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Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Dark and Deep ™


By Joseph Bloch

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Adventures Dark and Deep™ Swords of Cthulhu™

By Joseph Bloch

Copyright © 2022 BRW Games, LLC. All rights reserved.

Cover art Illustration 155172126 / Cthulhu © Daniel Eskridge | Dreamstime.com. Used with permission.

Interior artwork by Alex Mayo; Mike Vilardi; Brian “Glad” Thomas; Marco Walters; Mark Lyons; Christopher Conklin; Dan Smith;
Jonathan L. Bingham; Chris Letzelter; Jeshields; and Postmortem Studios and Rob Necronomicon. Some artwork copyright William
McAusland, used with permission. Some artwork courtesy Clipart Panda, used with permission. Artists own copyright to their work, all
art used with permission.

Edited by Mollie Carson-Vollath.

Adventures Dark and Deep™, Swords of Cthulhu™, the BRW Games hex logo, and BRW Games™ are trademarks of BRW Games,

No challenge to any trademarks or other intellectual property owned by Wizards of the Coast LLC is intended.

Visit the official BRW GAMES™ website at www.brwgames.com

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Table of Contents
Preface .....................................................................................4 Lizard, Giant ....................................................................... 90
Character Races ......................................................................5 Mi-Go ................................................................................. 90
Deep One Hybrid..................................................................5 Moonbeast ......................................................................... 92
Degenerate...........................................................................6 Night-gaunt ........................................................................ 92
Level Limits for Demi-Humans .............................................7 Old One .............................................................................. 93
Multi-class Options for Demi-humans ...................................7 Progeny of Yig.................................................................... 94
Character Classes ....................................................................8 Shantak .............................................................................. 94
Cultist ...................................................................................8 Shoggoth ............................................................................ 95
Scholar ............................................................................... 16 Spawn of Cthulhu ............................................................... 95
Skills ....................................................................................... 17 Spawn of Shub-Niggurath .................................................. 96
Using Skills ......................................................................... 17 Spawn of Yog-Sothoth ....................................................... 97
Skill Descriptions ................................................................ 18 Spectral Hound .................................................................. 97
Spell Lists ............................................................................... 32 Spider................................................................................. 97
Spell Descriptions ................................................................... 33 Winged Thing ..................................................................... 99
Running a Lovecraftian Game ................................................ 68 Y’m-bhi ............................................................................... 99
Truths That Bear the Fruit of Madness ............................... 69 Zoog ................................................................................. 100
Three Kinds of Lovecraftian Campaigns............................. 69 Magic Items .......................................................................... 100
Demons in a World of Old Ones ......................................... 70 Magic Item Tables ............................................................ 100
Pre-History ......................................................................... 70 General Notes on Grimoires ............................................ 101
Places and Worlds ............................................................. 71 Magic Item Descriptions ................................................... 101
Dreamlands ........................................................................ 72 Artifacts and Relics .......................................................... 109
Relationships ...................................................................... 75 Deities, Demigods, and Dwellers in the Depths ................... 110
Insanity ................................................................................... 75 Azathoth ........................................................................... 111
Saving Throws vs. Insanity ................................................. 75 Cthulhu............................................................................. 111
Types of Insanity ................................................................ 76 Dagon .............................................................................. 113
Insanity Triggers ................................................................. 82 Ghatanothoa .................................................................... 114
Monsters................................................................................. 82 Hastur .............................................................................. 115
Bhole .................................................................................. 83 Hydra ............................................................................... 115
Cat, Dreamlands ................................................................ 83 The King in Yellow ........................................................... 116
Cat, Saturnian .................................................................... 83 Nyarlathotep ..................................................................... 116
Dark Haunter ...................................................................... 84 Shub-Niggurath ................................................................ 118
Deep One ........................................................................... 84 Tsathoggua ...................................................................... 119
Flying Polyp ........................................................................ 85 Yig .................................................................................... 119
Formless Spawn................................................................. 85 Yog-Sothoth ..................................................................... 120
Great Race of Yith .............................................................. 86 Appendix A: Inspirational Reading ....................................... 121
Gug .................................................................................... 87 Appendix B: Random Tables ............................................... 124
Gyaa-yothn ......................................................................... 88 Strange Happenings ........................................................ 124
Hound of Tindalos .............................................................. 88 Dungeon Dressing ........................................................... 125
K’n-yanian .......................................................................... 89 NPC Quirks ...................................................................... 127
Leng, Men of ...................................................................... 89

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


This has led to the necessity that some details in the present
Preface work do not match those in other, previously published sources.
Details filled in by other authors, jumping off from the tantalizing
I’ve been taken with the work of H.P. Lovecraft and his circle suggestions in Lovecraft’s work, have been re-imagined in the
since I was a schoolkid. I still have my own 8th-grade attempt to present work, using those same jumping-off points.
emulate the Lovecraftian style, a short story entitled “The House
on the Hill” which is littered with references to the Necronomicon Care must be taken not to turn the Mythos into yet another group
and Yog-Sothoth (and for which I got an A+). of monsters and bad guys. The section on “Running a
Lovecraftian Game” should be taken to heart; the Great Old
There was one famous attempt to bring the Mythos into the Ones, Outer Gods, and their ilk, should present a threat unlike
world’s most popular role-playing game, but it was quickly anything else in the campaign. The temptation to treat the
removed. It was also fairly limited in scope, being one of many creatures, magic items, and so forth, presented herein as just
different pantheons, and only including a few gods and an extension of the regular collections of monsters and treasure
monsters. should be resisted. If the Mythos is treated with the care it
deserves, the result for the campaign will be electric and well
The present work attempts to bring the Mythos into the worth the effort.
framework of the 1st Edition of the game. First Edition has its
own conventions and expectations, and so the Mythos material Occasional references to character races and classes found in
needs in some cases to bend to meet those expectations. There the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ BOOK OF LOST
are character classes and races, spells and magic items work in LORE will be noted throughout the present work. These include
certain ways, monsters have particular formats, etc. Even the the centaur, forest gnome, and half-drow races; and the bard,
multiverse itself is defined in a very specific way in 1st Edition, jester, skald, blackguard, mystic, savant, and mountebank
which requires adaptation of the Mythos in some cases to blend classes. If you do not have access to that work, these references
in with an existing campaign. That said, the Mythos must also can simply be ignored. For the curious, the jester is a sub-class
retain its unique qualities that make it so compelling even after of bard, the blackguard is a sub-class of cavalier, the mystic is a
nearly a century. sub-class of cleric, the savant is a sub-class of magic-user, and
the mountebank is a sub-class of thief. It should also be
The Mythos (often called the “Cthulhu Mythos” or the remembered that rates of movement are for travel underground
“Lovecraftian Mythos”) is vast, sprawling, and often self- in a dungeon environment. When traveling above ground, they
contradictory. While this is to be expected across a semi-shared should be tripled.
universe whose contributors number in the scores if not
hundreds, it’s also the case that even its initial creator, H.P. This book uses the language of crystal spheres, spelljamming
Lovecraft, often sacrificed continuity for the sake of individual helms, Wildspace, and the phlogiston. If your game does not
stories. use this cosmology, little adjustment is needed. Crystal spheres
can simply become star systems, and references to Wildspace
Given such a wealth of sources, it will come as no surprise that and the phlogiston can be replaced with the cold hard vacuum
the present work has had to pick and choose among various of space.
possibilities. The Mythos resists homogenization and strict
categorization, as well befits its Chaotic nature. Finally, Many of the themes herein are disturbing, and deliberately so:
comparisons with other games based on the same material are insanity, violence, body horror, racism, etc. These are important
inevitable, and thus no small effort has been made to make the themes in the original literature, and are necessarily dealt with
present work distinct from those others. This is not a flaw, but here. Note that in the case of the depiction of insanity, this is not
rather a feature, and represents yet another evolution of the intended to be a realistic depiction of mental illness. It is
Mythos as a whole. designed for maximum effectiveness in a fantasy role-playing
game, and should not be taken as reality.
For this reason, the present work relies almost exclusively on
the original works of H.P. Lovecraft, and not those of the Joseph Bloch
members of the “Lovecraft Circle,” consisting of August Derleth, New Jersey, July 2022
Clark Ashton Smith, Robert Bloch, Robert E. Howard, and
others. Copyright law plays a big part in this necessary decision,
of course, but this is no less a creative decision, as other authors
sometimes introduced concepts and characters that were not in
keeping with Lovecraft’s original conceptions.

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Character Races

Character Races
Although two character races are presented below, their true
application for player characters must be carefully assessed by
the DM. It is possible that in your game, these races might be
best reserved for NPCs. The decision is that of the DM, as best
fits his or her campaign.

Deep One Hybrid

Deep One hybrids are the result of unions (often incestuous, as
such unions tend to run within families) between a human and a
Deep One (see p. 84). Such hybrids can pass for pure-blooded
humans when younger, but as they age, they tend to show more
and more of their Deep One heritage, until finally they turn wholly
into such a creature and retire to the deeps.

Deep One hybrids can be of any non-good alignment.

Deep One hybrids get a +1 to both strength and constitution.

They can begin the game with a charisma score no greater than
15, which will decrease as they age; see below. Their ability
score ranges are given below:


Ability Male Female
Strength 6-18 5-17
Intelligence 3-18 3-18
Wisdom 3-18 3-18
Dexterity 3-16 3-16 Die Roll Males (inches) Females (inches)
Constitution 6-19 6-19 61-80 72 + 1d4 66 + 1d4
Charisma 3-15* 3-15* 81-00 72 + 1d12 66 + 1d8

* Deep One hybrids lose one point of charisma for every ten TABLE 3: WEIGHT DETERMINATION (HYBRIDS)
years of life. The loss is, of course, gradual over the course of Die Roll Males (pounds) Females (pounds)
the decade, but will become fully noticeable on the creature’s 01-25 175 - 3d12 130 - 3d10
birthday in years which are multiples of 10 (i.e., the 10th, 20th, 26-40 175 - 1d8 130 - 1d8
30th, etc.). Starting characters are assumed to have already 41-60 175 130
undergone such loss, and need not lose additional points of 61-75 175 + 1d8 130 + 1d8
charisma when they begin at first level. 76-00 175 + 5d12 130 + 4d12

Hybrids with a CHA score of 9 or less will cause unease among Deep One hybrids age as humans, as noted on the following
normal people and animals (see the 2nd level spell cloak of table:
unease for details). Once a hybrid’s CHA score reaches 2, he
has completed his transmogrification into a true Deep One, and
Age Category Years
will do whatever is in his power to return to the sea, there to find
Young Adult 14-20
a community of Deep Ones. Such characters immediately Mature 21-40
become NPCs, and are retired from play, although they might Middle Age 41-60
remain as NPC protagonists, as the DM desires. Old 61-90
Very Old 91-120
Height and weight are the same as for humans, and are
determined as follows: Deep One hybrids may be cultists, cavaliers, blackguards,
fighters, magic-users, savants, thieves (but not thief-acrobats),
TABLE 2: HEIGHT DETERMINATION (HYBRIDS) mountebanks, or assassins.
Die Roll Males (inches) Females (inches)
01-20 72 - 1d12 66 - 1d6 The following multi-class combinations are available to Deep
21-40 72 - 1d4 66 - 1d4 One hybrids: cultist/fighter, cultist/magic-user, cultist/savant,
41-60 72 66

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


cultist/thief, cultist/mountebank, cultist/assassin, fighter/magic-

user, fighter/thief, fighter/assassin, magic-user/thief, magic-

As hybrids are considered demi-humans (in the same vein as

half-elves and half-orcs), they have level limits as follows (unless
noted, classes include sub-classes):


Ability Cultist Cavalier Fighter Magic-
Score (WIS) (STR) (STR) user (INT)
14 or less 5 6 6 10
15 5 6 6 10
16 6 6 6 10
17 7 7 7 11
18 8 7 7 12
18/51 - 8 8 -
18/76 - 9 9 -
18/00 - 10 10 -
19 10 11 11 12
20 or more 12 12 13 12

Ability Thief Mountebank Assassin

Score (DEX) (CHA) (STR)
14 or less U 8 15
15 U 8 15
16 U 9 15
17 U 9 15
18 U 10 15
19 U 10 15
20 or more U 10 15

Deep One hybrids will be noticed as odd-looking unless used as minions by other races, cultists, and occasionally
concealed or disguised. There is a chance equal to the age of scholars. While most have a limited intellect, some are
the hybrid that someone familiar with the Deep Ones will possessed of great cunning.
recognize them for what they are.
Degenerates can be of any non-lawful alignment.
Deep One hybrids swim with a speed of 150’/round. They can
Degenerates get a -1 penalty to INT, WIS, and CHA. They
hold their breath underwater for 1 minute per point of
receive a +1 bonus to STR and CON. Their ability score ranges
constitution, plus an additional minute for each point of
are given below:
constitution above 12. Thus, a hybrid with a CON of 15 could
hold his breath underwater for 18 minutes. TABLE 6: DEGENERATE ABILITY SCORE RANGES
Ability Male Female
Deep One hybrids speak the common tongue, the weird speech
Strength 7-18 5-15
of the Deep Ones, and that of either aboleths, kuo-toa, locathah,
Intelligence 3-14 3-14
or sahuagin (player’s choice).
Wisdom 3-14 3-14
Dexterity 3-18 3-18
Degenerate Constitution 7-18 7-18
Charisma 3-15 3-16
Degenerates are loosely classified as members of the human
family, but are most definitely a distinct branch of the
Height and weight are determined as follows:
evolutionary tree. Most often living in isolated (including self-
isolated through taboos concerning interactions with outsiders) TABLE 7: HEIGHT DETERMINATION (DEGENERATES)
and inbred communities, degenerates have regressed on the Die Roll Males (inches) Females (inches)
evolutionary scale to a point where they are barely above the 01-20 68 - 1d12 64 - 1d6
level of animals. Males tend to be short and stocky, while the 21-40 68 - 1d4 64 - 1d4
women are thin and frail in appearance. 41-60 68 64
61-80 68 + 1d4 64 + 1d4
Such creatures retain a base instinct that draws them to the 81-00 68 + 1d12 64 + 1d8
worship of and service to the Great Old Ones, and are often

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Character Races


Die Roll Males (pounds) Females (pounds) Degenerates may be cultists, fighters, thieves, mountebanks, or
01-25 165 - 3d12 115 - 3d10 assassins. As degenerates are a sub-race of human, they
26-40 165 - 1d8 115 - 1d8 cannot become multi-classed characters, but can switch classes
41-60 165 115 as normal human characters. They have no level limits, as is
61-75 165 + 1d8 115 + 1d8 normal for human characters.
76-00 165 + 5d12 115 + 4d12

Deep One hybrids age as humans, as noted on the following

Level Limits for Demi-Humans
As usual, demi-human characters are limited in the highest level
TABLE 9: DEGENERATE AGE RANGES to which they can rise, and such limits are dependent on the
Age Category Years relevant ability score. Demi-human racial limits for the new
Young Adult 14-17 character classes in the present work are given below.
Mature 18-29
Middle Age 30-41
Old 42-51
Very Old 52-65


Dwarf, Hill, Mountain

Half-drow Female
Deep One Hybrid

Elf-drow Female

Half-drow Male

Elf, Gray, High

Elf-drow Male
Drow Female

Deep Gnome

Halfling (all)
Dwarf, Gray

Hill Gnome
Drow Male

Elf, Wood

WIS Score
9-14 5 5 U 6 10 6 7 9 8 6 5 5 8 7 4 5
15 5 8 U 9 10 9 8 9 8 6 5 5 8 7 4 5
16 6 8 U 9 11 9 9 10 9 7 6 6 9 8 4 6
17 7 8 U 9 12 9 10 11 10 8 7 7 10 9 5 7
18 8 8 U 10 13 10 11 12 11 9 8 8 11 10 6 8
19 10 8 U 10 14 11 13 14 13 10 10 9 12 12 8 8
20 or more 12 8 U 13 15 12 15 16 15 11 12 10 14 14 10 9


INT Score Drow Male Elf-drow Male Half-drow Male Gray Elf High Elf
15-18 12 11 10 12 10
19 13 12 11 14 11
20 or more 15 14 13 16 12

Multi-class Options for Demi-humans

Gnome, Forest

Half-drow (Elf-

Gnome, Deep

Halfling (all)
Gnome, Hill
Dwarf (all)

Deep One

Elf, Wood
Elf, Gray
Elf, Dark

Elf, High



Bard/cultist - Y Y Y Y - Y - Y Y Y Y Y -
Bard/scholar - Y Y Y Y - - - - Y Y Y - -
Cultist/jester - - - - - - - - Y - - - Y -
Cultist/fighter Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y
Cultist/fighter/magic-user - - Y Y Y Y - - - Y Y Y - -
Cultist/fighter/savant - - Y - Y - - - - Y Y Y - -

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Gnome, Forest

Half-drow (Elf-

Gnome, Deep

Halfling (all)
Gnome, Hill
Dwarf (all)

Deep One

Elf, Wood
Elf, Gray
Elf, Dark

Elf, High


Cultist/fighter/scholar - - Y Y Y Y - - - Y Y Y - -
Cultist/magic-user Y - Y Y Y - - - - Y Y Y - -
Cultist/illusionist - - - - - - Y Y - - Y - - -
Cultist/savant Y - Y - Y - - - - Y Y Y - -
Cultist/scholar - - Y Y Y - - - - Y Y Y - -
Cultist/thief Y Y Y - - - Y - Y Y Y - Y -
Cultist/assassin Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
Cultist/mountebank Y - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fighter/scholar - - Y - Y Y - - - Y Y Y - -
Fighter/scholar/thief - - Y - Y - - - - Y Y Y - -
Fighter/scholar/mountebank - - - - Y - - - - Y Y Y - -
Scholar/thief - - Y Y Y - - - - Y Y Y - -
Scholar/mountebank - - - - Y - - - - Y Y Y - -

Thief includes the thief-acrobat split-class, except in the case of Deep One hybrids.

commonalities between them, each cult has particular

Character Classes variations, powers, and spells which distinguish it from the
others. All cultists have the following in common; specific cult
Cultist powers and abilities are listed below.

The cultist is a subclass of cleric. They serve the Great Old All cultists must have a minimum wisdom score of 9. Those with
Ones, Outer Gods, and their ilk, and while there are many a wisdom of 15 or higher receive a 10% bonus to all experience
points earned. First-level cultists start the game with 20-120 g.p.
They do receive bonus spells for high wisdom ability scores, as
do regular clerics. Any demi-human or humanoid race that can
become a cleric can become a cultist.

Cultists use the same combat tables as clerics, but make saving
throws as if they were magic-users (with the exception of
insanity saving throws). They can use any magic items usable
by clerics, as well as those normally only usable by magic-users,
except for scrolls containing magic-user spells. They can wear
any armor and use any weapon, although individual cults may
have restrictions or favored weapons (see below).

One of the chief advantages of the cultist is the support network

of the cult itself. If a cultist requires assistance or other favors,
whether it be material (such as supplies, horses, etc.) or
insubstantial (such as the suppression of an investigation by a
magistrate), there is a chance that this need will be fulfilled
through the cult’s network. This is only an approximation, and
the DM should feel free to modify the percentages based on the
size and power of the specific cult in question in his campaign.


Cultist Distance
Level < 1 mile 1-10 miles 10-30 miles
1-3 25% 15% -10%
4-6 40% 30% 5%
7-9 55% 45% 20%
10-12 70% 60% 35%
13+ 85% 75% 50%

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Character Classes


Difficulty Modifier Examples Level 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7**
Very easy +20% Obtain horses and provisions for 10 4 4 3 3 2 - -
several days, report on 11 5 4 4 3 2 1 -
newcomers entering town. 12 5 4 4 3 3 2 -
Easy +10% Put law enforcement on a false 13 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
trail, host someone who is 14 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
traveling incognito. 15 5 5 5 4 4 3 2
Difficult -10% Stop an investigation by low-level
law enforcement, hide someone * Usable by cultists with a wisdom score of 17 or higher.
who must remain anonymous.
Very difficult -20% Stop an investigation by nobility, ** Usable by cultists with a wisdom score of 18 or higher.
hide someone being actively
pursued by law enforcement. Cultists may, at higher levels, create magic items appropriate to
their class, including scrolls and potions. At 7th level they may
A negative result (due to modifiers) or a natural roll of 00 (even create potions and scrolls as do clerics, and at 11th level they
if such would indicate success) will result in the cult being can create miscellaneous magic items. Cultists are able to use
exposed. The nature and impact of this exposure is up to the any magic item normally usable by clerics or magic-users,
DM to determine, as befits the campaign. except scrolls with magic-user spells.

Such assistance can be requested twice per month per level of Below are specifics relating to several prominent cults that could
the cultist, and must relate directly to the interests of the cult. If exist in the campaign. It should be noted that there are hundreds
the cult leadership suspects that such assistance is being used of other Old Ones that could be the object of such cults; the DM
to further the personal interests of the cultist, steps will be taken should feel free to invent his own, using the following as
to ensure such never happens again. Harsh steps. guidelines.


Experience Experience Accumulated Hit
The followers of Azathoth, the blind idiot god, desire to unleash
Points Level Points
their deity upon the universe, so that he may devour the entirety
0 1 1d8
of the universe. It is their belief that, this having been done, a
1,750 2 2d8
new universe will be born, freed of all constraints of logic and
3,500 3 3d8
7,000 4 4d8
14,000 5 5d8 All Azathoth cultists must be either chaotic evil or chaotic
28,000 6 6d8 neutral. Human sacrifices are made to Azathoth on the winter
60,000 7 7d8 solstice in high mountain caverns, and services include much
120,000 8 8d8 reedy piping and arrhythmic drumming, emulating that which
240,000 9 9d8 keeps their god semi-contented until the day he will emerge.
480,000 10 9d8 + 2 They wear vestments of blue and olive during ceremonial
960,000 11 9d8 + 4 gatherings.

240,000 experience points for every additional level beyond All Azathoth cultists begin the game with one form of insanity
11th. (see p. 72). Every time they advance in level, there is a
cumulative 10% chance that they will be afflicted with another
Cultists gain 2 additional hit points per level after the 9th. form of insanity. Thus, there is a 10% chance upon reaching 2nd
level, a 20% chance when reaching 3rd level, a 30% chance
when reaching 4th level, etc. There is no limit to the number of
Cultist Spell Level
forms of insanity they can accumulate, but once a new form has
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7**
been acquired, the chance resets to 10%, then 20%, etc. They
1 1 - - - - - -
are themselves immune to all magical and non-magical forms of
2 2 - - - - - -
insanity outside of that gained by virtue of their class. Thus, they
3 2 1 - - - - -
are immune to the effects of items such as a scarab of insanity,
4 3 2 - - - - -
spells such as symbol of insanity, the effect of reading certain
5 3 2 1 - - - -
Mythos grimoires, etc.
6 3 3 2 - - - -
7 4 3 2 1 - - - Azathoth cultists can memorize the following spells in addition
8 4 3 3 2 - - - to those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still be
9 4 4 3 2 1 - - memorized as per normal, however:

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


First Level: Audible Glamer, Nightmare Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
spells). See page 111 for more information on Cthulhu himself.
Second Level: Deafness, Echoing Thoughts
Dagon/Hydra Cultists
Third Level: Cloud of Blindness, Non-detection
The gods Father Dagon and Mother Hydra are always
Fourth Level: Confusion, Piping of the Stars worshiped as a pair, and usually by Deep Ones or Deep One
hybrid cultists, although human cultists are not unknown,
Fifth Level: Feeblemind, Veil of Idiocy
particularly among seafaring peoples. For obvious reasons, cult
Sixth Level: Consume, Veil groups are always found near large bodies of water. The cult’s
primary objective is to further the interests of, and protect, the
Seventh Level: Banishment, Invoke Azathoth Deep Ones. This can include a range of activities, from
eliminating witnesses to Deep One conspiracies, to securing
Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new resources and magical items for Deep One colonies. Because
spells). See page 111 for more information on Azathoth himself. Dagon and Hydra serve Great Cthulhu, the cult is usually on
very friendly terms with the cult of Cthulhu, but will resent overt
Cthulhu Cultists attempts to place them in a subordinate position. This can lead
to friction in some cases, as the cultists of Dagon and Hydra
The followers of Great Cthulhu, who famously lies both dead and
view themselves as allies of the cultists of Cthulhu.
dreaming in his great house in the sunken city of R’lyeh, seek to
awaken Cthulhu when the proper time arises, so he can claim Dagon/Hydra cultists must be either lawful evil or neutral evil in
his rightful place as lord of the world. Cells of his cult can be alignment. Sacrifices of gold and other precious objects are
found among almost all cultures and places. They are often, but made on the night of the full moon, at remote seashores,
not always, found near water, and those who are, will usually forsaken reefs, hidden coves, and the like. At such times,
have ties to the Deep Ones or other aquatic minions of Cthulhu. opportunities for the breeding of Deep One hybrids are also
taken, not always voluntarily. They wear finery of green with gold
All Cthulhu cultists must be chaotic evil. Human sacrifices are
jewelry of queer design.
made in his favor, on the night of the summer solstice. His
cultists and worshipers gather in remote locales, far from the Cultists of Dagon and Hydra can swim 30’/min. faster than a
watchful eyes of those who would deny Cthulhu his re- non-cultist member of their race. They also get a +1 bonus on
awakening. They wear yellow-gray raiment. all “to hit” rolls when underwater, and a +2 bonus when
underwater and fighting a creature not native to the sea.
Starting at 6th level, Cthulhu cultists can create a sign of the
Deep Ones (see p. 108). Doing so requires one week, 500 g.p. Cultists of Father Dagon and Mother Hydra can memorize the
worth of gold, and the facilities of a blacksmith, jewelry maker, following spells in addition to those in the normal cultist spell lists
or similar metalworking shop. (note that animal summoning may only be used to summon
creatures native to the water, be it salt or fresh). They must still
All Cthulhu cultists must have at least one skill level in astrology
be memorized as per normal, however:
before reaching 7th level. If they do not possess the required
skill level, they cannot advance to 7th level until they do. First Level: Create Water, Fresh Water to Salt
Cthulhu cultists can memorize the following spells in addition to Second Level: Know Alignment, Pass for Human
those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still be
memorized as per normal, however: Third Level: Call Lightning, Waterball

First Level: Fresh Water to Salt, Precipitation Fourth Level: Animal Summoning I, Conjure Currents

Second Level: Create Water, Pass for Human Fifth Level: Animal Summoning II, Commune with Dagon
and Hydra
Third Level: Ethereal Wings, Water Breathing
Sixth Level: Animal Summoning III, Blight Fishery
Fourth Level: Impossible Angles, Lower Water
Seventh Level: Invoke Dagon and Hydra, Power Word
Fifth Level: Commune with Cthulhu, Control Winds Stun
Sixth Level: Weather Summoning, Window to the Past Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
spells). See page 113 and 115 for more information on Father
Seventh Level: Control Weather, Invoke Cthulhu
Dagon and Mother Hydra, respectively.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Character Classes


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Ghatanothoa Cultists particular enemy in the Mi-Go, whose own purposes are directly
opposed to those of the cultists of Hastur, and will seek them out
The cultists of the weird god Ghatanothoa have an odd and destroy them wherever possible.
relationship with their deity, who remains imprisoned inside a
particularly inaccessible mountain. On the one hand, they Hastur cultists must be chaotic evil. He receives human
greatly desire the spells and other power that flows from their sacrifices on midsummer’s day, usually in underground caverns
hideous god. On the other hand, they equally greatly fear his or ruins. His cultists wear ritual garb which is sky blue in color.
ever being freed from his prison, as the curse of becoming a Their symbol is the accursed Yellow Sign, which is both a
living mummy fills them with immeasurable dread. Thus, the generic sign of recognition within the cult and a potent type of
cult’s primary motivation is maintaining the status quo, where magical talisman (see p. 104). They favor heavy weapons like
their god is imprisoned, and they are therefore safe to receive battle axes and bastard swords, but must also take a proficiency
spells from him. The cult is centered on that particular mountain in either quarterstaff or shepherd’s crook at first level.
(which can be located wherever the GM desires, in his or her
own campaign world), but cultists can be found in far-off places New weapon - Shepherd’s Crook
on some business or other, and sometimes establish offshoots
of their foul sect. The shepherd’s crook is a commonplace, almost ubiquitous,
object. It consists of a staff some 6’ high with a bent hook at the
Cultists of Ghatanothoa can be of any evil alignment. On the top. It will cause 1-6 h.p. of damage to creatures regardless of
night of the vernal equinox, two dozen human sacrifices are size. On a roll of a natural 20, the wielder can choose to use the
given to the god in his mountain prison, slain on flaming altars. hook to pull a humanoid creature off their feet rather than hitting
A steady supply of such sacrifices ensures that the god will them, rendering them prone on the following round. It requires
remain content in his current location, rather than emerging to 3’ to wield, has a speed factor of 4, and has the same weapons
sate his hunger among his faithful worshipers. Cultists wear vs. armor adjustments as a quarterstaff.
raiment of brown and white whilst offering sacrifices, and favor
spears and blowguns and other similarly primitive weapons. Cultists of Hastur attack and make saving throws as if they were
fighters. They require an additional 5% experience points to rise
Starting at 3rd level, cultists of Ghatanothoa function as thieves in level.
2 levels below their level as cultists. Thus, a 5th level cultist
functions as a 3rd level thief, and so on. All cultists of Hastur cultists can memorize the following spells in addition to
Ghatanothoa must pay an additional 10% of experience points those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still be
gained in order to advance in level. memorized as per normal, however:

Ghatanothoa cultists can memorize the following spells in First Level: Animal Friendship, Warrior of Hastur
addition to those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still
be memorized as per normal, however: Second Level: Flaming Sphere, Smite of the Shepherd

First Level: Psychic Flail, Remove Fear Third Level: Disrupt Technology, Lightning Bolt

Second Level: ESP, Voice of Ghatanothoa Fourth Level: Dig, Wrath of Hastur

Third Level: Gray Shroud, Slow Fifth Level: Commune with Hastur, Yellow Sign

Fourth Level: Cloak of Fear, Visage of Ghatanothoa Sixth Level: Blade Barrier, Unspeakable Possession

Fifth Level: Commune with Ghatanothoa, Magic Jar Seventh Level: Invoke Hastur, Volley

Sixth Level: Free Action, Geas Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
spells). See page 115 for more information on Hastur himself.
Seventh Level: Creeping Doom, Invoke Ghatanothoa
Nyarlathotep Cultists
Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
spells). See page 114 for more information on Ghatanothoa The cult of Nyarlathotep is strange even among cults of the
himself. Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. While focused on their god
Nyarlathotep, in much the same way as he serves and assists
Hastur Cultists the other gods, so too do his cultists serve other cults. They act
as a support network, assisting the cults of the other deities as
Hastur cultists wish nothing more than to free their god from his they are able. This is not to say they are subordinate to them,
slumber and reunite that portion of him which rests on the Astral but are recognized by them as valuable allies almost universally.
Plane with that which lies imprisoned and asleep in the Prime Nyarlathotep cultists also tend to set up larger, popular
Material Plane, near the star Aldebaran. They also have a movements that are covers for the real object of their reverence.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Character Classes

All Nyarlathotep cultists must be chaotic evil, and must have a Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
charisma score of no less than 10. Human sacrifices are offered spells). See page 116 for more information on Nyarlathotep
to the god during solar eclipses, in underground caverns. His himself.
cultists wear black during such ceremonies.
Shub-Niggurath Cultists
Cultists of Nyarlathotep exude friendliness, and can use this to
attempt to persuade others that some third party (not the cultist It is claimed by the cultists of Shub-Niggurath that all fertility
himself) is worthy of their trust and faith. This will not mean deities and their cults are ultimately descended from the Black
automatic acceptance of anything that third party says, but it Goat of the Woods, Shub-Niggurath. The truth of this claim is
certainly makes him much more likely to be heeded (+10% hotly denied by those more conventional priesthoods, and adds
reaction adjustments, and other similar CHA-related rolls, as to the fact that the cultists of Shub-Niggurath are considered
appropriate). The third party in question must be an individual, anathema with a vehemence that is rarely seen. Indeed, certain
not a group. Note that this is not a magical effect, but a special seemingly-legitimate groups of worshipers of such fertility
knack for persuasiveness. deities are in fact secret adherents of Shub-Niggurath, safely
hidden in the midst of their enemies. For their part, the cultists
TABLE 17: NYARLATHOTEP CULTIST TRUST are content to worship and summon their deity, and encourage
Cultist Cultist the spread of the spawn of Shub-Niggurath (see p. 95).
Level Trust Level Trust
1 10% 10 55% Cultists of Shub-Niggurath must be chaotic evil. They offer
2 15% 11 60% human sacrifices on the summer solstice, and gather in
3 20% 12 65% deserted forests and tangled woods, during which they wear
4 25% 13 70% vestments of dark gray. Shrines can also be found deep
5 30% 14 75% underground. Ceremonies on the solstice involve the actual
6 35% 15 80% invocation of the god herself, and the cultists will eagerly
7 40% 16 85%
anticipate the arrival of more spawn.
8 45% 17 90%
9 50% The favored weapon of the cultists of Shub-Niggurath is the
sickle. All cultists must take the sickle as a weapon of
Charisma Trust
16 -
17 +5%
18 +10%
19 +15%

In addition, Nyarlathotep cultists always pay 3,500 x.p. to gain

skill levels in the technology of Nyarlathotep skill, regardless of
their ability scores.

Cultists of Nyarlathotep pay an additional 10% experience

points to rise in level.

Nyarlathotep cultists can memorize the following spells in

addition to those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still
be memorized as per normal, however:

First Level: Charm Person, Nightmare

Second Level: Blessing of the Black Man, Detect Charm

Third Level: All-seeing Eye, Lightning Bolt

Fourth Level: Divination, Lightning Charm

Fifth Level: Commune with Nyarlathotep, Dream

Sixth Level: Mass Charm, Vastness of the Crawling Chaos

Seventh Level: Invoke Nyarlathotep, Vision


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


proficiency, and all gain a +1 bonus on all “to hit” rolls when as the Haunter of the Dark. They desire knowledge, particularly
using it. of the occult and outré sort, above all things, and perform terrible
sacrifices to the Haunter in return for wisdom. In certain locales
Shub-Niggurath cultists can memorize the following spells in they operate openly, although the true object of their worship is
addition to those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still hidden, and they take on other, but similar, names. Their never-
be memorized as per normal, however: ending need for human sacrifices to expand their knowledge can
be a difficulty, however.
First Level: Bless, Horns of the Ram
Members of the Starry Wisdom cult can be of any non-good and
Second Level: Aid, Horn of Plenty
non-lawful alignment. They perform rituals of human sacrifice on
Third Level: Fecundity, Hold Animal an irregular schedule determined by complex astrological signs;
on average they take place once per month, but could be more
Fourth Level: Call Woodland Beings, Summon Spawn of or less often in any specific time-frame. If they are operating
Shub-Niggurath openly, then such ceremonies take place in their temple or other
holy space. If not, they will take place in abandoned ruins or
Fifth Level: Animal Growth, Commune with Shub- wildernesses, but always where the night sky can be seen. They
Niggurath wear finery of black and purple during their rituals.

Sixth Level: Agony of the Black Goat, Weather All Starry Wisdom Cultists begin the game with one skill level in
Summoning astrology. They can add additional skill levels at a cost of 3,000
x.p., regardless of their ability scores.
Seventh Level: Invoke Shub-Niggurath, Regenerate

Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new Starry Wisdom cultists can memorize the following spells in
spells). See page 118 for more information on Shub-Niggurath addition to those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still
herself. be memorized as per normal, however:

Starry Wisdom Cultists First Level: Curse, Hound of Warding

There are a myriad of cults dedicated to the various forms and Second Level: Messenger, Static of the Spheres
aspects of the Outer God Nyarlathotep. The Cult of Starry
Wisdom is devoted to that specific aspect of Nyarlathotep known Third Level: Disturbing Truths, Starshine

Fourth Level: Elder Sign, Imbue with Spell Ability

Fifth Level: Dream, True Understanding

Sixth Level: Legend Lore, Non-Euclidian Geometry

Seventh Level: Eye of Wisdom, First Level Magic-user


Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
spells). See page 116 for more information on Nyarlathotep

Tsathoggua Cultists

Those cultists who follow Tsathoggua, the toad-god who dwells

in the deepest caverns beneath K’n-yan, in the black realm
called N’kai, seek to free their god from his dark realm and see
his worship set above all others. In this they are somewhat
conventional, and seek to bring his cult into the mainstream as
a recognized religion, but also actively seek to suborn cultists of
other gods (not only mainstream deities, but Other Gods as well)
as a way of raising their own god to prominence. They oppose
the cults of Cthulhu, Yig, and Shub-Niggurath, who overthrew
the worship of Tsathoggua in K’n-yan, and such grudges are not
easily set aside.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Character Classes

Cultists of Tsathoggua must be chaotic evil. Human sacrifices

are made according to an arcane schedule determined by
changes to the magnetic fields of the planet, rather than any
celestial or astronomical cycle. They wear raiment of black with
gray and silver decoration.

All cultists of Tsathoggua have infravision, regardless of race.

Humans have a range of 30’, while a demi-human cultist would
have 90’, or a 30’ extension to their existing range, whichever is
less. They pay a 10% penalty in experience points earned.

Tsathoggua cultists can cast the following spells in addition to

those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still be
memorized as normal, however:

First Level: Jump, Psychic Flail

Second Level: Croak, Misdirection

Third Level: Formlessness, Stone Shape

Fourth Level: Summon Formless Spawn, Dispel Magic

Fifth Level: Commune with Tsathoggua, Spike Growth

Sixth Level: Sticky Darkness, Move Earth

Seventh Level: Animate Rock, Invoke Tsathoggua

Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
spells). See page 119 for more information on Tsathoggua
Second Level: Call Serpents, Slow Poison
Yig Cultists
Third Level: Hallucinatory Terrain, Neutralize Serpent
Those cultists who follow Yig, the ultimate serpent-god, tend to Venom
be either nomads (including itinerants such as tinkers, gypsies,
Fourth Level: Curse of Yig, Sticks to Snakes
and tramps) or rural, agricultural folk. The cult views Yig as
mostly beneficent, and while they are reticent about discussing Fifth Level: Commune with Yig, Spike Growth
their faith with outsiders, truly believe their deity to be of good
intent. That is, with the exception of the harvest months, when Sixth Level: Generational Curse of Yig, Repulsion
Yig’s hungers grow unstoppable and he sends forth his children;
at such times, the cultists of Yig beat ceremonial drums to keep Seventh Level: Mass Invisibility, Invoke Yig
their deity at bay, and thus see themselves as the saviors of their
neighbors, as only they know the secret. They are aloof from Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
other cults of the Outer Gods, as their god is more grounded in spells). See page 119 for more information on Yig himself.
the Earth and its doings. They wear tan vestments with red trim.
Yog-Sothoth Cultists
All Yig cultists must be either chaotic neutral or neutral in
alignment. No snake or animal-intelligent snake-like creature will Cultists of Yog-Sothoth follow this deity for the simplest and
harm a follower of Yig, except under magical compulsion. Yig purest of motives: they desire the power and knowledge that he
cultists begin the game with 1 skill level in scholarship with a can bestow upon them. The cult practices in secret throughout
specialization in Zoology (snakes). They pay an additional 10% civilized society, but its members have a much more scientific
in experience points gained in order to advance in level. and often mechanistic view of the multiverse than most of their
contemporaries, owing to the physics-bending powers of their
Yig cultists can cast the following spells in addition to those in god.
the normal cultist spell lists. They must still be memorized as per
normal, however: Cultists of Yog-Sothoth must be of chaotic evil or neutral evil
alignment. They perform human sacrifices on the autumnal
First Level: Hypnotism, Speak with Snakes


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


equinox in ancient places which are deep underground, and While scholars retain the spells and other abilities they
wear ritual garments of black and green. possessed as magic-users, they gain the following additional
skills, abilities, and limitations:
All cultists of Yog-Sothoth receive a +1 bonus to all saving
throws vs. insanity. TABLE 19: SCHOLAR LEVEL ADVANCEMENT
Yog-Sothoth cultists can cast the following spells in addition to Experience Points Experience Level Hit Points
those in the normal cultist spell lists. They must still be 60,000 7 7d4
memorized as per normal, however: 93,000 8 8d4
140,000 9 9d4
First Level: Color Spray, Straight Isn’t Straight 262,000 10 10d4
388,000 11 11d4
Second Level: Heat Metal, Timeflash 788,000 12 11d4+1
1,163,000 13 11d4+2
Third Level: Essential Salts, Hallucinatory Terrain 1,538,000 14 11d4+3
1,913,000 15 11d4+4
Fourth Level: Dimension Door, Timescape 2,663,000 16 11d4+5
3,037,000 17 11d4+6
Fifth Level: Commune with Yog-Sothoth, Raise Dead, 3,413,000 18 11d4+7
Temporal Anomaly
Scholars need 375,000 experience points for every additional
Sixth Level: Non-Euclidean Geometry, Reverse Gravity level beyond 18th. Scholars gain 1 additional hit point per level
after the 18th.
Seventh Level: Duo-dimension, Invoke Yog-Sothoth,
Temporal Gate

Spells listed in italics are new (see below for details on new
spells). See page 120 for more information on Yog-Sothoth

The scholar is a split-class of the magic-user * , which certain
magic-users can opt to take upon reaching 7th level. It cannot
be taken at any other time. Those who opt to become scholars
no longer advance as magic-users; they are scholars from that
point on. Scholars must have an intelligence score of 15 or
higher, and a wisdom score of 13 or higher. Humans, elves
(including dark males, but not dark females or wood elves), and
half-drow males (but not females), can become scholars.

The scholar specializes in the unique lore and magic of the

Great Old Ones, their minions, and associated beings. Some
scholars ply their skills to thwart the advance of the Great Old
Ones, while other use that power to serve them. They can, thus,
be of any alignment.

In order to specialize as a scholar, the 6th level magic-user must

first earn enough experience points to become 7th level. At that
point, he or she must seek out a scholar of at least the 11th level
and spend at least 6 weeks in training to learn the special skills
possessed of the scholar. At the end of that time, he or she will
become a full-fledged scholar of 7th level, and will enjoy all the
benefits of the specialized split-class.

*If you have access to the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ being a split-class of the savant. In such cases, all references to
BOOK OF LOST LORE, the scholar class is better suited to magic-users should read as savants.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


All scholars automatically have the scholarship skill with the grimoire is ruined and the whole process must begin again.
occultism general field. If they already had one or more Once the grimoire is completed, the scholar must make a roll of
scholarship skill levels, they gain another level. his or her INT plus experience level on 2d20. Failure means the
whole work is flawed and worthless. A 20 indicates automatic
Scholars memorize and cast spells just like regular magic-users, failure regardless of INT and level. Only one such grimoire can
and can add magic-user spells to their spell books as normal. be created per year; failure means the scholar can try again after
However, they also have the ability to memorize spells on the 1d3 months.
scholar spell list, which are unavailable to normal magic-users.
These spells are only found in special and unique works as
described in the magic item section; they are never found in Skills
ordinary spell books, with the exception of read scholarly magic
and the list of scholarly cantrips, which are given to them as part The current work builds upon the skill system as presented in
of their training as a scholar. the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ BOOK OF LOST
LORE. Below is a recap of the essentials of that system.
Spells from the scholarly spell lists cannot be added to normal
spell books, nor can the 1st level magic-user spell write be used Skills are obtained by “spending” experience points, which are
to transcribe them. Spells must be stored either on scrolls or in used to either obtain a new skill or gain an additional skill level
special Mythos grimoires (see below). in a skill the character already possesses. A character can only
spend experience points on the same skill once per experience
Scholars may, at higher levels, create magic items appropriate level. If the player chooses to spend x.p. on a skill, those x.p.
to their class, including scrolls and potions. Starting at 7th level are forever lost, although new x.p. can, of course, be earned to
scholars can manufacture potions (including powders, etc.) and make up for that loss. Skills can be obtained at any point, but
scrolls, just as do magic-users. At 11th level they can the game master may, at his discretion, require the character to
manufacture miscellaneous magic items, and certain Mythos- engage in some sort of study, training, or other experience to
related magic items that normal magic-users cannot create. obtain the skill.
Scholars can use all magic items normally useable by magic-
users, as well as some unique items as noted in the magic items The base x.p. cost of obtaining a given skill is listed in the
section below. particular description of that skill. For each additional skill level,
the cost is equal to the base cost multiplied by the skill level
Mythos grimoires are created by scholars using their unique being added. For example, if a character is adding a skill with a
knowledge, as the creation of Mythos grimoires is as much a base cost of 3,000 x.p., and already has two skill levels in that
ritual in and of itself as it is a straight work of copying or particular skill, the cost for the third skill level would be 9,000
translation. Such an undertaking can only be attempted by a x.p.
scholar of 9th level or higher. The creation of the grimoire
requires the following: The base experience point (x.p.) cost of a skill sometimes is
dependent on the attributes the character possesses (strength,
• A copy of the grimoire to be created; the grimoire can intelligence, etc.). If an attribute is listed, then the character can
be copied exactly in its original language or translated pay that price if the attribute is the highest he possesses (or is
into any other language the scholar can speak. tied for highest). For example, a character with S 12, I 11, W 14,
Translating the work incurs a +1 penalty to the success D 17, Co 15, Ch 15 would only pay 5,000 for the ambush skill,
roll (see below), but earns 1,000 x.p. for being the but would have to pay 8,000 for business.
person responsible for a new edition of the grimoire, if
the creation attempt is successful. There is no limit to how high a skill level a character can possess
• The scholar can always choose to omit sections or in a given skill.
spells from the original with no penalty.
• If he or she wishes to add new material (for instance, Using Skills
copying a spell from a scroll or another grimoire into
the one he is preparing), each spell or secondary skill Each skill has one or more attributes listed, such as strength,
added to the grimoire adds a +1 penalty to the intelligence, etc. When a character wishes to use one of his
success roll. A maximum of 1 spell or skill can be skills, the game master simply rolls a d20, subtracts 2 for every
added for every 4 points of INT the scholar has, skill level the character possesses in that particular skill, and
rounded down. applies any other modifiers that might be applicable. If the
• A number of g.p. equal to half the g.p. value of the modified roll is equal to or below the applicable attribute, the
grimoire, for materials. character has successfully used the skill. If the skill check uses
• 1 week per 1,000 g.p. value. a specialty the character has selected, subtract an additional 2
from the die roll.
Once undertaken, the scholar cannot be interrupted in his or her
work; if taken away from the work for more than an hour, the


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


It should be remembered that a skill check will not be necessary Skill level 2: Can cast an astrological chart for a particular
for purely routine things. They should only be required when the quest, mission, journey, or other specific endeavor. Effects
outcome would really be in doubt, when failure would be apply to all those principally involved in the endeavor
catastrophic, or in a combat situation (as applicable). In addition, (usually this means all the PCs).
the game master should feel free to apply situational modifiers
as he sees fit; anything from a -8 for completely routine and Skill level 3: Can cast an astrological chart for a nation. (The
novice-level basics, to a +11 for something regarded as nigh GM should determine the specific effects, as it is not the
unto impossible to achieve. case that everyone in a kingdom should have a penalty “to
When the use of a skill requires that another character make a
saving throw or roll against some attribute, that character gets a The game master should make the skill check in secret. A
penalty of -2 to his roll for every skill level possessed by the first successful skill check means that the astrologer has determined
character. the relevant influences of the stars and zodiac:


Skill Descriptions Die
Roll Effect
01-05 The stars are very unfavorable. All the effects of
Base X.P. Cost: 5,000 (intelligence), 8,000 (all others) unfavorable stars (06-15, below), plus the game
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence master should invent at least one unlikely and
Specialties: n/a unfavorable event, such as running into an old
enemy, having an ally make some huge mistake,
This skill allows the character to create magical (and non- or some other unpleasant (but not ludicrously so)
magical) potions and other substances. It also allows the
06-15 The stars are unfavorable. -3 penalty to all “to hit”
possessor to attempt to identify potions (the check should be
rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls, -1 penalty to
done in secret, and if the check fails, a false result will be gotten all surprise rolls, and -15% to all reaction rolls.
instead). Use of this skill will usually require a fully stocked 16-30 The stars are somewhat unfavorable. -2 penalty
laboratory, with some 200-1,000 g.p. worth of equipment. to all “to hit” rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls,
and -10% to all reaction rolls.
Astrology 31-50 The stars are slightly against. -1 penalty to all “to
hit” rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls, and -5%
Base X.P. Cost: 3,000 (intelligence), 5,000 (all others) to all reaction rolls.
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence 51-70 The stars are slightly in favor. +1 bonus to all “to
Specialties: n/a hit” rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls, and
+5% to all reaction rolls.
Often, great events, such as the return of a Great Old One or 71-85 The stars are somewhat favorable. +2 bonus to all
one of their mighty minions, are foretold by the movements of “to hit” rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls, and
the stars and planets in the heavens. More mundanely, the +10% to all reaction rolls.
astrologer can be tasked with foretelling future events, or 86-95 The stars are favorable. +3 bonus to all “to hit”
determining auspicious (or inauspicious) times to undertake rolls, saving throws, and morale rolls, +1 bonus to
actions or begin new projects, and so forth. all surprise rolls, and +15% to all reaction rolls.
96-99 The stars are very favorable. All the effects of
Astrology is accomplished through the study of heavenly bodies favorable stars (86-95, above), plus the game
moving through the houses of the zodiac, and analogues for master should invent at least one favorable but
earthly events are determined. Various complex calculations unlikely event, such as running into an old ally,
involving relevant phenomena and other influences are made to having an enemy make some huge mistake, or
determine the final outcome. It is an exacting science, and even some other fortuitous (but not ludicrously so)
an experienced astrologer can make a minor, subtle, error that coincidence.
will invalidate or taint the entire astrological chart. 00 Special event is predicted (see below, do not roll
It takes 1d8 hours to create an astrological chart, minus one
The length of time for which the astrological effect will last is
hour for every level of the astrologer (minimum one hour). At
determined randomly:
higher skill levels, astrologers can cast charts with broader
Skill level 1: Can cast an astrological chart for one person,
Roll Duration
including himself, as long as his date and place of birth is 1-3 Two wandering stars are in alignment or
known. Effects apply only to that particular individual. opposition; 1d3 days
4 A wandering star is transiting a Zodiac House; 2d4


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)



Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


A new astrological chart may be cast, requiring a new skill It is not possible to pin down the exact time such a special event
check, to predict events after those of the original forecast. will occur; it is simply “in your future”. The Game Master should
arrange things so that the event will come about, or at least
A failed skill check means the astrologer has failed to perform provide the environment in which it could occur. Some things
his calculations correctly, or missed some subtle influence on are not always definitively set, even if the astrologer is
the outcome. He will believe the following to be true: successful in casting the horoscope. If the astrologer has failed
his skill roll, the GM should re-roll the special event and report
TABLE 22: FAILED ASTROLOGICAL CHART EFFECTS that false one to the PCs, while quietly recording the actual event
as well.
Roll Effect
01-10 Astrologer gets it completely wrong, believes the In addition to casting an astrological chart for an individual,
exact opposite effect has been indicated (so if
group, or realm, it is also possible for the astrologer to discover
stars are actually favorable, he will think them
either major events that are on the horizon, or details about an
unfavorable, etc.).
11-40 Astrologer gets it a little wrong, believes the effect event that is known to be coming. These are referred to as
is one row above (50%) or below (50%) the actual astrological portents.
effect (so if stars are favorable, he thinks they’re
either somewhat or very favorable). First, the GM should already have some idea in mind of the
41-65 Astrologer gets the duration wrong; re-roll for major events that will impact his campaign in the future; this
actual duration. could include wars, plagues, revolutions, and the like. It can also
66-00 Astrologer does not know how to interpret the encompass the moves of the Great Old Ones and their servants
chart he has created. No effect, must wait 1d3 as it impacts his or her campaign setting.
days before trying again.
There are two circumstances under which such a prediction can
Note that the astrologer is not creating these effects, and they be made. First, if the event is known to be occurring at some
are not magical. He is merely becoming aware of cosmic forces point in the near term, and second, if the astrologer is simply
that would have brought about these effects anyway, and they checking to see if something might be foretold in the stars.
are expressed in terms of game mechanics. On the whole, these
effects will tend to even out over time, so they are not usually TABLE 24: ASTROLOGICAL PORTENTS, KNOWN EVENT
noticed unless attention has been called to them through the Die Roll Effect
creation of an astrological chart. 1 The Stars Are Quiet. The astrologer comes to
the (false) conclusion that the event is not, in
If the astrological chart indicates that a special event is fact, going to happen.
predicted, roll on the following chart to determine the specifics: 2-3 The Stars Are Wrong. The astrologer gets it
wildly wrong. A wildly inaccurate date is
TABLE 23: ASTROLOGICAL CHART SPECIAL EVENTS determined, 1d12 months too early (50%) or late
Die Roll Subject of Horoscope… (50%).
01-05 …will be victorious against a great enemy. 4-6 The Signs Are Muddled. Astrologer not sure if
06-10 …will gain a great treasure, but lose it before something’s going to happen, but if it is, it will
he can enjoy his reward. happen in a 30-day window.
11-15 …will gain rank and/or a position of 7-14 The Stars Are Right. The astrologer confirms the
importance. event will happen, and estimates the date to
16-25 …will gain rank and/or a position of within a month-long window.
importance, but evil schemers will cast him 15-17 The Stars Are Right. The astrologer confirms the
down. event will happen, and estimates the date to
26-35 …will be defeated by a great enemy. within a week-long window.
36-45 …will gain a great treasure which will bring ill 18-19 The Stars Are Right. The astrologer determines
fortune to him. the date of the event to the hour.
46-60 …will be spared some awful fate at the last 20 The Stars Do Not Lie. The astrologer correctly
minute by benevolent spirits. determines that the event is not, in fact, going to
61-75 …will encounter misfortune thanks to some happen.
action by a member of his family.
76-85 …will encounter a stranger who will bring good TABLE 25: ASTROLOGICAL PORTENTS, UNKNOWN
fortune, though it will not be apparent at first. EVENT
86-90 …will undertake a bold and heroic action Die Roll Effect
which will bring great favor with the powerful. 1 Nothing to See Here. The astrologer (incorrectly)
91-95 …will encounter a stranger who will bring ill determines that no event is happening, when in
fortune. fact one is.
96-00 …will be attacked when he least expects it by 2-3 Preparation is Crucial. The astrologer
an enemy he didn’t know was a threat. (incorrectly) determines that an event is
happening, when in fact it is not.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Effect happen. Simply that it could happen at that time. Such
4-6 Something Will Happen. The astrologer opportunities might be thwarted, especially by player characters
(correctly) determines that an event will occur, with knowledge of such windows of opportunity.
but gets wildly wrong either the date (2/6 chance
of getting it 3d20 days early or late), the severity Dream-journeying
(2/6 chance to add or subtract 2d4), or both (2/6
chance). Base X.P. Cost: 3,500 (wisdom), 4,500 (all others)
7-14 Something’s Coming. The astrologer (correctly) Make Skill Checks Against: wisdom
predicts that an event will occur, and can chart Specialties: n/a
the date to within 1-4 days before (50%) or after
(50%), and has a fair idea of the severity (add or This skill allows the user to enter the Dreamlands when he or
subtract 1d3). she sleeps. The Dreamlands themselves are more fully
15-17 Something’s Coming, But When? The astrologer described below (see p. 72).
correctly determines the severity of the event,
but can only estimate the date within 2-12 days One skill level of dream-journeying allows the dreamer to enter
before (50%) or after (50%). light slumber, wherein time passes in the Dreamlands at the
18-19 Something’s Coming, But What? The astrologer same rate that it passes in the real world. When the dreamer
correctly determines the date of the event, but awakens, he will have spent as many hours in the Dreamlands
cannot tell its severity. as he was asleep in the real world.
20 Knows All, Tells All. The astrologer correctly
determines the date and severity of the Two skill levels of dream-journeying allow the dreamer to pass
upcoming event.
through the Gate of Deeper Slumber, where time passes
differently in the Dreamlands than in the real world, and the
If an event is indicated to occur, but no such event is planned by
dreamer can remain in the Dreamlands for a much longer period
the game master, the or she can roll 1d100 to determine how
of time than he spends asleep in the real world.
many days out it will occur, and 1d10 (1=minor,
10=catastrophic) to determine severity. If using the Mythos, Three skill levels of dream-journeying allow the dreamer to
there is a 1 in 6 chance such an event is related to it. physically transfer his own body into the Dreamlands, but this is
almost impossible to achieve, as there are only a handful of
If the event under consideration is linked to the Mythos (i.e., has
people from whom this level of skill can be learned.
to do with the Great Old Ones, their minions, the Outer Gods,
etc.), then there is a base -6 modifier on the roll. This reflects the Occasionally (1/10,000 at most) children are born with an innate
general ignorance, even among the most learned, in lore skill to dream-journey. Such individuals generally lose this ability
concerning the Mythos, and the enormous benefit of knowing within 1-10 years of reaching young adulthood, as the weight of
what to look for, even if such knowledge is only fragmentary. In the mundane world crushes the youthful imaginative spirit of the
such cases, the following modifiers apply: dreamer-child. The skill can thereafter be re-learned at half the
normal cost of x.p., and certain magic items and spells can of
MODIFIERS course be used as well.
Condition Modifier
See the section on the Dreamlands on page 72 for more details.
Astrologer is of the scholar class, level 7-10 +2
Astrologer is of the scholar class, level 11-14 +4
Astrologer is of the scholar class, level 15+ +6
Scholarship skill, occultism general field (per +1 Base X.P. Cost: 5,000 (intelligence), 8,000 (all others)
skill level)
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence
Scholarship skill, occultism general field, +1
Mythos specialty (per skill level) Specialties: see below
Astrologer has personally encountered +1
This is the quintessential skill that sages possess, and a
Mythos-related creatures or cultists
Astrologer has access to a Mythos-related +1 successful skill check might yield the exact answer sought, or at
book of lore (per book) the very least the knowledge of where to go to get it. For every
skill level, the character is able to pick either a general field of
Modifiers are cumulative. knowledge or a specialty within an already-taken field (a general
field of knowledge must be chosen with this skill):
It should also be noted that, especially in connection with the
Mythos, such portents indicate opportunities for action, not • Botany (agriculture, bushes/shrubs, flowers, fungi,
guarantees that such action will take place. For instance, when grasses, herbs, trees, weeds, etc.)
The Stars Are Right, the minions of Great Cthulhu might attempt • Occultism (dweomercraft, extraterrestery (other worlds
to awaken their dread Lord and wreak havoc on the world. The such as Yuggoth, Carcosa, etc.), medicine,
fact that a portent is seen does not mean that such an event will metaphysics, Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, planar


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


physics, prehistoric civilizations (Old Ones, Great Race benefit or impact to other types of technology, except if
of Yith, etc.) specifically noted. Bear in mind that many of the technology
• Physical science (architecture, astronomy, chemistry, skills listed below represent only those aspects that are
engineering, geography, geology, mathematics, comprehensible and usable by humans and demi-humans.
oceanography, optics, physics)
• Social science (art history, folklore, heraldry, history, Actual societies of the Old Ones or the Mi-Go would be able to
language, law, philosophy, politics, theology)—pick a create hundreds of different sorts of devices, or achieve other
particular nation or race (human, elf, orc, etc.) miracles that are the product of an entire culture with the
• Zoology (amphibians, arachnids, avians, cephalopods, necessary infrastructure. Their devices would also be more
crustaceans, fish, insects, mammals, reptiles, snakes, robust and not have the same limitations or chance of
etc.) breakdown as those listed below, which are assumed to have
been constructed by humans or demi-humans.
The chance of successfully answering a particular question
depends on several factors. The base chance of success NPCs from whom the various technology skills can be learned
depends on the nature of the question: are rare in the extreme, and should not ordinarily be available in
a campaign unless they are involved in plots related to the
TABLE 27: BASE CHANCE OF SCHOLARSHIP SKILL Mythos. Certain rare arcane grimoires can be used to learn
SUCCESS these skills, however.
In Field Easy Medium Hard
General 11% 7% -24% It should also be noted that some technology skills have the
Specialty 31% 26% 11% potential to be abused by PCs who attempt to “flood the market”
with technological devices and services. Depending on the
Note that it is possible to have a negative base chance of specifics, doing so could attract the ire of the locals (mobs with
success. Once the base chance is determined, the specific torches and pitchforks, stoked on by clerics protesting
circumstances of the character’s ability to investigate scholarly “unnatural” and “unholy” experiments), or by political leaders
pursuits must be applied as modifiers. wanting those devices created for themselves, and themselves
alone (the best way to assure that, of course, is to lock up the
person responsible for making them…). Such devices usually
Circumstance Modifier
also require rare components and substances to create, and
Intelligence score +1% per point above 14
even large cities might run out of such items, making it
Modest relevant facilities +1% per 1,000 g.p. value of
impossible to build more at any price.
available (20,000-60,000 the facilities, max. 60% /
g.p. value) 60,000 g.p.
Technology Contra Mortem
Fine relevant facilities +1% per 4,000 g.p. value of
available (60,000-100,000 the facilities over 60,000. Base X.P. Cost: 3,000 (INT), 4,000 (all others)
g.p. value) Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence
Using shared facilities -20% Specialties: n/a

“Facilities” can mean a library, laboratory, observatory, Pioneered by the human sage-physicians Doctor Herebeorht
workshop, zoo, greenhouse, or any combination of those, or and Doctor Munnius, the technology contra mortem is devoted
even other facilities; whatever is relevant to the field and to the thwarting of death itself. Through various healing arts, the
question at hand. The amount of time required to find a given student of this technological art can not only heal the sick and
answer depends on the nature of the question and the fields of injured, but even keep the dead (or nearly dead) alive for many
knowledge possessed by the scholar. years, through the application of rare chemicals and the
assistance of certain delicate and temperamental machines.
TABLE 29: SCHOLARSHIP TIME TO ANSWER QUERY Use of this skill requires a laboratory similar to that of an
Question General Specific Precise alchemist (q.v.).
Applies To… Question Question Question
Other field 1 hour 2d12 days n/a If the character has created a flesh golem at any time in the past,
General field 5 min. 1d12 days 3d6 days this skill can be obtained for only 3,000 x.p., regardless of
Specialty field 1 min 1d10 hours 2d6 days intelligence score. Anyone attempting to create a flesh golem
. after gaining at least one skill level will be able to do so for a
Technology 10% savings in the cost for materials.

”Technology” is an umbrella encompassing a number of Those with 1 or more skill levels in technology contra mortem
different specific technologies. Since each is so different, each gain the following abilities at the listed skill level.
is presented as its own independent skill for ease of use. Skill
levels in one specific type of technology do not provide any


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Minor Healing

Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: no

Materials Cost: 50 g.p. Time Required: 1d6 turns

The technologist can render aid to those who are sick and
injured, healing 1d6 points of damage.

Limb Restoration

Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: yes

Materials Cost: 7,500 g.p. Time Required: 2d4 hours

A successful skill check means a severed limb or digit can be

restored to some individual who has lost such. The procedure
requires 7,500 g.p. worth of chemicals and 2d4 hours to perform
(plus no less than 1 week is required for the subject to
convalesce afterwards). Some replacement limb is required; if
the original is available and no more than 2d4 hours has
elapsed, the technologist incurs a -2 bonus to the skill check
(lower rolls are better). Some other limb can be attached in place
of a missing one, but no special abilities are gained therefrom,
except those which are purely physical such as poisonous
claws, damage from talons, etc.

A failed skill check means the process is a failure and the

severed limb cannot be restored. A critical failure (roll of natural
20) means the subject takes 3-18 points of damage from the
failed procedure.

Anyone attempting to use this skill in order to attach new limbs

where none were before must have at least two skill levels, and blacksmith, jewelry maker, or someone similarly skilled in fine
such procedures are done with double the cost and a +2 penalty metalworking. If either the cool temperature or chemical baths
on the skill roll. become unavailable for more than 1 hour, the dead creature will
immediately begin to decay, leading to its complete dissolution
Major Healing
within 1d4 hours. It is still conscious during this period, and fully
Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: no aware of its fate.
Materials Cost: 150 g.p. Time Required: 1d4 hours
Failing the skill check means the restoration has failed. The body
The technologist can perform surgery and healing to the point remains inert. No further attempts are possible.
that he heals 6-27 (3d8+3) hit points of damage.
Cure Disease
Confound Death
Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: no
Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: yes Materials Cost: 500 g.p. Time Required: 1d4 hours
Materials Cost: 25 g.p./day Time Required: 4 hrs./day
The technologist is able to cure any disease (as per the spell).
A successful skill check means a person who has been dead no
more than 1d12 hours can be restored to normal functioning with Reanimation
the application of baths of special chemicals and the Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: yes
maintenance of a temperature of 40° F or less. The chemical Materials Cost: 5,000 g.p. Time Required: 2d4 hours
baths require at least 4 hours and cost 25 g.p. per day. Such
chemicals can only be obtained in a large urban center with A successful skill roll means the technologist is able to create a
several alchemists in residence. A device to maintain a cool serum that can restore life to the dead, similar to the 5th level
temperature can be constructed for 1,000 g.p., but it requires an cleric spell raise dead, but the process can be applied to half-
additional 25 g.p. per day for upkeep. orcs and elves as well, as the procedure is physical rather than
spiritual. The reanimated creature will remain inert for 1d6 hours,
The device has a 1% chance of breaking down each day; repairs during which time the technologist will not know if he was
will require an additional 50 g.p. and the services of a successful or not.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


A failed skill roll generally means that the process was This allows the technologist to create a y’m-bhi (see p. 99). The
unsuccessful, and the corpse remains inert save for a fleeting materials cost above is for the basic form of the y’m-bhi with an
moment when its last thoughts before dying are blurted out (if essentially humanoid body. Changes which are purely cosmetic
the object of the skill check died violently, this could well reveal (removing the head, for instance) add 50 g.p. to the cost and 1
the culprit). No further attempts with that particular specimen are hour to the time. Changes which add to the number of attacks
possible. A critical failure (roll of natural 20) means the corpse is cost an additional 100 g.p. per attack (maximum is 4) and add 2
reanimated, but the mind is gone, replaced with an unthinking hours to the time per additional attack. Up to 1 y’m-bhi per 3
animal instinct given to bouts of cannibalism to assuage its points of intelligence can be controlled by an individual at any
hunger and violence whenever confronted with other beings. given time. Failing the skill check means the process has failed,
The reanimated creature cannot cast spells, but retains all and the technologist must begin again from scratch. Naturally, a
combat skills it knew in life. dead body is required as a base material, and if additional arms
are added, those must also come from somewhere. Use of this
Technology of K’n-yan technique requires a laboratory similar to that of an alchemist
(q.v.) plus a power source that costs 1,000 g.p. to assemble.
Base X.P. Cost: 4,000 (INT), 5,500 (all others) Once assembled, the power source can be re-used up to 50
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence times.
Specialties: n/a
The technology of K’n-yan is that of the indescribably ancient
people of that underground realm. Theirs is a science and Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: no
technology of ultra-biological focus, able to create great Materials Cost: nil Time Required: special
wonders dealing with living and once-living matter. Interestingly,
in K’n-yan itself many sciences have been lost over the aeons This technique allows the technologist to learn the art of
as the civilization became more decadent. Today, they dematerialization, allowing that individual (as well as any items
themselves only perform a fraction of the miracles available to worn or held by them) to pass through solid matter at will. Any
their ancestors, and that without largely understanding the solid object can be passed through thus: floors, walls, etc. The
underlying principles behind them. user assumes a semi-transparent appearance while so
dematerialized. While a native K’n-yanian can master the
The technology of K’n-yan can be learned from a K’n-yanian technique absolutely, those lesser creatures who learn it can
directly, or from one of several infinitely rare books written by never fully master its complexities, and can only hold the
those who have escaped their bizarre underground realm. dematerialized form for a maximum of 3-6 rounds (d4+2) before
rematerializing (the character will not know how long it can
Those with 1 or more skill levels in technology of K’n-yan gain remain dematerialized), and can of course rematerialize at will.
the following abilities at the listed skill level. The individual must then rest for a full hour before attempting to
dematerialize again. Anyone materializing inside an object will
die instantly, while those who do so partially will die in agony
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: no only slightly more slowly.
Materials Cost: nil Time Required: special
It takes 21-40 days to master this art, whether learning it directly
Once learned, this technique allows the technologist to project or through a written work.
his or her consciousness out of the body, a sort of astral
Cross-breed Creature
projection, but it is a non-magical and purely scientific
application. The individual using this technique is able to leave Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: yes
his or her body for up to 1 turn per skill level (this is double if the Materials Cost: 20,000 g.p. Time Required: special
individual was dematerialized at the time; see below). The soul
is actively on the Astral Plane at this time, and is thus subject to This allows the technologist to carefully cross-breed two
the usual encounters and other perils thereof, but is limited in different species to form a new hybrid species. The form,
speed and range to those places that the body could have attributes, abilities, and powers of the new hybrid creature
moved for the duration, although the soul is able to pass through should be randomly determined by the game master. As a rule,
solid objects. Nothing can be manipulated in such a state, creatures of the same size classification will remain that size,
however; merely seen and heard. The user must then rest for those which are in adjacent sizes should roll to determine which
1d6 hours before attempting to project again. Native K’n-yanians size applies, and S and L creatures will create an M creature.
can use this skill for much longer periods of time.
The time required will depend on the size of the hybrid offspring.
Atomic Reanimation A small creature requires 1-4 months, a medium creature
requires 2-12 months, and a large creature requires 21-40
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: yes (d20+20) months. The attributes and powers of the hybrid
Materials Cost: 500 g.p. Time Required: 8 hours creature will not be known until it is birthed.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


If the technologist makes a successful regulate biology skill roll,

the time required to cross-breed a creature can be reduced by
up to 50%. This skill check, if failed, will result in the death of the

If the cross-breed creature skill check fails, the experiment will

either fail entirely, with no hybrid produced, or the hybrid will die
after 10-60% of the time required has elapsed. In either case,
the attempt must begin again from scratch.

Use of this skill requires a laboratory similar to that of an

alchemist (q.v.).

Partial Dematerialization

Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: no

Materials Cost: nil Time Required: special

This technique is similar to dematerialization (see above), but it

allows the user to partially dematerialize some other object or
creature that is touched. Partially dematerialized creatures and
objects can move through solid matter at half normal speed, and
in combat they inflict and suffer half damage. When practiced by
a non-K’n-yanian, the effect will last 2-5 rounds, and can affect
a single creature or object no more than 500 lbs. in weight, and
no more than 10 cubic feet in size. If practiced against an
unwilling subject, that subject is entitled to a saving throw vs.
paralyzation to avoid the effect. The individual must wait for at
least an hour before performing the feat again.

It takes 31-50 days to master this art, whether learning it directly

or through a written work. Technology of Nyarlathotep

Regulate Biology Base X.P. Cost: 3,500 (Cultists of Nyarlathotep), 4,000 (all
Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: yes Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence
Materials Cost: 10,000 g.p. Time Required: 1-12 hours Specialties: n/a
This ultimate expression of the technology of K’n-yan allows the The technology of Nyarlathotep is a cutting-edge science that is
biological processes of the human (or demi-human) body to be used by the god in his form as the Proud Pharaoh, or by his
regulated. That is, to become balanced in such a way that the minions who serve him in that guise. It is by means of this
normal aging process is halted or reversed. In a true K’n-yanian, technology that the deity inspires discontent, despair, and chaos
this can be done indefinitely, allowing for literal immortality if as he travels across the land putting on “shows” wherein his
desired. In other creatures, this application of technology can be technologies are demonstrated for the masses. Those who
used to double the normal life-span of a creature, and to move know its secrets are also master manipulators, able to influence
it forward or backward as desired, between the young adult and those around them by subtle verbal and non-verbal cues. It is
venerable age categories. possible to learn this technology directly from the god as a boon
(but it is incredibly dangerous to ask), or from his minions or
If the skill check fails, it means the regulation was unsuccessful.
certain rare books.
A new attempt cannot be made for another year. Two such
failures in a row indicates a catastrophic failure has occurred, Application of this skill to create devices requires a set of tools
and the creature being treated ages rapidly and uncontrollably, equivalent to those used in jewelry making, armor-making, etc.
decaying to corruption in a matter of minutes, as it feels every Such tools will cost 20 g.p. for level 1 items, 200 g.p. for level 2,
second of that aging in every agonized cell of its body. and 2,000 for level 3 items. The materials used involve cleverly
designed pieces of glass and metal, which can be found (or at
Use of this skill requires a laboratory similar to that of an
least commissioned) in any location with a glassblower and
alchemist (q.v.).
metalworker, such as a town or city, or even some larger


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Those with 1 or more skill levels in technology of Nyarlathotep The creation of an image projector allows the operator to project
gain the following abilities at the listed skill level. a moving image designed to stir the emotions and dull the
willpower of the viewer. The image must be projected onto some
Influence sort of flat wall, screen, etc., that is at least 5’ square. Any
creature within 40’ viewing the moving image must make a
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: no
saving throw vs. insanity. Failure means they are entranced by
Materials Cost: nil Time Required: 1-6 rounds
the image and will watch until the conclusion; the image lasts 1
This example of applied knowledge allows the technologist who turn. During that time the WIS of all watchers is reduced by 4,
is privy to the secret to influence the minds of those around him, and all saving throws vs. enchantment/charm magic (or similar
similar to the verbal patter abilities of bards, jesters, skalds, and non-magical effects) are made with a -2 penalty.
mountebanks. This is knowledge that requires study and
practice like any other, and is not magical in nature. Using
influence, one can assure, distract, or cause trust in the Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: no
audience. All those to be influenced must be within 20’ of the Materials Cost: nil Time Required: 1-6 rounds
technologist, and must be able to hear as well as see him. There
is a base 40% chance of success, which increases by 10% for This application of the psychological tricks learned through the
every skill level the technologist has, and which is modified by technology of Nyarlathotep functions in much the same way as
charisma as follows: the skill level 1 ability to influence does (see above). Specifically,
the manipulate ability lets the technologist question, distrust, or
TABLE 30: INFLUENCE CHARISMA MODIFIERS value something. There is a base 40% chance of success, which
Charisma Assure Distract Trust increases by 10% for every skill level the technologist has, and
16 5% 10% - which is modified by charisma as follows:
17 10% 15% 5%
19 20% 25% 15% Charisma Question Distrust Value
16 5% 10% -
Assure: The technologist attempts to reinforce whatever 17 10% 15% 5%
preconceptions the audience already has. This has the 18 15% 20% 10%
effect of buttressing the perception of a decision as being 19 20% 25% 15%
right (or wrong), causing the audience to pay less heed to
those who disagree, etc. The game master should apply Question: By using this ability, the technologist causes the
penalties depending on what is being reinforced; if it is audience to question something that had been hitherto
questionable, a 20% penalty would not be unfair, and a 40% known: what someone said, what they did, etc. Note that
penalty could be assessed for an opinion that was the distinction between this ability and befuddle (see below)
downright against the thoughts of the audience. is subtle and much an issue of degree; question generally
is used to merely cause doubt in the mind of the audience,
Distract: By means of this ability, the technologist while befuddle is used to completely make a mess of the
substitutes one object of attention for another. For example, subject at hand.
he could come dashing into an orc guard room, claiming to
be chasing his lost puppy, distracting the orcs from the rest Distrust: The technologist uses his psychological
of the party coming down the hall. If the character succeeds, manipulation to point out something dishonest or otherwise
the target transfers its attention from one object to the other. disreputable in the target’s behavior or history. If this is not
personally known to the audience (including if it is made up
Trust: With this ability, the technologist attempts to by the technologist), there is a -10% penalty to the roll. If
persuade the audience that a third party (not the bard successful, the audience takes the dimmest possible view
himself) is worthy of their trust and faith. This will not mean of the target’s intentions and actions.
automatic acceptance of anything that third party says, but
it certainly makes him much more likely to be heeded. The Value: The technologist attempts to make his audience
third party in question must be an individual, not a group. revere and generally have a high opinion of a particular
person or thing.
If the individual who learns this skill already has access to one
or more of the above-named verbal patter skills, then they get a If the individual who learns this skill already has access to one
+20% bonus to all rolls for those skills. or more of the above-named verbal patter skills, then they get a
+20% bonus to all rolls for those skills.
Image Projector
Lightning Coil
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: yes
Materials Cost: 100 g.p. Time Required: 1-3 days Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: yes
Materials Cost: 2,000 g.p. Time Required: 2-5 days


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


This device consists of a thick metallic pole with various smaller 40% bonus. Note that these bonuses can be applied to the
machines connected to it by fine wires. When activated, it negative chances of success at lower levels, and turn them
functions as the 4th level cultist spell lightning charm, but with a into a positive.
range of 0 and an area of effect 60’ in diameter. It is also a
technological, rather than a magical, effect. Anyone under the If the technologist attempts to enrage an audience, and fails
influence of an image projector (see above) will make their his roll by more than 30%, the audience resents his
saving throw with a -2 penalty. It can be used once per day, and attempts and turns ugly in his direction, unless he himself
will remain on for 10-30 rounds before it is in danger of was the original target.
overheating and needs to be turned off.
Befuddle: The technologist uses this ability to create utter
A failed skill check means the coil is faulty, and there is a 10% confusion in the audience regarding some issue, fact, or
chance per use that the lightning will burst forth causing 2-12 event. By his confusing patter, the technologist causes the
h.p. of electrical damage to everyone within a 30’ radius (save audience to no longer be sure of what they once believed:
vs. breath weapon for half damage). The machine is destroyed who did what, where something is, the facts behind some
in such cases. event, and so on.

The coil is 5’ in height, and weighs 35 lbs., but is particularly If the individual who learns this skill already has access to one
bulky and fragile. Moving the machine incurs a 1% chance of or more of the above-named verbal patter skills, then they get a
breaking something on the interior of the machine, causing it to +20% bonus to all rolls for those skills.
act as if the skill check had failed.
Moon Projector
Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: yes
Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: no Materials Cost: 5,000 g.p. Time Required: 4-8 days
Materials Cost: nil Time Required: 1-6 rounds
This application of the technology of Nyarlathotep will result in
This application of the technology of Nyarlathotep is the ultimate the creation of a master projector; one that fills the vision of
in the twisting of the humanoid mind through the techniques of everyone in a 180’ radius with scenes of fire, destruction,
psychological manipulation. It functions much as the influence hysteria, and death, played out in the very air over their heads.
or manipulate techniques, allowing the user to make an Those in the radius of effect will see their city, town, farm, castle,
audience attend his words, enrage them, or befuddle them. It etc., laid waste, and will feel an utter sense of despair and an
has a 60% base chance of success, modified by charisma as overwhelming urge to bring the scenes in the sky to life.
When the machine is activated, all those within a 180’ radius
TABLE 32: BEGUILE CHARISMA MODIFIERS must make a saving throw vs. insanity. Those who fail will turn
Charisma Attend Enrage Befuddle out into the streets, rioting, looting, and burning for 2-12 turns.
16 5% - - The projector can be used once per night, and can only be used
17 10% - 5% when the moon is visible, as it uses the moonlight as a catalyst
18 15% - 10% for its visions. Anyone under the influence of a lightning coil (see
19 20% - 15% above) will make their saving throw with a -2 penalty.

Attend: The technologist uses his patter and gab to grab A failed skill check means the projector is faulty, and there is a
the attention of the audience (or direct it to someone else) 10% chance per use that it will blow up and destroy itself,
and get them to listen to what is being said. It does not causing 2-12 h.p. of damage to all within a 10’ radius. The skill
guarantee agreement, only attention. check should be made secretly by the game master and noted
secretly as well.
Enrage: By use of this ability, the technologist brings his
audience to paroxysms of rage, aimed at a particular target. The projector is approximately 2’ on a side, and weighs some
The listed chances for success assume the target is a 50 lbs. It cannot be moved while it is active.
generally liked and respected member of the audience.
Technology of the Old Ones
If the target is not present, but is still someone the audience
would normally be sympathetic to, there is a 10% bonus to Base X.P. Cost: 8,000 (INT), 6,000 (all others)
the chance of success. Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence
Specialties: n/a
If the target is present, but neither particularly liked nor
disliked, there is a 20% bonus. If the target is absent and The ancient race that came to the world from space millions of
hated, present and disliked, or is the jester himself, there is years ago, known only as the Old Ones, possessed a highly
a 30% bonus. If the target is present and hated, there is a advanced technology that could manipulate matter at the atomic
level. While the full spectrum of such secrets is beyond even the


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


most brilliant human and demi-human minds, some of the least Failure to make a skill check when creating a complex
crumbs of such knowledge can be mastered. It should be mechanism means the technologist needs to begin again.
remembered, of course, that the civilization of the Old Ones was
capable of technological feats far exceeding those described Analyze Mechanism
below, not only because of their far superior understanding of
Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: no
science, but because they had the resources of an entire
Materials Cost: nil Time Required: 1-4 rounds
civilization behind them to aid in their development and
manufacture. Any mechanism (not just one of Old One origin) can be given a
cursory examination lasting up to four minutes, which will let the
Application of this skill requires a set of fine tools capable of
examiner know the general purpose of the machine, as well as
detailed work, similar to those used in making jewelry, armor-
how to activate (or deactivate) its function.
making, and so forth. Such a set of tools suitable for skill level 1
will cost 20 g.p., those for skill level 2 cost 200 g.p., and a full Death Ray
lab/workshop is needed for level 3 and will cost 2,000 g.p.
Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: yes
Those with 1 or more skill levels in technology of the Old Ones Materials Cost: 5,000 g.p. Time Required: 7-12 days
gain the following abilities at the listed skill level.
This very specific application of the technology of the Old Ones
Simple Mechanism was used by them during their wars with the Mi-Go and the
Great Race of Yith. It works on a principle of atomic
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: no disintegration, and because it is not magical in nature, it can
Materials Cost: 1-20 g.p. Time Required: 1d4 turns
harm even the most powerful magical beings, short of those with
Allows the technologist to create simple mechanical and the status of deities. Magic resistance is futile against its ray,
electrical devices, as well as the portable power sources and armor provides no protection. There is a 1% chance per use
required. Such a device could be a light source (5’ radius); play that a death ray constructed by a creature other than an Old One
a sound, tune, or message (no longer than 30 seconds) when will malfunction and require repair. If a functioning example is
activated; open/close a door or window; generate a 1 h.p. miraculously found of Old One manufacture, no such breakdown
electric shock when touched; etc. The power source will last for check need be made.
7-12 (1d6+6) activations before needing to recharge for 5 hours,
There are three forms of the death ray that can be constructed
and there is a 1% chance per use that the mechanism will break
by humans and demi-humans. The first is a hand-held portable
down and require repair. Any technologist can repair a simple
device that projects a beam 1’ wide and 30’ long. Any creature
mechanism he himself created in but 1-6 minutes.
caught in the beam will take 4d6 h.p. of damage (save vs. breath
Complex Mechanism weapon for half damage). The power source will last for 25 shots
before needing to be recharged for 5 hours. The usual “to hit”
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: yes penalties incurred when using weapons in which a character is
Materials Cost: see below Time Required: see below not proficient do apply when using the portable death ray.

This allows the technologist to create complex mechanical and The second is a larger version of the first that can still be used
electrical devices, such as self-powered vehicles for one person, by a single individual. It requires two hands to operate, so the
spotlights that can be seen as far as a mile away, and so forth. wielder cannot use a shield (other than a buckler). The weapon
As a general rule, complex mechanisms should not do more functions as the hand-held version, except the beam it shoots
than 2d6 h.p. of damage per round. Complex mechanisms use forth is 60’ long rather than 30’, but still does 4d6 damage. In
the same sort of power supply as simple mechanisms, and after addition, the large death ray can be waved side-to-side to create
1-6 hours of continuous use or 25 activations, will require an area of effect 1’ wide at the origin and 20’ wide at the end of
recharging for 15 hours. its range. Doing so counts as 3 shots for purposes of calculating
recharging. Any creature in that area will take 2d8 h.p. of
When judging whether a technologist can create a particular damage (save vs. breath weapons for half damage). It can fire
complex mechanism, compare the desired function to existing 25 shots before needing to recharge for 5 hours. It takes 10,000
spells (example: someone creating a personal flying craft would g.p. and 1-4 weeks to complete.
be able to create something approximating the spell fly).
Someone with 2 skill levels in technology of the Old Ones can The third and final version of the death ray is used in large-scale
create mechanisms that emulate spells up to 3rd level. battles such as sieges and field battles. It fires a beam 160’ long
Someone with 3 skill levels can emulate spell effects up to 4th and 10’ wide, doing 3-18 h.p. of damage to small or medium
level, and so on. Cost will be 1,000 g.p. per spell level emulated, creatures, and 4-24 h.p. to large creatures. It has a fire rate of
and it will take a number of days equal to the spell level emulated 1/round, and requires a crew of at least 2, maximum 4 (the crew
times 1d6. These are general guidelines, and the game master must be trained for 1-4 hours on the proper operation of the
should use existing spells as a yardstick, sticking within the machine). It inflicts 3 points of structural damage regardless of
damage limitation above. substance. The artillery death ray may be used for 5 shots


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


before needing to recharge for 5 hours. It takes 20,000 g.p. and

3-6 (1d4+2) weeks to assemble.

Repair Mechanism

Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: no

Materials Cost: nil Time Required: see below

Any simple or complex mechanism that has broken down can

be repaired, even one that has been created by someone else.
A simple mechanism will take 1-6 minutes to repair, while a
complex mechanism will take 1-6 hours.

Generate Life

Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: yes

Materials Cost: see below Time Required: see below

The ultimate expression of the scientific prowess of the Old

Ones, the ability to create new forms of life in the laboratory, is
one that wizards and alchemists have striven towards for
centuries, but only few have been able to achieve. The merger
of owl and bear, the accidental invention of oozes and slimes:
these are laughably simple achievements compared to the
sublime subtleties of the biological creations of the Old Ones.
Still, a few of their secrets can be used by humans and their ilk
to perform seeming miracles.

A full alchemical laboratory with 1,000 g.p. worth of equipment

is required for this application of the skill, as well as the usual
tools. The expense and time required depends on the type of
creature being created: Technology of Yith
TABLE 33: GENERATE LIFE Base X.P. Cost: 7,500 (INT), 8,500 (all others)
Creature Type Cost Time Required Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence
Slime (any) 100 g.p./HD 1 day/HD
Specialties: n/a
Pudding (any) 200 g.p./HD 2 days/HD
Jelly (any) 250 g.p./HD 2 days/HD This secondary skill enables modern-day mortals to recreate
Gibbering mouther 8,000 g.p. 10 days
some of the scientific wonders of the Great Race of Yith, who
Shoggoth 40,000 g.p. 40 days
were adept at building devices utilizing subtle electro-magnetic
There is always a 1% chance that a creature created will attack principles. It is with these that they can manipulate mental
its creator and have to be destroyed. energies, and project deadly fields of electrical force. Such
machines were used in their war against the flying polyps (q.v.),
It is also possible to add characteristics to slimes, puddings, and and ultimately in their great escape from their own genocide, by
jellies that they do not normally have (but not to gibbering projecting themselves into the future to elude destruction.
mouthers or shoggoths, which have set forms). Doing so
invariably changes the color of the creature created, thus This skill is normally only learnable through access to ancient
creating a new life form, or at least sub-species. The exact texts and the like. Yithian mind-travelers will of course have one
added cost of such additions is up to the discretion of the game or more skill levels, but the desire to teach others such secrets
master, but some examples might include: is small.

• Phosphorescence: 200 g.p., 1-3 days Application of this skill requires a set of fine tools capable of
detailed work, similar to those used in making jewelry, armor-
• Swimming (pudding/jelly only): 500 g.p., 1-4 days
making, and so forth. Such a set of tools suitable for skill level 1
• Fire or cold resistance: 1,000 g.p., 2-7 days
will cost 20 g.p., those for skill level 2 cost 200 g.p., and a full
• Remove attack form (per form): 1,000 g.p., 2-7 days
lab/workshop is needed for level 3 and will cost 2,000 g.p.
• Add dissolve flesh: 2,000 g.p., 4-14 days (2d6+2)
• Add dissolve wood: 1,500 g.p., 2-12 days Those with 1 or more skill levels in technology of Yith gain the
• Add dissolve metal or stone: 5,000 g.p., 2-5 weeks following abilities at the listed skill level.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Liquid Stone protrusion, whence comes a blinding bolt of electricity. The

device will cost some 15,000 g.p. to construct, and take a week
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: no of uninterrupted work. The weapon will then send forth a
Materials Cost: 15 g.p. Time Required: 1 hour lightning bolt doing 12-36 h.p. of damage (6d6, treat 1’s as 2’s).
The lightning bolt is treated as per the 3rd level magic-user spell,
This allows the technologist to create a form of gelatinous stone but the bolt will always be a cone some 40’ long and 30’ wide at
slurry which, when heated, can be cast into different shapes and the base. The projector will function 50 times before the power
forms. It is thus quite convenient when creating stone structures source is exhausted. It is only 8” on a side, and weighs 5 pounds
in places that are difficult to reach, as the liquid stone can be (50 g.p. weight).
transported and then simply poured into place. One hour’s work
can produce enough liquid stone to fill a 10’ cube. If a larger Failing the skill check will mean that the device will function, but
construction such as a building is made using this substance, it there is a 1 in 10 chance per use that it will malfunction
will have twice the normal amount of structure points, as it is one catastrophically, enveloping the user in the lightning blast in a
solid mass, rather than smaller pieces of masonry connected by 10’ radius. Such catastrophic malfunctions will destroy the
cement. device, of course. The skill check should be made in secret by
the game master.
Non-corroding Metal Treatment

Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: yes Lightning Wall Projector

Materials Cost: 30 g.p. Time Required: 1 hour
Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: no
Materials Cost: 10,000 g.p. Time Required: 1 week
This application of the technology of Yith skill allows the
technologist to apply a special solution to the surface of any sort
This allows the technologist to create a device capable of setting
of metal that will render it entirely impervious to corrosion. If the
up a wall of electricity as a defensive or containment effect. The
preparation is properly mixed, this can allow metal to literally
wall can be generated in one of two forms: a sheet of electricity
endure for millions of years without damage from oxidation or
up to 20’ high and 60’ wide, or a ring of electricity around the
other corrosion. Even acid (with the possible exception of the
device up to 20’ high and with a 20’ circumference. The wall is
legendary alkahest, against which the solution has never been
plainly visible as a shimmering sheet of white and blue lines and
tested) or the touch of a rust monster’s antennae will not harm
sparks. Any creature crossing the wall will take 2-16 points of
metal so protected. Enough solution can be made to cover 10
damage; creatures in metal armor take an additional 1-8 h.p.
square feet of metal, or the equivalent of a typical suit of armor.
damage. The projector is a large box 2’ on a side, weighing 50
lbs. (500 g.p. weight). The projector can maintain the wall for 2-
Failing the skill check means the solution itself was properly
5 rounds, after which it must spend an entire turn recharging.
created, but it was unevenly applied to the surface, and thus left
There is a 1% chance per use that the projector will malfunction
gaps through which corrosion might affect the metal. The
and require repair by someone with at least 1 skill level in the
solution will provide a +2 bonus to saving throws, and double
technology of Yith skill; it will also require tools, and take 2-20
the longevity of any treated metal exposed to corrosive factors.
Levitation Projector
Mind-Transfer Machine
Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: no
Materials Cost: 1,000 g.p. Time Required: 1-4 days Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: yes
Materials Cost: 8,000 g.p. Time Required: 1-4 weeks
This skill allows the technologist to create an enormously helpful
hand-held tool, which can be used to levitate inanimate objects. This crowning achievement of the Yithians allows the mind of
Objects up to 1,000 pounds can be raised off the ground, as long one creature to be transferred into the body of another, and vice
as they are not more than 20 square feet at the base. There is versa. The mind can be transferred across vast distances and
a 1% chance per hour the device is in operation that it will fail across gulfs of time itself. No saving throw against the transfer
and require repair. Such repairs require the proper tools and 1 is allowed. The machine itself is a construct of metallic poles and
hour of work. Only someone with at least one skill level in the glass tubes, the exact function of which will remain an enigma
technology of Yith can make such repairs. to anyone without the required level of skill with this technology.
A Yithian inhabiting the body of someone in the present day will
Electrical Projector complete its mission by creating such a machine, and then
reversing the transference. It is quite useless to anyone who
Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: yes does not know how to operate it. Failure of the skill check means
Materials Cost: 15,000 g.p. Time Required: 1 week the machine has developed a fault during assembly, and the
whole process will need to begin again. Approximately half of
This allows the technologist to create the main weapon of war the materials can be reused in the second attempt.
among the Yithians. It is a boxlike device with a single crystalline


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Technology of Yuggoth detect the impersonation (roll WIS or lower on a d20). If the
facsimile is intended to be of the same species as the observer,
Base X.P. Cost: 6,000 (INT), 7,500 (all others) the observer gets a +4 bonus to the wisdom check.
Make Skill Checks Against: intelligence
Specialties: n/a Speech Surgery

The technology of Yuggoth, as practiced by the Mi-Go, Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: no
emphasizes the biological sciences, and is at the pinnacle of Materials Cost: 500 g.p. Time Required: 1-4 hours
knowledge in terms of surgical techniques and the merging of
technology and biology. It is not unknown for the Mi-Go to Intelligent creatures not normally capable of speech are given
instruct their human and demi-human agents in these arts, the ability to speak by alterations to the speech centers of the
allowing them to gain skill levels. It should be noted that what brain and changes to, or creation of, a means of vocalization.
follows is the merest fraction of the Mi-Go technology; the game Mi-Go who undergo this surgery can talk, but there is an
master should feel free to develop new technological miracles unnaturalness about it that is unnerving to humans.
along similar lines. Use of this skill requires a laboratory similar
Space Travel Surgery
to that of an alchemist (q.v.).
Skill Level: 2 Skill Check Required: yes
Space Travel Device Materials Cost: 20,000 g.p. Time Required: 2-8 hours
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: no This allows the technologist to change the basic biological
Materials Cost: 10,000 g.p. Time Required: 1 week
structure of any given creature, allowing that creature to survive
This application of the technology of Yuggoth skill allows the the airlessness of Wildspace without ill effect. This provides a
technologist to construct a special suit that will allow for travel in +2 bonus to all saving throws vs. cold, as a side effect. If the skill
the airless cold of Wildspace and the phlogiston, providing self- check is failed, the surgery has been imperfectly performed, and
contained sources of air, heat, water, basic nutrition, and the creature will die after 1d4 hours in the rigors of space.
Brain Cylinder
Fleshly Facsimile Skill Level: 3 Skill Check Required: no
Materials Cost: See below Time Required: 1 hour
Skill Level: 1 Skill Check Required: yes
Materials Cost: see below Time Required: 1-6 hours
Allows the creation of a metal or glass cylinder that can be used
This application of the technology of Yuggoth skill allows the for the safe storage of brains. A metal container costs 100 g.p.
construction of a disguise, part mechanical and part biological, for materials, while one made of glass costs 25 g.p. Adding
to allow one type of creature to pass for another. The disguise facilities for the brain to see, hear, and speak costs an additional
will be good enough to fool members of the same race at a visual 100 g.p. for each ability.
inspection. It cannot be used to impersonate a smaller
Brain Transplant
individual, but it can impersonate a being of the same or greater
size. Cost of materials is 500 g.p. for a small creature, 1,000 for Skill Level: 3
a medium creature, and 1,500-3,000 for large, depending on Skill Check Required: yes
size. Failing the skill check means the disguise is imperfect, and Materials Cost: 5,000 g.p.
allows a wisdom check on the part of anyone observing it to Time Required: 1-8 hours

This allows the removal of

the brain from one creature
and put it into the body of
another, or into a special
metal or glass container
wherein it will remain alive
and conscious (but lack any
sensory input). Failing the
skill check means the
transfer is successful, but
the brain suffers 1 form of
permanent insanity from the
procedure. Failing the skill
check with a roll of natural 20
means the brain dies during
the procedure.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Spell Lists
New spells are indicated in italics. Spells that are specific to one or more specific cults are marked with an asterisk*.


First Level Second Level Third Level
1 Abate Insanity Alter Self All-seeing Eye*
2 Cause Light Wounds Blessing of the Black Man* Animate Dead
3 Cause Pain Call Serpents* Call Lightning
4 Ceremony Chant Cause Disease
5 Charm Person Croak* Cloud of Blindness*
6 Command Darkness 15’ Radius Continual Darkness
7 Darkness Echoing Thoughts* Curse
8 Detect Insanity Enthrall Dispel Magic
9 Detect Law Feign Death Disrupt Technology*
10 Detect Magic Fire Trap Disturbing Truths*
11 Detect Taint Forget Essential Salts*
12 Fresh Water to Salt* Hold Person Ethereal Wings*
13 Hold Portal Horn of Plenty* Fecundity*
14 Horns of the Ram* Know Alignment Feign Death
15 Hound of Warding* Pass for Human* Formlessness*
16 Nightmare* Silence Individual Gray Shroud*
17 Portent Smite of the Shepherd* Neutralize Serpent Venom*
18 Protection from Good Speak with Animals Non-detection
19 Psychic Flail* Static of the Spheres* Paralyzation
20 Speak with Invertebrates Timeflash* Prayer
21 Speak with Snakes* Trip Revolting Aspect
22 Straight Isn’t Straight* Voice of Ghatanothoa* Speak with Dead
23 Wall of Fog Warp Wood Summon Insects
24 Warrior of Hastur* Withdraw Waterball*

Fourth Level Fifth Level Sixth Level Seventh Level

1 Charm Monster Animal Growth Agony of the Black Goat* Astral Spell
2 Cloak of Fear Blasphemous Resurrection Animate Object Confusion
3 Confusion Chaos Blight Fishery* Creeping Doom
4 Conjure Currents* Commune with Cthulhu* Consume* Earthquake
5 Cure Insanity Commune with Dagon and Death Spell Eye of Wisdom*
6 Curse of Yig* Commune with Ghatanothoa* Free Action* Invoke Azathoth*
7 Detect Lie Commune with Hastur* Geas Invoke Cthulhu*
8 Elder Sign* Commune with Nyarlathotep* Generational Curse of Yig* Invoke Dagon and Hydra*
9 Evard’s Black Tentacles Commune with Shub-Niggurath* Invisible Stalker Invoke Ghatanothoa*
10 Fear Commune with Tsathoggua* Mislead Invoke Hastur*
11 Fumble Commune with Yig* Non-Euclidian Geometry* Invoke Nyarlathotep*
12 Impossible Angles* Commune with Yog-Sothoth* Speak with Monsters Invoke Shub-Niggurath*
13 Lightning Charm* Dispel Good Sticky Darkness* Invoke Tsathoggua*
14 Piping of the Stars* Dream Stone Tell Invoke Yig*
15 Serpent Fascination Insect Plague Stone to Flesh Invoke Yog-Sothoth*
16 Spike Stones Passwall Transmute Water to Dust Regenerate
17 Summon Formless Spawn* Sending Unspeakable Possession* Symbol
18 Summon Spawn of Shub- Spike Growth Vastness of the Crawling Temporal Gate*
Niggurath* Chaos*
19 Timescape* Temporal Anomaly* Veil Unholy Word
20 Vacancy True Understanding* Wall of Thorns Vanish
21 Visage of Ghatanothoa* Veil of Idiocy* Weather Summoning
22 Wrath of Hastur* Yellow Sign* Window to the Past*


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions


Scholarly Cantrips First Level Second Level Third Level
1 Blank Book Cloak of Unease Chant of K’n-yan Awaken Dreamer
2 Calligraphy Creeping Distraction Chant of Leng Banish Spawn of Yog-Sothoth
3 Cram Detect Ethereal Chant of R’lyeh Detect Astral
4 Detect Origin Detect Taint Cloak of Ease Detect Possession
5 Dictation Hound of Warding Contact Dreamer Disturbing Truths
6 Illuminate Nightmare Protection from Tainted Horrors Endure Wildspace
7 Invisible Librarian Read Scholar Magic Silence Individual Essential Salts
8 Quantify Resist Fear Static of the Spheres Green Decay
9 Volume Resist Wildspace Voorish Sign Lighter Slumber
10 Serpent’s Tooth Wandering Eye Plague of Nightmares

Fourth Level Fifth Level Sixth Level Seventh Level

1 Control Shoggoth Angular Prison Petition Cthulhu Banish Azathoth
2 Elder Sign Cast Out of Dreamlands Petition Dagon and Hydra Banish Cthulhu
3 Enter the Gate of Deeper Slumber Contact Yuggoth Petition Ghatanothoa Banish Dagon and Hydra
4 Fearful Budding Emanation of Yoth Petition Hastur Banish Ghatanothoa
5 Light from Distant Stars Mind Transference Petition Nyarlathotep Banish Hastur
6 Protection from Tainted Horrors, Post-hypnotic Suggestion Petition Shub-Niggurath Banish Nyarlathotep
10’ Radius
7 Summon Dark Haunter Summon Forth from Dreams Petition Tsathoggua Banish Shub-Niggurath
8 Summon Spawn of Shub- Temporal Restitution Petition Yig Banish Tsathoggua
9 Summon Winged Thing True Understanding Petition Yog-Sothoth Banish Yig
10 Walk Between Curves and Yellow Sign Window to the Past Banish Yog-Sothoth

Abate Insanity (Necromantic)

Spell Descriptions Level: 1 Components: V,S
Human Sacrifice Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1d4 rounds + Saving Throw: None
While this can be considered an optional rule, given the nature 1 round/level
of the material in the present work, it is strongly suggested that Area of Effect: Creature touched
it be adopted, as such is fully in keeping with the nefarious and
blasphemous actions of the Outer Gods, Great Old Ones, and This spell will temporarily alleviate all forms of insanity from the
their minions. creature touched for the duration of the spell. In the case of
types of insanity which are triggered by a specific thing, the bout
At certain times the game master deems fit, a spellcaster may of insanity will be completely ended if the trigger is no longer
commit a human (or demi-human) sacrifice while casting a spell present when the spell’s effect wears off.
that would otherwise cause magical aging. By doing so, the
caster transfers the karmic debt of the spell to the sacrificial Agony of the Black Goat (Alteration)
victim, whose life-force must be shed at the moment the spell is
Level: 6 Components: V,S
cast, thereby preventing the magical aging effect.
Range: 30' + 10'/level Casting Time: 6 segments
It should be noted that several spells have a human or demi- Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
human sacrifice as a material component. This rule does not Area of Effect: One creature
impact such spells.
This spell causes one creature in range of the caster, at his
Needless to say, engaging in this practice is an inherently evil choice, to immediately have a great growth within its abdomen
act, and anyone of good or neutral alignment will automatically or corresponding location. This growth will, in the space of a
have their alignment turned to evil, with all that such entails. This single round, swell to the size of a melon, causing crippling pain
optional rule is intended to give game masters some in-game in the process. If the target is wearing non-metal armor, they will
justification for the dastardly actions undertaken by his NPCs, take 2d6 h.p. damage before the armor is rent asunder. If they
not to give PCs free reign to slay innocents. wear metal armor, they will take 4d6 damage, but their armor
will remain relatively intact.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


The pain caused by the growth prevents any sort of spellcasting cast spells. It will reappear at a random segment in the round;
or fighting, and even movement is limited to 30” per round. The roll 1d6. If WIS is not available, use INT. Time functions
agony will remain until the mass is removed, either by surgery differently within the angular prison, so the prisoner will be only
or magic. Surgery by an unskilled hand will cause an additional dimly aware that time has passed during its imprisonment.
2d4 h.p. damage and require a system shock roll to avoid
outright death.

A skilled surgeon (including someone with the technology contra

mortem skill) will be able to remove the mass without causing
damage; recovery will take 1-3 days. The 6th level cleric spell
heal will completely heal the target, and Keoghtom’s ointment
will do so in 1-3 turns. Cure spells and potions of healing will not
remove the mass (and thus the associated pain and
incapacitation), but will heal the associated damage.

