4 Under Self

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Lesson 1: Physical, Material, and Digital - Some people who are not endowed ang blessed with a

beautiful face according to society’s standards may

Aspect of Self be prone to bullying.
Physical Self - They can be ridiculed or called names.

Physical Aspect of Self - In this imperfect world, inequality exists in various

contexts, such as physical appearance.
The Self as the Body
- Physical appearance is attributed to both genetics and
- The physical self refers to the body
the environment, an individual has no control over or
- It is the tangible aspect of the person that can be choice as to how he or she looks like.
directly observed
- However, being beautiful is sometimes a liability.
- The physical self is defined by physical characteristics
- People perceived as beautiful may find it difficult to get
that are visible
rid of many stalkers; their privacy and security may be
- These characteristics are the defining traits and at risk.
features of the body
- Present culture prescribes that being beautiful is a
- When describing a person we commonly describe them necessity, an obligation in order to be liked and loved.
based on:
- Many products are created to change or improved
- Gender one’s appearance.
- Height and Weight
- Some opt to undergo medical procedures.
- Complexion
- Hair - Caring for one’s beauty is very different from altering or
- Facial features modifying it.
* cosmetic surgery
^ leaves first impression
* filters and apps
- The physical aspect if the self does not include * make up and cosmetic products
characteristics that are internal to the self such as:

- Kindness
Will There be Beauty If There ss No Sight?
- Generosity
- Loyalty - Total blindness incapacitates a person to see.
- Obedience
- In many love storied, in literature and in film, beauty is
- Other similar qualities
described or projected as purity of heart or goodness
of heart, something that is within a person and
cannot be judged based on one’s physical
Impact of Culture on Beauty and Body Image
- Usually only the physical features such as the face and
- Beauty is contextualized into two categories:
body figure are considered as bases for beauty
* one that is seen by the eye
- The appearance of a person can be an asset or a * one that is felt by the heart
- Beauty is not only seen but may also be heard.
- A person with a beautiful face is likely to receive
- Stories or personal experiences relayed or narrated by
recognition and enjoy being described as angelic or
another person that involve positive feelings are also
having a face that could launch a thousand ships.
considered to be beautiful.

- Aesthetics may have laid down the laws and principles

of determining beauty as seen by the naked eye but
the very essence of beauty transcends the sight – it
can be heard, felt and understood. - Another component is one’s home.
- It is a space that one considers as his or her own.

Aside from one’s body, clothes, family and home, any

Achieving Physical Well-Being
other material thin that one considers to be his or
- Eat healthy food possession composes the material self.
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle
- Follow proper hygiene
- Engage in daily exercise The Consumer Culture on One's Sense of Self and
- Take vitamins and drink fruit juices Identity
- Avoid stress
- In the early 2000s, the use of credit cards became
- Spend less time in front of computers and gadgets
more popular and more people started patronizing

- It brought convenience, security and comfort in the
Material Self way people engage in the consumption of goods and
services in society.
Material Aspect of Self
- High-income earners has access to credit cards in
- The concept of being fixated on acquiring material the past
things as a way to identify oneself.
- This concept is related to William James’ (1890) - Hidden charges or unauthorized credit card
MATERIAL SELF. transactions and frauds.
- Credit Cards definitely changed consumer culture
- James defined Material Self as the self that consists of
and its role in how individuals, as consumers, function
the body, clothes, immediate family, home and other
as part of the process of production and consumption
things that one considers to be his or her own.

- The more people invest themselves in their - Credit card holders are vulnerable to incur too much
possessions, the more attached they become. debt.
- Credit cards also modified how transactions and
- An individual’s body is the primary component of payments are made and done. This also changed how
his or her material self individuals function as consumers.
- Credit cards may lessen one's opportunity to save
- One has control over his or her body and how he or she
money because one's incoming income will be
would like to present it for others to see.
allotted for paying credit card debt.
- There are also instances when people opt to alter their
physical features by getting tattoos, piercings, and
surgeries or other medical procedures. Advertising

