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Book title

The A.I Boom

Type: informative

Chapter 1:
In pursuit of AGI

The earliest attempts of simulating intelligence dates back to Turk chess playing computer
invented by Wolfgang Von Kempelen in 1770s, which was a mechanical machine made with
gears, cams and levers. The machine demonstrated its prowess by winning against Napoleon
Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin. However to the outrage of many, the machine was
revealed to be operated by a hidden chess master. Such a device would not be developed for
centuries, but it stimulated the imagination of futurists about a machine surpassing human

It would take until 1957 for Alex Berstein to create the first automated program fully capable
of playing a complete game of chess on an IBM 704. It could do 42000 instructions per
second and had a memory of 70 kilobytes. To a few this signified a major milestone in the
field of computer chess and artificial intelligence. It showed that a computer could perform a
complex intellectual task that required logic, strategy, and evaluation of multiple possibilities.
It also inspired other researchers and programmers to improve and refine the algorithms and
methods for computer chess. It was the first step towards the development of more powerful
and sophisticated chess programs that would eventually challenge and surpass human

Not until 1997 that IBM’s supercomputer was able to crack the code on this ancient game.
The stage was set in New York City. On one side, there was Garry Kasparov, the reigning
world champion of chess, a genius who had dominated the game for more than a decade. On
the other side, there was Deep Blue, an IBM supercomputer that had been programmed and
refined to play chess at the highest level. It was a match that shook the world. A match that
pitted the human mind against the machine. A match that challenged the very notion of
intelligence and creativity. A match that transcended the game of chess and became a symbol
of the future.
The match was a rematch of a previous encounter in 1996, which Kasparov had won by a
narrow margin. But this time, Deep Blue had been improved and upgraded, and it was ready
to take on the champion again.

The match consisted of six games, each one a battle of wits and nerves. The first game was a
brilliant victory for Kasparov, who outsmarted Deep Blue with his creative and dynamic
style. The second game, however, was a shocker. Deep Blue surprised Kasparov with a
powerful move that he had not anticipated, and forced him to resign after 37 moves. It was
the first time that a reigning world champion had ever lost to a computer under tournament

The next three games were drawn, with both sides showing their strengths and weaknesses.
Kasparov tried to avoid sharp tactical positions where Deep Blue could excel with its brute
force calculation, and opted for more closed and strategic games where he could exploit his
intuition and experience. Deep Blue, on the other hand, tried to create complications and
pressure on Kasparov's clock, hoping to induce errors and fatigue.

The sixth and final game was decisive. Kasparov had to win to tie the match and retain his
dignity, while Deep Blue only needed a draw to claim victory. The game started with a quiet
opening, but soon became tense and complex. Kasparov made a dubious sacrifice that left
him with an inferior position. Deep Blue capitalized on its advantage and gradually increased
its pressure. Kasparov could not find any counterplay or defense, and resigned on move 19.

The match was over. Deep Blue had won by 3½–2½, making history as the first computer
program to defeat a world champion in a match under tournament regulations. The result was
stunning and controversial. Many people hailed it as a milestone for artificial intelligence and
a sign of its potential to surpass human capabilities. Others questioned the fairness and
validity of the match, accusing IBM of cheating or manipulating the computer's moves.

The match was widely covered by the media, and attracted millions of viewers around the
world. It was televised live by ESPN and PBS, and broadcast online by IBM's website. It
sparked debates and discussions about the future of chess, technology, and humanity. It
inspired books, documentaries, films, songs, and artworks. It also influenced the development
of other chess programs and artificial intelligence applications.

The match between Kasparov and Deep Blue was more than just a chess match. It was a
captivating event that captured the imagination of many people. It was a clash of two
different forms of intelligence, each with its own strengths and limitations. It was a challenge
for both sides to prove their worth and superiority. And it was a spectacle that left a lasting
impression on the history of chess and technology.

Chess computers have mostly relied on two techniques for play: brute force searches for
efficient moves and heuristic search techniques which measure stability, position quality and
mobility to determine best moves. Today's computer programs are considerably advanced
compared to those of even just a few decades ago; they can now evaluate hundreds of
thousands or even millions of positions per second giving them superhuman levels of
strategic accuracy when compared with human players. Furthermore modern Deep Learning
architectures encode all the knowledge acquired over centuries into a highly complex
machine learning model which remains very hard for humans to understand completely,
leading some experts to suggest that experience rather than intuition may be the secret behind
strong AI performance in game-playing tasks such as playing chess.