All-seeing Eye (Divination)

Level: 3 Components: V,S

Range: Special Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Awaken Dreamer (Alteration)
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Level: 3 Components: V,S
This spell bestows upon one creature touched the ability to see Range: Special Casting Time: 3 segments
through the eyes of another creature. The viewer has no control Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg.
over what is seen (and if the target is asleep, all that will be seen Area of Effect: One creature
is darkness); neither does the target know it is being spied upon.
Location can be known only if the viewer recognizes the location This spell allows the caster to pull someone out of the
being seen through the target. The target must be within 1 mile Dreamlands against their will, awakening them and placing them
plus 1 mile per level of the caster. If a dispel magic spell is cast back in their body in the real world. It can be used either by
on either the viewer or the target while the spell is active, it will someone in the waking world to bring someone back to their
cancel the spell immediately. Magic resistance does apply. sleeping body, or by someone in the Dreamlands to banish the
dream-character for a time. In either case, the dreamer cannot
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Nyarlathotep or return to the Dreamlands for a full 12 hours.
Starry Wisdom cultists.
Banish Azathoth (Abjuration)
Angular Prison (Alteration)
Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Level: 5 Components: V,S Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Range: 30’ Casting Time: 5 segments Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg. Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
This spell allows the caster to force Azathoth back to his prison
This spell causes the target to slip between the angles of reality, in the center of the universe. It will have no impact on his minions
becoming trapped between the dimensions of normal materiality or servants, but only on the god himself. A set of pipes is
in a pocket of kaleidoscopic fractals fully intelligible only to required for the spell. The caster must have an entire turn within
creatures native to the 6th dimension. In the “real world” it seems a thousand feet of Azathoth, as he completes the delicate piping
as if the target simply disappeared. Escaping the prison requires required while brandishing an Elder Sign (see p. 103). The Elder
an act of sheer will; the trapped target must roll d100 each Sign is lost in the process of casting the spell. Azathoth will
round; if it rolls its WIS score or less it manages to escape, remain imprisoned for at least a year after the spell has been
reappearing 1-20 feet from its previous location, in a random cast.
direction (it cannot reappear inside a solid object). The target will
be disoriented during the round it returns, and cannot fight or


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Banish Cthulhu (Abjuration) Banish Hastur (Abjuration)

Level: 7 Components: V,S,M Level: 7 Components: V,S,M

Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: Special

This spell allows the caster to force Cthulhu back to R’lyeh to This spell allows the caster to coerce Hastur’s soul to return to
continue his slumbering death. It will have no impact on his the Astral Plane, which will in turn force his material body to once
minions or servants, but only on the god himself. The caster more slumber. The spell only affects Hastur himself, and will not
must have an entire turn within a thousand feet of Cthulhu, as impact any of his cultists or other minions. The caster must
he completes the Chant of Endless Slumber while brandishing remain within a thousand feet of the reawakened Hastur for a
an Elder Sign (see p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in the process full turn while invoking the strange syllables of the spell, all while
of casting the spell. Cthulhu will slumber in R’lyeh for at least a brandishing an Elder Sign (see p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in
year after the spell has been cast. This spell is not affected by the process of casting the spell. Hastur’s soul will remain
magic resistance, and can be cast underwater if the caster separate from his body until reunited again by some outside
remains within the area of an airy water spell. force. This spell is not affected by magic resistance, and can be
cast underwater if the caster remains within the area of an airy
Banish Dagon and Hydra (Abjuration) water spell.

Level: 7 Components: V,S,M Banish Nyarlathotep (Abjuration)

Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to force Father Dagon and Mother Area of Effect: Special
Hydra back into the watery abyss where they dwell. It will have
no impact on their minions, cultists, or other servitors, but only This spell allows the caster to force Nyarlathotep from the Prime
on them personally. The caster must spend an entire turn within Material Plane, and back to the Astral. It will have no impact on
a thousand feet of both Dagon and Hydra while he completes his minions, cultists, etc. The caster must spend an entire turn
the Chant of Deep Spawning while brandishing an Elder Sign within a thousand feet of Nyarlathotep while chanting in an
(see p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in the process of casting the ancient tongue known to none save sages, and brandishing an
spell. If only one of the pair is present, the spell will affect them, Elder Sign (see p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in the process of
but the other will become enraged and seek to destroy the casting the spell. At the end of the spell’s casting time,
caster, immediately knowing his identity and location. Once Nyarlathotep will issue an inhuman scream that causes all
banished, Dagon and Hydra will remain in their underwater creatures within 100’ of him, with 3 or fewer hit dice, to save vs.
palace for at least a year. This spell is not affected by magic fear or flee in terror. He will then disappear, forced into the Astral
resistance, and can be cast underwater if the caster remains Plane for at least a year. This spell is not affected by magic
within the area of an airy water spell. resistance, and can be cast underwater if the caster remains
within the area of an airy water spell.
Banish Ghatanothoa (Abjuration)
Banish Shub-Niggurath (Abjuration)
Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
This spell enables the caster to force Ghatanothoa back into the
pit where he normally dwells; the door to the pit must be then This spell allows the caster to compel Shub-Niggurath to return
manually re-sealed. It will have no impact on his minions, to her dark caverns far beneath the surface of the earth. Only
cultists, etc., only on the god himself. The caster must spend an Shub-Niggurath will be impacted by the spell; none of her
entire turn intoning arcane chants while brandishing an Elder servants (including the Spawn of Shub-Niggurath) will be
Sign (see p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in the process of casting affected. The caster must remain within 1,000 feet of Shub-
the spell. Ghatanothoa will hasten to return to his dark pit as Niggurath for an entire turn, during which time he chants the
soon as the spell is completed, but will remain there for a mere Dirge of the Black Mother while brandishing an Elder Sign (see
1d6 days unless the pit is physically sealed. This spell is not p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in the process of casting the spell.
affected by magic resistance, and can be cast underwater if the At the end of the spell’s casting time, Shub-Niggurath will simply
caster remains within the area of an airy water spell. disappear with a loud “pop”, and will not emerge from her cavern
home for at least a year. This spell is not affected by magic


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


resistance, and can be cast underwater if the caster remains

within the area of an airy water spell.

Banish Spawn of Yog-Sothoth (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Components: V,S,M

Range: 1,500’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One spawn

This spell allows the caster to hurl a single named spawn of Yog-
Sothoth from the world and into the space-beyond-space in
which Yog-Sothoth himself dwells. Line of sight is not required,
as long as the spellcaster remains within range of the spawn for
the entire casting time of the spell. The full name and parentage
of the spawn is required and must be named during the casting Banish Yog-Sothoth (Abjuration)
of the spell. The spell requires the ground dust of a diamond of
no less than 2,000 g.p. value. Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Banish Tsathoggua (Abjuration) Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn This spell allows the caster to compel Yog-Sothoth back into his
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None lair beyond the Astral Plane. Only Yog-Sothoth himself will be
Area of Effect: Special affected by this spell; his cultists, servants, etc., will be
unaffected. The caster must remain within 1,000 feet of Yog-
This spell allows the caster to force the toad-god Tsathoggua Sothoth for the entire duration of the spell, during which time the
back to his black pit of N’kai beneath the underground kingdom ancient Val-Rhin Chant must be maintained as the caster holds
of K’n-yan. It will not function against any of Tsathoggua’s forth an Elder Sign (see p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in the
cultists or servants (including the formless spawn). The caster process of casting the spell. At the end of the spell’s casting
must remain within 1,000 feet of Tsathoggua for the duration of time, Yog-Sothoth will simply flicker out of existence, hurled
the spell, which consists of singing the Toad-god’s Lament while back to his lair for at least a year. This spell is not affected by
brandishing an Elder Sign (see p. 103). The Elder Sign is lost in magic resistance, and can be cast underwater if the caster
the process of casting the spell. At the end of the casting time, remains within the area of an airy water spell.
Tsathoggua will leap into the air with a mighty croak and simply
vanish into ripples in the air, forced back to N’kai for at least a Blasphemous Resurrection (Necromantic)
year. This spell is not affected by magic resistance, and can be
cast underwater if the caster remains within the area of an airy Level: 5 Components: V,S,M
water spell. Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Banish Yig (Abjuration) Area of Effect: Creature touched

Level: 7 Components: S,M This spell is able to restore life and strength to a dead body,
Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn similar to the 7th level cleric spell resurrection. In this case,
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None however, the soul that is brought back to life in the body is not
Area of Effect: Special that of the original person. Rather, it will be a strange being from
some unknown reality. The entity will have some knowledge of
This spell allows the caster to force the serpent-god Yig back the world and some of the knowledge of the original body, but it
into his underground nest. It will not function against any of Yig’s will be oddly out of date, and the personality will seem “off” to
servants or cultists, nor will it be effective against ordinary those who might know the person, although it is smart enough
snakes. The caster must remain within 1,000 feet of Yig for the to pretend that the original person is indeed once more alive.
duration of the spell, which consists of a complex drumming The new entity is thoroughly evil and cunning, and will take
pattern, and the sacrifice of fresh corn. At the conclusion of the whatever steps are necessary to prevent itself from being
drumming spell, Yig will slink back to his subterranean home discovered.
until the next harvest season. This spell is not affected by magic
resistance, and can be cast underwater if the caster remains Roll to determine the goal of the new entity:
within the area of an airy water spell.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

TABLE 36: BLASPHEMOUS RESURRECTION Call Serpents (Conjuration/Summoning)

Die Roll Goals/Motives
1 Murder all available family members of the Level: 2 Components: V,S,M
original person, including descendants. Range: 90’ + 10’/level Casting Time: Special
2 Pick up original person’s life, including any Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
positions of authority, wealth, etc. Area of Effect: Special
3 Advance the cause of the cult of whichever cultist
cast the spell.
This spell is similar to the 4th level druid spell call woodland
4 Destroy the reputation and legacy (including that
beings, but is specific to the cultists of Yig. By means of this spell
of any surviving family) of the original person.
5 Undermine the original person’s homeland, the cultist is able to summon serpents and various sorts of
church, guild, or other significant affiliation. serpent-like beings to his or her location. The cultist begins the
6 Establish a new family/dynasty. All of the offspring incantation, which will last a maximum of 20 minutes, and which
will have the souls of the same sort of entity of the must be uninterrupted. One of the following types of creature will
new entity. be called by the spell, but only if any are within range:

Blessing of the Black Man (Conjuration/Summoning) 1 boalisk 1-4 snakes, constrictor

1 couatl 1-2 snakes, giant
Level: 2 Components: V,S,M 1 jaculi 1-6 snake, poisonous
Range: Special Casting Time: 2 segments 1 naga 1 yuan-ti
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg. 1-3 ophidians
Area of Effect: Special
The creature called is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells (with
This spell allows the caster to pour the power and luck of a group a -4 penalty); success means they ignore the call. If the creature
of worshipers of Nyarlathotep (or others, if the spell is being cast is of good alignment, it is entitled to a second saving throw (with
via a scroll) into a single person. All of the “donors” must be a +4 bonus) once it comes within 10’ of the cultist, with success
within 30’ of the caster for the duration of the spell, while the indicating the creature will immediately seek to flee. The cultist
beneficiary of the spell must be within 60’ when the spell is cast. may then ask for the serpent to serve him or her for 1 turn per
The caster can be the donor, the beneficiary, or neither. For point of charisma. If asked to engage in combat, the serpent will
every donor, the beneficiary adds 1 to all “to hit” rolls and saving need to make the usual loyalty reaction roll for NPCs, and the
throws. Donors, in turn, suffer a -1 penalty to all “to hit” rolls and creature’s service will be ended at the end of combat, regardless
saving throws. If a donor is unwilling, they are entitled to a saving of how long it takes.
throw vs. spells. The spell requires a small length of chain, which
is not destroyed when the spell is cast. This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yig.

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Nyarlathotep. Calligraphy (Alteration)

Blight Fishery (Enchantment/Charm) Level: Cantrip Components: V,S

Range: 10’ Casting Time: ½ segment
Level: 6 Components: V,S Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Range: 1,000’ Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 written page
Duration: 1 day/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1/4 mile radius This spell allows the caster to alter the handwriting of a single
per level page, making it appear as if it were written by an expert
calligrapher. The spell does not affect magical writings of any
By means of this spell, all fish, including shellfish, in a given area sort. The page in question must be within 10’ of the caster, and
will feel a compulsion to leave it. This will have the effect of visible.
crippling the economy of fishing communities, and will be seen
as a bad omen. The spell has a range of 1,000’ and will impact Cast Out of Dreamlands (Evocation)
an area one quarter-mile in radius per level of the caster; thus,
a 16th level caster will blight an area 4 miles in radius. The Level: 5 Components: V,S
fishing ground will begin to return to normal immediately after Range: Special Casting Time: 1 round
the spell duration expires, and will be fully restored 1d6 days Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Special
after that. This spell can be cast underwater. Area of Effect: Special

This spell is usually available only to cultists of Dagon and This spell allows the caster to physically send some creature or
Hydra. object from the Dreamlands into the waking world. It must be
cast within the Dreamlands. If the target of the spell is in the


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Dreamlands through light slumber, no saving throw is allowed. Another difference is the duration; the mark lasts for life, unless
If the target is in the Dreamlands through deeper slumber, a one is subject to another mark ceremony or a dedication to a
saving throw is allowed if the target is unwilling. Inanimate non-Mythos deity. In such cases, the person leaving the service
objects do not get a saving throw unless they are magic. It can of one deity for another must make a saving throw vs. spells or
be used against dreamers and those native to the Dreamlands, permanently lose 1 point from each ability score, as the terrible
alike. price exacted for betraying a Great Old One or Outer God. The
sole exception to this is Tsathoggua, who will readily shield
If the creature brought to the waking world is a dreamer actively those who come to his service from the wrath of those they
dream-journeying at the time, the dreamer will simply awaken in betray (but those who leave his service to go back to their
his or her body in the waking world. If not, the Dreamlands original patrons will lose 2 points from each score).
character or object will arrive in the waking world at a location
proximate to the dream-journeyer who cast the spell. If the The material component is a dagger, which is used to draw a
spellcaster was a native of the Dreamlands, the game master small amount of blood from the object of the ceremony, which is
should determine an arrival location as best suits the campaign. then smeared on his or her forehead in a specific pattern which
differs from deity to deity.
Cause Pain (Enchantment/Charm)
Chant of K’n-yan (Alteration)
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
Range: 10’ plus 10’/level Casting Time: 1 segment Level: 2 Components: V
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg. Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: One creature Duration: Time of chanting Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30’ radius
This spell allows the caster to create agonizing pain in one
target. The target must be visible, and the spell has a range of This spell reduces the will of any hearing it, making them more
10’ plus 10’ per level of the caster. When struck, the target is susceptible to other spells and forms of compulsion. All those in
entitled to a saving throw vs. spells; failure means the target has the area of effect who fail their saving throw make subsequent
a 50% chance of dropping anything held, and is wracked with saving throws vs. enchantment/charm with a -4 penalty, and all
such pain as to be unable to attack or move for the first round; morale checks of enemy creatures are made with a -20%
on subsequent rounds, the target is only able to move at half penalty.
speed and receives a -2 penalty “to hit”. The effect will last 1
round per level of the caster. The spell requires a thorn, as from The spell lasts as long as the spellcaster is able to maintain the
a rose or other plant, which is thrown in the direction of the target chant, to a maximum of 1 turn, which requires the spellcaster is
and cannot be recovered. stationary, does not take damage or other physical disruption,
etc. Magical silence will, of course, eliminate the effect.
Ceremony (Invocation)
Chant of Leng (Alteration)
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 hour Level: 2 Components: V
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Special Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: See below Duration: Time of chanting Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30’ radius
Cultists of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods have a unique
ceremony unavailable to normal clerics. This spell creates a zone of uneasiness and apprehension that
makes all within it more susceptible to fear and insanity. Any
Marked by an Other God is a variant of the dedication ceremony creature within the spell’s area of effect will make saving throws
available to ordinary clerics. Not only does the ceremony vs. fear (both magical and mundane) with a -2 penalty, and
formally bring the worshiper into the ranks of those loyal to the saving throws vs. insanity are made with a -1 penalty.
Mythos deity who is served by the cultist performing the
ceremony, but it also allows other worshipers who have The spell lasts as long as the spellcaster is able to maintain the
undergone the mark ceremony to recognize one another. Thus, chant (to a maximum of 1 turn), which requires the spellcaster
there is a mark of Cthulhu, a mark of Yig, etc. to be stationary, to not take damage or other physical disruption,
etc. Magical silence will, of course, eliminate the effect.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Chant of R’lyeh (Alteration) blindness caused will last for 3d6 rounds, rolled individually for
each creature affected. The spell requires a pinch of charcoal.
Level: 2 Components: V
Range: 0 Casting Time: Special This spell is normally available only to cultists of Azathoth.
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30’ radius Commune with Cthulhu (Divination)

This spell allows the caster to cause the air to vibrate in such a Level: 5 Components: V,S
way as to mimic that of the great sunken city of R’lyeh, causing Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
all those within the area of the spell’s effect to make saving Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None
throws vs. insanity with a -2 penalty, unless they are cultists of, Area of Effect: Special
or have received the mark of Cthulhu or the mark of Dagon and
Hydra (see the ceremony spell, above), in which case they By means of this spell the cultist is able to contact Great Cthulhu;
receive a +2 bonus on such saving throws. The spell lasts for as even while dead and dreaming, Cthulhu is able to extend his
long as the caster continues the chant (to a maximum of 1 turn), consciousness to respond. The cultist is then able to request
which requires the spellcaster to be stationary, to not take information in the form of up to 1d3 yes or no questions; once
damage or other physical disruption, etc. Magical silence will, of that many questions have been answered, Cthulhu slides back
course, eliminate the effect. into his slumber.

Cloak of Ease (Enchantment/Charm) This spell should be used only once per month; anyone
attempting to use it a second time within that time frame must
Level: 2 Components: V,S make a saving throw vs. insanity with a -4 penalty or be stricken
Range: Touch Casting Time: 2 segments with 1 form of madness for the next month (also, no questions
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None are answered). A third attempt will automatically fail to elicit
Area of Effect: Creature touched answers as well as causing madness.

This spell will mask the general sense of uneasiness that many This spell is normally available only to cultists of Cthulhu.
creatures associated with the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods
give off, allowing them to pass in society and avoid terrorizing Commune with Dagon and Hydra (Divination)
animals, for the duration of the spell.
Level: 5 Components: V,S
Cloak of Unease (Enchantment/Charm) Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None
Level: 1 Components: V,S Area of Effect: Special
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg. By means of this spell the cultist is able to contact the water-
Area of Effect: Creature touched deities Father Dagon and Mother Hydra. The cultist is able to
ask two yes or no questions of each. Father Dagon will answer
This spell creates a general sense of uneasiness that is present questions about the sea: those things within it, on its surface,
in many creatures associated with the Outer Gods or Great Old and within the high-tide mark on land. Mother Hydra will answer
Ones. Any creature so impacted will exude an aura of questions about the Deep Ones specifically.
“wrongness” that will put off any intelligent creature, causing a -4
penalty to all reaction rolls. Animals with an intelligence of semi- This spell should be used only once per month; anyone
or lower (INT 4 or below) will instinctively avoid the target of the attempting to use it a second time within that time frame must
spell; horses and other mounts will be unmanageable, dogs will make a saving throw vs. insanity with a -4 penalty or be stricken
bristle and growl, etc. with 1 form of madness for the next month (also, no questions
are answered). A third attempt will automatically fail to elicit
Cloud of Blindness (Alteration) answers as well as causing madness.

Level: 3 Components: V,S,M This spell is normally available only to cultists of Dagon and
Range: 60’ Casting Time: 3 segments Hydra.
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 20’ radius sphere

This spell creates a zone that causes any creature within it to

make a saving throw vs. spells or become blind. The spell will
affect those in the area of effect when the spell is cast, as well
as those who enter it during the duration of the spell. The zone
itself will last for 1 round per level of the spellcaster. The


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Commune with Ghatanothoa (Divination) Commune with Shub-Niggurath (Divination)

Level: 5 Components: V,S Level: 5 Components: V,S

Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: Special

This spell allows the cultist to contact the god Ghatanothoa. The This spell allows the cultist to reach out directly to Shub-
cultist is able to receive knowledge from the god by asking up to Niggurath, allowing him or her to ask up to 3 yes or no questions.
1d3 yes or no questions, all of which must concern some thing These questions can be on any topic, but a question on a topic
that is covered in literal darkness. He is thus excellent at not directly related to the Mythos has a 50% chance of not being
providing information about things which are hidden deep answered, ending the communing session immediately.
This spell should be used only once per month; anyone
This spell should be used only once per month; anyone attempting to use it a second time within that time frame must
attempting to use it a second time within that time frame has a make a saving throw vs. insanity with a -4 penalty or be stricken
1% chance of incurring the god’s wrath. Such individuals are with 1 form of madness for the next month (also, no questions
treated as if they had seen the god in person (see p. 114 for the are answered). A third attempt will automatically fail to elicit
effects thereof). A third attempt will automatically incur the wrath answers as well as causing madness.
of Ghatanothoa.
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Shub-
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Ghatanothoa. Niggurath.

Commune with Tsathoggua (Divination)

Commune with Hastur (Divination)
Level: 5 Components: V,S
Level: 5 Components: V,S
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: Special
This spell allows the cultist to contact Tsathoggua. This enables
This spell allows the cultist to contact Hastur. The cultist may the cultist to ask one yes or no question about any topic, plus
ask up to 1d6 yes or no questions, which can be on any topic. 1d3 questions about churches, temples, other gods, and other
religions. There is a 10% chance that Tsathoggua will impose a
This spell should be used only once per month; anyone
quest to suborn these religions and their adherents.
attempting to use it a second time within that time frame must
make a saving throw vs. insanity with a -4 penalty or be stricken This spell can be used only once per month; Tsathoggua will
with 1 form of madness for the next month (also, no questions simply not respond more often than that.
are answered). A third attempt will automatically fail to elicit
answers as well as causing madness. This spell is normally available only to cultists of Tsathoggua.

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur. Commune with Yig (Divination)

Commune with Nyarlathotep (Divination) Level: 5 Components: V,S

Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
Level: 5 Components: V,S Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special
Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special This spell allows the cultist to contact Yig. This enables the
cultist to ask 1d4 yes or no questions on any topic. Questions
This spell enables the cultist to contact Nyarlathotep directly. directly related to snakes or serpents count as half a question,
The cultist may then ask 1d4 yes or no questions about any but if a questioner has only half a question left, it must be used
topic. There is a 10% chance that Nyarlathotep will also have a to ask a serpent-related question.
mission for the cultist to complete as per a quest spell; the game
This spell should be used only once per month; anyone
master should determine a suitable mission.
attempting to use it a second time within that time frame has a
This spell can be used only once per month; Nyarlathotep will 50% chance of incurring the generational curse of Yig (as per
simply not respond more often than that. the spell) and only a single question may be asked. A third
attempt will automatically fail to elicit answers as well as inflicting
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Nyarlathotep. the curse of Yig (as per the spell, but with a permanent duration).

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yig.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Commune with Yog-Sothoth (Divination) Contact Dreamer (Divination)

Level: 5 Components: V,S Level: 2 Components: V,S

Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn Range: Special Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 round/question Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: One creature

This spell allows the cultist to contact Yog-Sothoth, at which time This spell allows the caster to contact someone who is currently
he or she may ask 2d6 yes or no questions. All questions must in the Dreamlands, without waking them and thus bringing them
relate to facts or events that are more than 1 month in the past to the waking world (this spell does not affect Dreamlands
or future, however. natives). In the Dreamlands, the dreamer will hear a
disembodied voice, which they might recognize if the dreamer
This spell should be used only once per month; anyone knows the spellcaster in either the Dreamlands or the waking
attempting to use it a second time within that time frame must world, although in the latter case they will not be able to quite
make a saving throw vs. insanity with a -4 penalty or be stricken place where they know the voice from. It should be borne in mind
with 1 form of madness for the next month (also, no questions that the dreamer does not share the same memories as the
are answered). A third attempt will automatically fail to elicit waking character, and so cannot answer questions that pertain
answers as well as causing madness. to the waking world. If, however, information pertaining to the
Dreamlands itself is sought, the dreamer will be able to provide
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth. such information as they know for the duration of the spell,
although no one around them will be able to hear the other side
Conjure Currents (Alteration)
of the conversation. Cooperation with the spellcaster is not
Level: 4 Components: V,S guaranteed, of course; all depends on the personality of the
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn dream-character.
Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None
Contact Yuggoth (Divination)
Area of Effect: 1 mile radius
Level: 5 Components: V,S
This spell allows the caster to alter the very currents of the sea.
Range: Special Casting Time: 5 segments
Such currents can be altered to either speed or hinder a ship by
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
20-50%. They can also be used to either increase or decrease
Area of Effect: Special
a high tide by the same amount.
This spell allows the spellcaster to reach out to the planet
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Dagon and
Yuggoth and contact one of the Mi-Go leaders dwelling there.
This spell is usually used by agents of the Mi-Go to receive
Consume (Conjuration/Summoning) orders and technical information, when circumstances prevent
contact with their local Mi-Go masters. The spell can also be
Level: 6 Components: V,S used to receive technical information regarding the technology
Range: 60’ Casting Time: 1 round of Yuggoth; coupling this spell with one or more skill levels in
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg. that skill will reduce time of any application by 25%, and allow a
Area of Effect: 15’ radius +1 bonus to all skill checks made within 24 hours of the spell
being cast.
This spell calls forth an infinitesimal portion of the god Azathoth
for a brief moment. During that moment, the Outer God will Control Shoggoth (Enchantment/Charm)
manifest in a sphere 30’ in diameter no more than 60’ from the
caster. Any creature within that area of effect must make a Level: 4 Components: V,S
saving throw vs. paralyzation or be drawn into the god’s being Range: 180’ Casting Time: 4 segments
to fuel its insatiable hunger. Creatures with more than 4 hit dice Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None
or levels get a +1 bonus to their saving throw, while those with Area of Effect: One shoggoth
more than 6 levels or hit dice get a +2 bonus. A successful
This spell allows the caster to take control of a shoggoth (see p.
saving throw means the creature in question has managed to
95) through a telepathic link with the creature. The shoggoth can
hurl itself out of the area of effect (determine location randomly),
be compelled to do anything, even to the point of self-
but must then make a saving throw vs. insanity (no bonuses due
destruction, as long as it remains within the range of the spell. If
to level/hit dice) or be struck insane for 1d6 days.
it leaves that range for any reason, the spell is broken and the
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Azathoth. shoggoth is out of control. Once the spell ends there is a 50%
chance the shoggoth will turn on the one who had controlled it.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Cram (Enchantment/Charm) Cure Insanity (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: Cantrip Components: V,S Level: 4 Components: V,S

Range: 0 Casting Time: ½ segment Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: Creature touched

This spell allows the caster to commit a particular bit of This spell will remove one form of insanity from the creature
knowledge to memory. The knowledge in question is limited to touched. If the subject creature has more than one form of
that which can be contained on a single page of paper, vellum, insanity, it will cure 1 form of insanity for every 3 levels of the
or papyrus, which must be held by the caster as the spell is cast. spellcaster (so 2 forms at level 7, 3 forms at level 9, etc.).
From that point on, the caster retains a perfect memory of the Temporary forms of insanity count as 1/2. If a choice between
writing on the page, for a number of days equal to his experience different insanities needs to be made, roll randomly to determine
level (minimum one day for apprentices). Magic spells or other which is, and is not, cured.
magical effects cannot be learned via this spell.
Curse of Yig (Evocation)

Level: 4 Components: V,S,M

Range: 30’ Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature

This spell will cause one creature to plummet into the depths of
madness with a singular obsession: their belief that they are a
serpent. The cursed individual will lose all but the most
Creeping Distraction (Invocation) rudimentary intelligence, drop to the ground and wriggle and
writhe to move, and utter only baleful hissing sounds. The saving
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
throw is made vs. insanity rather than spells, and magic such as
Range: 30’ Casting Time: 1 segment
the 3rd level cleric spell remove curse or the 1st level cultist spell
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg.
abate insanity will only be effective if cast by a cleric or cultist of
Area of Effect: One creature
9th level or higher, and even then, the spell will only afford the
This spell causes the affected creature to suffer a sudden victim a new saving throw, not guarantee removal of the curse
infection of the skin that not only causes disturbingly unsightly itself. The material component is a small piece of snake skin that
buboes and rashes, but creates such an unbearable itching as has been shed by a living serpent.
to provide great distraction to spellcasting and fighting. Anyone
This spell is usually only available to cultists of Yig.
who fails a saving throw vs. spells is incapable of casting a spell
in that round, and suffers a -2 penalty to all “to hit” rolls in that Detect Astral (Divination)
round. A new saving throw is allowed each round, and once a
successful save is made, the spell has no further effect. The Level: 3 Components: V,S
material component is a bit of moist, rotten wood. Range: 0 Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Croak (Invocation) Area of Effect: 10’ x 90’ beam
Level: 2 Components: V This spell allows the caster to see into the Astral Plane. A
Range: 0 Casting Time: 2 segments “beam” is created some 10’ wide and 90’ in length. Any creature
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg. or object that exists in the Astral Plane, but is coextant with the
Area of Effect: 30’ radius locale on the material plane, will be seen as a shadowy gray
outline. Thus, the specific identity of an astral traveler could not
Similar to the great croak attack of their god, this spell allows
be discerned, but an astral chest could be so identified, and the
cultists of Tsathoggua to issue forth a great booming croaking
presence of the traveler would be known, if not its nature. Note
sound that will stun any creature within range for one round,
that the spell does not allow for actual travel to the Astral Plane,
causing them to drop any items held in-hand, and disrupting
or manipulation of the astral objects thus detected. It will last for
spellcasting during that round. In the following round those
ten minutes plus one minute per level of the caster.
knocked down can pick themselves up and fight and cast spells
as normal, with but a +2 penalty to initiative.

This spell is normally only available to cultists of Tsathoggua.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Detect Ethereal (Divination) Detect Origin (Divination)

Level: 1 Components: V,S Level: Cantrip Components: V,S

Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 segment Range: Touch Casting Time: ½ segment
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Saving Throw: None Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10’ x 90’ beam Area of Effect: One object

This spell allows the caster to see into the Ethereal Plane. A This spell allows the caster to determine whether a particular
“beam” is created some 10’ wide and 90’ in length. Any creature object originated on a world other than this one. It will not
or object that exists in the Ethereal Plane, but is coextant with function on living beings, nor will it give the name of the
the locale on the material plane, will be seen as a shadowy gray originating planet, merely the fact that it was a planet other than
outline. Thus, the specific identity of an ethereal traveler could the one on which the campaign takes place. It will not function
not be discerned, but an ethereal chest could be so identified, on objects that originate on planes other than the Prime Material.
and the presence of the traveler would be known, if not its exact The caster must hold the object in question when casting this
nature. Note that the spell does not allow for actual travel to the spell.
Ethereal Plane, or manipulation of the ethereal objects thus
detected. It will last for ten minutes plus one minute per level of Detect Possession (Divination)
the caster.
Level: 3 Components: V,S,M
Detect Insanity (Divination) Range: 5’ Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M Area of Effect: One creature
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None This spell allows the caster to determine whether an individual
Area of Effect: Creature touched or object is possessed by another being (such as a demon,
member of the Great Race of Yith, etc.). This includes having
This spell allows the caster to know whether or not a creature the consciousness of another in the individual’s body. It will also
touched is suffering from one or more forms of insanity. The detect the operation of a spell such as magic jar or mind
caster will not know how many form of insanity are present, nor transference. The target must be within 5’ of the caster, who
the type(s), but will know that some sort of mental aberration is must be able to hold a mirror before the subject’s eyes (or simply
present. It will not, however, detect the presence of a possessed hold the reflection of the object). If the subject is indeed
body. The material component is a small token in the shape of possessed, the reflection betrays the possessor’s presence and
the letter U superimposed over the letter I (Ψ). It is not destroyed gives a rough approximation of its nature; it will be revealed to
in the casting. be a lesser demon, greater demon, spellcaster using a spell, etc.
The mirror is not destroyed during the casting.
Detect Law (Divination) Reversible
Detect Taint (Divination)
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
Range: 120’ Casting Time: 1 segment Level: 1 Components: V,S
Duration: 1 turn + ½ turn/level Saving Throw: None Range: 30’ Casting Time: 1 segment
Area of Effect: 10’ wide beam Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 5’ beam
This spell creates a beam 10’ wide and 120’ long that will detect
the emanations of any lawful alignment. Much like the spell This spell allows the caster to know whether creatures have
detect evil (q.v.), this spell will only work on intelligent creatures been tainted by association with the Great Old Ones or the Outer
or inanimate objects with a magical affiliation with some lawful Gods. It produces a beam 5’ wide and 30’ long; any Mythos-
alignment, such as an intelligent sword, lawful good clerical tainted creature caught within it will be seen by the caster. This
item, etc. Anything associated with an outer plane of lawful includes cultists, whose who have undergone the mark
alignment will register a strong indication. The material ceremony (see ceremony, above), those who have insanity
component is a broken magnifying glass, which is not destroyed caused by exposure to one or more Mythos-related items
in the casting. (creatures, spells, or magic items), or Deep One hybrids. It will
not reveal to whom the creature is loyal, only that some taint of
the Mythos exists.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Dictation (Evocation)

Level: Cantrip Components: V,S,M

Range: 0 Casting Time: ½ segment
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This spell records all speech within a 10’ radius of a quill, an ink
pot, and a piece of paper (or vellum, papyrus, etc.) that have all
been set up on a level, stable surface for that purpose. What
results is a perfect annotation of the words spoken within the
radius of effect. Once the writing surface has been filled, or the
ink supply is exhausted, the magical writing ceases and the spell
ends. It will end in a maximum of 10 minutes, in any case.

Disrupt Technology (Abjuration) Echoing Thoughts (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 2 Components: V,S

Level: 3 Components: V,S,M
Range: 60’ Casting Time: 2 segments
Range: 60’ Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg.
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 10’ radius
Area of Effect: 10’ radius
This spell causes the thoughts in the mind of the creature(s)
This spell allows the caster to make it difficult for technology to affected to echo and repeat over and over in their mind,
function in a specific space. Untended technological devices will drowning out all other thoughts and making concentration all but
cease functioning for the duration of the spell; whether or not impossible. Up to 5 points of INT per level of the caster can be
they restart after that depends on the nature of the device itself. thus affected. Example: if a magic-user with an INT of 15 and a
Anyone attempting to use a technology skill within the area of fighter with an INT of 9 are in the radius of the spell cast by a
effect is also impacted. Those attempting to use a skill that 3rd level cultist, the caster would have to choose which would
normally does not require a skill check must make a skill check be affected, because he could only affect 15 points of INT. If that
in order to use the skill. If a skill check would normally be same cultist were 5th level, he could affect 25 points of INT, and
required, it is made with a -4 penalty to the roll. If the technology thus both the magic-user and the fighter would be affected.
skill being used takes longer than the duration of the spell, the
technologist must make a WIS check (roll WIS or less on a d20); Creatures under the influence of the spell cannot cast spells,
failure means the task must be started over from scratch. cannot concentrate to maintain spells that are already cast, and
get a -2 on all saving throws vs. spells. The spell does not affect
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur. creatures with an INT score of 5 or less.

Disturbing Truths (Alteration) This spell is normally available only to cultists of Azathoth.

Level: 3 Components: V,S Elder Sign (Abjuration)

Range: 30’ Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg. Level: 4 Components: S
Area of Effect: One creature Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell exposes the target’s mind to the totality of the Area of Effect: Self
multiverse and all of time for a brief, terrible instant. Doing so
sends the target into a state of catatonia for 1-3 rounds, and This spell is an invocation of the Elder Sign which neither the
cause 1 type of permanent insanity, unless a saving throw vs. Great Old Ones nor the Outer Gods can stand. Once the Sign
insanity is made. The material component is a glass eye used has been made, any creature that is vulnerable to it must remain
to touch the target (it must be held, not thrown), which is not at least 30’ away from the one who invoked it, and cannot attack
destroyed during the casting. that individual either directly or indirectly. The spell will last 1
round per level, but is broken if the caster approaches such a
This spell is normally available only to Cult of Starry Wisdom creature, as it is defensive rather than offensive in nature.
cultists, or scholars.
This spell is normally available only to scholars, or to Cult of
Starry Wisdom cultists.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Emanation of Yoth (Evocation) be transported easily and used in lieu of an actual corpse in any
sort of spell that would otherwise require one, such as animate
Level: 5 Components: V,S dead or speak with the dead. Even spells such as raise dead
Range: 0 Casting Time: 5 segments can use the essential salts of the individual rather than the actual
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Neg. corpse; the living body will be reconstituted from the salts
Area of Effect: Cone 30’ long, themselves, with the missing flesh miraculously reforming in but
20’ wide at base a trice. If the salts themselves or a significant portion (10% or
more) are lost, then the magic is lost, and the salts cannot be
This spell causes all of the creatures in the area of effect to used for their intended purpose. To reduce a body to its
merge with one another, creating a mass of limbs, heads, and essential salts requires it be slathered in a special balm made of
organs. Movement for such a creature is nearly impossible, as animal fat, alum, brine, volcanic ash, and salt. A typical man-
close coordination among the various minds would be required. sized creature will be reduced to 4 lbs. or so of salts. If the spell
Casting this spell ages the caster by 3 years. is cast underwater, the corpse immediately dissolves into the
water around it, destroying it utterly. It cannot be cast upon any
Endure Wildspace (Abjuration) animate creature, whether it be living or undead.

Level: 3 Components: V,S This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth.
Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 day + 1 day/level Saving Throw: None Ethereal Wings (Invocation)
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Level: 3 Components: V,S
This spell enables the creature touched to endure the effects of Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 round
space itself; it does not need to breathe, the cold of space will Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
not harm it, and the hard radiation of space will not impact it. Area of Effect: Creature touched
This spell will only function in Wildspace and the phlogiston,
however; if the creature upon whom it is cast remains in a This spell causes wings of completely ethereal substance to
normal atmosphere for more than 1 round, the spell’s effect will sprout from the wings of the creature touched. Although invisible
end immediately. It is often used by those who travel between to anyone on the Prime Material Plane, they extend into the
worlds on the backs of creatures such as winged things and Ethereal Plane and can be used to fly in air at 180’ speed
flying polyps. (maneuverability class C), or to swim at 120’ speed if
underwater. They can even be used to travel through space at
Enter the Gates of Deeper Slumber (Alteration) 180’ speed, since they do not require air to push against.

Level: 4 Components: V,S,M This spell is normally available only to cultists of Cthulhu.
Range: Touch Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg. Eye of Wisdom (Invocation)
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Level: 7 Components: V,S
This spell enables the creature touched to enter the Dreamlands Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 turn
with the flow of time functioning as if he or she had entered the Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Gates of Deeper Slumber (see the Dreamlands starting on p. 72 Area of Effect: Self
for details). The creature will immediately fall into a deep sleep
for the duration of their journey into the Dreamlands; if the target This spell affords the caster a grand vista of the various eddies
is unwilling, a successful roll “to hit” must be made, and the and currents in the multiverse, which lead to specific actions of
target is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells. The material interest. By viewing these cosmic currents, the cultist can
component is a pinch of sand, which is sprinkled onto the eyes determine not only who is involved in a particular action, but
of the target. where it happened, and what some of the likely consequences
will be. The action can be up to 1 day in the past or future per
Essential Salts (Necromantic) level of the cultist. Viewing the multiversal currents of time and
causality is dangerous, however; the caster must make a saving
Level: 3 Components: V,S,M throw vs. insanity or come out of the spell with 1d3 forms of
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 turn insanity, each lasting 1d4 days.
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One corpse This spell is normally available only to Cult of Starry Wisdom
This spell allows the caster to reduce any single corpse of man-
size or smaller to its component “essential salts”, which can then


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Fearful Budding (Alteration) This spell is normally available only to cultists of Shub-
Level: 4 Components: V,S,M
Range: 30’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 4 segments Formlessness (Alteration)
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature Level: 3 Components: V,S
Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments
This spell causes the target creature to start forming 2d4 “buds” Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg.
on its body. The progression of the budding is as follows: Area of Effect: Creature touched

Round 1: The buds will start as pea-sized, but will rapidly grow This spell will cause the creature touched to become completely
to the size of apples and will show unmistakable signs of plastic in form. Bones and other hard structures will become
resembling the host. instantly malleable, and the creature will be able to flow through
small cracks and spaces as narrow as an inch wide, much like
Round 2: DEX and CHA are reduced by a number of points a gray ooze. If desired, the creature can form itself up and
equal to the number of buds, as they continue to grow (min. appear as normal, but anyone touching it will instantly notice the
score is 1). By the end of the round, they are the size of disturbing softness where there should be firmness. Those
pumpkins. under the effect of the spell take half damage from crushing
damage such as maces, clubs, and falling (but not if the fall is
Round 3: The buds begin to drop off. Each bud that drops will onto something sharp, such as a pit trap lined with stakes).
cause the host to lose 1 hit die or level. By the end of the round
all of the buds will have dropped off. If the hit die or level of the Free Action (Invocation)
host is reduced to 0, death occurs.
Level: 6 Components: V,S
Round 4: Lost points of DEX and CHA are restored to the host. Range: Touch Casting Time: 6 segments
The buds can move on their own, being grotesque, swollen Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
versions of the original host, mindlessly aggressive but mewling Area of Effect: Creature touched
in a gross imitation of speech. They will begin to swarm over the
host, attacking as 1+1 HD creatures, each having an AC of 10. Any one creature touched by the caster of this spell will find their
Attacks will be the same as the physical attacks possessed by movement cannot be inhibited by most magical means. Spells
the host but only doing a maximum of 3 h.p. damage; for such as web, hold person, slow, etc., will prove ineffective. In
humanoid creatures this constitutes a claw/claw/bite doing 1- addition, when underwater the character can move as if on dry
2/1-2/1-3 points of damage. land, and fight with slashing weapons with no penalty.

If the host survives the attack of the grown buds, lost hit Fresh Water to Salt (Alteration) Reversible
dice/levels will return at the rate of one per day, with complete
rest required; hit points lost are restored as hit dice/levels are. Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
The material component is a bit of mushroom, which is lost when Range: 180’ Casting Time: 1 segment
the spell is cast. Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30’ cube + 10’
Fecundity (Alteration) cube per level

Level: 3 Components: V,S This spell will change a volume of fresh water into an equivalent
Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments volume of seawater. Note that if cast in a larger body of fresh
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Neg. water, the salt will become diluted in 1-3 rounds. The material
Area of Effect: Creature touched component of the spell is a pinch of salt. For the reverse of the
spell, a pinch of sugar or honey is required.
This spell is seen as a great boon by cultists of Shub-Niggurath,
but it can be a mixed blessing for some who receive it. By This spell is normally available only to cultists of Cthulhu, and
touching another living creature, the cultist has the power to those of Dagon and Hydra.
make that creature fecund in the extreme. At the next
opportunity, pregnancy will be the inevitable result of any Generational Curse of Yig (Invocation)
coupling, and the number of young from the union will be larger
than normal (affected males will not give birth themselves, but Level: 6 Components: V,S,M
their partners will). For humans and most demi-humans, that Range: 90’ Casting Time: 6 segments
would mean twins (40%) or triplets (60%), for elves it means Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg.
twins, and half-orcs will have triplets (50%) or quadruplets Area of Effect: One creature
(50%). Animals such as cattle and pigs will have proportionally
This spell is especially insidious and disastrous for the victim in
larger numbers of offspring as well.
the long run. In addition to imposing the effects of the 4th level


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

cultist spell curse of Yig, all children born to the victim (whether
as mother or father) after the curse is cast will be born as
progeny of Yig (see p. 94). The spell can only be undone by a
remove curse spell cast by a cleric of 11th level or higher, or a
limited wish or similar spell. The material component is a snake
scale, which is destroyed as the spell is cast.

Gray Shroud (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Components: V,S

Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

This spell envelops the target in a thin gray film that covers the
top of the head and goes all the way to the ground. The shroud
does not hinder movement, spellcasting, or combat (or any other 3/4 complete, STR and CON will be reduced to 3, while CHA will
use of the hands) but does provide a +4 bonus to all saving be at 1. The creature will die when the spell is 100% complete,
throws vs. gaze attacks. It does not, however, provide a saving dissolving into a pool of stinking muck completely removed from
throw where one is not normally appropriate. any sort of humanoid form. The spell can be halted by
application of a remove curse or cure disease spell, but its
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Ghatanothoa. effects can only be reversed by a heal spell combined with a
remove curse spell (naturally, a limited wish, etc., would also
Green Decay (Alteration)
work). The material component is a bit of black mold.
Level: 3 Components: V,S,M
Horn of Plenty (Alteration)
Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg. Level: 2 Components: V,S
Area of Effect: Creature touched Range: 30’ Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
This spell will slowly begin a process of putrefaction in a single
Area of Effect: Special
creature touched, who is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells to
escape the spell’s effect. Since the spell also requires that the This spell allows the caster to increase the quantity of food and
caster touch the victim, it might also require a successful “to hit” drink available. The amount of increase depends on the level of
roll. Once afflicted, the victim’s flesh will begin to turn green, the caster; a 3rd level cultist can double a given amount of food
spreading out from the spot touched. Over the course of a and drink, a 6th level cultist can triple it, and a 9th level cultist
number of hours equal to 20 minus the caster’s level, the victim’s can quadruple a quantity of food and drink. Up to 3 full meals
flesh will begin to rot and fall off; a quarter of the way through can be increased, as long as all of the food and drink are within
the process, movement will be reduced to half, CHA will be a cube 3’ on a side.
reduced by 2d4, and STR and CON reduced by 1d4. Halfway
through, movement is impossible, CHA is reduced to 3, and STR This spell is normally available only to cultists of Shub-
and CON are reduced by another 1d6. By the time the spell is Niggurath.

Horns of the Ram (Alteration)

Level: 1 Components: V,S

Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

This spell causes the creature touched to sprout literal ram’s

horns from his head. This allows the recipient to attack in melee
with the horns, doing 1-2 h.p. damage. Hats and helms cannot
be worn by the creature touched.

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Shub-



Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Hound of Warding (Evocation) A successful saving throw means the creature can navigate, but
any combat and spellcasting are hindered as if the creature were
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M blind (-4 penalty to hit, no line of sight possible, etc.).
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 hour + 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None This spell is normally available only to cultists of Cthulhu.
Area of Effect: Creature or item
touched Invisible Librarian (Evocation)

When this spell is cast, a single item (such as a chest, wagon, Level: Cantrip Components: S
etc., no larger than 10’x10’x10’) or creature is linked to an Range: 20’ Casting Time: ½ segment
invisible phantom dog that will issue a warning if the target is Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
threatened. An audible growling will be heard if the target of the Area of Effect: One book or scroll
spell is approached from the flank or rear within 10’, or if hidden
or camouflaged creatures (but not invisible, astral, or ethereal This cantrip causes any one book in the caster’s hand to return
creatures) are within 20’. The material component is a pinch of to its proper place on a bookshelf within 20’. The book moves
dog hair, which is lost when the spell is cast. gently and slowly; it will not move with enough force to defy
someone trying to hold on to it and prevent its return.
This spell is normally available only to Cult of Starry Wisdom
cultists, or scholars. Invoke Azathoth (Conjuration/Summoning)

Illuminate (Evocation) Level: 7 Components: V,S,M

Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour
Level: Cantrip Components: V,S,M Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch Casting Time: ½ segment Area of Effect: Special
Duration: 1 min. + 1/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One crystal This spell is the ultimate goal of the cult of Azathoth, as it will
bring forth its blind idiot god from his place of imprisonment, in
This spell causes a single piece of clear crystal (no more than hopes he will devour the universe, in order that a new one might
1” in diameter) to glow with a light sufficient to read by, but little be created in his image. The material component is a human or
else, some 1’ in radius. The light remains in effect for 1 minute demi-human, who must be sacrificed to Azathoth in order to
plus 1 minute per caster level. The crystal must be in the caster’s facilitate his coming.
hand when the spell is cast, but may be re-used.
In addition, this spell cannot be cast when it is convenient for the
Impossible Angles (Alteration) cultist; it can only be cast when The Stars Are Right (see the
astrology skill on p. 18 for details; the game master can simply
Level: 4 Components: V,S declare when such astrological alignments are occurring, as
Range: 60’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 1 round appropriate for the campaign).
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One 10’ cube/level The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon
Azathoth take an hour, at the end of which time he will appear.
This spell will warp the very fabric of reality ever-so-slightly. It When that happens, roll to see what occurs:
has no effect when cast in an open and empty space, but when
cast in an area with walls, furniture, trees, rocks, etc., it will TABLE 37: INVOKE AZATHOTH
induce unease, nausea, and vertigo as the angles of the objects Die Roll What does Azathoth do?
within the area of effect do not add up the way they should. It is 01-08 Attacks all creatures in line of sight, beginning
impossible for ordinary 3-dimensional beings to pin down the with the closest. He continues until all reality
has been consumed, or he is sent back to his
exact nature of the distortion, as the lines and planes seem to
slide and shift beneath their gaze.
09-96 Attacks 1d100 hit dice worth of creatures, then
returns to his prison, sated for the moment.
Animals with an INT of 4 or less will not enter such an area.
97-99 Rewards the spellcaster who cast the spell by
Creatures that rely on echolocation will avoid the area, as making that worthy the first to die, then returns
sounds do not bounce back the way they should. Sighted to his prison.
creatures must make a saving throw vs. spells or become 00 Rewards the spellcaster who cast the spell by
completely disoriented; melee and missile combat is impossible, increasing all his or her statistic scores by 1.
spellcasting that affects anyone other than the caster cannot be
accomplished, and movement will result in the creature moving This spell is normally available only to cultists of Azathoth.
in a random direction.
See also: Azathoth (p. 111).


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Invoke Cthulhu (Invocation) Invoke Dagon and Hydra (Invocation)

Level: 7 Components: V,S,M Level: 7 Components: V,S,M

Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special Area of Effect: Special

This spell will awaken Great Cthulhu from his death-slumber in This spell summons forth Father Dagon and/or Mother Hydra
his great House in R’lyeh. The material component is a human from the sea. The material component is a human or demi-
or demi-human, who must be sacrificed to Cthulhu in order to human, who must be sacrificed to Dagon and Hydra in order to
facilitate his awakening. In addition, this spell cannot be cast facilitate their coming. The spell can only be cast at the edge of
when it is convenient for the cultist; it can only be cast when The the sea, within 100’ feet of the sea itself.
Stars Are Right (see the astrology skill on p. 18 for details; the
game master can simply declare when such astrological The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon
alignments are occurring, as appropriate for the campaign), and Dagon and Hydra take an hour, at the end of which time one or
can only be cast at R’lyeh itself, when it rises from the sea, thus both of them will appear. When that happens, roll to see what
affording an opportunity for Cthulhu to reign once more. occurs:

The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon TABLE 39: INVOKE DAGON AND HYDRA
Cthulhu take an hour, at the end of which time he will emerge. Die Roll What do Dagon and Hydra do?
When that happens, roll to see what occurs: 01-07 Dagon answers the summons alone. He
proceeds to attack all non-Deep Ones/hybrids
TABLE 38: INVOKE CTHULHU in the vicinity before returning to his lair in the
Die Roll What does Cthulhu do? deeps. He is open to petitions (see the 6th level
01-35 Immediately disappears with a sucking “pop”, spell petition Dagon and Hydra).
off to plan his takeover of the world and begin 08-26 Dagon answers the summons alone. He places
building his cult among men and others. a quest on the spellcaster to perform some
36-42 Devours the spellcaster and all creatures within great service that can only be done far away
30’ of him, then proceeds to attempt to conquer from the sea where his beloved Deep Ones
the world. He is open to petitions (see the 6th cannot easily venture (details to be determined
level spell petition Cthulhu). by the game master). Once completed, Dagon
43-45 Gazes up at the sky almost thoughtfully, then will grant the spellcaster a single wish.
returns to his House, deciding that the Stars Are 27-41 Hydra answers the summons alone. If the
Wrong. He will not emerge again for at least spellcaster is a human or demi-human, she
another year. immediately turns him or her into a Deep One.
46-50 Begins to restore R’lyeh as the center of his She then personally attacks any settlement
cult, with the spellcaster as his High Priest. The within 5 miles that has been harassing or
campaign to conquer the world begins anew. otherwise hindering any nearby Deep Ones.
He is open to petitions. She is open to petitions.
51-75 Goes into a frenzy, slaying followers and 42-62 Hydra answers the summons alone. She
enemies indiscriminately. He then returns to his regurgitates a viscous blob containing 9-12
House, and the sunken city of R’lyeh once more (1d4+8) soft balls; these are Deep One eggs.
submerges beneath the sea. She lays a quest on one random person within
76-84 Goes into a frenzy, slaying followers and 120’ to care for the eggs with their life, making
enemies, but deliberately spares the sure they are safely put into the sea in exactly
spellcaster. He then disappears to start his 33 days to ensure that they hatch. Success will
conquest of the world, but not without giving the be rewarded with a set of matched pearls, one
spellcaster a permanent +1 to all ability scores. for every egg, worth 10,000 g.p. each. She is
85-00 All those within 120’ who are either cultists of open to petitions.
Cthulhu, or who have received the mark of 63-78 Dagon and Hydra appear together. They will kill
Cthulhu, are instantly given mental commands half of the people within 120’ (chosen randomly)
to begin spreading his cult in preparation for his and then will grant the other half the ability to
eventual ascension. They will all be his breathe underwater for the next year. They will
lieutenants in his final ultimate campaign for then return to their lair in the deep ocean. Any
power. All others are to be sacrificed on his Deep Ones will be spared, and granted +1 on
slime-covered altars in R’lyeh in a frenzy of all saving throws for one year. They are open to
thanksgiving. He is open to petitions. petitions.

