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Nomor 1.

Soal There are numeros consequences due to illegal activities in the foresty sector.
Revenues lost by governments casued by illegal logging result in decrease of their
ability to invest in the forestry sector. This han an effect on poverty levels,
primarily because of the revenue lost by goverment. As result, reduces their
financial capability as well as the programs that could be implemented to help the

Moreover, poor people are not in a postion to influence political bodies. This
keeps them from accesing the forest resource. Finally the resources’s ;ow cost
contributes to an increase in waste and provides very little incentive to buy timber
harvested from forests managed in a sustainble manner. Inadequate forests law
enforcement and governance in other countries can also threaten sustainble forests

As for direct negative consequences of illegal logging on the wood products

industry, their effect is to simultaneously increase harvesting and increase the
availability of timber, thus lowering the price for producers. The price decrease
suffered by producers can lead to unfair competition, thus reducing the
profitability of legal companies. Illegal loging is a disincentive to sustainable
forests management. The illegal timber trade threatens not only the visibility of
lrgal trade, but also its reputation.

Despite the negative impacts, some stakeholders might benefit from illegal forest
activities, such as consumers who could benefit from lower process and national
industries that could increase their competitiveness by having access to lower
timber prices

Other more practice solutions are being put forward to reduce illegal loging and
trade. Some if those solutions relate more to timber trade, there is no doubt that
forest certification is seen, for some as tool; among many others, that enables
control over the illegal wood trade., especially when it comes to the cain of
custody. Also, there are other methods presently used or put forward to help
combat illegal loging and illegal trade. They inculde log tracking systems, legality
license-based verification system such as labeling, privat and public procurement
policies, international coorporatiion and coordination in trade statistic, information
exchanghe on illegal trade, an the study of possible trade-related measures.

The paragraph following the passage will most likely discuss...

A. solution details about timber-trade-related methods

B. log certification processes for international markets

C. parties involved instudies on trade-related measures

D. examples of cases on methods in combating illegal logging

E. explantion on log tracking and license verification systems

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. solution details about timber-trade-related methods

Soal : Paragraf berikut ini kemungkinan besar akan membahas...

Pembahasan: paragraf terakhir membahas tentang solusi terhadap masalah

penebangan dan perdagangan liar dan menyebutkan tentang penyelidikan langkah-
langkah yang berhubungan dengan perdagangan (the study of possible trade-
related measures). Oleh karena itu, paragraf selanjutnya mungkin membahas
tentang akan langkah selanjutnya.

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya rincian solusi tentang metode yang berhubungan dengan perdagangan


Opsi B (salah)

Artinya proses sertifikasi log untuk pasar internasional

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya pihak yang terlibat dalam studi tentang langkah-langkah yang terkait
dengan perdagangan

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya contoh kasus tentang metode pemberantasan illegal logging

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya penjelasan tentang pelacakan log dan sistem verifikasi lisensi

Materi Reading

Nomor 2.
Soal Text

Opera refers to a dramatic art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional
content is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and
instrumental, as it is through the lyrics. By contrast, in musical theater an actor’s
dramatic performance is primary, and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in
opera is presented using the primary elements of theater such as scenery,
costumes, and acting. However, the words of the opera, or libretto, are sung rather
than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble ranging from a
small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic orchestra.

It is pointed out in the reading that opera …

A. has developed under the influence of musical theatre

B. is a drama sung with the accompanied of orchestra

C. is not a high-budget production

D. is often performed in Europe

E. is the most complex of all the performing arts

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. is a drama sung with the accompanied of orchestra


Kita harus menyimpulkan pengertian opera dari teks diatas bahwa opera adalah
salah satu drama yang dinyanyikan bersama dengan okestra. Kesimpulan opera ini
harus mencankup seluruh isi teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 3.
Soal The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelion for cave and thema
for deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalacties and
stalagmites, Stalacties hang downward from ceiling of the cave and are formed as
drop after drop of water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof.
Stalagmites grow upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water
dripping from an overhead stalactite. A colomn forms when stalactite and a
stalagmite grow until they join . A “curtain” of “drapery” begins to form on an
inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.

Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or swallow
holes. Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the
cavern. Rivers may flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves.
Some caverns have sinkholes in thier floors. Water often build up a rim of
dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping water often contains dissolved
minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be deposited; and they may give
rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change, layers of different
colors may be formed.

Stalagmites are formed by ....

A. drops of water which enter through cracks in the ceiling.

B. underground rivers which flow through the cave.

C. water dripping from an overhead stalactite

D. water which trickles down a slope.

E. water which drops from the cloud

Pembahasan Jawaban: C


Pertanyaan untuk soal ini artinya staglamit dibentuk oleh?

Dan jawabannya ada di paragraph ke 1 kalimat ke 4 yaitu ‘Stalagmites grow

upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from an
overhead stalactite’

Opsi A (Salah)

Opsi ini menyatakan bagaimana stalactice dibentuk, sedangkan yang ditanyakan

adalah stalagmite.

Opsi B (Salah)

Opsi ini artinya dihasilkan dari sungai yang mengalir melalui gua.

Opsi C (Benar)

Opsi ini menyatakan bahwa tetesan dari atas stalactite. Maka jawaban ini benar
karena sesuai dengan informasi yang ada dibacaan

Opsi D (Salah)

Arti opsi ini adalah air yang menetes ke bawah lereng

Opsi E (Salah)

Arti opsi ini adalah air yang jatuh dari langit.

Materi Reading

Nomor 4.
Soal The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelion for cave and thema
for deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalacties and
stalagmites, Stalacties hang downward from ceiling of the cave and are formed as
drop after drop of water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof.
Stalagmites grow upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water
dripping from an overhead stalactite. A colomn forms when stalactite and a
stalagmite grow until they join . A “curtain” of “drapery” begins to form on an
inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.

Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or swallow
holes. Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the
cavern. Rivers may flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves.
Some caverns have sinkholes in thier floors. Water often build up a rim of
dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping water often contains dissolved
minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be deposited; and they may give
rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change, layers of different
colors may be formed.

The word speleothem comes frome which language?

A. Latin

B. French

C. German

D. English

E. Greek
Pembahasan Jawaban: E


Soal ini menanyakan kata speleothem berasal dari Bahasa apa. Jawabannya sudah
jelas disebutkan diparagrap ke 1 dikalimat ke 1 bahwa kata tersebut berasal dari
Bahasa Yunani.Maka jawaban yang benar adalah E (Greek)

Opsi A (Salah)

Bahasa Latin

Opsi B (Salah)

Bahasa Perancis

Opsi C (Salah)

Bahasa Jerman

Opsi D (Salah)

Bahasa Inggris

Opsi E (Benar)

Bahasa Yunani

Materi Reading

Nomor 5.
Soal Cheetahs are a species of cat best known for being the fastest land animal, with the
ability to sprint at speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour (75 miles per hour) and
accelerate to 97 kilometers per hour (60 miles per hour) in as little as three
seconds, making them faster than most sports cars. Cheetahs use their acceleration
and speed to chase down and catch prey, like gazelles, on the sub-Saharan
savannas where many of them live. Cheetahs have small heads, lean bodies, long
legs, and a yellowish-tan coat with distinctive black spots.

Cheetahs face extinction pressure from climate change, hunting by humans, and
habitat destruction, which is reducing the size of their populations. Cheetahs' own
genes also pose a challenge to their continued survival. Cheetahs have a low rate
of reproductive success, meaning that as a species they are not always able to
reproduce. With fewer offspring, the population can neither grow nor adapt to
changes in the environment.

There are various theories concerning cheetah evolution, including a popular one
holding that cheetahs descended from the same ancestor as the American puma.
About 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, around the end of the last ice age, an extinction
event took place that wiped out many large mammal species around the world,
including the wild cheetahs of North America and Europe. The extinction of these
early cheetah species left only the Asian and African populations of cheetahs.
Since then, they have faced pressure from climate change, habitat loss, and human
activities. At the turn of the 19th century, more than 100,000 cheetahs are
estimated to have been living in Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere in Asia.
Today, cheetahs are found in the wild in several locations in Africa, and a tiny
population of another subspecies, the Asiatic cheetah, is found in Iran. Scientists
estimate that fewer than 8,000 African cheetahs are living in the wild today and
that there may be fewer than 50 Asian cheetahs left in the world. These data reflect
an overall decline of about 50 percent in the last four decades, as well as a
significant shrinkage in the historic range of the species.


Why has the cheetah population been confined to Asia and Africa?

A. Due to the fact that cheetahs and pumas share a common ancestor

B. Due to the pressure of climate change occurred in America and Europe

C. Due to the evolutionary changes of cheetah approximately 12,000 years ago

D. Because of the extinction catastrophe occurred during the last ice age

E. Because of the high likelihood of survival of the Asian and African cheetah
Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Because of the extinction catastrophe occurred during the last
ice age


Arti soal: “Mengapa populasi cheetah terbatas di Asia dan Afrika?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang populasi cheetah di Asida dan Afrika. Dapat ditemukan
bahwa pembahasan tentang hal tersebut ada di paragraf 3, tepatnya pada kalimat 2-
3 berikut:

“About 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, around the end of the last ice age, an
extinction event took place that wiped out many large mammal species around the
world, including the wild cheetahs of North America and Europe. The extinction of
these early cheetah species left only the Asian and African populations of


“Sekitar 10,000 sampai 12,000 tahun yang lalu, sekitar akhir zaman es terakhir,
peristiwa kepunahan yang memusnahkan banyak spesies mamalia besar terjadi di
seluruh dunia, termasuk pada cheetah liar di Amerika utara dan Eropa. Kepunahan
pada spesies cheetah awal ini menyisakan populasi cheetan di Asia dan Afrika”.

Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa alasan populasi cheetah hanya terbatas di Asia
dan Afrika adalah karena terjadinya peristiwa kepunahan yang terjadi pada zaman
es terakhir.

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya: “Karena fakta bahwa cheetah dan puma memiliki leluhur/moyang yang
sama”. Opsi A salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya: “Karena tekanan perubahan iklim yang terjadi di Amerika dan Eropa”.
Opsi B salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya: “Karena perubahan cheetah secara evolusi sekitar 12,000 tahun yang
lalu”. Opsi C salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi D (BENAR)

Artinya: “Karena bencana kepunahan yang terjadi pada zaman es terakhir”. Opsi D
benar karena merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya: “Karena tingginya kemungkinan bertahan hidup spesies cheetah Asia dan
Afrika”. Opsi E salah karena merupakan alasan yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 6.

Soal There are numeros consequences due to illegal activities in the foresty sector.
Revenues lost by governments casued by illegal logging result in decrease of their
ability to invest in the forestry sector. This han an effect on poverty levels,
primarily because of the revenue lost by goverment. As result, reduces their
financial capability as well as the programs that could be implemented to help the

Moreover, poor people are not in a postion to influence political bodies. This
keeps them from accesing the forest resource. Finally the resources’s ;ow cost
contributes to an increase in waste and provides very little incentive to buy timber
harvested from forests managed in a sustainble manner. Inadequate forests law
enforcement and governance in other countries can also threaten sustainble forests

As for direct negative consequences of illegal logging on the wood products

industry, their effect is to simultaneously increase harvesting and increase the
availability of timber, thus lowering the price for producers. The price decrease
suffered by producers can lead to unfair competition, thus reducing the
profitability of legal companies. Illegal loging is a disincentive to sustainable
forests management. The illegal timber trade threatens not only the visibility of
lrgal trade, but also its reputation.

Despite the negative impacts, some stakeholders might benefit from illegal forest
activities, such as consumers who could benefit from lower process and national
industries that could increase their competitiveness by having access to lower
timber prices

Other more practice solutions are being put forward to reduce illegal loging and
trade. Some if those solutions relate more to timber trade, there is no doubt that
forest certification is seen, for some as tool; among many others, that enables
control over the illegal wood trade., especially when it comes to the cain of
custody. Also, there are other methods presently used or put forward to help
combat illegal loging and illegal trade. They inculde log tracking systems, legality
license-based verification system such as labeling, privat and public procurement
policies, international coorporatiion and coordination in trade statistic, information
exchanghe on illegal trade, an the study of possible trade-related measures.

Which of the following best summarizes the passage ?

A. Multi-national cooperation is required to flight illegal logging.

B. illegal logging impacts a governments socially, economically, and politically

C. Governmental and non-governmental organizations should flight illegal logging

D. Various solutions on illegal logging should be implemented to result effectively

E. Urgent solutions are needed to stop illegal logging with its multi-negative
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. illegal loging impacts a goverments socially, enconomically, and

Soal : Manakah dari berikut ini yang paling meringkas bagian itu?

Pembahasan: Rangkuman yang paling tepat dari teks tersebut adala tentang efek
secara sosial, ekonomi, dan politik dari penebangan liar.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya Kerja sama multi-nasional diperlukan untuk memberantas pembalakan


Opsi B (benar)

Artinya pembalakan liar berdampak pada pemerintah secara sosial, ekonomi, dan

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya Organisasi pemerintah dan non-pemerintah harus menghindari

pembalakan liar

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya Berbagai solusi atas pembalakan liar harus diterapkan agar hasilnya efektif

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya Solusi mendesak diperlukan untuk menghentikan pembalakan liar dengan

efek multi-negatifnya

Materi Reading

Nomor 7.
Soal On May 24 2018, the United Nations (UN) Security Council unanimously passed a
resolution condemning the use of food insecurity and starvation as a tactic of war.
It was the first time the Council had ever addressed the issue, acknowledging a
threat to the lives of tens of millions of people. Aimed at countries currently
engaged in international or civil wars, the resolution implores all parties to leave
food stocks, farms, markets, and other distribution mechanisms intact. It demands
parties in conflict permit humanitarian aid workers unimpeded access to
populations in dire need and states that “using starvation of civilians as a method
of warfare may constitute a war crime.”

Ending hunger and extreme food insecurity features among the UN’s Sustainable
Development Goals, adopted in 2015. Worldwide, the number of hungry and
malnourished people had been declining for at least two decades but began rising
after 2015. Experts believe conflicts and wars, along with weather events
associated with climate change, are the main reasons for this setback. Among the
815 million people suffering from chronic malnutrition in 2016, 60 percent lived
in areas affected by armed conflict.