- Innovations and developments in advertising changed

- One’s immediate family is also part of one’s material Consumer Culture.
- Advertising is influenced in shaping how and why
- One’s family members can be seen as an extension of people consume goods and services.
one’s identity because the members affect one’s
- Advertisements in any form, when viewed by an
actions and disposition in the environment.
individual, emphasizes his or her identity as a
consumer with the ability to avail of goods and
services based on his or her financial capacity,
preferences and practical interest.
Digital Self
Digital Aspect of Self
I, Me, Myself and My Online Identity
- Is something that a person must have in order to
live. Front and Back Stages of the Self
- Food, clothes, shelter, medicine and many other - Front – things we see online
things necessary for survival are needs. - Back – things we do not know

Goffman (1967), as cited by Delise (2012), theorized

notions concerning the presentation of self in daily
Want face-to-face interactions.
- Is something that a person desires to have but can In Goffman;s DRAMATURGICAL THEORY, he claimed
live without. that life is a series of interactions and
- Things that are considered as luxuries are wants performances where people enact the
presentation of self on a daily basis.

Needs versus Wants This theory presents social life as a stage, where in we
are all actors and audience.
- One person's wants may be another person's needs.
- People have different buying behaviors. The basic dimensions include the SETTING:
- where the interactions take place
- Some people are considered to be IMPULSE BUYERS. - how interaction and presentations are contextual
– time and location are important to the outcome
- Impulse Buyers means buying anything without of a particular behavior
giving much thought to what they buy and the
consequences that may come later on.
- Some may also reason that they are working hard in An individual’s performance on the FRONT STAGE is
order to buy things. what can openly be seen by the audience.
- Other people work in order to ensure that they have
everything they need. BACKSTAGE on the other hand, can be linked to what
- Others work in order to have both needs and wants. individual would like to be kept secret or hidden.

- Other consumers do not easily differentiate their

needs from their wants because they do not inculcate Human, as social beings, are conscious of how the
self-control in their buying behaviors. present themselves to others and what they choose
- There are some people wherein they spend more keep for themselves.
money on luxurious things in order to keep up with Performing one’s identity means that these are aspects
the latest trends. of self that are not easily seen by a particular
- We need to balance needs from wants. audience.
- As a consumer, one should know what to prioritize
that would benefit him or her in the long run. In social media, there are people who might upload a
- One should also allocate part of his or her earnings picture or a video showing they are happy, humble,
for savings so that when important reasons to expend selfless, etc. However, in reality, it might be
comes in the future he or she is ready. something different.
- In spending money, one should be practical and
prudent. Many videos or pictures uploaded by people are their
front stages according to Goffman.
Their backstages remain hidden so that the identities Producer or Consumer. Do your material possessions
that they portray in public are preserved, thereby define who you are? A person who wears branded
maintaining the current trust, respect, recognition clothes from head to toe and imitates their
and admiration given to them by others. favorite idols, the way they walk, what food they
eat and even the language that they speak.

Digital Self Offline versus Online. Do you know someone who

posts good things that are happening to him/her
It consist of how one expresses himself or herself in
online but in reality he/she is actually having a
various online platforms.
hard time in his/her life? In that instance, the
The use of photo manipulation such as photoshop or online self is different from the offline or actual
mobile apps that can make you thinner, fairer and self
can even change your eye color is widely popular.
Body versus Technology. In your case, would you
These manipulated images simply serve as change your look on your profile picture just to
representations of one’s ideal self – what one whats impress this particular person you like or met
to be. online? Technology deceived people. Your picture
might look great online however, it is totally
The self adopts to the environment that is domintaed by different if they will meet you in person.
digital technology.

To satisfy individual dreams and desires outside of one’s

inner self, things, products or services allow people to Are You a Responsible Netizen?
believe that they can change, enhance or improve
With the rampant use of the internet, specifically social,
their self.
media, there are issues that need to be recognized
WHAT NOT TO POST ONLINE and thus be addressed. Here are some of the issues
that one needs to address if one wants to be seen as
- Sexy or revealing pictures a responsible netizens.
- Pictures or videos showing private momebts
with loved ones 1.Sharing Fake News
- Pictures or videos showing bad habits 2. Cyberbullying
- Negative comments on another person’s 3. Sharing viruses
A NETIZEN should be responsible for whatever he or she
- Posts announcing conflicts with other people
shares online and must always ensure that he or she
- Posts of the results of a particular competition
will not post malicious content that may damage
with the names of defeated participants
other people in any way.
- Comments showing strong opposition to certain
- Comments with foul, vulgar, indecent and
How to Fight Social Media Addiction
offensive words
- Pictures or videos revealing one’s financial status If you are spending more than three hours of your time
- Pictures or videos showing family trips everyday on social media, then you can be considered
- Pictures or videos displaying one doing good as a social media addict.
- Pictures or videos in hospitals Social media has many benefits but spending too much
- Posts of every single things you do time can be harmful. Generally, the negative effects
of too much social media on health include: Eye
problems, Headache and Nausea.
Dichotomies of the Self For students it may affect their academic performance.
For employees, it is neglect of duty and a form of
dishonesty when official work time is used in social
media - this can be grounds for disciplinary action or
even termination.