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Cthulhu.

See also: Cthulhu (p. 111).


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll What do Dagon and Hydra do? cultist; it can only be cast when The Stars Are Right (see the
79-00 Dagon and Hydra appear together. All astrology skill on p. 18 for details; the game master can simply
creatures within 120’ will be blessed (as per the declare when such astrological alignments are occurring, as
spell) for the next lunar month. One individual, appropriate for the campaign).
chosen randomly, will be given a quest to
recover some object in a nearby city or ruin The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon
within the lunar month. Success will be Hastur take an hour, at the end of which time he will appear.
rewarded with advancement to the next When that happens, roll to see what occurs:
experience level; failure will result in death.
They are open to petitions. TABLE 40: INVOKE HASTUR
Die Roll What does Hastur do?
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Dagon and 01-15 Immediately begins attacking anyone within
Hydra. 120’, at random. Once 10-40 levels/hit dice of
creatures have been killed, Hastur’s hunger is
See also: Dagon (p. 113) and Hydra (p. 115). sated, and he commands his remaining
followers to grow his cult to prepare for his
Invoke Ghatanothoa (Invocation) conquest of the world. He is open to petitions
(see the 6th level spell petition Hastur).
Level: 7 Components: V,S 16-45 Gives the spellcaster a quest to locate and
Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 turn destroy the nearest infestation of Mi-Go within
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None the year. Success will be rewarded with
Area of Effect: Special command of Hastur’s armies in this realm,
failure will be met with annihilation.
This spell is the great fear of the cultists of Ghatanothoa, as they 46-50 All Hastur cultists and those who bear the mark
live in terror of their god getting loose and themselves being of Hastur are instantly raised to the next
transformed into living mummies. That the spell does exist, experience level. The one with the highest
however, indicates that the god himself does desire to be free, experience level is selected as the Fist of
so the fact that the desires of the god are at odds with those of Hastur, and is instructed to raise an army to
his priesthood is a matter for philosophers to debate. The spell begin the conquest of the world. He is open to
can only be cast at the door of the pit wherein Ghatanothoa petitions.
himself resides, and will cause the portal to open and the god to 51-00 The spellcaster is instantly disintegrated.
step forth. Everyone else within 60’ of Hastur is informed
they are now his servants, and any
The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon disobedience will be met by death. They are
Ghatanothoa take an hour, at the end of which time the doors of then commanded to grow his cult to prepare for
global conquest. He is open to petitions.
his prison will open. When that happens, Ghatanothoa will
invariably go on a rampage, turning people into living mummies This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur.
or slaying them, and either returning to his prison/lair after 1-8
days (50%) or not halting until stopped by force or an See also: Hastur (p. 115).
impenetrable geographical obstacle such as an ocean, large
mountain range, etc. (50%). Invoke Nyarlathotep (Invocation)

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Ghatanothoa. Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour
See also: Ghatanothoa (p. 114) Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Invoke Hastur (Invocation)
This spell will summon one of the many forms of Nyarlathotep in
Level: 7 Components: V,S,M person; the reaction his devoted followers receive will depend
Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour on which form the god decides to show them. The material
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None component is a human or demi-human, who must be sacrificed
Area of Effect: Special to Nyarlathotep in order to facilitate his coming. In addition, this
spell cannot be cast when it is convenient for the cultist; it can
This spell will reunite Hastur’s astral form with his mortal form,
only be cast when The Stars Are Right (see the astrology skill
which rests imprisoned and inanimate, and bring them both to
on p. 18 for details; the game master can simply declare when
the site of the spell being cast. Doing so is the ultimate goal of
such astrological alignments are occurring, as needed).
his cultists, who expect they will rule the world as his faithful
servants. The material component is a human or demi-human, The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon
who must be sacrificed to Hastur in order to facilitate his coming. Nyarlathotep take an hour, at the end of which time he will
In addition, this spell cannot be cast when it is convenient for the appear. When that happens, roll to see what occurs (he is


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

always open to petitions; see the 6th level spell petition Die Roll Which form of Nyarlathotep arrives?
Nyarlathotep): an experience level, being brought to the
minimum number of x.p. needed.
TABLE 41: INVOKE NYARLATHOTEP 84-00 The Proud Pharaoh, who will offer to teach the
Die Roll Which form of Nyarlathotep arrives? spellcaster, or someone else present when the
01-17 The Black Man, who offers to tell the spellcaster, spell is completed, one skill level in the technology
or someone else present when the spell is of Nyarlathotep, in return for receiving the mark of
completed, the location of a Mythos grimoire, in Nyarlathotep (if there is no one who does not
return for receiving the mark of Nyarlathotep. If already bear the mark nearby, the Proud Pharaoh
the offer is accepted, a quest will be laid upon the will simply depart). If the offer is accepted, the
recipient to obtain the book. If it is not, a close knowledge will be transferred over the course of
loved one of the spellcaster will mysteriously die a week of intense training and study, and the
before the next full moon. recipient will be expected to actively but secretly
18-33 The Crawling Chaos, who demands any within further the goals of Nyarlathotep. If the offer is
120’ who do not bear the mark of one of the Other refused, the one who refuses will never be able to
Gods immediately bow before him and take the keep monetary treasure more than 100 g.p. for
mark of Nyarlathotep. Those who do so will be more than a few days without something
given the mark (see the first-level cultist spell catastrophic happening to it.
ceremony), while those who refuse will be blasted
with 1-4 forms of insanity, 1-4 of which will be This spell is normally available only to cultists of Nyarlathotep.
permanent (the others will last 1-6 months). If all
within 120’ bear the mark, they will be rewarded Invoke Shub-Niggurath (Invocation)
with an important mission to undertake on behalf
of one of the various cults dedicated to the Other Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
Gods (the game master is encouraged to come Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour
up with something suitably important, and yet Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
reasonably attainable). The cult may or may not Area of Effect: Special
be that of Nyarlathotep himself; determine which
at random. This spell will call forth the Black Goat of the Woods with a
34-49 The Faceless Knight, who challenges the Thousand Young, Shub-Niggurath, as an act of pure worship in
spellcaster to a duel of arms, with no magic hopes of receiving her blessing. The material component is a
allowed. If the duel is accepted, the Knight will human or demi-human, who must be sacrificed to Shub-
fight for 1-3 rounds, then declare the caster Niggurath in order to facilitate her coming. No fewer than 10
worthy (assuming he or she isn’t slain in the willing (or charmed) people must be within 60’ of the caster
battle). As a result, the spellcaster will use the
during the casting of the spell, as they engage in various acts of
fighter combat tables to determine “to hit” rolls,
depravity and lust as the spellcaster’s chanting continues.
and the more beneficial of the fighter or cleric
saving throw tables. If the challenge is declined,
The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon
the spellcaster will suffer a -4 penalty on all “to hit”
rolls forever. Shub-Niggurath take an hour, at the end of which time she will
50-66 The Haunter of the Dark, who will first envelop the appear. When that happens, roll to see what occurs:
area in a spell of darkness 15’ radius, and then go
forth and attack any single individual named, by TABLE 42: INVOKE SHUB-NIGGURATH
sending forth a dark haunter (see p. 83). If no Die Roll What does Shub-Niggurath do?
individual is named within 1 round, the dark 01-85 Revels in the festivities with those assembled.
haunter will go after the spellcaster. Once the Everyone present who either is a cultist or bears
target has been eliminated, the Haunter of the the mark of Shub-Niggurath receives her blessing
Dark will offer wisdom in the form of skill levels to (as per the cleric spell) for the next 28 days. She
the one who summoned him and provided the is open to petitions (see the 6th level spell petition
sacrifice. If the summoner does not already have Shub-Niggurath).
it, he or she will receive the mark of Nyarlathotep. 86-97 Joins in the revels, but loses control, accidentally
67-83 The Orb of Darkness, who floats, inscrutably, attacking 1-4 worshipers in a frenzy of lust-
whether in judgement, or disgust, or simply induced violence. Those remaining still receive
without any comprehension of the spellcaster. her blessing (as per the cleric spell) for the next
Conical spikes protrude at random intervals and 28 days. She is open to petitions.
then recede, and then it disappears without a 98-99 Instructs those present to infiltrate a nearby
sound after 1-3 minutes. There is a 1% chance temple or congregation of a local fertility
that requests made of the Orb will be granted god(dess) that has offended her. They are to
(treat as a limited wish), but also a 1% chance that suborn that deity’s followers and properties,
those making any requests will suffer the loss of secretly turning them to the worship of Shub-
Niggurath. She is open to petitions.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)



Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

TABLE 43: INVOKE SHUB-NIGGURATH Invoke Yig (invocation)

Die Roll What does Shub-Niggurath do?
00 The spellcaster is given a quest to retrieve some Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
object from a distant ruin or other hard-to-reach Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour
location (the game master should come up with Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
suitable details). Success is rewarded with the Area of Effect: Special
ability to cast plant growth once per week, in
addition to any other spells. This spell will attract the attention of the serpent-god Yig, who
will find a path to the summoner’s location through the
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Shub- innumerable passages that riddle the earth. The material
Niggurath. component is a drum that is used to attract the attention of Yig
See also: Shub-Niggurath (p. 118). through the beating of a special rhythm, as well as secret
chanted incantations. In addition, this spell cannot be cast when
Invoke Tsathoggua (invocation) it is convenient for the cultist; it can only be cast during the
autumn months, when Yig’s hunger is greatest, and his desire
Level: 7 Components: V,S,M to visit the world of men is at its height.
Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None The chants and drumming required to summon Yig take an hour,
Area of Effect: Special at the end of which time he will appear. When that happens, roll
to see what occurs:
This spell will attract the attention of the toad-god Tsathoggua,
who will manifest himself before the spellcaster. The material TABLE 45: INVOKE YIG
component is a human or demi-human, who must be sacrificed Die Roll What does Yig do?
to Tsathoggua in order to facilitate his coming. In addition, this 01-14 Yig does not appear in person, but a swarm of
spell cannot be cast when it is convenient for the cultist; it can 10d10 snakes of all sizes and types come in his
only be cast when The Stars Are Right (see the astrology skill stead, attacking anyone within 120’ of the
on p. 18 for details; the game master can simply declare when spellcaster, then returning whence they came.
such astrological alignments are occurring, as appropriate). 15-25 Yig personally devours the spellcaster and
anyone within 1,000’, then returns to his
The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon subterranean lair, sated for the moment.
Tsathoggua take an hour, at the end of which time he will 26-28 Yig personally appears and grants the
appear. When that happens, roll to see what occurs: spellcaster the ability to speak with snakes (as
per the spell) permanently. He is open to
TABLE 44: INVOKE TSATHOGGUA petitions (see the 6th level spell petition Yig).
Die Roll What does Tsathoggua do? 29-98 Personally appears and grants the spellcaster
01-10 All Tsathoggua cultists and those who bear the the use of 2d6 giant snakes for the next 24
mark of Tsathoggua are raised to the next hours. The serpents will obey the verbal orders
experience level. He is open to petitions (see of the spellcaster, but cannot comprehend
the 6th level spell petition Tsathoggua). complex orders.
11-16 Sends the caster on a quest to find K’n-yan, in 99-00 Yig goes on a rampage, heading towards the
order to restore the worship of Tsathoggua nearest settlement, attacking and devouring
within a year thereafter. He is open to petitions. anything in sight. This lasts for 12 hours, until
17-46 Instructs all those present to proceed to the he returns to his lair.
nearest town or city and openly proclaim the
worship of the god, including building a temple. This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yig.
47-85 Instructs all those present to proceed to the
nearest town or city and undermine one of the See also: Yig (p. 119).
local temples, with the aim of replacing it with a
temple of Tsathoggua. Evil temples will be Invoke Yog-Sothoth (Invocation)
targeted first, followed by neutral ones, and
finally good ones. Level: 7 Components: V,S,M
86-00 Attacks the spellcaster for effrontery, Range: 100’ Casting Time: 1 hour
swallowing him whole to be digested over the Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
course of the next month, fully conscious of the Area of Effect: Special
experience but unable to act. If a formless
spawn is present, re-roll, but if an 86 or higher This spell opens a crack in the very surface of the multiverse,
is rolled again, it will apply. allowing Yog-Sothoth to enter from that weird dimension where
he dwells. The material component is a human or demi-human,
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Tsathoggua. who must be sacrificed to Yog-Sothoth in order to facilitate his
coming. In addition, this spell cannot be cast when it is
See also: Tsathoggua (p. 119).


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Light from Distant Stars (Evocation)

Level: 4 Components: V,S,M

Range: 0 Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/ Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 60’ radius
convenient for the cultist; it can only be cast when The Stars Are
Right (see the astrology skill on p. 18 for details; the game This spell invokes sunlight as it is seen on certain worlds or
master can simply declare when such astrological alignments emanating from distant stars far off in space, some in different
are occurring, as appropriate for the campaign). crystal spheres. Doing so will change the laws of nature in the
area of effect, which will have different results as follows. Each
The chants and other parts of the ritual required to summon Yog- requires the destruction of a certain type of gem of no less than
Sothoth take an hour, at the end of which time he will appear. 500 g.p. value.
When that happens, roll to see what occurs:
TABLE 46: INVOKE YOG-SOTHOTH Planet/Star Gemstone Effect
Die Roll What does Yog-Sothoth do? Aldebaran Ruby All fire-based creatures get +1
01-33 Bestows knowledge upon the spellcaster; bonus to all “to hit” and saving
giving the spellcaster his or her choice of a skill throw rolls, -1 per die on all
level in any skill (max. level 3). A saving throw damage received.
vs. insanity is required; failure means the Algol Garnet All chaotic evil creatures get +1
spellcaster gains 1 form of insanity for 31-50 bonus to all “to hit” and saving
days (d20+30). He is open to petitions (see the throw rolls, -1 per die on all
6th level spell petition Yog-Sothoth). damage received.
34-50 Sends the spellcaster on a quest for Fomalhaut Diamond All saving throws vs. insanity are
knowledge; he or she must seek some fabled made with a -2 penalty.
object (80% chance this will be a Mythos- Kythanil Topaz All illusions in the area of effect
related grimoire), having been given a vague begin to waver; saving throws to
clue as to its whereabouts. He is open to disbelieve illusions are made
petitions. with a +2 bonus, and anyone
51-89 Yog-Sothoth grants the spellcaster a vision of who has previously failed such a
some moment in time and space of the roll gets a new roll (without the
spellcaster’s choosing. The spellcaster will see bonus).
and hear the scene play out as if he were Yith Pearl Any members of the Great Race
standing there, invisible, for 1-4 minutes. This in the area of effect get a +4
could be in the past, present, or future, and as bonus to all saving throws and
close as the next room or as far as a distant all technology of Yith skill rolls.
world. He is open to petitions. All others get a +2 bonus for
90-99 Grants power to the spellcaster, allowing him or technology of Yith skill rolls. It is
her to cast shocking grasp 3 times/day, in impossible to undo demonic
addition to any other spells. If this result comes possession, mind jar spells, and
up again, the game master should substitute other forms of mind-swapping
another, similarly-powered, benefit. while in the influence of the stars
00 Temerity! Yog-Sothoth rips the spellcaster into of Yith, even voluntarily (Great
thousands of still-living, still-feeling gibbets of Race are the only exceptions).
meat. The pain is still felt as the bits of flesh Yuggoth Emerald Anyone who has received the
quiver in agony, even as they begin to mark of a Great Old One (but not
decompose and are devoured by insects and an Outer God) will receive a +2
small animals. Sentience remains in the last bonus to all saving throws.
piece, which has felt and remembers every Anyone in the area of effect will
single atom of pain. get a +2 bonus on all technology
of Yuggoth skill rolls. Mi-Go in
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth. the area of effect receive double
these bonuses.
See also: Yog-Sothoth (p. 120).


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Lighter Slumber (Alteration) scores are those of the new mind, and the CHA score is
averaged between the two (reflecting the dual nature of
Level: 3 Components: V,S,M charisma as reflecting both physical beauty and
Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments persuasiveness). Of course the personality and knowledge of
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg. the old mind is brought into the new body as well. The voice may
Area of Effect: Creature touched be the same, but the inflection and tone will be that of the new
This spell enables the creature touched to enter the Dreamlands
with the flow of time functioning as if he or she had entered light The target is entitled to a new saving throw at intervals described
slumber (see the Dreamlands starting on p. 72 for details). The below. Success means the mind of the spellcaster and the target
creature will immediately fall into a light sleep for the duration of are switched back again. The spellcaster can end the
their journey into the Dreamlands; if the target is unwilling, a transference at will, regardless of distance.
successful roll “to hit” must be made, and the target is entitled to
a saving throw vs. spells. The material component is a pinch of At 12th level, the spellcaster can manifest the transference by
sand, which is sprinkled onto the eyes of the target. staring at any creature within 30’. A new saving throw is made
every 1d4 rounds.
Lightning Charm (Enchantment/Charm)
At 14th level, the spellcaster can manifest the transference by
Level: 4 Components: V,S,M staring at any creature within 120’. A new saving throw is made
Range: 10’ Casting Time: 4 segments every 1d6 hours. If the target has been successfully transferred
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: Neg. before, the spellcaster gets a +1 bonus to the saving throw.
Area of Effect: 30’ diameter of
lightning At 16th level, the spellcaster can manifest the transference with
any creature whom he or she has met, within a range of 100’ +
This spell is similar to the 4th level magic-user spell fire charm, 10’ per experience level. A new saving throw is made every 3d6
except that the focus for the fascination of the audience is a 6” hours. If the target has been successfully transferred before, the
glass globe that will produce electrical arcs as the spell is cast. spellcaster gets a +1 bonus to the saving throw for every 5 times
Any sphere of glass or crystal will serve, as long as it is not the same target has been successfully mind-swapped by means
opaque (some cultists of Nyarlathotep have special staves with of this spell.
such globes on the end, specifically for the casting of this spell).
The sphere can also be moved with the caster, and those who At 18th level, the spellcaster can manifest the transference with
have been enchanted by it will follow as if in a trance. The any creature whom he or she has met, within a range of 1 mile
sphere is not destroyed in the casting. + 1 mile per experience level. A new saving throw is made every
2d6 days. If the target has been successfully transferred before,
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Nyarlathotep. the spellcaster gets a +1 bonus to the saving throw for every 5
times the same target has been successfully mind-swapped by
Mind Transference (Alteration) means of this spell. If that has happened 10 times or more, the
spellcaster’s soul has achieved a permanent semi-attachment
Level: 5 Components: Special
to the target’s body, and can even cast the mind transference
Range: Special Casting Time: 6 segments
spell within 30 days of dying. Only the complete physical
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Special
destruction of the spellcaster’s body by fire, acid, disintegration,
Area of Effect: Special
etc., can prevent that. The spellcaster must have memorized the
This spell allows the caster to swap his or her mind into the body spell prior to dying, of course.
of another, forcing the target’s mind into his or her own. In all
If a mind comes into to a dead body (including a target mind
cases, the subject is entitled to a special saving throw. Compare
forced into a magic-user’s corpse), a system shock check is
the INT + WIS + 1d6 of the target to the INT + WIS + 1d6 of the
required. If successful, the mind can animate the body (as a
spellcaster. If the total of the target is higher than or tied with that
zombie or skeleton, depending on the state of decay).
of the spellcaster, the spell does not work. If the total of the
Destruction of the body by means of acid, fire, disintegration,
spellcaster is higher than that of the target, the spell is
etc., will end the spell, finally destroying the mind that was in the
successful. If the WIS of the target is unavailable (as in the case
body thus obliterated.
of monsters), simply use the INT score again. The spell is
achieved by pure force of will; no somatic, verbal, or material The 8th level magic-user spell mind bar will effectively block this
components are required (other than having line of sight, as spell. A protection from evil spell (or similar magical effect) will
described below). grant the target a +2 bonus on his or her saving throw. An amulet
of proof against detection and location will require that the
When the minds of the spellcaster and the target are switched,
spellcaster has line of sight to the target in order to cast the spell.
purely mental abilities (secondary skills, languages, and
character class abilities) are also transferred. The INT and WIS


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Neutralize Serpent Venom (Alteration) Non-Euclidian Geometry (Alteration)

Level: 3 Components: V,S Level: 6 Components: V,S

Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments Range: 120’ + 30’/level Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Creature touched Area of Effect: One 20’ cube/level

Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the 4th level Similar to the 4th level spell impossible angles, this spell
cleric spell neutralize poison. This spell will only work on poisons changes the fabric of reality, warping it in the same way that
that originate with snakes and snake-like creatures, such as certain places associated with the Other Gods are warped (from
nagas, the hair of a medusa, etc. the human point of view, of course; from the point of view of the
Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, it is our world which is distorted
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yig. in its reality). Angles and curves seem to morph and alter their
form as one approaches, while straight lines and planes seem
to intersect in ways that are not just odd, but downright
impossible. Shadows become real under one’s gaze, and
objects that seemed real are revealed to be mere optical

Any animals with an INT of 4 or less will avoid the area affected
by the spell, as will those that rely on echolocation. Sighted
creatures must make a saving throw vs. spells or become
completely disoriented; melee and missile combat is impossible,
spellcasting that affects anyone other than the caster cannot be
accomplished, and any attempt at movement will result in the
creature moving in a random direction. A successful saving
throw means the creature can navigate, but any combat and
spellcasting are hindered as if the creature were blind (-4 penalty
to hit, no line of sight possible, etc.). Intelligent creatures outside
the area of effect of the spell must make a wisdom check (roll
WIS or under on a d20) to enter the zone of reality thus distorted
from outside; even looking into the area requires such a check,
Nightmare (Illusion/Phantasm) with a -4 bonus to the roll.

Level: 1 Components: V,S In addition, any creature in the area of effect of the spell for a
Range: 90’ Casting Time: 1 segment number of rounds equal to 20 minus their INT score must make
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg. a saving throw vs. insanity or take on one type of insanity, lasting
Area of Effect: One creature for 1-4 weeks. This count then resets, and an additional saving
throw must be made again after 20-INT rounds, and so on.
This spell will ensure that the creature who is the target will Leaving the area of effect, or the spell’s duration coming to an
suffer a particularly graphic and terrifying nightmare the next end, is the only way to end this effect.
time it tries to sleep.
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth or
Only creatures with an INT of 5 or higher can be so targeted. Starry Wisdom cultists.
The target is entitled to a saving throw; success means it still
has a nightmare, but doesn’t suffer any other ill effects. Failure Pass for Human (Enchantment/Charm)
means that when it wakes, the creature will suffer -1 on all
Level: 2 Components: V,S,M
saving throws the following day, as a result of lack of rest and
Range: Touch Casting Time: 2 segments
the psychological effects of the nightmare.
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched
A creature already targeted by this spell cannot be targeted
again until the next night; there can be only one nightmare per This spell allows a creature that is nearly human to pass as fully
night. A remove curse spell will prevent the nightmare, if it is cast human. It is fully effective on half-blooded humans such as Deep
before the target goes to sleep. One hybrids, half-elves, half-orcs, etc. If cast on a creature
without any human blood, but still of roughly humanoid form and
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Azathoth or size (such as a Deep One, orc, hobgoblin, etc.) anyone viewing
Nyarlathotep, and scholars. the creature is entitled to an intelligence check (roll INT or less
on a d20); success indicates they see through the disguise, but


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

only know that the creature isn’t human, not its true nature. The Petitioner is lawful evil or neutral evil .................... +5%
material component is a bit of clay, which is lost as the spell is Petitioner has cast the spell within the past
cast. year ...............................................................-40%
Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Cthulhu, and other than Dagon and Hydra or Cthulhu .......-15%
those of Dagon and Hydra.
If the petition is not granted, there is a 50% chance that Dagon
Petition Cthulhu (Invocation) and Hydra will drag the spellcaster back to their lair to be
devoured by schools of Deep One young.
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast without
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Dagon or Hydra being physically present, the petitioner can ask
Area of Effect: Special for a limited wish (as per the 7th level magic-user spell) from the
pair. There is a base 40% chance the petition will be granted,
This spell can be used in one of two ways. First, if Cthulhu has modified as above. If the petition is not granted, there is a 25%
been successfully summoned, is within 100’, and is open to chance the spellcaster will be struck with 2 forms of insanity for
petitions (see the 7th level spell invoke Cthulhu) then the caster 1-4 weeks.
can petition Cthulhu to grant one wish (as per the 9th level
magic-user spell). There is a base 50% chance that the petition The material component of this spell is a human or demi-human,
will be granted, modified as follows: who must be sacrificed to mark the end of the spell.

Petitioner bears the mark of Cthulhu .................. +15% Petition Ghatanothoa (Invocation)
Petitioner is a Deep One or hybrid ..................... +10%
Petitioner is chaotic evil ........................................ +5% Level: 6 Components: V,S,M
Petitioner has cast the spell within the past Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn
year .............................................................. -40% Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God Area of Effect: Special
other than Cthulhu........................................ -15%
This spell creates a psychic connection between the spellcaster
If the petition is not granted, there is a 50% chance that Cthulhu and Ghatanothoa, allowing the caster to petition that strange
will destroy the spellcaster for his audacity. deity for a favor. There is a base 50% chance that Ghatanothoa
will grant the petitioner a limited wish (as per the 7th level magic-
If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast without user spell), with the chance modified as follows:
Cthulhu being physically present, the best that can be hoped for
from Cthulhu is a limited wish. There is a base 35% chance the Petitioner bears the mark of Ghatanothoa .......... +20%
petition will be granted, modified as above. If the petition is not Petitioner is aligned with the Mi-Go ..................... +10%
granted, there is a 25% chance that the spellcaster will be struck Petitioner has cast the spell within the past
with 1 form of insanity for 1-12 months. year ...............................................................-40%
Petitioner is neutral evil ......................................... +5%
The material component of this spell is a human or demi-human,
who must be sacrificed to Cthulhu as the spellcasting reaches If the petition is denied, there is a 10% chance that Ghatanothoa
its crescendo. will send an instantaneous mental flash of his visage directly into
the mind of the spellcaster, turning him into a living mummy.
Petition Dagon and Hydra (Invocation)
The material component of this spell is a human or demi-human,
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M who must be sacrificed to Ghatanothoa as the spellcasting
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn comes to an end.
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special Petition Hastur (Invocation)

This spell works in one of two ways. First, if Dagon and/or Hydra Level: 6 Components: V,S,M
have been successfully summoned, are within 100’, and are Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn
open to petitions (see the 7th level spell invoke Dagon and Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Hydra) then the caster can petition them to grant one wish (as Area of Effect: Special
per the 9th level magic-user spell). There is a base 50% chance
of this petition being granted, modified as follows: This spell works in one of two ways. First, if Hastur has been
successfully summoned, is within 100’, and is open to petitions
Petitioner bears the mark of Dagon and Hydra .. +15% (see the 7th level spell invoke Hastur) then the caster can
Petitioner is a Deep One or hybrid ..................... +15% petition Hastur to grant one wish (as per the 9th level magic-user
The wish deals with the sea or water ................. +10%


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


spell). There is a base 50% chance that the petition will be If the petition is not accepted, Nyarlathotep will simply depart.
granted, modified as follows: No retribution or punishment will be given, other than the
rejection itself, unless a petition is attempted more than once per
Petitioner bears the mark of Hastur .................... +15% year. Then the game master is encouraged to be… creative... in
Petitioner is chaotic evil ........................................ +5% devising the means by which Nyarlathotep will punish such
Sacrifice of a Mi-Go is used as the greed.
material component..................................... +20%
Petitioner is aligned with the Mi-Go ..................... -25%
If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast without
Petitioner has cast the spell within the past
year .............................................................. -40% Nyarlathotep being physically present, the spellcaster can
Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God petition for a limited wish to be granted (as per the 7th level
other than Hastur ......................................... -15% magic-user spell) through the mental link established by the
spell. There is a base 40% chance the petition will be approved,
If the petition is not granted, there is a 50% chance that the with the same modifiers as are listed above. No punishment will
spellcaster will be destroyed by Hastur. be wrought if the petition is rejected, except as noted above.

If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast without The material component of this spell is a human or demi-human,
Hastur being physically present, the best that can be hoped for who must be sacrificed to mark the end of the spell.
is that Hastur will grant a limited wish (as per the 7th level magic-
user spell). There is a base 40% chance the petition will be Petition Shub-Niggurath (Invocation)
granted, but if it is not, the spellcaster has a 25% chance of
being struck with 1-3 forms of insanity for 1-4 months. Level: 6 Components: V,S,M
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn
The material component of this spell is a human, demi-human, Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
or Mi-Go, who is sacrificed to Hastur at the conclusion of the Area of Effect: Special
spell’s casting time.
This spell works in one of two ways. First, if Shub-Niggurath has
Petition Nyarlathotep (Invocation)
been successfully summoned, is within 100’, and is open to
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M petitions (see the 7th level spell invoke Shub-Niggurath) then
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn the caster can petition her to grant one wish (as per the 9th level
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None magic-user spell). The base chance of the petition being granted
Area of Effect: Special is 50%, modified as follows:

This spell works in one of two ways. First, if Nyarlathotep has Petitioner bears the mark of Shub-Niggurath ...... +15%
Shub-Niggurath has been summoned by one
been successfully summoned and is within 100’ (see the 7th
of her spawn ................................................ +20%
level spell invoke Nyarlathotep), then the caster can petition Petitioner is chaotic evil ........................................ +5%
Nyarlathotep to grant one wish (as per the 9th level magic-user Petitioner has cast the spell within the past
spell). There is a base 50% chance that the petition will be year ...............................................................-40%
granted, with the following modifiers: Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God
other than Shub-Niggurath............................-15%
Petitioner bears the mark of Nyarlathotep .......... +15%
Petitioner is chaotic evil ........................................ +5% If the petition is not accepted, there is a 25% chance that Shub-
Nyarlathotep is in the form of the Black Man ...... +15% Niggurath will send 3-12 of her spawn to destroy the spellcaster.
Nyarlathotep is in the form of the Crawling
Chaos........................................................... -10%
If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast without Shub-
Nyarlathotep is in the form of the Faceless
Niggurath being physically present, then the spellcaster can
Knight .......................................................... +10%
Nyarlathotep is in the form of the Haunter of petition for a limited wish (as per the 7th level magic-user spell)
the Dark ...................................................... +15% through the psychic connection created by the spell. There is a
Nyarlathotep is in the form of the Orb of base 35% chance for the petition to be approved, modified as
Darkness ...................................................... -35% above. If the petition is not granted, there is a 20% chance that
Nyarlathotep is in the form of the Proud the petitioner will be struck with 1-2 forms of insanity, which will
Pharaoh ...................................................... +20% last for 1-6 months.
Petitioner has cast the spell within the past
year .............................................................. -40% The material component of this spell is a human or demi-human,
Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God who must be sacrificed as the spellcasting comes to an end.
other than Nyarlathotep................................ -15%


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Petition Tsathoggua (Invocation) of Yig on the spellcaster (as per the 4th level cultist spell, but
only a limited wish or more powerful magic will ever be able to
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M undo the effect).
Range: Special Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast without Yig
Area of Effect: Special being physically present, the petitioner can ask for the granting
of a limited wish (as per the 7th level magic-user spell) through
This spell works in one of two ways. First, if Tsathoggua has
the psychic link that is made. This has a 40% base chance of
been successfully summoned, is within 100', and is open to
being granted, with the same modifiers as listed above. If the
petitions (see the 7th level spell invoke Tsathoggua), then the
petition is not granted, there is a 25% chance the spellcaster will
caster can petition Tsathoggua to grant one wish (as per the 9th
be struck with the curse of Yig (with the same conditions as
level magic-user spell). There is a base 50% chance that the
noted above).
petition will be granted, with the following modifiers:
Petition Yog-Sothoth (Invocation)
Petitioner bears the mark of Tsathoggua ........... +15%
Spell is cast in absolute darkness ...................... +10%
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M
Petitioner is chaotic evil ........................................ +5%
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn
Petitioner has cast the spell within the past year. -40%
Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God other Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
than Tsathoggua .............................................. -15% Area of Effect: Special

This spell works in one of two ways. First, if Yog-Sothoth has

If the petition is not granted, there is a 50% chance that the been successfully summoned, is within 100’, and is open to
petitioner will be swallowed whole by Tsathoggua before he petitions (see the 7th level spell invoke Yog-Sothoth) then the
departs. caster can petition him to grant one wish (as per the 9th level
magic-user spell). The base chance of the petition being granted
If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast is 50%, modified as follows:
without Tsathoggua being physically present, the spellcaster
can petition for a limited wish to be granted (as per the 7th Petitioner bears the mark of Yog-Sothoth ........... +15%
level magic-user spell) through the mental link established by Petitioner is chaotic evil ........................................ +5%
the spell. There is a base 40% chance the petition will be Petitioner has cast the spell within the past
year ...............................................................-40%
granted, but if it is not, the spellcaster has a 30% chance of
Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God
losing 2-4 points of CHA permanently, as his features take on
other than Yog-Sothoth .................................-10%
a decidedly batrachian aspect.
If the petition is rejected, there is a 33% chance that Yog-
Petition Yig (Invocation)
Sothoth will place the petitioner in an angular prison (as per the
Level: 6 Components: V,S,M 5th level scholar spell, but checks are made every year, not
Range: Special Casting Time: 1 turn every round).
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
If, on the other hand, the spell is simply being cast without Yog-
Area of Effect: Special
Sothoth being physically present, the psychic link thus created
This spell works in one of two ways. First, if Yig has been can be used to petition for the god to grant a limited wish (as per
successfully summoned, is within 100’, and is open to petitions the 7th level spell). There is a 40% chance that the petition will
(see the 7th level spell invoke Yig) then the caster can petition be granted, modified as noted above. If the petition is rejected,
Yig to grant one wish (as per the 9th level magic-user spell). the petitioner will be put into an angular prison, but checks will
There is a base 50% chance this petition will be granted, be made once per month.
modified as follows:

Petitioner bears the mark of Yig ......................... +15%

Petitioner is neutral evil ........................................ +5%
Spell is cast during harvest season ..................... -15%
Petitioner has cast the spell within the past
year .............................................................. -40%
Petitioner bears the mark of an Other God
other than Yig ............................................... -15%

If the petition is declined, there is a 15% chance that Yig will

send 1-6 poisonous snakes after the spellcaster every week
until he is slain, and a 15% chance that he will inflict the curse


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Piping of the Stars (Evocation) effect, and wisdom magical attack adjustment does apply. The
post-hypnotic suggestion can linger for up to 4 weeks.
Level: 4 Components: V,S
Range: 0 Casting Time: 4 segments Protection from Tainted Horrors (Abjuration)
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 90’ radius Level: 2 Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch Casting Time: 4 segments
This spell duplicates the mind-numbing piping that keeps the Duration: 3 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
mad god Azathoth semi-content in his other-spatial prison. The Area of Effect: Creature touched
spell calls forth atonal music, filling the air as if played by
numerous invisible shepherd’s pipes, which have an immediate This spell creates a zone some one foot in radius from the
soporific effect on all creatures within the area of effect. All recipient, which prevents physical contact by creatures that bear
creatures with 3 or fewer levels / hit dice must make a saving the taint of the Great Old Ones or Outer Gods, such as Mi-Go,
throw vs. spells or fall asleep for the duration of the spell. All flying polyps, Old Ones, etc. Any creature that bears the mark
creatures with more than 3 levels / hit dice must make a saving of one of the Other Gods (see the 1st level cultist spell ceremony
throw vs. spells in order to initiate actions such as spellcasting, for details) will be also affected by this spell. Any such creature
movement, or melee. If in melee, they can defend themselves, will suffer a -2 penalty on all “to hit” rolls against the creature
but cannot roll for attack unless their saving throw is successful. protected by the spell, and all saving throws (including saving
A new saving throw to act is required each round. The throws against insanity) are made with a +2 bonus by the
spellcaster is not affected by the spell, and magic resistance creature so protected. The material component of the spell is a
does apply. circle encompassing many special signs and sigils, which must
be inscribed on the floor. It will not, therefore, move with the
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Azathoth. The recipient.
spell is sometimes known by the name “The Flute of Zamfir”.
Protection from Tainted Horrors, 10’ Radius (Abjuration)
Plague of Nightmares (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 4 Components: V,S,M
Level: 3 Components: V,S Range: Touch Casting Time: 8 segments
Range: 0 Casting Time: 3 segments Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg. Area of Effect: 20’ diameter
Area of Effect: 1000’ radius + sphere
This spell functions similarly to the 2nd level scholar spell
This spell is similar to the 1st level spell nightmare (q.v.), except protection from tainted horrors, except that it creates a bubble
all creatures within the area of effect are impacted by the some 20’ in diameter, within which the protective effects are felt.
deleterious effects of the nightmares thus produced. The
spellcaster cannot pick and chose who is or is not affected. A Psychic Flail (Evocation)
spellcaster with a high enough level can cover an entire town
with such troublesome dreams. Remove curse will only prevent Level: 1 Components: V,S
the spell from affecting a single individual. Range: 60’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
Post-hypnotic Suggestion (Enchantment/Charm) Area of Effect: Up to 1 creature
per level in a 10’ radius
Level: 5 Components: S
Range: 60’ Casting Time: Special This spell generates a field of mental energy that lashes out at
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg. one or more target creatures. The spell causes physical harm to
Area of Effect: One creature those creatures, cutting skin in the same patterns that would be
seen if a physical lash were used. The spell will cause 1d6 h.p.
This spell is similar to the 1st level illusionist spell hypnotism, but of damage to each creature in the target area. Animals with an
it allows the caster to plant a long-term suggestion into the target INT of 4 or less who are hit with the psychic flail will move away
creature, and can do so simply through mental means, without from the caster of the spell unless restrained or otherwise
the need for vocalization at all. The casting time is equal to 5 controlled.
segments plus however long it takes the caster to subvocalize
the implanted suggestion. This post-hypnotic suggestion cannot This spell is normally available only to cultists of Ghatanothoa or
be more than 1 sentence (approximately 12 words) in length, Tsathoggua.
and cannot be used to induce the target to harm or kill itself. A
saving throw will allow the target to resist the suggestion without


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

Quantify (Divination) Revolting Aspect (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: Cantrip Components: V,S,M Level: 3 Components: V,S,M

Range: 10’ Casting Time: ½ segment Range: Touch Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 20’ cube Area of Effect: Creature touched

This spell allows the caster to measure the weight, length, This spell produces a change in the physical aspect and “feel”
height, or width of some object or space, or the count of many of the recipient. The recipient will exude an aura of “wrongness”
small objects within the area of the spell. The object to be that will result in his or her charisma score being reduced by 4
measured must be within 10’ of the caster, and can itself be no (or by 6 if the CHA started at 14 or higher), with a minimum score
more than 20’ on a side. The spell will return the exact weight or of 3. In addition, animals and children will not voluntarily
measurement. The spell requires a small (1”) measuring stick, approach the recipient. The material component for this spell is
which can be re-used. a bit of spoiled or rotten food (meat adds another round to the
duration), which is lost in the casting.
Read Scholar Magic (Divination) Reversable
Serpent’s Tooth (Invocation)
Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 segment Level: 1 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None Range: 60’ Casting Time: 1 segment
Area of Effect: Special Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 10’ diameter
This spell functions as the 1st level magic-user spell read magic, radius + 5’/level
except that it only applies to spells on the scholar spell list, as
well as certain writings and inscriptions that are written in those This spell calls into being a number of ghostly snake heads that
same special languages and scripts as scholar spells. can be flung into a space no more than 60’ from the spellcaster.
A number of snake heads will be created equal to the level of
Resist Fear (Alteration) the spellcaster, and each attacks as a 1 HD monster. Anyone in
the area of effect hit by one of the snake heads will suffer 1-3
Level: 1 Components: V,S h.p. damage, and must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure
Range: Touch Casting Time: 2 segments means they will take an additional 1-3 h.p. of poison damage.
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None The material component is a snake tooth, which is destroyed in
Area of Effect: Creature touched the casting of the spell.
This spell gives the creature touched a boost to their confidence
Serpent Fascination (Enchantment/Charm)
and fortitude, making them less likely to panic, whether due to
magical or mundane means. The recipient gains a +3 bonus to
Level: 4 Components: V,S,M
all saving throws against magically-induced fear, such as the
Range: Touch Casting Time: 4 segments
sight of a groaning spirit or mummy, etc. It will not, however,
Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
provide a saving throw where none is normally allowed, such as
Area of Effect: Special
lower-level characters viewing a lich. Anyone under the
influence of this spell also gets a +20% (or +4) bonus to all This is an especially gruesome form of slaying someone,
morale checks. preying on their own innate fears born of a million years of
evolution. The material component of the spell is a simulacrum
Resist Wildspace (Abjuration)
of a snake; usually some sort of stuffed specimen, but it can just
Level: 1 Components: V,S as easily be a child’s toy snake with buttons for eyes.
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 segment
Once the spell is cast on the image of the snake, it must be
Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None
placed somewhere where the intended victim will see it. No
Area of Effect: Creature touched
specific victim need be named when the spell is cast, however;
This spell provides some protection against the cold and it is possible that an innocent passerby will see the snake first
airlessness of space. It will provide a pocket of breathable air and activate the spell.
that lasts for the duration of the spell, and provides partial
The first person who comes within 10’ of the snake will activate
protection against the cold. Creatures under the protection of
the spell and must make a saving throw vs. petrification.
this spell will only take 1 h.p./turn from cold. This spell will only
Success means the spell has failed, and the snake will have no
function in Wildspace and the phlogiston, however; and if the
effect thereafter. Failure, however, means the victim will be
creature upon whom it is cast remains in a normal atmosphere
for more than 1 round, the spell’s effect will end immediately.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


paralyzed with fear, staring at the snake and then compelled to

approach it slowly, until finally dying of fright 1-4 rounds later.

The material component of this spell is a 3-dimensional

representation of a snake, which is not destroyed in the casting.

Silence Individual (Alteration)

Level: 2 Components: V,S

Range: 120’ Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 3 rounds/level Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Single creature

This spell is similar in effect to the 2nd level cleric spell silence
15’ radius, except the effect is limited to a single creature within
range, who is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells to avoid its
effect. The silencing effect will move with the target. Speak with Snakes (Alteration)

Smite of the Shepherd (Alteration) Level: 1 Components: V,S

Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 segment
Level: 2 Components: V,S,M
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch Casting Time: 2 segments
Area of Effect: 60’
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the 2nd level
cleric spell speak with animals, except it is only allows speech
This spell turns the normal staff or crook of a shepherd (see p.
with snakes, serpents, and the like. It will also allow speech with
12) into a formidable weapon. Not only does it imbue the
anyone who bears the mark of Yig.
weapon with an enchantment of +1, but the weapon will also
inflict double damage on Mi-Go, and on a natural roll of 20 “to Straight Isn’t Straight (Alteration)
hit” will emit a peal of thunder that requires all within a 10’ radius
(except the wielder) to save vs. spells or be knocked prone. Level: 1 Components: V,S
Range: 30’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 1 segment
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur. Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 20’ radius
Speak with Invertebrates (Alteration)
This spell warps the perception of space for any creatures within
Level: 1 Components: V,S the spell’s area of effect, making them see their surroundings as
Range: 0 Casting Time: 1 segment they are seen by certain… beings. The effect is disorienting, and
Duration: 2 rounds/level Saving Throw: None will cause anyone affected to suffer a -2 penalty on all “to hit”
Area of Effect: One animal within rolls. Spellcasting that involves an effect at a distance from the
30’ of the caster spellcaster has a 10% chance of being applied to the wrong
space (50% chance of either being 10’ to the right or left).
Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the 2nd level Anyone leaving the area of effect will be free of the effect on the
cleric spell speak with animals, except it is only allows speech following round. Anyone entering will be impacted immediately.
with creatures lacking a skeleton, such as octopi, squid, insects,
and the like. This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth.

Static of the Spheres (Abjuration)

Level: 2 Components: V,S

Range: 0 Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30’ radius

This spell surrounds the caster with a bubble of gentle, hissing

noise caused by the impact of invisible particles from the furthest
reaches of space. This constant drone protects against the
effects of spells such as shout, power word kill, etc., and other
forms of magic that rely on sound, such as a horn of blasting,
the roar of a sea-lion, and the wail of a groaning spirit. If such


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

magic would not normally allow a saving throw, all creatures Summon Forth from Dreams (Evocation)
(and objects, if applicable) within the area of effect will get one.
If a saving throw is normally permitted, there is a +4 bonus to Level: 5 Components: V,S
the save for all creatures within the area of effect. Range: Special Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: None
This spell does not prevent spellcasting within its influence, even Area of Effect: Special
if the spell has a verbal component. It is not a form of magical
silence. This spell allows the caster to physically bring some creature or
object from the Dreamlands into the waking world. It requires
This spell is normally available only to Cult of Starry Wisdom personal knowledge of the object to be transferred, and the spell
cultists, or scholars. must be cast in the waking world. If the target to be transferred
is living and unwilling, it is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells.
Sticky Darkness (Evocation)
If the creature brought to the waking world is a dreamer actively
Level: 6 Components: V,S dream-journeying at the time, the original body will lapse into a
Range: 30’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 6 segments coma and the dream-character will become the real-world
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: Special character.
Area of Effect: 30’ radius +
10’/level Such a character cannot dream-journey, but could find a
physical portal to the Dreamlands, re-enter that way, and then
Except as noted above, this spell creates a zone of utter awaken normally, bringing the original character out of his or her
darkness similar to the 2nd level magic-user spell darkness 15’ coma. Alternately, an inventive character could use magic such
radius. However, any creature who moves into, through, or out as the 5th level spell mind transference, or even use the
of the zone of darkness will carry with it a zone of darkness (with technology of the Mi-Go to physically swap brains. But of course
similar properties) some 15’ in radius, for the duration of the such processes would only swap the physical characteristics;
spell. the skills and mental statistics would remain those of the dream-
character. Such instances are, of course, incredibly rare.
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Tsathoggua.
Summon Spawn of Shub-Niggurath (Conjuration/Summoning)
Summon Dark Haunter (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 4 Components: V,S
Level: 4 Components: V,S Range: 60’ Casting Time: 1 turn
Range: 60’ Casting Time: 1 turn Duration: Special Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: Special
This spell allows the caster to call forth one of the spawn of
This spell allows the caster to cause a dark haunter (see p. 84) Shub-Niggurath from their dwelling-place with their mother-
to appear instantly from its home in Wildspace. The area into master (see p. 96). The spawn is not under the control of the
which the dark haunter is brought must be in total darkness or caster, but if approached respectfully and with the promise of
the spell will fail. The dark haunter will not obey the commands reward in the form of a sacrificial victim, it can be persuaded to
of the caster, but will instinctively sense those who bear the mark preside over a worship ceremony in honor of Shub-Niggurath,
of Nyarlathotep and avoid causing them harm. They are well- even to the point of summoning the goddess herself. The spawn
suited to tasks involving guarding darkened spaces, and are will remain until the end of the ceremony.
often summoned for such work.
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Shub-
Summon Formless Spawn (Conjuration/Summoning) Niggurath.
Level: 4 Components: V,S Summon Winged Thing (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 30’ Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None Level: 4 Components: V,S,M
Area of Effect: Special Range: Special Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to cause a formless spawn (see p. Area of Effect: Special
85) to appear instantly from its lair in N’kai. If the summoner
bears the mark of Tsathoggua, it will obey him or her for the This spell enables the caster to cause a winged thing (see p. 99)
duration of the spell. Otherwise it will attack any living creatures to appear, where it will serve as a mount for the caster or any
in order of proximity, until it returns to the darkness whence it creature he identifies, for the duration of the spell. The winged
came. thing will not engage in combat unless attacked, and even then,
will attempt to evade and escape danger, rather than confront it.
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Tsathoggua.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


The spell requires a flute, which is played while the spell is cast, of the caster. The magic of the spell obviates concerns such as
but is not destroyed in the casting. the orbit of stars and planets and the expansion of the universe;
a temporal gate made in the courtyard of a ruined castle will
Temporal Anomaly (Alteration) open on that same courtyard during the reign of a particular
noble who owned that castle, or at a time when the ground was
Level: 5 Components: V,S still a wind-swept moor, or far into the future when it has been
Range: 60’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 5 segments rebuilt by some invading race.
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 20’ radius The spellcaster must specify exactly how far into the past or
future the gate will lead. It is up to the discretion of the game
This spell calls into being a zone of temporal insanity where time master as to whether actions in the past will result in the creation
itself does not adhere to its normal rules. Each creature within of an alternate timeline or whether the flow of time will inexorably
the area of effect of the spell will be affected differently. Leaving bring the universe back to the state in which it was when the
the area of effect will remove any lingering effects of the spell; temporal gate was created.
from the outside looking in, it will appear as if the creature left at
the appropriate time. For each creature (or moving object, such It is entirely possible that, if the temporal gate is set accordingly,
as an arrow) in the area of effect, including those entering, roll two versions of the same individual will encounter one another.
randomly to determine the specific effect: However, two is the maximum that can encounter one another
thus; if a temporal gate is attempted that would result in three
TABLE 48: TEMPORAL ANOMALY versions of the same individual in the same vicinity at the same
Die Roll Effect
time, the spell will automatically fail. Casting this spell will age
01-20 Time speeds up. Treat as if the creature were under
the caster 5 years.
the effect of the 3rd level magic-user spell haste.
21-40 Time slows down. Treat as if the creature were
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth.
under the effect of the 3rd level magic-user spell
slow. Temporal Restitution (Alteration)
41-60 Time stops. The creature is held immobile, unable
to act or be acted upon. Level: 5 Components: V,S,M
61-83 Time jumps ahead. The creature disappears,
Range: 30’ Casting Time: 1 turn
reappearing 1-4 rounds after the spell ends.
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg.
84-91 Time jumps backwards, paradox allowed. The
creature disappears, reappearing 1-4 rounds before Area of Effect: One creature
the spell was cast. If it stops the spell from being
If cast upon a person or creature whose consciousness has
cast when it should have been, time simply plays out
along the new course. been sent back in time and swapped out with that of a member
92-99 Time jumps backwards, no paradoxes. The creature of the Great Race of Yith, this spell will force the transference to
disappears, reappearing 1-4 rounds before the spell reverse itself. The original mind will be restored to its body, and
was cast. No matter what it does, it cannot stop the the Great Race mind will be sent back in time to its point of
spell from being cast (the game master should be origin. The material component is a small metal spring which is
creative in ensuring that time keeps its shape). lost as the spell is cast.
00 Time fractures. Roll each round to determine the
effect on the creature. Once a time jump is received, Timeflash (Divination)
there is no need to roll further. If another 00 is rolled,
every molecule in the creature’s body is affected Level: 2 Components: V,S
separately, essentially disincorporating it and Range: 0 Casting Time: 3 segments
scattering it throughout time. The creature is Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
irrevocably dead; even going into the past will not Area of Effect: Special
prevent this destiny.
This spell allows the caster to glimpse the future, up to 1 round
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth. per level of the caster. The caster cannot see the future in some
other location, but will catch a glimpse of reality as it would look
Temporal Gate (Alteration) from his present position when the spell is cast; also, the spell
will not show the intervening actions that transpired to get there.
Level: 7 Components: V,S
Thus, the spell could be used to see the outcome of an athletic
Range: 30’ Casting Time: 1 round
contest or game, determine if any reinforcements would arrive
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level Saving Throw: None
for a battle, etc.
Area of Effect: Special
It can also be used to see the outcome of a battle that is either
This spell brings into being a passageway to another time, but
in progress or imminent. If such is the case, the game master
occupying the same space. The amount of time spanned can
should play out the battle as far as the spell allows, and then
run into the past or future, and can go up to 100 years per level
“rewind” the game, allowing the spellcaster to give whatever


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

guidance he or she can, thus allowing alternate strategies. In Unspeakable Possession (Possession)
such cases, however, all “to hit” and damage rolls should be re-
rolled after the “rewind”, as they rely on small variations in Level: 6 Components: V,S
position and timing that are impossible to know from an image Range: 90’ Casting Time: 6 segments
taken after the fact. Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Special
Under no circumstances can this spell be used to allow the
players to see a future successful battle and then let it play out This spell calls forth a thing from beyond the normal multiverse,
exactly the same way. from a higher and parallel dimension, which will merge with the
target of the spell, if the target fails a saving throw vs. spells.
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth. Such creatures are completely incapable of processing the
sensory input of a normal mortal, and will be frantic to escape,
Timescape (Divination) even as they control the body. The original mind and soul are
still in the body, however, and there is a battle for control that is
Level: 4 Components: V,S constantly being waged.
Range: 0 Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None Every turn, roll 1d20. If the roll is equal to or over the WIS score
Area of Effect: Special of the possessed victim, the higher-dimensional creature will
take over, and the body will immediately begin thrashing,
This spell is much like the 2nd level cultist spell timeflash. It howling, and attacking anyone within range, with a -2 penalty “to
differs in that it allows the spellcaster to see all of the events that hit”. The creature cannot cast spells or use magic items. All of
lead up to the final time shown by the spell. These images are its movements will be in weird, jerking motions that are
shown in a fraction of a second, but the spell affords the caster inherently disturbing and unnatural to any normal observer.
the ability to process and interpret the images so as to make
sense of them, laying out the entire sequence of events that This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur.
leads up to the final moment.
Vastness of the Crawling Chaos (Alteration)
If the spell reveals the progress of a melee, and the spellcaster
has the opportunity to relay information (i.e., is not unconscious, Level: 6 Components: V,S
silenced, etc.), then he may provide information to someone (in Range: 90’ Casting Time: 6 segments
the form of quickly shouted instructions such as “watch on your Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg.
left!”) that will give them a +2 bonus “to hit”. The actual rolls Area of Effect: One creature
remain the same.
This spell imposes the true scope and form of Nyarlathotep
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Yog-Sothoth. directly into the mind of the target for a glorious, shining, horrible
moment. When that vastness is truly understood, truly
True Understanding (Alteration) internalized, the victim assumes a state of catatonia that lasts
for 1-12 months. At the end of that time, another saving throw is
Level: 5 Components: V,S made vs. spells. Failure means the catatonia is permanent.
Range: 60’ Casting Time: 5 segments Even if the second saving throw is successful, the victim will
Duration: Permanent Saving Throw: Special have 1-3 forms of insanity permanently.
Area of Effect: One creature
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Nyarlathotep.
This spell imposes the vastness of the universe on the mind of
the poor unsuspecting fool who is the target of the spell. In one Veil of Idiocy (Invocation)
shining moment the majesty of the entirety of reality flashes
before the eyes of the target, completely cowing them with the Level: 5 Components: V,S
incomprehensible vastness of the multiverse and their own Range: 90’ Casting Time: 5 segments
complete insignificance in that ocean of All. Duration: Special Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 10’ square/level
The target of the spell is entitled to a saving throw vs. insanity.
Failure means they fall into a state of catatonia for 2-24 months. This spell creates an insubstantial barrier in a location
Success means they are still shaken by the revelation and after determined by the spellcaster, which lasts for 1 turn + 1
considering what they have learned, will develop 1 form of round/experience level. Any creature passing through that
insanity in 1-6 days that will last for 1-4 weeks. barrier must make a saving throw vs. spells. Failure means the
creature is reduced to an INT score of 3. Any creature whose
This spell is normally available only to Cult of Starry Wisdom INT was 5 or higher will be rendered immobile and imbecilic by
cultists, or scholars. the transition for 3d4 rounds, capable of little more than drooling,
slapping the floor, and being fascinated by its own fingers.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Animals with an INT of 4 or less are basically unaffected, but Voorish Sign (Divination)
those which are more intelligent and thus capable of being
trained, showing great cunning, etc., will be rendered helpless. Level: 2 Components: S
Range: 0 Casting Time: 2 segments
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Azathoth. Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10’ x 90’ beam
Visage of Ghatanothoa (Invocation)
This spell is similar to the 1st level spell detect ethereal (q.v.) but
Level: 4 Components: V,S will allow the spellcaster to see into the Ethereal Plane as if
Range: 60’ Casting Time: 4 segments peering through a gauzy haze. Thus, specific creatures and
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg. objects that exist on that plane can be easily identified. The spell
Area of Effect: 10’ radius does not permit entry into or physical contact with the Ethereal
Plane, only viewing.
This spell is particularly feared, especially and paradoxically by
those who are able to cast it. The spell brings into being the Walk Between Curves and Angles (Alteration)
perfect image of the god Ghatanothoa for a brief instant, but that
is enough for the horrific visage to work its evil. Anyone within Level: 4 Components: V,S.M
the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. spells; success Range: Special Casting Time: 1 round
means they have averted their gaze. Failure means they are Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None
transformed by their stark terror into the worst of all Area of Effect: Special
punishments: transmogrification into a living mummy (see p. 114
for more details). Creatures that are blind or otherwise cannot This spell allows the spellcaster to slip between the normal
see, are unaffected by the spell. directions of space through “spaces beyond space.” In effect,
this allows travel through solid matter and/or across great
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Ghatanothoa, distances, but does not rely on the spellcaster’s knowledge of
but any one of them discovered to have cast it on another of the destination (unlike the spell teleport) as the spellcaster is
their cult will be considered the worst sort of heretic and physically moving through the intervening space, albeit in a
hounded unceasingly, until they receive the same punishment different part of space-time.
that they have inflicted on their previous compatriot.
With the drawing (in blood) of special combinations of lines,
Voice of Ghatanothoa (Alteration) angles, and curves, a rupture in space is created which allows
passage. The direction and distance (up to 100’ plus 10’ per
Level: 2 Components: V level of the caster) must be specified before the spell is cast. Up
Range: 0 Casting Time: 2 segments to 1 creature per 3 levels of the caster can utilize the opening,
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg. including the caster. Thus a 7th level spellcaster could move
Area of Effect: 20’ radius himself and 1 other creature, a 9th level caster could take
himself and 2 other creatures, etc. The caster must himself
This spell causes all within the radius of effect to hear the travel through the gap in space, showing the way for others to
bellowing roar of the fearsome god Ghatanothoa, which will follow.
cause all creatures within the area of effect to go rigid with fear
for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spellcaster. There is a 1% chance per use of this spell that 1-3 hounds of
Successful saving throws vs. spells will cancel the effect. Tindalos will become aware of the traveler and attempt to
Anyone frozen with fear cannot move, speak, attack, or cast pursue; see p. 88 for more details. The material component is a
spells. At best, they can emote with their eyes, which will be wide cup of fresh blood of any source.
with panic.
Wandering Eye (Alteration, Divination)
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Ghatanothoa.
Level: 2 Components: V,S.M
Volume (Evocation) Range: Touch Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: None
Level: Cantrip Components: V,S Area of Effect: Special
Range: 10’ Casting Time: ½ segment
Duration: 3 seconds (approx.) Saving Throw: None This spell causes one eye of the creature touched to detach
Area of Effect: One book/scroll itself from the eye socket with an audible squelch; it can then
move independently on the floor (or other fairly even surface) at
This spell allows the caster to cause a book or scroll to float a rate of 10’/min. The creature to whom the eye belongs can see
down gently from a shelf into his hands. It will not move with everything the eye sees, up to a range of 180’.
enough force to overcome someone trying to hold on to it. The
book must be within 10’ when the spell is cast. The eye itself moves like an inchworm at the mental command
of the owner, with the trailing optic nerve folding up and then


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Spell Descriptions

pushing the eyeball forward. The eye must be manually picked weapon to take only half damage. Solid objects will also take
up and replaced in the socket within 1 hour, where it will reattach damage (coral will be smashed, ship hulls could be breached,
itself with no harm to the owner. If more than an hour passes etc.), with 1 point of structural damage for every 10 points of
before the eye is restored, it cannot be restored without a heal damage delivered by the waterball. The waterball cannot leave
spell being cast. the body of water in which it is created; if it breeches the surface,
it will immediately disintegrate harmlessly into droplets of spray.
The separated eye has 1 h.p. and an AC of 10. If it is destroyed, This spell requires that at least 100 cubic feet of water be
it cannot be returned to the owner. As the eye is small, there is touching the caster at the time the spell is cast.
only a 1/6 chance of its being noticed, unless one knows what
to look for. The eye can obviously, due to its size, fit through This spell is normally available only to cultists of Dagon and
small cracks and be easily hidden. Hydra.