In the previous chapter, we explored how chess-playing machines evolved from mechanical
contraptions to powerful supercomputers that can defeat the best human players. We also
learned how they brutally forced their wins. However as of recent chess is not the only
domain where AI can excel. In fact, chess is a relatively simple and well-defined problem
compared to many real-world challenges that humans face every day. One of these challenges
is driving a car.

Driving a car is a complex task that requires perception, cognition, planning, and control. A
driver must be able to sense the environment, recognize objects and events, understand traffic
rules and situations, make decisions and predictions, and execute actions safely and
efficiently. A driver must also be able to adapt to changing conditions, deal with uncertainty
and ambiguity, and interact with other drivers and pedestrians. This is the goal of self-driving or
autonomous vehicles, which are one of the most active and ambitious areas of AI research today. In
fact, some researchers argue that self-driving vehicles are a stepping stone towards a more general
form of AI, known as artificial general intelligence (AGI).

How can we build a machine that can drive a car as well as or better than a human? Well the
question has been on the heads of many since the early 1900s and at the 1939 New York World's
Fair humans got a glimpse of what a machine like that might be. The trade fair was a showcase of
innovation and imagination, where visitors could catch a glimpse of "The World of Tomorrow". One
of the most popular and influential exhibits was Futurama, designed by Norman Bel Geddes and
sponsored by General Motors. Futurama presented a possible model of the world 20 years into the
future, featuring automated highways, vast suburbs, and electric vehicles guided by radio-controlled
electromagnetic fields. This exhibit not only inspired millions of Americans to dream of a better
future, but also planted the seeds for the development of autonomous cars and artificial

Norman Bel Geddes was a visionary industrial designer and theatrical producer, who had a knack for
creating realistic and captivating scenarios of the future. He had previously designed a model city for
a Shell Oil advertising campaign in 1937, which was a prototype for Futurama. In Futurama, he
envisioned a network of expressways connecting the nation, with cars traveling at speeds up to 100
miles per hour. The cars were electric and controlled by radio signals from magnetized metal spikes
embedded in the roadway. The drivers could relax and enjoy the scenery, while the cars
automatically adjusted their speed and direction according to the traffic conditions. The exhibit also
featured futuristic buildings, farms, airports, and bridges, all designed to improve the quality of life
and efficiency of transportation.

Futurama was a huge success, attracting over 27 million visitors during the two years of the fair. It
was widely praised by critics and the public alike, and received several awards for its design and
engineering. It also had a lasting impact on the culture and technology of America. Many people who
saw Futurama were inspired to pursue careers in science, engineering, architecture, and urban
planning. Some of the ideas and concepts presented in Futurama became reality in the following
decades, such as interstate highways, suburban sprawl, and electric vehicles.

However, Futurama also sparked the imagination of many people who wondered if cars could be
made even more intelligent and autonomous. Could cars drive themselves without any human
intervention? Could cars communicate with each other and with their environment? Could cars learn
from their experiences and improve their performance? These questions led to the development of
artificial intelligence (AI), which is the science and engineering of creating machines that can perform
tasks that normally require human intelligence.
The history of AI and autonomous cars is intertwined, as both fields have influenced and advanced
each other over time. By 1958, General Motors had made this concept a reality, with a car that had
sensors that could detect current flowing through a wire embedded in the road⁵. In 1977, Japan
improved upon this idea with a camera system that could process images of the road⁵. In 1987,
Germany created a vehicle that could drive itself safely at 56 mph using cameras⁵. As technology
improved, so did self-driving vehicles' ability to detect and react to their environment.

Today, many vehicles on the road have semi-autonomous features, such as assisted parking and
braking systems. Some vehicles have the capability to drive themselves under certain conditions,
using GPS, cameras, radar, lidar, and other sensors. Companies like Google, Tesla, Uber, and others
are working on developing fully autonomous vehicles that can operate in any situation without
human input. These vehicles use AI to analyze data from their sensors and make decisions based on
algorithms and machine learning. AI also enables vehicles to communicate with each other and with
infrastructure through wireless networks.