Online Gossiping can lead to:

Online scams
Hate messages
Destroyed friendships

The maximum hours of using social media should be less

than three hours. The lesser the better. People can
reach you in other platforms other than social media.
This can help you control your time online.

Do not participate in the discussion of political issues - it

is time-consuming and never-ending. Do not post
comments supporting or opposing certain issues. This
might lead to argument and persuading people to
accept your stand. Do not post on social media just
for the sake of posting. Posting daily activities just for
the sake of acquiring many "likes" or positive
comments and praises can be a sign of low self-
esteem. People with low self-esteem always seek
recognition and affirmation from other people

Read books instead of spending time reading news,

articles and issues on social media. Books are reliable
sources of genuine and accurate information.

Spend time communicating personally to your family at

home or neighbors. Real life conversation can
strengthen your relationship with others especially to
you family.

Consider friends you have on social media. Make sure

that they are people worth keeping in touch. If not,
you may need to "unfriend" or "unfollow" them. If
some pages oppose your beliefs on some issues
(politics, religion, etc.), it would be more relaxing to
eliminate them from your newsfeed.
Lesson 2: Sexual Aspect of Self - The self is formed thru gendered terms:

- The child comes to understand itself as gendered

Sexual Selves in Social Context - The child comes to understand that it interacts with
gendered others; the child learns to locate itself
within a gendered social field
Interactionist Perspective
- The process of self-formation does not necessarily
The idea that the self (and its aspect) develops as a result differ for the boys and girls they simply differently
of our interaction with others given a specific social gendered selves by participating in gendered social
context. The self is also shaped and molded by the interaction.
different forms of self--description and self-judgment
that we use as a result of our social interactions. - Gendered selfhood is variable (no single way of being a
little girl or boy), BUT understanding gender differences
helps us to navigate a gendered social world.
Foundations of the Development of Sexual Self-Concept - This is why, in growing into adulthood, sexuality
Inextricably tied to bodily changes during puberty becomes braided into the self and becomes closely
- The development of the adolescent brain intertwined with gender.
- The development of primary sex characteristics - We do not become sexual all at once
- The development of secondary sex - Our concept of a sexual self comes from other people
characteristics around us (particularly adults)
According to Ganon and Simon (1974), our sexual - We assimilate things from their social environment that
identity is also constructed. is potential sexual relevance (as facilitated by language)
But in the construction of our sexual identity, having a - We come to realize that there are things that are
gendered sense of self happens first. permitted and things that are not:
Children cannot become sexual selves without being - Sense of their own bodies (according to what adults
able to understand the kind of language through say) - ALLOWED
which acts, feelings, and relationships become - Conventions of morality, modesty and decorum -
sexually meaningful to them. ALLOWED
This understanding is achieved only through the - Erotic components of sexual scripts - WITHHELD
perspective of a 'gendered" individual. We come to realize also that:

- We acquire common sense knowledge about the

The Process of Becoming a Sexual Self institution of heterosexuality BEFORE they become
aware of sexual activities these entails - ALLOWED
Sexual selfhood depends on having the ability to make - Homosexuality is treated as taboo - WITHHELD
sense of the self as sexual. But as children, we first
understand ourselves as gendered, because that is As a result: Heterosexuality becomes the privileged norm
how everyone treats us. (in most cultures)
Straight people are not called upon to account for their
Three Social Processes of Social Categorization in sexuality
relation to Gender:
- Baby's genitals = sign of sex Thus, straight people do not have the same negative
- Baby is reduced to its sex (it's a boy; it's a girl) experiences as homosexuals.
- Girling the girl; Boying the boy In contrast, those who have non-normative sexuality are
often targets of strongly held negative attitudes.

