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As an investor on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, it's important to understand the financial statements

and auditor's statement of the companies you're considering investing in. These statements provide
valuable information about a company's financial health and can help you make informed investment

The financial statement notes are an important component of a company's financial statements. They
provide additional details and explanations about the numbers presented in the financial statements. By
reviewing the notes, you can gain a deeper understanding of the company's financial position,
performance, and cash flows. For example, the notes may provide information about the company's
accounting policies, significant accounting estimates, and commitments and contingencies.

The auditor's statement is another key document that investors should review. This statement is issued
by an independent auditor and provides an opinion on whether the financial statements are fairly
presented in all material respects. The auditor's statement can help investors assess the reliability and
accuracy of the financial statements. If the auditor's statement contains qualifications or exceptions, it's
important to understand the nature and significance of these issues.

As a Zimbabwe Stock Exchange investor, you can use the information in the financial statement notes
and auditor's statement to conduct a thorough analysis of a company's financial health. By reviewing
these documents, you can identify potential risks and opportunities and make informed investment
decisions. You can also use this information to compare the financial performance of different
companies and industries.

In conclusion, understanding the financial statement notes and auditor's statement is essential for any
investor on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. By using these documents in your analysis, you can gain a
deeper understanding of a company's financial health and make informed investment decisions. So, take
the time to review these documents carefully and use the insights you gain to build a strong investment

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