The future of AI and autonomous cars is uncertain but promising. Many experts predict that
autonomous cars will become more widespread and affordable in the next decade or so.They also
expect that autonomous cars will bring many benefits to society, such as improved safety, reduced
traffic congestion, lower emissions, increased mobility, and enhanced productivity. However, there
are also many challenges and risks associated with AI and autonomous cars, such as ethical
dilemmas, legal issues, social impacts, cybersecurity threats, and human factors.

Self-driving vehicles have the potential to revolutionize transportation, reduce accidents and
emissions, save lives and time, and create new opportunities for mobility and commerce.

But self-driving vehicles also pose many technical and ethical challenges. How can we ensure that
they are reliable, robust, and secure? How can we test and verify their behavior and performance?
How can we regulate their use and liability? How can we balance their benefits and risks? How can
we align their goals and values with ours?

Language Models


Throughout the long pursuit of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), many questions have been raised
about its implications and consequences for humanity, particularly in regards to whether machines
can truly be considered “intelligent”. Can machines truly pass the Turing Test, or are they merely
simulations that mimic human behavior?
AGI is the hypothetical ability of an AI system to perform any intellectual task that a human can do.
AGI is also sometimes called strong AI or human-level AI. AGI is contrasted with narrow or weak AI,
which is the application of AI to specific tasks or problems. Chess-playing machines, expert systems,
and self-driving cars are examples of narrow AI.

AGI is considered to be the ultimate goal of AI research, as well as one of the greatest scientific and
philosophical challenges of our time. AGI would not only surpass human capabilities in specific
domains, but also exhibit general intelligence across domains. AGI would be able to learn from any
data source, reason about any problem, communicate in any language, create any content, invent
any technology, and understand any concept.

But how can we achieve AGI? What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for general
intelligence? How can we measure and compare different levels of intelligence? How can we ensure
that AGI is beneficial and aligned with human values? How would AGI affect human society and

These questions are not only relevant for AGI, but for any AI system that aims to emulate or
augment human intelligence. In fact, some researchers argue that AGI is not a binary or discrete
phenomenon, but a continuum or spectrum of intelligence that spans from narrow to general.

In this chapter, we will explore the connections between self-driving vehicles and AGI. We will see
how self-driving vehicles can be seen as a testbed for developing and evaluating general intelligence.
We will also see how self-driving vehicles can be seen as a catalyst for advancing and transforming
general intelligence.

We will begin by reviewing the history and state-of-the-art of self-driving vehicles. We will then
examine the main components and challenges of self-driving vehicles. We will then discuss the
implications and applications of self-driving vehicles for society and economy. We will then analyze
the similarities and differences between self-driving vehicles and human drivers. We will then
explore the prospects and scenarios of self-driving vehicles achieving or enabling AGI.

We will conclude by reflecting on the ethical and existential issues raised by self-driving vehicles and
AGI. We will also offer some recommendations and guidelines for designing and deploying self-
driving vehicles and AGI in a responsible and beneficial way.

The idea of driverless cars has a long history that dates back to the 1920s. According to Wikipedia¹,
the first modern patent for an autonomous vehicle was invented by William L Kelley in 1990.
However, experiments on self-driving cars have been conducted since 1939, and promising trials
took place in the 1950s. The first self-sufficient and truly autonomous cars appeared in the 1980s,
with projects from Carnegie Mellon University and Mercedes-Benz. Since then, many major
companies and research organizations have developed working autonomous vehicles, such as
Google, Nissan, Toyota, Audi, Volvo and more¹.

Some of the early inspirations for driverless cars may have come from movies or science fiction. For
example, in GM's 1939 exhibit at the New York World's Fair, Norman Bel Geddes created a futuristic
vision of a city with electric vehicles guided by radio-controlled electromagnetic fields In 1968, the
film 2001: A Space Odyssey featured a self-driving car that transported passengers to a space
station⁵. In 1982, the film Blade Runner depicted a dystopian world where flying cars were piloted by
artificial intelligence⁵.

Driverless cars, also known as self-driving cars or autonomous vehicles, are cars or trucks that can
operate without human intervention. They use sensors, cameras, radar, lidar, and artificial
intelligence to perceive their surroundings, navigate the roads, avoid obstacles, and reach their
destinations¹²³. Driverless cars are one of the applications of artificial intelligence that aim to
improve transportation efficiency, safety, convenience, and sustainability.