Wars are inherently violent and harmful, but destruction of resources can
sometimes create more catastrophic harm than bombs and bullets. Warring parties
may plunder an enemy’s food supply, deliberately destroying farms, livestock, and
other civilian infrastructure. Conflict can cause food shortages and the severe
disruption of economic activities, threatening the means of survival of entire
populations. Additionally, wars commonly trigger the displacement of huge
numbers of people, cutting them off from their food supplies and livelihoods.
Refugees are often vulnerable to acute food insecurity as well as disease.
Alternately, if people remain in their homes, surrounding armies can trap people
inside a village, city, or neighborhood and deprive them of food, medicine, and
other vital resources until they surrender. Many conflict zones desperately need
humanitarian aid, but increasingly, one or both parties in a conflict may block
relief operations from reaching starving populations or even carry out attacks
against humanitarian organizations.


What is the primary demand of the resolution issued by the United Nations about
hunger and food insecurity?

A. Preventing conflicting parties from prohibiting humanitarian help

B. Condemning the practice of threating the lives of those who engaged in war

C. Allowing access for humanitarian aid workers explore the conflict zone

D. Putting an end to the practice of utilizing famine as a military strategy

E. Establishing rules stating that using starvation in war is a crime

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Putting an end to the practice of utilizing famine as a military


Arti soal: “Apa tuntutan utama dari resolusi yang dikeluarkan oleh PBB tentang
kelaparan dan kelangkaan pangan?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk mencari bagian
yang membahasa tentang tuntutan utama dari resolusi yang dikeluarkan oleh PBB.

Dapat ditemukan bahwa bahasan tersebut terdapat dalam paragaf 1, kalimat 3-4

“Aimed at countries currently engaged in international or civil wars, the

resolution implores all parties to leave food stocks, farms, markets, and other
distribution mechanisms intact. It demands parties in conflict permit humanitarian
aid workers unimpeded access to populations in dire need and states that “using
starvation of civilians as a method of warfare may constitute a war crime.””


“Ditujukan pada negara-negara yang saat ini terlibat dalam perang internasional
atau sipil, resolusi ini meminta semua pihak untuk membiarkan stok makanan,
pertanian, pasar, dan mekanisme distribusi lainnya agar tetap utuh. Resolusi ini
menuntut pihak-pihak yang berselisih untuk memberikan izin akses tanpa
hambatan pada para pekerja bantuan kemanusiaan untuk membantu populasi yang
sangat membutuhkan dan menyatakan bahwa “menggunakan kelaparan warga sipil
sebagai metode perang merupakan kejahatan perang”.

Dari bagian tersebut, pada intinya dapat disimpulkan bahwa tuntutan utama dari
resolusi yang dikeluarkan PBB adalah untuk menghentikan penggunaan kelaparan
warga sipil sebagai strategi dalam peperangan karena tuntutan lainnya yang
disebutkan dalam bacaan sama-sama bertujuan untuk menghentikan pengunaan
kelaparan sebagai strategi perang.

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya: “Mencegah pihak yang berkonflik melarang bantuan kemanusiaan”. Opsi

A salah karena tuntuan tersebut bukan merupakan tuntuan utama resolusi yang
sesuai dengan isi teks. Melainkan merupakan tuntuan lainnya, karena pada intinya
sama, yaitu untuk menghentikan pengunaan kelaparan warga sipil sebagai strategi

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya: “Mengutuk praktik mengancam nyawa orang-orang yang terlibat dalam

perang”. Opsi B salah karena tuntutan tersebut bukan merupakan tuntutan utama
yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya: “Memberikan akses bagi para pekerja bantuan kemanusiaan untuk

mengeksplorasi zona konflik”. Opsi C salah karena bukan merupakan tuntutan
utama dari resolusi yang dibahas dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 8.

Soal Awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1918, German physics Max Planck is best
remembered as the originator of the quantum theory. His work helped user in a
new era in theoretical physics and revolutionized the scientific community’s
understanding of atomic and sub-atomic processes.

Planck intriduced an idea that led to the quantum theory, which became the
foundation of twentieth century physics. In December 1900, Plnck worked out an
equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the range of
low to high frequencies. He had developed a theory which depended on a model of
matter that seemed very strange at the time. The model required the emission of
electromagnetic radiation in small chunks or particles. These particles were later
called quantums. The energy associated with each quatum is measured by
multiplying the frequency of the radiation, v, by a universal constant, h. Thus,
energy, or E, equals hv. The constant, h, is known as Planck’s constant. It is now
recognized as one of the fundamental constant of the world.

Planck announced his finding in 1900, but it was years before the full
consequences of his revolutionary quantum theory were recognized. Throughout
his life, Planck made significant contributions to optics, thermodynamics and
stastistical mechanics, physical chemistry, and other fields. In 1930, He was
elected president of the Kaiser Wilhelm society, which was renamed the Max II.
Though deeply opposed to the fascist regime of Adolf Hitler, Planck remained in
Germany throughout teh war. He died in Gottingen on October 4, 1947.

“An idea” as used in line 4, refers to…

A. A model of matter

B. Emission of electromagnetic radiation

C. Quantums

D. The equation that described the distribution of radiation accurately over the
range of low to high frequencies

E. Biology
Pembahasan Jawaban: D. The equation that described the distribution of radiation
accurately over the range of low to high frequencies

Soal : “Sebuah ide” seperti yang digunakan pada baris 4, mengacu pada…

Pembahasan: “Idea” merujuk pada “equation” seperti ada dalam pilihan (d).
Walupun pilihan-pilihan jawaban lain disebutkan di dalam bacaan, tetapi mereka
tidak mendefinisikan tentang “idea”.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya Sebuah model materi

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya Emisi radiasi elektromagnetik

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya Kuantum

Opsi D (Benar)

Artinya Persamaan yang menggambarkan distribusi radiasi secara akurat pada

rentang frekuensi rendah hingga tinggi

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya biologi

Materi Reading

Nomor 9.
Soal Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of
mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java.
The King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called
Princess Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married.
One day Sang Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.

After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the
competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with
Raden Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot
his wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept
this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she
was very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.

Which one of the following statements is FALSE about Sang Prabu?

A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter

B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java

C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy

D. Sang Prabu was a wise man

E. Sang Prabu didn’t have a son

Pembahasan Jawaban: C


Pada soal ini ditanyakan mana pernyataan yang salah tentang Sang Prabu.
Jawabanya adalah opsi C karena tidak sesuai dengan pernyataan pada teks tersebut
yaitu Putri Teja Nirmala dibawa oleh peri jahat seharusnya Putri dibawa oleh peri
yang baik

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya Sang Prabu adalah ayah dari seorang anak perempuan. Pernyataan ini

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya Sang Prabu adalah seorang raja di Jawa Barat

Opsi C (Benar)

Artinya Sang Prabu dibawa oleh peri jahat. Pernyataan ini salah maka ini jawaban
yang benar untuk soal ini

Opsi D (Salah)

Sang Prabu adalah laki laki yang bijaksana. Pernyataan ini betul sesuai dengan
pernyataan pada teks

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya Sang Prabu tidak punya anak laki-laki. Pernyataan ini betul karena Sang
Prabu hanya punya anak perempuan

Materi Reading

Nomor 10.
Soal From : Mimi Syafiah;

Date : May 1st, 2015

Subject : SEAMEO Voctech [ID] confirmation Letter RTP on 14-26 May 2015

To : Tofan Sutrisno

Dear Mr.Sutrisno

Please give the attachment enclosed to all of the participants who will be attending
the Regular Training Program on Developing an International Standard Quality
Management System for Educational Institutions 14-26 May 2015 in Brunei
Darussalam. Agendas will be discussed are as follows.

1. Scholarship Confirmation Letter,

2. The Scholarship Rules & Regulations, and

3. The Travel Advice

Please submit us all participant’s scanned passport detail soon or before 10 May
2015 for ticket bookings and Visa clearance.

Please contact me if you have any further queries.

Mimi Syafiah

Training & Quality Assurance Division

What do the participants of the event have to submit for Visa clearance?

A. The most recent photograph

B. Scanned passport details

C. The latest TOEFL score transcripts

D. Voctech’s ID card number

E. School certificate
Pembahasan Jawaban: B


Pertanyaan di soal ini adalah apa yang harus dimasukan oleh peserta untuk ijin
Jawabannya ada dikalimat ‘’Visa Please submit us all participant’s scanned
passport detail soon or before 10 May 2015 for ticket bookings and Visa
clearance’’. (Visa Harap kirimkan kepada kami semua detail paspor yang dipindai
peserta segera atau sebelum 10 Mei 2015 untuk pemesanan tiket dan izin Visa

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya foto terbaru

Opsi B (Benar)

Artinya detail paspor yang dipindai

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya transkrip skor TOEFL terbaru

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya nomor kartu identitas Voctech

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya Ijazah sekolah

Materi Reading

Nomor 11.
Soal One day in July 2005, I went fishing on Sodus bay. I casted under our own dock
with a rubber worm and Boom!

A big bass took off to the other side of the dock and I was sure the line was going
to break because his pulling was rubbing line againts sharp rocks. Three times I
pulled him back to my side of the dock and three times he got got back to the other
side of the dock. Finally, I got him to my side and he was tired.

I knew that this was the biggest bass I had ever seen. I worked him towards me
and got down and gripped him. However, I didn’t have a good trip at first and I let
him down to the water for a few seconds to get a better grip. The next thing I knew
he was swimming away. No! Screamed louder than I ever had. It was the first time
I cried over a fish. What a huge fish. This is a true story and sad one for me.

What happened after the writer could grip the big bass ?

A. He picked the big bass up

B. He cleaned the big bass up

C. He laid down the big bass

D. He stored the bid bass in his dock

E. He lost the big bass

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. He lost the big bass

Soal : Apa yang terjadi setelah penulis bisa menggenggam ikan bandeng yang

Pembahasan: Dari ringkaian persitiwa pada paragraf 3: “.....reached down and

gripped him. However, I didn’t have a good grip at first and let him down to the
water for a few seconds to get a better grip. The next thing I knew he was
swimming away. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang terjadi setelah penulis
mencengkram ikan bandeng itu adalah ikan itu lepas dan dia kehilangan ikan
tangkapannya tersebut (he lost the big ass)

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya Dia mendapatkan ikan bandeng yang besar

Opsi B ( salah)

Artinya Dia membersihkan ikan bandeng besar tersebut

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya Dia meletakkan ikan bandeng besar itu

Opsi D (salah)

Artya Dia menyimpan ikan bandeng itu di doknya

Opsi E (benar)

Artinya Dia kehilangan ikan bandeng besar itu

Materi Reading

Nomor 12.
Soal Photosynthesis is the prcess of converting solar energy to chemical energy and
storing it bonds of sugar. This process occurs in plants and some algae (Kingdom
Protista). Plants need only solar energy, CO2 and H20 to make sugar. The process
of photosynthesis takes in the chloroplasts, specifically using chlorophyll, the
green pigment involved in photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis takes place primarily in plant leaves, and little to none occurs in
stern, etc. The part of typical leaf include the upper and lower epidermis , the
mesophyll, the vascular bundle(s) (venis), and the stomates. The upper and lower
epidermal cells do not have chloropalsts, thus photosynthesis does not occurs
there. They serve primarily as protection for the rest of the leaf. He stomates are
holes which occur primarily in the lower epidermis and are for air exchange : they
let CO2 in and O2 out. The vascular bundles or veins in a leaf are part of the
plant’s transportation system, moving water and nutrient around the plant as
needed. The mesophyll cells have chloroplasts and this is where photosynthesis

As you hopefully recall, the parts of chloroplast include the outer and inner
membranes, intermembrane space, stroma, and thylakoids stacked in grana. The
chlorophyll is built into the membrane of the thylakoids.

Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs the red and blue light, making these
colors unavailable to be seen by your eyes. It is the green light which is not
absorbed that finally reaches our eyes, making chlorophyll appear green. However,
it is the energy from the red and blue light that are absorbed that is, thereby, able
to be used to do photosynthesis. The green light we can see is not/cannot be
absorbed by the plan, and thus cannot be used to do photosynthesis.

What is the function of the upper and lower epidermis ?

A. To let CO2 in and O2 out

B. To enable photosynthesis

C. To absorb leaf green lights

D. To protect the rest of the leaf

E. To transport the nutrient

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. To protect the rest of the leaf

Soal : Apa fungsi epidermis atas dan bawah?

Pembahasan: Informasi rinci tersurat merupakan data atau informasi yang secara
eksplisit dinyatakan pada teks. Seperti yang di nyatakan di kalimat ke-4 di
paragraf 2 : “They (the upper and lower epidermal cells) serve primarly as
protection for the rest of the leaf”, kulit luar bagian atas dan bawah berfungsi
untuk melindungi daun

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya Untuk membiarkan CO2 masuk dan O2 keluar

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya Untuk mengaktifkan fotosintesis

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya Untuk menyerap cahaya hijau daun

Opsi D (benar)

Artinya Untuk melindungi sisa yang ada pada daun

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya Untuk mengangkut nutrisi

Materi Reading

Nomor 13.
Soal Bioengineering which is a process in which a set of genes from one plant is a hot
topic for debate days.

Those who are in favor of bioenginerring say that bioengineering could lead to
bigger crop yields and ‘new and improve’ fruit and make it possible to grow the
most desirable crops. In addition, they look at bioenginnering as a high -tech
version of cross pollination, which happens naturally with certain types of plants.

However, those who are against bioengineering say that there may be dangers of
genetically altered food. There isno telling what the long-term effects of
bioengineering. Furthermore, they add that because it is difficult to control cross-
pollination when genetically modified crops interbreed with conventional crops.
There is also the risk that some of native or non-modified species would be

We have no idea how bioengineering would impact not only the people who eat
the crops, but also the wildlife that feeds on them and the environment as a whole.

The communication purpose of the text is to…

A. Explain about bioengineering

B. Give information about bioengineering

C. Present two different opinion about bioengineering

D. Tell the readers that bioengineering is absolutely good

E. Give comment to the people whoare in favor of bioengineering

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. Present two different opinion about bioengineering

Soal : Tujuan komunikasi teks tersebut adalah…

Pembahasan: Jika dalam bacaan ada seikitnya 2 pendapat yang berbeda (at least 2
point of view) berarti bacaan tersebut termasuk discussion text. Tujuan
komunikatifnya (communicative purpose of the text) adalah mengetengahkan 2
pendapat yang berbeda tentang bioengineering (to present two points of views
about bioengineering)

Opsi A (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah menjelaskan tentang bioteknologi

Opsi B (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah memberikan informasi tentang bioteknologi

Opsi C (benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah menyajikan dua pendapat berbeda tentang bioengineering

Opsi D (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah memberi tahu pembaca bahwa bioengineering benar-benar

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah memberikan komentar kepada orang-orang yang

mendukung bioteknologi

Materi Reading

Nomor 14.
Soal After lunch Ratu took her bike and sneaked quietly into the yard. She moved
carefully to the plot of soil under the oak of the house as she checked to see that
nobody watched her. She leaned her bicycle against the tree and bent down. All
around dark clouds rumbled noisy in the sky; a streak of yellow zigzagged far
away, and she trembled. Digging swiftly in the hot earth she made a small hole
and in an instant took a crushed ten-dollar bill from her pocket. After she slipped
the money into the ground and covered it, she breathed deeply and smiled. She
was glad that was over! Now no one would find it or know how she got it.
Certainly it would be there later when she wanted it.

