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Aastha Tripathi

MBA 2nd Semester

Submitted to Lucknow University, Lucknow

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


Under the Guidance of

Dr. Mukesh Srivastava Professor


Jankipuram Vistar, Sultanpur Village, Jankipuram Extension,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226021


Online learning is a rich learning environment with much more flexibility than a
traditional classroom. It helped students to become independent learners before
they make their way into the real world. Educational Technology, commonly
known as EdTech, is the new hot tea on the table. The main purpose of this
secondary data based research study is to figure out the marketing strategy of
Byju's learning platform. The main sources are Byju‟s website, different journal
articles, and different websites referred for finding the best result. Google
Scholar and Research gate are mainly used as search engines to retrieve data
related to the research-based case study.

KEYWORDS Educational technology, online learning, classroom, digital

media, strategy.

Biju’s is a Technologically driven educational platform, founded as in 2011

with a visionary to bring in contextual learning and defeating the prevalent rote
learning method.” Everybody in school hates mathematics. Nobody knew why?
The root for the issue coming from missing out what they learnt from their
previous year and starting a new year. The education system is framed as such,
what you learn from grade 4, carries over to grade 5. To study is a lot different
to learn, Biju’s brought in an effective "LEARNING TOOL" to make learning
fun. The main aim of “BYJU'S-The Learning App", is of a K-12 Software
which launched in August 2015. Their main aim is mainly focused for school
students from grade 4 to 12(primary to higher secondary level education) with
the latest introduction of KG-3 along with Walt Disney. On a long-term goal,
Biju’s helps students prepare for prestigious examinations in India such as IIT-
JEE, NEET, CAT, IAS as well as for international examinations such as GRE
and GMAT. The main emphasis is placed subjects like science and mathematics
as the yare the core subjects being tested upon in competitive exams. This is

explained by some world class teachers and professors from various reputed
colleges and universities in India. The concepts are explained via videos of 12-
30 mins. The student s can ask questions to the teachers who are teaching, and
the problem would be solved in their next video. The target customers are
school kids, who aspire to compete in entrance examinations such as IIT-JEE,
CAT and other competitive exams.


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................6-29
 Recruitment Planning
 Objectives Of Recruitment:
 External Sources Of Recruitment:
 Recruitment Process
 Sources Of Recruitment
 Selection Process ...................................................................
 Recruitment And Selection Process At Byju’s

CHAPTER 2 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW ......................................30-37

 Introduction
 History
 Indian Banking System

CHAPTER 3 COMPANY PROFILE ...........................................38-44

 History of Byju’s Ltd.
 Activities Prohibited In A Nidhi Company
 Number Of Members
 Share Capital And Owners’ Funds
 Objectives Of The Study

CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...........................45-49

 Research Process:
 Research Design:

 Data Collection:
 Sampling:
 Sampling Design:
 Data Collection:



 Finding
 Conclusion
 Suggestions

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..........................................................................67-68

QUESTIONNAIRE .......................................................................69-72



Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources for filling up the
vacant positions in an organization. It sources the candidates with the abilities and attitude,
which are required for achieving the objectives of an organization.

Recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy, analyzing the job
requirements, reviewing applications, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right

To increase the efficiency of hiring, it is recommended that the HR team of an organization

follows the five best practices (as shown in the following image). These five practices
ensure successful recruitment without any interruptions. In addition, these practices also
ensure consistency and compliance in the recruitment process.

Recruitment process is the first step in creating a powerful resource base. The process
undergoes a systematic procedure starting from sourcing the resources to arranging and
conducting interviews and finally selecting the right candidates.

Recruitment Planning

Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the vacant positions
are analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature, experience,
qualifications and skills required for the job, etc.

