N.W.
1 U.S. Army Research O ff i ce Washington, D.C, 20438
Attn: Physical Sciences Division
3045 Columbia Pike
Arlington, V ir gi n ia 22204 1 Commanding O ff i ce r
U.S. Army Security Agency
Arlington Hall
1 Research Plans O f f i c e Arlington, V ir gi n ia 22212
U.S. Army Research O f fi c e
3045 Columbia Pike
Arlington, V i r gi n i a 22204 1 Commanding O ff i ce r
U.S. Army Limited War Laboratory
Attn: Technical Director
1 Commanding General Aberdeen Proving Ground
U.S. Army Materiel Command Aberdeen, Maryland 21005
Washington,D.C. 20315
1 Commanding O ff i ce r
Human Engineering Laboratories
1 Commanding General Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21005
U.S. Army S t r a t e g i c Communication Cmd.
Fort Huachuca, Arizona 85613
1 Commandant
U.S. Army Command and General S t a f f College
1 Commanding O ff i ce r Attn: Secretary
U.S. Army Materials Research Agency Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66270
Watertown Arsenal
Watertown, Mass. 02172
1 Dr H. Rob 1
Deputy Chief S c i e n t i s t
1 Commanding O ff i ce r U.S. Army Research O f f i c e (Durham)
U.S. Army B a l l i s t i c s Research Laboratory Box CM, Duke Station
Attn: AMXRD-BAT Durham, North Carolina 27706
Aberdeen Proving Ground
Aberdeen, Maryland 21005 1 Commanding O ff i ce r
U.S. Army Research O f f i c e (Durham)
Attn: CRD-AA-IP (Richard 0. Ulsh)
1 Commandant Box CM, Duke St at ion
U.S. Army Air Defense School Durham, North Carolina 27706
Attn: Mi ssi l e Sciences Di vi sion, C & S Dept
P.O. Box 9390
Fort B l i s s , Texas 79916 1 Librar ian
U.S. Army M i l i t a r y Academy
West Point, New York 10996
1 Commanding General
U.S. Army Mi ssi l e Command
Attn: Technical Library 1 The Walter Reed I n s t i t u t e of Research
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama 35809 Walter Reed Medical Center
Washington, D.C. 20012

1 U.S. Army Munitions Command

Attn: Technical Information Command 1 Commanding O ff i ce r
Picatinney Arsenal U.S. Army Elect ronics R & D A c t i v i t y
Dover, New Jersey 07801 White Sands Mi ssi le Range, New Mexico 88002

1 1 U.S. Array Mobili ty Equipment 1 Components Research Laboratory (P.E. Landis)
Research and Development Center Harry Diamond Laboratories
■ Attn: Technical Document Center Bldg 92
1 Bldg 315 Connecticut Ave & Van Ness St N.W.
Fort Be lv oi r, V ir gi ni a 22060 Washington, D.C. 20438

1 1 Mr Norman J. F i e l d (AMSEL-RD-S) 1 Mr Edward Vaughan

Chief , O f f i c e of Science & Technology Research and Engineering Directorate
1 U.S. Army Elect ronics Command U.S. Army Weapons Command
1 Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 Rock Island, I l l i n o i s 61201

1 1 Mr Robert 0. Parker
Executive Secretary, JSTAC (AMSEL-XL-D)
1 Commanding General
U.S. Army Mi s si l e Command
Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 AMSMI-REX (W. Todd)
Redstone Arsenal, Ala 35809
1 Commanding General
1 U.S. Army Electronics Command 3 Chief of Naval Research
1 Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703 Department of the Navy
Attn: AMSEL-SC Wahington, D.C. 20360
m RD-D Attn: Code 427
1 RD-G
RD-MAT 2 Naval Elec tronic s Systems Command