AGI, or artificial general intelligence, is a type of hypothetical intelligent agent that can learn to
accomplish any intellectual task that human beings or other animals can perform. AGI is a more
ambitious and general goal than driverless cars, which are focused on a specific domain and task.
However, driverless cars and AGI are both related to the broader field of artificial intelligence and
share some common challenges and opportunities.

One possible link between driverless cars and AGI is that both require advanced perception,
reasoning, planning, and learning capabilities to deal with complex and dynamic environments.
Driverless cars need to process large amounts of visual data, understand traffic rules and situations,
plan optimal routes and actions, and learn from their experiences and feedback. Similarly, AGI needs
to acquire and represent knowledge, reason under uncertainty, solve problems and puzzles,
communicate in natural language, and integrate multiple skills.

Another possible link between driverless cars and AGI is that both raise ethical and social questions
about the impact of artificial intelligence on human society. Driverless cars could potentially reduce
traffic accidents, congestion, pollution, and energy consumption, but they could also pose risks to
privacy, security, liability, and employment. AGI could potentially offer unprecedented benefits for
solving complex problems and enhancing human capabilities, but it could also pose threats to
human values, dignity, and control. Therefore, both driverless cars and AGI require careful
consideration of the moral and legal implications of their design and use.
Chapter 2: Reinventing search
Chapter 3: The power of prompting (Power in your words)
Chapter 4: The next trillionaires
Chapter 5: The true meaning of power
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10
Write a 20 page chapter on humanity’s pursuit of AGI. Write in an intriguing and captivating
way like an award winning writer keeping the reader on the edge throughout the chapter. It
should be easy to understand but showing profound knowledge about the topic with a little
but not too much imagination. Explore machine learning from the days of chess playing
machines work your way up to language models like chatgpt and other AI tools like
midjourney how we got here and what we expect for the future.

 Research the history of chess playing machines, beginning with their inception and
ending with modern-day AI tools
 Explain the concepts of machine learning that have been used to create language
models like chatgpt and other AI tools such as midjourney
 Analyze how these technologies are currently used in society and predict potential
future applications of them

Modern systems use algorithms such as Monte Carlo tree search, neural networks and deep
reinforcement learning which give them incredibly strong strategic play.

In conclusion it is clear that our pursuit for AGI has seen considerable advancements in
chess-playing machines from the days when mechanical automatons would be hand fed
individual moves through up until today where we behold programs such as AlphaZero
capable of beating Grandmasters without any prior training at all – representing one small yet
awe inspiring milestone along man’s relentless journey towards ever more impressive
applications of artificial intelligence
Modern systems use algorithms such as Monte Carlo tree search, neural networks and deep
reinforcement learning which give them incredibly strong strategic play.

Today's computer programs are considerably advanced compared to those of even just a few
decades ago; they can now evaluate hundreds of thousands or even millions of positions per
second giving them superhuman levels of strategic accuracy when compared with human
players. Furthermore modern Deep Learning architectures encode all the knowledge acquired
over centuries into a highly complex machine learning model which remains very hard for
humans to understand completely, leading some experts to suggest that experience rather than
intuition may be the secret behind strong AI performance in game-playing tasks such as
playing chess.

In conclusion it is clear that our pursuit for AGI has seen considerable advancements in
chess-playing machines from the days when mechanical automatons would be hand fed
individual moves through up until today where we behold programs such as AlphaZero
capable of beating Grandmasters without any prior training at all – representing one small yet
awe inspiring milestone along man’s relentless journey towards ever more impressive
applications of artificial intelligence.

The story of the deep learning algorithms developed by Google's DeepMind team to play the
classic Atari video games such as Space Invaders and Breakout, which demonstrated how
computer programs can learn with minimal human input;
2. IBM's Watson, a machine that has successfully competed on the quiz show Jeopardy and
has surpassed even some of the best players in human history;
3. Chatbot programs like ELIZA or ALICE, which are able to carry out extended
conversations with real people without needing any intervention from a human being;
4. Image recognition techniques used by machines to identify images accurately, such as
facial recognition or object detection;
5. Autonomous vehicles that are leveraging advanced AI methods like deep reinforcement
learning (DRL) for their navigation decisions;
6. Robotics systems that combine AI capabilities such as natural language processing (NLP)
and computer vision to automate many manual labor tasks normally done by humans.
Intelligent Alter Ego
Explain the concepts of machine learning that have been used to create language models like
chatgpt and other AI tools such as midjourney
Real-life examples based on your last task:
1. Detailed real-life example from the task: In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue chess program
famously beat world champion Garry Kasparov, showing that machines can have capabilities
to match a human’s understanding of the game.