Warrior of Hastur (Alteration) Window to the Past (Divination)

Level: 1 Components: V,S,M Level: 6 Components: V,S,M

Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 segment Range: 10’ Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 Saving Throw: None Duration: 1 minute / level Saving Throw: None
round/level Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: Creature touched
This spell allows the caster to create a window through time,
This spell allows the caster to improve the fighting prowess of a showing events as they unfolded in the past. The spell creates
single creature, allowing him or it to use the fighter table on all a circular portal some 3’ in diameter that functions as if a window
“to hit” rolls. It does not allow the use of weapons or armor that had been carved into the fabric of time itself. The window can
are not normally allowed to the class of the recipient of the spell. only show the exact location where the spell was cast; it cannot
show the past in another geographic location. The caster
This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur. chooses the moment to be seen; during the duration of the spell,
the window can be rotated on its axis to give a 360° view of the
area. The distance into the past that can be viewed depends on
the level of the spellcaster:

11th-12th level .......................................... up to 1 year

13th level............................................... up to 10 years
14th level............................................. up to 100 years
15th level............................................. up to 500 years
16th level.......................................... up to 1,000 years
17th level...................................... up to 100,000 years
18th level or higher ................... up to 1,000,000 years

The material component of this spell is a round glass disc, which

is not destroyed in the casting.

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Cthulhu or

Waterball (Evocation)
Wrath of Hastur (Invocation)
Level: 3 Components: S,M
Range: 50’ + 10’/level Casting Time: 3 segments Level: 4 Components: V,S
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Half dam. Range: 0 Casting Time: 4 segments
Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: ½
Area of Effect: Cone 60’ long,
This spell can only be used underwater. It creates a compressed 20’ wide at base
sphere of water that is thrust in a particular direction chosen by
the spellcaster, for a distance determined by him. When it This spell creates a blast of iridescent force that rakes over
detonates, it creates a wave of concussive force that can cause those in the area of effect, burning and blasting them with the
great harm to those within range. The size of the waterball, and raw power of the fury of the Outer God Hastur. Any creature
thus the destructive force of the shockwave, is dependent on the caught in the area of effect will take 5d6 damage per level of the
level of the spellcaster; it does 1d6 of damage per experience spellcaster. A saving throw vs. breath weapon is allowed; those
level of the spellcaster. Creatures in the area of effect will all who succeed will take half damage. This damage will heal at
suffer damage, but are entitled to a saving throw vs. breath


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


only half the normal rate naturally; cure spells and potions of influential personages into the plot of the King to restore the
healing, etc., will function normally. Imperial Family of Carcosa to power.

This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur. A dispel magic spell will allow the victim of the spell an additional
saving throw, but will not automatically rid him of the effect. Mi-
Yellow Sign (Enchantment/Charm) Go are immune to the effects of this spell, but their mortal agents
are not.
Level: 5 Components: S,M
Range: 10’ Casting Time: 5 segments This spell is normally available only to cultists of Hastur or
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Neg. scholars.
Area of Effect: Special

The Yellow Sign is a tool of the King in Yellow to bring mortals

under his control, and the control of those who serve that
Running a Lovecraftian
mysterious being (see The King in Yellow on p. 104). The spell
consists of inscribing the physical sigil of the Yellow Sign and
then showing it to the target(s) of the spell. Any who fail their
saving throw vs. spells will come under the influence of the King, In the annals of science fiction and horror fiction (sometimes
through the person of the spellcaster. It should also be noted collectively referred to as “weird fiction”), none stand out so
that the first person affected by the spell is the caster himself, much as the works of H.P. Lovecraft and what became known
who gets no saving throw. as the Cthulhu Mythos.

Those under the influence of the King in Yellow will begin to Millions or even billions of years ago, god-like beings from other
receive telepathic commands from that being, which are treated stars came to Earth and ruled over a myriad of bizarre creatures
as suggestions (as per the 3rd level magic-user spell). The exact before either leaving or descending into an eons-long slumber,
nature of the tactics of the King in Yellow are left to the game whence they are now beginning to stir once more to
master to determine as best fits the campaign; those who are consciousness.
able to cast the Yellow Sign spell could be expected to do so in
The Mythos can be introduced into nearly any “standard”
order to bring as many others under the King’s influence as
campaign setting with relative ease, as it is more a sense of
possible, or they could be instructed to only bring certain


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Running a Lovecraftian Game

philosophy than unpronounceable names with apostrophes in could possibly threaten the sanity of a hard-bitten adventurer
unlikely places. One of the misconceptions about the Mythos simply by knowledge of its existence?
(and one which plagued even many of Lovecraft’s
contemporaries) is that it is about horror drawn from the unusual. Indifference.
While the supernatural and otherworldly nature of many of the
Mythos’s creatures and figures are, of course, outré enough to The sheer knowledge that the world as you know it, as it knows
drive most men to insanity (see below), what really sets the itself, is not only completely a pleasant veneer over an awful
Mythos apart is the sense that there are forces at work in the reality, but also that the true underlying nature of the universe
cosmos that are at best indifferent to the lives and desires of doesn’t care a single iota about the individual’s desires or very
mere mortals. At worst, they see mortals as sources of existence. That the character and all he knows are simply
amusement (through their hideous deaths) or food (ditto). shadows of reality at best, and that the true reality undergirding
that which the character knows, wouldn’t even think to consider
The Mythos is most effective, however, when portrayed as whether it should care. Even a universe with room for demons
depicting a universe in which those ultra-powerful creatures and arch-devils follows some basic rules of reality. The true
simply don’t recognize humanity as worthy of any more attention universe of the Mythos, and those creatures which are aware of,
than humans do an ant hill. Just as one can step on an ant hill and inhabit that true reality, does not even follow those rules.
and obliterate it without even being aware that the deed has
been done, so too can the Old Ones or Outer Gods, in pursuit When confronted with this concept on a serious intellectual
of their own inscrutable ends, cause the most horrific ends to level, the effect can be unnerving. When positive proof that
human beings (or humanity as a whole) without even realizing everything the character knew about the universe—even about
that we are impacted by their actions. Such is the place of his own very existence within it—is discovered, the effect can be
humanity in a Mythos-haunted world. mind-shattering. The creatures of the mythos exist on a moral
plane as far beyond concepts such as good and evil as a great
The Mythos (or something invented by you as game master sage is beyond a grain of rice in intellectual capacity. Demons
which stands analogous to or derived from it) need not be the and devils are at least evil; the creatures and deities of the
focus of the campaign. Even if you decide to include some Mythos cannot even be called that, for doing so would render
Lovecraftian themes or figures in your campaign world, these them at least partially conceivable to humanity, and that they
can take the form of small degenerate cults, solitary wizard- simply are not.
sages driven mad by the burden of their knowledge, and cosmic
forces straining at the outskirts not only of civilization but reality And what of the minions of these nigh-imponderable forces?
as we know it, trying to get back in. These sorts of themes can What could possibly motivate someone, besides the very depths
serve for the background of a single adventure, a mini-campaign of madness itself, to cooperate with, let alone serve and hasten
within the backdrop of the larger campaign, or a campaign unto the ascendancy of such forces? Pure and simple ego. Knowing
themselves. of such forces, their fragile minds revolt against the notion that
they—they themselves—could be regarded with such
indifference. By playing at serving the Old Ones, they feel a
Truths That Bear the Fruit of Madness
modicum of significance; they are shouting into the void “I shall
One of the central themes of Lovecraft’s original works is that not be ignored, even if it is only for you to command me!”
final confirmation of the true nature of the universe through the
It is left to the discretion of the game master to determine
act of seeing it firsthand is sufficient to drive even the most jaded
whether they are actually receiving such commands, or whether
student of the occult to the extremes of insanity.
their fevered minds are simply creating the voices they insist
Most characters in a world tinged by the Mythos are secure and must be out there, acknowledging them.
comfortable in the society-imposed myth that the universe is
benign and follows regular rules, placing humanity and its close Three Kinds of Lovecraftian Campaigns
allies at the center of importance in the working of the world.
(Those myths will likely be rocked to their foundations during the When contemplating a campaign that includes the Mythos, there
course of play in a Mythos-tainted campaign.) Witnessing are three routes that can be taken.
particular sights or learning particular insights into the true
First, a campaign could be played like a story by Lovecraft; the
nature of the universe would, in turn, result in the loss of one’s
creatures and dark truths of the Mythos are hidden beneath the
sanity, permanently. Bear in mind that these are not the truths
surface of contemporary society, and are only discovered in rare
that demons exist, and can assume hideous forms. Such is part
and horrible cases.
and parcel of everyday existence. The minds of most, especially
adventuring types, are made of sterner stuff. This sort of campaign could be a conventional quasi-medieval
setting on the surface. The usual assortment of kingdoms,
That begs the question: in a world where dragons fly through the
polytheistic religions, and monsters roaming the countryside
skies and magic-users hurl fireballs from their fingertips, what
threatening innocents, would be played out over a subtle and


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


subversive intrusion of the Mythos. In this case, it would not be

that the Mythos cults and deities are the ultimate villains of the
story; indeed, they would be indifferent to such conventional
morality and solely interested in their own incomprehensible
ends. Unlike some adventure scenarios where one villain is
defeated only to find another, greater power behind it, in this
style of campaign both hero and villain are threatened by the
same cosmic threat.

Second, the Mythos could be out in the open, with its creatures
known, and its Old Ones worshiped openly in the cities. This sort
of campaign can play out much like a regular fantasy game, with
cultists rather than clerics being priests of the Old Ones. In such
a game no other deities are required, of course, and thus neither
are their extra-dimensional minions. Thus, there is no need for
outer planes, no demons, devils, or the like. inscrutable and threatening. The Mythos deities are as likely to
step on a Daemon lord as they are a Solar, and take just as little
The central theme of such a campaign is the struggle of notice of the fact.
humanity against the cosmic indifference of its gods and the
forces of entropy: degeneration, corruption, decadence, and Despite this, those races that dwell in the Prime Material Plane
ennui. It can be said that such open adoration of the Old Ones sometimes share environments with the creatures of the
leads to a sort of mass insanity, as the indifference of the Mythos. The Deep Ones and Old Ones, for instance, will
cosmos is internalized at a societal level, and thus the ills of sometimes be found in the same deep underwater trenches that
society are played out on both an individual and collective level. are used by aboleths and kuo-toa. Deep beneath the earth,
beholders and illithids might encounter y’m-bhi, yuan ti might rub
There is actually a third way, which could be called a hybrid of shoulders with spawn of Yig, and so on.
the first two. That is, a world in which the Old Ones are still
openly worshiped, but that a pantheon of New Gods has recently It is entirely possible that in your campaign, the Great Old Ones
(within the last millennium at most) arisen, and semi-open or Outer Gods could have established cults within these non-
conflict between the two has broken out. The degree to which Mythos races, in the same way that they have among humans
this conflict breaks out into open warfare is up to the DM (and and demi-humans. Or it’s possible they are aware of their
might very well vary by city or nation), but it is very certain that neighbors and studiously avoid them. Or they find each other a
the cultists of the Old Ones will not be lightly set aside in favor threat and actively work against one another (perhaps bringing
of the priests of the New Gods, even though the Old Ones in unwitting stooges to do their dirty work for them, getting them
themselves might be completely oblivious (or seemingly so) to to “fight against a great evil”, not realizing that they’re working
the struggle. for yet another great evil!). Or the doings of those allied with the
Mythos might be as unnoticed in the deep and faraway places
as they are in the normal world. The game master should go in
Demons in a World of Old Ones whatever direction is best for the campaign, bearing in mind that
a combination of the various options is always possible.
One question that must be addressed is the place of “normal”
monsters in a campaign that is impacted by the Mythos. Demons
and devils are otherworldly in a literal sense; they come from Pre-History
other planes and worlds, and are rightly seen as outsiders and
One of the themes in the Mythos is that there is a secret history
abominations. The creatures of the Mythos are similarly
of the world that is only known to the few elect, and the history
outsiders and abominations; what is it about them that makes
that is widely known is a mere fraud, or at best beset by
them different?
ignorance of the truth. Obviously, the history of every campaign
The answer is that even the most loathsome, depraved demonic world will be different, but the following items can probably be
entity, or lofty and removed Greater God, has an safely worked into the timeline of most campaign histories.
understandable motive. Even if that motive is simply rapine and
1,000 MYA: The Old Ones arrive from deep space and begin to
suffering, it is one that can be comprehended by mortals, at least
build great cities both in the sea and on land.
on some level. They can understand one another, they can
understand mortals, and mortals can in their own way 800 MYA: Cthulhu and his spawn arrive on Earth and establish
understand the gods, demons, devils, and other inhabitants of the city of R’lyeh and others. At first the Old Ones war with them
the outer planes. and are pushed back, but eventually peace is made between
The Old Ones and Outer Gods are of a completely different
order. Even the most alien demon lords find them completely


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Running a Lovecraftian Game

750 MYA: R’lyeh is sunk beneath the ocean. The exact reasons Aldebaran
for this are obscure, but might have to do with the changing
nature of the physical laws of the universe that render it and its Aldebaran is a star in some far distant crystal sphere. One of its
surroundings difficult to reconcile with the material world. Most worlds is home to the physical form of the Outer God Hastur.
of the spawn of Cthulhu are trapped in the city with their master.
600 MYA: Flying polyps arrive from deep space and begin to
build their great cities of basalt. Carcosa is an alien world in the far distant crystal sphere
containing Aldebaran. It is inexorably connected to the being
150 MYA: The Great Race arrives from the planet Yith and known as the King in Yellow, yet the nature of this connection
drives the flying polyps into the vast caverns beneath their own remains opaque. The Outer God Hastur is also well-known to
cities, which the Yithians then take over. Sporadic violent the inhabitants of Carcosa, as the scion of its line of kings, and
attempts by the polyps to emerge from the caverns begin. this imperial dynasty has dug its roots into other worlds as well,
Occasional wars with the Old Ones begin as well. planting new royal lineages that all owe their origin to Hastur and
Carcosa. It is known that Carcosa has two suns and the very
50 MYA: The flying polyps finally rise up and annihilate the Great stars in the sky glitter black rather than white. The lake of Hali is
Race, then they themselves are not heard from again. a well-known feature of the world and a part of a great system
of lakes which include Lake Demhe, and it has several great
4 MYA: The people of K’n-yan are brought to the world from a cities.
distant planet. They establish a broad and highly advanced
technological civilization across much of the world. Wars with Its chief point of interest vis-à-vis the campaign is its connection
the Old Ones ensue. to the King in Yellow and the royal lineage that descends thence
from its progenitor Hastur. The Imperial Family is central to the
2 MYA: The K’n-yanians retreat to an underground realm plans of the King in Yellow to conquer the world. As such, the
following the destruction of their vast nation due to natural machinations of the Mi-Go are totally at odds with those plans,
catastrophes. and thus are Carcosa/Hastur and Yuggoth/Mi-Go at odds.

1 MYA: The Old Ones retreat to the deep oceans. A few of their K’n-yan
cities still remain in the most obscure and out-of-the-way
locations on dry land. K’n-yan is a vast underground kingdom that can have
connections to the underdark or similar large underground
Places and Worlds realms in the campaign. It comprises several large areas, all of
which are lit by a glow in the huge arching cavern ceilings. The
Most of the places in Lovecraft’s original works are situated in K’n-yanians once had a very high level of technology (see
our “real” world; the town of Arkham in Massachusetts with its technology of K’n-yan on p. 24) but today are a degenerate and
famous University, sunken R’lyeh in the Pacific Ocean, the decadent species, for all their refinement and knowledge, and
planet Yuggoth as another name for Pluto, the Plateau of Leng much of their science lies forgotten in unused libraries and
in Asia, etc. This was done, naturally, to add verisimilitude to his laboratories.
stories. Obviously, such would be inappropriate in most role-
playing campaigns, which are set in their own unique worlds. The K’n-yanians originally hailed from another world, but were
brought to this planet by Cthulhu (whom they know under the
As a general rule, most such places can be moved to your name Tulu) millions of years ago. They retreated to the
campaign world with little difficulty. Any remote ocean can be a underground lands of K’n-yan some two million years ago,
new home for R’lyeh, Yoggoth can exist in distant space in the content to dwell underground in safety from the wrath of the
same solar system as your world, and most fantasy worlds “space-devils” who were the enemies of their god Cthulhu.
abound in remote and inaccessible locales suitable for Leng.
Too, places and cultures that thrived in the distant past of The inhabitants of K’n-yan live for up to 1,500 years and have
Lovecraft’s Earth can be similarly shifted to your own campaign developed telepathy, making verbal communication almost a
world and possibly renamed. lost art. They worship Cthulhu and Yig primarily; at one point the
worship of Tsathoggua supplanted such, but was ultimately
The same principle can be applied to almost anything, but overthrown once the true nature of the servants of Tsathoggua
certain well-known names such as Arkham, Lemuria, etc., are was learned. Those who stumble on their underground realm
probably best avoided, if only to not bring with them the are treated well as long as they obey the customs and refrain
associated baggage from decades of fiction, film, and television. from violence, but are never allowed to leave to reveal the
The place itself can be ported over, the name changed, and the secrets of K’n-yan.
locales suitably modified for a quasi-medieval fantasy setting (or
whatever base your campaign setting uses). K’n-yan consists of several distinct and vast underground
districts. Tsath is in the main cavern-complex, and is the last of
the K’n-yanian cities still completely occupied. The ceiling of the


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


great caverns here glows white-blue like the Aurora Borealis. Dreamlands
Yoth is another great sequence of caverns, mostly in ruins and
originally home to a reptilian species. The light in Yoth is tinged There exist a myriad of Dreamlands in the multiverse. Each is
with red. Finally there is N’kai beneath that: unlit, home to attached to a particular world. The plane of the Dreamlands
Tsathoggua and his formless spawn (see p. 85). It is from here exists in parallel with the world, but its exact nature as a plane
that the cult of Tsathoggua spread first to K’n-yan and thence to of existence is curious, as it does not seem to touch the Astral
the surface world, before it was overthrown in K’n-yan. or Ethereal Planes, nor the Plane of Shadow. It is only possible
to reach the Dreamlands from the Prime Material Plane, and
Leng then only that Dreamland specifically tied to a particular world
(travel between Dreamlands is dangerous, but possible; see
The great plateau of Leng is a magical land that exists in
numerous different worlds and dimensions, including that of the
Dreamlands (q.v.). In some worlds, Leng can be found in vast The Dreamlands are fully inhabited with their own NPCs and
and inaccessible arctic wildernesses, in others in an equally monsters who are native thereto. They are not aware of the
remote jungle, and elsewhere still surrounded by high mountain nature of their reality, and sages on the edge of respectability
peaks. The one consistency that Leng brings with it in all of sometimes suggest that it is our reality that is the dream world.
these worlds is its remoteness. It is possible, by some unknown But this is, of course, nonsense.
mechanism, to travel between worlds through the plateau of
Leng, as it touches on so many. The Dream-Body

Leng is inhabited by the Men of Leng (see p. 89) and the Once in the Dreamlands, the dreamer has a dream-body that is
loathsome purple spiders against whom they war (see p. 97). It unique to the Dreamlands themselves, analogous to the astral
is a fell and evil place, for the men of Leng are known to be body that is created during astral travel, but without the silver
traders in slaves. cord. The dream-body is essentially a new character, and will
have the same x.p. and character statistics as the character in
R’lyeh the real-world when it is first created, but the player is allowed
to swap any two characteristics. For instance, a magic-user
The great and ancient city of Sunken R’lyeh rests on a sea-floor
character with S 9, I 17, W 12, D 15, C 10, Ch 11 could, in the
island in one of the most inaccessible seas in the world.
Dreamlands, become a fighter with S 17, I 9, W 12, D 15, C 10,
Periodically, however, in some incomprehensible pattern that is
Ch 11. Alignment and race are the same as in the real world.
also reflected in the stars, the unnamed island upon which the
city rests rises from the sea bottom. It is at these times that Great The dream-character will have money and equipment (including
Cthulhu, who dwells in his House in R’lyeh, can be awakened. magic items) roughly equivalent to that possessed by the real-
world character. The game master should calculate the x.p.
The vast cyclopean buildings of the city evince a subtle effect,
value of magic items possessed and assign new ones (or
as the city occupies a space that follows different physical laws.
possibly roll on the magic item tables, as desired) of
Some outlying portions of the city will be under the equivalent of
approximately equivalent value and utility for the new class.
the 4th level cultist spell impossible angles, while the center of
the city will behave as if the 6th level cultist spell non-Euclidian All experience points earned in the Dreamlands will apply to the
geometry were in effect. Neither is an actual magical effect, dream-character. Once the dream-character is first created, no
however, and thus cannot be dispelled. further x.p. from the real world will be applied to it. All
experiences and memories had while in the Dreamlands are
The schedule for the return of the sunken city should be
almost instantly forgotten upon waking, mere distant whispers of
determined by the game master (see also the secondary skill
memory that are half-forgotten.
astrology starting on p. 18); the rise of R’lyeh is definitely a major
event for which the game master should plan). Getting to and From the Dreamlands
Yith Journeying to the Dreamlands can be accomplished in several
different ways. Those who have the dream-journey secondary
The Great Race of Yith originated on this distant world, which
skill can enter either the state of lighter slumber or deeper
exists in a far-flung crystal sphere. Little is known about it, save
slumber. Several spells are relevant to dream-journeying as
that the Great Race was forced, or chose, to leave it in the
well, such as enter the gate of deeper slumber, contact dreamer,
distant past.
and so forth. Finally, the magical item known as a Silver Key can
Yuggoth grant the bearer one skill level in the dream-journey skill while it
is grasped. It should be noted that one who has an intoxication
Yuggoth is a distant world, yet still in the same crystal sphere as level of great or comatose cannot journey into the Dreamlands.
the world in which the campaign takes place. The Mi-Go come
from there, and the Great Old Ones have used it as a staging When a dreamer enters the Dreamlands, he or she will find
area before proceeding on to the world in the campaign. themselves in a location determined by the game master. This


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Running a Lovecraftian Game

might be a forest, a hill-top, a castle, or even a city, but the game wisdom check to do so (roll WIS or less on a d20). Failure means
master should select the locale for its proximity to wherever the the dreamer will remain in the Dreamlands for at least another
dream-adventure happens to begin. It is possible that this week of dream-time. Subsequent attempts are made with a
location will be consistent from dream-journey to dream-journey. cumulative -2 penalty on the roll for each failed attempt.
Eventually it is possible for a dreamer to be trapped in the
Upon waking, the dream-character will disappear from the Dreamlands forever (at that point, only finding a physical exit
Dreamlands. Oddly, no one in the Dreamlands will think this would allow escape). A dreamer can of course choose to simply
unusual, and will eventually forget that the dream-character was remain in the Dreamlands in his or her physical body forever,
present (but not that he or she exists), until the next time the but this precludes returning to the waking world except in the
dreamer returns, at which time the memories of the natives of most exceptional of circumstances.
Dreamland will be restored, albeit still not remembering the
dreamer’s previous disappearance. Travel between dream-worlds is possible, but it is fraught with
peril. Doing so requires some form of protection from the void of
Strangely, physical travel between the Dreamlands and the real space, as well as some form of locomotion therein. A typical
world is possible in very rare cases and very remote locations. journey will take upwards of a month in dream-time. The
In such cases, natives of the Dreamlands (including dream- obstacle that prevents most who contemplate such journeys is,
versions of player characters or NPCs) cannot venture into the however, the fact that doing so inevitably leads to the lair of the
real world for more than 1d4 hours before disappearing and mad god Azathoth, and that one will have to be dealt with in
being returned to the Dreamlands. Those native to the waking some manner before the journey can continue. This almost
world, however, can enter and remain in the Dreamlands always ends with madness for the dreamer. Details are left to
indefinitely. If they are killed there, however, they are killed the imagination of the GM.
forever (unless means such as raise dead are used, as normal).
No amount of shouting, shaking, slapping, etc., will awaken a
It is also possible for very skilled dreamers to translate their dreamer unless he or she wills it so. It will remain clear that the
physical bodies into the Dreamlands for the duration of their dreamer is merely asleep, as breathing, eye movement, etc., are
dream. In such cases the body literally disappears from the all normal, and just as they would be for someone merely in a
waking world (thus the dream-character is not used), and will deep sleep. Any actual damage, such as that caused by a
return to the place whence it disappeared if the dreamer returns. dagger to the gut, will immediately give the dreamer the
If the dreamer wants to return, they must make a successful


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


knowledge that some mortal peril is afoot, and thus give him or to be found in the various Dreamlands of different worlds. Each
her the option to awaken. Doing so requires a system shock Dreamland will also have creatures that are native and unique
survival roll, however. to itself as well.

Time, Death, and Waking • Dreamlands Cats

• Ghouls
Time flows oddly in the Dreamlands. If a dreamer has entered • Gugs
the Dreamlands through light slumber, then for every hour spent
• Men of Leng
sleeping in the real world, an hour will pass in the Dreamlands.
• Moonbeasts
Thus, a dreamer has but some 6-8 hours (1d3+5) before he will
• Night-gaunts
be brought back to the real world. Only harm to his sleeping
• Purple Spiders of Leng
body will give him the opportunity to return prematurely.
• Saturnian Cats
Those who enter through the Gates of Deeper Slumber can • Shantaks
control the length of their stay in the Dreamlands, and to some • Zoogs
extent the rate at which time passes, relative to the waking
world. At their discretion, those with two skill levels in dream- The ghouls of the Dreamlands are not quite the same as their
journeying (or who are otherwise sent to the Dreamlands counterparts in the waking world. The ghouls have a structured
through the Gates of Deeper Slumber) can have time pass at a society, and are much more civilized than their counterparts.
rate up to one dreaming day = one waking hour. For those who Ghasts also exist, but they are much closer to their waking-world
have three skill levels in dream-journeying, this can be extended cousins.
to one dreaming day = one waking minute (the equivalent of 480
Those beings known as the Great Ones are the gods of the
days in Dreamland for one night’s 8-hour sleep in the waking
Dreamlands, strange creatures that seem to exist only in the
world). Even at these high levels of skill, the dreamer can still
Dreamlands. They are worshiped in addition to the Outer Gods,
only sleep for 8 hours at most.
whose consciousness extends into the Dreamlands through
Once a dream-character is slain, the dreamer instantly returns some unknown agency. It is possible that they can dream-
to the real world and awakens, and can never return to the journey simultaneously with waking, which is a feat far beyond
Dreamlands unless the dream-character is resurrected, etc. those available to mortals.

If the dreamer’s body is slain in the waking world, the dreamer

can never leave the Dreamlands unless the real character is
raised, resurrected, etc.

Creating the Dreamlands

The specific geography of the Dreamland attached to the Earth

with which we are familiar is well-known, including such places
as Kadath in the Cold Waste among very many others. It stands
as a very fanciful place in stark contrast to the atomized,
industrialized, and thoroughly post-modern world of
contemporary Earth. As such, each Dreamlands is the antithesis
of the world it surrounds.

Thus, as each world has its own Dreamland, the game master
should develop a whole parallel campaign world if he plans to
bring the Dreamlands into the game. This is an opportunity for
the game master to let his creative juices flow, creating for the
players a setting that represents the inverse of the main
campaign setting. Where the campaign might be heroic and low-
magic, the Dreamlands might be dark and high-magic. Perhaps
your Dreamlands will have a steampunk flair, or a fantastical
“Dunsanyesque” feel, or any of a hundred different options.
Whatever the specifics turn out to be, the Dreamlands should
feel different.

Creatures in the Dreamlands

The following creatures are native to the Dreamlands, and seem


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Relationships assist the Game Master in keeping track of these relationships,

but it may well be that a relationship is changed in your particular
The various relationships between the creatures of the Mythos campaign. As a rule, cults follow the relationship of their patron
can be confusing, and even the original sources can be self- gods, except as noted below.
contradictory. The following table is presented as a guideline to


Relationship to…

Starry Wisdom Cult

Progeny of Yig
King in Yellow
Flying Polyps
Azathoth Cult

K’ n-yanians


Great Race
Deep Ones

Old Ones





God, Cult, or Creature
Azathoth - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
Azathoth Cult S - F I I I I I F I F I I F I I I I I E I I
Cthulhu F I - M M I F I F M M I I A E I I A I I F A
Dagon I I S - M I I I F A I I I I E I I F I I I I
Deep Ones I I S S - I I I I S I I I F E I I I I I I I
Flying Polyps I I I I I - I E I I I I I I F I E I I I I I
Ghatanothoa I I A F I I - I E I I I A F I I I E I I I I
Great Race I I E I I E I - I I I I I I E I I I I I I I
Hastur I I A F F I E I - F M M E F I I I I I I I I
Hydra I I S A M I I I F - I I I I E I I F I I I I
K’n-yanians F F S F F I I I S F - I I I E F I F I E F I
King in Yellow I I I I I I I I S I I - E F I I I I I I I I
Mi-Go I I F I I I A I E I I E - F I I I F I I I I
Nyarlathotep F F A F I I F I A F F A F - I I I F M F F A
Old Ones I I E E E F I E I E E I I I - I ME I I I I I
Progeny of Yig I I F I I I I I I I I I I I I - I F I I S F
Shoggoths I I I I I FE I I I I I I I I SE I - I I I I I
Shub-Niggurath I I A A F I E I F A F I F A I I I - I E A F
Starry Wisdom Cult I I F F I I I I I F I I I S I I I F - F F F
Tsathoggua I E E I I I I I I I E I I F I I I E F - E I
Yig I I F I I I I I I I F I I F I M I A I E - I
Yog-Sothoth F F A F I I I I I I I I I A I F I F F F F -

A = Ally, E = Enemy, F = Friendly, I = Indifferent, M = Master, S = Servant

Many of the beings, artifacts, and even lore concerning the
Mythos is difficult for the human or demi-human mind to absorb,
with its ultimate truths contradicting as they do so many of the
comfortable assumptions that make up the psyche of the
average person. As such, insanity is a very real possibility for
those who encounter the Mythos in one form or another.

Saving Throws vs. Insanity

The present work adds a new type of saving throw, that vs.
insanity. The utility of such a new mechanic is obvious when the
subject matter at hand is considered; in the original source
material the very act of seeing some creatures is enough to send
a character into a cataleptic state.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Saving throws vs. insanity work the same way as any other If a character is afflicted with insanity, as indicated in the
saving throw. The circumstances when such saving throws are description of the entity, spell, or object (or in other
required are given in the description of the relevant magic item, circumstances, as determined by the game master), and if the
spell, or creature. Note that actually viewing a Great Old One or form of insanity is not specified, roll on the following table to
Outer God not in the guise of a human (or demi-human, etc.) is determine the form of insanity the character has. Where
sufficient to require a saving throw vs. insanity with a -4 penalty. necessary, the game master should embellish the description
Magical attack adjustments for wisdom scores do apply to with details appropriate to the campaign and the character (for
saving throws vs. insanity. example, a character suffering from a delusion of grandeur
might think themselves the king or queen of a particular country).
Character Class and TABLE 51: FORMS OF INSANITY
Experience Level * Save vs. Insanity Die Roll Form of Insanity
Bards † 1-4 17 01-06 Amnesia: forget the events of the last 1d20 days.
5-8 14 07-09 Amnesia: forget entire life history, but know
9-12 11 languages, general history, geography, etc.
13-16 8 10-13 Anxiety: in social situations with strangers, has a
17-20 5 50% chance of suffering a panic attack (rapid
21+ 2 breathing, etc.), and CHA is reduced by 2
Clerics 1-3 18 points while the attack lasts; the attack lasts
4-6 15 until 1-12 rounds after the social situation
7-9 12 ends.
10-12 9 14-18 Catatonia: completely unresponsive to stimuli.
13-15 6 There is a 25% chance this will happen
16-18 3 immediately and last as long as the insanity
19+ 1 lasts, and a 75% chance catatonia will result if
Fighters 0 18 a trigger is encountered, lasting for 1-12
1-2 16 rounds after the trigger is removed. Roll on the
3-4 14 trigger table.
5-6 12 19-27 Compulsion/obsession: see below for details.
7-8 10 28-31 Delusional: see below for details.
9-10 9 32-36 Explosive Personality: when triggered, feels an
11-12 7 overwhelming urge to blow up into violence,
13-14 6 rage, etc., that stops short of murder. The
15-16 5 attack lasts for 1-6 rounds. Roll on the trigger
17+ 4 table.
Magic-Users 1-5 18 37-40 Hallucinatory: see below for details.
6-10 16 41-44 Homicidal: when triggered, feels an
11-15 14 overwhelming urge to kill that lasts 1-10
16-20 12 rounds or until satisfied. Roll on the trigger
21+ 10 table.
Thieves 1-4 13 45-50 Hysteria: when triggered, flies into an
5-8 11 uncontrollable fit of crying hysterics for 2-8
9-12 9 rounds. Roll on the trigger table.
13-16 7 51-55 Kleptomania: An overwhelming urge to steal
17-20 5 small items. Must be satisfied at least once
21+ 3 every 1-4 days.
56-60 Masochism: an overwhelming urge to feel pain,
Reminder that cultists make saving throws as if they were shame, or humiliation. Must be satisfied at
magic-users. least once every 1-6 days.
61-65 Melancholia: There is a 25% chance that the
Types of Insanity character will be in a dark mood for 1-4 days.
During such periods the character will be
Insanity is a common theme of H.P. Lovecraft’s works, and in completely unmotivated to undertake any
many cases encounters with the entities or objects associated action, simply brooding and feeling helpless
with the Mythos can result in one or more forms of insanity, and hopeless. Once the melancholy mood lifts,
a period of 1-6 days of normalcy will ensue.
which can last for varying periods of time. If your game already
After that, start rolling each day to see if the
has rules for insanity, these rules should be used instead. melancholy mood returns.

* †
Includes sub-classes and split-classes. Applies to both the stand-alone bard class in ADVENTURES
DARK AND DEEP™ and the original bard class


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Form of Insanity Die Roll Compulsions

66-69 Multiple Personalities: see below for details feel the need to confirm that the task has been
70-80 Pathological Lying: An overwhelming urge to tell done. This will happen 1-4 times in each case.
lies, invent stories, and embellish the truth, but 5 Repetition: a common procedure (taking steps,
not in a context where such is expected, e.g., swinging a sword, pounding iron spikes,
as a storyteller. Must be satisfied at least once chopping with an axe, etc.) must be done
every 1-4 days. exactly 1-12 times, or a multiple thereof.
81-87 Phobia: see below for details. 6 Perfectionism: Any task that the character
88-91 Psychotic violence: When triggered, feels an undertakes is never done well enough. It takes
overwhelming urge to attack anyone in view, 10-60% longer to do anything, as it is constantly
starting with the closest and working outward re-done.
from there. Such attacks last 1-6 rounds. Roll 7 Equilibrium: the character requires things be
on the trigger table. even, (a stab wound on one side must be
92-95 Sadism: an overwhelming urge to inflict pain, accompanied by a stab wound on the other,
shame, or humiliation. Must be satisfied at stacks of coins must be exactly the same
least once every 1-6 days. height, etc.), or objects must be put in a
96-98 Schizoid: Choose one PC or NPC known to the definable order (from largest to smallest,
character. The insane character will begin to darkest to brightest, etc.
emulate that person, imitating clothing, vocal 8 Violence avoidance: the character is constantly
intonations, mannerisms, and so forth. In 10% thinking of the consequences of physical
of cases, the schizoid character will attempt to violence, and will avoid becoming involved in
do away with the original whom they are such.
imitating. 9 Connection: If a long-term connection is broken,
99-00 Suicidal: 10% chance of trying to kill yourself in such as a relationship, a partnership, a job, an
any given dangerous situation. appointment to a position, etc., the character
will attempt to maintain the broken connection
Compulsion: individuals suffering from a compulsion will fixate at all costs, moving on to stalking and
on one activity, object, or individual, and become obsessed with eventually harming or even destroying the
that thing. In the case of an activity, the individual will need to object of the broken connection.
engage in that activity at a frequency as noted below. In the case 10 Eating: The character will only eat certain types
of an object, nothing will do but that the character possesses or of food, or food with certain characteristics
is at least in close proximity to the object at all times. (color, flavor profile, starting letter of the name,
An inability to fulfill the compulsion, such as distance from the 11 Hoarding: The character will not want to discard
object, will result in anxiety (70%) that reduces WIS and DEX by anything, preferring to store everything once
obtained. 10% of cases will actively seek out a
1 each, self-punishment (20%) such as staring at a blank wall
particular type of object to obtain and keep
for 1-4 hours or not eating for 1-3 days, or a violent outburst (books, food, empty bottles, sling bullets, etc.).
(10%), and in all cases fulfillment of the compulsion or 12 Frugality: The character will obsessively
restoration of proximity to the object will be the top priority. In the attempt to save every copper piece, and be
case of an individual the same guidelines apply, but extend to unwilling to spend money on anything not
proximity to things associated with the individual, such as entirely essential. Like armor.
clothing or other belongings, and might even go so far as 13 Delegation: The character will not delegate any
kidnapping. If the object of such a compulsion reacts scornfully task to anyone else, for fear that it won’t be
or otherwise against the expectations of the compulsive, there “done right.”
is a 10% chance that murder might result. 14 Counting: there is a 25% chance that the
character must count anything that is seen in a
TABLE 52: COMPULSIONS group of more than 12.
Die Roll Compulsions 15 Analysis paralysis: the character will not stop
1 Necrophilia: the character must indulge in analyzing and re-analyzing any proposed
sexual congress with a corpse at least once course of action. Any planning discussions will
every 1-20 days. take a minimum of 2 times longer.
2 Cleaning one’s surroundings: the environment 16 Ritualizing: the character has a set ritual for a
immediately around the character must be tidy common activity such as eating, fighting,
and clean. casting a spell, putting on armor, etc. The ritual
3 Bathing: the character must wash 1-4 times per will take 1-4 minutes.
day. Applies to hands (50%), feet (25%) or 17 Doubling: the character must do one specific
whole body (25%). activity twice in exactly the same way, whether
4 Locking doors/chests/etc. For 1-12 turns after it is spellcasting, fighting (in which case there is
performing a routine function, the character will a -2 penalty “to hit” every other round starting
on the 4th, as the enemy figures out the
pattern), drinking, etc.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Compulsions regardless of the environment), the rest should roll each time the
18 Cannibalism: The character must consume insanity is triggered.
meat coming from a human or demi-human
once every 1-20 days. TABLE 54: HALLUCINATIONS
19 Nyctomania: the character is compelled to seek Die Roll Hallucination
out dark places. 1-3 Roll on the appropriate wandering monster
20 Individual: the character is obsessed with a table for the type of terrain or dungeon level.
particular individual. There is a 50% chance this 4-7 Roll on the appropriate wandering monster
will be a close associate (family member, party table for the type of terrain or dungeon level.
member, etc.), 35% chance this will be an This will be overlain on a randomly-selected
acquaintance (recurring NPC, barmaid, guild creature or person within 30’.
brother, etc.), and a 15% chance it will be 8-10 Roll on a wandering monster table for a type of
someone who has only been heard of, or seen terrain or dungeon level determined randomly.
distantly, such as a noble, high level cleric, It cannot be for the actual terrain/level in which
military leader, royalty, etc. the character is currently.
11-14 Roll on a wandering monster table for a type of
Delusional individuals will have one of the following delusional terrain or dungeon level determined randomly.
beliefs. These beliefs are fixed, and the delusional character It cannot be for the actual terrain/level in which
cannot be dissuaded of their reality even in the face of iron-clad the character is currently. This will be overlain
evidence. Roll randomly to determine the type of delusion. on a randomly-selected creature or person
within 30’.
TABLE 53: DELUSIONS 15-20 Roll on a randomly-determined dungeon
Die Roll Delusion dressing table.
1 Body Delusion. The character believes that their
body is not their own (25%), that they are “really” Multiple Personalities: individuals literally have two (or more)
a dwarf, elf, etc. (25%), that a specific limb does distinct personalities within the same body. None of the
not belong on their body (25%), or that the body personalities is aware of the others, and each will have a distinct
appears differently (smaller, fatter, etc.) than it INT and WIS score. They can also speak different languages,
actually does (25%). The last condition will often believe they are different races, have different class skills and
(75%) involve anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive even experience levels, and so forth. Essentially a new
over-eating. character should be created, using the same STR, DEX, and
2 Delusion of grandeur. The character either thinks CON as the original character, and rolling a new INT and WIS
they are 1-6 levels higher than they really are
score. CHA should be the average of the original CHA and a
(50%), that they are some highly powerful and
new score rolled for the new character.
influential leader of some nation, guild, or other
organization (49%), or that they are a literal god
Phobia: Individuals suffering from a phobia will suffer from it in
(1%). Also called megalomania.
3 Delusion of persecution. The character thinks different degrees: 1-3 mild, 4-5 medium, 6 severe. Persons
they are being actively stalked by some specific suffering from a mild phobia will avoid the subject of the phobia
creature(s) who seek to do them harm. Also called if at all possible, and if forced to confront it will be visibly agitated.
paranoia. Those suffering from a medium phobia will also avoid the subject
4 Delusion of significance. The character believes if possible, and if forced to confront it will retreat, to the point of
that unconnected occurrences have a deep inner using force if needed. Those suffering from a severe phobia will
significance that he alone understands. 90% of go out of their way to avoid situations where the subject of the
the time the character is convinced this is phobia might be encountered, and if forcibly confronted with the
evidence of some sinister plot. subject of their phobia will go into a violent rage to escape it
5 Delusion of thought broadcasting. The character (50%) or enter a state of catatonia (50%) that lasts until the
thinks their thoughts are being broadcast to subject of the phobia is removed or eliminated. The subject
everyone in a 30’ radius.
should be determined randomly:
6 Delusion of thought insertion. The character
thinks some creature(s) are inserting thoughts into TABLE 55: PHOBIAS
his or her mind to control and influence him or her. Die Roll Phobia
001-003 Ablutophobia: fear of bathing
Hallucinatory: individuals will see things that are not there, and
004-005 Acarophobia: fear of skin infestation with small
yet be fully convinced that they are real. Hallucinations will crawling organisms
happen when the insanity is triggered (see below), and the exact 006-008 Acerophobia: fear of sourness
nature of the hallucination should be determined using the table 009-011 Achluophobia: fear of darkness
below. 10% of individuals with this type of insanity will see the 012-014 Acousticophobia: fear of noise
same hallucination every time (if a wandering monster 015-017 Acrophobia: fear of heights
hallucination, roll as appropriate for the first time the 018-020 Aeroacrophobia: fear of open high places
hallucination is encountered, and then it keeps coming back 021-023 Aerophobia: fear of gas


