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Nomor 1.

Soal Seagulls live on beach. They eat small fish, bread, and seaweed. Seagulls run
quickly on the sand and fly quickly in the sky. Seagulls will run or fly away if you
try to catch them. There are many seagulls on the beach.

Crabs also live on the beach. They eat shrimp, ocean plants, and small fish. Crabs
crawl quickly on the sand and in the ocean. Crabs will crawl away if you try to
catch them. There are many crabs on the beach, but it is not always easy to see

Starfish live on the beach, too. They eat clams, oysters, and small fish. Starfish
move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move away if you try
to catch them. There are few starfish on the beach.

Based on the information in the passage, which sentence is false?

A. Seagulls can fly

B. Crabs eat shrimp and ocean plants

C. Seagulls move quickly on the sand and in the air

D. There are a few starfish on the beach

E. Starfish are hard to catch

Pembahasan Jawaban: E


Soal ini meminta kita untuk memilih pernyataan yang salah atau yang tidak sesuai
dengan teks tersebut. Jawabannya dapat kita temukan di paragaf ke 3 kalimat ke 3
yaitu ‘’Starfish move slowly on the sand and in the ocean. Starfish will not move
away if you try to catch them’’ (bintang laut bergerak dengan lambat di atas pasir
dan laut. Dia tidak akan bergerak jika kamu menangkapnya) sedangkan opsi E
menyatakan bahwa bintang laut susah untuk ditangkap

Opsi A (Salah)

Burung camar dapat terbang

Opsi B (Salah)

Kepiting makan udang dan tanaman laut

Opsi C (salah)

Burung camar dapat bergerak dengan cepat di atas pasir dan air

Opsi D (Salah)

Ada beberapa bintang laut di pantai

Opsi E (Benar)

Bintang laut susah untuk ditangkap

Materi Reading

Nomor 2.
Soal Most of us heard the good advice that we need to eat less sugar – and rightly so.
However, despite the numeros warnings by health authorities of the ill effects of
sugar, the majority of the population is still consuming sugar on a daily basis in
some from or other.

We do not have to conusme white, refind sugar to be consuming sugar. Sugar

includes glocuse, fructose (as in fruit sugar), lactose (as in milk), sucrose (as in
table sugar), maltose or malts (as in rice malt and honey), jam (contains
concentrated juice, which is high in fruit sugar), maple syrup, corn syrup, palm
sugar (traditionally used in macrobiotic cooking), and the very deceiving organic
brown sugar, which is not alot that different from white sugar. Even alcohol is a
sugar. All of these sugars are problematic in many different ways.

The body changes sugar into 2 to 5 times more fat in the bloodstream than it does
starch. With 146 proven reasons why sugar is bad for us, is there perhaps one
single reason as to why we might need it? The only interesting thing about sugar is
that it tastes good and make us temporarily feel good. This is an area exploring.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, a 5.000 years old wisdom of self-
contained knowledge of healing, we all need sweetness in our life. We need six
tastes: sweet, sour, slaty, astringent, bitter, and pungent to stimulate the taste buds
on our tounge at main meals, in order to experience satiety.

Many people really try hard to avoid sugar, and do not sweeten their tea or coffe,
yet they crave sugar in some other from, such as chocolates, cakes, ice cream or
even fruit – dates and figs. Dates are 99% sugar, in the from of fructose. When a
person is in metabolic balance, they do noy crave sugar. If they do, it is a sign of
metabolic imbalance and it can be corrected without having to consume sugar.

The passage can be best summarized as ...

A. all types of sugar are problematic to human health

B. humans actually need sugar every day in the form of food

C. given the ill effects of sugar, people should avoid consuming

D. overconsumption of sugar will impact both physically and psychologically

E. the only function of sugar is to satisfy our need of sweet taste

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. given the ill effects of sugar, people should avoid consuming

Soal : Bagian ini dapat diringkas dengan baik sebagai ...

Pembahasan: Kalimat of the “sugar are problematic in many differents ways”

dan “many people really try hard to avoid sugar” menunjukan bacaaan tersebut
dapat diringkas bahwa mengingat efek buruk dari gula, orang harus menghindari
mengonsumsinya (given the ill effect of sugar, people should avoid consuming it).

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya semua jenis gula bermasalah bagi kesehatan manusia

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya manusia sebenarnya membutuhkan gula setiap hari dalam bentuk makanan

Opsi C (benar)

Artinya mengingat efek buruk gula, orang harus menghindari konsumsi

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya konsumsi gula yang berlebihan akan berdampak baik secara fisik maupun

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya satu-satunya fungsi gula adalah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kita akan rasa

Materi Reading

Nomor 3.
Soal Jacob Davis bought large amounts of denim fabric from Levi Strauss. He was a
tailor who made pants for hard-working men. One of his customers was
continually tearing the pockets off his pants. So Jacob Davis decided to put rivets
on certain parts of the pants to make them stronger. The customer loved the new
pants so much that he told all his friends, and soon Jacob Davis was busy making
lots of pants with rivets.

Jacob Davis soon realized that using rivets was a great business idea, and he didn’t
want anybody to steal that idea. He decided that he would need to get a patent. But
being a poor tailor, he didn’t have enough money to pay for the patent. After
thinking it over, he went to the businessman Levi Strauss and told him his idea. He
said “If you agree to pay for the patent, we will share the profits from the riveted
pants.” Levi Strauss did agree, and the new riveted pant business was called Levi
Strauss and Company. Today Levi’s jeans are more popular than ever, and Levi’s
name continues to live on.

What was Jacob Davis invented?

A. Denim fabric

B. Denim with pockets

C. Denim pants

D. Riveted denim

E. A big company
Pembahasan Jawaban: D


Pertanyaan disoal ini adalah apa yang ditemukan oleh Jacob Davis.Kita bisa
mendapatkan jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini di paragraf 1. Di sana kita dapat
menemukan bahwa Jacob Davis menemukan metode memasang paku keling pada
bagian tertentu dari celana akan membuatnya lebih kuat.

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya bahan denim

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya denim dengan saku

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya celana denim

Opsi D (Benar)

Artinya denim berpaku

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya sebuah perusahaan besar

Materi Reading

Nomor 4.
Soal Losari beach is a beautiful beach and located on the edge city of Makassar. It is
located only about 3 km from the center of Makassar (Karebosi Park). The beach
used to be the longest café in Asia, because many cafes stand in along the beach,
but now the cafes are collected in a special place so it does not spread along the
coast. Charm of the beach is mainly seen in the evening when the sunset stands
out. This is a major attraction of people’s coming to the Losari beach.

Every evening hundreds of people come to witness the panorama of red as the sun
will disappear into the ocean, so do not miss the sunset at the Losari beach. If the
sky is sunny, the scenery is absolutely perfect. Because of its location in a bay, the
water of Losari is even often quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of Makassar. The lengthy of the beach is approximately

one kilometer and it is a public space that can be accessed by anyone. On this
beach there is a park called the Pelataran Bahari (Marine Park), with semicircular
area of nearly one hectare. This place is a plaza with a clean floor for children to
play and running around, while parents and teens sit on concrete benches to enjoy
the sea breeze. From this place, you are also free to view out to the sea and watch
the sunset slowly turns reddish in the line of the horizon. The reflected light also
creates sheen on the surface of sea water.

The Pelataran Bahari also serves as the stadium of open water to watch the coastal
waters in front of Losari beach. This coastal water is often used as a racecourse jet
ski, boat races and traditional boat jolloro katinting, or become a transit point of
rely of Sandeq traditional sailboats and yachts.

In Losari there are also a few hotels. Some of them qualified as a tree stars hotel.
The hotel is offering panoramic beauty of the sea with luxury service treats. There
are Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and Pantai
Gapura Hotel. All of the hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

Where can we watch the coastal water?

A. In front of Losari Beach

B. In Asia

C. At the hotel

D. In Makasar

E. at Jalan Penghibur
Pembahasan Jawaban: A. In front of Losari Beach


Pertanyaan pada soal ini adalah dimana kita dapat melihat air pantai. Jawabanya
dapat kita temukan di paragraf 4 yaitu ‘’... to watch the coastal waters in front of
Losari beach’’ (..untuk melihat air Pantai di depan pantai Losari

Opsi A (Benar)

Depan pantai Losari

Opsi B (Salah)

Di Asia

Opsi C (Salah)

Di hotel

Opsi D (Salah)

Di Makasar

Opsi E (Salah)

Di jalan Penghibur

Materi Reading

Nomor 5.
Soal Forget lions, tigers, and bears. When it comes to the art of war, army ants are
among the most frightening creatures non earth. With powerful mouth parts, these
fighters can skillfully cut creatures much larger than themselves into pieces.
Acting together in great numbers, army ant colonies succeed at making tens of
thousand of such kills each days. Their capabilities do have limits, though.
Contrary to popular belief, they almost never take down large animals or people.

One of the best places to observe army ants is Barro Colorado, an island in a lake
created by the Panama Canal. The island is home to as many as 50 colonies of
Eciton Burchellii, the most studied army ant in the world. It is one of 150 types of
army ants in the New World. More than 170 other types live in Asia,Africa and

The colonies of this army ant are huge, ranging from 300,000 to 700,000 ants.
They never stay in one place long, moving from nest site to nest sit. Lingking legs
together, they use their own bodies to from enormous nests called bivouacs, which
they hang beneath a fallen tree. There they stay for about 20 days as the queen lays
as many as 300,000 eggs.

When the ants go hunting, as many as 200,000 of them leave the nest in a group
that broadens into a fan as wide as 14 maters. This swarm raid takes a slightly
different course each day, allowing the hunters to covers fresh ground each time.

Protecting the ants wherever they go are the soldiers, recognizable by their
overside jaws. If their frightening look don’t scare enemies away, soldier also have
a powerful bite and attack is often suicidal. Because their jaws are shaped like
fishhook, the soldiers can’t pull them out again. Amazonian tribes have used
soldiers ants to close wounds, breaking off the bodies and leaving the head in

Eciton Burchellii are blind and can’t see what’s ahead of them, but they move
together in such great numbers that they easily kill the non-army ants, insects, and
other small creatures that constitute their prey. When the groups happen upon a
break in the path, ants immediately link legs togethers and from living bridges so
that the groups can move forwards without any delay.

In Japanese the word ant is written by linking two characters: one meaning
“insect” the other meaning “loyalty”. Indeed, individual ants are completely loyal
to their fellow ants. They display many examples of selfless cooperation that,
while certainly extreme, can’t fail to win human admiration.

The author’s purpose of writing the text is to…

A. Inform the readers about how army ants set up their life

B. Demonstrate the strength of army ants protect their colonies

C. Analyze how soldier ants protect their colonies

D. Make the readers aware of the use of army ants

E. Refute a common misconception about army ants

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. Refute a common misconception about army ants

Soal : Tujuan penulis menulis teks tersebut adalah untuk…

Pembahasan: Wacana soal diawali dengan kalimat yang mengejutkan bahwa kita
diminta untuk melupakan singa, macan dan beruang Ketika kita membahas army
ants. Sebab hewan ini memiliki kemampuan yang tidak kalah dibandingkan
dengan penguasa rimba. Oleh karena itu, tujuan bacaan ini adalah untuk
meluruskan konsep yang salah tentang army ants.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya yaitu menginformasikan pembaca tentang bagaimana semut tentara

mengatur kehidupan mereka

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya yaitu menunjukkan kekuatan semut tentara melindungi koloni mereka

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya yaitu menganalisis bagaimana semut tentara melindungi koloni mereka

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya yaitu membuat pembaca sadar akan penggunaan semut tentara

Opsi E (benar)

Artinya yaitu menyangkal kesalahpahaman umum tentang semut tentara

Materi Reading

Nomor 6.
Soal The most common causes of tsunamis are underwater earthquakes. To understand
underwater earthquakes, you must first understand plate tectonics. The theory of
plate tectonics suggest that the lithosphere, or top layer of the Earth, is made up of
a series of huge plates. These plates make up the continents and seafloor. They rest
on an underlying viscous layer called the asthenosphere.

Think of a pie cut into eight slices. The pie crust would be the lithosphere and the
hot, sticky, pie filling underneath would be the asthenosphere. On the earth, these
plates are constantlyin motion, moving along each other at a speed of 1 to 2 inches
(2.5-5 cm) per year. The movement occurs most dramatically along fault lines
(where the pie is cut). These motions are capable of producing eartquakes and
volcanism, which, when they occur at the bottom of the ocean, are two possible
sources of tsunamis.

When two plates come into contact at a region known as a plate boundary, a
heavier plate can slip under a lighter one. This is called subduction. Underwater
subduction often leaves enormous “handprints” in the form of deep ocean troches
along the seafloor connected to the lighter plate may “snap up” suddenly due to
pressure from the sinking plate. This result in a eathquakes. The focus of the
earthquakes is the point within the Earth where the rupture first occurs, rocks
break and the first seismic waves are generated, the epicenter is the point on the
seafloor directly above the focus.

When this piece of the plate snaps up and sends tons of rock shooting upward with
tremendous force, the energy of that force is transferred to the water. The energy
pushes the water upward above normal sea level. This is the birth os the tsunami.
The eartquake that generated the December 26, 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean
was 9.0 on the Richter scale – one of the biggest in recorded history.

Which of the following natural disasters happening in Indonesia is related to the

fault movement of plate tectonics?

A. Volcanic eruption

B. Soil erosion

C. Forest fires

D. Landslides

E. Floods
Pembahasan Jawaban: E. Floods


Pertanyaan pada soal ini adalah Manakah dari bencana alam berikut yang terjadi di
Indonesia yang berhubungan dengan pergerakan lempengan tektonik ?

Jawabannya adalah floods (banjir). Kita bisa menemukan jawabannya di kalimat

terakhir paragraf ke-2

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya erupsi vulkanik

Opsi B (Salah)

Erosi tanah

Opsi C (Salah)

Kebakaran hutan

Opsi D (Salah)


Opsi E (Benar)


Materi Reading

Nomor 7.
Soal Two state-owned lenders — Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI — will build temporary
houses for 400 families displaced by the recent strong earthquake that hit Sigi
District, CentralSulawesiProvinc

Second Assistant Secretary of Sigi District Government Iskandar Nontji informed

that the temporary houses for 100 families will be constructed by Bank Mandiri in
the South Sibayala area of Dolo Sub-district. Meanwhile, Bank BNI will erect the
temporary shelters for 300 families in Jonoge Village of Sigi Biromaru Sub-
district that severely suffered from soil liquefaction during the 7.4-magnitude
earthquake that rocked the area on Sept 28, he noted.