F a l l s Church, V ir g i n i a 22046
1 n - XL-C
h symbol
each • 1 X L -S
1 1. j
1 Naval Ship Systems Command
SHIP 031
HL-CT-P (Dr W. McAfee) Washington, D.C. 20360
HL-CT-I 1 Naval Ship Systems Command
1 HL-CT-A SHIP 035
■ NL-D Washington, D.C. 20360
NL-P-2 (D. Haratz)
1 NL-R
2 Naval Ordnance Systems Command
ORD 32
KL-D Washington, D.C. 20360
1 KL-S
KL-T 2 Naval Air Systems Command
1 VL-F (R.J. Niemela) AIR 03
1 WL-D Washington, D.C. 20360

1 1 Director Night Vision Laboratory

U.S. Army Elect ronics Command
2 Commanding O ff i ce r
O f f i c e of Naval Research Branch O f fi c e
am Attn: HL-NV-II (Dr A.D. Sc hni tz le r) Box 39, Navy No 100 F.P.O.
Fort Be lv oi r, V ir gi ni a 22060 New York, New Yorkk 09510
1 Commanding O ff i ce r 2 Chief of Naval Operations
O f fi c e of Naval Research Branch O f fi c e OP-07
219 South Dearborn St ree t Washington, D.C. 20350
Chicago, I l l i n o i s 60604

1 Director, U.S, Naval Security Group

1 Commanding O ff i ce r Attn: G43
Of fi ce of Naval Reserve Branch O f fi c e 3801 Nebraska Avenue
207 West 24th St reet Washington, D.C. 20390
New York, New York 10011

2 Commanding O ff i ce r
1 Commanding O ff i ce r Naval Ordnance Laboratory
O f fi c e of Naval Research Branch O ff i ce White Oak, Maryland 21502
1030 East Green Street
Pasadena, C a l i f o r n i a 91101
1 Commanding O ff i ce r
Naval Ordnance Laboratoty
1 Commanding O ff i ce r Corona, C a l i f o r n i a 91720
O f f i c e of Naval Research Branch O f fi c e
495 Summer St ree t
Boston, Massachusetts 02210 1 Commanding O ff i ce r
Naval Ordnance Test St at ion
China Lake, C a l i f o r n i a 93555
8 Director, Naval Research Laboratory
Technical Information O ff i c e r
Washington, D.C. 20360 1 Commanding O ff i ce r
Attn: Code 2000 Naval Training Device Center
Orlando, Florida 32811

1 Commander ^
Naval Air Development and Material Center Commanding O f f i ce r
Johns vi l le , Pennsylvania 18974 Naval Avionics F a c i l i t y
Indianapolis, Indiana 46241

2 Librarian
U.S, Naval Elect ronics Laboratory 1 U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory
San Diego, C a l i f o r n i a 95152 Dahlgren, V i r g i n i a 22448

1 Commanding O ff i ce r & Director 1 Weapons Systems Test Division

U.S. Naval Underwater Sound Laboratory Naval Air Test Center
Fort Trumbull Patuxtent River, Maryland 20670
New London, Connecticut 06840 Attn: Library

1 Librarian 1 Head, Technical Division

U.S. Navy Post Graduate School U.S. Naval Counter I n t e l l i g e n c e
Monterey, C a l i f o r n i a 93940 Support Center
Fairmont Building
4420 North Stir fax Drive
1 Commander Arlington, V ir g i n i a
U.S. Naval Air Mi ssi le Test Center
Point Magu, C al i f o r ni a 93041
1 Mr Charles Yost
Special Asst to the Director of Research
1 Director National Aeronautics & Space Admin.
U.S. Naval Observatory Washington, D.C. 20546
Washington, D.C. 20390
1 Dr H. Harrison, Code RRE 1 Director
Chief, Electrophysics Branch Stanford Elect ronics Laboratories
National Aeronautics & Space Admin Stanford University
Attn: Library C3/TDL Stanford, C a l i fo r ni a 94305
Green B e l t , Maryland 20771

1 Director
1 NASA Lewis Research Center Elect ronics Research Laboratory
Attn: Library University of C a l i f o r n i a
21000Brookpark Road Berkeley, C a l i f o r n i a 94720
Cleveland, Ohio 22135