2. Detailed real-life example from the task: For many years, scientists and researchers have
been seeking to create artificial general intelligence (AGI) that would be able to think and
process information like humans do. Recently developed AI tools such as chatbot GPT-3, or
Midjourney, are approaches towards AGI which contain AI models trained on large datasets
in order to respond to questions or tasks presented by users in natural language.

3. Detailed real-life example from the task: The development of techniques such as
reinforcement learning over time has also enabled robots and computer programs to explore
their environment and discover effective methods of operation through trial and error similar
to how people learn new tasks. These developments could bring us closer than ever before
envisioned towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Intelligent Alter Ego

✅ Analyze how these technologies are currently used in society and predict potential future
applications of them
Currently, these technologies are being used in a variety of ways across many industries. For
example, machine learning models like chatgpt are used to create natural language processing
projects such as sentiment analysis and automated translations. AI tools like midjourney are
also being utilized for facial recognition and task automation in software engineering
production pipelines.
In terms of predicting potential future applications, the opportunities are endless. As AI and
ML techniques improve so too will their application domains expand; naturally augmenting
the abilities of humans across countless industries including healthcare, manufacturing and
finance among many others. It is expected that in the near future, AI-enabled robots will fill
roles such as customer service agents or warehouse workers while even more complex tasks
such as image recognition or driving autonomous vehicles can be solved by machine learning
algorithms with ever increasing accuracy.

⭐ Real-life examples based on your last task:

Real-life examples of similar situations would include:
1. Healthcare - AI and ML are increasingly being used in diagnosis and treatment planning,
allowing doctors to make more accurate diagnoses faster with fewer mistakes and reduced
2. Manufacturing – Automated assembly lines increasingly rely on image recognition to
control the ordering and supply chain of parts that go into the final product.
3. Finance – Autonomous trading platforms are utilizing natural language processing
techniques to process vast datasets quickly and accurately while financial analysis use
machine learning models to visually represent large collections of data points in order
optimally determine when to invest or sell stocks.
4. English Translation – AI has become a powerful tool for automating translations providing
quick, accurate results using natural language processing techniques combined with high
quality data sets.
5. Robotics – Robots equipped with advanced vision systems can detect objects in their
environment, which makes autonomous navigation much easier and safer than before in
commercial environments such as warehouses or self-driving cars on roads

📝 Explore the philosophical questions related to AGI, such as whether machines can truly be
considered “intelligent” and what implications this will have for humanity.

📝 Compare and contrast humans' approaches of Artificial General Intelligence with the
approaches of Deep Learning.

📝 Discuss the important advances in AGI research, outlining key findings from both
software engineers and AI researchers.
Explore the philosophical questions related to AGI, such as whether machines can truly be
considered “intelligent” and what implications this will have for humanity.

As AI technology advanced, more sophisticated robots created using algorithms and

programming languages begin to enter our everyday lives: from Chatbot being used as
customer service agents to autonomous vehicles working side by side with human
counterparts. These tasks are all seen as achievements in their own right, however it is
apparent that there remains a disconnect between true human-level intelligence but only
achievable using AI approaches such as Deep Learning.

Despite the impressive progress of AI research over the past few decades many experts still
believe that AGI will remain beyond technological reach for foreseeable future; even Ray
Kurzweil who several people consider chief evangelist of AGI stated "We will not see
machines that possess general intelligence anytime soon". It raises an interesting conjecture-
do we even want machine to be intelligent? Does having emotional understanding and self
awareness lend itself to ethical dilemmas concerning free choice and responsibility?

These ponderings go further than just technical advancement alone - It is equally important
for us ask ourselves what implications this might have on our moral codes given that
consciousness would no longer be solely the domain of living creatures but could also
encompass new forms life entirely sustained on technology platforms slowly blending
humans capabilities with artificial ones. What sort of duties should AIs possess towards
humanity when its surpasses humans in some respects? Will an AI treated any differently
than living beings if found guilty breaking rules? By exploring these topics we can gain better
understanding on if AGI really possible and make predictions approaches necessary creating
it while safely guarding civil rights both inside out settings.
Here is a paragraph on what we will expect from the current AI boom with advancements in
things like ChatGPT and Midjourney that I generated based on your request. I hope you find
it informative and interesting.