A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential candidates from a pool of

candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified, experienced with a capability to
take the responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Identifying Vacancy

The first and foremost process of recruitment plan is identifying the vacancy. This process
begins with receiving the requisition for recruitments from different department of the
organization to the HR Department, which contains −

 Number of posts to be filled

 Number of positions

 Duties and responsibilities to be performed

 Qualification and experience required

When a vacancy is identified, it the responsibility of the sourcing manager to ascertain

whether the position is required or not, permanent or temporary, full-time or part-time, etc.
These parameters should be evaluated before commencing recruitment. Proper identifying,
planning and evaluating leads to hiring of the right resource for the team and the

Recruitment refers to the process of screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an
organization or firm, or for a vacancy in a volunteer-based some components of the
recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations and companies often retain
professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. External
recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the

Potential recruits should he subjected to stringent back ground investigations performed by

trained investigators who might interview neighbors associates and previous employers.
Checks of policies records should he performed, as well as credit and hank account checks to
assess the extent and sources of income. Entry requirements would include testing for the
specific skills and aptitudes. Human resources management staff in customs could undertake
these tacks in house or could turn to recruitment professionals. New recruits should be
advised that a career in customs involves rotation to enhance multifunctional and to avoid the
development of potentially unsavory relationships with the local trading community. New
recruits with no prior experience in customs related work should undergo intense training and
testing to prepare those lots their new assignments. If successful, they should undergo a
prohibition period before being confirmed as conscious staff. Such probationary periods often
last a full year, during which the employee can be terminated for unsatisfactory performance
or disciplinary problems without the complex recourse to appeals and administrative

Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up
to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection
then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill
a post. The human resources are the most important assets of an organization. The success or
failure of an organization is largely dependent on the caliber of the people working therein.
Without positive and creative contributions from people, organizations cannot progress and
prosper. In order to achieve the goals or the activities of an organization, therefore, they need
to recruit people with requisite skills, qualifications and experience. While doing so, they
have to keep the present as well as the future requirements of the organization in mind.
Recruitment is distinct from Employment and Selection.
Once the required number and kind of human resources are determined, the management has
to find the places where the required human resources are/will be available and also find the
means of attracting them towards the organization before selecting suitable candidates for
jobs. All this process is generally known as recruitment. Some people use the term
“Recruitment” for employment. These two are not one and the same.

Recruitment is only one of the steps in the entire employment process. Some others use the
term recruitment for selection. These are not the same either. Technically speaking, the
function of recruitment precedes the selection function and it includes only finding,
developing the sources of prospective employees and attracting them to apply for jobs in an
organization, whereas the selection is the process of finding out the most suitable candidate to
the job out of the candidates attracted (i.e., recruited).Formal definition of recruitment would
give clear cut idea about the function of recruitment.

Recruitment is a ‘linking function’-joining together those with jobs to fill and those seeking
jobs. It is a ‘joining process’ in that it tries to bring together job seekers and employer with a
view to encourage the former to apply for a job with the latter. In order to attract people for
the jobs, the organization must communicate the position in such a way that job seekers
respond. To be cost effective, the recruitment process should attract qualified applicants and
provide enough information for unqualified persons to self-select themselves out. Thus, the
recruitment process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are
submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. This
research is based on study of current recruitment process of Hyundai.

Traditional Agency:

Also known as a employment agencies, recruitment agencies have historically had a physical
location. A candidate visits a local branch for a short interview and an assessment before
being taken onto the agency’s books. Recruitment consultants then work to match their pool
of candidates to their clients' open positions. Suitable candidates are short-listed and put
forward for an interview with potential employers on a temporary ("temp") or permanent
("perm") basis.

Compensation to agencies takes several forms, the most popular:

 A contingency fee paid by the company when a recommended candidate accepts a job
with the client company (typically 20%-30% based and calculated of the candidates
first-year base salary - though fees as low as 12.5% can be found online), which
usually has some form of guarantee (30–90 days standard), should the candidate fail
to perform and is terminated within a set period of time (refundable fully or prorated)

 An advance payment that serves as a retainer, also paid by the company, non-
refundable paid in full depending on outcome and success (eg. 30% up front, 30% in
90 days and the remainder once a search is completed). This form of compensation is
generally reserved for high level executive search/headhunters

 Hourly Compensation for temporary workers and projects. A pre-negotiated hourly

fee, in which the agency is paid and pays the applicant as a consultant for services as a
third party. Many contracts allow a consultant to transition to a full-time status upon
completion of a certain number of hours with or without a conversion fee.