1 Director
1 National Science Foundation E lect ronic Sciences Laboratory
A11 u : Pr ogr am Direct or Uni versity of Southern C a l i f o r n i a
Engineering System Program ENG Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a 90007
1800 G. S t r e e t , N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20550
1 Elect ronics Research Center
University of Texas at Austin
1 U,S. Atomic Energy Commission Engr-Science Bldg 110
Division of Technical Information Ext. Austin Texas 78712
' P.0. Box 62
Oak Ridge, Tenn 37831
1 Division of Engineering & Applied Physics
210 Pierce Hall
1 Los Alamos S c i e n t i f i c Laboratory Harvard University
Attn: Reports Library Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
P.O. Box 1663
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
1 Aerospace Corporation
P*0. Box 95085
2 NASA S c i e n t i f i c & Technical Inform. Fac. Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a 90045
Attn: Ac quisi tions Branch (S/AK/DL) Attn: Library Acqu isi t io n Group
P*0. Box 33
College Park, Maryland 20740
1 Professor Nicholas George
1 Director C a l i f o r n i a I nst , of Technology
Research Laboratory of Elec tronic s Pasadena, C a l i f o r n i a 91109
Massachusetts I n s t i t u t e of Technology
Cambridge, Mass 02139
1 Aeronautics Library
Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories
1 Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e of Brooklyn C a l i f o r n i a I n s t i t u t e of Technology
55 Johnson S t ree t 1201 E. C a l i f o r n i a Blvd
Brooklyn, New York 11201 Pasadena, C a l i f o r n i a 91109
Attn: Mr Jerome Fox
Research Coordinator
1 Director, USAF Pr oj ec t RAND
Via: Air Force Liaison O f f i c e
1 Director The RAND Corporation
Columbia Radiation Laboratory 1700 Main St reet
Columbia University Santa Monica, C a l i f o r n i a 90406
538 West 120th St ree t
New York, New York 10027
1 Hunt Library
Carnegie I n s t i t u t e of Technology
1 Director Schenley Park, Pit ts bur gh, Pa. 15213
Coordinated Science Laboratory
Uni versit y of I l l i n o i s
Urbana, I l l i n o i s 61801
The John Hopkins University 1 Syracuse Uni versit y
Applied Physics Laboratory Dept of E l e c t r i c a l Engineering
8621 Georgia Avenue Syracuse, New York 13210
S i l v e r Spring, Maryland 20910
Attn: Boris W. Kuvshinoff
Document Librarian 1 Yale University
Engineering Dept
New Haven, Connecticut 06520
Dr Leo Young
Stanford Research I n s t i t u t e
Menlo Park, C a l i f o r n i a 94025 1 Airborne Instruments Laboratory
Deerpark, New York 11729

Mr Henry L. Bachmann
As s is t an t Chief Engineer 1 Bendix P a c i f i c Division
Wheeler Laboratories 11600 Sherman Way
122 C u t t e r h i l l Road North Hollywood, C al i f o r n i a 91605
Great Neck, New York 11021

1 General E l e c t r i c Co
School of Engineering Sciences Research Laboratories
Arizona St at e University Schenectady, New York 12301
Tempe, Arizona 85281

1 Lockheed A i r c r a f t Corp
Engineering and Math. Sciences Library P.0. Box 504
University of C a l i f o r n i a at Los Angeles Sunnyvale, C a l i f o r n i a 94088
405 Hilgred Avenue
Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a 90024
1 Raytheon Co
Bedford, Mass 01730
C al i f o r n i a I n s t i t u t e of Technology Attn: Librarian
Pasadena, C a l i f o r n i a 91109
Attn: Documents Library
1 Dr G . J. Murphy
The Technological I n s t i t u t e
University of C a l i f o r n i a Northwestern University
Santa Barbara, C a l i f o r n i a 93106 Evanston, I l l i n o i s 60201
Attn: Library

1 Dr John C. Hancock, Director

Carnegie I n s t i t u t e of Technology El ec tro nic s Systems Research Laboratory
E l e c t r i c a l Engineering Dept Purdue Uni versit y
Pittsburgh, Pa 15213 L a f ay e t t e, Indiana 47907