After she hides the money, Ratu feels….

A. Very guilt and sorry

B. Tired

C. That someone saw her

D. Free

E. Relieved
Pembahasan Jawaban: E


Pertanyaan di soal ini adalahsetelah dia menyembunyikan uangnya, Ratu merasa

bagaimana. Jawabannya dapat kita lihat di kalimat ‘’… she breathed deeply and
smiled. She was glad that was over!..’’ (Dia bernafas dalam-dalam dan tersenyum.
Dia senang iu semua sudah berakhir)

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya merasa sangat bersalah

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya merasa lelah

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya bahwa seseorang melihatnya

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya bebas

Opsi E (Benar)

Artinya lega

Materi Reading

Nomor 15.
Soal Swanson Inc.

222 Islington Avenue

Toronto – Canada

November 25

Ms. Ursula Schelling

A-1010, Vienna


Dear Ms. Schelling,

Thank you for your interest in Swanson Incorporated. Leslie Peterson and I
enjoyed meeting with you at the International Conference in Atlanta last month.
I’m sorry to say that the position for which you applied has already been filled.
However, we will keep your resume on file for future positions.


Sheila Hawks

Director of Human Resources

“The position for which you applied has already been filled.”

We can infer from the sentence that...

A. it’s hard to find a prospective job nowadays

B. the applicant’s qualification is poor

C. the job is already given to someone

D. the position is going to be informed

Pembahasan Jawaban: C


Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya sulit untuk menemukan pekerjaan prospektif saat ini

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya kualifikasi pelamar buruk

Opsi C (Benar)

Artinya pekerjaan itu sudah diberikan kepada seseorang

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya posisi akan diinformasikan

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya perusahaan tidak membutuhkan lagi

Materi Reading

Nomor 16.
Soal Once, a hunter lived a village. He used to boast of his brave hunting trips to the
villagers. The villagers respected him a lot. He mostly told everyone how he had
fought a lion bare-handed. He said that the tiny animals used to get scared even at
the sight of him.

One day, the hunter was passing through a forest. He met a woodcutter from the
same village.

The boastful hunter approached him and said, “How are you? it’s a fine day, isn’t

“Yes,yes,indeed!” the woodcutter replied.

“Well, can you tell me if you have seen some footprints of the lion nearby? it’s
been months since I defeated any.”

The woodcutter knew that the hunter only boasted, so he said, “Yes, a lion is in a
nearby then. Can I take you there?”

The scared hunter said, “No … No … I only just wanted to see his footprints.”

Finally, the boastful hunter ran away from the spot

What did the hunter boast about himself?

A. Someone defeated him.

B. He was the smartest man.

C. He was the strongest man.

D. He was the most courageous man.

E. Nobody defeated him

Pembahasan Jawaban: D

Pembahasan: Di paragraph pertama dia sendiri yang menceritakan bahwa dia

berkelahi dengan seekor singa (He mostly told everyone how he had fought a lion
bare-handed) tidak ada yang menyebut dia pemburu yang berani. Jadi jawaban
yang benar adalah D

Opsi A (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah seseorang mengalahkan dia. Pernyataan ini jelas salah
karena dia merasa paling hebat tidak ada yang mengalahkan dia

Opsi B (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah dia adalah orang yang paling pintar. Dia bukan pintar tapi

Opsi C (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah dia orang yang paling kuat. Sebetulnya dia orang yang

Opsi D (Benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah dia orang yang paling berani. Inilah yang disombongkan
oleh pemburu itu

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah tidak ada seorangpun yang mengalahkan dia

Materi Reading

Nomor 17.
Soal The integration of techonolgy and media can enhance early childhood practice.
Successful integration of technology and media into early childhood programs
involves the use of resources such as computers and the internet in daily classroom
practices. True integration occurs when the use of technology and media becomes
routine and transparent — when the focus of a child or educator is on the activity
or exploration itself and not on the technology or media being used. Technology
integration has been successful when the use of technology and media supports the
goal of educators and programs for children, provides children with digital tools
for learning and communicating and helps improve child outcomes.

As the lives of children, parents, families and educators are infused with
technology and media, early childhood classrooms can benefit from the
possibilities of extending children’s learing through judicious use of these tools.
As part of the overall classroom plan, technology and interactive media should be
used in ways that support exiting classroom development and educational goals
rather than in ways that distort or replace them. For example, drawing on a touch
screen can add to children’s graphic repsentational experiences; manipulating
colorful acetate shapes on a light table allows children to explore color and shape.

By focusing in technology and interactive media as tools— not as ends in and of

themselves— teachers can avoid the passive and potentially harmful use of non-
interactive, linear screen media that is inappropriate in early childhood settings.
Intentionally is a key to developmentally apporopriate use.

Exciting new resources in today’s technology-rich world represent the next

frontier in digital learning for our youngest citizent, leaving it to talented educators
and caring adults to determine how best to leverage each new technology as an
opportunity for children’s learning in ways that are developmentally appropriate.

Which paragraph(s) explain(s) the importance of using technology and media

wisely so that it can support existing classroom practice?

A. 1

B. 2 and 3

C. 2 and 4

D. 3 and 4

E. 4
Pembahasan Jawaban: B


Trik: (Baca soal terlebih dulu lalu tentukan kata kunci dari soal kemudian cari kata
kunci pada teks. Kata kunci pada soal tersebut adalah wisely atau dengan

Pada paragraf kedua terdapat kata “... juducious use of these tools.” kata judicious
mempunyai makna yang sama dengan wise yaitu bijaksana.

Pada paragraf ketiga pada kalimat “intentionally is a key to developmentally

appropriate use.” yang bermakna tujuan adalah kunci untuk penggunaan yang
tepat secara bertahap. Kata appropriate use (penggunaan yang tepat) dapat
digantikan oleh wise use (penggunaan yang bijaksana).

Jadi, paragraf yang menunjukkan pentingnya penggunaan teknologi dan media

secara bijaksana adalah paragraf 2 dan 3.

Opsi A (Salah)

Opsi B (Benar)

Opsi C (Salah)

Opsi D (Salah)

Opsi E (Salah)

Materi Reading

Nomor 18.
Soal Cement isn't something most people notice, even though we all depend on it every
day. The most common type of cement is called Portland cement, or OPC
(ordinary Portland cement). Portland cement is used to bind concrete, an essential
component of roads, bridges, and buildings.

Cement production is also a big contributor to global warming. Manufacturing

Portland cement requires heating limestone to 1,449 degrees Celsius (2,640
degrees Fahrenheit). The heating process uses fossil fuels, which release massive
amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon build-up in the Earth's
atmosphere causes global warming.

A company called Calera believes it has figured out a way to make cement that
stores carbon instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. Calera combines flue gas
released from power plants with seawater to make cement. This method of carbon
storage is called carbon sequestration.

Today, Calera has a prototype plant in Moss Landing, on the coast of Monterey
Bay, California. Flue gas from the natural gas facility is pumped into Calera's
cement plant. The flue gas, filled with carbon dioxide, is combined with seawater
from nearby Monterey Bay. Seawater contains calcium, magnesium, and other
minerals, the same ingredients corals use to build reefs. Carbon dioxide from the
flue gas and minerals in the seawater combine to make calcium carbonate.
Calcium carbonate is the material that makes up coral reefs, as well as Portland

The process of making calcium carbonate cement from carbon dioxide and
seawater is called Mineralization via Aqueous Precipitation, or MAP. After the
cement is made, the heat from the flue gas is used to dry the cement into powder.
Calera plans to desalinate and sell the leftover seawater.

The idea for MAP was developed by Brent Constantz, one of the co-founders of
Calera. As a graduate student at the University of California at Santa Cruz,
Constantz observed how corals used carbon dioxide to make reefs. He thought that
if corals could make cement this way, then perhaps humans could do it, too.


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the process of cement making in
Moss Landing prototype plant?

A. Carbon dioxide is combined with seawater to build reefs

B. Calcium carbonate cement is made using flue gas and seawater

C. The combination process takes place at Calera’s cement plant

D. Minerals from seawater are used to produce ecofriendly cement

E. The excretion gas is transported into Calera’s cement plant

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Carbon dioxide is combined with seawater to build reefs


Arti soal: “Manakah dari berikut ini yang SALAH tentang proses pembuatan
semen di pabrik prototipe Moss Landing?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu memahami isi paragraf yang membahas
tentang proses pembuatan semen di pabrik Moss Landing. Adapun paragraf adalah
sebagai 4 berikut:

“Today, Calera has a prototype plant in Moss Landing, on the coast of Monterey
Bay, California. Flue gas from the natural gas facility is pumped into Calera's
cement plant. The flue gas, filled with carbon dioxide, is combined with seawater
from nearby Monterey Bay. Seawater contains calcium, magnesium, and other
minerals, the same ingredients corals use to build reefs. Carbon dioxide from the
flue gas and minerals in the seawater combine to make calcium carbonate.
Calcium carbonate is the material that makes up coral reefs, as well as Portland


“Saat ini, Calera memiliki pabrik prototipe di Moss Landing, di pantai Teluk
Monterey, California. Gas pembuangan dari fasilitas gas alam dipompa ke pabrik
semen Calera. Gas pembuangan, yang penuh dengan karbon dioksida,
digabungkan dengan air laut dari Teluk Monterey di dekatnya. Air laut
mengandung kalsium, magnesium, dan mineral lainnya, bahan yang sama yang
digunakan karang untuk membangun terumbu. Karbon dioksida dari gas
pembuangan dan mineral air laut yang bergabung menghasilkan kalsium karbonat.
Kalsium karbonat adalah bahan yang membentuk terumbu karang, dan semen

Selanjutnya, kita harus menemukan mana dari opsi A sampai D yang memuat
pernyataan tentang pembuatan semen di Moss Landing tidak sesuai dengan
informasi dari teks.

Opsi A (BENAR)

Artinya: “Karbon dioksida digabungkan dengan air laut untuk membangun

terumbu karang.” Opsi A benar karena merupakan pernyataan yang tidak sesuai
dengan isi teks. Dalam teks dijelaskan bahwa karbon dioksida dan air laut
digabungkan untuk membuat semen kalsium karbonat.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “semen kalsium karbonat dibuat menggunakan gas pembuangan dan air
laut.” Opsi A salah karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Proses penggabungan berlangsung di pabrik semen Calera.” Opsi C

salah karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 19.

Soal The sun is the closest star to Earth. Even at a distance of 150 million kilometers
(93 million miles), its gravitational pull holds the planet in orbit. It radiates light
and heat, or solar energy, which makes it possible for life to exist on Earth.

Plants need sunlight to grow. Animals, including humans, need plants for food and
the oxygen they produce. Without heat from the sun, Earth would freeze. There
would be no winds, ocean currents, or clouds to transport water.

Solar energy has existed as long as the sun—about 5 billion years. While people
have not been around that long, they have been using solar energy in a variety of
ways for thousands of years. Solar energy is essential to agriculture—cultivating
land, producing crops, and raising livestock. Developed about 10,000 years ago,
agriculture had a key role in the rise of civilization. Solar techniques, such as crop
rotation, increased harvests. Drying food using sun and wind prevented crops from
spoiling. This surplus of food allowed for denser populations and structured

Early civilizations around the world positioned buildings to face south to gather
heat and light. They used windows and skylights for the same reason, as well as to
allow for air circulation. These are elements of solar architecture. Other aspects
include using selective shading and choosing building materials with thermal
mass, meaning they store heat, such as stone and concrete. Today, computer
programs make applications easier and more precise.

The greenhouse is another early solar development. By converting sunlight to heat,

greenhouses make it possible to grow plants out of season and in climates that may
not be suited for them. One of the earliest greenhouses dates to 30 CE, before glass
was even invented. Constructed from translucent sheets of mica, a thin mineral, it
was built for the Roman emperor Tiberius, who wanted to be able to eat
cucumbers all year. The general technique is the same today, although there have
been many improvements to increase the variety and amount of crops grown.


According to the passage, how close is the sun to Earth?

A. It is 93 million kilometers away

B. It is 150 million miles away

C. It is the closest planet to the sun

D. It is the nearest star to Earth

E. It is as close as Earth’s orbital path

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. It is the nearest star to Earth


“Berdasarkan teks, seberapa dekat matahari dengan bumi?”

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan
bagian yang membahas tentang jarak matahari ke bumi. Adapun ditemukan
pembahasan tersebut dalam paragraf 1, kalimat 1-2 berikut:

“The sun is the closest star to Earth. Even at a distance of 150 million kilometers
(93 million miles), its gravitational pull holds the planet in orbit.”


“Matahari adalah bintang yang paling dekat dengan Bumi. Bahkan pada jarak 150
juta kilometer (93 juta mil), tarikan gravitasi matahari masih menahan bumi pada

Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa matahari adalah bintang yang paling dekat dengan
bumi dengan jarak 150 juta kilometer.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Jaraknya 93 juta kilometer.” Opsi A salah karena merupakan informasi

yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Jaraknya 150 juta mil.” Opsi B salah karena merupakan informasi yang
tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Planet yang paling dekat dengan matahari.” Opsi C salah karena
merupakan informasi yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi D (BENAR)

Artinya: “Bintang yang terdekat dengan Bumi.” Opsi D benar karena merupakan
informasi yang sesuai dengan teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: “Sedekat jalur orbit bumi.” Opsi E salah karena merupakan informasi
yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Materi Reading
Nomor 20.
Soal Wetlands are areas of land that are covered by water, or have flooded or
waterlogged soils. They can have water on them either permanently or for just part
of the year. Whether it’s year-round or seasonal, this period of water saturation
produces hydric soils, which contain little or no oxygen. But this doesn’t mean that
they are lifeless: Wetlands are full of unique water-loving plants and wildlife that
have adapted to wet environments.

Wetlands can take many different forms, depending on the local climate, water
conditions and land forms and features. For example, swamps are dominated by
woody trees or shrubs. Marshes often have more grass-like plants, such as cattails
and bulrushes. Bogs and fens are areas that accumulate peat – deposits of dead and
partly decomposed plant materials that form organic-rich soil.

