Bookworm Assembly Presentation v2

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Bookworm Award

What is a bookworm?
I better look it up …

1. A person devoted to reading.
2. The larva of a wood-boring beetle
that feeds on the paper and glue in
At St. Anthony’s we all love
We are all aiming to win our very special
Bookworm Awards – grown ups included!

At the start of every half term, the

Head Teacher will give out certificates
to everyone who has shown that they
are growing into a bookworm.

How will this work?

What counts?
• Any book you read or share with a
grown-up should be recorded in your
usual Reading Journal and the title
signed by an adult to prove you read it
with them, to them or by yourself.
• This includes your school reader,
library book or books from the class
collection, Blue or Red boxes or one
from your bookshelf at home.
• At the front of your Reading Journal
keep a list of all the books you have
• Just before each half term holiday
show your list to your class teacher if
you think you have won an award. They
will decide if you have!
Your list will grow quickly!
As soon as you run out of space in your
Reading Journal, ask an adult in your
classroom for a Bookworm Journal sheet –
they will know exactly what you mean
because they will be filling in one too!
So, to get a Bookworm
Award this is what I
need to aim for each
half term …
Wow, if I get Gold all the
way through the year I
can get a very special
award at the end of year
Prize Giving …
Wow, if I am in Key
Stage 1 and get Silver all
the way through the
year I can also get a very
special award at the end
of year Prize Giving …
Become a bookworm, we get

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