A "headhunter" is industry term for a third-party recruiter who seeks out candidates, often
when normal recruitment efforts have failed. Headhunters are generally considered more
aggressive than in-house recruiters or may have preexisting industry experience and contacts.
They may use advanced sales techniques, such as initially posing as clients to gather
employee contacts, as well as visiting candidate offices. They may also purchase expensive
lists of names and job titles, but more often will generate their own lists. They may prepare a
candidate for the interview, help negotiate the salary, and conduct closure to the search. They
are frequently members in good standing of industry trade groups and associations.
Headhunters will often attend trade shows and other meetings nationally or even
internationally that may be attended by potential candidates and hiring managers.

Headhunters are typically small operations that make high margins on candidate placements
(sometimes more than 30% of the candidate’s annual compensation). Due to their higher
costs, headhunters are usually employed to fill senior management and executive level roles.
Headhunters are also used to recruit very specialized individuals; for example, in some fields,
such as emerging scientific research areas, there may only be a handful of top-level
professionals who are active in the field. In this case, since there are so few qualified

candidates, it makes more sense to directly recruit them one-by-one, rather than advertise
internationally for candidates. While in-house recruiters tend to attract candidates for specific
jobs, headhunters will both attract candidates and actively seek them out as well. To do so,
they may network, cultivate relationships with various companies, and maintain large
databases, purchase company directories or candidate lists, and cold call prospective recruits.

In-House Recruitment:

Larger employers tend to undertake their own in-house recruitment, using their human
resources department, front-line hiring managers and recruitment personnel who handle
targeted functions and populations. In addition to coordinating with the agencies mentioned
above, in-house recruiters may advertise job vacancies on their own websites, coordinate
internal employee referrals, work with external associations, trade groups and/or focus on
campus graduate recruitment. While job postings are common, networking is by far the most
significant approach when reaching out to fill positions. Alternatively a large employer may
choose to outsource all or some of their recruitment process (recruitment process

Passive Candidate Research Firms / Sourcing Firms:

These firms provide competitive passive candidate intelligence to support company's

recruiting efforts. Normally they will generate varying degrees of candidate information from
those people currently engaged in the position a company is looking to fill. These firms
usually charge a per hour fee or by candidate lead. Many times this uncovers names that
cannot be found with other methods and will allow internal recruiters the ability to focus their
efforts solely on recruiting.


Job Analysis:

The proper start to a recruitment effort is to perform a job analysis, to document the actual or
intended requirement of the job to be performed. This information is captured in a job
description and provides the recruitment effort with the boundaries and objectives of the
search. Oftentimes a company will have job descriptions that represent a historical collection
of tasks performed in the past. These job descriptions need to be reviewed or updated prior to

a recruitment effort to reflect present day requirements. Starting recruitment with an accurate
job analysis and job description insures the recruitment effort starts off on a proper track for


Sourcing involves 1) advertising, a common part of the recruiting process, often

encompassing multiple media, such as the Internet, general newspapers, job ad newspapers,
professional publications, window advertisements, job centers, and campus graduate
recruitment programs; and 2) recruiting research, which is the proactive identification of
relevant talent who may not respond to job postings and other recruitment advertising
methods done in #1. This initial research for so-called passive prospects, also called name-
generation, results in a list of prospects who can then be contacted to solicit interest, obtain a
resume/CV, and be screened.

Screening and selection:

Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication, typing,
and computer skills. Qualifications may be shown through résumés, job applications,
interviews, educational or professional experience, the testimony of references, or in-house
testing, such as for software knowledge, typing skills, numeric, and literacy, through
psychological tests or employment testing. In some countries, employers are legally
mandated to provide equal opportunity in hiring. Business management software is used by
many recruitment agencies to automate the testing process. Many recruiters and agencies are
using an Applicant tracking system to perform many of the filtering tasks, along with
software tools for psychometric testing

On boarding:

"On boarding" is a term which describes the introduction or "induction" process. A well-
planned introduction helps new employees become fully operational quickly and is often
integrated with a new company and environment. On boarding is included in the recruitment
process for retention purposes. Many companies have on boarding campaigns in hopes to
retain top talent that is new to the company, campaigns may last anywhere from 1 week to 6