The Process of Becoming a Sexual Self

- Verbal harassment and abuse is a universal
experience (often normalized).
- Discrimination extends well into adulthood.

But we now know that Human Sexuality is fluid; It is a

continuum rather than dichotomous (APA, 2008)

The Development of Sexual Self-Concept

- Eventually, we will piece it together (Allowed +

Withheld) and develop a provisional (subject to change)
picture of sexual world.

- New knowledge and experience is made sense of in

relation to past knowledge and experience

- We modify what we know of ourselves

- This is the reason why our identity (and its aspects)
change overtime.

This is why we develop "story" of our continuous self

(one that has a past, present and future). And the 'story'
that we tell about us, is our IDENTITY.
Lesson 3: Spiritual Aspect of Self The Concept of the Soul

Sexual Selves in Social Context - It is a view that there is only one substance and only
one being.
COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME: - It is a view that mind and body are two independent
Identify the different forces and institutions that impact substance.
the development of various aspects of self and identity. Soul
- Western philosophers believed that the human
person is a rational being which constituted of soul
The Practice of Religion and body.
Religion Soul:
- Religion introduces the concept of supreme being - is superior to the body and can exist
(God, gods or goddesses) as cause or reason of all independently without the body.
phenomena. - it is invisible and immortal and it directs the
- The traditional concept based on Judaism, physical body.
Christianity and Islam regards god as an independent - is the life-force of the body.
being, the creator of the universe and distinct from - it is the source of motion as well as the
the universe that this supreme being created. intelligence or mind of a person that pre-exists
bodily existence.
- All agree that this supreme being is:
Death is viewed as the release of the soul from the
Omnipotent (all-powerful) body. But death does not mean the end of
Omniscient (all-knowing) personal experience.
Omnipresent (everywhere at once)
The Filipino term for soul or spirit is KALULUWA. It is
believed that it has two existence:
- According to Anthony Wallace (cited by Haviland, Prins, Physical: in which the soul is connected to the
Walrath and N/cbride, 2008), religion is a set of human body
rituals made to coordinate with the goal of either Spiritual: which exists on its own
obtaining or hindering changes in human condition
and nature's state. 80% of the Philippines' population are Roman
- These rituals or practices are usually justified by myths. Roman Catholics believe in the immortality of the
soul and life after death.
- When people are unable to fix serious, anxiety-causing
Eternal Life can be attained by - good deeds,
problems through technological or organizational
following the commandments of God, and avoiding
means, they resort to manipulation of supernatural or
spiritual beings and powers.
The SOUL can be purified through confession.
- Wallace elaborated that a hallmark of religion is the
A Catholic who failed to live a moral life is believed
belief in supernatural beings and forces.
to be thrown to hell (impyerno).

Religion has many functions such as:

DUNGAN: The Bisayan Concept of the Soul
-Providing sense of the world
-Strengthening norms and identity - People of Panay and Negros called the soul in Ilonggo
-Setting sanctions for individual behavior as DUNGAN.
-Giving serenity in facing life challenges - Dungan lacks material substance and it is extremely
light that it travels with the wind. - Roman Catholics are expected to do rituals that are
- It dwells above the surface of the earth before usually observe during Lenten season.
inhabiting the human body.
- Stations of the Cross
- It patiently chooses an unborn child's body to inhabit.
- Salubong
- It grows proportionately with the physical body.
- Self-flagellation
- Ilongos believe that it must be protected and nurtured
- Carrying of a Cross
since it is vulnerable to USUG.
- Infliction of wounds at a person's back using a whip
- The DUNGAN that causes USUG is said to be
- Walking barefooted
overpowering the person.
- Crucifixion
- Ilonggos believe that when the dungan separates from
the body it appears as a butterfly, grasshopper or other
small animals. The faithful believe that doing these acts will: Cleanse
- Elderly usually uses the dungan to threaten children to their sins, Cure their illnesses, and Grant their wishes.
eat well.
- If they will not eat well, their dungan will come out of - Observance of fasting and abstinence and even the
their body and get some rice to eat in the kitchen and prohibition of playing loud music during Good Friday are
could be mistaken for an insect and might be killed. being observe during Lenten season.
- Religious and institutional rituals signify and strengthen
- While those people who live in Visayas believe that the sense of belongingness.
when the dungan leaves the body the person can see his - Public ceremonies provide the avenue to build
or her own dungan when dreaming. harmonious relationships among people in a social unit.
- For the Visayans, dungan means willpower.
- A strong dungan has the intellectual and psychological Rites of Passage
capacity to control and influence a person's way of These are rituals that mark important stages in an
thinking individual's life cycle.
Arnold van Gennep: Examples: Birth Three Stages:
Puberty Marriage
Religious Rituals - French social Parenthood Separation
- Rituals are patterns of behavior or practices that are scientist Advancement to a Transition
- Analyzed the rites higher class Incorporation
related to the sacred. In Catholicism, rituals are called of passage that help Occupational
Sacraments. individuals through specialization Death
the crucial crises or
There are 7 sacraments: major social
transitions in their
Baptism lives.
Holy Eucharist
Finding and Creating Meaning in Life
Anointing of the Sick Perspectives from the Roman Catholic and the Atheists
For the Roman Catholics, God is:
Holy Order
- the architect and the designer of all things on earth.
- the one who created the world according to his
plans and purposes.
Religious Rituals
- the one who created the world out of his love and
- Followers of a certain religion use rituals to give honor everyone is called to follow his examples.
to the divine power or powers they believe in and to
Catholics believe that:
serve as a reminder of their religious obligations.
- Human existence on earth is temporary
- Religion establishes norms that mold or shape human
- Faith gives the believers hope that in life after death
they will meet their Creator in a place where there is characteristics. One creates his or her own meaning
no sadness and pain, a place they called Heaven. in the act of maximizing his or her absolute freedom.
Sartre mentioned that, "Man is nothing else but that
For the existentialists, God is dead, there is no life after
which he makes of himself " What matters is how and
death, and life has no meaning. They posit that it is
what one does with life at this moment and not what
the person who should create his or her own meaning
will happen to him or her after death for there is no
of existence. To have a meaningful existence here on
reward for good deeds coming from God. This is the
earth, a human being has to satisfy all his or her
philosophy of EXISTENTIALISM.
bodily desires for there is no heaven. Furthermore,
existentialists assert that heaven is here on earth and Theistic Existentialism tries to invalidate the concept
this entails the worldly things and deeds that satisfy that God created humans and the entire universe for
one's sense. a specific purpose. Followers of theistic existentialism
believe that the existence of God is possible but God
Albert Camus, a well-known existentialist and atheist,
does not predetermine the meaning of life or
human life is absurd. He posited that life is absurd
existence of His creations. In the fundamental
because people are constantly looking for answers,
philosophy of existentialism, people are born into the
reasons or justifications for the good and the bad
world wherein their existence, actions, and world do
things happening in the world. He pointed out that
not possess real and inherent importance. It has to be
humans have a sense of justice and fairness which
noted that existentialism is not synonymous to
they project onto the world.
atheism for there are existentialists who believe in
But the world always disappoints them by not adhering the existence of God.
to their established standards of fairness. Humans
seeks answers for so many questions and end up with
Man's Search for Meaning
nothing. This illustrates absurdity which is the term
used to describe the search for answers in an Viktor Frankl, who wrote the book Man's Search for
answerless world. Since there is presence of Meaning (1946), was a neurologist who developed
Absurdity, it does not matter whether God really exist logotherapy.
or not. For Camus, meaning or purpose does not
Logotherapy is based on the guided principle that the
primary motivational force of every individual is to
find meaning in life.
Essence versus Existence

For Plato and Aristotle, all have core elements and Man's Search for Meaning
without those, things would not be what they are.
A psychotherapeutic approach, logotherapy is anchored
Those elements, collectively called ESSENCE.
on 3 basic principles:
Essence are inherent properties that give
1. Life has meaning under all circumstances, even
things their defining features.
the most miserable ones
Plato and Aristotle agreed that everything has essence 2. The drive to live is one's will to discover meaning
including humans and they believed that essences in life
already exist before the time of birth. People are 3.Humans are free to discover meaning in
created to fulfill a specific purpose and that endows everything they do, in what they experience, or at
them the essence of life. This is the philosophy of least in the decision they make when faced with
ESSENTIALISM. immutable suffering.