University of Michigan 1 Director

E l e c t r i c a l Engineering Dept Microwave Laboratory
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Stanford University
Stanford, C a l i f o r n i a 94305

New York University

College of Engineering 1 Emil Schafer, Head
New York, N.Y. 10019 El ec tro ni cs Properties Infor. Center
Hughes A i r c r a f t Co
Culver, C a l i f o r n i a 90230
- 8-
1 Dept of E l e c t r i c a l Engineering
Texas Technological College
Lubbock, Texas 79409

1 IBM Technical Info. R e t ri e va l Center

International Business Machines Corp.
Armonk, New York 10504

1 Commander
Test Command (TCDT-E)
Defense Atomic Support Agency
Sandia Base
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87115

1 Commanding General
U.S. Army Weapons Command
Rock Islai*[ 111 61201
Attn: ANSWE-RDR (Gerald Reinsmith)

1 Col E.P* Gaines, ACDA/FO

1901 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, D.C„ 20451

1 Mr B i l l y Locke
Plans Directorate
USAF Security Service
Kell y Air Force Base, Texas 78241

1 W.A. Eberspacher
Technical Consultant
Systems I ntegration
Code 5340A, Box 15
Naval Mi s si l e Center
Point Magu, C a l i f o r n i a 93041

1 Director of Faculty Research

Department of the Air Force
USAF Academy
Colorado 80840

1 Lt Col Richard Bennett

The Pentagon
Washington, D,C. 20301

1 Weapons Systems Ev&luation Group

Attn: Col John B. McKinney
410 Army-Navy Drive
Arlington, V i r g i n i a 22202
Security C lassification


(S e c u ri ty c la s s ific a tio n o f title , body o f a b s tra c t a n d in d e x in g a n n o ta tio n m ust be e n te re d when th e o v e ra ll re p o rt is c la s s ifie d )

1. O R IG IN ATIN G A C T IV IT Y ( C o rp o ra te a u th o r) Za. R E P O R T S E C U R IT Y C LA S S IF IC A T IO N

University of I l l i n o i s Unclass i f i e d
Coordinated Science Laboratory Zb. GROUP

Urbana, I l l i n o i s 61801


4. D E S C R IP T IV E N O TES (Type o í re p o r t a n d i n c l u s i v e d a t e s )

5- A u T H O RIS I ( F i r s t na m e, m i d d l e i n i t i a l , l a s t n a m e )

6 R EP O R T D A T E 7a. T O T A L NO. O F PAG ES 7b. NO. OF REFS

us t .—1968G R A N T
8 a ~ F O N T r ’a C T O R NoT
9a. O R IG IN A T O R ’ S R E P O R T NUM BER(S)

b. P R O JE C T NO.

9b. O T H E R R E P O R T NO(S) ( A n y o t h e r nu m b e rs t h a t may be as s i g n e d

t h is r e p o r t )


Di st ri bution of this report is unlimited


Joint Services Elec tronic s Program

thru U.S. Army Elec tronic s Command
F t . Monmouth, New Jersey 07703
13. A B S T R A C T

Formulations are given for the c o e f f i c i e n t s , , defined by H. Hertz in terms

of the solution of a transcendental equation involving e l l i p t i c int egrals and used
by him to describe the deformation of bodies subjected to contact s t r es s es . Methods
of approximate c al cu l at io n are explained, errors in the tables prepared by Hertz
are noted. For the purpose of providing a more extensive and more accurate tabulation
using an automatic d i g i t a l computer, -these c o e f f i c i e n t s are reformulated so that a
large part of the v a r ia t i o n is expressed by means of e a s i l y - i n t e r p r e t e d elementary
formulae. The remainder of the v a ri at i on is tabulated to 6 places for 100 values of
the argument. Graphs of the c o e f f i c i e n t s are also provided.

1 NOV 65 1473
S t - r u n tv C ' l . i ' . s i t u .i !i -n

Security C lassification

14 L IN K A L 1N K B L IN K C

Contact Stress

Se< unt v C' 1 i fi (

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