Internet Recruitment / Websites:

Such sites have two main features: job boards and a résumé/curriculum vitae (CV) database.
Job boards allow member companies to post job vacancies. Alternatively, candidates can
upload a résumé to be included in searches by member companies. Fees are charged for job
postings and access to search resumes. Since the late 1990s, the recruitment website has
evolved to encompass end-to-end recruitment. Websites capture candidate details and then
pool them in client accessed candidate management interfaces (also online). Key players in
this sector provide e-recruitment software and services to organizations of all sizes and within
numerous industry sectors, who want to e-enable entirely or partly their recruitment process
in order to improve business performance.

The online software provided by those who specialize in online recruitment helps
organizations attract, test, recruit, employ and retain quality staff with a minimal amount of
administration. Online recruitment websites can be very helpful to find candidates that are
very actively looking for work and post their resumes online, but they will not attract the
"passive" candidates who might respond favorably to an opportunity that is presented to them
through other means. Also, some candidates who are actively looking to change jobs are
hesitant to put their resumes on the job boards, for fear that their current companies, co-
workers, customers or others might see their resumes.

Job search engines:

The emergence of meta-search engines, allow job-seekers to search across multiple websites.
Some of these new search engines index and list the advertisements of traditional job boards.
These sites tend to aim for providing a "one-stop shop" for job-seekers. However, there are
many other job search engines which index pages solely from employers' websites, choosing
to bypass traditional job boards entirely. These vertical search engines allow job-seekers to
find new positions that may not be advertised on traditional job boards, and online
recruitment websites.

Objectives of Recruitment:

Recruitment is an important part of an organization’s human resource planning and their

competitive strength. Competent human resources at the right positions in the organization
are a vital resource and can be a core competency or a strategic advantage for it. The
objective of the recruitment process is to obtain the number and quality of employees that can
be selected in order to help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. With the
same objective, recruitment helps to create a pool of prospective employees for the
organization so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this

Recruitment acts as a link between the employers and the job seekers and ensures the
placement of right candidate at the right place at the right time. Using and following the right
recruitment processes can facilitate the selection of the best candidates for the organization.

In this is competitive global world and increasing flexibility in the labour market, recruitment
is becoming more and more important in every business. Therefore, recruitment serves as the
first step in fulfilling the needs of organizations for a competitive, motivated and flexible
human resource that can help achieve its objectives. Here at Naukrihub, they attempt to
provide a detailed insight into the concept of recruitments, recruitment process and its
sources, recent trends in recruitment, recruitment strategies and the scenario in the industry
along with the career options for recruiters.

Source of Recruitment:

Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes
from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the organization
itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position
are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other
sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the external sources of the recruitment.

Sources of Recruitment

Fig 1.1: Source of Recruitment

Advantage and disadvantage of Sources

Fig 1.1: Advantage and disadvantage of Sources

Some Internal Sources of Recruitments are given below:

 Transfers: The employees are transferred from one department to another according
to their efficiency and experience.

 Promotions: The employees are promoted from one department to another with more
benefits and greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience.

 Others are Upgrading and Demotion of present employees according to their


 Retired and Retrenched employees may also be recruited once again in case of
shortage of qualified personnel or increase in load of work. Recruitment such people
save time and costs of the organizations as the people are already aware of the
organizational culture and the policies and procedures.

 The dependents and relatives of Deceased employees and Disabled employees are
also done by many companies so that the members of the family do not become
dependent on the mercy of others.

External sources of recruitment:

 Press Advertisements: Advertisements of the vacancy in newspapers and journals

are a widely used source of recruitment. The main advantage of this method is that it
has a wide reach.

 Educational Institutes: Various management institutes, engineering colleges,

medical Colleges etc. are a good source of recruiting well qualified executives,
engineers, medical staff etc. They provide facilities for campus interviews and
placements. This source is known as Campus Recruitment.

 Placement Agencies: Several private consultancy firms perform recruitment

functions on behalf of client companies by charging a fee. These agencies are
particularly suitable for recruitment of executives and specialists. It is also known as
RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing.