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Phobia Die Roll Phobia

024-026 Agoraphobia: fear of crowded public places like 166-168 Bogyphobia: fear of monsters
markets 169-171 Botanophobia: fear of plants
027-029 Agrizoophobia: fear of wild animals 172-174 Brontophobia: fear of thunderstorms
030-032 Agyrophobia: fear of crossing streets 175-177 Bufonophobia: fear of toads
033-034 Ailurophobia: fear of cats 178-180 Cacophobia: fear of ugliness, in self or
035-036 Alektorophobia: fear of chickens otherwise
037-039 Algophobia: fear of pain 181-183 Cainophobia: fear of newness
040-042 Alliumphobia: fear of garlic 184-185 Caligynephobia: fear of beautiful women
043-044 Allodoxaphobia: fear of opinions 186-188 Cardiophobia: fear of hearts
045-047 Amathophobia: fear of dust 189-190 Carnophobia: fear of meat
048-050 Amaxophobia: fear of riding in a wagon, chariot, 191-193 Catapedaphobia: fear of jumping from high and
etc. low places
051-053 Ambulophobia: fear of walking 194-196 Cathisophobia: fear of sitting
054-055 Amnesiphobia: fear of amnesia 197-199 Catoptrophobia: fear of mirrors
056-058 Amychophobia: fear of scratches or being 200-202 Cenophobia: fear of empty rooms
scratched 203-204 Cherophobia: fear of gaiety
059-060 Anablephobia: fear of looking up 205-207 Chionophobia: fear of snow
061 Anatidaephobia: fear that a duck is watching 208-209 Chirophobia: fear of hands
you 210-212 Cholerophobia: fear of anger
062-064 Ancraophobia: fear of wind 213-214 Chorophobia: fear of dancing
065-067 Androphobia: fear of men 215-217 Chromatophobia: fear of colors
068-069 Anginophobia: fear of choking or angina 218-220 Chrometophobia: fear of money
070-072 Angrophobia: fear of anger 221-222 Chronophobia: fear of clocks or time
073-075 Ankylophobia: fear of joint immobility 223-225 Cibophobia: fear of food
076-077 Anthophobia: fear of flowers 226-228 Claustrophobia: fear of confined spaces
078-080 Anthropophobia: fear of people or society 229-231 Cleithrophobia: fear of closed spaces, or being
081-083 Antlophobia: fear of floods locked in an enclosed space
084-085 Anuptaphobia: fear of being unmarried 232-234 Climacophobia: fear of stairs or climbing stairs
086-088 Apeirophobia: fear of infinity 235-237 Clinophobia: fear of going to bed
089-091 Aphenphosmphobia: fear of being touched 238-240 Cnidophobia: fear of stings
092-094 Apiphobia: fear of bees 241-243 Coimetrophobia: fear of cemeteries
095-097 Arachnophobia: fear of spiders 244 Cometophobia: fear of comets
098-100 Arithmophobia: fear of numbers 245-247 Coulrophobia: fear of clowns, jesters
101-103 Asthenophobia: fear of weakness or fainting 248-250 Cremnophobia: fear of precipices
104-105 Astrophobia: fear of celestial spaces 251-253 Cryophobia: fear of extreme cold, ice or frost
106-107 Asymmetriphobia: fear of asymmetrical things 254-256 Crystallophobia: fear of glass or crystals
108-109 Ataxiophobia: fear of muscular incoordination 257-259 Cynophobia: fear of dogs or rabies
110-112 Ataxophobia: fear of disorder or untidiness 260-261 Cypridophobia: fear of prostitutes or venereal
113-115 Atelophobia: fear of imperfection disease
116-118 Atephobia: fear of ruins 262-264 Daemonophobia: fear of daemons
119-121 Athazagoraphobia: fear of being ignored or 265-267 Decidophobia: fear of decisions, making
forgotten decisions
122-124 Aulophobia: fear of flutes 268-269 Deipnophobia: fear of dining or dinner
125-127 Aurophobia: fear of gold conversations
128-129 Autodysomophobia: fear that one has a vile 270-272 Demonophobia: fear of demons
odor 273-275 Demophobia: fear of mobs or crowds
130-132 Automatonophobia: fear of statues or humanoid 276-277 Dendrophobia: fear of trees
simulacra such as dolls, golems, etc. 278 Dentophobia: fear of dentists
133-134 Automysophobia: fear of being dirty 279-280 Dermatosiophobia: fear of skin disease
135-136 Autophobia: fear of being oneself 281-282 Dextrophobia: fear of right-handed people or
137-139 Ballistophobia: fear of missiles things to the right side of the body
140-141 Barophobia: fear of gravity 283-285 Diabolophobia: fear of devils
142-144 Basiphobia: fear of falling 286-288 Dikephobia: fear of justice
145-147 Basistasiphobia: fear of standing upright 289-290 Dinophobia: fear of whirlpools or dizziness
148-150 Bathmophobia: fear of stairways 291-292 Diplophobia: fear of double vision
151-153 Bathophobia: fear of depth 293-295 Dipsophobia: fear of drinking
154-156 Batophobia: fear of buildings, being close to 296 Dishabillophobia: fear of undressing in front of
high buildings someone
157-159 Batrachophobia: fear of frogs and amphibians 297-299 Doluphobia: fear of traps
160-162 Belonephobia: fear of needles and pins 300-302 Domatophobia: fear of houses or being in a
163-165 Bibliophobia: fear of books house


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Phobia Die Roll Phobia

303-305 Doraphobia: fear of fur or skins of animals 429-430 Hylophobia: fear of forests
306-308 Doxophobia: fear of expressing opinions or 431-432 Hypengyophobia: fear of responsibility
receiving praise 433-435 Hypnophobia: fear of being hypnotized or
309-312 Dysmorphophobia: fear of deformity or charmed, and of sleep
unattractive body image 436-437 Iatrophobia: fear of doctors or chirurgeons
313-315 Dystychiphobia: fear of accidents 438-439 Ichthyophobia: fear of fish
316-318 Ecclesiophobia: fear of churches and temples 440 Ideophobia: fear of ideas
319-321 Ecophobia: fear of the ecological environment 441-443 Illyngophobia: fear of vertigo or dizziness when
322-324 Eisoptrophobia: fear of mirrors or seeing looking down
oneself in a mirror 444-446 Iophobia: fear of poison
325-327 Electrophobia: fear of electricity and lightning 447-449 Isolophobia: fear of being alone or solitude
328-329 Eleutherophobia: fear of freedom 450-452 Isopterophobia: fear of insects that eat wood
330-332 Emetophobia: fear of vomiting 453-455 Kakorrhaphiophobia: fear of failure
333-334 Enissophobia: fear of criticism 456-458 Katagelophobia: fear of being ridiculed
335-336 Enosiophobia: fear of sin 459-461 Kenophobia: fear of voids or empty spaces
337-339 Entomophobia: fear of insects 462-463 Keraunophobia: fear of thunder and lightning
340-342 Eosophobia: fear of dawn or daylight 464-466 Kinemortophobia: fear of corporeal undead
343 Ephebiphobia: fear of teenagers (skeletons, ghouls, etc.)
344 Epistaxiophobia: fear of nosebleeds 467-469 Kinetophobia: fear of motion or movement
345-347 Equinophobia: fear of horses 470-472 Kleptophobia: fear of thieves
348-350 Eremophobia: fear of loneliness 473-475 Koinoniphobia: fear of rooms
351-353 Ergasiophobia: fear of doing one's job 476-478 Kolpophobia: fear of female genitals
354-355 Erotophobia: fear of sexual love 479-480 Kopophobia: fear of fatigue
356-358 Erythrophobia: fear of the color red 481-483 Kosmikophobia: fear of cosmic phenomena
359-361 Euphobia: fear of good news 484 Kymophobia: fear of waves or wave like
362 Febriphobia: fear of fevers motions
363-365 Frigophobia: fear of cold or cold things 485 Kyphophobia: fear of stooping
366-367 Gamophobia: fear of marriage or relationships 486-488 Lachanophobia: fear of vegetables
368-369 Geliophobia: fear of laughter 489-491 Laliophobia: fear of speaking
370-372 Gephyrophobia: fear of bridges or tunnels, or of 492-493 Leprophobia: fear of leprosy
crossing them 494-496 Leukophobia: fear of the color white
373-374 Gerascophobia: fear of growing old 497-499 Ligyrophobia: fear of loud noises
375-376 Gerontophobia: fear of old people 500-502 Lilapsophobia: fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
377 Geumaphobia: fear of taste 503-504 Limnophobia: fear of lakes
378-380 Glossophobia: fear of speaking in public 505-506 Linonophobia: fear of string or rope
381-383 Gnosiophobia: fear of knowledge 507 Liticaphobia: fear of lawsuits
384-386 Graphophobia: fear of writing 508-510 Logophobia: fear of words
387 Gymnophobia: fear of nudity 511 Lutraphobia: fear of otters
388-390 Gynophobia: fear of women 512-514 Lygophobia: fear of dark, gloomy places
391-393 Hagiophobia: fear of holy things 515-517 Lyssophobia: fear of insanity
394-396 Harpaxophobia: fear of robbers or being robbed 518 Macrophobia: fear of long waits
397-398 Hedonophobia: fear of feeling pleasure 519-521 Mageirocophobia: fear of cooking
399-401 Heliophobia: fear of sun or sunlight 522-524 Maleusiophobia: fear of childbirth
402-403 Helminthophobia: fear of being infested with 525-526 Mastigophobia: fear of flogging or punishment
worms 527-528 Mechanophobia: fear of machines
404-406 Hemaphobia: fear of blood 529-531 Megalophobia: fear of large things
407 Heresyphobia: fear of challenges to or radical 532-534 Melanophobia: fear of the color black
deviation from official doctrine 535-536 Melophobia: fear of music
408-410 Herpetophobia: fear of reptiles 537-539 Merinthophobia: fear of being bound or tied up
411 Heterophobia: fear of opposite sex 540-541 Metallophobia: fear of metal
412-413 Hierophobia: fear of clerics or sacred things 542 Meteorophobia: fear of meteors
414 Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia: fear of 543-545 Methyphobia: fear of alcohol
long words 546-547 Metrophobia: fear of poetry
415-417 Hobophobia: fear of bums or beggars 548-550 Microphobia: fear of small things
418-420 Hodophobia: fear of travel or roads 551-553 Milephobia: fear of fighters
421 Homilophobia: fear of sermons 554-555 Mnemophobia: fear of memories
422-424 Homophobia: fear of homosexuality or of 556 Modronophobia: fear of modrons
becoming homosexual 557-558 Molysmophobia: fear of contamination, dirt, or
425-427 Hydrophobia: fear of water, or rabies infection
428 Hygrophobia: fear of liquids, dampness, or 559-561 Monopathophobia: fear of a particular disease
moisture 562-563 Monophobia: fear of solitude


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Phobia Die Roll Phobia

564-566 Mottephobia: fear of moths 707-709 Phengophobia: fear of daylight or sunshine
567-569 Musophobia: fear of mice 710-711 Philemaphobia: fear of kissing
570-572 Mycophobia: fear of mushrooms (inc. myconids, 712-714 Philophobia: fear of falling or being in love
etc.) 715-717 Philsosphobia: fear of philosophy
573-574 Myrmecophobia: fear of ants 718-720 Phobophobia: fear of phobias
575-576 Mysophobia: fear of contamination with dirt or 721-723 Phonophobia: fear of noises or voices,
germs speaking aloud
577-578 Mythophobia: fear of false statements, myths, 724-726 Photoaugliaphobia: fear of glaring lights
or stories 727-729 Photophobia: fear of light
579-581 Myxophobia: fear of slimes, jellies, and 730-732 Phronemophobia: fear of thinking
puddings 733-735 Placophobia: fear of tombstones
582-584 Nebulaphobia: fear of fog 736-738 Plutophobia: fear of wealth
585-587 Necrophobia: fear of death or dead things 739-741 Pluviophobia: fear of rain
588-590 Neophobia: fear of anything new or novel 742-744 Pnigophobia: fear of choking or being
591-593 Nephophobia: fear of clouds smothered
594-595 Noctiphobia: fear of night 745-746 Pogonophobia: fear of beards
596-598 Nomatophobia: fear of names 747-749 Poinephobia: fear of punishment
599-601 Nosocomephobia: fear of hospitals 750-752 Politicophobia: fear of politicians
602-604 Nostophobia: fear of returning home 753-755 Polyphobia: fear of many things
605-607 Novercaphobia: fear of step-mother 756-758 Porphyrophobia: fear of color purple
608-610 Nyctohylophobia: fear of forests or dark wooded 759-761 Potamophobia: fear of running water
areas, at night 762-764 Potamphobia: fear of rivers
611-613 Nyctophobia: fear of darkness 765-767 Prosophobia: fear of progress
614-615 Obesophobia: fear of gaining weight 768-770 Psellismophobia: fear of stuttering
616-618 Octophobia: fear of the number 8 771-773 Psychophobia: fear of mind
619-621 Odontophobia: fear of teeth 774-776 Pteromerhanophobia: fear of flying
622-623 Oenophobia: fear of wine 777-779 Pteronophobia: fear of feathers or being tickled
624-626 Olfactophobia: fear of smells or odors by feathers
627-629 Ommetaphobia: fear of eyes 780-782 Pupaphobia: fear of puppets
630-632 Oneirophobia: fear of dreams 783-785 Pyrophobia: fear of fire
633-635 Onomatophobia: fear of hearing a certain name 786-788 Rhabdophobia: fear of magic or magic-users
636-638 Ophidiophobia: fear of snakes and snake-like 789-790 Rhypophobia: fear of filth or dirt or defecation
creatures 791-792 Rhytiphobia: fear of getting wrinkles
639-640 Ophthalmophobia: fear of being stared at 793-795 Robotophobia: fear of golems, animated
641 Optophobia: fear of opening one’s eyes statues, etc.
642-644 Ornithophobia: fear of birds 796-798 Sarmassophobia: fear of love play or dating
645-646 Orthophobia: fear of property 799-801 Scabiophobia: fear of scabies
647 Osmophobia: fear of body odors 802-804 Scelerophobia: fear of being harmed by wicked
648-650 Ostraconophobia: fear of shellfish persons
651-653 Ouranophobia: fear of the upper planes 805-807 Sciophobia: fear of shadows
654-656 Pagophobia: fear of frost or ice 808-810 Scoleciphobia: fear of worms
657 Panophobia: fear of everything 811-813 Scolionophobia: fear of school
658-660 Panthophobia: fear of disease and suffering 814-816 Scopophobia: fear of being seen or looked at
661-663 Papyrophobia: fear of paper 817-819 Scotomaphobia: fear of blindness
664-666 Paralipophobia: fear of neglecting duty or 820-822 Scriptophobia: fear of writing in public
responsibility 823-825 Selachophobia: fear of sharks
667-669 Paraphobia: fear of sexual perversion 826-828 Selaphobia: fear of flashes of light
670-672 Parasitophobia: fear of parasites 829-831 Selenophobia: fear of the moon
673-675 Parthenophobia: fear of young girls or virgins 832-834 Seplophobia: fear of decaying matter
676-678 Pathophobia: fear of disease 835-837 Siderophobia: fear of stars
679-680 Patroiophobia: fear of heredity 838-840 Sinistrophobia: fear of left-handed people:
681-682 Peccatophobia: fear of sinning objects at the left side of the body
683-685 Pediophobia: fear of dolls 841-843 Sitophobia: fear of food or eating
686-688 Pedophobia: fear of children 844-846 Soceraphobia: fear of parents-in-law
689-691 Peladophobia: fear of bald people 847-849 Sociophobia: fear of society or people in
692-694 Peniaphobia: fear of poverty general
695-697 Pentheraphobia: fear of mother-in-law 850-852 Somniphobia: fear of sleep
698-700 Phagophobia: fear of eating or swallowing 853-855 Sophophobia: fear of learning
701-703 Phalacrophobia: fear of becoming bald 856-857 Soteriophobia: fear of dependence on others
704-706 Pharmacophobia: fear of taking medicine, 858-860 Spectrophobia: fear of non-corporeal undead
potions, or drugs (specters, ghosts, etc.)


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Phobia character suffers from. Note that such individuals are
861-863 Spheksophobia: fear of wasps automatically triggered with an attack when they are first struck
864 Stasiphobia: fear of standing up with the insanity. Phobias, of course, are their own triggers and
865-867 Staurophobia: fear of holy/unholy symbols thus don’t require a roll.
868-870 Stenophobia: fear of narrow places or things
871-873 Stygiophobia: fear of the lower planes TABLE 56: INSANITY TRIGGERS
874-876 Symbolophobia: fear of symbolism Die Roll Insanity Trigger
877-879 Symmetrophobia: fear of symmetry 01-02 A magic spell being cast.
880-881 Syngenesophobia: fear of relatives 03-05 A religious service.
882-884 Tachophobia: fear of speed 06-07 A specific color (choose randomly).
885-887 Taphephobia: fear of being buried alive, 08-10 A specific intelligent race (orc, elf, etc.; choose
cemeteries randomly).
888-890 Taurophobia: fear of bulls, minotaurs, gorgons, 11-12 A specific type of animal (choose randomly).
etc. 13-15 A specific type of building (home, inn, castle,
891-893 Technophobia: fear of technology etc.; choose randomly).
894-896 Teleophobia: fear of religious ceremonies 16-17 A specific type of plant (choose randomly).
897-899 Teratophobia: fear of bearing a deformed child, 18-20 A weapon being put away unused.
deformed people 21-22 A weapon being used.
900-902 Textophobia: fear of certain fabrics (pick one 23-25 Abandoned buildings.
randomly) 26-27 Anyone in the venerable age category for their
903-905 Thalassophobia: fear of sea or ocean race
906-908 Thanatophobia: fear of death or dying 28-30 Being more than 10-60’ high, and being able to
909-911 Theatrophobia: fear of theaters see the ground.
912-914 Theophobia: fear of religion 31-32 Broken walls.
915-917 Thermophobia: fear of heat 33-35 Children or a child
918-920 Tomophobia: fear of surgical operations 36-57 The creature or situation that caused the insanity
921-923 Topophobia: fear of certain places of situations, in the first place. If caused by reading a Mythos
e.g., stage fright grimoire, any reading or books will trigger the
924-926 Toxophobia: fear of being poisoned insanity.
927-929 Traumatophobia: fear of injury 58-60 Crowds of more than 3-7 people.
930-932 Trichinophobia: fear of trichinosis 61-62 Darkness.
933-935 Trichopathophobia: fear of hair 63-65 Dead plants.
936-938 Triskaidekaphobia: fear of the number 13 66-67 Half-breeds: half-elves, half-orcs, Deep One
939-941 Tropophobia: fear of moving or making changes hybrids, etc.
942-944 Trypanophobia: fear of injections 68-70 Images of people smiling
945-947 Trypophobia: fear of holes 71-72 Magical creatures (pegasi, griffons, etc.).
948-950 Ttremophobia: fear of trembling 73-75 Royalty or nobility
951-953 Tyrannophobia: fear of tyrants 76-77 The sea.
954-956 Vaccinophobia: fear of vaccination 78-80 Seeing a holy or unholy symbol.
957-959 Verminophobia: fear of germs 81-82 Seeing someone else take damage from an
960-961 Vestiphobia: fear of clothing edged/piercing weapon.
962-964 Virginitiphobia: fear of rape 83-85 Someone or some creature dying.
965-967 Vitricophobia: fear of step-fathers 86-87 Someone or something sleeping.
968-970 Wiccaphobia: fear of witches and witchcraft 88-90 Someone who is drunk or intoxicated.
971-973 Xanthophobia: fear of the color yellow 91-92 Someone with a visible disease.
974-976 Xenoglossophobia: fear of foreign languages 93-95 Taking more than 6-11 h.p. of damage.
977-979 Xenophobia: fear of foreigners or strangers 96-97 Thunderstorms.
980-982 Xerophobia: fear of dryness 98-00 Venomous animals or monsters
983-985 Xylophobia: fear of wooden objects or forests
986-988 Xyrophobia: fear of razors
Zelophobia: fear of jealousy
Zemmiphobia: fear of mole rats
995-997 Zeusophobia: fear of god or gods
Note that the monster entries below use the format in the other
998-000 Zoophobia: fear of animals
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ books. If you are using
other rules, you can simply keep all hit dice as d8 and ignore the
Insanity Triggers morale statistic, and use the classic treasure type, if desired.
Remember also that the movement rates are given for
Many forms of insanity are triggered by some event, object, or
underground movement in a dungeon environment, and should
other specific situation. Such forms of insanity are indicated
be tripled when outdoors.
above, and the game master should roll on the insanity trigger
table to determine the specific cause of the form of insanity the


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


It should be noted that, for the most part, the creatures listed their destruction. When this happens, bholes migrate to new
herein do not dwell on other planes of existence, so spells worlds by “swimming” through Wildspace and the phlogiston,
designed to deal with such creatures (protection from evil, and then beginning the cycle anew.
abjure, etc.) will have no effect. Fortunately there are new spells
such as banish spawn of Yog-Sothoth, Elder Sign, etc., that are Cat, Dreamlands
specifically designed to impact such creatures.
FREQUENCY: Common (Dreamlands)
Bhole NO. APPEARING: 1-20
FREQUENCY: Rare (Dreamlands) HIT DICE: 1d6
MORALE: +3 MOVE: 60’/min.
MOVE: 150’/min. (60’/min. tunneling) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1
TREASURE TYPE: None X.P. VALUE: 5 + 1/h.p.
MAGICAL TREASURE: None Dreamlands cats are more intelligent versions of themselves in
X.P. VALUE: 150 + 6/h.p. the waking world. It is well-known that all cats are inherently able
to enter the Dreamlands through light slumber. They are great
Bholes are a type of giant worm found in the Dreamlands. They enemies of zoogs, who are known to consider cats as delicacies.
exist entirely in darkness, and thus no one has ever actually They surprise enemies 50% of the time, and are considered
seen a live one; they radiate a field of continual darkness 10’ persons for purposes of spells such as charm person, etc.
radius that regular and even magical light cannot penetrate.
Within a minute of being killed they disintegrate into a pool of Cat, Saturnian
FREQUENCY: Rare (Dreamlands)
Bholes are aggressive carnivores, and attack with a vicious bite. NO. APPEARING: 1-8
In addition, their bodies are covered with a slime-like mucous, MORALE: +4
which renders them resistant to fire; they will take 2 h.p. less per HIT DICE: 2d6
die when the target of flame-based attacks, including magical ARMOR CLASS: 5
fire. MOVE: 120’/min.
Over the course of time the tunneling activities of the bholes will NO. OF ATTACKS: 3
destabilize the structural integrity of entire worlds, leading to DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2/1-2/1-2
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise, rear claw rake 1-2/1-2
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
X.P. VALUE: 10 + 1/h.p.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Saturnian cats are native to the Dreamlands. They are larger Deep One
and more aggressive versions of regular Dreamlands cats, who
are their foes. They have coats of fur in riotous bright colors, in FREQUENCY: Very rare
a variety of different designs, and will attack zoogs on sight. NO. APPEARING: 2d100
They surprise enemies 50% of the time, and are considered MORALE: +1
persons for the purposes of spells such as charm person, etc. HIT DICE: 4d8
Dark Haunter MOVE: 120’/min., 240’/min. (swimming)
FREQUENCY: Very rare NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 or 1
NO. APPEARING: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d4/1d4 or per weapon type
MOVE: 120’/min. SIZE: M
SIZE: M X.P. VALUE: 60 + 4/h.p.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil The Deep Ones are an ancient race of sea-dwelling creatures
CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: None that seem to be a cross between human, fish, and frog. They
TREASURE TYPE: None dwell in the deep waters and trenches of the ocean, as well as
TREASURE VALUE: n/a the continental shelves and shallows. They are servants of great
MAGICAL TREASURE: None Cthulhu, and further his aims in the world wherever possible.
X.P. VALUE: 375 + 10/h.p.
Deep Ones are known to give treasures of weirdly-shaped gold
Dark haunters are creatures who live in darkness and shun the jewelry and pearls to human agents in coastal towns and
light. They are amorphous blobs with a single three-lobed villages, corrupting them and turning them into servants of the
burning eye, and generate a darkness 10’ radius zone (as per Great Old One in return for wealth and power. They can mate
the spell) around them at all times. In dark environments, dark with humans, producing Deep One hybrids (see p. 5 for details
haunters surprise enemies 2/3rds of the time. They attack by on these hybrids); such hybrids are often used as intermediaries
lashing at enemies with a long, thick tail; but they will instinctively with humans and other surface dwellers, until their inevitable
sense those who bear the mark of Nyarlathotep and avoid transformation into Deep Ones.
causing them harm. They are vulnerable to light (not just
sunlight), and will avoid it, if at all possible. Sunlight or a Deep Ones can attack with their webbed claws, or with a
continual light spell will inflict 1-6 h.p. per round, and a large fire weapon if they have such. They do not wear armor even when
or a light spell will inflict 1-4 h.p. per round. Torchlight will not on land, and fire-based attacks do an additional point of damage
harm them, but they will move away from it. to them per hit die. They are, naturally, excellent swimmers and
can breathe either air or water with equal ease. Pressure does
not seem to affect them; they can survive the deepest oceanic
trenches as easily as the surface. They are considered people
for purposes of spells such as charm person, and have
infravision with a 60’ range.

For every 20 Deep Ones encountered, there will be a fighter of

5th level. If 60 or more are encountered, there will be a
cultist/fighter of 6th/5th level. If 100 or more are encountered,
there will be a cultist of 8th level with 2d4 sub-cultists of level 1-
3. In their lair, they will be led by an Elder who is a 10th level
cultist/8th level fighter, with a guard of 7-12 fighters of 6th level.

Deep Ones will be armed as follows (crossbows are specially

designed to be usable in air or water, but range is halved


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Spear and short sword 20% caverns. They were driven from their cities to deep below the
Trident and light crossbow 15% ground by the arrival of the Great Race of Yith (q.v.), which
Barbed net and spear 25% warred upon them and took the cities of the flying polyps for
Spear and light crossbow 10% themselves. After millions of years of sporadic warfare, the
Dagger and spear 30% polyps finally burst forth from their caverns and overthrew the
Yithians, and then they themselves were lost to history. It is
Deep One communities are often large warrens bored into coral
possible that some still exist in deep places beneath the earth,
reefs. They will have central communal caves for worship of
or that still more might one day come from that far-off world.
Cthulhu, and places filled with air for visitors and prisoners. 20%
of such lairs will have a giant octopus as a guardian, while 80% Flying polyps are utterly alien in makeup and appearance. Their
will have 1-6 trained giant crabs. Deep ones are considered physical forms are somewhat mutable, and they undulate from
persons for purposes of spells such as charm person, etc. some 4’ to 7’ in diameter, with five tentacles ending in round
nodules that can be used to attack physically, although they
much prefer to use their wind strike ability. The wind strike will
project a mass of condensed air at a prodigious speed, striking
a target up to 90’ away from the polyp. The strike will do 2-8
points of damage and knock the target back 10’, but can be
stopped by the 5th level druid spell control winds. They are
vulnerable to electricity, and electrical attacks do an additional
point of damage per die.

Flying polyps move by flying, but have no visible means of doing

so. This might be connected to their semi-material nature; on
any given round, there is a 1 in 3 chance that the polyp will
simply vanish, becoming completely immaterial except for a
vague shimmering outline. It can still use its wind strike ability at
such times, but cannot itself move through solid objects such as
walls. It does not consciously control when it enters its
immaterial state. They speak using a series of high-pitched
whistles and squeaks. They do not use sight, but what senses
they do have can penetrate solid matter, enabling them to
perceive what is around them. Flying polyps are considered
Flying Polyp persons for purposes of spells such as charm person, etc., and
can “see” in darkness as well as light, even if they do not have
FREQUENCY: Very Rare the sense of sight in any conventional sense.
MORALE: +6 Formless Spawn
MOVE: 180’/min. (flying - good) NO. APPEARING: 3-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Semi-immateriality MOVE: 90’/min.
INTELLIGENCE: 14 SPECIAL DEFENSES: Crushing attacks do half damage
The race of flying polyps came to the world some 600 million
years ago from some far distant world. They dwelled in vast
cities made of windowless basalt towers and deep underground
X.P. VALUE: 28 + 2/h.p.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Originally hailing from N’kai, the deepest cavern in the Great Race of Yith
underground realm of K’n-yan, the formless spawn are the
children of Tsathoggua, the frog-shaped Great Old One. They FREQUENCY: Very rare
are occasionally found elsewhere, however, especially in places NO. APPEARING: 1-8
where the cult of Tsathoggua has taken root. MORALE: +3
HIT DICE: 8d10
Formless spawn are blobs of oily black slime that are capable of ARMOR CLASS: 5
crawling on walls and ceilings as easily as floors, and can slide MOVE: 180’/min.
through cracks as small as a half-inch in width. They can form MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
themselves into various shapes as needed, but these are very NO. OF ATTACKS: 2
temporary, and they will revert to their slime-form as soon as the DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d8/1d8
task is complete. When combat is needed, they will form two SPECIAL DEFENSES: None
pseudopod-like limbs with which to strike enemies. They only SPECIAL ATTACKS: None
take half damage from crushing weapons such as staves and WEAKNESSES: None
maces. They do not have conventional senses of sight or SIZE: L (10’)
hearing, but can sense their environment in utter blackness as INTELLIGENCE: 14-18
well as any human could in daylight. ALIGNMENT: Lawful neutral
X.P. VALUE: 600 + 12/h.p.

The Great Race (sometimes called the Great Race of Yith or just
Yithians) existed millions of years ago, masters of a great
civilization that merged technology and magic. They were
masters of time, and scholars of immense curiosity and
acquisitiveness. They amassed enormous libraries
documenting civilizations across not only the Prime Material
Plane, but across time itself. They themselves come from a far-
distant world called Yith in time immemorial.

Members of the Great Race appear as towering cones of flesh

topped with four thick tentacles. Two of these end with great
pincers capable of fine nimbleness and the manipulation of
small and intricate items, as well as being used to communicate
audibly through a complex clicking language. Another tentacle
ends in four red trumpet-like cones which are used for eating
and drinking. The fourth ends in a “head” with three great eyes,
four stalked hearing organs, and numerous small green tendrils
which can be used for writing and fine manipulation.

If forced to combat, they will use one of their technological

devices (see the technology of Yith on p. 29). If pressed, they
can attack with their great claws, but find such exertions frankly
beneath them.

Members of the Great Race live for thousands of years, and

reproduce by means of seeds which germinate in water. They
once fought great wars against the flying polyps and the Old
Ones, but the details are taboo for them to discuss or record, so
little is known. Yithians are considered persons for purposes of
spells such as charm person, etc.

Although the Great Race is extinct, it is still possible to encounter

them in one of two ways. First, it is known that some of them
were, by means of their great technology, frozen in time, and


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


thus could be discovered and revived by some current-day It is also the case that the remains of the archives of the Great
explorers. Race are sometimes partially intact in their vast and ancient
cities. Even a snippet of such could be of incalculable value to
Second, the Great Race based its great knowledge on swapping scholars in the present day.
bodies with other creatures across space and time. This is done
through great magical-technological machines in their Gug
civilization millions of years in the past, using the Yithian mind-
transfer machine (see p. 30). Intelligent creatures’ minds are FREQUENCY: Rare (Dreamlands)
plucked from some far world and distant time, and put into the NO. APPEARING: 3-30
body of a member of the Great Race. That member, in the same MORALE: +10
instant, trades mental places with that creature. HIT DICE: 8d10
In the distant past, in one of the incredible cities of the Great MOVE: 120’/min.
Race, the mind-swapped individual is forced to learn the MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
language of the Great Race, and use it to transcribe all of its NO. OF ATTACKS: 5
knowledge, which is then added to the great archives in their DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8/1-8/1-8/1-8/2-12
cities. At the same time, the member of the Great Race who has SPECIAL DEFENSES: None
been put in that creature’s body takes it upon itself to learn SPECIAL ATTACKS: None
whatever it can about the world and time in which it finds itself. WEAKNESSES: None
Naturally, this is very disruptive to the life of the creature, as the SIZE: L (20’)
new mind within it is completely ignorant of its society, history, INTELLIGENCE: 8
and even personal friends and loved ones. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
Eventually the mind-swapped member of the Great Race
constructs a Yithian mind-transfer machine and returns to its
TREASURE VALUE: 1d4x1,000 g.p.
own body, thus returning its former host-creature to its own.
MAGICAL TREASURE: 1 armor/weapon (10%)
Those who try to explain what happened to them are generally
X.P. VALUE: 1,300 + 12/h.p.
considered to be mad, as stories of being transported across
millions of years and from world to world are quite unbelievable. The terrible gugs are a great scourge of the Dreamlands. In
some Dreamlands they dwell in lonely forests and moorlands,
where they raise stone circles to the Other Gods and the
Crawling Chaos. Often, they are found in underground cities, as
they are regularly banished from the surface of the Dreamlands
due to their terrible nature and taste for the flesh of those who
undertake dream-journeys.

Gugs are occasionally found on waking worlds where they

emerge rarely through cursed gates. This phenomenon has
been noted to be occurring more frequently in recent years, but
the exact mechanism by which the gugs undertake the journey
is unknown. So too is it unknown whether the gates by which
they travel from the Dreamlands to the waking world are of their
own creation, or if they were simply already present in the dark,
forgotten places to which the gugs are banished, and thus they
are making use of someone else’s efforts.

Gugs are immense creatures, fully 20’ high. Their arms are
divided into two at the elbow, with each forearm ending in a 2’
wide clawed paw. Their fang-filled mouths are at the top of their
heads, opening vertically, flanked by a pair of bulging pink eyes.
Gugs attack with four claws and a bite.

They have no speech, relying on non-verbal cues to

communicate. They are great enemies of both ghouls and
ghasts, but find the flesh of dream-journeyers to be succulent
and highly seek after it. They have infravision with a range of


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Gyaa-yothn Hound of Tindalos

FREQUENCY: Very rare (common in K’n-yan) FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 1-3 (3-12) NO. APPEARING: 1-3
HIT DICE: 2d8 HIT DICE: 8d10
MOVE: 180’/min. MOVE: 240’/min.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
X.P. VALUE: 20 + 2/h.p. X.P. VALUE: 900 + 12/h.p.

The gyaa-yothn are semi-intelligent beasts of burden used in The hounds of Tindalos are creatures that live beyond the
K’n-yan as mounts, draft animals, and even low-level menials. curves and angles between time and space. They are not quite
They are hybrids of an ancient quadrupedal race and humans, non-corporeal, but neither are they life as it is known in the
and can be ridden without benefit of saddles. They can be taught multiverse. They are but rarely encountered, and then only by
to perform manual labor such as farming, as their forelimbs can those who manipulate the curves and angles of space-time
double as hands. through means such as the 4th level scholar spell walk between
curves and angles, Liao pellets, and so forth. Anyone using such
If ordered to attack, they do so with their bite, but are too stupid magic or technology has a 1% chance per use of attracting the
to make use of weapons. They are carnivorous, but not attention of one or more hounds of Tindalos, which will then
dangerous; they eat specially-bred slaves who constitute the begin to pursue their prey with great gusto.
main food stock of K’n-yan. They do not speak, but do have
infravision, 60’ range. As the hounds themselves are creatures of angles (in the same
way that humans are creatures of curves), they can only enter
Gyaa-yothns appear as ungainly quadrupedal creatures with the Prime Material Plane through one or more angles, whether
unmistakable human features. They have a single horn on their they be three-dimensional such as the corner of a wall or table,
foreheads, with which they can fight if needed, but they are not or two-dimensional such as a triangle etched on parchment. It is
aggressive creatures and are not used in war by the K’n- thus possible to stymie the creatures’ pursuit by eliminating all
yanians, except as steeds. such angles from one’s immediate environment (within 30’), and
if the victim escapes their pursuit for a full 24 hours, they will
move on in search of other prey. If they manage to come to the
Prime Material Plane, they will attack the prey immediately.

The hounds attack with their bite and their long prehensile
tongues. The tongue of a hound can shoot forth up to 20’; if it
hits it will draw the victim back to the jaws, where it will
automatically be hit by the bite. Only a successful bend bars
check will allow escape once the tongue has trapped a victim.
Once per round they can walk through curves and angles (as
per the spell) but only if there are angles present.

Hounds of Tindalos appear as large white canine-like creatures,

but when seen from certain angles seem to disappear, while
from other angles they seem to shatter and multiply as if seen
through a kaleidoscope.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


K’n-yanian • 1 x 10th level fighter, 1 x 8th level cultist of Yig, 1 x

9th level cultist of Cthulhu, and 1 x 11th level scholar
FREQUENCY: Common (in K’n-yan), never (elsewhere) if over 500 K’n-yanians
NO. APPEARING: 3-12 or 100-1000 • 1 gyaa-yothn for every 2 K’n-yanians
MORALE: +0 • 1 y’m-bhi for every 4 K’n-yanians
ARMOR CLASS: 9 Scholars and cultists levels 3-5 will have 1 skill level in K’n-
MOVE: 120’/min. yanian technology (see p. 24). Those of levels 6-9 will have 2
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard skill levels, and those of levels 10 or more will have 3 skill levels
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 in their ancestral technology.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Per weapon type
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below The K’n-yanians worship Cthulhu and Yig primarily, but are also
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below known to honor Hastur and several other of the Great Old Ones,
WEAKNESSES: None but the faith of Nyarlathotep seems unknown to them. They are
SIZE: M considered people for purposes of spells such as charm person,
INTELLIGENCE: 9-14 or higher and have ultravision with a 60’ range.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: W (individuals N) Leng, Men of
TREASURE TYPE: IV (individuals XVII)
FREQUENCY: Very rare (waking world), uncommon
TREASURE VALUE: 2d4+1x10,000 (individuals 1d20)
MAGICAL TREASURE: 1 item (55%)
NO. APPEARING: 2-8 or 20-80
X.P. VALUE: 10 + 1/h.p.
The K’n-yanians are (perhaps unsurprisingly) native to the HIT DICE: 2d8
underground kingdom of K’n-yan. Originally brought to the world ARMOR CLASS: 8
from a distant planet by their god Tulu (Cthulhu) millions of years MOVE: 120’/min.
ago, they at first established a broad empire across the globe MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
and then retreated to their underground realm after a series of NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
great natural catastrophes. DAMAGE/ATTACK: Per weapon type
K’n-yanians are human in appearance, but hairless. They SPECIAL ATTACKS: None
communicate by telepathy both among themselves and with WEAKNESSES: None
visitors. They make great use of advanced technology, being SIZE: M
principally advanced in the biological sciences, but possessing INTELLIGENCE: 15
devices that project light in a beam 60’ long and 1’ wide, among ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
other useful tools. Their weapons are curiously conventional, CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: C (individuals M)
focusing on swords, but they do not wear armor, merely using TREASURE TYPE: IV (individuals XIII - rubies)
shields in battle. K’n-yanians will be armed as follows: TREASURE VALUE: 4d6x100 (individuals 1d8)
MAGICAL TREASURE: 2 items (10%)
Short sword and dagger 15% X.P. VALUE: 20 + 2/h.p.
Long sword 45%
Short bow and short sword 20% The men of the evil land of Leng are a race of humanoids who
Dagger and spear 20% can be found in both the Dreamlands and the waking world,
through the curious properties of their homeland of Leng, which
For every 10 K’n-yanians encountered, there will be a leader can be found in a variety of different worlds in one form or
who is a 3rd level fighter. If more than 100 are encountered, a another. They are evil creatures and traders in slaves, and are
K’n-yanian settlement will be found. Settlements contain the servants of the moonbeasts (see p. 92), but are also great
following leader-types: enemies of the purple spiders of Leng (p. 97), against whom
they have waged war for many centuries.
• 1 x 4th level fighter per 50 K’n-yanians
• 5 x 3rd level magic-users and 6 x 2nd level cultists of The men of Leng attack with weapons in combat, and are known
Yig to favor long curved blades such as scimitars. For every 10 men
• 3 x 5th level magic-users and 4 x 4th level cultists of of Leng encountered, there will be one 2nd level fighter, and for
Cthulhu every 20 encountered, there will be a 4th level leader. If over 50
• 1 x 6th level fighter, 1 x 5th level cultist of Yig, and 1 x are found, the settlement will be led by either a 6th level fighter
7th level scholar per 100 K’n-yanians (40%) or a 7th level illusionist (60%).
• 1 x 8th level fighter, 1 x 7th level cultist of Cthulhu,
and 1 x 9th level scholar if over 300 K’n-yanians


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


The men of Leng are humanoid in appearance, but have woolly Mi-Go
cloven legs like those of goats, their heads sport curved horns,
and their mouths are uncomfortably wide. They will often wear FREQUENCY: Very rare
billowy leggings to conceal their goat-legs, and turbans to hide NO. APPEARING: 2d6
their horns, in order to blend in with human communities while MORALE: +2
buying slaves, for which they most often trade in rubies. They HIT DICE: 5d8
are considered people for purposes of spells such as charm ARMOR CLASS: 3
person. MOVE: 150’/min., 360’/min. (flying, but see below)
SIZE: L (8’)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
X.P. VALUE: 240 + 5/h.p.

Sometimes called the Outer Ones or the Fungi from Yuggoth,

the Mi-Go are an alien race that came to the world from the
Lizard, Giant planet Yuggoth. On this world, they dwell in remote areas, in
Yakith-Lizard colonies of some 11-30 (d20+10) individuals, and these colonies
form a global network that advances their agenda (whatever that
FREQUENCY: Very rare might be). They are known to employ a large web of human and
NO. APPEARING: 3-12 demi-human agents in areas where they are active, and they are
MORALE: +2 specifically at odds with the cult of Hastur and the being known
HIT DICE: 3d10 as the King in Yellow, as they have rival active plans for global
ARMOR CLASS: 4 conquest.
MOVE: 150’/min.
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard They themselves honor Shub-Niggurath and Nyarlathotep,
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 although they do not have cultists or any other sort of
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12 spellcasters, as they rely on their high technology rather than
SPECIAL DEFENSES: None magic (see technology of Yuggoth on p. 31).
Mi-Go attack with their large pincers, but they are also able to
use their advanced technological skills to construct weapons of
SIZE: L (18’ long)
a sort unknown to others. There are at least three distinct
variations of the basic Mi-Go form:
CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: None • Peak-dwellers: Do not have wings but do have a pair
TREASURE TYPE: None of dorsal fins, cannot travel in space without
TREASURE VALUE: n/a mechanical aid or surgical alteration.
MAGICAL TREASURE: None • Hill-dwellers: Have wings, cannot travel in space
X.P. VALUE: 85 + 4/h.p. without mechanical aid or surgical alteration.
• Plain-dwellers: Have wings, and can travel through
Yakith-lizards are relatives of the more common giant lizard.
Wildspace and the phlogiston without assistance or
They are found in most climes except the most arid or coldest,
and can be found both above and below ground. Their bite is
poisonous, and anyone bitten by a yakith-lizard must make a The wings of the Mi-Go extend into the Ethereal Plane, and thus
saving throw vs. poison or be utterly incapacitated for a full 24 can be used to “push” against the ether to propel the creature
hours. The inner skin of the yakith-lizard is often tanned and even in Wildspace and the phlogiston.
used for the writing of scrolls.


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Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Mi-Go are half-fungoid and half animal, but even that is an

approximation to describe something that is essentially alien.
They are crustacean in appearance, with a huge pair of wings
(or dorsal fins in the case of peak-dwellers) and several pairs of
jointed limbs. Two of these end in large lobster-like claws,
adding to the impression of crustacean-ness. They are pallid
pink in color, like an undercooked shrimp. Where the head
should be is an ellipsoid mass covered with scores of short
antennae. They communicate telepathically, unless they have
been surgically altered to allow for human-like speech, but such
speech is always “off” somehow to human ears. They leave
distinctive, saw-tooth-edged footprints.

FREQUENCY: Rare (Dreamlands)
HIT DICE: 5d10
MOVE: 90’/min.
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 or 1
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/1-6 or per weapon
SIZE: L (7’)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
TREASURE VALUE: 4d6x100 FREQUENCY: Uncommon (Dreamlands)
X.P. VALUE: 150 + 6/h.p. MORALE: +4
The moonbeasts dwell on the moon in the Dreamlands, and ARMOR CLASS: 6
venture forth through dream-Wildspace on special black galleys MOVE: 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying)
with spelljamming helms, rowed by slaves and crewed by the MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
men of Leng. They trade the rubies which are numerous in the NO. OF ATTACKS: 2
mines on the moon for slaves and gold, and use their Leng-men DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/1-6
servants as intermediaries with humans and their ilk, as the SPECIAL DEFENSES: None
moonbeasts themselves are quite horrific in aspect. SPECIAL ATTACKS: Grappling, tickling
Moonbeasts eschew combat, preferring to use their slaves for SIZE: L (8’)
such distasteful tasks. If needed, however, they can attack INTELLIGENCE: 8
either with claws or with a weapon; they use iron spears for such ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
work that do 1-10 h.p. of damage to enemies of all sizes. They CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: None
are much stronger than humans, for all of their soft appearance. TREASURE TYPE: None
Moonbeasts resemble toads, but are strangely amorphous and
have multiple short legs. They are pale white in color, and have
X.P. VALUE: 150 + 6/h.p.
a mass of pinkish tentacles at the end of the snout, which is used
for both communication and senses. They are utterly silent, but Night-gaunts are found in the Dreamlands, where they abduct
use flutes to communicate with their servants. travelers and deposit them in out-of-the-way places of great
danger, presumably for their own amusement. Some night-
gaunts are also used as servants and guards by powerful
creatures in the Dreamlands. They are allied with the ghouls of


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


the Dreamlands, who have passwords allowing them to pass Old One
unmolested by the night-gaunts, and even to use them as
means of transportation at need. FREQUENCY: Very rare
Night-gaunts can attack either with their hands while on the MORALE: +4
ground, or with their rear paws while in the air. The paws can be HIT DICE: 8d10
used to either attack conventionally or to attempt to grapple. If ARMOR CLASS: 6
both paws hit a target, no damage is done, but it has been MOVE: 180’/min., 120’/min. (flying), 150’/min. (swimming)
grappled and can be carried aloft by the night-gaunt. Creatures MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
that struggle or attack the night-gaunt during flight are subject to NO. OF ATTACKS: 5
an intense tickling attack by the barbed tail of the night-gaunt; DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6
the creature must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
rendered incapacitated for a turn, unable to fight or cast spells. SPECIAL ATTACKS: None
Those that continue to struggle are simply dropped from a great WEAKNESSES: None
height. SIZE: L (6’)
Night-gaunts are sometimes brought into the waking world by
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
powerful scholars and those who have mastered dream-
walking. There does not seem to be any impact on the night-
gaunts themselves, but such a terrible an inscrutable creature is
often mistaken for a demon or similar creature, often to the woe
MAGICAL TREASURE: 3 items (30%)
of the observer.
X.P. VALUE: 900 + 12/h.p.
Night-gaunts are humanoid in form, with great bat-like wings and
The Old Ones are an ancient race who lived millions of years in
thin tails. Their skin is slick and black, and they have no faces.
the past, at the same time as the Great Race and Mi-Go (q.v.),
Their heads are topped with large horns that curve inwards.
against whom they waged war at various times. Although
They are silent, but understand spoken commands.
thought long extinct as a race, individuals and small pockets of
survivors are known to have survived millions of years in the
most remote places through hibernation, in hidden communities
in the depths of the ocean, and on distant worlds. They are the
race that created the shoggoths (see p. 95) who ultimately
rebelled against their creators after hundreds of thousands of
years of servitude.

The Old Ones are possessed of an advanced technology, as

described in the technology of the Old Ones secondary skill (see
p. 27). The technology described there is only the barest fraction
of the wonders achieved by the Old Ones, which have come
down to the modern world in forbidden grimoires and the
remains of their ancient, ruined cities. The Old Ones eschew a
mechanical society, however, and utilize their technological and
magical skills only when it is necessary, preferring to live a
relatively spartan, contemplative existence that is rich in culture,
but sparse in material artifacts.

Old Ones can attack with their wings, but much prefer to use
their magico-technological devices and shoggoth slaves to do
battle. While the full range of their technological prowess is
beyond the scope of the present work, such could be a good
opportunity for game masters looking to introduce elements of
high technology into their games, even if in a limited sense.
Cold-based attacks do them no harm.

Old Ones are shaped like 6-foot tall barrels, 3 feet wide at their
center and tapering to 1 foot wide at either end. At the top, they
have a “head” like a five-pointed starfish, with five eyes and five
proboscises used to feed. At the bottom they have five thick
tentacles that are used for locomotion, and around the middle


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


they have five appendages that divide into a total of 125 fine of serpent and humanoid, they have a human-like body, but
manipulators. They have five membranous wings that are there are no arms, and the legs and feet are fused completely
normally kept folded up, but which can be unfolded to reveal a together, so the whole body forms a long, snake-like whole. It
7’ wingspan. moves around by wriggling and flopping in a nauseating parody
of both human and serpent movement. The head is flat and the
The wings can be used to swim through water, fly through air, or eyes dark and beady, but there is a glimmer of intelligence in
push against the ether (as per the 3rd level cultist spell ethereal them. The creature is totally hairless and a tawny brown in color.
wings). They are able to withstand intense cold and airlessness;
thus they are able to fly through Wildspace and the phlogiston The progeny of Yig attack by biting with their venomous fangs.
under their own power without harm. They are also able to fly Anyone bitten by the creature must make a saving throw vs.
through the phlogiston between crystal spheres without ill effect. poison or die. Those who are successful in their saving throw
Old Ones are considered persons for purposes of spells such as will be blinded for 1-6 rounds.
charm person, etc.
Progeny of Yig communicate only by hissing. They are
considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm
person, etc., and have 30’ range infravision.

FREQUENCY: Very rare (Dreamlands)
HIT DICE: 10d10
MOVE: 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-6/1-6/2-8
SIZE: L (18’ long)
Progeny of Yig INTELLIGENCE: 6
ARMOR CLASS: 7 X.P. VALUE: 1,300 + 16/h.p.
MOVE: 60’/min.
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard Called shantak birds by those who have never seen them,
NO. OF ATTACKS: shantaks are a Dreamlands analogue to the wyvern, but are
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3 much larger. They are possessed of two wings and two legs, as
SPECIAL DEFENSES: None well as a long sinewy tail. They can be ridden with little training,
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison as they are intelligent enough to bear a rider smoothly. They
WEAKNESSES: None greatly fear night-gaunts, who challenge them for supremacy in
SIZE: M (5’ long) the skies of the Dreamlands. They are greatly feared by most of
INTELLIGENCE: 6 the inhabitants of the Dreamlands, as they swoop down unseen
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral at night and bear off their prey, inviting all manner of speculation
CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: C and tale-telling. They can, however, be domesticated and used
TREASURE TYPE: III as regular mounts in the right circumstances.
MAGICAL TREASURE: Any 2 items (10%) Shantaks attack with their claws and bite. Their elephantine
X.P. VALUE: 50 + 3/h.p. bodies are covered with slick metallic scales of bronze or copper
hue, and their heads are vaguely reminiscent of those of horses.
The progeny of Yig are the poor unfortunates who are the result They do not speak intelligibly, but have voices that sound like
of the curse of Yig, whether by the 6th level cultist spell grinding shards of glass.
generational curse of Yig or the actions of the god himself. A mix


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Shoggoth Over the eons, the shoggoths developed intelligence,

unbeknownst to the Old Ones, and instigated a rebellion. The
FREQUENCY: Very rare subsequent war brought down the civilization of the Old Ones,
NO. APPEARING: 1-3 the shoggoths eventually building their own society that lasted
MORALE: +10 for a relatively brief period. Some shoggoths have endured to
HIT DICE: 12d12 the present day, being used as servants by certain cults of the
ARMOR CLASS: 1 Other Gods. Some 5% of all shoggoths encountered today will
MOVE: 90’/min. be of the intelligent variety. They will evince cunning tactics in
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard battle and are able to devise clever subterfuges and stratagems
NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 that belie their amorphous appearance. The intelligent sort are
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3d10/3d10 implacable foes of the Old Ones.
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below Shoggoths appear as blobs of semi-translucent jelly. When they
WEAKNESSES: None are at rest, limbs of various sorts will spontaneously project from
SIZE: L the central mass and then be re-absorbed. They can also form
INTELLIGENCE: 4 or 12 rudimentary speech organs, and can be taught to repeat a few
ALIGNMENT: Neutral simple words or names, which they repeat in a shrill, tittering
TREASURE VALUE: n/a Spawn of Cthulhu
X.P. VALUE: 3,650 + 20/h.p. FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 1 or 2-12
Shoggoths were originally created as a servitor race by the Old MORALE: +4
Ones, their plastic form ideal for use as heavy labor in HIT DICE: 6d8
underwater and other environments. Shoggoths are essentially ARMOR CLASS: 8
great protoplasmic sacks, immensely strong, and are able to MOVE: 60’/min.
form limbs of various sorts to suit the task at hand. Their masters MAGIC RESISTANCE: 10%
controlled them through their mental prowess in instilling post- NO. OF ATTACKS: 8
hypnotic suggestions telepathically, which can be emulated by DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4
modern mortals through the 4th level scholar spell control SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
shoggoth. It is said that some shoggoths still exist from these SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below
ancient times, still carrying out the telepathic orders given to WEAKNESSES: Fire, Elder Sign
them millions of years ago by long-dead masters. SIZE: M
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
X.P. VALUE: 225 + 6/h.p.

The spawn of Cthulhu are a race of octopoid land-dwellers that

came to the world millions of years ago with Cthulhu, and who
waged a war against the Old Ones, eventually to be sealed away
in the sunken city of R’lyeh with their great master.

Because of their extraterrestrial nature, the spawn of Cthulhu

not only regenerate 2 h.p. per round, but also can regrow
severed limbs in but 1-4 rounds. Only acid or fire can prevent
the regeneration of a spawn of Cthulhu from even the smallest
piece of its being. Fire does an additional point of damage per
die against them.