The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land, owned by the sub-
district government, village, and community members, he stated, adding that the
Sigi district government will facilitate all related parties to sign a letter of

“We are going to provide a letter of agreement that will be signed by all related
parties to avoid any unexpected eventuality in the future,” he explained

What makes 400 families displaced?

A. Local governement

B. 7.4-magnitude earthquake

C. Temporary shelters

D. 400 houses

E. Mandiri bank and BNI

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. 7.4-magnitude earthquake


Maksud dari pertanyaan ini adalah apa yang membuat 400 keluarga dipindahkan.
Berdasarkan informasi dari teks tentu saja jawabannya adalah arena gempa bumi
bermagnitudo 7.4

Opsi A (Salah)

Pemerintah lokal

Opsi B (Benar)

Gempa bumi bermagnitudo 7.4

Opsi C (Salah)

Penampungan sementara

Opsi D (Salah)

400 rumah

Opsi E (Salah)

Bank Mandiri dan BNI

Materi Reading

Nomor 8.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The cause of tooth decay is acid, which is produced by bacteria in the mouth.
The acid removes minerals from tooth enamel, allowing tooth decay to begin; the
saliva in your mouth encourages remineralization and Line neutralizes the acid.
The rate at which bacteria in the mouth produce acid depends on the amount of
plaque on the teeth, the composition of the microbial flora, and whether the
bacteria of the plaque have been “primed” by frequent exposure to sugar. To keep
your teeth healthy, a regular dental hygiene program should be followed.

(2) Removing plaque with a toothbrush and dental floss temporarily reduces the
numbers of bacteria in the mouth and thus reduces tooth decay. It also makes the
surfaces of the teeth more accessible, enabling saliva to neutralize acid and
remineralize lesions. If fluoride is present in drinking water when teeth are
forming, some fluoride is incorporated into the enamel of the teeth, making them
more resistant to attack by acid. Fluoride toothpaste seems to acting another way,
by promoting the remineralization of early carious lesions.

(3) In addition to a regular dental hygiene program, a good way to keep your teeth
healthy is to reduce your intake of sweet food. The least cavity- causing way to eat
sweets is to have them with meals and not between. The number of times you eat
sweets rather than the total amount determines how much harmful acid the bacteria
in your saliva produce. But the amount of sweets influences the quality of your
saliva. Avoid, if you can, sticky sweets that stay in your mouth a long time. Also
try to brush and floss your teeth after eating sugary foods. Even rinsing your
mouth with water is effective. Whenever possible, eat foods with fiber, such as
raw carrot sticks, apples, celery sticks, etc., that scrape off plaque, acting as a
toothbrush. Cavities can be greatly reduced if these rules are followed when eating

We can infer from the passage that one benefit of fluoride to healthy teeth is ….

A. It strengthens tooth enamel

B. It stimulate saliva production

C. It makes teeth whiter

D. It is a replacement for brushing and flosing in dental care

E. It produce a bacteria
Pembahasan Jawaban: A. It strengthens tooth enamel


Kita bisa menyimpulkan satu manfaat dari fluoride untuk gigi, yaitu memperkuat
enamel gigi (It strengthens tooth enamel). Perhatikan kalimat “making them more
resistant to attarck by add” (paragraf 2), pada kalimat sebelumnya menjelaskan
bahwa beberapa fluoride dimasukan ke dalam email gigi, sehingga membuat lebih
tahan terhadap serangan asam.

Materi Reading

Nomor 9.

Soal Horse owners who plan to bread one or more mares should have a working
knowledge of heredity and know how to care for breeding animals and foals. Then
number of mares bred that actually concieve varies from about 40 to 85 percent,
with the average running less than 50 percent. Some mares that do concieve fail to
produce living foals. This means that, on average, two mares are kept a whole year
to produce one foal, and even, some foals are disappointments from the standpoint
of quality.

By careful selection, breeders thoughout history have developed various kinds of

horses with a wide variety of characteristics to suit many different needs. The
Great Horse of the Middle Ages, for example, was bred for size amd strength to
carry a heavily armored knight. The massive horses of such breeds are often called
“cold blooded”. The Arabs bred lithe desert horses that small and swift. These
animals are often referred to as “hot blooded”. “Cross-breeding of hot-blooded and
cold-blooded horses” for certain characteristics produced breeds ranging from
hiding horses to draft horses.

The thoroghbred is considered by many to be the highpoint of elegance and fine

selective breeding. Many persons mistakenly apply the name thoroughbred any
purebred horse. Thoroughbred is a distinct breed of running horses that traces its
ancestry through the male line directly back to four Eastern stallion; the Byerly
Turk, the Darley Arabian,the Great horse and the Godolphin Barb. For
convenience the breeds of horses are often divided into three major groups: (1)
ponies, (2) heavy, or draft horses, and (3) light horses.

In line 11 “little” most nearly means...

A. Graceful

B. Clumsy

C. Massive

D. Bulky

E. Cute
Pembahasan Jawaban: A


Soal ini menanyakan kata “little” mempunyai arti yang hampir sama dengan apa.
Jawabannya adalah A yaitu graceful karena kata little disitu adalah sama dengan
small dan swift yang berarti juga anggun

Opsi A (Benar)

Artinya anggun

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya ceroboh

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya besar sekali

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya tebal

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya lucu

Materi Reading

Nomor 10.
Soal Lucia Francisca Susi Susanti (born in Tasikmalaya, West java on 11 February
1971) was an Indonesian badminton player. Sometimes her nama is also spelled
Susy Susanti. She won the Olympic Gold medal for woman’s singles in the 1992
Olympic in Barcelona and the bronze medal at the 1996 Altanta Games. Susi
Susanti is married to Alan Budi Kusuma, who also won a gold medal winner in
1992 Barcelona Olympic.

Often considered as the finest female badminton player Indonesia ever produced,
Susi Susanti dominated the women’s singles event in the early 1990s, winning the
All-England in 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1994, the World Grand Prix from 1990-
1994, and the World Championships in 1993. Susi Susanti also led the Indonesian
team to win the Uber Cup in 1994 and 1996. Susi Susanti was running a
badminton racket company with her husband called Alan Susy Technology (Astec)
after her retirement.

“… Susi Susanti dominated the women’s singles event in the early 1990s …” The
antonym of the underlined word is …

A. Manage

B. Govern

C. Rule

D. Surrender

E. Conquer
Pembahasan Jawaban: D


Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya mengatur

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya memerintah

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya aturan

Opsi D (Benar)

Artinya menyerah

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya menaklukkan

Materi Reading

Nomor 11.
Soal If you want farm green, two decisions about how you grow your crops are likely to
have the biggest impact on achieving your goal, how much tillage you manage

Although there probably are hundreds – or thousands – of other decisions,

practices and technologies that can contribute to a green farming system, these two
factors alone can come close to eliminating your cropping system’s global
warming footprint. At the same time, you will also reduce your operation’s imapct
on soil and water erosion, as well as surface and groundwater degradation from
fertilizaers and other agricultural inputs. You may also be able to turn this
environmental stewardship into extra cash by selling carbon credits associated
with no-till.

This surprising finding – that intensive crop production practices in use today can
be nearly carbon neutral is emerging from research on both greenhouse gas
production and greenhouse gas capture associated with production of annual crops.

The research shows shows that basic crop management decisions to reduce tillage
and use nitrogen more effeciently can cut a farming operation’s impact on global
warming gases 90% or more. In a best-case scenario, which wolud include no-till,
these everyday practices come also to zeroing out a farming operation’s
greenhouse gas footprint.

The author believes that tillage use and nitrogen management can help farmers..

A. reduce greenhouse gas production

B. release carbon to the atmosphere

C. increase shraphly

D. use fertilizers more effectively

E. decrease operational cost

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. reduce greenhouse gas production

Soal : Penulis percaya bahwa pengolahan tanah dan pengelolaan nitrogen

dapat membantu petani..

Pembahasan: Penulis percaya bahwa tanah yang menggunakan pemakaian

nitrogen dapat membantu petani mengurangi produksi atau emisi dari gas rumah
kaca, informasi dapat kita simpulkan pada keseluruhan paragraf.

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya mengurangi produksi gas rumah kaca

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya melepaskan karbon ke atmosfer

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya meningkat dengan cepat

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya menggunakan pupuk lebih efektif

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya menurunkan biaya operasional

Materi Reading

Nomor 12.
Soal Genesis is British progressive rock and band comprises of Phill Collins, Mike
Rutherford, and Tony Banks (with touring members Chester Thompson and Daryl
Stuermer) and previously including Peter Gabriel, Steve Hackett, Anthony Philips,
and John Mayhew, and Ray Wilson, in various periods of their history. Genesis’s
first album, From Genesis to Revelation, was released in March 1969 and reached
its international peak of #170 on the United States’s Billboard 200 album chart.
Over the next five years, Genesis released albums in the second half of every year,
including two in 1973, as one was a live album. Over this period, the group’s fame
rose, as did their charting positions. Over time, the group has broken up, changed
line ups, and taken both short and extended hiatuses.

Which Genesis’s album reached its international peak of #170 on the United
States’ Billboard 200 albums chart?

A. Nursery Cryme

B. Trespass

C. From Genesis to Revelation

D. Selling England by the Pound

E. a live album

Pembahasan Jawaban: C


Opsi A (Salah)

Opsi B (Salah)

Opsi C (Benar)

Opsi D (Salah)

Opsi E (salah)

Materi Reading

Nomor 13.
Soal Cramming

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test
weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start
studying weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the
material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for you. This is called cramming.

Cramming is when students stay up all night until morning to study before a test or
finish an assignment. This habit can lead to negative impacts, the first being that
disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses. For
most students, less sleep can make them could not focus on the class. Additionally,
cramming can leave us with memory lapses as well.

Each person has a different sleeping schedule, so some of them often use a
stimulant for cramming. An example stimulant, and the most common, is coffee.
While delicious and beneficial, it causes many problems in the long-term such as
caffeine intoxication syndrome, anxiety, panic, and headaches.

To sum up, cramming is not recommended because it disturbs a person’s sleep

cycle which causes temporary intellectual lapses, and using stimulants for
cramming gives them a bad effect on their health.

Cramming is a method used by students when…

A. they want to study

B. they are going to face an exam

C. they don’t want to study

D. they are too lazy

E. they are diligent

Pembahasan Jawaban: D


Pertanyaan di soal ini adalah Cramming adalah metode belajar ketika siswa dalam
kondisi apa. Di paragraph pertama kita bias simpulkan bahwa kalau mau
menghadapi ujian itu sebaiknya beberapa minggu atau bulan untuk
mempersiapkan ujian tersebut tetapi kalau hanya dipersiapkan atau belajar satu
malam sebelum ujian itu tidak baik artinya siswa itu malas belajar.

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya mereka ingin belajar

Opsi B (Salah)

Artinya mereka akan menghadapi ujian

Opsi C (Salah)

Artinya mereka tidak mau belajar

Opsi D (Benar)

Artinya mereka terlalu malas

Opsi E (Salah)

Artinya mereka rajin

Materi Reading

Nomor 14.
Soal Rainbows are formed when sunlight falling on raindrops is split into the different
colours of the spectrum (range) of light. Sunlight is really a mixture of all the
colours of the spectrum: red, orange, green, blue, indigo and violet, but our eyes
always see them as ordinary white light. When a beam of light passes at an angle
through a curved transparent surface, such as a raindrops, the beam is bent when it
emerges. The different colours of light are bent by different amounts, so the white
light is split into the colours of the spectrum. This effect can also be seen when
light passes through a piece of glass cut at different angles, such as a prism.

How are the rainbows formed?

A. They are formed when sunlight falling on raindrops is split into the different
colours of the spectrum of light

B. When the sunlight spectrum mixed colours

C. When a beam of light passes at an angle through a transparent surface

D. When a beam of light passes through a piece of glass cut at different angles

E. When raindrops and sunlight rise up together

Pembahasan Jawaban: A


Soal ini menanyakan bagaimana pelangi terbentuk. Dan jawabannya sudah sangat
jelas disebutkan di kalimat pertama

Opsi A (Benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah mereka terbentuk ketika sinar matahari yang jatuh pada
tetesan hujan dipecah menjadi warna spektrum cahaya yang berbeda

Opsi B (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ketika spektrum sinar matahari bercampur warna

Opsi C (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ketika seberkas cahaya melewati sebuah sudut melalui
permukaan transparan

Opsi D (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ketika seberkas cahaya melewati sepotong kaca yang
dipotong pada sudut yang berbeda

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ketika air hujan dan sinar matahari muncul bersamaan

Materi Reading

Nomor 15.
Soal Horse owners who plan to bread one or more mares should have a working
knowledge of heredity and know how to care for breeding animals and foals. Then
number of mares bred that actually concieve varies from about 40 to 85 percent,
with the average running less than 50 percent. Some mares that do concieve fail to
produce living foals. This means that, on average, two mares are kept a whole year
to produce one foal, and even, some foals are disappointments from the standpoint
of quality.

By careful selection, breeders thoughout history have developed various kinds of

horses with a wide variety of characteristics to suit many different needs. The
Great Horse of the Middle Ages, for example, was bred for size amd strength to
carry a heavily armored knight. The massive horses of such breeds are often called
“cold blooded”. The Arabs bred lithe desert horses that small and swift. These
animals are often referred to as “hot blooded”. “Cross-breeding of hot-blooded and
cold-blooded horses” for certain characteristics produced breeds ranging from
hiding horses to draft horses.

The thoroghbred is considered by many to be the highpoint of elegance and fine

selective breeding. Many persons mistakenly apply the name thoroughbred any
purebred horse. Thoroughbred is a distinct breed of running horses that traces its
ancestry through the male line directly back to four Eastern stallion; the Byerly
Turk, the Darley Arabian,the Great horse and the Godolphin Barb. For
convenience the breeds of horses are often divided into three major groups: (1)
ponies, (2) heavy, or draft horses, and (3) light horses.