 Employment Exchanges: Government establishes public employment exchanges

throughout the country. These exchanges provide job information to job seekers and
help employers in identifying suitable candidates.

 Labour Contractors: Manual workers can be recruited through contractors who

maintain close contacts with the sources of such workers. This source is used to
recruit labor for construction jobs.

 Unsolicited Applicants: Many job seekers visit the office of well-known companies
on their own. Such callers are considered nuisance to the daily work routine of the
enterprise. But can help in creating the talent pool or the database of the probable
candidates for the organization.

 Employee Referrals / Recommendations: Many organizations have structured

system where the current employees of the organization can refer their friends and
relatives for some position in their organization. Also, the office bearers of trade
unions are often aware of the suitability of candidates. Recruitment Management can
inquire these leaders for suitable jobs. In some organizations these are formal
agreements to give priority in recruitment to the candidates recommended by the trade

 Recruitment at Factory Gate: Unskilled workers may be recruited at the factory
gate these may be employed whenever a permanent worker is absent. More efficient
among these may be recruited to fill permanent vacancies.

Recruiters for schools across the country are making use of both historically successful and
newer sources to fill current vacancies for SLPs and to identify potential employees for the
future. These sources include:

 University programs

 Ads in local and national newspapers

 Networking with current staff and student teachers

 Recruitment agencies

 National, state, and local speech-language-hearing associations

 Job fairs

 Online links among all rural, urban, and suburban schools in given districts and
via special

Recruitment Process

Applicant Profile Shortlist Screening Interview

pool Check


 Selection is the process of taking individuals out of the pool of job applicants with
requisite qualifications and competence to fill jobs in the organization. It is define
as the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire
those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

 Selection is based on probation base, they are taking experienced person for 6
month’s probation and for fresher the probation period is 1 year.

 While the selection of the senior level post, is taken by head office at Mumbai.

Recruitment needs are of three types

i.e. the needs arising from changes in organization and retirement policy.

Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization can predict
by studying trends in internal and external environment.

Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

The Recruitment Process

1 Determine the exact need 8 Implement the decision

2 Obtain approval 9 Allow time for response

3 Combine / update job description 10 Screen responses
and job specification
4 Determine KPAs of the job 11Draw up a candiddate shortlist
5 Consult the recruitment policy 12 Provide feedback to applicants
& procedure
6 Choose the recruitment source(s) 13 Proceed to selection

7 Decide on a recruitment method 14Evaluate the recruitment effort


Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes
from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the organization
itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position
are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other
sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the external sources of recruitment.


Internal Sources of Recruitment



60 East


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

2. The employees are transferred from one department to another according to their
efficiency and experience.

the employees are promoted from one department to another with more benefits and
greater responsibility based on efficiency and experience.

4. Others are Upgrading and Demotion of present employees according to their


5. Retired and Retrenched employees may also be recruited once again in case of shortage
of qualified personnel or increase in load of work. Recruitment such people save time
and costs of the organizations as the people are already aware of the organizational
culture and the policies and procedures.

6. The dependents and relatives of Deceased employees and Disabled employees are also
done by many companies so that the members of the family do not become dependent
on the mercy of others.

The advantages of internal recruitment are that:

1. Considerable savings can be made. Individuals with inside knowledge of how a

business operates will need shorter periods of training and time for 'fitting in'.

2. The organization is unlikely to be greatly 'disrupted' by someone who is used to

working with others in the organization.

3. Internal promotion acts as an incentive to all staff to work harder within the

4. From the firm's point of view, the strengths and weaknesses of an insider will have
been assessed. There is always a risk attached to employing an outsider who may only
be a success 'on paper'.

The disadvantages of recruiting from within are that:

1. You will have to replace the person who has been promoted

2. An insider may be less likely to make the essential criticisms required to get the
company working more effectively

3. Promotion of one person in a company may upset someone else.

External Sources of Recruitment

External recruitment makes it possible to draw upon a wider range of talent, and provides the
opportunity to bring new experience and ideas in to the business. Disadvantages are that it is
more costly and the company may end up with someone who proves to be less effective in
practice than they did on paper and in the interview situation.

