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SUBJECT: CHEMISTRY TOPIC: Acids, Bases and Salts
1 Which statements are properties of an acid?

1 reacts with ammonium sulfate to form ammonia

2 turns red litmus blue

2 Which row describes whether an amphoteric oxide reacts with acids and bases?

3 Which substance reacts with dilute sulfuric acid to form a salt that can be removed from the
resulting mixture by filtration?

A aqueous barium chloride

B aqueous sodium hydroxide
C copper
D copper(II) carbonate

4 Which row shows how the hydrogen ion concentration and pH of ethanoic acid compare to
those of hydrochloric acid of the same concentration?

5 A pure sample of the insoluble salt barium carbonate can be made using the method given.
step 1 Dissolve barium chloride in water.
step 2 Separately dissolve sodium carbonate in water.
step 3 Mix the two solutions together.
step 4 Filter the mixture.
step 5
step 6 Dry the residue between two sheets of filter paper.
Which instruction is missing from step 5?
A Heat the residue to dryness.
B Heat the residue to the point of crystallisation.
C Place the filtrate in an evaporating basin.
D Wash the residue with water

6 (a) Aluminium oxide is amphoteric. It is insoluble in water.

Describe experiments to show that aluminium oxide is amphoteric.


(b) Dilute sulfuric acid is a typical acid.
A student adds excess dilute sulfuric acid to a sample of solid copper(II) carbonate in a
(i) Give three observations the student would make.


(ii) Give the names of all products formed.


(c) Gallium(III) oxide, Ga2O3, is amphoteric.

(i) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between gallium(III) oxide and dilute nitric
acid to form a salt and water only.


(ii) The reaction between gallium(III) oxide and sodium hydroxide solution forms only water
and a salt containing the negative ion Ga2O42–.
Write the chemical equation for this reaction.


7(a) Amphoteric oxides and neutral oxides are different from each other.
(i) What is meant by the term amphoteric oxide?


(ii) What is meant by the term neutral oxide?


(b) Lead(II) sulfate, PbSO4, is insoluble.

Describe how you would prepare a pure dry sample of lead(II) sulfate crystals starting from
solutions of lead(II) nitrate and sodium sulfate.
Include a series of key steps in your answer.


(c) Write the ionic equation for the reaction which takes place between solutions of

lead(II) nitrate and sodium sulfate.

Include state symbols.


(d) Aqueous sodium hydroxide, NaOH(aq), is a strong alkali that reacts with dilute sulfuric acid
(i) What type of reaction is this?


(ii) Complete the equation for the reaction between aqueous sodium hydroxide and dilute
sulfuric acid.

2NaOH + H2SO4 → ......................... + ......................... [1]

8 This question is about salts.

(a) Salts that are soluble in water can be made by the reaction between insoluble carbonates and
dilute acids. Zinc sulfate is soluble in water.
You are provided with solid zinc carbonate, ZnCO3, and dilute sulfuric acid, H2SO4.
Describe how you would make a pure sample of zinc sulfate crystals.
Your answer should include:
● practical details
● how you would make sure that all the dilute sulfuric acid has reacted
● a chemical equation for the reaction.

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