The average amount of mares bred which actually concieve is less than what

A. 40

B. 85

C. 50

D. 75

E. 65

Pembahasan Jawaban: C


Soal ini menanyakan jumlah rata-rata kuda betina yang mengandung adalah berapa
persen. Maka jawaban yang benar berdasarkan bacaan di atas adalah 50%

Materi Reading

Nomor 16.
Soal Holding on the belief that children will shed their “baby fat”as they get older may
be perpetuating the childhood obesity epidemic, and laying a foundation for
obesity later in life among overweight tots. According to 2006 data from the
Center for Disease Control, 16% of American children were obese, and 32%
overweight, with a growing propotion of overweight and obese children under age
four. That is why it is critical to identify the “tipping point” between baby fat amd
obesity risk, according to research from Eastern Virginia Medical School and
Children’s Hospital of the King’s Daughter that was published this week in the
journal Clinical Pediatrics. In a study of 111 overweight patients between the ages
of two and 20 , researchers analyzed the patterns of children’s weight gain to
determine at what age intervention to prevent obesity is most useful. Their
conclusion: some children were on the road to obesity as early as thress months,
meaning that doctors need to discuss unhealthy weight gain with parents as early
as their child’s infancy, but certainly no later than age two.

According to the passage, what is the danger in believing that baby fat will shed

A. A growing proportion of overweight children

B. It is perpetuating obesity epidemic among children

C. Its critical to the tipping point between baby fat and obesity fat

D. It is adding the pattern of children weight gain

E. Parent will let their baby eats everything

Pembahasan Jawaban: B


Pertanyaan disoal ini adalah apa bahaya dari mempercayai bahwa lemak yang di
bayi akan menghilang sendirinya. Jawabannya ada di kalimat pertama di teks ini

Opsi A (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah proporsi anak-anak yang kelebihan berat badan semakin

Opsi B (Benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ini melanggengkan epidemi obesitas di kalangan anak-anak

Opsi C (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ini sangat penting untuk titik kritis antara lemak bayi dan
lemak obesitas

Opsi D (Salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah itu menambah pola kenaikan berat badan anak-anak

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah para orang tua akan membiarkan bayi mereka makan segala

Materi Reading

Nomor 17.
Soal What is photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is a food-making process and also
produces oxygen that occurs in green plants. It is the chief function of leaves. The
word photosynthesis means putting together with light. Green plants use energy
from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical

How is the light used in photosynthesis?

The light used in photosynthesis is absorbed by a green pigment called

chlorophyll. Each food-making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small
bodies called chloroplasts. In chloroplast, light energy causes water drawn from
the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.

What are the steps of photosynthesis process? Let me tell you the process of
photosynthesis, in a series of complicated steps, the hydrogen combines with
carbon dioxide from the air, forming a simple sugar. Oxygen from the water
molecules is given off in the process. From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur,
and phosporus from the soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins,
and other complex compounds essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the
chemical energy that is needed to produced these compounds.

What the product of photosynthesis ...

A. Sugar

B. Food and O2

C. Root

D. Food

E. Branch
Pembahasan Jawaban: B


Pertanyaan pada soal ini adalah apa yang dihasilkan oleh fotosintesis?.

Jawabannya dapat ditemukan di paragraph pertama yaitu ‘’Photosynthesis is a

food-making process and also produces oxygen that occurs in green plants’’

Opsi A (Salah)

Artinya gula

Opsi B (Benar)

Artinya makanan dan O2

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya akar

Opsi D (Salah)

Artnya makanan

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya cabang

Materi Reading

Nomor 18.
Soal Calorie-restricted diets have been shown to increase the lifespan and health span of
everything from yeast to monkeys – as long as there is no malnutrition. And while
no long-term studies have proven the benefits of calorie restriction on human
lifespan, shorter-term studies suggest that it does improve health. Here’s how it
might work.

Our bodies monitor and sense the amount of nutrients available through specific
molecules in our cells. Depending on the amount of food we eat, these molecules
tweak our metabolism to regulate how we use the available nutrients. One of these
molecules is an enzyme called TOR. When there is a lot of food, the TOR enzyme
instructs cells in the body to grow. If there is less food, TOR instructs the body to
be on alert - a state that scientists refer to as a “mild stress response”.

Many experiments have shown that when animals eat a lot of food, especially for
prolonged periods, TOR senses this and their lifespan becomes shorter. But do all
foods have this effect on TOR? TOR enzyme is especially activated when cells
sense large amounts of amino acids (the building blocks of protein) or protein. A
protein-restricted diet, without malnutrition, can have the same effects on the
metabolism and lifespan of lab animals as a calorie-restricted diet.

Age-related diseases are known to be caused by genetic mutations, but could there
be a connection between TOR, nutrition and diseases of old age? We know that
nutrition is associated with cancer and heart disease, and overactive TOR is known
to be involved in these diseases, but recent studies show that TOR is also directly
related to neurodegenerative diseases. For example, the activity of the TOR
enzyme in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s is much higher compared with
healthy brains. Also, simulating these diseases in mice and other lab animals has
shown that removing excess TOR stops brain cells dying.

So, there may be a link between what we eat, how it is sensed by our body and the
risk of neurodegenerative disease. Scientists are exploring different possibilities to
prevent neurodegeneration. If more protein means more active TOR, we could
either modify our diet, safely, or develop a drug that tricks our body into thinking
it is getting less protein.


According to the text, how can the risk of neurodegenerative diseases be reduced?

A. by managing our protein and dietary intake

B. by linking what we eat and how it is sensed

C. by including high-protein foods in our diet

D. by consuming medications that tricks our body

E. by enhancing TOR enzyme activity in the body

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. by managing our protein and dietary intake


Arti soal: “Menurut teks, bagaimana risiko penyakit neurodegeneratif dapat


Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu untuk membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan
bagian yang membahas tentang cara menghindari penyakit neurodegenerative.
Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 5 berikut:

“So, there may be a link between what we eat, how it is sensed by our body and
the risk of neurodegenerative disease. Scientists are exploring different
possibilities to prevent neurodegeneration. If more protein means more active
TOR, we could either modify our diet, safely, or develop a drug that tricks our
body into thinking it is getting less protein.”


“Jadi, mungkin ada hubungan antara apa yang kita makan, bagaimana hal itu
dirasakan oleh tubuh kita dan risiko penyakit neurodegeneratif. Para ilmuwan
sedang menjajaki berbagai kemungkinan untuk mencegah penyakit
neurodegeneratif. Jika lebih banyak protein berarti lebih banyak TOR aktif, kita
bisa memodifikasi pola makan kita, dengan aman, atau mengembangkan obat yang
menipu tubuh kita agar berpikir bahwa proteinnya berkurang.”

Dari paragraf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk menghindari penyakit

neurodegenerative dapat dilakukan dengan mengurangi tingkat enzim TOR dalam
tubuh yaitu dengan cara 1) memodifikasi pola makan, 2) mengembangkan obat
yang menipu tubuh agar berpikir bahwa proteinnya berkurang. Maka, dapat
disimpulkan bahwa caranya adalah dengan mengatur asupan protein dan makanan.

Opsi A (BENAR)

Artinya: “dengan mengatur asupan protein dan makanan kita.” Opsi A benar
karena merupakan cara yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “dengan menghubungkan apa yang kita makan dan bagaimana rasanya.”
Opsi B salah karena bukan merupakan cara yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “dengan memasukkan makanan berprotein tinggi dalam diet kita.” Opsi C
salah karena bukan merupakan cara yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “dengan mengkonsumsi obat-obatan yang menipu tubuh kita.” Opsi D

salah karena bukan merupakan cara yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 19.
Soal Wetlands are areas of land that are covered by water, or have flooded or
waterlogged soils. They can have water on them either permanently or for just part
of the year. Whether it’s year-round or seasonal, this period of water saturation
produces hydric soils, which contain little or no oxygen. But this doesn’t mean that
they are lifeless: Wetlands are full of unique water-loving plants and wildlife that
have adapted to wet environments.

Wetlands can take many different forms, depending on the local climate, water
conditions and land forms and features. For example, swamps are dominated by
woody trees or shrubs. Marshes often have more grass-like plants, such as cattails
and bulrushes. Bogs and fens are areas that accumulate peat – deposits of dead and
partly decomposed plant materials that form organic-rich soil.

Wetlands are important environments for many reasons. They provide ecological
services whose value has been estimated to be worth more than US$47 trillion per
year. For example, wetlands support very high levels of biodiversity. Scientists
estimate that 40% of all species on Earth live or breed in wetlands. Wetlands are
critical homes or stopovers for many species of migratory birds. In the central U.S.
and Canada, for example, wetlands in the so-called prairie pothole region on the
Great Plains support up to three-quarters of North America’s breeding ducks.

Along with providing important habitat for everything from microbes to frogs to
waterfowl, wetlands also work to improve water quality. They can capture surface
runoff from cities and farmlands and work as natural water filters, trapping excess
nutrients that otherwise might create dead zones in lakes and bays. Wetlands can
also help remove other pollutants and trap suspended sediments that cloud water
bodies, which can kill aquatic plants and animals.

Because wetlands are often in low-lying areas of the landscape, they can store and
slowly release surface water. Wetlands can be extremely important for reducing
the impacts of flooding. In some places, water entering wetlands can also recharge
groundwater aquifers that are important for irrigation and drinking water.

Wetlands also act as important carbon sinks. As wetland plants grow, they remove
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They die, sink to the bottom of the wetland
and decompose very slowly. Over time, the carbon they contain accumulates in
wetland soils, where it can be stored for hundreds of years. Conserving and
restoring wetlands is an important strategy for regulating greenhouse gases and
mitigating the impacts of climate change.


According to the passage, all of the following are true about wetlands EXCEPT….

A. they are regions of land that are submerged in water

B. they can appear in a wide variety of shapes and forms

C. they may be covered with water periodically or all year

D. they are completely inhospitable to any form of life

E. they generate hydric soils with little or no oxygen

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. they are completely inhospitable to any form of life


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, pernyataan berikut ini benar tentang lahan basah

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
dalam teks yang membahas tentang lahan basah, adapun hal tersebut dibahas
dalam paragraf 1-2 berikut:

“Wetlands are areas of land that are covered by water, or have flooded or
waterlogged soils. They can have water on them either permanently or for just
part of the year. Whether it’s year-round or seasonal, this period of water
saturation produces hydric soils, which contain little or no oxygen. But this
doesn’t mean that they are lifeless: Wetlands are full of unique water-loving plants
and wildlife that have adapted to wet environments.

Wetlands can take many different forms, depending on the local climate, water
conditions and land forms and features.”


“Lahan basah adalah area tanah yang tertutup oleh air, atau memiliki tanah yang
tergenang air. Mereka dapat tergenang air baik secara permanen atau hanya
beberapa waktu dalam setahun. Entah itu sepanjang tahun atau musiman, periode
genangan air ini menghasilkan tanah hidrik, yang mengandung sedikit oksigen
atau tidak ada sama sekali. Tetapi hal ini tidak berarti bahwa tidak ada kehidupan
didalamnya: Lahan basah penuh dengan tanaman yang menyukai air dan satwa liar
yang telah beradaptasi dengan lingkungan basah.

Lahan basah memiliki berbagai bentuk, tergantung pada iklim lokal, kondisi air
dan bentuk dan fitur lahan.”

Selanjutnya dari opsi A sampai E kita perlu menemukan opsi mana yang SALAH
atau TIDAK SESUAI dengan informasi dalam paragraf tentang lahan basah.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: merupakan wilayah daratan yang terendam air. Opsi A salah karena
merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: mereka dapat muncul dalam berbagai bentuk. Opsi B salah karena
merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: mereka mungkin tertutup air secara berkala atau sepanjang tahun. Opsi C
salah karena merupakan pernyataan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi D (BENAR)

Artinya: mereka sama sekali tidak ramah terhadap segala bentuk kehidupan. Opsi
D benar karena merupakan pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi E (salah)
Materi Reading

Nomor 20.

Soal Wind energy is produced by the movement of air and converted into power for
human use. Wind has been used as a source of energy for more than a thousand
years, but was replaced by fossil fuels for much of the 20th century. Today, wind
is making a comeback as a source of electricity and power.

Wind energy is produced with wind turbines—tall, tubular towers with blades
rotating at the top. When the wind turns the blades, the blades turn a generator and
create electricity. Wind turbines can have a horizontal or vertical axis. The
turbines do not actually produce wind energy. The blades turn, convert the energy
of wind into rotational energy, a form of mechanical energy, and this energy is in
turn converted into electrical energy.

Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) are the most familiar type of electricity-
producing windmill. Most have three large blades that spin parallel to their towers,
where the main rotor and generator are located. Most HAWT arrays are painted
white, to promote visibility to low-flying aircraft. This type of turbines can be
much bigger than their vertical counterparts.

Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) have varied, unusually shaped blades that
rotate in complete circles around their tower. The main rotor and generator are
located near the ground, making maintenance easier and less expensive. VAWTs
do not have to be upwind to generate electricity. Vertical-axis wind turbines can be
much smaller than their horizontal counterparts. Standing only 5 meters (15 feet)
tall, these VAWTs can be installed on the roofs of buildings.

Turbines cannot operate at every wind speed. If winds are too strong, they can be
damaged. Therefore, the turbine has an automatic controller that turns on when
winds are blowing at prime speed for generating electricity. This speed is usually
13 to 90 kilometers per hour (8 to 55 miles per hour). If the winds become stronger
than that, the controller turns the turbine off.


Which of the following is not the advantages of VAWT turbines mentioned in the

A. They are easy to repair

B. They occupy less room

C. They can operate in any conditions

D. They require lower maintenance cost

E. They can work in any wind direction

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. They can operate in any conditions


Arti soal: “Manakah dari berikut ini yang bukan merupakan keunggulan dari
turbin VAWT yang disebutkan dalam teks?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang VAWT dan keunggulannya. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas
dalam paragraf 4 sebagai berikut:

“Vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs) have varied, unusually shaped blades that
rotate in complete circles around their tower. The main rotor and generator are
located near the ground, making maintenance easier and less expensive. VAWTs
do not have to be upwind to generate electricity. Vertical-axis wind turbines can
be much smaller than their horizontal counterparts. Standing only 5 meters (15
feet) tall, these VAWTs can be installed on the roofs of buildings.”