Wetlands are important environments for many reasons. They provide ecological
services whose value has been estimated to be worth more than US$47 trillion per
year. For example, wetlands support very high levels of biodiversity. Scientists
estimate that 40% of all species on Earth live or breed in wetlands. Wetlands are
critical homes or stopovers for many species of migratory birds. In the central U.S.
and Canada, for example, wetlands in the so-called prairie pothole region on the
Great Plains support up to three-quarters of North America’s breeding ducks.

Along with providing important habitat for everything from microbes to frogs to
waterfowl, wetlands also work to improve water quality. They can capture surface
runoff from cities and farmlands and work as natural water filters, trapping excess
nutrients that otherwise might create dead zones in lakes and bays. Wetlands can
also help remove other pollutants and trap suspended sediments that cloud water
bodies, which can kill aquatic plants and animals.

Because wetlands are often in low-lying areas of the landscape, they can store and
slowly release surface water. Wetlands can be extremely important for reducing
the impacts of flooding. In some places, water entering wetlands can also recharge
groundwater aquifers that are important for irrigation and drinking water.

Wetlands also act as important carbon sinks. As wetland plants grow, they remove
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They die, sink to the bottom of the wetland
and decompose very slowly. Over time, the carbon they contain accumulates in
wetland soils, where it can be stored for hundreds of years. Conserving and
restoring wetlands is an important strategy for regulating greenhouse gases and
mitigating the impacts of climate change.


According to the text, how can wetlands prevent flood?

A. It slowly detach water surface

B. It may retain surface water

C. It can absorb water sources

D. It help reducing groundwater

E. it recharges wetlands soils

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. It may retain surface water


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, bagaimana lahan basah dapat mencegah banjir?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang bagaimana lahan basah dapat mencegah banjir. Adapun
hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 5 berikut:

“Because wetlands are often in low-lying areas of the landscape, they can store
and slowly release surface water. Wetlands can be extremely important for
reducing the impacts of flooding. In some places, water entering wetlands can also
recharge groundwater aquifers that are important for irrigation and drinking


“Karena lahan basah sering berada di daerah dataran rendah, mereka dapat
menyimpan dan melepaskan air permukaan secara perlahan. Lahan basah dapat
sangat penting untuk mengurangi dampak banjir. Di beberapa tempat, air yang
masuk ke lahan basah juga dapat mengisi kembali akuifer air tanah yang penting
untuk irigasi dan air minum.”

Dari paragraf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa lahan basah dapat mencegah
banjir karena mereka dapat menyimpan dan melepaskan air permukaan secara
perlahan dengan kata lain menyimpan/menahan air permukaan sehingga tidak
terjadi banjir.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini perlahan melepaskan permukaan air. Opsi A salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (BENAR)

Artinya: Hal ini mungkin menahan air permukaan. Opsi B benar karena sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini dapat menyerap sumber air. Opsi C salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini membantu mengurangi air tanah. Opsi D salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: Hal ini mengisi kembali tanah lahan basah. Opsi E salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 21.
Soal Put simply, globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. In
economics, globalization can be defined as the process in which businesses,
organizations, and countries begin operating on an international scale.
Globalization is most often used in an economic context, but it also affects and is
affected by politics and culture. In general, globalization has been shown to
increase the standard of living in developing countries, but some analysts warn
that globalization can have a negative effect on local or emerging economies and
individual workers.

Globalization is not new. Since the start of civilization, people have traded goods
with their neighbors. As cultures advanced, they were able to travel farther afield
to trade their own goods for desirable products found elsewhere. The Silk Road, an
ancient network of trade routes used between Europe, North Africa, East Africa,
Central Asia, South Asia, and the Far East, is an example of early globalization.
For more than 1,500 years, Europeans traded glass and manufactured goods for
Chinese silk and spices, contributing to a global economy in which both Europe
and Asia became accustomed to goods from far away.

Following the European exploration of the New World, globalization occurred on

a grand scale; the widespread transfer of plants, animals, foods, and ideas became
known as the Columbian Exchange. The Triangular Trade network in which ships
carried manufactured goods from Europe to Africa, enslaved Africans to the
Americas, and raw materials back to Europe is another example of globalization.
The resulting spread of slavery demonstrates that globalization can hurt people just
as easily as it can connect people.

Not everything about globalization is beneficial. Any change has winners and
losers, and the people living in communities that had been dependent on jobs
outsourced elsewhere often suffer. Effectively, this means that workers in the
developed world must compete with lower-cost markets for jobs; unions and
workers may be unable to defend against the threat of corporations that offer the
alternative between lower pay or losing jobs to a supplier in a less expensive labor


According to the passage, how does globalization affect individual workers?

A. It creates a lower-cost labor market, making it difficult for worker unions to

defend their own rights

B. It provides an option for individual workers to work for outsourced jobs

elsewhere or for local businesses

C. It reduces the scope of the job market, causing global workers who rely on local
jobs to suffer

D. It produces winners and losers, so it brings workers together to defend against

the threat of corporation

E. It allows corporations to hire outsourced labor, forcing local workers to

compete harder for jobs
Pembahasan Jawaban: E. It allows corporations to hire outsourced labor, forcing local
workers to compete harder for jobs


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, bagaimana globalisasi berdampak pada pekerja


Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
dalam teks yang membahas tentang dampak globalisasi terhadap pekerja individu.
Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 4, Kalimat 2-3

“Any change has winners and losers, and the people living in communities that
had been dependent on jobs outsourced elsewhere often suffer. Effectively, this
means that workers in the developed world must compete with lower-cost markets
for jobs; unions and workers may be unable to defend against the threat of
corporations that offer the alternative between lower pay or losing jobs to a
supplier in a less expensive labor market. “


“Setiap perubahan memiliki pihak yang menang dan pihak yang kalah, dan orang-
orang yang tinggal di komunitas yang bergantung pada pekerjaan yang
dialihdayakan di tempat lain sering menderita. Secara efektif, ini berarti bahwa
pekerja di negara maju harus bersaing dengan pasar pekerjaan yang lebih murah;
serikat pekerja dan pekerja mungkin tidak dapat bertahan melawan ancaman
perusahaan yang menawarkan alternatif antara upah yang lebih rendah atau
kehilangan pekerjaan kepada pemasok di pasar tenaga kerja yang lebih murah. “

Dari paragaraf terserbut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pekerja individu secara umum
dirugikan oleh globalisasi, karena mereka harus berusaha lebih keras untuk
mendapatkan pekeraan karena mereka harus berkompetisi dengan pasar tenaga
kerja yang lebih murah. Hal ini karena dengan adanya globalisasi, perusahaan bisa
menggunakan jasa pekerja outsourcing yang lebih murah.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini menciptakan pasar tenaga kerja berbiaya lebih rendah, sehingga
sulit bagi serikat pekerja untuk mempertahankan hak-hak mereka sendiri”. Opsi A
salah karena tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini memberikan pilihan bagi pekerja individu untuk bekerja untuk
pekerjaan outsourcing di tempat lain atau untuk bisnis local”. Opsi B salah karena
tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini mengurangi cakupan pasar kerja, menyebabkan pekerja global
yang bergantung pada pekerjaan lokal menderita”. Opsi C salah karena tidak
sesuai informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 22.

Soal Hi, my name’s Aldo. I love football, I am a great fan of AC Milan. I have also been
interested in cars since I was a child. I’m crazy about driving and I also enjoy
fixing cars. When I was ten, I had many toy cars. I would play with them, repair
the ones my friends broke. I also used to help my dad fix his car. So, eventually I
decided to become a mechanic and open up my own shop. My parents are happy
with my choice, too. They think it’s important that I pursue a carrier that I like. I
have a bright career now and I really enjoy it. I’m planning to get married soon.
My girlfriend is also interested in cars. Who knows, maybe we can run the car
shop together with our kids in the future.

Aldo has been interested in cars since...

A. 2007

B. he was born

C. his started driving

D. very young age

E. 18 years old
Pembahasan Jawaban: D. very young age

Soal : Aldo tertarik dengan mobil sejak...


Pada kalimat ke 3 di sebutkan bahwa “I have also been interested in cars since I
was a child” .

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya 2007, sedangkan didalam teks tidak ada bahasannya

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya ketika dia lahir, pilihan ini juga tidak ada dalam teks

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya ketika dia memulai mengendarai mobil

Opsi D (benar)

Artinya ketika dia di usia sangat muda

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya ketika dia berumur 18 tahun sedangkan ini juga tidak ada dalam teks

Materi Reading

Nomor 23.
Soal Today, anyone with an internet connection can create and share deceptive content
— from outright false information to a more underhanded distorting of facts.
Considering the vastness of the internet, and since protecting freedom of speech is
paramount, online misinformation is an immense challenge to legislate away.

This has been an especially large problem amidst the ongoing COVID-19
pandemic, where false and unsubstantiated claims about the nature of the virus
spread rapidly and widely. Global misinformation campaigns targeting the safety
and efficacy of vaccines have fuelled growing anti-vaccine rhetoric, stalling
vaccination rates and causing preventable death. This has illustrated the imminent
threat misinformation poses to the functioning of our institutions, and to society as
a whole.

While misinformation itself is not new, the internet provides unprecedented reach
for spreading it. Between 2014 and 2017, Russian content creators produced tens
of thousands of pieces of false and modified content, reaching over 126 million
American Facebook users alone. Twitter has similarly dealt with a record amount
of “fake news” in recent years, resulting in thousands of legal demands for content
removal from governments worldwide. Efforts to remove and label misinformation
on social media platforms may help, but a more pertinent question is whether these
efforts can match the rapid pace of misinformation spread.

In response to the growing pressure to control misinformation on their platforms,

social media giants have generally relied on reactively removing or labelling false
content after it’s widely noticed and reported. In the time this process takes,
research has shown that fake news spreads farther and faster than truthful content.
Misinformation is often perceived as “novel” and “sensational,” which swiftly
grabs attention and gets viewed and shared more readily.

This is currently happening with the conflict in Ukraine, where several shocking
images falsely claiming to show current events quickly reached hundreds of
thousands of views on Twitter before being removed. Labelling or removing
content from these platforms forces companies to navigate the blurry lines of what
constitutes false or misleading content, and what should be protected as freedom
of expression.


According to the passage, why is it so difficult to control online misinformation?

A. Because people have easy access to internet and deceptive contents

B. Due to the fact that the internet is immense and free expression is vital

C. Due to the fact that a lot of information are distorted and shared easily

D. Due to the fact internet users are free to share their thoughts online

E. Because people are not aware of the abundance of online misinformation

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Because the fact that the internet is immense and free expression
is vital


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, mengapa begitu sulit untuk mengontrol misinformasi

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang mengapa misinformasi online sulit untuk dikendalikan.
Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalama Paragaraf 1, Kalimat 2 berikut:

“Considering the vastness of the internet, and since protecting freedom of speech
is paramount, online misinformation is an immense challenge to legislate away.”


“Mempertimbangkan luasnya internet, dan karena melindungi kebebasan berbicara

adalah yang hal yang penting, misinformasi online merupakan tantangan besar
untuk dihilangkan.”

Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa misinformasi online adalah tantangan besar dan
hal yang sulit untuk dikendalikan karena internet sangat luas dan kebebasan
berbicara adalah hak yang penting untuk dilindungi.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “karena orang-orang memiliki akses mudah ke internet dan konten-

konten yang menipu.” Opsi A salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (BENAR)

Artinya: “karena fakta bahwa internet sangat luas dan kebebasan berekspresi
sangat penting.” Opsi B benar karena merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan
informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Karena banyak informasi yang terdistorsi dan mudah dibagikan.” Opsi C
salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “Karena faktanya pengguna internet bebas untuk berbagi pemikiran

mereka secara online.” Opsi D salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: “Karena orang tidak menyadari banyaknya informasi online yang salah.”
Opsi E salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam
Materi Reading

Nomor 24.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) Sometimes experience in other countries can help people to understand their
own identity better. Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869 at Portandar in Western
India. After studying in India, he dreamt of going to England to study. He was told
that his Hindu religion did not allow voyages abroad. However, Gandhi was very
determined and he finally left for England in 1887. At first, he tried to learn to
behave like an English gentleman, but he soon learnt that it was better to be
himself. He studied law in London, qualifying in 1891. He also learnt about other

(2) He returned home to India and worked as a lawyer for two years. After some
problems, he was offered a job in South Africa. Here he experienced racism as a
member of the Indian community. He decided to fight for the rights of Indians
using "passive resistance. He had three main beliefs, namely non-violence,
religious tolerance and truth. When he finally returned to India in 1915, he became
a great political leader. During the fight for independence, he was often put in
prison, but his beliefs never changed.

(3) Gandhi had studied in Britain, so he understood the British better that they
understood him. Gandhi's leadership led to independence, but, on Independence
Day, 15th August, 1947, Gandhi refused to celebrate. He was in favor of Hindu-
Muslim unity, but Muslims and Hindus could not agree. so a separate Muslim state
was formed in Pakistan. In 1948, Gandhi started fasting to death as a protest
against fighting between India and Pakistan. He was assassinated by a Hindu
fanatic on 30th January 1948. India and Pakistan are still fighting in Kashmir
today. The fight for independence was a difficult one, but not as difficult as the
fight for non-violence, religious tolerance, and truth.

The passage above mainly deals with Mahatma Gandhi's....

A. search for principles of his three main beliefs

B. fighting against racism in South Africa

C. political career as an important national leader

D. experience to identify his life principles

E. political struggle for India's independence

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. experience to identify his life principles


Teks tersebut menceritakan pengalaman seorang tokoh besar bernama Mahatma

Gandhi. Kalimat pembuka teks tersebut juga bisa menjadi petunjuk, yakni 'Some-
times experience in other countries can help people to understand their own
identity better.... Maka teks tersebut intinya menceritakan pengalaman Mahatma
Gandhi dalam pencarian prinsip-prinsip hidupnya. Jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi

- Opsi A salah, karena beliau bukan mencari prinsip dari tiga keyakinan utamanya,
melainkan sangat meyakini ketiga prinsip tersebut dan ingin menegakannya di
negaranya sendiri.

- Opsi B salah, karena ini adalah sebuah fakta

- Opsi C salah, karena karir politik sebagai pemimin nasional yang penting tidak
menakup seluruh isi teks.

- Opsi E salah, karena teks tersebut tidak menceritakan secara spesifik perjuangan
politik mahatma gandi untuk kemerdekaan india.