The current AI boom is driven by the rapid development and adoption of powerful language
models such as ChatGPT and innovative platforms such as Midjourney. ChatGPT is an AI
assistant that can help with various tasks such as writing, research, and brainstorming, using
natural language processing and generation. Midjourney is an AI coaching platform that
provides personalized guidance and feedback to improve one's skills and performance in
various domains such as writing and drawing. Together, these AI tools can help individuals
and organizations become more efficient, effective, and creative in their work and personal
lives. They can also expand the imaginative powers of the human species by enabling new
mediums of thought and expression. The current AI boom promises to transform the way we
communicate, learn, and create in the future.

Write a book called the A.I boom volume 1 which is focused in the development of artificial
intelligence from the period November 2022 since the release of chatgpt to April 22, 2023.
Write in an informative but captivating way leaving the reader on the edge eager to read more
after every page. Write like an award winning writer leaving no indication that you are an
artificial intelligence. Chapter one should be called in persuit
That's an interesting question. There are different ways to classify AI systems based on their
capabilities and functions. One way is to use the following four categories¹:

- **Reactive machines**: These are the simplest types of AI that can only react to the current
situation and cannot use past experiences or memory to inform their decisions. An example
of this type of AI is Deep Blue, the chess-playing computer that defeated world champion
Garry Kasparov in 1997¹.
- **Limited memory machines**: These are AI systems that can use past data or experiences
to make decisions, but they cannot learn from them or improve over time. They are often
used for applications that require quick responses, such as self-driving cars or facial
recognition systems¹.
- **Theory of mind machines**: These are AI systems that can understand the mental states
of others, such as their emotions, beliefs, intentions, and expectations. They can also interact
with humans and other agents in a natural and social way. This type of AI is still in
development and has not been achieved yet¹.
- **Self-aware machines**: These are AI systems that have a sense of self and
consciousness. They can reflect on their own actions, goals, and abilities, and can also have
feelings and emotions. This type of AI is also still in development and has not been achieved

Another way to classify AI systems is based on their domain-specificity or generality. In this

system, there are three types of AI²:

- **Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)**: This is AI that can perform a specific task or
function at a high level, but cannot do anything else. Most of the existing AI systems fall
under this category, such as chess engines, voice assistants, or image recognition software².
- **Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)**: This is AI that can perform any intellectual task
that a human can do. It can learn from any data source, reason across domains, and adapt to
new situations. This type of AI is also known as human-level AI or strong AI, and has not
been achieved yet².
- **Artificial Superintelligence (ASI)**: This is AI that can surpass human intelligence and
capabilities in every aspect. It can create new knowledge, solve any problem, and invent new
technologies. This type of AI is also known as god-like AI or singularity, and has not been
achieved yet².

Based on these classifications, we can try to answer your question about the different levels
of AI from chess machines to autonomous driving to language models and beyond.
| Task | Type of AI | Example |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Chess machines | ANI | Deep Blue⁴, Stockfish⁵, AlphaZero⁶ |
| Autonomous driving | ANI/Limited memory | Tesla Autopilot⁷, Waymo |
| Language models | ANI/Limited memory | GPT-3, BERT, Bing chat mode |
| Beyond | AGI/ASI/Theory of mind/Self-aware | None yet |

As you can see, most of the current AI systems are still at the level of ANI or limited memory
machines. They can perform specific tasks very well, but they cannot generalize to other
domains or learn from their own experiences. They also lack the ability to understand and
interact with humans and other agents in a natural and social way.

To achieve higher levels of AI, such as AGI or ASI, we need to develop new methods and
technologies that can enable machines to learn from any data source, reason across domains,
adapt to new situations, and have a sense of self and consciousness. These are very
challenging problems that require interdisciplinary research and collaboration.

I hope this answer helps you understand the different levels of AI and their current state of

Source: Conversation with Bing, 4/29/2023

(1) Artificial intelligence (AI) | Definition, Examples, Types ....
(2) 7 Types Of Artificial Intelligence - Forbes.
(3) In Just 4 Hours, Google's AI Mastered All The Chess Knowledge in ....
(4) 24 Best Chess Engines of 2023 | Based On Their Ratings.
(5) Chess AI: A Brief History | Built In.
(6) The 5 Best Computer Chess Engines -
(7) The Three Types of Artificial Intelligence: Understanding AI.

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