“Turbin angin sumbu vertikal (VAWT) memiliki kincir yang beragam, berbentuk
tidak biasa yang berputar dalam lingkaran penuh di sekitar menaranya. Rotor
utama dan generator terletak di dekat tanah, membuat perawatannya lebih mudah
dan lebih murah. VAWT tidak harus melawan arah angin untuk menghasilkan
listrik. Turbin angin sumbu vertikal jauh lebih kecil daripada turbin angin
horizontal. Dengan tinggi hanya 5 meter (15 kaki), VAWT dapat dipasang di atap

Selanjutnya, kita perlu menemukan mana dari opsi A sampai E yang bukan
merupakan keunggulan turbin VAWT yang disebutkan dalam teks.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: Mereka mudah diperbaiki. Opsi A salah karena merupakan keunggulan

turbin VAWT yang disebutkan dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: Mereka menempati lebih sedikit tempat. Opsi B salah karena merupakan
keunggulan turbin VAWT yang disebutkan dalam teks.

Opsi C (BENAR)

Artinya: Mereka dapat beroperasi dalam kondisi apapun. Opsi C benar karena
buka merupakan keunggulan turbin VAWT yang disebutkan dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: Mereka membutuhkan biaya pemeliharaan yang lebih murah. Opsi D

salah karena merupakan keunggulan turbin VAWT yang disebutkan dalam teks.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: Mereka dapat bekerja di segala arah angin. Opsi E salah karena
merupakan keunggulan turbin VAWT yang disebutkan dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 21.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or
depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it is about feeling great, having
more energy, improving your outlook, and stabilizing your mood. If you feel
overwhelmed by all the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out there, you are not
alone. It seems that for every expert who tells you a certain food is good for you,
you will find another saying exactly the opposite. But by using these simple tips,
you can cut through the confusion and learn how to create a tasty, varied, and
healthy diet that is as good for your mind as it is for your body.

We all know that eating right can help maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain
health problems, but your diet can also have a profound effect on your mood and
sense of well being. Studies have linked eating a typical western diet filled with
processed meats, packaged meals, takeout food, and sugary snacks - with higher
rates of depression, stress, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Eating an unhealthy diet
may even play a role in the development of mental health disorder such as ADHD,
Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia, or in the increased risk of suicide in young

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking meals at home, and reducing your
intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, may help to improve
mood and lower your risk for mental health problems. If you have already been
diagnosed with a mental health problem, eating well can even help to manage your
symptoms and regain control of your life.

While some specific foods or nutrients have been shown to have a beneficial effect
on mood, it is your overall dietary pattern that is most important. That means
switching to a healthy diet does not have to be an all or nothing proposition. You
do not have to be perfect, and you do not have to completely eliminate foods you
enjoy to have a healthy diet and make a difference to the way you think and feel.

Based on the passage, it can be hypothesized that a good diet will impact the body
if ....

A. The dietary menu is under a nutrition expert control

B. The meals are home-cooked in traditional fashion

C. What is eaten equalizes the feeling of en- joying the food

D. A good selection of fruit and vegetable becomes the menu

E. Diet is losing controlled for minimizing distress and stress

Pembahasan Jawaban : C. What is eaten equalizes the feeling of en- joying the food

Pembahasan :

Jadi makanan yang baik akan berdampak baik juga terhadap badan jika apa yang
dimakan setara dengan bagaimana kita menikmati makanan (What is eaten
equalizes the feeling of enjoying the food). Hal ini sesuai dengan kutipan penulis
di akhir paragaraf kalimat terakhir “You do not have to be perfect, and you do not
have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet …”. Maka
jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi C.

- Opsi A salah, karena menu diet berada dibawah kendali ahli gizi itu mustahil,
karena ketika kita ingin diet, kita lah yang akan mengatur seluruh pola makan diet
kita, jika kita dikendalikan oleh ahli gizi itu tandanya kita kekurangan gizi didalam
tubuh kita.

- Opsi B salah, karena tidak semua makanan gaya tradisional adalah makanan
sehat, ada juga bahan makanan yang dapat memicu kegemukan. Dan hal ini pun
tidak dipaparkan dalam teks tersebut.

- Opsi D salah, karena bukan hanya buah dan sayuran saja yang menjadi pemicu
diet yang sehat, mental dan apa yang kita nikmati juga sangat berpengaruh
terhadap tubuh kita.

- Opsi E salah, karena ini merupakan pernyataan yang salah, karena meskipun kita
diet kita juga harus memperhatikan tubuh kita jangan sampai kehilangan kendali.

Materi Reading

Nomor 22.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


John Apollos is losing weight the old-fashioned way - by eating less. A whole lot
less. As a volunteer in the two year Comprehensive Assessment of long-Term
Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE) study at Tufts University in
Boston, Apollos has lowered his daily calorie intake 25% over the past eight
months. The fat, not surprisingly, has melted away; the 52-year-old physical
trainer has lost more than 11 kg since the study began and is down to his high
school weight.

Yet, that's not the real reason Apollos and the other participants in the program are
eating only three quarters of what they used to. The researchers running the
multicenter CALORIE study are trying to determine whether restricting food
intake can slow the aging process and extend our life span. "I feel better and
lighter and healthier," says Apollos. "But if it could help you live longer, that
would be pretty amazing. The idea is counterintuitive: If we eat to live, how can
starving ourselves add years to our lives? Yet, decades of calories restriction
studies involving organisms ranging from microscopic yeast to rats have shown
just that, extending the life spans of the semi starved as much as 50%. Last July a
long-term study led by researchers at the University of Wisconsin nudged the
implications of this a bit closer to our species, finding that calorie restriction
seemed to extend the lives of humanlike rhesus monkey as well. The hungry
primates fell victim to diabetes, heart and brain disease and cancer much less
frequently than their well-fed counterparts did.

However, there may be more than just the absence of disease operating here.
Anytime you go on a diet, after all, you stand a good chance of lowering your
blood pressure, cholesterol level and risk of diabetes and other health woes. All
that can translate into extra years. With calorie restriction, usually defined as a diet
with 25% to 30% fewer calories than normal but still containing essential
nutrients, something else appears to be at work to extend longevity.

Which of the following ideas from the text above contains an opinion?

A. Restricting calorie consumption for longevity.

B. Absence of disease due to controlling calorie intake.

C. Apollos’ feeling better and lighter and healthier.

D. The melting of body fat by having less foods.

E. Apollos' restricting his daily calorie consumption.

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. Apollos’ feeling better and lighter and healthier.


Pernyataan dalam wacana yang merupakan pendapat (opini) ialah pernyataan pada
paragraf 2 "I feel better and lighter and healthier," says Apollos. Tipe pendapat ini
dikategorikan sebagai pendapat yang berasal dari rujukan seseorang (....... says).
Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi C.

- Opsi A (Membatasi konsumsi kalori untuk umur panjang) salah, karena ini
adalah sebuah studi kasus dari Calorie Multicenter yang mencoba untuk
menentukan apakah bisa membatasi asupan makanan dapat memperlambat proses
penuaan dan umur panjang.

- Opsi B (Tidak adanya penyakit karena mengontrol asupan kalori) salah, karena
ini adalah sebuah fakta.

- Opsi D (Pencairan lemak tubuh dengan mengurangi makanan) salah, karena ini
adalah sebuah fakta, bahwa Apollos telah menurunkan asupan kalori hariannya
25% selama delapan bulan terakhir. Sehingga Lemaknya telah mencair;

- Opsi E (Apolos membatasi konsumsi kalori hariannya) salah, karena ini adalah
sebuah fakta yang dilakukan oleh Apolos, perhatikan kalimat berikut “Apollos has
lowered his daily calorie intake 25% over the past eight months.”

Materi Reading

Nomor 23.
Soal Calorie-restricted diets have been shown to increase the lifespan and health span of
everything from yeast to monkeys – as long as there is no malnutrition. And while
no long-term studies have proven the benefits of calorie restriction on human
lifespan, shorter-term studies suggest that it does improve health. Here’s how it
might work.

Our bodies monitor and sense the amount of nutrients available through specific
molecules in our cells. Depending on the amount of food we eat, these molecules
tweak our metabolism to regulate how we use the available nutrients. One of these
molecules is an enzyme called TOR. When there is a lot of food, the TOR enzyme
instructs cells in the body to grow. If there is less food, TOR instructs the body to
be on alert - a state that scientists refer to as a “mild stress response”.

Many experiments have shown that when animals eat a lot of food, especially for
prolonged periods, TOR senses this and their lifespan becomes shorter. But do all
foods have this effect on TOR? TOR enzyme is especially activated when cells
sense large amounts of amino acids (the building blocks of protein) or protein. A
protein-restricted diet, without malnutrition, can have the same effects on the
metabolism and lifespan of lab animals as a calorie-restricted diet.

Age-related diseases are known to be caused by genetic mutations, but could there
be a connection between TOR, nutrition and diseases of old age? We know that
nutrition is associated with cancer and heart disease, and overactive TOR is known
to be involved in these diseases, but recent studies show that TOR is also directly
related to neurodegenerative diseases. For example, the activity of the TOR
enzyme in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s is much higher compared with
healthy brains. Also, simulating these diseases in mice and other lab animals has
shown that removing excess TOR stops brain cells dying.

So, there may be a link between what we eat, how it is sensed by our body and the
risk of neurodegenerative disease. Scientists are exploring different possibilities to
prevent neurodegeneration. If more protein means more active TOR, we could
either modify our diet, safely, or develop a drug that tricks our body into thinking
it is getting less protein.


According to the text, what is the role of TOR enzyme?

A. It alters nutrition regulation and human metabolism

B. It monitors available nutrients and digests them

C. It produces cells and activate mild stress response

D. It control body molecules and prolonged lifespan

E. It detects food intake and regulates cell growth

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. It detects food intake and regulates cell growth


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, apa peran dari enzim TOR?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang enzim TOR, terutama fungsi atau perannya dalam tubuh
manusia. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragaf 2, Kalimat 3-5 berikut:

“One of these molecules is an enzyme called TOR. When there is a lot of food, the
TOR enzyme instructs cells in the body to grow. If there is less food, TOR instructs
the body to be on alert - a state that scientists refer to as a “mild stress


“Salah satu molekul ini adalah enzim yang disebut TOR. Ketika ada banyak
makanan, enzim TOR menginstruksikan sel-sel dalam tubuh untuk tumbuh. Jika
ada lebih sedikit makanan, TOR menginstruksikan tubuh untuk waspada - keadaan
yang oleh para ilmuwan disebut sebagai "respon stres ringan".”

Dari kalimat tersebut dijelaskan bahwa TOR berfungsi untuk mendeteksi asupan
makanan yang masuk dan mengatur pertumbuhan sel dalam tubuh.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “TOR mengubah pengaturan nutrisi dan metabolism manusia.” Opsi A

salah karena tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “TOR memantau nutrisi yang tersedia dan mencernanya.” Opsi B salah
karena tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “TOR menghasilkan sel dan mengaktifkan respons stres ringan.” Opsi C
salah karena tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “TOR mengontrol molekul tubuh dan memperpanjang umur.” Opsi D

salah karena tidak sesuai informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (BENAR)

Artinya: “TOR Mendeteksi asupan makanan dan mengatur pertumbuhan sel.” Opsi
E benar karena sesuai informasi dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 24.
Soal Cement isn't something most people notice, even though we all depend on it every
day. The most common type of cement is called Portland cement, or OPC
(ordinary Portland cement). Portland cement is used to bind concrete, an essential
component of roads, bridges, and buildings.

Cement production is also a big contributor to global warming. Manufacturing

Portland cement requires heating limestone to 1,449 degrees Celsius (2,640
degrees Fahrenheit). The heating process uses fossil fuels, which release massive
amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon build-up in the Earth's
atmosphere causes global warming.

A company called Calera believes it has figured out a way to make cement that
stores carbon instead of releasing it into the atmosphere. Calera combines flue gas
released from power plants with seawater to make cement. This method of carbon
storage is called carbon sequestration.

Today, Calera has a prototype plant in Moss Landing, on the coast of Monterey
Bay, California. Flue gas from the natural gas facility is pumped into Calera's
cement plant. The flue gas, filled with carbon dioxide, is combined with seawater
from nearby Monterey Bay. Seawater contains calcium, magnesium, and other
minerals, the same ingredients corals use to build reefs. Carbon dioxide from the
flue gas and minerals in the seawater combine to make calcium carbonate.
Calcium carbonate is the material that makes up coral reefs, as well as Portland

The process of making calcium carbonate cement from carbon dioxide and
seawater is called Mineralization via Aqueous Precipitation, or MAP. After the
cement is made, the heat from the flue gas is used to dry the cement into powder.
Calera plans to desalinate and sell the leftover seawater.

The idea for MAP was developed by Brent Constantz, one of the co-founders of
Calera. As a graduate student at the University of California at Santa Cruz,
Constantz observed how corals used carbon dioxide to make reefs. He thought that
if corals could make cement this way, then perhaps humans could do it, too.


According to the passage, why is cement production a significant contributor to

global warming?

A. Because it raises the temperature of the limestones to 1,449 degrees Celsius

B. Because it is used to bind concrete in the construction of most buildings

C. Because it is necessary for activities that people engage in daily basis

D. Because it uses fossil fuels which emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

E. Because it stores carbon dioxide releases in the processing of limestone heating

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Because it uses fossil fuels which emit carbon dioxide into the


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, mengapa semen adalalah penyumbang besar terhadap
pemanasan global?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
teks yang membahas tentang alasan semen adalah penyumbang besar penyebab
pemanasan global. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 2 berikut:

“Cement production is also a big contributor to global warming. Manufacturing

Portland cement requires heating limestone to 1,449 degrees Celsius (2,640
degrees Fahrenheit). The heating process uses fossil fuels, which release massive
amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon build-up in the Earth's
atmosphere causes global warming.”


“Produksi semen juga merupakan penyumbang besar pemanasan global.

Pembuatan semen Portland membutuhkan pemanasan batu kapur hingga 1.449
derajat Celcius (2.640 derajat Fahrenheit). Proses pemanasan ini menggunakan
bahan bakar fosil, yang melepaskan karbon dioksida dalam jumlah yang banyak ke
atmosfer. Penumpukan karbon di atmosfer bumi menyebabkan pemanasan global.”