Materi Reading

Nomor 25.
Soal When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash you hand
over at a store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can be used in place of
physical money. In general, currency is a system of money backed by a
government. Typically made up of coins and paper notes, currency is a medium of
exchange, meaning that it is the basis for various kinds of trade and transactions.
As technology has grown more sophisticated, digital currencies (which have no
physical form) have grown as more financial transactions have gone online.
Digital currency is simply a payment method that does not exist outside of its
electronic form.

Within the past decade, a new particularly popular kind of digital currency has
emerged: cryptocurrency. Although this new system is unlikely to replace the
more traditional forms of currency any time soon, it has made a significant impact
in less than 10 years.

The prefix “crypto” originally comes from the Greek word meaning “hidden.”
This does not mean that cryptocurrency is secret, but rather that this “hidden”
money is digital, and is kept secure with digital-code encryption. These digital
currencies are the heart of systems that allow secure, direct payment for online
transactions. “Crypto-” actually refers to the cryptographic data encryption that
keeps the transactions protected from hackers or other digital eyes. It also makes
cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.

Cryptocurrency has gained popularity because it offers a straightforward way to

transfer funds entirely online, without involving third parties like banks or credit
card companies (and paying the fees they often charge for processing
transactions). Instead of physical coins or paper notes, cryptocurrencies have
digital “tokens,” or different digital denominations (think of one- or five-dollar
bill, etc.). For example, one bitcoin is equivalent to 100,000,000 satoshis, the
smallest denomination of a bitcoin and named for bitcoin’s supposed inventor,
Satoshi Nakamoto. This enables transactions smaller than a full coin. The transfer
of funds involves “public” and “private” keys, which are lines of code that need to
match on both sides, so the transaction can be completed. Cryptocurrency is saved
in the user’s “wallet,” or a URL or internet account address that can only be
accessed by the owner. The wallet has a public key, and the private key is used to
sign a transaction, much like you would sign a check or a credit card slip.


According to the passage, what keeps cryptocurrency safe?

A. It is kept hidden from view by any other digital eyes

B. It is encrypted by secret codes generated by computers

C. It safeguards financial transactions against cybercriminals

D. It prevents other parties from gaining unwanted access

E. It is concealed through one forms of digital currency

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. It is encrypted by secret codes generated by computers


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, apa yang membuat mata uang crypto aman?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang menjelaskan tentang keamanan mata uang crypto. Adapun hal tersebut
dibahas dalam paragraf 3, kalimat 2-5 berikut:

“…is kept secure with digital-code encryption... “Crypto-” actually refers to the
cryptographic data encryption that keeps the transactions protected from hackers
or other digital eyes. It also makes cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.”


“…dijaga keamanannya dengan enkripsi kode digital… “Crypto-“ sebenarnya

mengacu pada enkripsi data kriptografi yang menjaga transaksi terlindungi dari
peretas atau mata digital lainnya. Hal ini juga membuat mata uang crypto sulit
untuk dipalsukan.”

Maka, dapat diketahui bahwa yang melindungi mata uang crypto adalah enkripsi
kode digital.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini tetap tersembunyi dari pandangan digital lainnya.” Opsi A salah
karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata uang crypto sesuai dengan
informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (BENAR)

Artinya: “Hal ini dienkripsi dengan kode rahasia yang dihasilkan oleh komputer.”
Opsi B benar karena menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata uang crypto sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini melindungi transaksi keuangan dari penjahat dunia maya.” Opsi
C salah karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata uang crypto sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini mencegah pihak lain mendapatkan akses yang tidak diinginkan.”
Opsi D salah karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata uang crypto
sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini disembunyikan melalui satu bentuk mata uang digital.” Opsi E
salah karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata uang crypto sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 26.
Soal A glacier is a huge mass of ice that moves slowly over land. The term
“glacier” comes from the French word glace (glah-SAY), which means ice.
Glaciers are often called “rivers of ice.” Glaciers fall into two groups: alpine
glaciers and ice sheets.

Alpine glaciers form on mountainsides and move downward through valleys.

Sometimes, alpine glaciers create or deepen valleys by pushing dirt, soil, and other
materials out of their way. Alpine glaciers are found in high mountains of every
continent except Australia (although there are many in New Zealand). The Gorner
Glacier in Switzerland and the Furtwangler Glacier in Tanzania are both typical
alpine glaciers. Alpine glaciers are also called valley glaciers or mountain glaciers.

Ice sheets, unlike alpine glaciers, are not limited to mountainous areas. They
form broad domes and spread out from their centers in all directions. As ice sheets
spread, they cover everything around them with a thick blanket of ice, including
valleys, plains, and even entire mountains. The largest ice sheets, called
continental glaciers, spread over vast areas. Today, continental glaciers cover most
of Antarctica and the island of Greenland.

Massive ice sheets covered much of North America and Europe during the
Pleistocene time period. This was the last glacial period, also known as the Ice
Age. Ice sheets reached their greatest size about 18,000 years ago. As the ancient
glaciers spread, they carved and changed the Earth’s surface, creating many of the
landscapes that exist today. During the Pleistocene Ice Age, nearly one-third of the
Earth’s land was covered by glaciers. Today, about one-tenth of the Earth’s land is
covered by glacial ice.

Glaciers begin forming in places where more snow piles up each year than
melts. Soon after falling, the snow begins to compress, or become denser and
tightly packed. It slowly changes from light, fluffy crystals to hard, round ice
pellets. New snow falls and buries this granular snow. The hard snow becomes
even more compressed. It becomes a dense, grainy ice called firn. The process of
snow compacting into glacial firn is called firnification.


According to the passage, the term firn refers to….

A. hard and round ice pellets

B. light and fluffy snow crystal

C. dense and grainy hard ice

D. the process of compacting snow

E. the process of glacier forming

Pembahasan Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, istilah firn mengacu pada….”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan
bagian yang membahas tentang firn. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf
5, kalimat 6-7 berikut:

“The hard snow becomes even more compressed. It becomes a dense, grainy ice
called firn. The process of snow compacting into glacial firn is called firnification.”


“Salju yang keras menjadi lebih padat. Hal ini menjadi es padat berbutir yang
disebut firn. Proses pemadatan salju menjadi firn glasial disebut firnifikasi.”

Maka, dapat disimpulkan firn adalah es keras yang padat dan berbutir yang
membentuk gletser.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Palet es yang keras dan berbentuk bulat.” Opsi A salah karena tidak
sesuai isi teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Kristal salju yang ringan dan halus.” Opsi B salah karena tidak sesuai isi

Opsi C (BENAR)

Artinya: “Es keras yang padat dan berbutir.” Opsi C benar karena merupakan
penjelasan tentang firn yang sesuai dengan isi teks..

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “Proses pemadatan salju.” Opsi D salah karena tidak sesuai isi teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: “Proses pembentukan gletser.” Opsi E salah karena tidak sesuai isi teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 27.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The mountains of worn-out tires in these dumps present a number of health and
environmental dangers. First, they attract rats and mosquitoes, which then spread
disease among humans. The tires can also catch on fire, and these fires are very
difficult to extinguish. They may burn from a few days to a few months. While the
tires burn, they release cancer-causing gases into the air. These gases spread over
nearby towns and cause health problems for people who live there.

(2) After a tire dump fire is put out, pieces of burned tires remain on the ground.
When it rains, chemicals from the burned parts wash into the soil and into the
ground water. This pollutes the soil and the drinking water in the area.

(3) Aside from these problems, the tire dumps represent a terrible waste of
resources. Therefore, in order to avoid the problems and the waste, people are
looking for ways to recycle or reuse tires. Recycling is common for other
materials, such as paper, glass, and aluminum. Now tires are also being reused in a
number of creative ways.

(4) One solution is to burn the tires to create energy. An energy company with
plants in California and Connecticut burns tires to produce steam for generating
electricity. When the tires are burned properly, the fire does not pollute the air.
Every day, workers check to make sure that no dangerous gases are allowed out of
the energy plant’s chimneys. A total of about 15 million tires are burned every
year in the company’s two plants. This produces enough electricity to supply about
42,000 houses.

It can be inferred from the passage that a fire at a tire dump is ....

A. a good source of electricity

B. a good way to get rid of old tires

C. a way of saving resources

D. a source of dangerous pollution

E. quickly put out

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. a source of dangerous pollution


Dari kalimat di paragraf 1 while the tires burn, they release cancer-causing gases
into the air (saat ban terbakar, mereka melepaskan gas penyebab kanker ke udara)
dan kalimat di paragraf 2 this pollutes the soil and the drinking water in the area
(ini mencemari tanah dan air minum di daerah tersebut), maka bisa diketahui
bahwa a fire at a tire dump/ membakar ban di tempat pembuanga merupakan
sumber polusi yang berbahaya.

- Opsi A salah, karena yang bagus untuk dijadikan sumber energi listrik adalah
dengan membakar ban dengan cara yang benar dan diawasi bukan dibakar
ditempat pembuangan sampah. Perhatikan kalimat berikut “When the tires are
burned properly, the fire does not pollute the air. Every day, workers check to
make sure that no dangerous gases are allowed out of the energy plant’s

- Opsi B salah, karena ada cara lain untuk menghilangkan bahan bekas salah
satunyai mendaur ulang kembali ban untuk dijadikan bahan lain seperti kertas,
kaca, dan alumunium. Perhatikan kalimat berikut “people are looking for ways to
recycle or reuse tires. Recycling is common for other materials, such as paper,
glass, and aluminum.”

- Opsi C salah, karena pembakaran ban merupakan aktifitas pemborosan sumber

daya. Perhatikan kalimat berikut “the tire dumps represent a terrible waste of

- Opsi E salah, karena tidak spesifik dan tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 28.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) Scientists are as obsessed with the question of why the super old survive and
thrive as Ponce de Leon was to find the Fountain of Youth. They want to
understand why the Japanese islands of Okinawa are home to the world's largest
population of centenarians, with almost 60 or its 1,3 million inhabitants living into
their second century-many of them active and looking decades younger than their
actual years. Like weekend visitors on the summer ferry to Martha's vineyard,
scientists and sociologists block the boats to Sardinia and Nova Scotia, Canada, to
see why those craggy locales hide vast clusters of the super old.

(2) As well as studying these populations intensively to unlock their secrets.

Scientist have also taken a hard look at the very old in the U.S., most notably in
the New England Centenarian Study, led by Dr. Thomas their longevity. "I never
took a drink", "I drank a shot of whiskey every day."-experts are trying to unravel
and understand the biological factors that allow some people to reach 100 while
others drop off in their 70s or 80s Researchers are particularly interested in
determining which factors allow up to 30% of those who reach 100 to do so in
sufficient mental and physical health: a whopping 90% of centenarians, according
to Perls, remain functionally independent up to age 92.

(3) It is pretty obvious even non-scientists that how you get their depends partly on
the genes you are born with and partly on lifestyle-what and how much you eat,
where you live and what types of stress and trauma you experience. How much
depends on each factor through was unknown until Swedish scientists tackled the
problem in 1998. They did it by looking at the only 20 set of people who share
genes but not lifestyle: identical twins who were separated at birth and reared
apart. If genes were most important, you would expect the twins to die at about the
same age. In fact, they do not, and the average difference convinced the scientists
that only about 20% to 30% of how long we live is genetically deter-mined. The
dominant factor is lifestyle.

How is the information of the last paragraph in the text organized?

A. Each question is provided with an illustration

B. Scientific question are followed by studies

C. Scientific questions are presented from general to specific

D. Each study is followed by research finding

E. Three related question are followed by one finding.

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. Three related question are followed by one finding.


Pada paragraph ketiga, terdapat kutipan what and how much you eat, where you
live and what types of stress you experience. Selanjutnya penulis melanjutkan
dengan satu temuan studi dan diakhiri dengan suatu kesimpulan di akhir paragraf.
Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah tiga pertanyaan diikuti oleh satu temuan studi.

- Opsi A salah, karena setiap pertanyaan penulis tidak melengkapinya dengan


- Opsi B salah, karena penulis tidak menggunakan pertanyaan ilmiah kemudian

ada kajian ilmiah didalamnya.

- Opsi C salah, karena soal ini tidak menunjukan soal ilmiah yang bersifat umum
ke khusus, pertanyaan ini hanya pertanyaan general penulis untuk memaparkan
faktor rentang usia panjang.

- Opsi D salah, karena penulis tidak menyajikan penelitian satu persatu kemudian
diikuti oleh temuan penelitian lainnya.

Materi Reading

Nomor 29.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) If droughts, floods and wildfires are the criminal, climate change is the
accomplice. This is how the population must begin regarding global warming,
experts said at a session at the annual American Academy for the Advancement of
Science meeting here. Although extreme weather events, from the creeping
drought that scorched last years' corn crop to Superrstorm Sandy, are worrisome,
automatically and simplistically tying them to the scientific phenomenon of
climate change could be misleading.

(2) Last year's drought in Texas, for example, could not be specifically tied to
eliminate change, said John Nielsen-Gammon, the Lone star State's climatologist.
Over the past century there has been an increase in rainfall -not a tendency toward
dryness over most of Texas by about 10 percent. "Changing climate has not
contributed to the lack of rainfall over the long term, as of yet," he said. Last year's
drought much like the famed Dust Bowl drought of the 1930s and another
significant drought in the 1950s, is tied to rising sea surface temperatures in the
Pacific Ocean the weather event known as la Nina. "Until we see a long-term
decrease in rainfall in Texas, it will be hard to say that climate change has caused a
decrease," Nielsen-Gammon said.

(3) Temperatures have rind in Texas, meaning the increased rainfall is being
evaporated at a more rapid rate, he added. But for the drought, which continues to
seize more than half of the lower 48 states, het was a drought accelerant but not
the main cause.

Adapted from

Paragraphs 1 and 2 are related in that they...

A. Predict climate changes causal to the lack of rainfall

B. Offer horrible climate changes to temperature increases

C. Discuss droughts which have no link to climate changes

D. Present extreme weather events which frequently turn up

E. Explicate that people have been wrong on climate changes

Pembahasan Jawaban : C. Discuss droughts which have no link to climate changes

Pembahasan :

Paragraf pertama baris ke -3 menyebutkan 'Although extreme weather events,

from the creeping drought....are worrisome, automatically and simplistically tying
them to.....climate change could be misleading" (Meskipun peristiwa cuaca
ekstrem, dari kekeringan yang menjalar....mengkhawatirkan, secara otomatis dan
sederhana mengikatnya ke.....perubahan iklim bisa menyesatkan). Paragraf kedua
baris ke-1 disebutkan ... drought in Texas...could not be specifically tied to climate
change (kekeringan di Texas... tidak dapat dikaitkan secara khusus dengan
perubahan iklim). Jadi kedua paragraf tersebut saling berkaitan dalam hal ketidak
terkaitan kekeringan dengan perubahan iklim.