The spawn of Cthulhu attack using their eight tentacles, but if

they move during the round, they can only use four for attack,
as the others are needed for locomotion. A hit with a natural roll


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


creatures in existence. They can be summoned in order to act

as high priests in the rituals which honor their mistress; if a
spawn invokes Shub-Niggurath, she will be 20% more likely to
grant a petition (see the 6th level scholar spell petition Shub-
Niggurath). They normally dwell with Shub-Niggurath, but are
often sent or summoned to aid her followers and hinder her

The spawn are able to attack with their ropey limbs, and can only
be harmed by weapons with an enchantment of +1 or greater.
In addition, each spawn can cast one of the following spells once
per round, at the 9th level of ability:

• Animal growth
• Ceremony
of 20 indicates the tentacle has wrapped around the victim’s
neck, and strangulation will ensue in 1-3 rounds unless the • Horns of the ram
spawn is slain. They can cast the spells impossible angles and • Horn of plenty
walk through curves and angles each once per turn. • Hold animal

Most of the spawn of Cthulhu were entombed with their god Once per turn a spawn can cast one of the following:
when the isle upon which the city of R’lyeh lies was sunk
beneath the sea. Some few still remain in remote outposts, • Call lightning
however, and work towards the day when Cthulhu can once • Call woodland beings
more rule over the world.
Once per day each can cast the following spells:
The spawn of Cthulhu are large octopi, but do not need water to
survive. They stand erect on their eight tentacles, which gives • Agony of the Black Goat
them a sickening undulating gait when they move. They have • Invoke Shub-Niggurath
two alien, inscrutable eyes, and speak human languages • Flesh to stone
without a trace of accent or distortion, which is in and of itself
quite disturbing. They have ultravision with a range of 60’. The spawn of Shub-Niggurath are vaguely humanoid in form,
but their bodies are disturbingly flexible, as if there were no
Spawn of Shub-Niggurath bones within them at all. They are black in color, with a pair of
glowing red eyes (which give them infravision, 60’ range) and a
FREQUENCY: Very rare crown of horns on their heads.
HIT DICE: 9d10
MOVE: 120’/min.
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapons to hit
SIZE: L (12’)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
X.P. VALUE: 1,350 + 14/h.p.

Sometimes called The Thousand Young, the spawn of Shub-

Niggurath are both her offspring and her minions, although it is
speculated that there are far more than only 1,000 of the


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Spawn of Yog-Sothoth Spectral Hound

Humanoid Monstrosity
FREQUENCY: Very rare Very rare FREQUENCY: Very rare (Prime Material Plane)
MORALE: +2 +10 MORALE: +10
HIT DICE: 1d6 12d12 HIT DICE: 3d10
MOVE: 120’/min. 180’/min. MOVE: 150’/min.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Per weapon 2-9 (x12) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: +1 or better weapon to harm
WEAKNESSES: Elder Sign Elder Sign WEAKNESSES: None
SIZE: M L (20-30’) SIZE: M
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil Chaotic evil ALIGNMENT: Neutral
MAGICAL TREASURE: 3 items (inc. 1 potion) 15% MAGICAL TREASURE: None
X.P. VALUE: 5 + 1/h.p. 5,250 + 20/h.p. X.P. VALUE: 105 + 4/h.p.

Spectral hounds are magical creatures normally not seen on the

The spawn of Yog-Sothoth are created when his worshipers Prime Material Plane, as the Ethereal is their normal haunt. On
petition the god to create one (see the 6th level spell petition occasion, however, such an animal can be linked to a magic
Yog-Sothoth). A suitable mother must be present, who then item known as the amulet of the hound (see p. 101).
bears the spawn to term. Once birthed the spawn will mature
rapidly, being adult-sized and with a developed mind by age 5. Spectral hounds appear as very large dogs with massive jaws
Both types are born with the mark of Yog-Sothoth (q.v.). and powerful legs. While they are normally found only in an
ethereal state, when on the Prime Material Plane they shimmer
The type and number of the spawn should be determined and glint, as if they are only partially present. They are intelligent
randomly: (1-4) humanoid; (5-7) humanoids, twins; (8-9) enough to pose their victims in ironic positions once slain.
monstrosity; (10) monstrosities, twins; (11-12) one humanoid,
one monstrosity, twins. Spider
Humanoid spawn can train as any character class a regular Purple Spider of Leng
human can, but will be particularly drawn to the cultist of Yog-
Sothoth and scholar classes, and will gain a 5% bonus in FREQUENCY: Rare (Dreamlands and elsewhere)
experience points earned if they choose one of those. They can NO. APPEARING: 2-8
pass for human from the waist up, but have goat-like legs and MORALE: +2
misplaced eyes on their hips (which they normally conceal with HIT DICE: 5d8
heavy clothing), coarse yellow skin, and a distinctly foul odor. ARMOR CLASS: 6
Dogs will instinctively dislike them. Their blood is a yellow-green MOVE: 120’/min., 180’/min. (in webs)
ichor, and they will dissolve into a pool of yellow-white corruption MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard
within minutes of dying. NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
Monstrosity spawn are completely non-humanoid. They are SPECIAL DEFENSES: None
immense egg-shaped creatures, with dozens of barrel-sized SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison
legs that can be used to stomp enemies, a ring of eyes around WEAKNESSES: None
the circumference, and 10-20 prehensile trunk-mouths. The SIZE: L (8’)
body itself is only semi-solid, being composed of a myriad of INTELLIGENCE: 12
small gelatinous tubules that make up the creature’s bulk. At the ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
top is a mockery of a human head, missing the lower jaw, pale CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: None
white with frizzy hair and a leering expression. They can speak, TREASURE TYPE: None
however, and can train as either cultists of Yog-Sothoth or TREASURE VALUE: n/a
magic-users and scholars. They drink blood and have an MAGICAL TREASURE: None
immense appetite, easily consuming more than one entire cow X.P. VALUE: 165 + 5/h.p.
per day, and entire herds if allowed to do so.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)



Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


The purple spiders dwell in the vales on the edge of the land of Winged things can bear their riders on land, underwater, and in
Leng, and like the land itself can be found both in the the sky, and even into the depths of Wildspace and the
Dreamlands and the waking world. They are intelligent and phlogiston. While they themselves are not harmed by these
possess great cunning. possibly dangerous environments, their riders must provide their
own protection. The floppy wings of the winged thing extend into
The purple spiders are web-builders, but will actively hunt the Ethereal Plane, and can thus provide “push” even in the
outside their tunnel-like webs, driving prey into the funnel- airlessness of Wildspace.
shaped webs until they are trapped. They fight with their
venomous bite, which will kill those who fail a saving throw vs. If attacked, a winged thing can attack with a half-hearted bite,
poison. but they are much more likely to flee an attack, as they are docile
creatures by nature. They are controlled by non-verbal cues.
Purple spiders resemble enormous tarantulas with hair of
shades of purple, black, and mauve. Their eyes glow red with Winged things are horrific hybrid abominations to look at, for all
malignant intelligence, and they can speak the languages of their mild disposition. They are weird agglomerations of crow-
men. like birds, moles, vultures, ants, and bats, all combined with the
visage of a decomposing human corpse. They have large
membranous wings and webbed feet, and they shamble about
on both wings and feet when walking on land.

Winged Thing
FREQUENCY: Very rare
HIT DICE: 5d8 Y’m-bhi
MOVE: 30’/min., 120’/min. (swimming) 180’/min. (flying), plus FREQUENCY: Very rare (common in K’n-yan)
see below NO. APPEARING: 2-12
SIZE: L (10’ long) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8
INTELLIGENCE: 4 SPECIAL DEFENSES: immune to mind-affecting magic, cold
These creatures are used as mounts by some creatures and TREASURE VALUE: n/a
members of forbidden cults, for they can convey a human-sized MAGICAL TREASURE: None
rider great distances indeed. X.P. VALUE: 60 + 4/h.p.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


The y’m-bhi are similar to zombies in appearance, but they are Zoogs appear as large rat-like creatures with long limbs. They
animated by technology and science, rather than magic. can stand upright or run on all fours as needed. They are known
Specifically, the technology of K’n-yan can be used to revivify to brew an excellent wine from the sap of the moon-tree, which
the corpses of slaves and freedmen, and turn them into these has double the usual intoxicating effect. They are considered
creatures, which comprise the majority of the labor force in K’n- persons for purposes of spells such as charm person, etc.
yan. As they are not animated by magic and thus have no link
to the Negative Plane, they cannot be turned by clerics, nor are
they affected by holy water. Magic Items
Some y’m-bhi are further modified by their creators and masters Magic Item Tables
into parodies of the humanoid form, with heads removed, limbs
added, bones extended in length, and so forth. These If desired, the game master can include items from the following
modifications are often made so that the y’m-bhi can be of tables in randomly-selected treasure in the campaign. The
greater amusement in gladiatorial contests for the edification of frequency with which such items are included is left to the
their masters. They have an intelligence roughly equivalent to discretion of the game master, but they should be rare indeed.
that of dogs, and are faithful and loyal servants, never needing The game master may also eschew random placement of such
to make morale checks. They respond to verbal commands. items, preferring to include them in treasure hoards with
deliberation. The choice is up to the GM, as best fits the needs
Y’m-bhi are used as both soldiers and workers, and are often of the campaign.
set to guard the entrances to K’n-yan. Their appearance can
vary widely, as noted above, but they begin with the base of a TABLE 57: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS
humanoid form. They have infravision, 30’ range. Die Roll Miscellaneous Item
01-06 Amulet of the Hound
07-10 Black Mirror
Zoog 11-13 Elder Sign
14-19 Idol of Ghatanothoa
FREQUENCY: Common (Dreamlands) 20-23 Lagh Metal Charm
NO. APPEARING: 3-18 24-26 Liao pellet
MORALE: -2 27-30 Pipe of the Winged Things
HIT DICE: 2d4 31-36 Potion of Petrification
ARMOR CLASS: 8 37-52 Powder of Ibn Ghazi
MOVE: 150’/min. 53-68 Resin of Dreams
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Standard 69-73 Scroll of Protection Against Mummification
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 74-84 Sign of the Deep Ones
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4 85-86 Silver Key
SPECIAL DEFENSES: None 87-00 Ylf-balm
Die Roll Grimoire
SIZE: S (3’ long) 01-05 Book of Azathoth
INTELLIGENCE: 12 06-09 Book of Eibon
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral 10-14 Book of Unspeakable Cults, Original Edition
CLASSIC TREASURE TYPE: K 15-22 Book of Unspeakable Cults, Expurgated Edition
TREASURE TYPE: I 23-27 The Dhol Chants
TREASURE VALUE: 1-4 g.p. 28-32 Ghoul-Cults, Original Version
MAGICAL TREASURE: None 33-36 Ghoul-Cults, Expanded Edition
X.P. VALUE: 5 + 1/h.p. 37-39 The Gray Book
40-45 The King in Yellow
Zoogs are a small rodent-like race found in the Dreamlands. 46-50 Marvels of Science
They are intelligent and form villages, which are led by a Council 51-55 Mysteries of the Worm
of Sages, and are deadly enemies of the cats of Dreamland, for 56-57 The Necronomicon, Blue Dragon Edition
the zoogs consider cats and kittens an excellent snack. 58-62 The Necronomicon, Gray Elvish Edition
Skirmishes between the two are quite frequent, but sometimes 63-67 The Necronomicon, Common Tongue Edition
68-72 The Pnakotic Manuscripts
longer-lasting treaties maintain a fitful peace.
73-79 Scourge of the Ages
Zoogs attack with their bite. They are stealthy and naturally 80-84 The Tablets of Y’Thon
85-89 Wisdom of the Sea, Benker Manuscript
suited to crawling furtively, and thus surprise opponents 50% of
90-95 Wisdom of the Sea, Silverfin Manuscript
the time. They have infravision good for 60’. 96-00 The Xinaián Narrative


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Magic Items

General Notes on Grimoires Magic Item Descriptions

Anyone reading a Mythos grimoire must make a saving throw Amulet of the Hound
vs. insanity, over and above any other forms of insanity the book
description might require. If the saving throw fails, the reader will This piece of jewelry is most commonly seen in the form of a
develop a specific mania to the effect that no one else must read jade amulet on a chain, carved in the form of a winged dog,
the book, lest the knowledge be shared with the unworthy, or much like a sphinx. It exudes an aura of malevolence. A skull is
with someone who could become a threat, etc. The reader will inscribed on the obverse. The amulet is cursed, and starting on
take any and all actions to ensure the knowledge in the book the third day, its possessor will hear the baying of a dog every
remains his and his alone. night. After 9 such nights, the possessor of the amulet will be
attacked by a spectral hound (see p. 97), which will attack and
Some grimoires grant the reader one or more skill levels in attempt to kill the bearer on the 12th night. If the hound is
scholarship or technology. If the reader already has a skill level defeated, the whole process begins again, but two hounds will
in the indicated field, the book will grant an additional one. If not, attack, then three, etc.
the reader will have one skill level. If a character has gained a
It is worth 0 x.p. or 1,000 g.p.
skill level from reading a specific book, he or she cannot then
gain another skill level by re-reading the same book. Black Mirror

It should be remembered that most Mythos grimoires do not This round looking-glass is inky black. It is a powerful tool for
merely contain the specific contents enumerated below, but also divination, and when used to augment any divination spell, will
are filled with the philosophical and theological ramblings of the either double the range, duration, or number of questions
author or translator, and large sections of lore and technical allowed, as applicable to the spell.
knowledge, which make up the bulk of the text. It is only by
carefully analyzing the whole that the bits of lore and magic that It is worth 3,500 x.p. or 14,000 g.p.
are actually useful can be isolated. It is for this reason that many
of the works carry with them the risk (or certainty) of insanity, as Book of Azathoth
such ramblings can be quite compelling, even to the point of
The Book of Azathoth looks like any other magical tome and will
inducing madness.
radiate both evil and magic if detected for. It should not be a
surprise that the Book of Azathoth is connected to the cult of the
The lore and information that allows skill levels to be gained
blind idiot-god. Those who join his cult will sign their name in
(usually in scholarship or technology) require that the reader be
blood in the book as an initiatory rite; those who do will bear his
fluent in whatever language the book is written (or use a
mark. As such, the book is often sought by authorities
comprehend languages spell or similar magic, remembering that
determined to root out the cults of the Outer Gods, and just as
grimoires usually take days to read through, at approximately 8
carefully hidden and guarded by those who wish to keep their
hours per day). This also applies to the alchemical formulae
secrets safe.
contained in some volumes. Where spells are concerned, the
reader will need to use either read magic or read scholarly Studying the book takes 1d4+2 days. Anyone doing so will gain
magic, as appropriate. one skill level in scholarship (occultism, Azathoth), but will also
gain 1 form of insanity, permanently.

The book contains the following spells on the indicated pages:

Affect normal fires (MU1) ......................................... 10

Disturbing truths (S3) ............................................... 36
Walk between curves and angles (S4)..................... 61
Taunt (MU1) ............................................................. 79
Banish Azathoth (S7) ............................................... 87
Fire charm (MU4) ................................................... 105
Cloak of ease (S2) ................................................. 116

There is a 20% chance that any copy of the Book of Azathoth

found will be damaged and missing pages. There are a total of
136 pages in the book. If pages are missing, roll 6d20 to
determine the number of the last page in the book (re-roll
anything under 20 or over 110). If any spells listed above are on
missing pages, they are not in the book.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


It is worth 7,000 x.p. or 35,000 g.p. intact, and half that if Book of Unspeakable Cults
This book looks like most other magical books, and will radiate
Book of Eibon both magic and evil if detected for. It has been translated many
times, and two versions are known to exist. The original version
The Book of Eibon is physically similar to any magic book, but contains the greatest amount of material, while the newer
will radiate both magic and evil if detected for. It is said to be version is missing most of the more mind-bending information
linked to Nyarlathotep in his aspect as The Black Man, and those (and is thus deemed by experts to be quite inferior to the
who worship him have sometimes received the book as a original). Reading the original will take 3-8 days, while the
reward. Anyone reading more than a single page of the book expurgated edition will take but 2-5. Anyone reading the original
must make a saving throw vs. insanity or be afflicted with 1d3 must make a saving throw vs. insanity or suffer 1-4 forms of
forms of insanity; the first is permanent and the others endure insanity for 1-12 months (roll durations for each separately).
for 1d6 months.
Both versions contain a lengthy account of the rivalry between
The majority of the text in the book is a mix of legendary pre- the prehistoric cults that worshiped the Great Old One
human history that may or may not be true, combined with Ghatanothoa and the Outer God Shub-Niggurath, including the
philosophical exegeses on the nature of time and history. story of the attempt by one of Shub-Niggurath’s priests to
Reading the book (which will take 2 weeks of uninterrupted destroy Ghatanothoa with the aid of a magic scroll of protection
study) will give the reader 1 skill level in scholarship (occultism, against mummification, which was subsequently sabotaged by
prehistoric civilizations). the priests of Ghatanothoa. This is sufficient to gain a skill level
in scholarship (occultism, Great Old Ones and Outer Gods).
The book contains the following spells on the indicated pages:
Original Edition
Suggestion (MU3) .................................................... 18
Summon spawn of Shub-Niggurath (S4) .................. 35 The original version contains the following spells and formula on
Plague of nightmares (S3)........................................ 49 the indicated pages:
Phantasmal force (MU3) .......................................... 77
Formula for potion of petrification ............................. 89 Creeping distraction (S1) ........................................... 4
Green decay (S3) ................................................... 100 Resist fear (S1) ........................................................ 21
Emanation of Yoth (S5) .......................................... 114 Minor globe of invulnerability (MU4)......................... 36
Repulsion (MU6) .................................................... 141 Petition Ghatanothoa (S6)........................................ 65
The formula for creating a scroll of
The formula for creating a potion of petrification requires at least protection against mummification ......................... 77
one skill level in alchemy in order to use it. Doing so costs 100 Statue (MU7)............................................................ 84
g.p. for the materials required, as well as the fang from a snake Passwall (MU5) ........................................................ 99
on a medusa’s head. Petition Yog-Sothoth (S6) ...................................... 111
Darkness 15’ radius (MU2) .................................... 126
There is a 20% chance that any copy of the Book of Eibon found Banish Shub-Niggurath (S7) .................................. 131
will be damaged and missing pages. There are a total of 147 Banish Ghatanothoa (S7)....................................... 132
pages in the book. If pages are missing, roll 7d20 to determine Essential salts (S3) ................................................ 140
the number of the last page in the book (re-roll anything under
20 or over 130). If any spells listed above are on missing pages, The formula for creating a scroll of protection against
they are not in the book, and if the book is missing pages past mummification takes 500 g.p. for the ink and other materials, as
24, they cannot gain the skill level mentioned above; too much well as a full day’s work to complete.
information is missing. Although a specific piece of information
could be learned, at the game master’s discretion. The original version also contains information on a more recent
(and possibly currently-active) cult of the Other Gods (the game
It is worth 10,000 x.p. or 50,000 g.p. intact, and half that master should invent the details as is appropriate to the
damaged. campaign).

For every month a copy of the original version is in the

possession of a given individual, there is a 1% chance that a
spawn of Shub-Niggurath will come to slay the owner (cultists of
Shub-Niggurath are exempt from this).

There is a 20% chance that any copy of the original edition will
be damaged and missing pages. There are a total of 151 pages
in the original version. If pages are missing, roll 7d20 to
determine the last page in the book (re-roll anything under 10 or
over 135). A damaged version of the original edition will still


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Magic Items

provide the skill level, as long as the number of pages remaining The Dhol Chants contains the following spells and information
is greater than 29. on the pages indicated:

The original version is worth 6,000 x.p. or 30,000 g.p. It is worth Chant of Leng (S2)................................................... 25
half as much if damaged. Summon forth from dreams (S5).............................. 41
Contact dreamer (S2) .............................................. 59
The Expurgated Edition The ability to identify a Silver Key (see p. 108)
on sight ................................................................. 73
The new, expurgated, edition contains the following spells, on Cast out of Dreamlands (S5).................................... 89
the indicated pages: Awaken dreamer (S3) ............................................ 102
Enter the gate of deeper slumber (S4) ................... 118
Minor globe of invulnerability (MU4) ......................... 15
Statue (MU7) ............................................................ 37 There is a 20% chance that any given copy of the Dhol Chants
Passwall (MU5) ........................................................ 62 will be damaged. It normally has a total of 130 pages. If pages
Essential salts (S3)................................................... 88 are missing, roll 6d20 to determine the number of the last page
in the book (re-roll anything under 30 or over 110). If any spells
There is a 20% chance that any copy of the book will be listed above are on missing pages, they are not in the book.
damaged and missing pages. For the edited edition, there are
96 pages. If pages are missing, roll 1d100 to determine the last It is worth 6,000 x.p. or 30,000 g.p., half as much if damaged.
page in the book (re-roll anything under 20 or over 90). A
damaged version of the edited edition will not provide a skill level Elder Sign
as described above; too much information is missing.
These ancient 5” diameter stone amulets are deeply carved with
The new version is worth 3,000 x.p. or 15,000 x.p. It is worth half the true form of the Elder Sign, which is proof against the Great
as much if damaged. Old Ones, Outer Gods, and certain of their minions. The stone
radiates a field some 30’ in radius, through which no creature
with the Elder Sign listed as a weakness can enter. Even the
gods themselves are impacted by the Elder Sign. If the Sign is
forced towards a creature who cannot retreat (such as one in a
dead end corridor), the power of the Sign will fade for 1d6

It is worth 6,000 x.p. or 30,000 g.p.

Ghoul Cults

The book appears as any other magical tome, and will radiate
magic, but not evil. The Ghoul Cults is an infamous book of black
magic associated with the Starry Wisdom cult. Two versions of
the book are known to exist: the original and an expanded
version. Each version has been translated into several different
languages, and deals with the theology, history, and rituals of
ghouls and ghasts, along with living mortals who lead the cult.
There are many details of the king of the ghouls, who opposes
the cult, which undermines his power.

Any character possessing the book on his or her person will

The Dhol Chants attract the attention of any ghoul or ghast within 300’, who will
attempt to kill the character and recover the book (either
This book appears as most other magical books, and will radiate because they are members of the cult and wish to protect its
both magic and evil if detected for. Anyone reading even a single secrets, or because they are loyal to the king of ghouls and want
line of the work will be compelled under a geas to finish the to uncover its secrets. An amulet of proof against detection and
whole thing, which will be doable in but 2-5 days, as it is a short location will shield the owner from this side effect.
book, though filled with malign knowledge. For each day spent
The Original Edition
reading, the reader will gain one form of insanity. The reader is
entitled to a saving throw vs. insanity; failure means that the The original (shorter) version includes the following spells and
particular form of insanity will be permanent, otherwise it will last formula on the indicated pages:
for 1-8 weeks. Roll separately for each.
Darkness 15’ radius (MU2) ...................................... 22
Summon dark haunter (S4) ...................................... 39


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Static of the spheres (S2) ......................................... 69 Angular prison (S5) ................................................ 133
The formula for creating ylf-balm .............................. 98 Detect Astral (S3)................................................... 151
Cloak of unease (S1) ............................................. 184
There is a 20% chance that any copy of the book will be
damaged. The original has 120 pages; roll 5d20 to determine There is a 5% chance that any given copy of the Gray Book will
the page number of the last page (re-roll anything under 30 or be damaged. It normally has a total of 206 pages. If pages are
over 80). If any spell or formula listed above is on the missing missing, roll 8d20 to determine the number of the last page in
pages, it is not in the book. the book (re-roll anything under 30 or over 170). If any spells
listed above are on missing pages, they are not in the book.
The original version is worth 4,000 x.p. or 20,000 g.p. It is worth
half that if damaged. It is worth 4,000 x.p. or 20,000 g.p. It is worth half that if
The Expanded Edition
Idol of Ghatanothoa
The expanded edition includes the following:
This image of the god Ghatanothoa, being an accurate
Darkness 15’ radius (MU2)....................................... 22 representation of his visage, is sufficient to turn anyone within
Summon dark haunter (S4) ...................................... 39 10’ who looks at it into a living mummy (see p. 114 for details).
Static of the spheres (S2) ......................................... 69 Those in range are entitled to a saving throw vs. petrification, to
The formula for creating ylf-balm .............................. 98 see if they can avoid seeing it.
Lighter slumber (S3) ............................................... 102
Wall of ice (MU4) .................................................... 124 It is worth 0 x.p. or 1,000 g.p.
Petition Nyarlathotep (S6) ...................................... 150
Light from distant stars (S4) ................................... 167 The King in Yellow
There is a 20% chance that any copy of the book will be While at times this book has been reproduced in great quantities
damaged. The expanded edition has 183 pages; if pages are in different languages, the contents remain constant across
missing, roll 1d20 and multiply by 1d8 to determine the page these different editions. It is, on its face, a simple play in three
number of the last page present (re-roll anything under 30 or acts. The first is quite mundane, and serves to draw in the reader
over 160). If any spell or formula listed above is on missing with its non-threatening tale. However, once the reader reaches
pages, it is not in the book. the second act, the true effect of the book takes hold, and the
reader is compelled to complete the work.
The expanded edition is worth 6,000 x.p. or 30,000 g.p. It is
worth half if damaged. Once the book is read (which takes a full day), the reader will be
affected by the Yellow Sign (as per the 5th level scholar spell).
The Gray Book
He or she will be in the telepathic thrall of the enigmatic being
This infamous tome was penned only a century ago, as a known as the King in Yellow. The book does contain the spell
compilation of lore, spells, and philosophical speculation by the Yellow Sign, as well as much lore regarding the planet Carcosa,
arch-magus scholar Zephadius. Little is known of his early life, sufficient to gain a skill level in scholarship (occultism, Carcosa).
but he suddenly burst on the world at the height of his powers,
Anyone reading the King in Yellow will also succumb to 1-3
which were extensive, and which owed not a little to his
forms of insanity as the truths revealed in the prose and poetry
knowledge of the Mythos. It is said that after penning this
of the second and third acts of the play rend their way through
volume, he disappeared as quickly as he came, leaving a castle
the mind of the reader. The first will be permanent, and the
full of obscure arcane treasures and riches.
others will last 1-12 months.
Few copies of the Gray Book are known to exist. Those who
If a scholar reads the book, they must roll INT or lower on 1d20.
read but a single line will be inflicted with 1-3 forms of permanent
If successful, they will notice a hidden spell worked into the text:
insanity (a successful saving throw vs. insanity means the effect
the 6th level scholar spell petition Hastur.
only lasts 7-12 months; a separate saving throw is needed for
each). The game master should determine what bits of lore are It is worth 5,000 x.p., but the value can range from a few g.p. in
contained within the Gray Book, as appropriate for the areas where it has been reproduced en masse to 10,000 g.p. in
campaign. Reading the whole work will require 4-6 days. lands where it is unknown.
The book includes the following spells on the pages indicated: Lagh Metal Charm
Detect taint (S1) ....................................................... 22 This small metal cylinder, made of lagh metal from distant
Protection from tainted horrors, 10’ radius (S4)........ 49 Yuggoth, contains a special scroll of yakith lizard skin bearing a
Nightmare (S1) ......................................................... 80 magical inscription. This inscription will provide protection from
Banish Nyarlathotep (S7) ....................................... 109
the petrifying effect of viewing the god Ghatanothoa or images
Silence individual (S2) ............................................ 125


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Magic Items

thereof. The metal cylinder can be opened, but if the inscription Reading the Mysteries of the Worm will grant the reader a skill
within is changed in any way, the charm will become useless. level in scholarship (occultism, extraterrestery) as well as a skill
level in technology of K’n-yan. In addition to the occult and
It is worth 2,000 x.p. or 10,000 x.p. technical knowledge it contains, the Mysteries of the Worm has
the following spells on the indicated pages:
Liao Pellet
Protection from tainted horrors (S2) ......................... 32
This rarest of compounds from distant lands comes in the form Serpent’s tooth (S1) ................................................. 65
of a small pellet, which must be wholly swallowed in order to Banish Yig (S7) ........................................................ 94
activate its mystic properties. The user goes into a trance, and Sepia snake sigil (MU3) ......................................... 133
uses the curves and angles of space-time to journey across time Fearful budding (S4) .............................................. 173
and space, experiencing the tableau of history past and present. Wandering Eye (S2)............................................... 199
The user is able to focus on a particular point in time, actually Petition Yig (S6) ..................................................... 210
entering the body of a chosen individual for up to 2-7 minutes. Detect ethereal (S1) ............................................... 256
No changes can be made, as history from this point of view is
immutable, but valuable knowledge can certainly be gained. Up Fully 20% of all copies of the Mysteries of the Worm found will
to 1-6 such lives can be viewed before the user of the Liao pellet be damaged. The book has 287 pages; if pages are missing, roll
awakens, disoriented for an entire turn. There is a 10% chance 2d20 x 1d6 to determine the number of the last page in the book
per life viewed that 1-3 hounds of Tindalos will be attracted to (re-roll anything under 40 or over 225). If any spells listed above
the user (see p. 88 for details). are on missing pages, they are not in the book. If there are fewer
than 78 pages, the skill level in occultism cannot be learned. If
It is worth 1,000 x.p. or 5,000 g.p. there are fewer than 169 pages, the technology skill cannot be
Marvels of Science
It is worth 8,000 x.p. or 40,000 g.p.
This very rare work appears as most other magic books, but will
radiate neither magic nor evil. It was written centuries ago by the
great scientist and arch-heretic Doctor Frangnfelsen. It requires
3-6 days to read. At the end of that time, the reader will have
learned one skill level in the technology contra mortem skill.
Subsequent readings will not add additional skill levels. Anyone
reading the book will also develop a permanent mania (as per
the form of insanity) to gain skill levels, and apply the knowledge
through practice.

Anyone with an INT of less than 14 attempting to read even the

first line of the work must make a saving throw vs. spells or be
struck as if by a confusion spell for the next 1-8 days.

The second half of the book also functions as a manual of

golems. Once used, that half of the book will be consumed in
flames as per normal, but the first half of the book will remain
merely singed and completely readable.
The Necronomicon
It is worth 7,000 x.p. or 40,000 g.p. intact, or 4,000 x.p. or 20,000
g.p. if the manual of golems portion has already been used (and Of all of the grimoires related to the Mythos, none is so famed,
consumed). sought-after, or feared as the dreaded Necronomicon. This
abhorrent book looks, from outside, like any other magical tome.
Mysteries of the Worm At least three editions are known to exist. The original, written in
the language of blue dragons, was composed by a hermit who
This ancient text is a compilation of various shorter texts, spells, is said to have written down what the nighttime chirps of insects
and bits of folklore collected over the span of several centuries. revealed to him. That work was then translated into an edition in
It will radiate both magic and evil if detected for. Reading the the common tongue, and one written in the language of the gray
work takes 3-6 days, and the reader will become afflicted with 1- elves.
3 forms of permanent insanity (save vs. insanity separately for
each, success means it only lasts 2-8 months). Anyone Anyone reading even a single page of the Necronomicon (of any
attempting to destroy the book will be affected by the edition) will become inflicted with 1 form of insanity, permanently
generational curse of Yig (no saving throw) as per the 6th level (save vs. insanity for a duration of 2-12 months). The whole book
cultist spell. takes 10 days to read, assuming one is fluent in the language in


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


which it is written. For each day spent reading, the reader must In addition to the lore and history contained within the book, the
make an additional saving throw vs. insanity, or be afflicted with Gray Elvish edition of the Necronomicon contains the following
another form of insanity (roll 1d12; 1-10 indicates the number of spells and formula on the indicated pages:
months’ duration, while a roll of 11 or 12 indicates the insanity is
permanent). Voorish sign (S2) ..................................................... 26
Summon winged thing (S4) ...................................... 89
All editions of the Necronomicon will give a skill level in Nightmare (S1)....................................................... 115
scholarship (occultism, Great Old Ones and Outer Gods). Hound of warding (S1) ........................................... 166
Anyone who reads it and already has a skill level in scholarship Chant of R’lyeh (S2)............................................... 194
(occultism) will also gain a skill level in scholarship (occultism, Silence individual (S2) ........................................... 217
prehistoric civilizations). The formula for creating the powder of
Ibn Ghazi ............................................................ 289
The Blue Dragon Edition Petition Shub-Niggurath (S6) ................................. 321

A special curse accompanies the Blue Dragon edition of the Unfortunately 20% of all copies of the Necronomicon are
Necronomicon. Each copy of the book is guarded by a damaged. The book normally has 378 pages; if pages are
permanently invisible type I demon, which will attack and missing, roll 1d3 x 1d100 determine the number of the last page
attempt to slay anyone who makes a copy of the book, doing so in the book (re-roll anything under 30 or over 300). If any spell
within 11-30 days (1d20+10) of completion. The demon can or formula listed above is on the missing pages, it is not in the
attack while invisible, and any other demons it gates in will be book. If there are fewer than 119 pages, no occultism skills can
similarly invisible. be learned, as there is simply not enough information remaining.

In addition to the lore and history contained within the book, the It is worth 7,000 x.p. or 35,000 g.p. If damaged, it will be worth
Blue Dragon edition of the Necronomicon contains the following half as much.
spells and formula on the indicated pages:
The Common Tongue Edition
Voorish sign (S2) ...................................................... 37
Summon winged thing (S4) .................................... 119 The Common Tongue edition of the Necronomicon is an almost-
Nightmare (S1) ....................................................... 186 complete translation of the Blue Dragon original. In addition to
Banish Hastur (S7) ................................................. 243 the lore and history contained within the book, the Common
Hound of warding (S1) ........................................... 300
Tongue edition of the Necronomicon contains the following
Chant of R’lyeh (S2) ............................................... 358
Window to the past (S6) ......................................... 424 spells and formula on the indicated pages:
Silence individual (S2) ............................................ 509
Mind transference (S5) ........................................... 627 Voorish sign (S2) ..................................................... 45
Petition Yog-Sothoth (S6)....................................... 734 Summon winged thing (S4) .................................... 133
The formula for creating the powder of Nightmare (S1)....................................................... 197
Ibn Ghazi ............................................................ 791 Banish Hastur (S7)................................................. 268
Petition Shub-Niggurath (S6) ................................. 843 Chant of R’lyeh (S2)............................................... 386
Window to the past (S6) ......................................... 460
Unfortunately 20% of all copies of the Necronomicon are Silence individual (S2) ........................................... 523
damaged. The book normally has 876 pages; if pages are Mind transference (S5) .......................................... 648
missing, roll 1d8 x 1d100 determine the number of the last page Petition Yog-Sothoth (S6) ...................................... 751
The formula for creating the powder of
in the book (re-roll anything under 50 or over 800). If any items
Ibn Ghazi ............................................................ 822
listed above are on the missing pages, they are not in the book. Petition Shub-Niggurath (S6) ................................. 935
If there are fewer than 326 pages, no occultism skills can be
learned, as there is simply not enough information remaining. Unfortunately 20% of all copies of the Necronomicon are
damaged. The book normally has 999 pages; if pages are
It is worth 10,000 x.p. or 50,000 g.p. If damaged, it will be worth
missing, roll 1d1000 to determine the number of the last page in
half as much.
the book (re-roll anything under 50 or over 910). If any spell or
The Gray Elvish Edition formula listed above is on the missing pages, it is not in the book.
If there are fewer than 354 pages, no occultism skill can be
The translation of the Necronomicon into the Gray Elvish learned, as there is simply not enough information remaining.
language is a very heavily edited one, missing large pieces of
information and spells that the original Blue Dragon edition has. It is worth 10,000 x.p. or 50,000 g.p. If damaged, it will be worth
The reasons for the excisions are not known, nor is the identity half as much.
of the translator/editor.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Magic Items

Pipe of the Winged Things turned to stone by a medusa. It is especially prized by certain
assassins. The book of Eibon contains the formula to create the
This slender flute of bone can be used to summon one or more potion, and it can be found elsewhere as well.
winged things (see p. 99). Playing the pipe for 1 turn will
summon 1 winged thing. For each subsequent turn the flute is It is worth 0 x.p. or 500 g.p.
played, there is an 80% chance a winged thing will come, then
a 60% chance, and so on. Once a turn passes in which no Powder of Ibn Ghazi
winged thing arrives, there is no chance of another arriving for
the next 24 hours. A maximum of 5 winged things can be so This special powder exists in both the Prime Material and Astral
summoned in a week, whether consecutively or spaced out and Ethereal Planes. It can be dispersed into a cloud some 15’
across the week. across; any astral or ethereal object or creature within that area
will become visible on the others. The cloud will dissipate in 1-4
It is worth 3,000 x.p. or 15,000 g.p. rounds, but the powder will cling to any such creature for 2-8
rounds, making its location known. Typically 1-6 doses are
The Pnakotic Manuscripts found. Creating the powder requires a specific formula which is
now almost completely lost, in addition to 50 g.p. worth of
This book resembles most other magical tomes, and radiates materials, 1-6 days, and a functioning alchemical laboratory.
magic if detected for, but not evil. Reading the book takes 4-9
days; anyone doing so must make a saving throw vs. insanity or It is worth 200 x.p. or 1,000 g.p. per dose.
become afflicted with 1-3 forms of insanity, each lasting 2-24
months (roll separately for each form). It contains many of the Resin of Dreams
records of the Old Ones, handed down from pre-history through
successive generations. Only a few copies of the manuscripts This small block of resin can be used to temporarily enchant any
are known to exist, and they are highly coveted. musical instrument played with a bow (so, a violin, rebec, rebab,
etc.) so that when it is played, it will send all those within a 20’
Reading the Pnakotic Manuscripts will afford the person doing radius into the Dreamlands, as if they were under the 3rd level
so one skill level in scholarship (occultism, prehistoric beings scholar spell lighter slumber. A saving throw is allowed for those
(Old Ones)), as well as one skill level in technology of the Old who do not want to enter the Dreamlands. A single block of resin
Ones. is sufficient to be used 2-5 times, and the song must be played
for at least 3 rounds in order to be effective.
In addition to the historical and technical lore it contains, the
Pnakotic Manuscripts holds the following spells on the indicated Each block of resin is worth 250 x.p. or 400 g.p.
Scourge of the Ages
Wall of force (MU5) .................................................. 42
Detect ethereal (S1) ................................................. 79 This relatively recent book is very short (only 50 or so pages)
Glassteel (MU8) ..................................................... 167 but is a densely-packed screed of insane warnings about
Banish Cthulhu (S7) ............................................... 224 “enemies from beyond time”, conspiracies concerning “demonic
Banish Dagon and Hydra (S7) ............................... 259 dynasties from another world”, and the notion that brigands
True understanding (S5) ........................................ 280 aren’t real; they are simply magical constructions designed by a
secret cabal in order to keep the populace under surveillance
Some 20% of the copies of the Pnakotic Manuscripts that are
and under threat of banditry at all times. Plus there is much more
found will be damaged. The book has 308 pages; if pages are
rambling, paranoid descriptions of history and social
missing, roll 1d8 x 1d3 x 10 to determine the number of the last
commentary. The book is short and only requires a day to read,
page in the book (re-roll anything under 50 or over 275). If any
but anyone reading it must make a saving throw vs. insanity or
spells listed above are on missing pages, they are not in the
be inflicted with 1 form of insanity; failure means the insanity is
book. If there are fewer than 100 pages, the
permanent, success means it only lasts 1-6 months.
skill level in occultism cannot be gained. If
there are fewer than 200 pages, the skill
Hidden within the ramblings and meanderings of the text are
level in technology cannot be gained.
several spells, on the indicated pages:
It is worth 7,000 x.p. or 35,000 g.p., or half
Banish Yog-Sothoth (S7) ......................................... 14
that if the book is damaged.
Elder sign (S4) ......................................................... 28
Banish spawn of Yog-Sothoth (S3) .......................... 35
Potion of Petrification
True understanding (S5) .......................................... 42
When quaffed, this potion will turn the
The book is worth 4,000 x.p. or 20,000 g.p.
drinker into stone, as if he or she had been


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Scroll of Protection Against Mummification The Tablets of Y’thon

This scroll will protect the reader from the mummification effect This work appears the same as other magical books, but once
of Ghatanothoa, his images, and the spell visage of it begins to be read the reader will notice that the pages are
Ghatanothoa. The image of the god is simply blurred out in the actually made of a thin and pliable metal of unknown type, rather
sight of the reader to the point where its horror cannot be seen. than parchment or paper. It will radiate magic if detected for.
The scroll can also be used to undo the mummification effect of There are 265 pages. The alien characters are stamped into the
someone who has already been affected. Note that the scroll metal, and the whole can only be read by someone
does not cure the insanity which is a certain side-effect of the knowledgeable in the language of the Mi-Go, or with access to
mummification curse. The scroll requires 5 segments to read if magical assistance such as the spell comprehend languages.
it is to provide protection to the reader, and a full round if it is to Where the few copies of this book came from is unknown, but it
undo a previous mummification. is believed they originated with the Mi-Go themselves, either lost
by accident or theft, or given to their mortal agents in the world.
It is worth 1,500 x.p. or 6,000 g.p. The whole takes 3-6 days to read.

Anyone completing the whole book will gain a skill level in the
technology of Yuggoth, as well as a skill level in scholarship
(occultism, extraterrestery). In addition, it contains the following
spells on the indicated pages:

Contact Yuggoth (S5) .............................................. 41

Resist Wildspace (S1).............................................. 79
Banish Hastur (S7)................................................. 107
Endure Wildspace (S3) .......................................... 156
Light from distant stars (S4) ................................... 210

The book is worth 7,000 x.p. or 35,000 g.p.

Sign of the Deep Ones Wisdom of the Sea

This curiously carved stone is some 5” in diameter. If dropped This ancient tome looks like any other magical book, and will
into the ocean, it will alert any Deep Ones or Deep One hybrids radiate both magic and evil if detected for. It purports to be a
within a 5 mile radius that someone on the surface wishes to collection of lore and knowledge pre-dating humanity and
communicate with them. It is often given to human agents on elfkind, and two different forms of the manuscript are known to
land for times when they have valuable intelligence they need to exist. The first, called the Benker Manuscript, is longer than the
share. second, called the Silverfin Manuscript, after the scholars who
first translated the book from its ancient pre-human script. The
It is worth 500 x.p. or 1,000 g.p. original is long since vanished and presumed destroyed.

Silver Key Both editions seem to cover different parts of the original, as
each has material not seen in the other, but there is also a good
This large and ornate silver key is a powerful magic item related deal of overlap, indicating they both were created from a
to the Dreamlands. While it is in the possession of the user, that common source. Reading either edition will require the reader
individual has one skill level in the dream-journeying skill (see p. to make a saving throw vs. insanity or become afflicted by 1-3
21). If the user already has one or more skill levels in dream- forms of insanity, each lasting 1-11 months. If a 12 is rolled, that
journeying, it will add another skill level. particular form of insanity will be permanent.
It is worth 700 x.p. or 3,500 g.p. The Benker Manuscript

The Benker Manuscript is written in the common tongue, and

will allow the reader to gain a skill level in scholarship (occultism,
Great Race). It requires 3-6 days to read. In addition, the reader
will gain a skill level in technology of Yith. The book contains a
rough history of the arrival of the Great Race and their wars
against the flying polyps and spawn of Cthulhu, as well as the
following spells and formula on the pages indicated:

Elder sign (S4) ......................................................... 17

Petition Cthulhu (S6) ................................................ 35


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Magic Items

Airy water (MU5) ...................................................... 66 will also develop a permanent mania (as per the form of insanity)
Post-hypnotic suggestion (S5) ................................. 83 to gain skill levels, and apply the knowledge through practice.
Control shoggoth (S4) ............................................ 104
Ray of enfeeblement (MU2) ................................... 130 The book contains the following spells on the indicated pages:
The formula to create a potion of water breathing .. 156
Temporal restitution (S5) ........................................ 178 Chant of K’n-yan (S2) .............................................. 22
Petition Tsathoggua (S6) ......................................... 29
Fully 20% of the copies of this book will be damaged. The Petition Shub-Niggurath (S6) ................................... 33
Benker Manuscript has 199 pages. If pages are missing, roll 3d6 Banish Tsathoggua (S7) .......................................... 40
x 1d10 to determine the number of the last page in the book (re-
roll anything under 20 or over 160). If any spell or formula listed It is worth 6,000 x.p. or 30,000 g.p.
above is on the missing pages, it is not in the book. If there are
fewer than 57 pages, the occultism skill cannot be learned, and
if there are fewer than 112 pages, the technology skill cannot be This ointment, when applied to the skin of any creature, will
learned, as there is simply not enough information. The potion render that creature immune to the effect of the touch of a ghoul
of water breathing requires an alchemical laboratory and 50 g.p. or ghast, preventing paralysis. It does not lessen the effect of
for materials. the ghast’s odor, however. The balm is usually found in a small
earthenware jar with a muslin cover, and 2-5 doses will be found.
The Benker Manuscript is worth 7,000 x.p. or 35,000 g.p., or half
that if the book is damaged. It is worth 250 x.p. or 400 g.p.
The Silverfin Manuscript
Artifacts and Relics
The Silverfin Manuscript is written in the aquatic elf language,
and will give the reader a skill level in scholarship (occultism, While it could be argued that each copy of a Mythos grimoire
Old Ones). In addition, it contains the following spells and counts as an artifact or relic itself, that designation is usually
formula on the pages indicated: reserved for those objects which are indeed unique as well as
immensely powerful. While only two such objects are described
Elder sign (S4) ........................................................... 7 below, the game master should feel free to invent many such,
Petition Dagon and Hydra (S6) ................................ 12 as those can establish deep links between the setting and the
Airy water (MU5) ...................................................... 19 Mythos that, as far as the players are aware, were there hidden
Protection from normal missiles (MU3) .................... 32 in plain sight all along.
Post-hypnotic suggestion (S5) ................................. 47
Control shoggoth (S4) .............................................. 68 Coffin-shaped Clock of Zkauba
Directions on how to find a lost city of the
Old Ones in a distant land .................................... 69 This object is shaped like an ordinary but intricately decorated
Detect possession (S3) ............................................ 81 coffin, but has a mechanical clock built into the face. The clock,
Temporal restitution (S5) ........................................ 103 however, does not seem to conform to any usual time-pieces,
with multiple hands that seem to move in random directions at
Fully 20% of the copies of this book will be damaged. The random intervals.
Silverfin Manuscript has 176 pages. If pages are missing, roll
3d6 x 1d10 to determine the number of the last page (re-roll The clock originated with the wizard Zkauba on the world of
anything under 10 or over 90). If any spell or formula listed Yaddith. When the planet was destroyed by the burrowing of the
above is on the missing pages, it is not in the book. If there are dark-loving bholes, the clock was transported to another world,
fewer than 56 pages, the occultism skill cannot be learned, as and thus rescued.
there is simply not enough information.
The clock is, in fact, a powerful gate to other worlds, allowing
The Silverfin Manuscript is worth 5,000 x.p. or 25,000 g.p. It is travel to different places and times, including physical transport
only worth half that if damaged. to the Dreamlands of various planets. To activate the device,
one must know the proper alignment of the four hands of the
The Xinaián Narrative clock, and their proper setting, which is unique to each
destination world. Such trips are only one-way journeys, as the
This relatively short work (a total of 49 pages long) is a
clock itself does not make the journey with the journeyer. The
translation into the common tongue of the written account of
means of travel is simplicity itself; one simply opens the door of
someone who had discovered the underground realm of K’n-yan
the clock, steps in, and closes the door. They are then instantly
and then escaped to share the tale. The book can be read in but
transported to the appropriate world, and the hands of the clock
1-3 days. Anyone doing so will gain one skill level in scholarship
reset themselves randomly, requiring a re-alignment to
(occultism, K’n-yan). If the reader has an INT of 16 or higher, he
whatever setting they were at when the clock was opened, if one
or she will also gain a skill level in the technology of K’n-yan, but
wishes to re-open the gate to the same world.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Discovering the proper settings for the clock can be as much of TABLE 59: SHINING TRAPEZOHEDRON
a quest as finding the clock itself, but marginalia in some of the Die
mythos grimoires can provide insight. Roll Gain 1 Skill Level in…
01-09 Alchemy
It is worth 20,000 g.p. 10-18 Astrology
19-25 Dream-journeying
26-33 Scholarship (occultism, dweomercraft)
34-41 Scholarship (occultism, extraterrestery)
42-49 Scholarship (occultism, metaphysics)
50-58 Scholarship (occultism, Great Old Ones and
Outer Gods)
59-66 Scholarship (occultism, planar physics)
67-73 Scholarship (occultism, prehistoric beings)
74-80 Technology contra mortem
81-84 Technology of the Old Ones
85-89 Technology of Nyarlathotep
90-95 Technology of Yith
96-00 Technology of Yuggoth

There is a 1% cumulative chance per sacrifice that a dark

haunter will come instead of the desired knowledge, who will
destroy anyone present and bear the Shining Trapezohedron off
to parts unknown.

Deities, Demigods, and

Dwellers in the Depths
The great godlike entities of the Mythos are divided into two
categories: the Great Old Ones (Dagon, Cthulhu, Ghatanothoa,
Hastur, Hydra, and Yig) and the Outer Gods (Azathoth,
Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, and Yog-Sothoth), collectively
referred to occasionally as the Other Gods. The former are
Shining Trapezohedron generally confined to deep places in the material world, where
they are held dead or sleeping (or both!), waiting to be freed by
The Shining Trapezohedron is a chunk of stone that glows with their servitors. The Outer Gods are generally found in remote
an eerie light. It was brought here from Yuggoth by the Old Ones areas of space, other worlds, and the like. These are not hard-
before humans and humanoids arose, and was passed from one and-fast categorizations, however, and exceptions abound.
pre-human civilization to another. It is a window on time and
space, and can provide knowledge to any who offer it the proper It is not accurate to infer that the one group are any more well-
sacrifices. disposed towards humans and their ilk than the other; both are
inscrutable, even though individuals of either group may at times
The Shining Trapezohedron can be used to summon forth a dark reward mortals as suits their purposes. Individuals in either
haunter (see p. 83) by gazing into the crystal for a full turn. That group may have attitudes towards mortals that are, if not exactly
being will serve the one who summoned it for 1d4 days, at which benign, at least not destructive in their ultimate application.
time it must be sent back by the same means. If it is not sent
back, the dark haunter will remain trapped here, acting It should be noted that the Other Gods cannot be slain by
according to its own will and instincts. mortals, or even by most deities. Only another Other God of
equal strength could permanently destroy another, and that will
In addition, the Shining Trapezohedron can impart knowledge of never happen. Rather, if reduced to zero hit points, an Other
other places and times. Such can only be done when the moon God will simply return to their lair or place of imprisonment, to
is new, and in utter darkness. A human sacrifice is required; await the day when they are once more let loose upon the
doing so will grant the sacrificer a skill level as determined on universe.
the following table. A person can benefit only once per new
moon from such a sacrifice, but multiple people can make The entries that follow comprise only a fraction of the Great Old
sacrifices on the same moon, each getting the benefit once. Ones and Outer Gods that have been written of over the years.
The GM is encouraged to devise more such entities to suit the
It is worth 30,000 g.p. needs of the campaign.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Deities, Demigods, and Dwellers in the Depths

Azathoth dwells in a special prison at the center of the Prime

Material Plane, which also impinges on the Dreamlands. He is
known as the “blind idiot god” because it is unknown whether he
is even aware of any creature other than himself. All that he
seems to know is his own insatiable hunger, which would lead
him to devour the entire universe, if given the chance. In his
prison, he is kept in a semi-stupor by the continuous piping of
blasphemous servitors who remain in his prison with him, thus
preventing him from devouring the universe. The mechanism by
which Azathoth grants spells to his cultists remains a mystery. It
is entirely possible that his worshipers are tapping into some
completely autonomous reflex that allows them to gain spells.

The true form of Azathoth is unknown, as he has been seen by

many creatures, each in a different form. The statistics above
are for the form of an immense amoeba-like organism with 18
different pseudopods, each capable of striking a different
creature. Azathoth does not fight for purpose or with strategy;
he merely seeks out food. Each turn any creature is within visual
range of Azathoth, it must make a saving throw vs. insanity with
a -6 penalty or develop one form of permanent insanity. He is
affected by the 4th level cultist spell piping of the stars.

Human sacrifices are made to Azathoth on the winter solstice,

and services include much reedy piping and arrhythmic
drumming. His servants wear vestments of blue and olive during
ceremonial gatherings.

See p. 9 for more information on the cult of Azathoth.