Maka, dapat simpulkan alasan mengapa semen adalah penyumbang terbesar

pemanasan global adalah karena dalam pembuatannya semen menggunakan bahan
bakar fosil yang mengeluarkan karbon dioksida ke atmosfir.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “karena semen menaikan suhu batu kapur menjadi 1,449 derajat Celsius.”
Opsi A salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “karena semen digunakan untuk mengikat beton dalam konstruksi

sebagian besar bangunan.” Opsi B salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang
sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Karena semen diperlukan untuk kegiatan yang dilakukan manusia

sehari-hari.” Opsi C salah karena bukan merupakan alasan yang sesuai dengan isi

Opsi D (BENAR)

Artinya: “Karena semen menggunakan bahan bakar fosil yang mengeluarkan

karbon dioksida ke atmosfir.” Opsi D benar karena merupakan alasan yang sesuai
dengan isi teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 25.
Soal Commonly assumed to be silent, 53 animals have had their 'voices' added to a
family tree of vocalizations in an effort to determine when acoustic
communication emerged in evolutionary history.

The species that are finally being heard come from four different animal clades,
including 50 turtle species, the South American lungfish (Lepidosiren paradoxa), a
limbless amphibian called Cayenne caecilian (Typhlonectes compressicauda), and
a reptile from New Zealand known as a tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). All
recorded species were found to possess a varied acoustic repertoire comprising a
number of different sounds.

The fact that so many species across the turtle tree of life share an ability to make
vocal sounds strongly suggests it is ancestral to the entire turtle clade. What's
more, when researchers combined the turtle data with an analysis of 1,800 other
vertebrates with lungs, they found evidence of a common origin of sound
production and acoustic communication across all animals in possession of enough
backbone to draw and exhale breath.

Amphibians and reptiles are much less studied, but just because the researchers
don't have much data on their sound production, doesn't mean they aren't making
noise. If we really want to understand how acoustic communication evolved,
researchers argue, we have to systematically document these "neglected groups".

This is exactly what the current study attempted to test. The authors only searched
for sound production among 106 neglected species. Today, the reigning theory on
acoustic communication suggests that this fundamental trait arose multiple times
across the animal tree of life. This is based on an apparently wide variety of ear
structures and vocal morphologies seen among birds and mammals. But this new
phylogenetic analysis suggests that is incorrect. The fact that animals so far apart
on the tree of life are producing sound in similar ways and for similar reasons,
whether it be for mating, communication, or parenting, suggests the skill shares a
common origin. It might have evolved just once before diverging. In fact, the trait
seems to date back to an ancestor common to a wide variety of modern vertebrates
that lived 407 million years ago.

"Our results now show that acoustic communication did not evolve multiple times
in diverse clades, but has a common and ancient evolutionary origin," concludes
paleobiologist Marcelo Sánchez from the University of Zurich in Switzerland. The
findings are a good reminder that just because an animal is hard to hear, doesn't
mean we shouldn't listen to them.


According to the text, how does this new study refute the prior theory of how
animal talks?

A. It support the claims that animal can communicate multiple times in their

B. It argues that only certain kinds of animals in the tree of life can produce sound

C. It contradicts that animals making sounds in similar ways and for similar

D. It claims that the phylogenetic analysis is incorrect description of how animal

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. It suggests that the ability of animals to communicate stems
from the same source


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, bagaimana penelitian baru ini menyangkal teori
sebelumnya tentang bagaimana hewan berbicara?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
dalam teks yang membahas tentang hubungan penelitian baru ini dengan teori
sebelumnya tentang bagaimana hewan berbicara. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas
dalam paragraf 4, kalimat 5-7 berikut:

“But this new phylogenetic analysis suggests that is incorrect. The fact that
animals so far apart on the tree of life are producing sound in similar ways and
for similar reasons, whether it be for mating, communication, or parenting,
suggests the skill shares a common origin.“


“Namun, analisis filogentik baru ini menunjukan bahwa hal ini tidak benar. Fakta
bahwa hewan yang jauh terpisah dalam pohon kehidupan hewan menghasilkan
suara dengan cara dan alasan yang sama, baik untuk kawin, berkomunikasi, atau
merawat anak, menunjukan bahwa keterampilan tersebut memiliki asal usul yang

Dalam kalimat tersebut dijelaskan bahwa penelitian baru ini menyangkal teori
sebelumnya dengan menyatakan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi hewan memiliki
asal usul yang sama.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: Penelitian ini mendukung klaim bahwa hewan dapat berkomunikasi

beberapa kali dalam hidup mereka. Opsi A salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
informasi dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: Penelitian ini berpendapat bahwa hanya jenis hewan tertentu di pohon
kehidupan yang dapat menghasilkan suara. Opsi B salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: Penelitian ini menentang bahwa hewan membuat suara dengan cara yang
sama dan untuk alasan yang sama. Opsi C salah karena tidak sesuai dengan
informasi dalam teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: Penelitian ini mengklaim bahwa analisis filogenetik adalah deskripsi yang
salah tentang bagaimana hewan berbicara. Opsi D salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi E (BENAR)

Artinya: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan hewan untuk

berkomunikasi berasal dari sumber yang sama. Opsi E benar karena sesuai dengan
Materi Reading

Nomor 26.

Soal The term plantation arose as settlements in the southern United States, originally
linked with colonial expansion, came to revolve around the production of
agriculture. The word plantation first appeared in English in the 15th century.
Originally, the word meant to plant. However, what came to be known as
plantations became the center of large-scale enslaved labor operations in the
Western Hemisphere. Historians Peter H. Wood and Edward Baptist advocate to
stop using the word plantation when referencing agricultural operations involving
forced labor. Instead they suggest calling these places “labor camps” or “slave
labor camps.”

The plantation system developed in the American South as British colonists

arrived in what became known as Virginia and divided the land into large areas
suitable for farming. The land on which these plantations were established was
stolen through canceled, disregarded, and deceitful treaties, or outright violence
towards indigenous nations.

The plantation system came to dominate the culture of the South, and it was rife
with inequity from the time it was established. In 1606, King James I formed the
Virginia Company of London to establish colonies in North America, but when the
British arrived, they faced a harsh and foreboding wilderness, and their lives
became little more than a struggle for survival. So, to make settling the land more
attractive, the Virginia Company offered any adult man with the means to travel to
America 50 acres of land. At the encouragement of the Company, many of the
settlers banded together and created large settlements, called hundreds, as they
were intended to support 100 individuals, usually men who led a household.

The hundreds were run as private plantations intent on making a profit from the
cultivation of crops, which the economy of the South depended on. The climate of
the South was ideally suited to the cultivation of cash crops. Unlike small,
subsistence farms, plantations were created to grow cash crops for sale on the
market. The plantation system was an early capitalist venture. England’s King
James had every intention of profiting from plantations. Tobacco and cotton
proved to be exceptionally profitable.


According to the passage, how did the British colonist obtain plantation lands in
South America?

A. The British negotiated with the landowners

B. The indigenous nations canceled the deals

C. The invaders established deceitful treaties

D. The colonist divided the areas for farming

E. The natives were robbed of these lands

Pembahasan Jawaban: E. The natives were robbed of these lands


Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, bagaimana para koloni Inggris memperoleh tanah
perkebunan di Amerika Selatan?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
teks yang membahas tentang cara koloni Inggris untuk memperoleh tanah
pertanian di Amerika Selatan. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 2,
kalimat 2 berikut:

“The land on which these plantations were established was stolen through
canceled, disregarded, and deceitful treaties, or outright violence towards
indigenous nations.”


“Tanah dimana perkebunan ini didirikan dicuri melalui perjanjian yang dibatalkan,
diabaikan, dan menipu, atau melalui kekerasan langsung terhadap pribumi.”

Dari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa tanah-tanah perkebunan

didapatkan koloni Inggris dengan cara merebut tanah tersebut dari para pribumi.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Para pendatang Inggris bernegosiasi dengan pemilik tanah”. Opsi A

salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Bangsa pribumi membatalkan perjanjian”. Opsi B salah karena tidak

sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Penjajang membuat perjanjian yang menipu”. Opsi C salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: “Penjajah membagi wilayah untuk pertanian”. Opsi D salah karena tidak
sesuai dengan isi teks.

Opsi E (BENAR)

Artinya: “Penduduk asli dirampok dari tanah tersebut”. Opsi E benar karena sesuai
dengan isi teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 27.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) High school students may improve their science grades by learning about the
personal struggles and failed experiments of great scientist such as Albert Einstein
and Marie Curie.

(2) In one study, 402 students from New York City high schools in low-income
areas of the Bronx and Harlem were divided into three groups. The control group
read an 800-word typical science and textbook description about the great
accomplishments of Einstein, Curie and Michael Faraday.

(3) Another group read about those scientists' personal struggles, including
Einstein's flight from Nazi Germany to avoid persecution as a Jew. The third group
of students read about the scientists' intellectual struggles, such as Curie's
persistence despite a string of failed experiments. The struggle stories included
actions the scientist took to overcome these hurdles.

(4) Students who read about the scientist' intellectual or personal struggles were
more likely to say the famous scientist were people, like themselves, who had to
overcome failure and obstacles to succeed. Students in the control group more
often believed the great scientist had innate talent and a special aptitude for

(5) The study suggests that science textbooks should highlight the struggles of
great scientists and provide more vivid narrative descriptions of the techniques that
scientists used to overcome challenges. "Many kids do not see science as part of
their everyday lives. We teach them important content, but we never bring it to
life," said the lead researcher Xiaodong Lin-Siegler. PhD. "Our science curriculum
is impersonal, and kids have a hard time relating to it because they just see a long
list of fact that they have to memorize.

What is the suggestion of the study?

A. Scientists have to be like ordinary people.

B. Scientists had to overcome failure to succeed.

C. Great scientists had an innate talent and a special aptitude for science.

D. Science textbooks should emphasize the struggles of great scientists.

E. Science textbooks should provide more descriptions of great scientists' success.

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Science textbooks should emphasize the struggles of great


Berdasarkan kalimat The study suggests that science textbooks should highlight the
strug- gles of great scientists (paragraf 5), dapat di simpulkan bahwa buku-buku
teks IPA seharusnya menekankan pada perjuangan para ilmuwan hebat. Maka
jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi D.

- Opsi A salah, karena tidak sesuai dengan peran ilmuwan itu sendiria, siswa
dianjurkan untuk mengenal dan mempelajari ilmuwan terkenal untuk
meningkatkan nilai IPA mereka. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa ilmuwan dijadikan
pelajaran dan publik figur yang baik bagi siswa untuk mempelajari IPA lebih
dalam lagi.

- Opsi B salah, karena ini bukan saran untuk sebuah penelitian, melainkan temuan
siswa yang membaca tentang perjuangan intelektual atau pribadi ilmuwan bahwa
ilmuwan harus mengatasi kegagalan dan hambatan untuk berhasil.

- Opsi C salah, karena ini bukan saran untuk sebuah penelitian, melainkan temuan
siswa dalam kelompok kontrol dimana mereka lebih percaya bahwa ilmuwan
hebat memiliki bakat bawaan dan bakat khusus untuk sains.

- Opsi E salah, bukan science yang harus memberikan lebih banyak deskripsi
keilmuwan, karena science adalah bidang ilmu, yang harus diperbaharuin adalah
buku teks sainsnya.

Materi Reading

Nomor 28.
Soal Dear Melissa,

I hope you are well. Guess what! I am having a big party next week at my house
and I am inviting all my close friends. The theme of the party is going to be Harry
Potter, so all must dress accordingly. You would make a great witch! I need to let
everyone know by Wednesday since I am throwing the party next Saturday. Sam is
going to decorate the house and my mother is going make a cake and make lots of
food. There is going to be music and dancing as well. John is going to be the DJ.
You can stay over at my house. It’s going to be great! I hope to see you then.



What kind of an organization is it?

A. It is a slumber party

B. It is a costume party

C. It is about making a cake

D. It is a dance party

E. It is a music party
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. It is a costume party

Soal : Organisasi macam apa itu?


Pembahasan: dari teks di atas dapat kita simpulkan bahwa mereka akan memakai
pakaian yang berbeda-beda jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah costume party.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya itu adalah pesta tidur

Opsi B (benar)

Artinya pesta busana, pada teks di atas sudah jelas mereka akan menggunakan
pakaian yang berbeda.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya tentang pembuatan kue, sedangkan yang membuat kue hanyalah sang ibu

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya pesta dansa, sedangkan di dalam teks dansa hanya bagian dari inti surat

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya pesta musik, pada teks di atas hanya jhon yang hanya akan menjadu DJ

Materi Reading

Nomor 29.
Soal Wetlands are areas of land that are covered by water, or have flooded or
waterlogged soils. They can have water on them either permanently or for just part
of the year. Whether it’s year-round or seasonal, this period of water saturation
produces hydric soils, which contain little or no oxygen. But this doesn’t mean that
they are lifeless: Wetlands are full of unique water-loving plants and wildlife that
have adapted to wet environments.

Wetlands can take many different forms, depending on the local climate, water
conditions and land forms and features. For example, swamps are dominated by
woody trees or shrubs. Marshes often have more grass-like plants, such as cattails
and bulrushes. Bogs and fens are areas that accumulate peat – deposits of dead and
partly decomposed plant materials that form organic-rich soil.

Wetlands are important environments for many reasons. They provide ecological
services whose value has been estimated to be worth more than US$47 trillion per
year. For example, wetlands support very high levels of biodiversity. Scientists
estimate that 40% of all species on Earth live or breed in wetlands. Wetlands are
critical homes or stopovers for many species of migratory birds. In the central U.S.
and Canada, for example, wetlands in the so-called prairie pothole region on the
Great Plains support up to three-quarters of North America’s breeding ducks.

Along with providing important habitat for everything from microbes to frogs to
waterfowl, wetlands also work to improve water quality. They can capture surface
runoff from cities and farmlands and work as natural water filters, trapping excess
nutrients that otherwise might create dead zones in lakes and bays. Wetlands can
also help remove other pollutants and trap suspended sediments that cloud water
bodies, which can kill aquatic plants and animals.

Because wetlands are often in low-lying areas of the landscape, they can store and
slowly release surface water. Wetlands can be extremely important for reducing
the impacts of flooding. In some places, water entering wetlands can also recharge
groundwater aquifers that are important for irrigation and drinking water.

Wetlands also act as important carbon sinks. As wetland plants grow, they remove
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They die, sink to the bottom of the wetland
and decompose very slowly. Over time, the carbon they contain accumulates in
wetland soils, where it can be stored for hundreds of years. Conserving and
restoring wetlands is an important strategy for regulating greenhouse gases and
mitigating the impacts of climate change.


Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the benefits of


A. Essential animal habitat

B. Water purification

C. Carbon dispersion

D. Mitigate flooding

E. Biodiversity protection
Pembahasan Jawaban: C. Carbon dispersion


Arti soal: “Manakah dari berikut ini yang TIDAK disebutkan dalam teks sebagai
manfaat dari lahan basah?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk menemukan bagian
yang membahas tentang manfaat lahan basah, adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam
paragraf 3-6 berikut:

“Wetlands are important environments for many reasons. They provide ecological
services... For example, wetlands support very high levels of biodiversity….

Along with providing important habitat for everything from microbes to frogs to
waterfowl, wetlands also work to improve water quality….

Because wetlands are often in low-lying areas of the landscape, they can store and
slowly release surface water. Wetlands can be extremely important for reducing
the impacts of flooding…

Wetlands also act as important carbon sinks. As wetland plants grow, they remove
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere….”


“Lahan basah adalah lingkungan yang penting karena berbagai alasan. Mereka
menyediakan layanan ekologi... Misalnya, lahan basah mendukung tingkat
keanekaragaman hayati yang sangat tinggi….

Selain menyediakan habitat penting untuk segala hal mulai dari mikroba hingga
katak hingga unggas air, lahan basah juga berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kualitas

Karena lahan basah sering berada di daerah dataran rendah, mereka dapat
menyimpan dan melepaskan air permukaan secara perlahan. Lahan basah sangat
penting untuk mengurangi dampak banjir…

Lahan basah juga berperan sebagai penyerap karbon yang penting. Saat tanaman
lahan basah tumbuh, mereka menghilangkan karbon dioksida dari atmosfer….”

Dari paragaf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa lahan basah memiliki manfaat
sebagai berikut 1) mendukung keanekaragaman hayati; 2) sebagai habitat untuk
berbagai makhluk hidup; 3) meningkatkan kualitas air; 4) mengurangi dampak
banjir, dan 5) menyerap karbon dioksida.

Selanjutnya kita perlu menemukan mana dari opsi A sampai E yang BUKAN
merupakan manfaat lahan basah yang dibahas dalam teks.

Opsi A (salah)

Pembahasan: Habitat penting untuk hewan. Opsi A salah karena merupakan

manfaat yang dibahas dalam teks.

Opsi B (salah)

Pembahasan: Pemurnian air. Opsi B salah karena merupakan manfaat yang

dibahas dalam teks.
Materi Reading

Nomor 30.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The Hawaiian Islands are a tropical paradise most of the time. But even there,
nature can sometimes show its more violent side. The islands have been bit by
numerous natural disasters in the recent past. These disasters have caused deaths
and great damage.

(2) Through all of Hawaii’s history, volcanoes have played an important part. The
islands were formed by the eruption of volcanoes under the ocean. In the big
island of Hawaii, the volcanoes continue to erupt. During an eruption, hot lava
pours out of the top of a volcano and down the side. The red, hot lava covers
everything in its path. The air is filled with smoke and horrible smelling gas that is
sometimes poisonous.

(3) Native Hawaiians believe that volcanoes are a natural part of life. In their
traditional religion, volcanoes are ruled by the goddess, Pele. When Pele is angry,
the volcanoes erupt. Before an eruption she takes a human from. If you meet her
and are kind to her, you will not be hurt by the lava. Today, Hawaiians have
forgotten most of the ancient gods, but not Pele. They continue to honor her and
her volcanoes.

(4) Another kind of natural disaster that has hit Hawaii is the tidal wave, or
tsunami. Unlike volcanoes, tsunamis come from far away under the ocean. When
an earthquake occurs underwater, it creates huge waves. If these waves hit land,
they destroy everything along the coast.

(5) These days, all of the Hawaiian Islands have special signals to warn of
tsunamis. When the signal sounds, everyone knows it is time to run. They must try
to get as far as from the seashore as possible.

It can be inferred from the passage that most Hawaiians today ....

A. Follow their traditional religion

B. Do not follow their traditional religion

C. Do not understand volcanoes

D. Do not worry about storms

E. Do not worry about tsunamis

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Do not follow their traditional religion


Dari kalimat today, Hawaiians have forgotten most of the ancient gods, but not
Pele (sekarang orang-orang Hawai telah melupakan sebagian besar dewa-dewa,
tetapi tidak melupakan Pele) bisa disimpulkan bahwa orang Hawai saat ini tidak
lagi mengikuti ajaran agama tradisional mereka. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah
opsi B.

- Opsi A salah, karena pada faktanya banyak orang-orang hawai yang sudah
melupakan sebagian besar dewa-dewa mereka sehingga, mereka tidak mengikuti
agama tradisional mereka.

- Opsi C salah, karena pada kalimat “Native Hawaiians believe that volcanoes are
a natural part of life.” Menunjukan bahwa mereka mengerti gunung berapi bahkan
sampai memujanya.

- Opsi D salah, karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks, tidak ada bencana badai yang
terjadi di Hawai.

- Opsi E salah, karena pada kalimat “all of the Hawaiian Islands have special
signals to warn of tsunamis.” Hal ini menunjukan bahwa mereka mempersiapkan
diri jika ada tsunami dan mereka pun khawatir akan adanya tsunami.

Materi Reading

Nomor 31.
Soal Scientists have found fossils of animals with tails dating back hundreds of millions
of years. Back then, early fish used their fanlike tails as fins to swim through
oceans and escape predators. As these fish evolved into creatures that lived on the
land, their tails started to change too. Whether they belong to reptiles, insects,
birds or mammals, tails serve a wide variety of purposes. Modern animals use their
tails for everything from balance to communication and finding mates.

Scientists believe that dinosaurs, including the Tyrannosaurus rex, swung their
tails side to side to balance their heavy heads and bodies while walking on two
legs. This movement allowed them to run fast enough to catch their prey.
Similarly, present-day kangaroos use their tail for balance when they leap across
the open land. But they don’t just use it as a counterbalance for their weight – the
kangaroo’s tail also functions as a powerful third leg that can help propel them
through the air.

Cats and other animals that climb often have bushy or long tails that help them
balance, kind of like a tightrope walker holding a long pole. Monkeys use their
long tail for balance while swinging through forest tree branches. Many have
prehensile, or grasping, tails that act like hands and allow them to hold onto tree
limbs. These tails are so strong that they can even hold the animal up while it eats
fruit and leaves.

Other animals’ tails evolved into weapons. For instance, stingrays have a
trademark stinger tail they can use as a defense when a predator attacks them.
Venomous rattlesnakes have buttons of dried skin on their tail that make a racket
when they shake it. This warns any animals that might threaten the rattlesnake that
it’s getting ready to strike.

Many insects also have tails, but they evolved separately from other animals with
backbones, like fish and mammals. Most tailed insects use their tails to lay eggs or
to sting and paralyze hosts or prey. In some animals, like wasps, their tails can do
both, as certain parasitic wasps will lay their eggs inside a host. In the other hand,
grazing animals, use their tails to swat off insects that may be bothering them.


Which of the following can be inferred about creatures which live on the land
mentioned in paragraph 1?

A. They lived both in the ocean and land

B. They used the tails for self-defense

C. They were previously aquatic creatures

D. Their tails were changed into fins

E. Their tails were shaped like fins

Pembahasan Jawaban: C. They were previously aquatic creatures


Arti soal: “Manakah dari berikut ini yang dapat disimpulkan tentang makhluk
yang hidup di darat yang disebut dalam paragraf 1?”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca dan memahami paragaf 1 terutama
pada bagian yang menyebut “creatures which live on the land”. Berikut paragraf 1,
kalimat 2-3:

“Back then, early fish used their fanlike tails as fins to swim through oceans and
escape predators. As these fish evolved into creatures that lived on the land, their
tails started to change too.”


“Dahulu, ikan purba menggunakan ekor mereka yang mirip seperti kipas untuk
berenang di lautan dan melarikan diri dari pemangsa. Saat ikan-ikan tersebut
berevolusi menjadi makhluk yang hidup di darat, ekor mereka juga mulai

Selanjutnya, kita perlu menemukan mana dari opsi A sampai E yang merupakan
kesimpulan yang sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: Mereka hidup baik di lautan dan di darat. Opsi A salah karena dalam teks
disebutkan makhluk tersebut hidup di darat.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: Mereka menggunakan ekor mereka untuk perlindungan diri. Opsi A salah
karena dijelaskan bahwa makhluk darat menggunakan ekor untuk keseimbangan
dan lain-lain.

Opsi C (BENAR)

Artinya: Mereka sebelumnya adalah makhluk air. Opsi C benar karena dalam teks
dijelaskan bahwa makhluk darat yang disebut dalam paragraf 1 adalah ikan-ikan
purba yang berevolusi menjadi makhluk darat.

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya: Ekor mereka berubah menjadi sirip. Opsi D salah karena dalam teks
dijelaskan bahwa sirip yang berubah menjadi ekor.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: Ekor mereka berbentuk sirip. Opsi E salah karena dalam teks tidak
dijelaskan seperti apa bentuk ekor mereka setelah menjadi makhluk darat.

Materi Reading

Nomor 32.
Soal Archeologists have long speculated that Stonehenge, the prehistoric stone
circle in Wiltshire, England, was a sort of astronomical calendar because of its
perfect alignment with the midsummer and midwinter solstices. However, they
have struggled to determine how the calendar worked. Now, Professor Timothy
Darvill of Bournemouth University in the UK, may have finally solved the
mystery. The expert believes the 5,000-year-old neolithic monument served as a
solar calendar for the local residents.

"It's a perpetual calendar that recalibrates every winter solstice sunset," Darvill
says. "This would have enabled the ancient people who lived near the monument
in what is now Wiltshire, UK, to keep track of days and months of the year."

Darvill's quest to find the monument's true purpose began in 2020 after a new
study revealed that most of the sarsen stones — the rocks found at Stonehenge —
were from the same local quarry. They were also taken and set up at Stonehenge at
the same time. The expert says this indicated they served a common cause.

To find out what that could be, Darvill turned to the monument's arrangement
for clues. Stonehenge's outer circle originally comprised 30 large sarsen stones
linked together by 30 stone crossbars, or lintels. Darvill believes they represented
the 30 days of the month. The researcher further theorizes that the five sets of
trilithons — pairs of large vertical stones each with a horizontal stone atop — that
lie within the Sarsen Circle, represent five additional days. The archeologist
further asserts that the four so-called "station stones" outside the sarsen circle
served as a reminder to add a leap day every four years.

"Thirty, 5, and 4 are interesting numbers in a calendrical kind of sense," says

Darvill. "Those 30 uprights around the main sarsen ring at Stonehenge would fit
very nicely as days of the month. Multiply that by 12, and you get 360, add on
another 5 from the central trilithons, you get 365."

Darvill, who published his findings in the journal Antiquities on March 2,

2022, is unsure why the ancient people decided to develop a solar calendar. He
thinks they may have gotten the idea from the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, who
also created solar calendars during that time. It is also possible that they embarked
on the initiative on their own.


What can be inferred from the sixth paragraph about the Stonehenge ancient

A. They are more advanced than Mesopotamians and Egyptians

B. They initiated the construction of Stonehenge on their own

C. They presumably influence by other civilization at the period

D. It is still unclear why they decided to build a solar calendar

E. It is decided that they created solar calendars during that time

Pembahasan Arti soal: “Apa yang dapat disimpulkan dari paragraf keenam tentang orang-orang

Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca dan memahami hal yang dibahas
dalam paragaf enam lalu menarik kesimpulan yang tepat. Adapun berikut
paragraf 6 teks:

“Darvill, who published his findings in the journal Antiquities on March 2, 2022, is
unsure why the ancient people decided to develop a solar calendar. He thinks
they may have gotten the idea from the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, who also
created solar calendars during that time. It is also possible that they embarked on
the initiative on their own.”


“Darvill, yang menerbitkan temuannya di jurnal Antiquities pada 2 Maret 2022,

tidak yakin mengapa orang-orang kuno memutuskan untuk mengembangkan
kalender matahari. Dia pikir mereka mungkin mendapatkan ide dari Mesopotamia
dan Mesir, yang juga menciptakan kalender matahari selama waktu itu. Mungkin
juga mereka memulai inisiatif sendiri.”

Dari paragaf tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih belum jelas alasan
mengapa orang-orang Stonehenge memutuskan untuk membangun monument
tersebut, bisa karena terinspirasi dari peradaban lain atau karena inisiatif sendiri.

Opsi A (salah)

Artinya: “Mereka lebih maju dari peradaban Mesopotamia dan Mesir.” Opsi A
salah karena bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat dari paragraf 6.

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya: “Mereka menginisiasi sendiri pembangunan Stonehenge.” Opsi B salah

karena bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat dari paragraf 6.

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya: “Mereka diduga dipengaruhi oleh peradaban lain di masa itu.” Opsi C
salah karena bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat dari paragraf 6.

Opsi D (BENAR)

Artinya: “Masih belum jelas mengapa mereka memutuskan untuk membuat

kalender matahari.” Opsi D benar karena merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat dari
paragraf 6.

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya: “Diputuskan bahwa mereka membuat kalender matahari selama waktu

itu.” Opsi E salah karena bukan merupakan kesimpulan yang tepat dari paragraf
Materi Reading

Nomor 33.

Soal Photosynthesis is the prcess of converting solar energy to chemical energy and
storing it bonds of sugar. This process occurs in plants and some algae (Kingdom
Protista). Plants need only solar energy, CO2 and H20 to make sugar. The process
of photosynthesis takes in the chloroplasts, specifically using chlorophyll, the
green pigment involved in photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis takes place primarily in plant leaves, and little to none occurs in
stern, etc. The part of typical leaf include the upper and lower epidermis , the
mesophyll, the vascular bundle(s) (venis), and the stomates. The upper and lower
epidermal cells do not have chloropalsts, thus photosynthesis does not occurs
there. They serve primarily as protection for the rest of the leaf. He stomates are
holes which occur primarily in the lower epidermis and are for air exchange : they
let CO2 in and O2 out. The vascular bundles or veins in a leaf are part of the
plant’s transportation system, moving water and nutrient around the plant as
needed. The mesophyll cells have chloroplasts and this is where photosynthesis

As you hopefully recall, the parts of chloroplast include the outer and inner
membranes, intermembrane space, stroma, and thylakoids stacked in grana. The
chlorophyll is built into the membrane of the thylakoids.