- Opsi A salah, karena teks paragraf ke satu dan ke dua tidak memprediksi
perubahasan iklim yang menyebabkan kurangnya curah hujan.

- Opsi B salah, karena perubahan iklim hanya dijelaskan pada paaragraf ke satu,
sedangkan soal tersebut menanyakan keterkaitan antara paragraf satu dan dua.

- Opsi D salah, karena kedua paragraf tersebut tidak menghadirkan kejadian cuaca
ekstrim yang sering muncul.

- Opsi E salah, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 30.
Soal A glacier is a huge mass of ice that moves slowly over land. The term
“glacier” comes from the French word glace (glah-SAY), which means ice.
Glaciers are often called “rivers of ice.” Glaciers fall into two groups: alpine
glaciers and ice sheets.

Alpine glaciers form on mountainsides and move downward through valleys.

Sometimes, alpine glaciers create or deepen valleys by pushing dirt, soil, and other
materials out of their way. Alpine glaciers are found in high mountains of every
continent except Australia (although there are many in New Zealand). The Gorner
Glacier in Switzerland and the Furtwangler Glacier in Tanzania are both typical
alpine glaciers. Alpine glaciers are also called valley glaciers or mountain glaciers.

Ice sheets, unlike alpine glaciers, are not limited to mountainous areas. They
form broad domes and spread out from their centers in all directions. As ice sheets
spread, they cover everything around them with a thick blanket of ice, including
valleys, plains, and even entire mountains. The largest ice sheets, called
continental glaciers, spread over vast areas. Today, continental glaciers cover most
of Antarctica and the island of Greenland.

Massive ice sheets covered much of North America and Europe during the
Pleistocene time period. This was the last glacial period, also known as the Ice
Age. Ice sheets reached their greatest size about 18,000 years ago. As the ancient
glaciers spread, they carved and changed the Earth’s surface, creating many of the
landscapes that exist today. During the Pleistocene Ice Age, nearly one-third of the
Earth’s land was covered by glaciers. Today, about one-tenth of the Earth’s land is
covered by glacial ice.

Glaciers begin forming in places where more snow piles up each year than
melts. Soon after falling, the snow begins to compress, or become denser and
tightly packed. It slowly changes from light, fluffy crystals to hard, round ice
pellets. New snow falls and buries this granular snow. The hard snow becomes
even more compressed. It becomes a dense, grainy ice called firn. The process of
snow compacting into glacial firn is called firnification.


Which of the following can be inferred from the fourthh paragraph about the Ice

A. It only affected land areas of America and Europe

B. It was the initial origin of glaciers’ existence on Earth

C. It covered half Earth’s land with glaciers during its time

D. It was happened around 18,000 years ago

E. It formed all of the Earth’s land sceneries

Pembahasan Arti soal: “Manakah dari berikut ini yang bisa disimpulkan dari paragraf empat
tentang Zaman Es?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini dan menarik kesimpulan yang tepat kita perlu membaca
dan memahami paragaf tiga terutama yang membahas tentang Zaman Es.
Berikut paragraf 4 teks:

“Massive ice sheets covered much of North America and Europe during the
Pleistocene time period. This was the last glacial period, also known as the Ice
Age. Ice sheets reached their greatest size about 18,000 years ago. As the
ancient glaciers spread, they carved and changed the Earth’s surface, creating
many of the landscapes that exist today. During the Pleistocene Ice Age, nearly
one-third of the Earth’s land was covered by glaciers. Today, about one-tenth of
the Earth’s land is covered by glacial ice.”


“Lapisan es besar menutupi sebagian besar Amerika Utara dan Eropa selama
periode waktu Pleistosen. Zaman ini adalah periode glasial terakhir, juga dikenal
sebagai Zaman Es. Lapisan es mencapai ukuran terbesarnya sekitar 18.000
tahun yang lalu. Saat gletser purba menyebar, mereka membentuk dan
mengubah permukaan bumi, menciptakan banyak lanskap yang ada saat ini.
Selama Zaman Es Pleistosen, hampir sepertiga daratan Bumi ditutupi oleh
gletser. Saat ini, sekitar sepersepuluh dari daratan Bumi ditutupi oleh es glasial.”

Dapat disimpulkan bahwa zaman es adalah zaman pertama kali bumi ditutup oleh
gletser yang sebagiannya sampai saat ini masih ada, maka zaman es adalah asal
mula keberadaan gletser di Bumi terutama gletser kontinental.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini hanya mempengaruhi wilayah daratan Amerika dan Eropa.” Opsi
A salah karena bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat.

Opsi B (BENAR)

Artinya: “Hal ini adalah asal mula keberadaan gletser di Bumi.” Opsi B benar
karena merupakan kesimpulan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini menutupi setengah daratan Bumi dengan gletser pada masanya.”
Opsi C salah karena bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini terjadi sekitar 18.000 tahun yang lalu.” Opsi D salah karena
bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: “Hal ini membentuk semua pemandangan daratan Bumi.” Opsi E salah
karena bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat.
Materi Reading

Nomor 31.

Social media influencers are individuals who utilize social media platforms to
build their own personal brand or influence their followers to act (including buying
products, supporting a brand, or vacationing in a certain location). They can share
anything from clothes and beauty products to make-at-home slime with their
followers. While it might seem like frivolous fun, some influencers are making
significant amounts of money from their connection to their fans, making them the
modern entrepreneur. While not every social media influencer is an entrepreneur,
the ones who have started their own businesses from the brand they created online
have much in common with traditional entrepreneurs when it comes to driving the

Entrepreneurs are people who organize, manage, and take on the risks of a
business. They often start a new business in response to a perceived need for a
good or service. An influencer, on the other hand, is someone who has the power
to affect or change people and their behavior through social media—often to get
them to buy something. Influencers who start their own business certainly fall
under the first part of the definition of entrepreneur, as they are managing their
business and taking on risk. But are they fulfilling a need? Many say yes:
companies can target highly specific groups of people through employing an
influencer—groups that might be missed by traditional advertising. And because
influencers form a more personal relationship with their followers, the followers
are seemingly more likely to buy what the influencer suggests.

One area where entrepreneurs and influencers differ the most is in their processes
of starting a business. Nearly all traditional businesses have startup costs, which go
toward buying materials to create goods, equipment to manufacture items or
provide a service, or office space. But entrepreneurs do not always have to put
their own savings into a business. They can get venture capital, or money to start
or grow a business, from outside investors, often in exchange for part ownership of
the company. Influencers, on the other hand, have fewer startup costs, though it
can vary by the influencer’s specialty. Beauty and fashion influencers may have to
get new clothes, buy the latest makeup, and hire a professional photographer to
start out, but others only need their social media accounts and a smartphone.
Additionally, many of the costs that apply to starting a business do not apply to
influencers, like renting office space, as many works from home.


It is implied in the third paragraph that entrepreneurs….

A. must always spend their personal fund to grow their business

B. may collaborate with investors to fund the corporate expenses

C. may split their ownership of the business with a group of consumers

D. can expand their company by putting their own saving in the business

E. can expand the company’s startup cost to increase external investment

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. may collaborate with investors to fund the corporate expenses


Arti soal: “Tersirat dalam paragraf ketiga bahwa pegusaha….”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca dan memahami paragraf ketiga,
terutama pada bagian yang menjelaskan pengusaha. Adapaun hal tersebut
dijelaskan dalam paragraf 3, kalimat 3-4 berikut:

“But entrepreneurs do not always have to put their own savings into a business.
They can get venture capital, or money to start or grow a business, from outside
investors, often in exchange for part ownership of the company.”


“Namun, pengusaha tidak selalu harus menggunakan tabungan mereka sendiri

untuk bisnis. Mereka bisa mendapatkan modal ventura, atau uang untuk memulai
atau mengembangkan bisnis, dari investor luar, seringkali dengan imbalan berupan
sebagian kepemilikan perusahaan.”

Dari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengusaha mungki berkerja sama
dengan investor untuk mebiayai bisnis/usaha.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “harus selalu mengeluarkan dana pribadi untuk mengembangkan usaha.”

Opsi A salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (BENAR)

Artinya: “dapat bekerja sama dengan investor untuk mendanai pengeluaran

perusahaan.” Opsi B benar karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan
informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “dapat membagi kepemilikan bisnis dengan sekelompok konsumen”.

Opsi C salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “memperluas perusahaan dengan menempatkan tabungan dalam bisnis.”

Opsi D salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (salah)

ArtinyaL “dapat memperluas biaya awal perusahaan untuk meningkatkan investasi

eksternal.” Opsi E salah karena tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 32.

The term plantation arose as settlements in the southern United States, originally
linked with colonial expansion, came to revolve around the production of
agriculture. The word plantation first appeared in English in the 15th century.
Originally, the word meant to plant. However, what came to be known as
plantations became the center of large-scale enslaved labor operations in the
Western Hemisphere. Historians Peter H. Wood and Edward Baptist advocate to
stop using the word plantation when referencing agricultural operations involving
forced labor. Instead they suggest calling these places “labor camps” or “slave
labor camps.”

The plantation system developed in the American South as British colonists

arrived in what became known as Virginia and divided the land into large areas
suitable for farming. The land on which these plantations were established was
stolen through canceled, disregarded, and deceitful treaties, or outright violence
towards indigenous nations.

The plantation system came to dominate the culture of the South, and it was rife
with inequity from the time it was established. In 1606, King James I formed the
Virginia Company of London to establish colonies in North America, but when the
British arrived, they faced a harsh and foreboding wilderness, and their lives
became little more than a struggle for survival. So, to make settling the land more
attractive, the Virginia Company offered any adult man with the means to travel to
America 50 acres of land. At the encouragement of the Company, many of the
settlers banded together and created large settlements, called hundreds, as they
were intended to support 100 individuals, usually men who led a household.

The hundreds were run as private plantations intent on making a profit from the
cultivation of crops, which the economy of the South depended on. The climate of
the South was ideally suited to the cultivation of cash crops. Unlike small,
subsistence farms, plantations were created to grow cash crops for sale on the
market. The plantation system was an early capitalist venture. England’s King
James had every intention of profiting from plantations. Tobacco and cotton
proved to be exceptionally profitable.


In the first paragraph, the author implies that the term plantation….

A. had experienced a shift in meaning

B. was originally associated with agriculture

C. first appeared in the late 14th century

D. was invented by Historian Peter H. Wood

E. had been changed into a more specific term

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. had experienced a shift in meaning


Arti soal: “Dalam paragraf pertama, penulis menyiratkan bahwa istilah plantation

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu memahami paragraf 1 secara keseluruhan,
terutama pada bagian yang menjelaskan tentang istilah plantation. Berikut paragraf
1 teks:

“The term plantation arose as settlements in the southern United States, originally
linked with colonial expansion, came to revolve around the production of
agriculture. The word plantation first appeared in English in the 15th century.
Originally, the word meant to plant. However, what came to be known as
plantations became the center of large-scale enslaved labor operations in the
Western Hemisphere. Historians Peter H. Wood and Edward Baptist advocate to
stop using the word plantation when referencing agricultural operations involving
forced labor. Instead they suggest calling these places “labor camps” or “slave
labor camps.””


“Istilah perkebunan muncul sebagai daerah di Amerika bagian selatan, istilah ini
awalnya berkaitan dengan ekspansi kolonial, yang muncul untuk berfokus pada
produksi pertanian. Kata perkebunan pertama kali muncul dalam Bahasa Inggris
pada abad ke-15. Awalnya, kata tersebut berarti menanam. Namun, apa yang
kemudian dikenal sebagai perekbunan menjadi pusat operasi buruh besar-besaran
yang diperbudak di wilayah Barat. Sejarawan Peter H. Wood dan Edward Baptist
mengajurkan untuk berhenti menggunakan kata perkebunan untuk menyebut
operasi pertanian yang melibatkan kerja paksa. Sebagai gantinya mereka
menyarankan untuk menyebut tempat-tempat tersebut sebagai “kamp pekerja” atau
“kamp budak pekerja”.”

Dari paragaf 1 dapat ditemukan bahwa istilah perkebunan pernah mengalami

perubahan makna dari yang awalnya hanya berarti menanam menjadi dikaitakan
dengan ekspansi kolonial.

Opsi A (BENAR)

Artinya” “pernah mengalami pergesaran makna”. Opsi A benar karena dalam teks
dijelaskan bahwa istilah perkebunan pernah mengalami perubahan makna.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “awalnya diasosiasikan dengan pertanian”. Opsi B salah karena dalam

teks dijelaskan bahwa kata perkebunan awalnya diasosiasikan dengan ekspansi

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “pertama kali muncul pada akhir abad ke-14”. Opsi C salah karena dalam
Materi Reading

Nomor 33.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) That placebos can cure everything from dandruff to leprosy is well known.
They have a long history of use by witch doctors. faith healers, and even modem
physicians, all of whom refuse to admit their efficacy Modern distribution
techniques can bring this most potent of medicines to the aid of everyone, not just
those lucky enough to receive placebos in a medical testing program

(2) Every drug tested would prove effective if special steps were not taken to
neutralize the placebo effect. This is why drug tests give half the patients the new
medication and half a harmless substitute These tests prove the value of placebos
because approximately five percent of the patients taking them are cured even
though the placebos are made from substances that have been carefully selected to
be useless.

(3) Most people feel that the lucky patients in a drug test get the experimental drug
because the real drug provides them a chance to be cured. Yet analysis shows that
patients getting the placebo may be the lucky ones because they may be cured
without risking any adverse effects the new drug may have. Furthermore, the drug
may well be found worthless and to have severe side effects. No harmful side
effects result from placebos.

(4) Placebos regularly cure more than five percent of the patients and would cure
considerably more if the doubts associated with the tests were eliminated. Cures
are principally due to the patient's faith, yet the patient must have doubts knowing
that he may or may not be given the new drug, which itself may or may not prove
to be an effective drug. Since he knows the probability of being given the true drug
is about fifty percent, the placebo cure rate would be more than doubled by
removing these doubts if cures are directly related to faith

(5) The actual curing power of placebos probably stems from the faith of the
patient in the treatment. This suggests that cure rates in the ten percent range could
be expected if patients are given placebos under the guise of a proven cure, even
when patients know their problems are incurable. It may take a while to reach the
ten percent level of cure because any newly established program will not have
cultivated the word-of-mouth advertising needed to insure its success One person
saying "I was told that my problem was beyond medical help, but they cured me,
can direct countless people to the treatment with the required degree of faith
Furthermore, when only terminal illnesses are treated, those not cured tell no one
of the failure

(6) Unfortunately, placebo treatment centers cannot operate as nonprofit

businesses. The nonprofit idea was ruled out upon learning that the first rule of
public medicine is never to give free medicine Public health services know that
medicine not paid for by patients is often not taken or not effective because the
recipient feels the medicine is worth just what it cost him. Even though the
patients would not know they were taking sugar pills, the placebos cost so little
that the patients would have no faith in the treatment. Therefore, though it is
against higher principles, treatment centers must charge high fees for placebo
treatments. This sacrifice of principles. However, is a small price to pay for the
greater good of the patients.