There are a number of stages, which can be used to define and set out the nature of particular
jobs for recruitment purposes:

Job Analysis is the process of examining jobs in order to identify the key requirements of
each job. A number of important questions need to be explored: the title of the job to which
the employee is responsible for whom the employee is responsible a simple description of the
role and duties of the employee within the organization.

Job analysis is used in order to:

1. Choose employees either from the ranks of your existing staff or from the recruitment
of new staff.

2. Set out the training requirements of a particular job.

3. Provide information which will help in decision making about the type of equipment
and materials to be employed with the job.

4. Identify and profile the experiences of employees in their work tasks (information
which can be used as evidence for staff development and promotion).

5. Identify areas of risk and danger at work.

6. Help in setting rates of pay for job tasks.

Job analysis can be carried out by direct observation of employees at work, by finding
out information from interviewing job holders, or by referring to documents such as
training manuals. Information can be leaned directly from the person carrying out a
task and/or from their supervisory staff. Some large organizations specifically employ
'job analysts'. In most companies, however, job analysis is expected to be part of the
general skills of a training or personnel officer.


Selection is the system of functions and devices adopted in a given company to ascertain
whether the candidates’ specifications are matched with the job specifications and
requirements or not. The obvious guiding policy in selection is the intention to choose the
individual candidate who can most successfully perform the job from the pool of qualified

Selection of personnel to man the organization is a crucial, complex and continuing function.
The ability of an organization to attain its goals effectively and to develop in a dynamic
environment largely depends upon the effectiveness of its selection program. If right
personnel are selected, the remaining functions of personnel management become easier, the
employee contribution and commitment will be at optimum level and employee-employee
relations will be congenial. If the right person is selected, he is a valuable asset to the
organization and if faulty selection is made, the employee will become a liability to the

Selection Procedure

 JOB ANALYSIS: Job analysis forms the basis for selecting the right candidate. It includes a
detailed study of the positions for which recruitments are to be made, in the form of Job
Description and Job Specification

 HUMAN RESOURCE PLAN: Under this plan estimates are laid for the future requirement
of employees. This forms the basis for the future recruitment function.

 RECRUITMENT: It refers to the process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization.

 DEVELOPMENT OF BASIS FOR SELECTION: This involves the selection of appropriate

candidates from the applicants’ pool by adopting suitable techniques for screening.

 APPLICATION FORM: This is also known as application blank. This technique is utilized
for securing information from the prospective candidates.

 WRITTEN EXAMINATION: Application form is followed by written examination for the
short listed candidates for assessing the candidate’s ability, aptitude, reasoning and
knowledge in various disciplines.

 PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW: Preliminary interview is to solicit necessary information

from the prospective applicants and to assess the applicant’s suitability to the job.

 TEST: Test is essentially an objective and standardized measure of sample of behavior from
which inferences about future behavior and performance of the candidate can be drawn. Tests
can be of following type:

o Aptitude Test: This test measure whether an individual has the capacity or latent
ability to learn a given job if adequate training. Aptitude test can be further
subdivided in to

 Intelligence test

 Emotional test

 Skill test

 Psychometric test

o Achievement Test: These tests are conducted to measure the value of a specific
achievement when an organization wishes to employ experienced candidate.

o Situational Test: This test evaluates a candidate in a real life situation

o Interest Test: These tests are inventories of the likes and the dislikes of the
candidate in relation to the job, work, occupations, hobbies and recreational

o Personality Test: These tests prove deeply to discover clues to an individual’s

value system.

o Multi-Dimensional Testing: Organizations develop such tests in order to find out

whether the candidates possess a variety of skills or not, candidate’s ability to

integrate the multi-skills and potentiality to apply them based on situational and
functional requirement.

 INTERVIEW: In this step, the interviewer matches the information obtained about the
candidate through various means to the job requirements and to the information obtained
through his own observation during the interview. Tests can be of following types:-

o Background information interview

o Job and probing interview

o Stress interview

o Group discussion interview

o Panel interview

o Decision making interview

 MEDICAL EXAMINATION: Certain jobs require certain physical qualities like clear vision,
percept hearing, unusual stamina, tolerance of hard working conditions, clear tone etc.
medical examination reveals whether or not a candidate possesses these qualities.