Chlorophyll looks green because it absorbs the red and blue light, making these
colors unavailable to be seen by your eyes. It is the green light which is not
absorbed that finally reaches our eyes, making chlorophyll appear green. However,
it is the energy from the red and blue light that are absorbed that is, thereby, able
to be used to do photosynthesis. The green light we can see is not/cannot be
absorbed by the plan, and thus cannot be used to do photosynthesis.

What the main idea of paragraph 4 ?

A. The plants can becolorfull in absorbing the photosynthesis process

B. Photosynthesis needs absorbtion of colors

C. The energy to do photosynthesis is provided not by the green light

D. Chlorophyll enables photosynthesis to absorb colors

E. Photosynthesis process gives colors to the plants

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. Photosynthesis needs absorbtion of colors

Soal : Apa ide pokok yang ada pada paragraf ke 4

Pembahasan: Gagasan utama paragraf adalah hal atau tema yang di usung atau
dibicarakan dalam suatu paragraf. Pikiran utama paragraf 4 adalah bahwa
fotosintesis memerlukan penyerapan warna yakni dengan bantuan sinar berwarna
merah atau biru.

Opsi A (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Tanaman dapat berwarna-warni dalam menyerap proses

Opsi B (benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Fotosintesis membutuhkan penyerapan warna

Opsi C (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Energi untuk melakukan fotosintesis disediakan bukan oleh
lampu hijau

Opsi D (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Klorofil memungkinkan fotosintesis untuk menyerap warna

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah Proses fotosintesis memberi warna pada tumbuhan

Materi Reading

Nomor 34.
Soal One day in July 2005, I went fishing on Sodus bay. I casted under our own dock
with a rubber worm and Boom!

A big bass took off to the other side of the dock and I was sure the line was going
to break because his pulling was rubbing line againts sharp rocks. Three times I
pulled him back to my side of the dock and three times he got got back to the other
side of the dock. Finally, I got him to my side and he was tired.

I knew that this was the biggest bass I had ever seen. I worked him towards me
and got down and gripped him. However, I didn’t have a good trip at first and I let
him down to the water for a few seconds to get a better grip. The next thing I knew
he was swimming away. No! Screamed louder than I ever had. It was the first time
I cried over a fish. What a huge fish. This is a true story and sad one for me.

The main idea of paragraph 2 is...

A. The writer pulled the bass

B. The writer got a big bass

C. A big bass took off the sea

D. The bass made the writer tired

E. A big bass broke the writer’s line

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. The writter got a big bass

Soal : Apa ide pokok pada paragraf 2 ?

Pembahasan: Peristiwa utama yang di bicarakan paragraf 2 adalah bahwa penulis

mendapatkan ikan bandeng yang besar (the writer got a big bass). Perhatikan
kalimat terakhir paragraf 2. “Finally, I got him to my side....”

Opsi A (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah penulis menarik ikan bandeng

Opsi B (benar)

Arti kalimat ini adalah penulis mendapat ikan bandeng yang besar

Opsi C (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah sebuah ikan bandeng besar lepas landas dari laut

Opsi D (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ikan bandeng itu membuat penulis kelelahan

Opsi E (salah)

Arti kalimat ini adalah ikan bandeng yang besar mematahkan hati penulis

Materi Reading

Nomor 35.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true
throughout history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in child-
rearing; indeed, they are most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles
of both sexes. But women have proven themselves superior parents as a result of
their conditioning, their less aggressive nature and generally better communication

(2) From the time they are little, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and
later perhaps with younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of career.
Girls see their mothers in the same roles so it is natural that they identify this as
female activity. Boy, in contrast, learn competitive roles far removed from what it
means to nurture. While boy may dream of adventures, girls conditioning means
they tend to see the future in terms of raising families.

(3) Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men not
women, who prove to be the aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising
children, a morepatient, gentle manner is preferable to a more aggressive one.
Although, there certainly exist gentle men and aggressive women, by and large,
female are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to solve problems.

(4) Finally, women tend to be better communicator than men. This is shown in
intelligence test, where females, on average, do better in verbal communication
than males. Of course, communication is of utmost important in rearing children,
as children tend to learn from and adopt the communication styles of their parents.

(5) Thus, it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let
us not forget that women are generally better suited to the parenting roles.

As parents, women in general play a more important role than men because they

A. not aggressive at all

B. good communicators

C. superior human beings

D. experienced in raising children

E. capable of solving problems

Pembahasan Jawaban : B. good communicators


Pada paragraf pertama dibagian akhir, “But women have proven themselves
superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive nature and
generally better communication skills.” Dikatakan bahwa wanita mempunyai
peranan lebih luas dan lebih banyak karena wanita umumnya mempunyai
kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi dan mengkomunikasikan segala sesuatunya
dengan lebih baik dibanding pria.

Materi Reading

Nomor 36.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) We all know that mobile phones, cell phones, hand-phones, whatever we want
to call them (and shouldn’t we all be calling them the same thing?) are changing
our lives. But it takes a good old-fashioned survey to wake us up to the glaring
reality: they have changed who we are. The mobile phone has indeed changed the
way we behave. But perhaps we don’t realize how much we have become its slave.
Consider other elements of the Siemens Mobile Survey. With the exception of
Australia, in every country surveyed the majority polled said they would go back
for their phone if they left it at home (in Australia, it was a respectable 39%). If
you’ve endured the traffic in Indonesia the Philippines and India, you’ll know
what kind of sacrifice some two-third of those surveyed are making. I can’t think
of anything I would go back for-except my wallet maybe, or my clothes.

(2) And even if we remember to bring it, we’re still not happy. Many of us get
anxious if it hasn’t rung or a text massage hasn’t appeared for while (a while being
about an hour). Once again of those surveyed, Indonesians (65%) and Filipinos
(77%) get particularly jittery. Australians are more laid back about this (20%), but
every other user in Asia seems to be glancing at the phone every few second. This
statistic, I have to say is highly believable, and the isntict highly annoying. There’s
nothing worse than chatting to someone who constantly checks his or her hand-

(3) Then there’s the fact that mobile phones are not only enslaving the user,
they’re trampling the right of everyone else. Around a third of folk surveyed
acknowledge they get so engrossed in mobile conversations that they’re often
unaware of speaking loudly while duscussing their private lives in public. At least
most of us agree on one thing; with the exception of China, Hong Kong and
Taiwan, the icreasing use of mobile phones has led to decline in courstesy and
considerate behavior.

(4) The bottom line here is that we are than a little bit out of contol. Mobile phones
are great: But is we allow them to dominate our lives to this extent interrupting
conversations with those around us, sending flirty text massages to random
numbers – then I can only assume that in another 10 years, society as we know it
will no longer exits. All we’ll see is a blur of digital data going out and giving all
the fun, socializing, falling in love and taking sneaky pictures of each other.

Cell phones have not only enslaved the users but have also …

A. Disturbed other people’s conversation in public

B. Eliminated the existence of social life

C. Made the users behave impolitely

D. Prevented people from socializing with each other

E. Caused the user to become quite considerate

Pembahasan Jawaban : C. Made the users behave impolitely


Coba lihat paragraf ke 3 pada kalimat “the increasing use of mobile phones has led
to decline in courtesy and considerate behavior”. (peningkatan penggunaan telepin
genggam telah mendorong turunya kesopanan (courtesy) dan budi pekerti
(considerate behaviour). Hal ini selaras dengan pilihan C. Made the users behave
impolitely (telah membuat orang berperilaku tidak sopan).

Materi Reading

Nomor 37.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat more
healthily more fruits and vegetables, less fat and sugar. So, that means fewer
burgers, chips and fried foods as well as cutting down on sweet things. We went
into Central London yesterday at lunch time and asked people what they thought
about it. "It's got nothing to do with government what I eat," said Paul Keel, a
building worker, and Dorothi Mattews, a teacher as they ate beef burgers and chips
washed down with strawberry milkshakes. Tim Kennnor, however, welcome the
government's advice. Then, we asked the Simpson's restaurant's manager about it.
"I don't think people believe all these reports anymore. What they say is good for
you on June, then they say bad for you on July. People stopped taking notice. We
serve what we've always served. Almost all of it is fattening."

The restaurant manager think of the report that …

A. People don't understand the advice given.

B. The government's advice is inconsistent.

C. People are more concerned about losing weight.

D. Fattening foods are more delicious.

E. People will welcome the government advice.

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. The government's advice is inconsistent.


Mengacu pada pertanyaan yang diajukan, maka fokus kita akan langsung menuju
kepada restaurant manager sebagai kata kunci dari pertanyaan tersebut. Jika
ditelaah dengan baik, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa restaurant manager tersebut
tidak mendukung kebijakan pemerintah yang menurutnya berubah-ubah dan
cenderung tidak konsisten. Maka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jawaban yang paling
tepat untuk petanyaan tersebut adalah: The governments advice is inconsistent.

Materi Reading

Nomor 38.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) The killer sea waves known as Tsunamis are so quiet in their approach from a
far, so harmless, that until recently their history has been one of surprise attack.

(2) Out in the middle of the ocean, the distance between tsunami wave crests can
be 100 miles and the height of the wave have no more than three feet: sailors can
ride one and suspect nothing. At the shoreline, the first sign is often an ebbing-a
retreat but rather a gathering of forces. When the great waves finally do strike,
they rear up and hit harbor and coast, causing death and damage.

(3) These seismic sea waves or tidal waves-as they are sometimes called, bear no
relation to the moon or tides. And the word "tsunami", Japanese for "harbor
wave", related to their destination rather than their origin. The causes are various:
undersea or coastal earthquakes, deep ocean avalanches or volcanism. Whatever
the cause, the wave motion starts with a sudden move like a hit from a giant
paddle that displaces the water. And the greater the undersea hit, the greater the
tsunami's damaging power.

(4) In 1883, Krakatoa volcano in the East Indies erupted, and the entire island
collapsed in 820 feet of water. A tsunami is a tremendous forces bouncing around
Java and Sumatera, killing 36.000 people with walls of water that reached 115 feet
in height.

(5) In 1946, a tsunami struck first near Alaska and then, without warning, hit
Hawaiian Islands, killing 159 people and causing millions of dollars of damage.
This led to the creation of the Tsunami Warning System, whose nerve center in
Honolulu keeps around-the-clock vigil with the aid of new technology. If the
seismic sea waves are confirmed by the Honolulu center, warnings are transmitted
within a few hours to all threatened Pacific points. Tsunamis have been deprived
of their most deadly sting-surprise.

Which of the recorded tsunami in the text was the worst? The one that hit .....

A. The East indies

B. The Island of Java

C. Alaska

D. The Hawaiian Islands

E. Honolulu
Pembahasan Jawaban: B. The Island of Java


Berdasarkan keterangan pada paragraf keempat dalam kalimat “In 1883, Krakatoa
volcano in the East Indies erupted, and the entire island collapsed in 820 feet of
water. A tsunami is a tremendous forces bouncing around Java and Sumatera,
killing 36.000 people with walls of water that reached 115 feet in height”
disebutkan bahwa salah satu bencana tsunami yang terdahsyat pernah terjadi di
sekitar kepulauan Jawa dimana bencana tersebut telah menelan korban jiwa lebih
dari 36.000 orang dan gelombang yang sangat tinggi mencapai ketinggian 115

Materi Reading

Nomor 39.
Soal The MV AcademicShokalskiy, a “highly ice-strengthened”Russian tour ship built
in Finland in 1984 “for polar and oceanographic research” is stranded in
Antartica’s summer ice with 74 passengers and crew members aboard. The group,
which includes two Guardian journalist is retracing the harrowing 1911 Antarctic
expedition led by Sir Douglas Mawson, who lost many of his team members and
nearly died himself on the frigid continent a century ago.

The ship’s passengers include an Australian research team led by University of

New South Wales Professor Chris Turney, who said in November that the
voluminous data collected by Mawson 100 years ago is critical to understanding
global warming. But Turney reported that blizzard-like conditions and thick ocean
ice are preventing the latest expedition from leaving “Unfortunatly proceeding
north we found out path blocked by ice pushed in by an increasingly strong
southeasterly wind. On Christmas eve realized we could not get through, in spite
of being just 2 nautical miles from open water.” Turney report in his blog.

“According to reports nobody is in present danger and there nearby icebreakers are
being sent to assis”, sain Expeditions, which books polar expeditions.
The ship is stuck par-way through her Australian Antarctic Expedition towards
Mawson’s Hut at Cape Denison. Located about 100 nautical miles east of Dumoni
D’unville a French base on Antartica, and 1500 nautical miles south of Hobart in

Three icebreakers-China’s Xue Long. Australia’s Aurora Australis, and France’s

L’Astrolabe-have been dispatched to the Australian maritime Safety Authority
(AMSA), which is coordinating the international rescue after the Falmouth
Maritime Rescue Coordinator Centre in the United Kingdom received a satellite
distress call Christmas morning. However, it will take the icebreakers at least two
days to get to the stranded ship, which is experiencing very strong winds and
limited visibility. The closest rescue ship is not expected to get to the scane until
sometimes Friday nght.

“Which it is early winter in the Arctic, it is early summer in the Antarctic.

Continuing patterns seen in recnt years. Antarctic sea ice extent remain unusually
high, near of above previous daily maximum values,” according to the National
Snow and ice Data Center (NSIDC)

The purpose of the text is to…

A. Report about a stranded ship

B. Describe efforts to rescue a stranded ship

C. Report the lost of Russian ship

D. Explain why the Russian ship was stranded

E. Discuss problems of rescuing a stranded

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Report about a stranded ship

Soal : Tujuan dari teks tersebut adalah…

Pembahasan: Kalimat soal menaanyakan tujuan dar si penulisan wacana, jika kita
simpulkan tujuan dari penulis yaitu untuk memberikan laporan mengenai sebuah
kapal yang terdampar

Opsi A (benar)

Artinya melaporkan tentang kapal yang terdampar

Opsi B (salah)

Artinya menjelaskan upaya untuk menyelamatkan kapal yang terdampar

Opsi C (salah)

Artinya Laporan hilangnya kapal Rusia

Opsi D (salah)

Artinya menjelaskan mengapa kapal Rusia terdampar

Opsi E (salah)

Artinya Mendiskusikan masalah menyelamatkan yang terlantar

Materi Reading

Nomor 40.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D

Teks 3

(1) An intense heat wave is baking Europe this week, with countries from Spain to
England setting record high temperatures. The hot days and warm nights are
creating dangerous conditions for those unable to escape the heat, AccuWeather
warned. The heat shows no signs of letting up. “We have a lot of heat-wave days
ahead of us,” MeteoFrance forecaster Francois Gourand told the Associated Press,
noting a wide swath of southern France from Toulouse to Lyon was facing
temperatures up to 105 degrees through the middle of next week. Germany and
Poland will begin to feel the worst of the heat wave Thursday, AccuWeather said.