According to the passage, the main idea of the text is …

Pembahasan Jawaban : A. Placebo treatment is a proven tool of modern medicine and its
expanded use would benefit society's health.


Untuk menentukan main idea, gunakan anjuran membaca kalimat pertama masing-
masing paragraf yang ada atau membaca paragraf pertama secara utuh, kita akan
memperoleh keyword topic wacana, yaitu placebo dengan penekanan pada
penggunaanya dan kemungkinan pengaplikasian yang lebih lanjut, That placebos
can cure everything from dandruff to leprosy is well known. They have a long
history of use by witch doctors, faith healers, and even modern physicians, all of
whom refuse to admit their efficacy. Modern distribution techniques can bring this
most potent of medicines to the aid of everyone, not just those lucky enough to
receive placebos in a medical testing program. Jawaban yang paling tepat adalah
pilihan A. Placebo treatment is a proven tool of modern medicine and its
expanded use would benefit society's health. (Pengobatan plasebo adalah alat
pengobatan modern yang terbukti dan penggunaannya yang diperluas akan
bermanfaat bagi kesehatan masyarakat)

- Opsi B salah, karena pada kenyataan nya hanya segelintir orang yang bisa
merasakan pemanfaatan obat placebo, mengingat perawatan placebo ini tidaklah
gratis, hal ini dijelaskan pada paragraf terakhir.

- Opsi C salah, karena ini hanya dijelaskan pada paragraf kedua, tidak merangkum
seluruh isi paragraf.

- Opsi D salah, karena ini tidak mencakup seluruh isi teks, harga pengobatan
placebo harus dijaga tetap tinggi dijelaskan pada paragraf ke lima dan enam.

- Opsi E salah, karena tidak ada obat semi plasebo atau tiruan obat placebo yang
diceritakan pada paragraf tersebut, kemudian pernyataan ini pun bukan ide utama
pada teks diatas.

Materi Reading

Nomor 34.
Soal A forgotten issue in urbanism is land use during the night time, with problems
such as noise and dirt, could be improved with information form Twitter. At least
this is what Enrique and Vanessa Frias-Martinez believe, computer science
researchers at Telefonica Research and the University of Marryland (USA)
respectively, who have suggested using geolocalized tweets for urban planning
and land use.

Enrique Frias-Martinez explained that geolocalized tweets can be very use ful
source of information for planing since it is an activity carried out by a large
number of people who provide information on where they are at aspecific time
what they are doing. The researcher points out that thanks to increased use of
smartphones, social networks like Twitter and Facebook have made it possible to
access and produce information ubiquitously.

These networks generate tags with the event’s geolocation. The new technique
“automatically determines land use in urban areas by grouping together
geographical regions with similiar patterns of Twitter activity”, says the
researcher. Using aggregate activity of tweets, the Frisa-Martinez siblings have
studied land use in Manhattan, Madrid, and London. In the first two cases they
identified four uses; residential, bussines, day time leisure (mainly parks and touris
areas) and nightlife areas. The study has determainded that, in Madrid, night-time
tweet activity is concentrated on weekends and in Manhattan, on weekdays. On the
other land, London is chracterized by its tweeting activity in daytime leisure areas.

This text would probably be found in...

A. a popular science magazine

B. a brochure

C. an academic journal

D. a news letter

E. a tabloid
Pembahasan Jawaban: A. a popular science magazine

Soal : Teks ini mungkin akan ditemukan di...

Pembahasan: teks ini kemungkinan dapat di temukan di majalah science yang

terkenal. Popular magazine biasanya membahas tentang artikel yang berhubungan
dengan alam (science) dan teknologi (technology).

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya majalah sains populer

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya sebuah brosur

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya suatu jurnal akademis

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya sebuah buletin

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya sebuah tabloid

Materi Reading

Nomor 35.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


Chickenpox is a highly contagious infectious disease caused by the Varicella

zoster virus; sufferers develop a fleeting itchy rash that can spread throughout the
body. The disease can last for up to 14 days and can occur in both children and
adults, though the young are particularly vulnerable. Individuals infected with
chickenpox can expect to experience a high but tolerable level of discomfort and a
fever as the disease works its way through the system. The ailment was once
considered to be a “rite of passage” by parents in the U.S. and thought to provide
children with greater and improved immunity to other forms of sickness later in
life. This view, however, was altered after additional research by scientists
demonstrated unexpected dangers associated with the virus. Over time, the fruits
of this research have transformed attitudes toward the disease and the utility of
seeking preemptive measures against it.

The following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence
is ...

A. U.S. parents believed that having chickenpox benefited their children

B. U.S. parents believed that chickenpox led to immunity against most sickness

C. U.S. parents wanted to make sure that their children developed chickenpox

S. U.S. parents did not think that other vaccinations were needed after chickenpox

E. Scientists don't follow up on the assumptions of U.S. parents. that chickenpox is

a child's immune-boosting ritual
Pembahasan Jawaban : B. U.S. parents believed that chickenpox led to immunity against most


Untuk soal ini, kita harus mengetahui bagian soal yang benar itu yang seperti apa
dan diuraikan kembali. Pada paragraf tersebut dapat dilihat bahwa orang tua di
Amerika berpikir bahwa cacar adalah suatu ritual kedewasaan yang memberikan
imunitas bagi anak-anak mereka. Kata kunci imunitas tersebut membawa kita pada
jawaban : B. U.S. parents believed that chickenpox led to immunity against most

- Opsi A, salah karena kepercayaan orang tua A.S. pun adalah cacar air adalah
suatu ritual kedewasaan yang memberikan imunitas anak, bukan bermanfaat bagi
anak-anak, karena disisi lain para ilmuwan menunjukan bahaya tak terduga terkait
dengan virus cacar.

- Opsi C, salah karena orang tua AS. Sudah terbiasa dengan penyakit cacar air,
bahkan mereka menganggap itu sebagai ritual meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh

- Opsi D, salah karena tidak ada penjelasan mengenai vaksinasi setelah cacar.

- Opsi E, salah karena pandangan tersebut pun di ubah oleh para ilmuwan,
perhatikan kalimat berikut ‘This view, however, was altered after additional
research by scientists demonstrated unexpected dangers associated with the virus.’

Materi Reading

Nomor 36.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D

Text 5

(1) Throughout history, people have been the victims of the pickpokets. Today,
pickpocketing is one of the most rapidly increasing crime. Pickpockets are
increasing in number and developing better methods to practice their skills.
Approximately, one million American loose money to pickpockets. His victims, or
'marks' as they called, can be rich or poor, young or old.

(2) During the eighteenth century, pickpockets were hanged in England. Large
crowds of people would gather to watch the hanging, which was supposed to be
the warning for the other pickpockets. However, in time, this practice was
discontinued. The reason: while people attentively watching the hanging of a
pickpocket, other pickpockets skillfully stole the money from the spectators!

(3) Police officials say that the most efficient pickpockets come from South
America. Many of these expert pickpockets are trained in special schools called
Jingle Bells Schools. A pickpocket graduated from J.B.S. when he is able to steal a
wallet from a dressed dummy (mannequin) that has bells inside his pockets.

(4) Even the most well-dressed, respectable person can be a pickpocket. Some of
the favorite places are banks, airports, race tracks, supermarkets, elevators, trains
and bus stations. Oftenly, some pickpockets are working together with other
pickpockets as a partner. Another kinds of pickpocket works outside or inside the
bars and specialized in stealling from women is called 'purse snatcher!

(5) To avoid being the victim of the pickpocket, it is important to be very cautious
and alert when in the midst of a large gatherings of people.

Pickpocketing is a... crime.

A. an old

B. a modern

C. a temporary

D. a contemporary

E. a temporary old

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. an old


Pada kalimat awal di paragraf pertama, pembaca seolah diceritakan kembali

tentang sejarah lahirnya pencopet sebagai salah satu kejahatan tertua yang pernah
ada. Bahkan hampir di seluruh dunia, jutaan orang telah menjadi korbannya.
Materi Reading

Nomor 37.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The film is Roland Emmerich's filn of-days prophecies for their doomsday
scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end of his year.

(2) The film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It
starts when Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways
and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The
preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the
giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.

(3) Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite
clarity. In this film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening
to whom. However, Emmerich' film deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack
supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as
Peet's cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president.
Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock
role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also
chews the scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about

(3) All in one, the film's cinematography, production design and visual effects are
awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-
up. Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.

The text is mainly about....

A. the film display

B. a series of the film

C. Roland Emmerich's film

D. American Idol runner-up

E. the film's cinematography

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. Roland Emmerich's film

Pembahasan: Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang film Roland Emmerich.

Materi Reading

Nomor 38.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) In almost every developing country, the lack of adequate supplies of cheap,
convenient and reliable. Fuel is a major problem. Rural commodities depend
largely on kerosene, wood, and dung for their cooking and lighting needs, but
kerosene is now priced out of reach of many people, and wood, except in heavily
forested areas, is in short supply. The search for firewood occupies a large part of
the working day and has resulted in widespread deforestation.

(2) Dung is in constant supply wherever there are farm animals and when dried, it
is convenient to store and use. But burning dung destroys its value as fertilizer,
thus depriving the soil of a much-needed source of humus and nitrogen. Rural
areas of developing countries are also plagued by a lack of adequate sanitation,
improper waste disposal spreads disease, contaminates water sources, and provides
feeding grounds for disease-carrying insects.

(3)The problem of improving environmental hygiene, conserving sources, and

finding alternative sources of fuel may be unrelated. Their solution, however, is
not, as many countries experimenting with biogas technology are discovering.
Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is produced by anaerobic
fermentation is a natural one. Occurring whenever living matter decomposes. By
keeping the matter and the process in a digester or biogas plan, the combustible
gas can be trapped and used as fuel for household lighting and cooking. The
digested slurry that remains can be used on the land as a soil conditioner and

The two problems mentioned in the text is ……

A. Pollution and the high price of fuel

B. Widespread deforestation and the use of dung

C. The lack of adequate fuel and hygienic conditions

D. The lack of humus and nitrogen in the soil

E. Contaminated water sources and rural areas

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. The lack of edequate fuel and hygienic conditions


Masalah utama pada bacaan yang ada di atas adalah kurangnya adanya bahan
bakar yang layak dan baik, serta kondisi dari kesehatan. Perhatikan kalimat
pertama paragraf ke 1 & 2, pada paragraf tersebut menyimpulkan dua masalah

(1) the lack of adequate supplies of cheap, convenient and reliable. Fuel is a major
problem (kurangnya pasokan yang memadai murah, nyaman dan dapat diandalkan.
Bahan bakar adalah masalah utama).

(2) The problem of improving environmental hygiene, conserving sources, and

finding alternative sources of fuel may be unrelated (Masalah meningkatkan
kebersihan lingkungan, melestarikan sumber, dan menemukan sumber bahan bakar
alternatif mungkin tidak berhubungan.)

Materi Reading

Nomor 39.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D

Teks 5

(1) United States citizens have always had a problem relating to the colonial
period of their history. They have often thought that earlier period to be less
relevant, less historically significant, than the later national period of their history.

(2) For many, the colonial era lacks seriousness; it seems trivial and antique and
shrouded in nostalgia. For much of United States history, popular opinion has
considered the century and a half of the colonial period to be simply a quaint
prolog to the main story that followed the American Revolution.

(3) In part this is because the colonial period has become a natural source of
folklore and mythmaking. Since the United States, unlike older Western nations,
lacks a misty past in which the historical record is remote and obscure, people
have tended to transform authentic historical figures and events of the colonial past
into mythical characters and legends.

(4) Unlike England we have no King Canute, no King Arthur, no Robin Hood to
spin tales and legends about. Instead, we have transformed John Smith and
Pocahontas, the Pilgrim Fathers, and Squanto (historical figures about whom we
know a great deal) into fanciful and fabulous characters. But such has not always
been the case. In the decades following the Revolution, the colonial period was an
integral and important part of history.

The primary purpose of this passage is to ….

A. argue that colonial history had no influence on later periods in United States

B. demonstrate that the colonial history of the United States is a mixture of

legends and myths.

C. present a rationale for teaching future generations of people in the United States
about colonial history.

D. explain why many people in the United States perceive colonial history in a
particular way.

E. suggest that a general ignorance of colonial history has caused people to repeat
the mistakes of that era.
Pembahasan Jawaban: D. explain why many people in the United States perceive colonial
history in a particular way.


- Opsi A salah karena ini bukan tujuan dari bagian tersebut. Penulis tidak
menyarankan bahwa sejarah kolonial tidak memiliki pengaruh; pada kenyataannya
penulis menyebutkan “In the decades following (American) the Revolution, the
colonial period was an integral and important part of history.” (Dalam dekade-
dekade setelah Revolusi, periode kolonial merupakan bagian integral dan penting
dari sejarah).

- Opsi B salah karena ini terlalu sempit untuk menjadi tujuan utama dari bagian
tersebut. Penulis mengatakan bahwa persepsi AS saat ini tentang sejarah kolonial
adalah mitos, tetapi tujuan dari bagian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan mengapa
demikian. Perhatikan kalimat berikut “In part this is because the colonial period
has become a natural source of folklore and mythmaking.”

- Opsi C salah karena ini bukan tujuan dari bagian tersebut. Penulis tidak berbicara
tentang pendidikan warga Amerika Serikat masa depan tentang sejarah kolonial;
alih-alih, bagian ini berfokus pada Persepsi AS saat ini tentang periode waktu (dan
juga membandingkan persepsi periode waktu ini dengan persepsi orang-orang
dalam beberapa dekade setelah Revolusi Amerika)

- Opsi E salah karena ini bukan poin utama dari bagian ini; penulis tidak
membahas kesalahan yang berulang.

Opsi D adalah yang paling tepat. Bagian ini dimulai dengan mengatakan bahwa
orang-orang di A.S.(United Stated citezens) menganggap periode kolonial sebagai
"prolog kuno" untuk sejarah AS dan "diselubungi nostalgia." Bagian selanjutnya
berfokus pada mengapa warga AS memandang sejarah kolonial dengan cara itu.