 REFERENCE CHECK: At this step candidates are required to give the names of references
in their application forms. This is done in order to verify the information provided by the

 JOB OFFER: After taking the final decision, the organization has to intimate this decision to
the successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. Those selected are offered the job and the
candidate has to communicate his/her acceptance to the offer. He/she can also approach the
organization for the modification of the job letter and in case things are not working out the
offer is rejected by the candidate.

 EMPLOYMENT: The Company may modify the terms and conditions of employment as
requested by the candidate and thereby place them on the job.


Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up
to the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection
then consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill
a post. Recruiting individuals to fill particular posts within a business can be done either
internally by recruitment within the firm, or externally by recruiting people from outside. The
recruitment and selection process atByju’s . HR Services Private Limited begins with
management determining the exact need of the posts to be filled. There are a number of posts
which have to be filled, for example ASM, SE, SA, FSA, SM, and TL etc. for the different
businesses. Then, the management shortlists the resume of the candidate whose attributes
match with the job description and specification required for the job. The organization get
many resumes of unsolicited applicants on a daily basis which they shortlist according to the
qualification and experience for a particular post. As the candidate visits to submit his resume
he is asked to fill in the first page of Interview Record Sheet as shown in Appendix 1, which
he takes along with him in the interview room.

The recruitment process atByju’s . starts with the enquiry/ walk-in management of the
candidate when he submits his resume, which consists of registration of the candidates and
eligibility verification of the candidate’s name, phone number, age, qualification and
experience. It also consists of taking two references of peers and providing job brief and
information regarding compensation, career progression and expectation setting in the
company.Then, after the formalities, a preliminary interview/ screening is conducted by the
personnel of the HR department who screen and shortlist the candidates on the following

 Job Understanding

 Willingness to work

 Compensation clarity

 Functional Knowledge Validation

 Energy Level

 Sample sales




Ong Huang, Emine Sarigöllü, (31 January 2014), How Brand Awareness Relates to Market Outcome,
Brand Equity, and the Marketing Mix, journal of Business Research, volume 65, Shanghai college of
economics finance and, shanghai, China. Joining review information with genuine market
information, this examination explores brand awareness, which identifies with buyer practices and
welfare, from three points of view. To begin with, it inspects the connection between brand awareness
and market outcome. Second, it investigates the connection between brand awareness and brand
value. At long last, it researches the impacts of marketing mix components on brand awareness.

Gap identified:

The above study was conducted in china, therefore, there is a need to study the same issue related
brand and brand awareness in India. The above study was taken into consideration all leading FMCG
companies’ brand in China. The present study identified this as one of the gaps,

Steven P. Brown, Wayne D. Hoyer, (01 September 1990), Effects of Brand Awareness on Choice for
a Common, Repeat-Purchase Product, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 17, Result of a
controlled investigation into role of brand awareness in the shopper decision making demonstrated the
brand awareness was a predominant decision heuristic among subject of the awareness group. In
general, Subjects with no brand awareness would exemplify more brand and chose the high-quality
brand more regularly than those with brand awareness on the last decision.

Gap identified:

The above study was conducted in a controlled environment. But, the present study is not conducted
as an experimental study. The study was conducted by collecting primary data on real time basis.

Michael S. Humphreys, T. Bettina Cornwell, Clinton S. Weeks, Angela M. Maguire, Cassandra L.

Tellegen (02 November 2006), Sponsorship-Linked Marketing: The Role of Articulation in Memory.
Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 33. Occasional Corporate sponsorship essentially contributes
to marketing aims, including brand awareness as estimated by recalling and acknowledgment pairings
of support event. The impact of sponsorship enunciation fits on memory for support event pairings is
inspected in three prompted cued – recall.