(2) The high temperatures in Europe -following blistering, deadly heat waves in
India and Pakistan that killed thousands in May and June-are helping push 2015's
global temperatures to the highest in recorded human history, according to the
Weather Underground. Europeans are wary of heat waves, with the murderous
heat of 2003 when 70,000 died still fresh in people's minds. In France, where
20,000 died in 2003, a nationwide heat emergency plan has been enacted this
week, the Guardian reported. This includes opening cooling centers and checking
on the elderly and vulnerable.

(3) An all-time record high temperature for the United Kingdom in July was set
Wednesday at London's Heathrow Airport, as the mercury soared to 98.6 degrees.
Wimbledon’s tennis matches in London were being competed on the hottest day in
the tournament’s history, which goes back to 1887. A ball boy collapsed in the
heat during a match Wednesday and needed to be taken off the court on stretcher,
the AP reported. Some commuters outside a London subway weren’t bothered by
the sweltering heat. “ I’m loving it. I can’t complain,” said Maggie Cloud, a
university students who planned to relax in the park. “We pay so much money to
go abroad to holidays, and now we have the weather here. It’s cheaper,” she told
the AP. Temperatures climed to 104 degrees in n Madrid on Monday, breaking the
city's all- time June high at Gatafe Airport.

(4) The heat is the result of an unusual bulge in the jet stream, which is allowing a
massive ridge of high pressure to surge over the continent, bringing in extremely
hot air from North Africa. Even beyond the next few days, the weather pattern
across much of Europe will feature warmer-than- normal temperatures through the
middle of July with only a few brief breaks from the warmth, said AccuWeather
meteorologist Adam Douty.

The purpose of the text is …

A. To discuss a plan to relax in the rarely weather.

B. To remind people in Europe that heat wave killed people.

C. To tell what happen to people during heat wave condition

D. To review heat wave disaster across the country.

E. To describe heat wave attack's in Europe.

Pembahasan Jawaban : E. To describe heat wave attack's in Europe.


Dalam teks terdapat kalimat-kalimat “France from Toulouse to Lyon was facing
temperatures up to 105 degrees”, “A ball boy collapsed in the heat…” dan kalimat
“Temperatures climbed to 104 degrees in n Madrid”. Dari kalimat-kalimat tersebut
dapat disimpulkan bahwa tujuan teks adalah untuk menggambarkan gelombang
panas yang sedang menyerang kawasan Eropa (To describe heat wave attack's in

- Opsi A salah, karena teks ini tidak membahas rencana untuk bersantai di cuaca
yang jarang adanya.

- Opsi B salah, karena peringatan gelombang panas itu tidak dijelaskan secara
menyeluruh pada teks persebut.

- Opsi C salah, karena ini terlalu spesifik dan tidak merangkum isi teks

- Opsi D salah, karena teks ini tidak meninjau bencana gelombang panas di seluruh
luar negri, teks ini hanya bertujuan untuk menggambarkan gelombang panas yang
sedang menyerang kawasan Eropa.

Materi Reading

Nomor 41.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


Colors, hair, and jewelry are frequently determined by a person’s sex. This is not
always true for all cultures, and it is not even true now throughout the United
States. In this country, there were protests to bring about a change from these
culturally strict norms. The ‘anti-military’ attitudes of the 1960s and the 1970s
sought to break with the military tradition masculine or ‘macho’ position, thus
making it more acceptable for men to wear floral designs on their shirts in pinks,
purples, violets, and other ‘feminine colors’. For some people, long hair and
jewelry on men also became acceptable as means of expressing this changed way
of thinking. More facial hair also became common, precisely because it differed
from the military norm. The business world, however, has been slow to change.

The topic of the text is about …

A. The change in gender-based attitude in the U.S

B. Jewelry as a means of expressing thoughts

C. Feminine colors versus masculine colors

D. The anti military movement in the U.S.

E. Various cultures in the world

Pembahasan Jawaban: A. The change in gender-based attitude in the U.S


Wacana diatas menceritakan kepada kita mengenai perubahan mode berbasis

gender di Amerika Serikat dari gaya maskulin atau macho kee gaya anti militer
dimana pria bisa memakai mode feminim seperti warna merah jambu, ungu, dan

Materi Reading

Nomor 42.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) An intense heat wave is baking Europe this week, with countries from Spain to
England setting record high temperatures. The hot days and warm nights are
creating dangerous conditions for those unable to escape the heat, AccuWeather
warned. The heat shows no signs of letting up. “We have a lot of heat-wave days
ahead of us,” MeteoFrance forecaster Francois Gourand told the Associated Press,
noting a wide swath of southern France from Toulouse to Lyon was facing
temperatures up to 105 degrees through the middle of next week. Germany and
Poland will begin to feel the worst of the heat wave Thursday, AccuWeather said.

(2) The high temperatures in Europe -following blistering, deadly heat waves in
India and Pakistan that killed thousands in May and June-are helping push 2015's
global temperatures to the highest in recorded human history, according to the
Weather Underground. Europeans are wary of heat waves, with the murderous
heat of 2003 when 70,000 died still fresh in people's minds. In France, where
20,000 died in 2003, a nationwide heat emergency plan has been enacted this
week, the Guardian reported. This includes opening cooling centers and checking
on the elderly and vulnerable.

(3) An all-time record high temperature for the United Kingdom in July was set
Wednesday at London's Heathrow Airport, as the mercury soared to 98.6 degrees.
Wimbledon’s tennis matches in London were being competed on the hottest day in
the tournament’s history, which goes back to 1887. A ball boy collapsed in the
heat during a match Wednesday and needed to be taken off the court on stretcher,
the AP reported. Some commuters outside a London subway weren’t bothered by
the sweltering heat. “ I’m loving it. I can’t complain,” said Maggie Cloud, a
university students who planned to relax in the park. “We pay so much money to
go abroad to holidays, and now we have the weather here. It’s cheaper,” she told
the AP. Temperatures climed to 104 degrees in n Madrid on Monday, breaking the
city's all- time June high at Gatafe Airport.

(4) The heat is the result of an unusual bulge in the jet stream, which is allowing a
massive ridge of high pressure to surge over the continent, bringing in extremely
hot air from North Africa. Even beyond the next few days, the weather pattern
across much of Europe will feature warmer-than- normal temperatures through the
middle of July with only a few brief breaks from the warmth, said AccuWeather
meteorologist Adam Douty.

The topic of the text above is …

A. Cautions of heat wave.

B. Blistering heat waves in Asia.

C. Dangerous heat wave in Europe.

D. Warning from a meteorologist.

E. Highest global temperatures in human history

Pembahasan Jawaban : C. Dangerous heat wave in Europe


Perhatikan paragraf pertama kalimat "An intense heat wave is baking Europe this
week" dan kalimat berikutnya "The hot days and warm nights are creating
dangerous conditions". Jadi, dapat diketahui bahwa topik teks tersebut tentang
gelombang panas yang berbahaya yang terjadi di Eropa (Dangerous heat wave in
Europe). Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi C.

- Opsi A salah, karena bukan hanya membicarakan gelombang panas saja,

melainkan gelombang panas yang berbahaya terjadi di eropa.

- Opsi B salah, karena gelombang panas terjadi di eropa bukan di Asia.

- Opsi D salah, karena peringatan dari ahli meteorolohi adalah sebagian dari topik
pembicaraan gelombang panas di eropa, agar masyarakat lebih berhati-hati.

- Opsi E salah, karena suhu global tertinggi dalam sejarah manusia terlalu spesifik
untuk dijadikan topik, sehingga tidak merangkum seluruh isi teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 43.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) We often think it very funny if a film shows a woman or a girl screaming and
running in fright at the sight of a mouse or a cockroach. But we don’t consider our
own little, secret fers a laughing matter. Perhaps you shiver at the sight of a snake
or an eel, cannot bear to hear the sound of jagged metal rubbing against metal, or
feel uneasy in a lift. Fortunately, most of us suffer only mild from of fright about
certain things. According to psychiatrists, this is quite normal. It becomes a
problem only when the fear develops into a mental condition that affects all
aspects of a person’s life. Studies of thousands of people with an abnormal dread
show that every time they think about- or come into contact with – the subject of
their fear, they show all the physical signs of a person who is facing serious
danger: a racing heart, dry mouth, could sweat and weak knees.

(2) Doctors and psychiatrists welcome publicity about phobias, for this helps to
convince their patients that their petients that their patients that their fears are not
unique. It reassures the patients to know that there are other people who are afraid
of the same thing, and it makes the patients more willing to try to understand what
is causing their fear. Once they realize what in their subconscious is causing their
fear, they are half-way to being cured. Psychiatrists believe that these
unreasonable fears are caused by deep-seated reasons, perhaps a terrifying
experience during childhood.

(3) One typical case was Mrs. Marry Batchelor, a London housewife, who suffered
from agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). For twenty-three years, she remains indor.
Following publicity about other agoraphobia cases, she was persuaded to go out
for the first time to watch her son perform with pop group.

(4) Most of use suffer from claustrophobia (fear of being in closed spaces) iin a
mild way, but the real sufferers go about in great fear of being trapped without
escape in a lift, in packed train or in an aircraft. Altogether, there are a hundread
and thirty phobias listed in the medical dictionary, ranging from acrophobia (fear
of heights) to xenophobia (morbid dislike of foreigners). Some phobias are very
odd indeed. There are cases of people who turn cold with terror at the sight of a
cabbage leaf, run away in fright at the sight of a brid or fraint when they hear hear
a dog bark. There was even a man who refused to eat anything that he knew had
been touched by someone who had handled matches.

In which of the following combined courses would this passage probably be used
as assigned reading …

A. Psychology / sociology

B. Medicine/ biology

C. Philosophy/ medicine

D. Psychology/medicine

E. Sociology/biology
Pembahasan Jawaban: A. Psycology/ sociology


Dapat kita simpulkan bahwa paragraf 1,2, terkait dengan psikologi (psychology)
dan pada paragraf 3,4 terkait dengan ilmu sosiologi (sociology)

Materi Reading

Nomor 44.

Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) BAGHDAD (Reteurs) – Six U.S. soldiers were killed by a blast north of
Bagdad on Monday, the U.S. military said on Tuesday, in one of the single
deadliest ground attacks against American forces in Iraq in months.

(2) Three other soldiers were wounded after an explosion went off near their
vehicles in the province of Salahaddin, the military said in a statement without
giving details. Salahaddin is a Sumi, Arab insurgent stronghold.

(3) More than 3,170 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq since the U.S. led invention in
March 2003. Iraqi and U.S. forces are in third week of security crackdown in
Baghdad aimed at stemming sectarian violence. U.S. military commanders have
expressed concern that insurgents could step up attacks outside Baghdad.

The word crackdown in Paragraph 3 means

A. Line

B. Guard

C. Attack

D. Clean-up

E. Protection
Pembahasan Jawaban: D. Clean-up


Kata crackdown memiliki persamaan kata dengan membersihkan (clean-up).

Sedangkan kata yang lain memiliki arti:

- Line = Garis

- Guard = Penjaga

- Attack = Menyerang

- Protection = perlindungan

Materi Reading

Nomor 45.
Soal Read the following the text, then choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D


(1) An intense heat wave is baking Europe this week, with countries from Spain to
England setting record high temperatures. The hot days and warm nights are
creating dangerous conditions for those unable to escape the heat, AccuWeather
warned. The heat shows no signs of letting up. “We have a lot of heat-wave days
ahead of us,” MeteoFrance forecaster Francois Gourand told the Associated Press,
noting a wide swath of southern France from Toulouse to Lyon was facing
temperatures up to 105 degrees through the middle of next week. Germany and
Poland will begin to feel the worst of the heat wave Thursday, AccuWeather said.

(2) The high temperatures in Europe -following blistering, deadly heat waves in
India and Pakistan that killed thousands in May and June-are helping push 2015's
global temperatures to the highest in recorded human history, according to the
Weather Underground. Europeans are wary of heat waves, with the murderous
heat of 2003 when 70,000 died still fresh in people's minds. In France, where
20,000 died in 2003, a nationwide heat emergency plan has been enacted this
week, the Guardian reported. This includes opening cooling centers and checking
on the elderly and vulnerable.

(3) An all-time record high temperature for the United Kingdom in July was set
Wednesday at London's Heathrow Airport, as the mercury soared to 98.6 degrees.
Wimbledon’s tennis matches in London were being competed on the hottest day in
the tournament’s history, which goes back to 1887. A ball boy collapsed in the
heat during a match Wednesday and needed to be taken off the court on stretcher,
the AP reported. Some commuters outside a London subway weren’t bothered by
the sweltering heat. “ I’m loving it. I can’t complain,” said Maggie Cloud, a
university students who planned to relax in the park. “We pay so much money to
go abroad to holidays, and now we have the weather here. It’s cheaper,” she told
the AP. Temperatures climed to 104 degrees in n Madrid on Monday, breaking the
city's all- time June high at Gatafe Airport.

(4) The heat is the result of an unusual bulge in the jet stream, which is allowing a
massive ridge of high pressure to surge over the continent, bringing in extremely
hot air from North Africa. Even beyond the next few days, the weather pattern
across much of Europe will feature warmer-than- normal temperatures through the
middle of July with only a few brief breaks from the warmth, said AccuWeather
meteorologist Adam Douty.

The following options is closest in meaning to the word "baking" (paragraph 1) is

A. scorching

B. waving

C. drying

D. making

E. drought
Pembahasan Jawaban: A. scorching


Kata baking dalam kalimat "An intense heat wave is baking Europe" (paragraf 1)
bermakna membakar/mulai menghanguskan maka bersinonim dengan scorching
(yang membakar).

- Opsi B salah, karena kata tersebut bermakna melambai.

- Opsi C salah, karena kata tersebut bermakna pengeringan

- Opsi D salah, karena kata tersebut bermakna membuat

- Opsi E salah, karena kata tersebut bermakna kekeringan

Materi Reading

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