Materi Reading

Nomor 40.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D

This text to answer the questions number 11 – 15 !

Text 3

(1) Situated on steep slopes, montane and watershed forests are especially
important in ensuring water flow and inhibiting erosion. Yet, during the 1980s,
mountains formations suffered the highest deforestation rate of tropical forests.

(2) When the forest are cut down, less moisture is evapotranspired into the
atmosphere resulting in the formation of fewer rain clouds. Subsequently there is a
decline in rain clouds. Subsequently there is a decline in rainfall, subjecting the
area to drought. Today Madagascar is largely a red, treeless desert from generation
of forest clearing with fire. River lows decline and smaller amount of quality water
reach cities and agricultural lands. Colombia, once second in the world with
freshwater reserves has fallen to 24th due to its extensive deforestation over the
past 30 years. Excessive deforestation around the Malaysian capital of Kula
Lumpur, combined with the dry conditions created by El Nino triggered strict,
water rationing in 1998, and for the first time the city had to import water.

(3) There is serious concern that widespread deforestation could lead to a

significant decline in rainfall and trigger a positive feedback process of increasing
desiccation for neighboring forest cover. The newly desiccated forest becomes
prone to devastating fires. Such fires materialized in 1997 and 1998 in conjuction
with the dry conditions created by el Nino. Millions of acres burned as fires swept
through Indonesia, Brazil, Colombia, Central America, Florida, and other places.
The Woods Hole Research Center warned that more than, 400.000 square
kilometers of Brazilian Amazonia were highly vulnerable to fire in 1998.

The writer tries to inform the readers about…

A. The effects of erosion

B. The impact of deforestation

C. The decrease of rain forests

D. The excessive explorations of forests

E. The issues on several tropical forests

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. The impact of deforestation


Pertanyaan diatas, menanyakan “apa yang penulis ingin sampaikan kepada

pembaca?” . perhatikan paragraph ke tiga pada kalimat “There is serious concern
that widespread deforestation could lead to a significant decline in rainfall and
trigger a positive feedback process of increasing desiccation for neighboring
forest cover” (ada kekhawatiran serius bahwa penebangan hutan yang signifikan
dan memicu peningkatan terjadinya kekeringan di daerah sekitarnya). Dari
pernyataan tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa teks diatas menyampaikan tentang
akibat penebangan hutan (the impact of deforestation).

Materi Reading

Nomor 41.
Soal In this little tiny called a cigarette, lies more than 4000 dangerous substances that
will lead those who smoke it to death. Imagine, 4,000 deadly substances! Are
those 4,000 evil substances not enough to make us stop smoking?

I wonder why people are still smoking cigarettes. Among those substances, there is
nicotine, the substance that causes addicted to smoke over and over again; tar, the
substance that causes lung cancer; carbon monoxide, that substance that blocks
oxygen circulation within the blood; and carcinogen, the main actor of all cancer
caused by smoking. People who smoke cigarettes, smokers, actually know the
information. But again, I still wonder why they do smoke.

Those terrible things about smoking are not the worst thing. The super worst thing
about smoking is the passive smokers. Yeah, the bad effects of the smoking habit
are not only for those who smoke (active smoker) but also for those innocent
people wo inadvertently inhale the smoke cigarettes. Passive smokers receive that
bad effect of smoking even three times bigger than active smokers themselves.
Just remember our beloved one who don’t smoke, our friends, our family, or our
children. Are they really deserve all bad things of that we have done?

Indeed, the habit of smoking is not as easy to stop it . It needs great effort and
courage. But we can start to stop smoking right now with a healthy life-style.
Remember all the bad things that we will get if we still consume cigarettes.
Remember those innocent the passive smokers who will get the same misfortune if
they inhale the poisonous smoke we produce. Remember our children, family, and
friends who will be damaged if they are near us still smoke. Just remember all
those things and please stop it.

The topic of the text above is…

A. the danger of smoking

B. the benefit of smoking

C. the effect of selling cigarette

D. the danger of selling the cigarette

E. the danger of lung cancer

Pembahasan Jawaban: A


Pertanyaan dari soal ini adalah apa topic dari bacaan ini. Jawabannya ada
diparagraf ke satu kalimat pertama yaitu ‘’In this little tiny called a cigarette, lies
more than 4000 dangerous substances that will lead those who smoke it to death’’
artinya di i dalam rokok kecil yang disebut ini, terdapat lebih dari 4000 zat
berbahaya yang akan menyebabkan kematian bagi yang merokok'. Jadi
jawabannya adalah bahaya dari merokok.

Opsi A (Benar)

Artinya bahaya dari merokok

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya manfaat dari merokok

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya efek dari menjual rokok

Opsi D (Salah)

Artinya bahaya dari menjual rokok

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya bahaya dari kanker paru-paru

Materi Reading

Nomor 42.
Soal One day, a young farm boy named eragon finds a blue stone while hunting and
tries to sell it for money. Unsuccessful in his attempts, he takes the stone back to
his cabin and lets it sit there until it hatches into a beautiful blue dragon. Eragon
realizes he can talk to this secret heroes called the Riders.

With the help of brom, a wise man, Eragon matures into his destiny. The
challenges he faces include fighting a long-standing war, helping an ethereal elf,
and dealing with tragedy and revenge. Certain details, such as Eragon’s revelation
that he cannot read, develop this rich work and blend together to produce a number
of plot twists. The story builds suspense steadily until the end.

Remarkably, author Chrisoper Paolini began writing Eragon at the age of 15. Now
19, he has already established himself a an exciting new creator whose influence
include Tolkien, Mccaffrey, and others. His world is intricate, his characters
believable, and his writing engaging.

Both casual readers and hardcore fans of fantasy and science fiction novels will be
enchanted by this well crafted fantasy and unquestionably will look forward to part
two and three of this exciting trilogy.

What is the topic of the text…

A. A dragon pet

B. History of dragon

C. The novel of Eragon

D. A story of a farm boy

E. A biography of Christopher.
Pembahasan Jawaban: C. The novel of Eragon

Soal : Apa topik dari text di atas…

Pembahasan: Jika kita melakukan scaning kita bisa mengetahui bahwa tulisan ini
me-review sebuah novel yaitu “Eragon. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari keseluruhan isi
bacaan yang menceritakan tentang novel “Eragon”

Opsi A (salah)

Opsi A artinya Hewan peliharaan naga

Opsi B (salah)

Opsi B artinya Sejarah naga

Opsi C (benar)

Opsi C yaitu Novel Eragon

Opsi D (salah)

Opsi D yaitu Kisah seorang anak petani

Opsi E (Salah)

Opsi E yaitu Biografi Christopher.

Materi Reading

Nomor 43.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) Parents send their children to school with the best of intentions, believing that
formal education is what kids need to become productive, happy adults. Many
parents do have qualms about how well schools are performing, but the
conventional wisdom is that these issues can be resolved with more money, better
teachers, more challenging curricula, or more rigorous tests. But what if the real
problem is school itself? The unfortunate fact is that one of our most cherished is,
by its very nature, failing our children and our society.

(2) Children are required to be in school, where their freedom is greatly restricted,
far more than most adults would tolerate in their workspaces. In recent decades,
we have been compelling them to spend ever more time in this kind of setting, and
there is strong evidence that this is causing psychological damage to many of
them. And as scientists have investigated how children naturally learn, they have
realized that kids do so most deeply and fully, and with greatest enthusiasm, in
conditions that are almost opposite to those of school.

(3) Compulsory education has been a ixture of our culture now for several
generations. President Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan are so
enamored of it that they want even longer school days and years. Most people
assume that the basic design of today’s school emerged from scientist evidence
about how children learn. But nothing could be further from the truth.

(4) Schools as we know them today are a product of history, not of research. The
blueprint for them was developed during the Protestant Reformation, when schools
were created to teach children to read the Bible, to believe Scripture without
questioning it, and to obey authority igures without questioning them. When
schools were taken over by the state, made compulsory, and directed toward
secular ends, the basic structure and methods of teaching remained unchanged.
Subsequent attempts at reform have failed because they have not altered basic
blueprint. The top down, teach-and-test method, in which learning is motivated by
a system of reward and punishments rather than by curiosity or by any real desire
to know, is well designed for indoctrination and obedience training but not much
else. It is no wonder that many of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs and
innovators either left school early (like Thomas Edison) or said they hated school
and learned despite it, not because of it (like Albert Einstein).

The topic of the text above is …

A. Parents’ expectation on reformation in American school system.

B. Doubts on the effectiveness of American schools systems.

C. Restrictions on children’s freedom at the US schools.

D. Regulations for American children to stay longer at schools

E. Many of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs and innovators are left school early.
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Doubts on the efectiveness of American schools systems


Topik dari teks adalah keraguan terhadap efektiitas sistem sekolah Amerika. Hal
ini terdapat pada kalimat kedua paragraf pertama yang menyatakan “Many parents
do have qualms about how well schools are performing, …” (Banyak orang tua
benar-benar meragukan seberapa baik kinerja sekolah).

- Opsi A, salah karena kalimat tersebut bukanlah kalimat utama, dan tidak adanya
perubahan dalam sistem sekolah di Amerika sejak reformasi.

- Opsi C, salah karena itu bukanlah topik dalam teks tersebut, teks tersebut bukan
hanya memaparkan pembatasan kebebasan anak-anak saja, melainkan keraguan
orang tua terhadap sistem sekolah, keadaan sekolah saat ini, dan keefektifan
belajar mengajar.

- Opsi D, salah karena tidak hanya menjelakan peraturan bagi anak-ana amerika
untuk belajar lebih lama disekolah saja, melainkan keraguan orang tua terhadap
sistem sekolah, keadaan sekolah saat ini, dan keefektifan belajar mengajar.

- Opsi E, salah karena ini bukan topik melainkan contoh untuk mengibaratkan
buruknya sistem sekolah di Amerika.

Materi Reading

Nomor 44.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) Throughout history, people have been the victims of the pickpokets. Today,
pickpocketing is one of the most rapidly increasing crime. Pickpockets are
increasing in number and developing better methods to practice their skills.
Approximately, one million American loose money to pickpockets. His victims, or
'marks' as they called, can be rich or poor, young or old.

(2) During the eighteenth century, pickpockets were hanged in England. Large
crowds of people would gather to watch the hanging, which was supposed to be
the warning for the other pickpockets. However, in time, this practice was
discontinued. The reason: while people attentively watching the hanging of a
pickpocket, other pickpockets skillfully stole the money from the spectators!

(3) Police officials say that the most efficient pickpockets come from South
America. Many of these expert pickpockets are trained in special schools called
Jingle Bells Schools. A pickpocket graduated from J.B.S. when he is able to steal a
wallet from a dressed dummy (mannequin) that has bells inside his pockets.

(4) Even the most well-dressed, respectable person can be a pickpocket. Some of
the favorite places are banks, airports, race tracks, supermarkets, elevators, trains
and bus stations. Oftenly, some pickpockets are working together with other
pickpockets as a partner. Another kinds of pickpocket works outside or inside the
bars and specialized in stealling from women is called 'purse snatcher!

(5) To avoid being the victim of the pickpocket, it is important to be very cautious
and alert when in the midst of a large gatherings of people.

"... other pickpockets skillfully stole the money from the spectators!"

The similar meaning of the italic word is....

A. people

B. victims

C. South American

D. Audiences

E. passangers

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Audiences

Pembahasan: Spectators dalam kutipan kalimat tersebut bermakna penonton

(audiences) yang sedang menyaksikan pencopet yang sedang menjalani hukuman

Materi Reading
Nomor 45.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) How does ritual affect relationships between groups and entities external to
them? According to traditional cultural anthropology aggregates of individuals
who regard their collective well-being as dependent upon a common body of ritual
performances use such rituals to give their members confidence, to dispel their
anxieties, and to discipline their social organization. Conventional theories hold
that rituals come into play when people feel they are unable to control events and
processes in their environment that are of crucial importance to them.

(2) In contrast, recent studies of the Tsembaga, a society of nomadic

agriculturalists in New Guinea suggest that rituals do more than just give symbolic
expression to the relationships between a cultural group and components of its
environment, they influence those relationships in measurable ways.

(3) Perhaps the most significant finding of the studies was that, among the
Tsembaga, ritual operates as a regulating mechanism in a system of a set of
interlocking systems that include such variables as the area of available land,
necessary length of fallow periods, size of the human and pig populations,
nutritional requirements of pigs and people, energy expended in various activities,
and frequency of misfortune In one sense, the Tsembaga constitute an ecological
population in an ecosystem that also includes the other living organisms and
nonliving substances found within the Tsembaga territory. By collating
measurable data (such as average monthly rainfall average garden yield, energy
expenditure per cultivated acre, and nutritive values of common foods) with the
collective decision to celebrate certain rituals, anthropologists have been able to
show how Tsembaga rituals allocate energy and important materials.

(4) The studies have described how Tsembaga rituals regulate those relationships
among people, their pigs, and their gardens that are critical to survival control
meat consumption, conserve marsupial fauna, redistribute land among territorial
groups and limit the frequency of warfare. These studies have important
methodological and theoretical implications, for they enable cultural
anthropologists to see that rituals can in fact produce measurable results in an
external world.

(5) By focusing on Tsembaga rituals as part of the interaction within an ecosystem,

newer quantitative studies permit anthropologists to analyze how ritual operates as
a mechanism regulating survival. In the language of sociology, regulation is a
"latent function of Tsembaga ritual, since the Tsembaga themselves see their
rituals as pertaining less to their material relations with the ecosystem than to their
spiritual relations with their ancestors in the past, cultural anthropologists might
have centered on the Tsembaga's own interpretations of their rituals in order to
elucidate those rituals, but since tools now exist for examining the adaptive aspects
of rituals these anthropologists are in a far better position to appreciate fully the
ecological sophistication of rituals both among the Tsembaga and in other

According to the text, the word misfortune (paragraph 3) can be replaced by …

A. Happiness

B. Adversity
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Adversity


Kata ‘Misfortune’ memilki arti kemalangan, maka kata tersebut memilki makna
yang sama dengan kata ‘adversity’ (kemalangan/kesulitan/kesengsaraan).

- Opsi A salah, karena kata tersebut memiliki arti kebahagiaan.

- Opsi C salah, karena kata tersebut memiliki arti kemiskinan.

- Opsi D salah, karena kata tersebut memiliki arti kepekaan.

- Opsi E salah, karena kata tersebut memiliki arti ketegasan.

Materi Reading

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