Tulu, Great Cthulhu, High Priest of the Great Old Ones
The Blind Idiot God, The Daemon Sultan

Greater God (Outer God) Greater God (Great Old One)


HIT POINTS: 400 (16d12 HD) HIT POINTS: 400 (16d12 HD)
MOVE: 0 MOVE: 480’/min. (walking and swimming)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-20 (x18) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-30/3-30/4-40/4-40
SIZE: L (thousands of miles wide) SIZE: L (120’ tall)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Chaotic neutral, chaotic evil WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Chaotic evil
SYMBOL: Elder Sign SYMBOL: Idol in the god’s image
PLANE: Prime Material Plane PLANE: Prime Material Plane
S: 25 (+7, +14) I: 0 W: 0 D: 25 C: 25 Ch: -10 S: 25 (+7, +14) I: 25 W: 25 D: 12 C: 20 Ch: 3


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)



Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Deities, Demigods, and Dwellers in the Depths

Cthulhu is imprisoned within his great House in the sunken city however, extend into the Ethereal Plane, and function as if he
of R’lyeh (about which see p. 72). He came to the world millions were under a suitably-powered ethereal wings spell (q.v.).
of years ago, contemporary with the rule of the Old Ones (q.v.).
At some point he, along with many of the other, Other Gods, was His great clawed appendages are oddly flabby and lack the
driven back and cast out. In the case of Great Cthulhu, he was rigidity that one would expect of manipulative members, yet
forced into his House in R’lyeh, whose vast cyclopean doors are have immense strength and can easily hoist a man-sized
sealed with the Elder Sign. creature to its doom. Any creature beholding Cthulhu in person
within 1,000 feet must make a saving throw vs. insanity with a -
In that House, Cthulhu is both dead and dreaming. What this 4 penalty or be rendered permanently insane. In combat,
means, exactly, is something of a mystery. It is certain that some Cthulhu attacks with his immense claws, and can stomp on
vestige of the cool, calculating, and inexplicably alien creatures at ground level. Such stomping attacks ignore armor
intelligence still remains, as he is capable not only of granting entirely, but dexterity adjustments to AC are still counted.
spells to his cultists, but also of guiding them and his other Cthulhu’s gelatinous body is very difficult to harm; he will
followers through dreams, signs, and divination. That said, it is regenerate 10 h.p. of damage per round.
equally certain that he is dead, as the very physical laws of the
world have changed in the long aeons since he first came down His followers’ cry of “Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!” is often used in his
from the stars, and it is unlikely he can even exist in our universe worship ceremonies as an ecstatic chant of both praise and
as it currently stands. This is a puzzle for great sages to discuss; protection. Human sacrifices are made in his favor on the night
for most mortals who are even aware of Cthulhu’s existence, it of the summer solstice. His cultists and worshipers gather in
is merely a reality that needs to be accepted. remote locales, far from the watchful eyes of those who would
deny Cthulhu his re-awakening. They wear yellow-gray raiment.
Cthulhu himself is immense. His bodily form is bipedal, but Centers of his cult are often found near water, but it is known
strangely amorphous, as if the bipedal form is merely held for they could be in nearly any environment, from the arctic, to
the sake of convenience, rather than by any biological necessity. remote jungles and swamps, to inaccessible mountain plateaus.
It is known that Cthulhu can squeeze through openings which
See p. 10 for more information on the cult of Cthulhu.
by rights should keep him at bay. His head is vaguely squid-like,
with a fringe of great tentacles, and he has wings that are too
small to possibly be able to lift the massive frame. Those wings,
Father Dagon, the Wise Father

Lesser God (Great Old One)


MOVE: 240’/min., 360’/min. (swimming)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-16/2-16
SIZE: L (30’)
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Lawful evil, neutral evil
SYMBOL: Merman
PLANE: Prime Material Plane
BARD/JESTER: 5th level bard
CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 12th level cleric
FIGHTER/RANGER: 15th level fighter
THIEF/ASSASSIN/MOUNTEBANK: 10th level assassin
S: 20 (+3, +8) I: 19 W: 22 D: 22 C: 24 Ch: 5

Often called “Father Dagon”, this deity is the consort of Mother

Hydra, and together they dwell in a palace of basalt at the


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


bottom of a deep oceanic trench, known as the Little House. Ghatanothoa

Here the pair are served by Deep Ones of maximum hit points
and high levels as fighters, cultists, etc. The treasuries of the Lesser God (Great Old One)
Little House are said to be stuffed with gold, jewels, and magic
items of all descriptions; these are the spoils of shipwrecks that NO. APPEARING: Unique
have been looted for millennia. HIT POINTS: 199
While in the great trench wherein the Little House is found, MOVE: 180’/min.
Dagon has perfect knowledge of all creatures therein: what MAGIC RESISTANCE: 45%
creatures are where, their movements, etc. This does not extend NO. OF ATTACKS: 5-8 (d4+4)
to reading thoughts or intentions, but he will know at all times DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-12
what creatures are approaching. In addition, he can cast control SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
weather with a 100 mile range. He can also cast any cultist spell SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below
available only to his cultists, as if he were 13th level. If pressed, WEAKNESSES: Elder Sign
he can attack with his great claws. SIZE: L (20’ diameter)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
Dagon was once a high priest of Cthulhu in ages past. Due to WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Any evil
his fanatical dedication to his deity, Dagon was elevated to SYMBOL: Nine-pointed star
godhood by his patron, and Dagon remains a vassal of mighty PLANE: Prime Material Plane
Cthulhu to this day. Dagon is diligent in preparing the way for BARD/JESTER: Nil
the return of great Cthulhu, building up the resources and CAVALIER/PALADIN: Nil
strength of the Deep Ones as a force to help with his conquest. CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 10th level druid
Dagon, naturally, hopes to rule at the right hand of Cthulhu once FIGHTER/RANGER: 12th level fighter
this occurs. On occasion he will leave the Little House to visit MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST/SAVANT: 10th level magic-user
and possibly aid a particular community of Deep Ones. He is a THIEF/ASSASSIN/MOUNTEBANK: Nil
great enemy of Blibdoolpoop, goddess of the kuo-toans, who PSIONIC ABILITY: III
despise the Deep Ones as rivals. Dagon appears as an S: 22 (+4, +10) I: 18 W: 19 D: 15 C: 24 Ch: -18
immense Deep One, some 30’ tall. His body bears many scars
acquired over his immense lifespan. An ancient deity originally brought to the world by the Mi-Go,
Ghatanothoa is imprisoned in a great mountain fortress,
See p. 10 for more information on the cult of Dagon and Hydra. accessible only through a single immense trap-door. His
priesthood is content to allow him to remain entrapped therein,
as their greatest fear is that their god will escape and rampage
through the world, eventually subjecting even them to the most
terrible of all possible fates.

Ghatanothoa is indeed so terribly frightening and awful in aspect

that merely looking upon him will cause a living creature to
instantly turn into what is known as a “living mummy” (see
below). Even gazing at an image of the deity will have the same

Ghatanothoa is an amorphous mass, with various limbs and

appendages vaguely resembling those of a cephalopod of some
sort. The number of pseudopods and tentacles will vary from
round to round as the creature reabsorbs and then reforms more
and different limbs. Roll randomly to see how many such limbs
are able to attack in any given round. He can also cast any cultist
spell available only to his cultists, as if he were 13th level.

He is known to loathe Shub-Niggurath, whose followers have

attempted in the past to end the threat of Ghatanothoa by
destroying him.

Living Mummies

The living mummies are the greatest curse of Ghatanothoa.

These are creatures that have been exposed to the visage of


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Deities, Demigods, and Dwellers in the Depths

the god, whether in person or via an image. The body of such Many of Hastur’s followers are warriors, and yet more are the
unfortunates instantly becomes rigid, the muscles, skin, and simple shepherds and others who care for livestock on lonely
organs turning into a tough, leathery substance, the bones moors and hills. His followers wage an endless war against the
fossilizing. The only organ that survives the transformation is the Mi-Go, who seek to keep Hastur imprisoned, as they are both
brain, which is kept alive through some unknown mechanism. actively pursuing plans for global conquest. For Hastur’s part,
And there the victim waits, trapped inside a motionless shell for he works through the King in Yellow to fulfill those plans (see
all eternity, slowly going mad. below), and can thus afford not to be directly engaged.

The only thing that will bring the sweet relief of death to the Hastur’s physical form is said to resemble a vast sheep’s womb
victim is the natural erosion of the skull, through wind, water, or floating in mid-air. Hastur cannot attack physically, but sends
other means. Once the skull is breached and the brain itself forth great bolts of life-energy that cause living creatures to “burn
begins to erode, the now-insane mind of the victim can finally out” and age at a super-fast rate. These bolts have a range of
find oblivion. If victims are restored somehow, they will have one 90’, and he can generate as many as 36 of them each round if
form of permanent insanity for every year they were so needed. Each bolt will age the target creature by 10 years, in the
entombed within their own bodies. Mind flayers are known to process inflicting 2d6 h.p. damage. He can also cast any cultist
greatly prize living mummies as a source of both amusement spell available only to his cultists, as if he were 18th level.
and nourishment (often at the same time). For this reason, some
illithids do pay homage to Ghatanothoa. See p. 12 for more information on the cult of Hastur.

See p. 12 for more information on the cult of Ghatanothoa. Hydra

Hastur Mother Hydra, Spawn Mother

The Unspeakable One Lesser God (Great Old One)

Greater God (Outer God) NO. APPEARING: Unique

HIT POINTS: 399 MOVE: 240’.min., 360’/min. (swimming)
MOVE: 180’/min., 240’/min. (flying) NO. OF ATTACKS: 2
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SIZE: L (25’)
WEAKNESSES: Elder Sign ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
SIZE: L (10’) WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Lawful evil, neutral evil
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil SYMBOL: Two-tailed mermaid
WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Chaotic evil PLANE: Prime Material Plane
SYMBOL: Yellow Sign BARD/JESTER: 9th level bard
PLANE: Prime Material Plane / Astral CAVALIER/PALADIN: Nil
BARD/JESTER: 14th level bard CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 10th level cleric
CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 20th level cleric MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST/SAVANT: 9th level illusionist
THIEF/ASSASSIN/MOUNTEBANK: Nil S: 19 (+2, +7) I: 20 W: 23 D: 22 C: 23 Ch: 15
S: 20 (+3, +8) I: 25 W: 25 D: 20 C: 25 Ch: 0 Often called ‘Mother Hydra’, Hydra is the god-queen of the Deep
Ones, the consort of Father Dagon. Like her partner, she was a
Hastur, the ancient god of shepherds, both in a literal and Deep One herself who was elevated to godhood as a result of
figurative sense, lives with his spirit separated from his body. her fanatical dedication to Cthulhu and the welfare of the Deep
The body lies sleeping and imprisoned on a planet in a distant Ones who serve him. She dwells in the Little House with Dagon,
crystal sphere. His cult strives to reunite the two, so that the god and has a cadre of Deep One bard-clerics who serve as her
can once more awaken and take his rightful place in the handmaidens.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


In combat, she can strike with her clawed hands, but much overlordship of whatever world happens to be the home of the
prefers to use her magical powers. She can summon a school King at that time. The King’s minions ply their cause with care,
of small fish to surround any M-sized creature within 120’, which however, generally only using the Yellow Sign to bring in the
will obscure vision, interrupt spellcasting, and impose a -4 powerful leaders and key members of society, before attempting
penalty on all “to hit” rolls. The school of fish will remain for 1 a mass conquest. Those under the thrall of the Yellow Sign can
turn, or until Hydra dismisses them. Only one school of fish may be of any alignment.
be summoned per turn. She can also cast any cultist spell
available only to her cultists, as if she were 13th level. The King himself almost always acts through mortal agents,
especially those who are outright members of the cult of Hastur.
Hydra appears as a large Deep One, festooned with gaudy gold In some instances, however, the tools of the King are ignorant
and jewels, and there is a 25% chance that at any given time of the powers acting behind him, and believe they are simply
she will be surrounded by a mass of gelatinous eggs, which will restoring a lost dynasty to its rightful place in power, ignorant of
absorb the first 30 h.p. of damage inflicted on her. If so, she will the true nature of the cause they are supporting.
fight with a +4 bonus on all “to hit” rolls if any eggs are harmed.
The King carries a rod of smiting with infinite charges. Any
See p. 10 for more information on the cult of Dagon and Hydra. creature within 30’ of the rod must make a saving throw or come
under the effect of the 5th level cultist spell Yellow Sign (see p.
The King in Yellow 68). He has a retinue of 12 cavaliers of at least 8th level, who
serve as both bodyguard and generals. They are sometimes
Scion of Hastur
sent on missions of great import.
Demigod (Outer God) The King in Yellow appears as a human of extraordinary grace,
who evinces a natural charm and aptitude for command. He
wears robes of yellow, and a bejeweled crown of gold that
radiates a field which prevents any non-magical missile from
striking him. He is constantly plotting and scheming to achieve
MOVE: 120’/min.
his goal of conquering yet another world for the glory of the
Imperial Dynasty of Carcosa.
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Per weapon type
SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below The Black Man, Crawling Chaos, Faceless Knight, Haunter of
WEAKNESSES: Elder Sign the Dark, Orb of Darkness, Proud Pharaoh, etc.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil Greater God (Outer God)
SYMBOL: Yellow Sign NO. APPEARING: Unique
PLANE: Prime Material Plane HIT POINTS: 400
BARD/JESTER: 12th level bard ARMOR CLASS: 2
FIGHTER/RANGER: 8th level fighter NO. OF ATTACKS: 1
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST/SAVANT: 16th level illusionist DAMAGE/ATTACK: Per weapon type
S: 17 (+1, +1) I: 25 W: 25 D: 17 C: 17 Ch: 25 WEAKNESSES: Elder Sign
The King in Yellow is a descendant and servant of Hastur, and ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
is the prime operator of his plans to conquer the world through WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Chaotic evil
the Yellow Sign. He has undertaken this same mission on behalf SYMBOL: Varies
of Hastur on countless worlds before, and this has led to an PLANE: Prime Material Plane
aeons-long struggle between his forces and the agents of the BARD/JESTER: See below
Mi-Go, who (rightly) view the machinations of the King in Yellow CAVALIER/PALADIN: See below
as a threat to their own quest for universal domination. CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: See below
The King does not have his own cult, per se, although a few FIGHTER/RANGER: See below
individual cultists of Hastur who aid him in his plots do honor him MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST/SAVANT: See below
as well. Rather, he uses the Yellow Sign to recruit masses to his THIEF/ASSASSIN/MOUNTEBANK: See below
cause, which is the recognition of the Imperial Family of PSIONIC ABILITY: I
Carcosa, that the chosen heir to the family be elevated to the S: 19 (+3, +7) I: 25 W: 25 D: 19 C: 18 Ch: 25


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Deities, Demigods, and Dwellers in the Depths

Nyarlathotep is an oddity among the Outer Gods, as he actively a duel to test the mettle of those he encounters. If his helm is
pursues their interests in the Prime Material Plane, and directly somehow removed or seen through, only a vast blackness can
interacts with mortals on a regular basis. While he has a cult be seen where a face should be. His symbol is a black shield.
which worships him openly, as well as several that worship him
through some other name (such as the Cult of Starry Wisdom), The stats given above are used for the Faceless Knight, who is
he also assists the other Outer Gods, and sometimes can be a 20th level cavalier and a 10th level magic-user. He wears full
thought of as their herald. plate + shield (AC -5) and wields a broad sword +2, a
horseman’s mace +3, and a lance of quickness (always strikes
Nyarlathotep has many guises, some outré and terrifying, others first in a round). He travels with a great black heavy warhorse of
mundane and human in appearance. It is unknown which is his maximum hit points, who wears plate barding (AC 3, MV
true form, or if he even has a true form. The statistics given 120’/min.).
above are for Nyarlathotep in his more human guises. Some of
his more commonly-encountered forms are as follows; he is The Haunter of the Dark
known to have others, which the game master is encouraged to
develop to suit the campaign. The Haunter of the Dark is a dark haunter (see p. 83) of double
the normal size. It is fully intelligent and capable of speech,
The Black Man however, and happily trades wisdom for blood sacrifices. It
exudes a permanent darkness 30’ radius sphere which cannot
The Black Man is a hairless human, dressed in black. His lower be countered by a light or continual light spell, nor can it be
half is usually obscured by his clothing, and it is possible that he dispelled. Nyarlathotep can, of course, remove the effect if he
has goat legs, or at least cloven hooves, as an audible clacking so chooses. Even he is harmed by light in this form, however,
sound can be heard when he moves on a stone or wood floor. just as is a normal dark haunter. His symbol is an irregular black
This incarnation of Nyarlathotep is keen to offer deals to mortals, figure, vaguely egg-shaped.
offering knowledge and wealth in return for dedication to the
cause of the Outer Gods (although often through a variety of The Orb of Darkness
different and obscure “fronts”, so the mortal believes he or she
is dealing with a more mundane devil or demon). His symbol is The Orb of Darkness is a floating sphere of pure darkness, with
a goat’s skull. no visible surface or sheen, some 3’ in diameter. It merely floats
some 4’ above the ground, and can move slowly (90’/min.). It is
The stats given above are used for the Black Man, who is also featureless, and seemingly indifferent to anyone or anything in
a 10th level bard, 14th level illusionist, and a 13th level
mountebank. He is armed with a long sword +4.

The Crawling Chaos

The Crawling Chaos is the form that most who are already
touched by one of the deities of the Mythos will be familiar with.
It is in this form that Nyarlathotep deals with the Outer Gods and
their servants, and the form most often seen if direct and overt
intervention against the enemies of the Outer Gods must take
place. It is in this form that Nyarlathotep is worshiped in the
Dreamlands. He appears as a large (9’ tall) muscular humanoid
with a cluster of thick tentacles sprouting from the neck,
replacing the head entirely and constantly writhing and jerking
about as if questing for some unseen prey. Indeed, the Crawling
Chaos has no visible sensory apparatus, and yet still seems to
see, hear, and smell as if he did, and speech is done through
some sort of telepathy. His symbol is a jagged spiral.

The stats given above are used for the Crawling Chaos, who is
a 15th level ranger, 18th level magic-user, and 6th level
assassin. He can cause a +5 glaive to appear in his hands in but
a single segment, which also functions as a staff of command.

The Faceless Knight

The Faceless Knight is a human clad entirely in black armor with

a great helm. This incarnation of Nyarlathotep will offer great
rewards to those who have prowess in battle, often engaging in


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


its vicinity. The chief attribute of the Orb of Darkness is its utter The stats given above are used for the Proud Pharoah, who is
inscrutability; if attacked, it might respond with a blast of a 20th level illusionist and a 15th level mountebank. He has 3
negative energy inflicting 10-40 h.p. (50%), or it might ignore the skill levels in the technology of Nyarlathotep, in which he never
affront, not showing any effect whatsoever. Its symbol is a black fails a skill roll. He is unarmed, but in an instant can produce a
circle. dagger of venom +4 seemingly out of nowhere. However, he
would consider it a failing if he had to resort to such crudeness.
The Orb of Darkness never speaks, but it will, on occasion, grant
boons to those who dare to approach it. It is just as likely to In any of his forms, Nyarlathotep can also cast any cultist spell
impose a great penalty on those who do so, however. available only to his cultists, as if he were 18th level. See p. 12
for more information on the cult of Nyarlathotep, and p. 14 for
The Proud Pharaoh the cult of Starry Wisdom.

The Proud Pharaoh is a tall, swarthy, slender human, who wears Shub-Niggurath
neatly tailored and conservative clothing. He exudes a sinister
charm that is at once off-putting and yet compelling. This Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young
incarnation of Nyarlathotep uses the technology of Nyarlathotep
(see p. 25) to influence masses of people, spreading terror, Greater God (Outer God)
chaos, and despair in the guise of enlightenment and wisdom.
He travels from city to city and village to village demonstrating
the effectiveness of his odd devices of glass and metal, growing
his fame as he leaves chaos in his wake. After several
MOVE: 180’/min. (flying)
demonstrations, he will grow a coterie of 11-30 locals, who will
remain behind when he moves on, maintaining the fame of the
NO. OF ATTACKS: 3-8 (d6+2)
Proud Pharaoh with their effusive praise. His symbol is a dark-
skinned man wearing an Egyptian headdress flanked by
lightning bolts. SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below
SIZE: L (50’ diameter)
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
SYMBOL: Goat hoof
PLANE: Prime Material Plane
CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 12th level cleric
FIGHTER/RANGER: 19th level ranger
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST/SAVANT: 18th level magic-user
S: 25 (+7, +14) I: 20 W: 25 D: 19 C: 24 Ch: 3

Shub-Niggurath is the prototypical fertility goddess, and claims

that she is the progenitor of all such goddesses that have come
since, either literally or figuratively. Those entities naturally deny
this claim, and thus there is little love lost between Shub-
Niggurath and other claimants to the title of fertility deity. She
has been worshiped openly by many races over the aeons, and
often disguises her true nature in order to receive homage from
those who might otherwise be put off by her.

Shub-Niggurath appears as an immense black cloud made up

of swirling vapors. Tendrils, eyes, mouths, and other
appendages are constantly forming out of the vapor and being
re-absorbed; this is why the number of attacks that Shub-
Niggurath has is variable, as it depends on the number of limbs
available in any given round. Roll randomly each round to
determine how many attacks are due.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Deities, Demigods, and Dwellers in the Depths

Once per turn, Shub-Niggurath can summon 2-5 of her spawn Tsathoggua appears as an enormous squat toad of black and
(see p. 96) who will obey her without question. In addition, she dark gray. If pressed to combat, he can attack with his front
can also cast any cultist spell available only to her cultists, as if claws and bite, and if he bites an enemy with a natural roll of 20,
she were 18th level. Shub-Niggurath dwells in the ruins under a that foe has been swallowed whole and will die in 3 rounds
great desert city, but can manifest anywhere in the Prime unless the god is defeated. In addition, he can leap up to 120’ in
Material Plane in but a single segment, if she desires. a single round, rising at least 50’ above the ground at the peak
of the arc. Once per turn he can issue forth a great croak, which
She is a rival of Ghatanothoa, as members of her cult attempted will stun any creature within 60’ for one round, knocking them to
to destroy that entity in ages past, which is something for which the ground and disrupting any spellcasting (no saving throw is
he has never forgiven her. As her own cult is much more allowed). It will take one round for those affected to get back up,
prominent and powerful than his, she does not mind this overly but they can do so in the following round with a +2 penalty to
much. She is also worshiped by the Mi-Go, but only according initiative. He can also cast any cultist spell available only to his
to their scientific and mechanistic understanding of the cultists, as if he were 13th level.
multiverse, so they make offerings to her without gaining the
benefit of spells in return. This, too, she does not mind overly Tsathoggua can summon 1-6 formless spawn (see p. 85) every
much. round, up to a maximum of 4 times per hour. If he is defeated or
force to flee, all such will flee with him, back to his basalt temple
See p. 13 for more information on the cult of Shub-Niggurath. in N’kai.

Tsathoggua Yig
Lesser God (Great Old One) Father of Serpents, Scaled Lord, Corn God

Lesser God (Great Old One)

MOVE: 120’/min. ARMOR CLASS: -2
SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/2-9/2-9/2-12
SIZE: L (20’) WEAKNESSES: Elder Sign
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil SIZE: L (10’)
WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Chaotic evil, chaotic neutral, neutral ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
evil WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Neutral, chaotic neutral
SYMBOL: Stylized toad SYMBOL: Coiled serpent
PLANE: Prime Material Plane PLANE: Prime Material Plane
CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 10th level cleric CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 8th level druid
FIGHTER/RANGER: 11th level fighter FIGHTER/RANGER: 10th level ranger
S: 22 (+4, +10) I: 22 W: 24 D: 25 C: 22 Ch: 18 S: 22 (+5, +10) I: 18 W: 19 D: 25 C: 19 Ch: 10

Tsathoggua the toad-god is of ancient lineage and has been in Yig is the primordial god of snakes and serpents, and has a
the world for millions of years, residing in black N’kai, the lowest special connection to all such creatures, whether they be
of the realms beneath K’n-yan. His cult eventually became intelligent or not. He regards himself as the father of all snakes,
dominant in K’n-yan, and even found its way thence to the and takes personal umbrage when any of his children are
surface, where it survives in small pockets to this day. Then the harmed. He is known to inflict the generational curse of Yig (as
K’n-yanians discovered the nature of his original servants, the per the spell) on those who indiscriminately kill snakes,
formless spawn, and overturned his temples, restoring Cthulhu, especially those which have just hatched.
Shub-Niggurath, and Yig to their rightful place. Because of this,
Tsathoggua and his followers war with those who scorned him, Yig dwells in a den that is deep underground, and which
and with their gods. connects to the surface via a myriad of tunnels. He is especially


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


restless during the months of the harvest, when certain tribes Yog-Sothoth
drum strange rhythms and burn large fires to keep him placated,
and make offerings of corn. It is especially during this time of Greater God (Outer God)
year that his wrath can be invoked by the thoughtless killing of
snakes. NO. APPEARING: Unique
Yig is a cross between a snake and a human, with scaled skin, ARMOR CLASS: -4
a serpent-like head, and a long tail instead of legs. He attacks MOVE: 240’/min.
with a bite/claw/claw/tail attack. If the tail attack succeeds, he MAGIC RESISTANCE: 60%
can constrict the victim automatically on subsequent rounds for NO. OF ATTACKS: 0
4-16 h.p. damage. Only someone with a greater strength than DAMAGE/ATTACK: Nil
Yig can hope to escape his coils once constriction has begun, SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below
and then only if a successful bend bars roll is made. In addition, SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below
his bite is venomous, and causes instant death unless a WEAKNESSES: Elder Sign
successful saving throw vs. poison is made. He can control any SIZE: L (20’)
snakes or snake-like creatures within 180’ (including nagas, ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil
yuan-ti, etc.). WORSHIPER’S ALIGN.: Any evil
He can also cast any cultist spell available only to his cultists, as SYMBOL: Infinity symbol
if he were 13th level. PLANE: Prime Material Plane
Yig has a strained relationship with the animal lord known as the CAVALIER/PALADIN: Nil
Lord of Snakes, or the Snakelord. They both regard themselves CLERIC/DRUID/MYSTIC: 10th level cleric
as the protectors of serpent-kind, but Yig’s association with the FIGHTER/RANGER: Nil
Great Old Ones, and unpredictably violent and wrathful nature, MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST/SAVANT: 20th level magic-user
makes their relationship uneasy. Certain particularly degenerate THIEF/ASSASSIN/MOUNTEBANK: Nil
colonies of yuan-ti and ophidians revere Yig as their god, and PSIONIC ABILITY: I
even in more respectable (if that word can be used to describe S: 20 (+4, +8) I: 25 W: 25 D: 20 C: 20 Ch: 20
them) communities of such creatures, hidden cults of Yig can
sometimes be found. This god exists outside of time and space, yet still on the Prime
Material Plane, and is able to manifest himself at any point, and
See p. 15 for more information on the cult of Yig. at any time, that he wishes. This unique perspective gives Yog-
Sothoth a type of omniscience, as he can literally see the entire
universe at once. This command of the eddies and flow of cause
and effect allows him to grant great knowledge to his followers,
who offer blood sacrifices in return for such wisdom and the
power that it brings.

Because of this innate power over time and space, it is

impossible to harm Yog-Sothoth, who has already seen any
action (including any attack) coming and can simply remove
himself from that moment of space-time, to return in another
instant, or another location where he is safe. This ability gives
him a perspective that is unique, and which has led his followers
to adapt a more generally scientific frame of mind, although this
is not universally adopted among all his followers, of course. In
addition to his other abilities, Yog-Sothoth can also cast any
cultist spell available only to his cultists, as if he were 18th level.

Yog-Sothoth appears as a collection of connected iridescent

spheres floating in mid-air, and communicates telepathically.

For a deity who is so utterly alien, Yog-Sothoth can become

involved in surprisingly mundane mortal affairs, even to the point
of impregnating mortals with his spawn (see p. 97). He can be
quite erudite when speaking to mortals, and delivers pithy
wisdom that belies his alien nature and appearance.

See p. 15 for more information on the cult of Yog-Sothoth.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Appendix A: Inspirational Reading

Ibid. 1920. “Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His
Appendix A: Inspirational Family.” The Wolverine, March 1921.

Reading Ibid. 1923. “The Festival.” Weird Tales, January 1925.

Ibid. 1925. “He.” Weird Tales, September 1926.

The following works were used as inspirational material in the
present work to a greater or lesser degree, and all are in the Ibid. 1921-1922. “Herbert West—Reanimator.” Home Brew,
public domain as far as the publisher is aware, as noted below. February-July 1922.
Many are still in print in various collections, and/or are available
online. Ibid. 1922. “The Hound.” Weird Tales, February 1924.

There are a vast number of other works that deal with the Ibid. 1922. “Hypnos.” The National Amateur, May 1923.
Mythos and its entities and lore that the game master is
encouraged to consult for inspiration, including those by Robert Ibid. 1927-1928. “In the Vault.” The Tryout, November 1925.
Bloch, Ramsey Campbell, August Derleth, Robert E. Howard,
Ibid. 1922. “The Lurking Fear.” Home Brew, January-April
Brian Lumley, Sandy Peterson, Clark Ashton Smith, and many,
many more.
Ibid. 1921. “The Moon-Bog.” Weird Tales, June 1926.
The following works are in the public domain in the United States
because they were published before January 1, 1927. Ibid. 1921. “The Music of Erich Zann.” The National Amateur,
March 1922.
Bierce, Ambrose. 1890. “The Man and the Snake.” San
Francisco Examiner, June 29, 1890. Ibid. 1921. “The Nameless City.” The Wolverine, November
Ibid. 1891. “Haïta the Shepherd.” Tales of Soldiers and
Civilians. 1891. Ibid. 1920. “Nyarlathotep.” The United Amateur, November
Chambers, Robert W. 1895. “The King in Yellow.” The King in
Yellow, F. Tennyson Neely, 1895. Ibid. 1921. “The Outsider.” Weird Tales, April 1926.
Greene, Sonia H., and Lovecraft, H.P. 1922. “The Horror at Ibid. 1919. “The Picture in the House.” The National Amateur,
Martin’s Beach.” Weird Tales, November 1923. July 1919.
Houdini, Harry, and Lovecraft, H.P. “Imprisoned with the Ibid. 1918. “Polaris.” The Philosopher, December 1920.
Pharaohs.” Weird Tales, May 1924.
Ibid. 1923. “The Rats in the Walls.” Weird Tales, March 1924.
Jackson, Winifred, and Lovecraft, H.P. 1920-1921. “The
Crawling Chaos.” The United Co-operative, April 1921. Ibid. 1919. “The Statement of Randolph Carter.” The Vagrant,
May 1920.
Lovecraft, H.P. 1908. “The Alchemist.” The United Amateur,
November 1916. Ibid. 1920. “The Street.” The Wolverine, December 1920.

Ibid. 1905. “The Beast in the Cave.” The Vagrant, June 1918. Ibid. 1920. “The Temple.” Weird Tales, September 1925.

Ibid. 1919. “Beyond the Wall of Sleep.” Pine Cones, October Ibid. 1920. “The Terrible Old Man.” The Tryout, July 1921.
Ibid. 1917. “The Tomb.” The Vagrant, March 1922.
Ibid. 1920. “The Cats of Ulthar.” The Tryout, November 1920.
Ibid. 1920. “The Tree.” The Tryout, October 1921.
Ibid. 1920. “Celephaïs.” The Rainbow, May 1922.
Ibid. 1923. “The Unnamable.” Weird Tales, July 1925.
Ibid. 1917. “Dagon.” The Vagrant, November 1919.
Ibid. 1922. “What the Moon Brings.” The National Amateur,
Ibid. 1919. “The Doom That Came to Sarnath.” The Scot, June May 1923.
The following works were legally published within the United
Ibid. 1920/1921. “Ex Oblivione.” The United Amateur, March States before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.
Bishop, Zealia and Lovecraft, H.P. 1928. “The Curse of Yig.”
Weird Tales, November 1929.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Ibid. 1930. “Medusa’s Coil.” Weird Tales, January 1939. Ibid. 1927. “History of the Necronomicon.” History of the
Necronomicon, Rebel Press, 1938.
Ibid. 1929-1930. “The Mound.” Weird Tales, November 1940.
Ibid. 1925. “The Horror at Red Hook.” Weird Tales, January
de Castro, Adolphe, and Lovecraft, H.P. 1927. “The Last 1927.
Test.” Weird Tales, November 1928.
Ibid. 1921. “The Other Gods.” The Fantasy Fan, November
Heald, Hazel and Lovecraft, H.P. 1932. “The Horror in the 1933.
Museum.” Weird Tales, July 1933.
Ibid. 1926. “Pickman’s Model.” Weird Tales, October 1927.
Ibid. 1933-1935. “The Horror in the Burying-Ground.” Weird
Tales, 1933. Ibid. 1921. “The Quest of Iranon.” The Galleon, July-August
Ibid. 1932. “The Man of Stone.” Wonder Stories, October
1932. Ibid. 1934-1935. “The Shadow Out of Time.” Astounding
Stories, June 1936.
Ibid. 1933. “Out of the Aeons.” Weird Tales, April 1935.
Ibid. 1931. “The Shadow Over Innsmouth.” The Shadow Over
Ibid. 1933. “Winged Death.” Weird Tales, March 1934. Innsmouth, Visionary Publishing Co., 1936.

Long, Frank Belknap. 1929. “The Hounds of Tindalos.” Weird Ibid. 1924. “The Shunned House.” Weird Tales, October
Tales, March 1929. 1937.

Lovecraft, H.P. 1931. “At the Mountains of Madness.” Ibid. 1926. “The Silver Key.” Weird Tales, January 1929.
Astounding Stories, February - April 1936.
Ibid. 1926. “The Strange High House in the Mist.” Weird Tales,
Ibid. 1922. “Azathoth.” Leaves 2, 1938. October 1931.

Ibid. 1933. “The Book.” Leaves, 1938. Ibid. 1933. “The Thing on the Doorstep.” Weird Tales, January
Ibid. 1926. “The Call of Cthulhu.” Weird Tales, February 1928.
Ibid. 1919. “The Transition of Juan Romero.” Marginalia,
Ibid. 1927. “The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.” Weird Tales, Arkham House, 1944.
May/July 1940.
Ibid. 1927. “The Very Old Folk.” Scienti-Snaps, Summer 1940.
Ibid. 1927. “The Colour Out of Space.” Amazing Stories,
September 1927. Ibid. 1930. “The Whisperer in Darkness.” Weird Tales, August
Ibid. 1926. “Cool Air.” Tales of Magic and Mystery, September
1927. Lovecraft, H.P. and Lumley, William. 1935. “The Diary of
Alonzo Typer.” Weird Tales, February 1938.
Ibid. 1926. “The Descendant.” Leaves 2, 1938.
Lovecraft, H.P. and Price, E. Hoffman. 1932-1933. “Through
Ibid. 1926-1927. “The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.” the Gates of the Silver Key.” Weird Tales, July 1934.
Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Arkham House, 1943.
Lovecraft, H.P. and Rumel, Duane W. 1935. “The
Ibid. 1928. “The Dunwich Horror.” Weird Tales, April 1929. Disinterment.” The Californian, Summer 1935.
Ibid. 1937. “The Evil Clergyman.” Weird Tales, April 1939. Lovecraft, H.P. and Sterling, Kenneth. “In the Walls of Eryx.”
Weird Tales, October 1939.
Ibid. 1920. “From Beyond.” The Fantasy Fan, June 1934.
Lovecraft, H.P. and Whitehead, Henry S. 1931. “The Trap.”
Ibid. 1935. “The Haunter of the Dark.” Weird Tales, December
Strange Tales of Mystery and Terror, March 1932.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Appendix A: Inspirational Reading


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Strange Happenings

Appendix B: Random swirling lines inscribed all over the surface, and
animals won’t go near it.
Tables 35-36 Some local fishermen pulled up a strange piece
of gold jewelry in their nets. It’s got all sorts of
odd curves, and it’s inscribed with pictures of
Strange Happenings frogs.
37-38 All the stars in the sky moved out of place, and
The following table can be used to generate rumors, events, then moved back a few minutes later.
adventure hooks, etc. 39-40 A trapper was found in the woods. He’s not dead,
but in some sort of coma, with a look of terror
TABLE 60: STRANGE HAPPENINGS frozen on his face.
Die Roll Strange Happenings 41-42 There’s an abandoned manor house a few miles
01-02 A prominent noble is acting oddly. It’s almost like from town. Lately the ground has been vibrating
he doesn’t realize what’s happened during the near it at night; you can’t hear anything, but you
last hundred years, and is learning current can feel it through your legs if you’re close by.
events quickly to hide this fact. 43-44 All of the children of the village went out to a
03-04 Something is going on at a nearby farm. The secluded grove a few nights ago. They all deny
locals are gathering at night and singing some doing so, and don’t seem to remember it.
weird chants in an unknown language. 45-46 Ever since the high priest at the temple of the
05-06 One of the local fishermen found a weird piece goddess of fertility died suddenly, the priests
of gold jewelry in his net. Didn’t look like anything there have been acting strange, and have
anyone had ever seen before. changed a lot of the usual rituals.
07-08 There was some flooding in the mountains a few 47-48 Priests of a new toad-god came to town recently,
weeks ago. A few strange bodies were washed and have begun building a new shrine.
up in the river. Never seen anything like them. 49-50 There have been a lot more sightings of snakes
09-10 Folks hereabouts have been having awful, of all sorts in the village lately. Ever since the last
disturbing nightmares. The odd thing is, they all full moon.
have the same one each night. 51-52 Everybody in the village was struck by a bad
11-12 If you stand at the crossroads at midnight, you case of vertigo a few days ago. Everything got
can hear the sound of flutes in the air. all wobbly, and for a moment it looked like
13-14 A trail of strange footprints was found at the straight lines became curves and angles
beach this morning. Large, webbed prints changed to something indescribable.
leading into town. 53-54 A few days ago there was an odd rain (chunks of
15-16 A large explosion was heard nearby last night, red meat, blood, teeth, etc.).
right after a shooting star was seen. 55-56 A few days ago it rained (live fish, snakes, mice,
17-18 A local library was broken into last night, and a jellyfish, etc.).
single page from a rare old tome was stolen. 57-58 A few weeks ago the sun never came up. There
19-20 Yesterday everyone in town had déjà vu at the was total darkness, just like night, all day long.
same time. And it wasn’t because of clouds, because you
21-22 Last night everyone in town had the exact same could still see the stars.
dream. 59-60 For the last month, the same cloud has formed
23-24 Hundreds of dead fish washed up on shore a few above the ridge near the village. It happens at
days ago. the same time each day, and lasts for about an
25-26 A few days ago a farmer unearthed a stone while hour. And each time, it has the exact same
plowing his field. It’s covered with some sort of shape.
writing, but nobody’s ever seen anything like it. 61-62 A few days ago, one of the local farmer’s cows
27-28 A local sage has started to act very oddly ever just exploded. One minute she’s fine, the next
since getting a package delivered. Now there are minute there’s blood and beef everywhere.
odd sounds and lights coming from his home at 63-64 There’s been a rash of strange illnesses lately.
all hours of the night. Fast-growing tumors, cancers, and the like.
29-30 The carapace of some sort of enormous prawn- 65-66 One of the fishermen went further out to sea than
like creature was found in the woods. No one has usual. He reported sighting an island that nobody
ever seen anything like it. had ever seen before, with some sort of buildings
31-32 A few nights ago all the dogs in the village went on it, but couldn’t land. When he tried to reach it
crazy, barking madly. The next morning, strange again the next day, it wasn’t there.
tracks were found, going from house to house, 67-68 The local blacksmith was struck blind and dumb
as if someone were looking through the the other day. Not even the local clerics can heal
windows. him. He had just finished up a piece of work for
33-34 Some local hunters found a perfect iron cube a one of the local fishermen.
foot on each side in the woods. It must be hollow, 69-70 Several of the families are very secretive and
because it doesn’t weigh very much. There are closed. They only ever socialize with one


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Appendix B: Random Tables

Die Roll Strange Happenings Die Roll Strange Happenings

another, and nobody is quite sure how many of 97-98 The sea seemed to boil and seethe for nearly ten
them there are, as nobody is ever allowed in their minutes a few days ago, and then it was calm
houses. again. Since then, babies have been crying and
71-72 Several people swear they saw one of the PCs dogs whining, nonstop.
here in the village a few days ago, even though 99-00 Down in the mine, one of the men dug up a
the PC was not there. strange idol embedded in the very rock. Ever
73-74 One of the local farmers chopped the head off since, people have been having strange,
one of his chickens. Normally that wouldn’t be foreboding dreams. The miner killed himself a
worth mentioning. But the chicken didn’t die. In few days after bringing out the idol.
fact, it’s still alive now.
75-76 A few days ago a showman came to the village Dungeon Dressing
and did a performance showing off various kinds
of electricity and lightning tricks. The next day, TABLE 61: DUNGEON DRESSING
everyone who attended was agitated, Die Roll Dungeon Dressing
depressed, or infuriated. 01 A patch of moss that seems to follow the PCs as
77-78 A few days ago someone came through the they pass by, then snaps back to its original
village looking for folks to join an army. Said they position if scrutinized.
were going to restore “the true rulers” to their 02 An inaudible vibration in the air that can only be
throne. Didn’t say who they were. A few of the felt, not heard.
younger men left with him. 03 A small stone that is carved with ancient
79-80 There was a meteor shower the other night. The ideograms that cannot be deciphered, even by
next morning, blobs of gray-white jelly were magical means.
found on the ground, in the trees, and on 04 A humanoid shadow burned into the wall.
rooftops. It all evaporated within an hour of the 05 A discarded cloak with the symbol of a random
sun hitting it. Other God embroidered on it.
81-82 A few weeks ago, there was a great battle in the 06 A tiny dead octopus (only when more than a mile
sky. Globes of light, in many different colors, from the sea).
streaked across the sky, with beams of light 07 A partially burned scrap of parchment that has
flashing between them. Then a huge cone the name of an Other God still legible.
emerged and swallowed up several of the 08 A small carving of a tentacle emerging from a
globes. Then they all took off into the sky. hole.
83-84 Two local wizards have had a rivalry for years. 09 The smell of the ocean.
Not too long ago, one of them returned after a 10 The smell of rotting fish.
long journey and claimed to have vast new 11 An empty crab shell.
knowledge. The other has been having a string 12 A vibrating hum in the air.
of bad luck and reversals ever since. 13 A clump of mushrooms that bends towards you
85-86 Children have been disappearing from the as you move.
village at a rate of one per month. Mothers and 14 The wall starts to bleed.
fathers are beginning to panic. 15 Everyone is suddenly stricken by a wave of
87-88 Returning from an expedition to parts unknown, vertigo that lasts several seconds and then
a local wizard came back with no color in his hair abates.
or skin. He won’t speak about what happened. 16 A small stone image of the Elder Sign (not the
89-90 Something’s in the basement of the local inn. magic item).
There’s an inexplicable sense of dread, and 17 A small (2” tall) statuette of Cthulhu, seated.
nobody will go down there. 18 A small (2” tall) statuette of a merman.
91-92 One of the local servants was imprisoned for 19 A small stone in the form of a nine-pointed star.
practicing witchcraft. The next day, she had 20 A small stone in the form of the Yellow Sign (not
disappeared, and no trace of magic could be magical).
detected. 21 A small (2” tall) statuette of a mermaid with two
93-94 One of the local gentry claimed he was lifted up tails.
into the sky, into some sort of boat of light. When 22 A small stone carved in the shape of a goat’s
he was set down on the ground again, he skull.
looked… different. Like his body had been 23 A small stone shaped like a shield, painted black.
turned into a mirror image of itself; a mole that 24 A small black stone, irregularly formed but
had been on the left side of his face was now on vaguely in the shape of an egg.
the right. 25 A small black stone in the shape of a disk.
95-96 There are bonfires seen on some of the bare hills 26 A small (2” tall) statuette of a man in an elaborate
hereabouts on certain nights of the year. No one headdress.
admits to visiting them, but you can hear 27 A goat’s hoof.
drumming and chanting if you listen closely. 28 A small (2” wide) statuette in the shape of a toad.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Dungeon Dressing Die Roll Dungeon Dressing

29 A small (2” across) statuette of a coiled snake. 66 A fetal pig.
30 A small stone infinity symbol. 67 A patch of sand (only if such would be
31 A frog missing legs, pushing itself along on a incongruous).
tiny, wheeled cart. It looks sad. 68 A zone of permanent darkness 15’ across (as
32 A damp breeze. per the 2nd level magic-user spell darkness 15’
33 A sudden burst of cold air. radius).
34 Claw marks in the stone (floor, wall, etc.). 69 A nicked and pitted short sword, with the words
35 A pentacle, magic circle, or thaumaturgic circle “Iä! Iä! Shub-Niggurath” on it.
drawn on the ground, but it has been partially 70 Behind a wall, one can hear noises of scratching
erased. and rustling.
36 Some spilled chemical that has dried, but leaves 71 A thin metal plaque inscribed with writing in a
the air smelling of sulfur. language that even a comprehend languages
37 The smell of ozone. spell will not translate. The plaque is obviously
38 A gnawed human(oid) femur. ancient and battered, but does not have a touch
39 A bent and corroded copper piece from a distant of corrosion on it.
land. 72 A trail of slime leading down a corridor, which is
40 A bent and corroded copper piece from ages quickly drying out. It starts and ends without any
past. idea of what might have caused it.
41 The skeleton of a fish. 73 The image of an eye floats in mid-air for only a
42 A cracked glass tubule with some sort of delicate second or two. The eye blinks, then disappears.
metal wire within, and a metal end. 74 A trail of twine leads for several yards before
43 A severed thumb that has been preserved. being broken.
44 A scrap of parchment with a one-sentence quote 75 The back cover of some book. It is impossible to
from a Mythos grimoire. determine its contents from just this.
45 A signet ring with the Yellow Sign. 76 A robin’s egg. If broken open, there is a 10 g.p.
46 A tiny live frog. garnet inside with the yolk.
47 A ring bearing the symbol of the finder’s cult (if 77 Everyone has a momentary flash of déjà vu.
any). 78 A tiny pyramid of pebbles an inch or two high.
48 A ring bearing the symbol of a cult the finder is 79 A white glove monogrammed with the Yellow
not a member of. Sign (non-magical).
49 A packet of exotic spices from a far distant land. 80 Rope noose.
50 A vial of seemingly-plain sea water. 81 Red mist in the air, which dissipates after one
51 A partially-burned parchment with the remnants minute
of an astrological chart. 82 A female voice is heard whispering into the ear
52 A scalpel with the tip broken off. of one PC, saying “Beware of the stars.”
53 A small chunk of metal that is warm to the touch. 83 An empty potion bottle labeled “Powder of Ibn
(It is radioactive, and will cause cancer if Ghazi.”
someone keeps it on their person for more than 84 Walls and floor are scorched, as if they were
a year straight.) exposed to extreme heat.
54 A torn and dirty robe (either olive and blue, 85 A set of metal pan-pipes, completely flattened
yellow-gray, green, brown and white, sky blue, and inoperable.
black, dark gray, black and purple, tan and red, 86 The sound of a rusty wheel or hinge being
or black and green). moved, off in the distance.
55 Footprints of some sort of large, web-footed 87 A dozen empty lobster shells, but with no visible
creature. signs of being cracked open.
56 A discarded snake-skin. 88 Five black candle stubs in a 2’ diameter circle.
57 A corroded spot in the floor, as if acid had been 89 A human(oid) skull missing the lower jaw. The
poured onto it. skull has small, sharp horns.
58 A small bit of copper wire. 90 An “x” marked in red paint on the floor.
59 A blob of gelatinous goo like a cluster of fish 91 The sound of wings flapping off in the distance.
eggs. 92 A small leather pouch filled with screws, nuts,
60 The fresh brain of some animal, about the size and bolts.
of a walnut. 93 A tiny cage of wood with metal bars, with a
61 The stones nearby are made of limestone with latched door, 3” on a side.
marine fossils visible. 94 An empty leather scroll case.
62 A human(oid) handprint in blood. 95 A scrap of parchment with a map drawn on it, but
63 A human(oid) handprint in blood, but the hand the map doesn’t correspond to anything
has six fingers. anywhere nearby.
64 A human(oid) handprint in blood, but the fingers 96 A set of false teeth.
are webbed. 97 A set of false teeth, but they’re sharp fangs.
65 A small, rusted iron cauldron.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Appendix B: Random Tables

Die Roll Dungeon Dressing Die Roll Quirk

98 A human face, but just the skin, with a string so 40 Re-tells the same years-old anecdotes over and
it can be worn as a mask. over.
99 A glass eye. 41 Mutters and mumbles to himself.
00 A glass eye, but with goat-like pupil. 42 Always makes eye contact and maintains it
longer than feels comfortable.
NPC Quirks 43 Never makes eye contact.
44 Constantly flips a coin.
TABLE 62: NPC QUIRKS 45 Hums to himself when not speaking.
Die Roll Quirk 46 Gratuitously cruel and insulting.
01 Talks to inanimate objects. 47 Never uses anything higher than a silver piece.
02 Talks to a particular inanimate object that he Insists on converting electrum, gold, and
keeps with him (rock, stuffed lizard, etc.). platinum to silver.
03 Always refers to himself in the third person. 48 Speaks very slowly.
04 Styles himself “doctor” with no real formal 49 Is addicted to gambling, and will take bets on
education. anything.
05 Always wears clothing of a particular color. 50 Always looks over the shoulder of the person to
06 Never wears any clothing of a particular color. whom they are talking, as if they were talking to
07 Never eats or drinks in public. someone standing behind them.
08 Affects a foreign accent. 51 Wears gaudy jewelry.
09 Tugs on his ear while speaking. 52 Talks wistfully about the past.
10 Speaks in deliberate archaisms. 53 Is a vegetarian.
11 Has a garish mustache. 54 Only eats meat.
12 Pretends to have a lisp. 55 Complains about everything.
13 Always speaks in questions? 56 When speaking, goes on discursions and often
14 Often speaks in rhymes. never comes back to the original point.
15 Wears clothing of riotous different colors. 57 Constantly smoothing out / picking lint off their
16 Has conversations with himself. clothing.
17 Sheds a tear whenever there is violence in his 58 Finishes others’ sentences.
sight. 59 Fastidious.
18 Dislikes crowds. 60 When explaining something, pinches the bridge
19 Dislikes loud noises. of their nose and closes their eyes, as if
20 Touches people with whom he is speaking (claps concentrating.
them on the shoulder, gently pats their cheek, 61 Works in minor swears and oaths to the gods (or
etc.). Outer Gods and Great Old Ones, as
21 Winces every once in a while, as if in great pain. appropriate).
22 Strokes his chin or beard. 62 Only sleeps 2 hours per night.
23 Has a fondness for animals in general. 63 Has no sense of humor, doesn’t get most jokes.
24 Is overly critical. 64 Constantly sniffling.
25 Is overly polite, almost unctuous. 65 Has a terrible time remembering names,
26 Uses foreign words and phrases in everyday constantly calls others by the wrong name.
conversation. 66 Goes from calm to furious in an instant, and then
27 Toys with a small knife. back again just as quickly.
28 Always has some sort of food on his person. 67 Always looks disheveled.
29 Speaks absolutely literally, and takes what 68 Doesn’t talk to others directly, but does so
others say literally. indirectly by speaking to a pet (or inanimate
30 While listening to others, nods and “uh-huh”s object).
constantly. 69 In a tavern or bar, always orders a fancy (and
31 Spits into his hands and rubs palms together rare) drink.
before starting any sort of work. 70 Paces when speaking.
32 Finds everything amusing. 71 Paces when thinking.
33 Gives nicknames to everyone they meet. 72 Cocks his head, as if listening to some sound or
34 Always smiling. voice that no one else can hear.
35 Drinks too much, but never seems to actually 73 Insists on being addressed by his full title as well
become drunk. as name.
36 Considers themselves a connoisseur of fine 74 Constantly works quotes from literature into his
foods. speech.
37 Considers themselves a connoisseur of fine 75 Constantly tries to work literary quotes into
wines. speech, but gets them wrong.
38 Repeats himself constantly. 76 Tells other peoples’ anecdotes as if they were
39 Vain. about himself.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)


Die Roll Quirk Die Roll Quirk

77 Believes that they have entered into a pact with 91 Tends to be extremely vague when answering
Nyarlathotep, but in fact they have not. questions.
78 Does not use contractions when speaking. 92 Constantly asks for explanations of everyday
79 Appreciates fine art (paintings, sculpture, etc.). objects, practices, etc., as if he were a complete
80 Constantly looking over his shoulder. stranger to the locale.
81 Conducts himself like a soldier. 93 Sits whenever the opportunity presents itself.
82 Believes himself to be more competent than he 94 Believes he is being pursued by some
actually is. otherworldly force.
83 “Loses” words when speaking. 95 Resists sleeping, because they hate or fear to
84 Practices origami with any small bit of paper or dream.
parchment that is handy. 96 Believes that Deep Ones are spying on him
85 Loves macabre things. whenever he is within sight of the sea.
86 Ferociously dedicated to their children. 97 Believes he is constantly being spied upon
87 Constantly refers to family members that don’t and/or followed.
exist. 98 Becomes angry when someone forgets or
88 Attributes nuggets of wisdom to a particular mispronounces his name.
family member (“As my great-aunt Cordelia used 99 Hates to get wet.
to say…”). 00 Makes a holy (or unholy) sign whenever he sees
89 Has a pet that he takes with him everywhere. a dead body.
90 Eats or snacks constantly.


Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

Thierry Chaucheyras (Order #36053642)

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