Jean Paul Sartre argued that, "existence precedes Regardless of how long one lives, one's life still has
essence." Human beings are not defined by any meaning. Frankl asserted that life has meaning and it
predetermined properties or essences. People are is mentally unhealthy if humans' search for meaning
free to live their lives and they should define what is suppressed. Humans continuously search for and
they are, not in accordance with an idealized set of work on their meanings.
For Frankl, there are three ways to find meaning in life:

1. Doing an action
2. Having personal experiences and interpersonal
3. Evaluating one's attitude in the midst of suffering
Upon discovering the meaning of life, humans must
prepare to face any type of suffering. To deal with
suffering, one has to undergo a change of attitude.
Lesson 4: Political Aspect of Self - They do not confront the officials in regards to
problems or issues
Political Culture - Problems and issues are not given immediate
Political Aspect of Self
Utang na loob
Course learning outcome: identify the different forces - Debt of gratitude
and institutions that impact the development of various - People vote corrupt and incompetent officials
aspects of self and identity. because they feel indebted to them.
- Construction of infrastructures.
Man as Political Animal - Money use is from the people's taxes not the
politicians' own money.
According to Aristotle, man is a "political animal". Sense of overdependency
Similar to being a "social animal", humans come - Some constituents rely on an elected official for their
together and form a political body. The creation of a personal and economic needs.
political body is intended for the attainment of a good - This also result in lack of initiative or be active
life. Aristotle believed that humans, like animals, participants in policy making.
intrinsically work together to achieve a common goal. - This passive attitude is sometimes abused by
authorities to remain in power.
Why is Politics Necessary?
Belief that majority of politicians are corrupt
People make decisions that affect all of them as a - Buwaya - signifies corrupt politicians's greed for
group. Example: The government decides where to money and power.
construct overpass or diversion roads, what cars are - "Kulang long ng padulas"
allowed on the main roads on particular times and - "Wala namang pulitikong di kurakot"
days, or how to dole out funds for the poorest
families in barangays. Each of these decisions Lack of political maturity
requires the setting of a common policy for the - People elect officials based on popularity and
group, a single decision that affects all members of personality and not on performance and platform.
the group. - It seems that people are more interested in
entertainment rather than the serious presentation of
The formulation of a general policy for a group of platforms and plans of action for the country.
people constitutes politics, and the questions about - Showbiz personalities - sheer popularity
these policies are political questions - questions that
affect both personal and public interests.
Establishing a Democratic Culture

Political Culture What is Culture?

It is the pattern of individual attitudes and orientation Culture - is defined as the way of life followed by a
towards politics among members of a political system people and which consists of learned and shared values,
(Almond & Verba, 1965) behavior, traditions, etc.

Characteristics of Philippine Political Culture Culture has two major elements:

Dominance of family ties or kinship system Non-material
- Political dynasty
- Consanguinity (blood relations What is Democracy?
- Ritual kinship or kumpadre system The system of government in the Philippines has been
Euphemism democratic. Democracy - It is a system of government in
- Parinig or patutsada which all citizens are eligible members of the state.
Sovereign power belongs to the people. In democratic THIRD:
country, it is expected that there is rule of the
Upholding the rule of law. Democracy should be under
majority, human rights are protected and the rule of
the rule of law and not rule of men. Loyalty to the
law is upheld.
Constitution and adherence to the law should be the
In fact, the very first principle in the 1987 Philippine guiding light for law enforcement agencies and the
Constitution states that the judicial branch of the government in making policies
"The Philippines is a democratic and republican state" and decisions.

Democratic culture has become a way of life for Filipinos The utang na loob culture in politics should be put aside
and it has been inculcated by the nation's heroes to allow the rule of law to reign. Patriotism must be
before the arrival of the Americans. measured based on the obedience to the Constitution
and not on the obedience to the President and other
Elections and majority rule have been practiced by the
high-ranking officials.
first republic ever declared in the Philippines, the
Biak-na-Bato republic, before it was formally
embodied in the first-ever Philippine Constitution.
- In the end, the citizens should serve as watchdogs for
Democracy was subdued in the Philippines because of possible abuses of authority.
many years of colonization to the martial law period
- Filipinos continue to value and cherish the nation's
(from 1972 up to 1986).
democratic culture.
The democratic culture is never lost in the Filipino
- A culture that has been part of their identity as a
consciousness but there are challenges to it.
Basic features of democracy:

Ideal Citizen Citizenship
The rule of the majority: in choosing leaders and in
- Citizenship denotes the status of being a legal member
important political processes, whether the decision of
of a nation-state.
the majority is correct or not, in the end, it is the
people who will suffer from the consequences of - How can we say if a person is a citizen of a specific
their decisions. country such as the Philippines?
In most constitutions, citizenship is acquired through
Vox populi, vox dei - translated as "the voice of the
blood relations. A child follows the citizenship of his
people is the voice of God"
or her parents. One could also be a citizen through his
It justifies that the decisions made by the people are or her birthplace.
blessed by the will of a higher being. In some countries, if a person is born in that
particular country, he or she automatically becomes a
citizen of that country.
The protection of human rights. One of the provisions Others needs to undergo the legal process of
stated in the Philippine Constitution is that: "The naturalization.
State values the dignity of every human person and
An ideal citizen can be a person who follows the laws,
guarantees full respect for human right"
protects and take care of the environment and
It is important that citizens are aware of their basic contributes to the welfare of other people.
human rights in order to protect themselves from any
An ideal citizen carries out his or her civic responsibilities
abuses that may be inflicted by other individuals and
- duties that help shape a better society for all
even the authorities. Basic human rights:
Right to life
Right to liberty
Right to property
Article XIV, Section 3, Paragraph 2 of the Philippine Integrity - it means maintaining a good name and
Constitution identifies the qualities expected of character.
citizens to possess, thereby creating ideal citizens
Honesty - it means telling the truth, hiding nothing
The provision states that an ideal citizen is: and being transparent at all times.

Patriotic Accountability - it means being liable and responsible

Nationalistic for one's actions.
Fosters love of humanity
Openness - it means being transparent with whatever
Has respect for human rights
information one handles.
Appreciates the role of national heroes
Know the rights and duties of citizenship Leadership - it means being able to lead the way for
Has strong ethical and spiritual values development that would benefit all.
Has good moral character and personal discipline

Governance Filipino Values

It is defined as the traditions and institutions that - There are inherent traits that make Filipinos different
determine how authority is exercised in a particular from other nationalities.
country. This includes: - Socio-anthropological self - Filipino identity
- The process by which governments are selected, held - "Others-oriented"
accountable, monitored, and replaced
Positive Filipino Values
- The capacity of governments to manage resources
efficiently and formulate, implement and enforce Bayanihan
sound policies and regulations It started from Filipino traditions of helping out a
neighbor who is a member of the community.
- The respect of citizens and the state for the institutions
that govern economic and social interactions among Damayan
them Filipinos always extend sympathy for people
especially for those who lost their loved ones or
Good Governance victims of calamities.
British Prime Minister John Major created the Familism or Close Family Ties
Committee on Standards in Public Life to outline Filipinos are known to prioritize the welfare of
proper behavior by public servants in 1994. family members above other things
Nolan Principles - named after the committee's first Optimism
chairman, Lord Michael Nolan. It is the first report Filipinos have the attitude of looking at all ways to
that was released by the committee. be happy and maintain a positive outlook even in
The principles aim to eliminate corruption in the times of calamities and other challenges in life.
government. Hospitality
There are 7 principles of public life. Filipinos are identified to be warm, friendly,
generous and accommodating to other people,
Selflessness - it means caring for what the people fellow Filipino or not.
need and want instead of promoting personal
interests. Regionalism
Filipinos have this attitude of giving more priority
Objectivity - it means being neutral and free from to their provincemate.
biases in making decisions.
Filipinos have the ability to adapt or conform to
the expectations or will of other people to achieve
smooth and harmonious relationships.

This is characterized by strong faith and
submission to the will of a supreme being.

Respect for Elders

Filipinos are thought to show courtesy towards
the elderly at all times. Ex. Pagmamano and

Remedyo Attitude
Filipinos are known for being creative and

Filipinos are known for their grit and strong
determination in every undertaking.

Utang na Loob
This is a feeling of gratitude, recognition of one's
indebtedness and obligation to repay someone
who has extended assistance to another.

Negative Filipino Values

Bahala na Attitude
Colonial Mentality or Blue-seal Mentality
Crab Mentality
Filipino Time
Gaya-gaya Attitude
Tsamba lang Attitude
Jackpot Mentality
Belief in Kapalaran
Mariana Habit (Mamaya na)
Ningas Kugon
Lack of Sportsmanship

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