Gap identified:

The above study is conducted around theme called Brand recall and memory technique. The present
study covers all aspects of brand awareness and perception.
Emma KMacdonald, Byron MSharp (April 2000), Brand Awareness Effects on Consumer Decision
Making for a Common, Repeat Purchase Product: A Replication, Journal of Business Research,
Volume 48, This article is a replication of an investigation of Hoyer and Brown that utilized a
controlled analysis to look at the role of brand awareness in the purchaser decision process. Results
support the first examination's discoveries that brand awareness is a predominant decision strategy
among awareness group subjects. Subjects looking over a lot of brands with marked awareness
differentials demonstrated a stunning tendency for the high awareness brand, value differentials and
despite of value. In summary, awareness differentials seem to have an incredible effect on choice of
brand in a recurring buy shopper item setting. Customer prove a solid propensity to use awareness its
heuristic and shows a level of inertia transforming the propensity for using this heuristic

Gap identified:

The above study was conducted in a controlled environment but the current study is not conducted as
an experimental study. The study was conducted for the repeat purchase of products.

Kevin Lane Keller (1 March 2003), Brand Synthesis: The Multidimensionality of Brand Knowledge,
Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 29, The increases need put on marking by marketers as of
late offers an opportunity for purchaser analysts to give profitable experiences and direction.
Specifically, in exceptionally focused market place, marketers regularly should interface their brands
to different substances, for example, individuals, spots, things, or different brands, as a way to
improve their brand value. Understanding this utilizing procedure requires understanding buyer brand
information and how it changes from such association.

Gap identified:

The above study was conducted on the theme called Brand synthesis but the present study is on brand
awareness and perception. They conduct the study on different brand but the present study is only on
one brand i.e. Byju’s

Kenneth D. Bahn (1 December 1986), How and When Do Brand Perceptions and Preferences First
Form? A Cognitive Developmental Investigation, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 13. This
examination inspected brand discrimination and preference arrangement. Utilizing multidimensional
scaling methods to catch preference and perception for oats and refreshments, the investigation found
a few measurements that underlie these two procedures. The outcomes demonstrate that the quantity
of measurements that underlie brand perception and brand preference vary by both cognitive stage
(pre-operational versus concrete operational) and by item category.

Gap identified:

The above study was conducted only on perception but the present study is on Brand awareness and
perception. The study is using the multidimensional scaling method but the present study is using the
descriptive method.

Amna Kirmani (1 September 1990), The Effect of Perceived Advertising Costs on Brand Perceptions,
Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 17. How, why, and when purchasers use their perception of
promoting costs as signs to another brand's quality-related traits is examined. It is recommended that
consumers see publicizing costs as deviations from assumptions regarding regular expenses in the
item classification. Cost Perceived are assumed to influence brand perceptions in a reversed U design,
with incredibly mind-boggling expenses prompting negative recognitions.

Gap identified:

This study is conducted on the advertising cost and brand perception, but the present study is on brand
awareness. They collect the advertising cost information from different organization but we study
only on one organization.

Kenneth D. Bahn, (1 December 1986), How and When Do Brand Perceptions and Preferences First
Form? A Cognitive Developmental Investigation, Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 13, This
examination analyzed brand segregation and preference formation. Utilizing multidimensional scaling
systems to catch perceptions and preferences for grains and drinks, the investigation found a few
measurements that underlie these two procedures. Piaget's cognitive formative stage hypothesis was
utilized as the controlling structure. The outcomes show that the quantity of measurements that
underlie brand recognitions and brand inclinations vary by both psychological stage (pre-operational
versus concrete-operational) and by product classification.

Gap identified:

The study mentioned above study as taken into consideration on cereals and beverages products, but
the present study is consideration of online education services. The present study identified this is a
one of the gaps.

John R Rossiter (November 2014), Branding explained: Defining and measuring brand awareness and
brand attitude, Journal of Brand Management, Volume 21. Writing in the first absolute issue of this
journal was proposed by present author an extensive model of ‘branding’, a managerial procedure that
requires the marketer to set up, in the consumer’s brain, two basic correspondence impacts: brand
awareness and afterward brand mentality. In the present article, he extends this model from two-three
sorts of brand awareness and from three to now five dimensions of brand frame of mind Also, he
explains the most effectively measure both of these fundamental parts of branding.

Gap identified:

The study mentioned above was conducted in Australia, therefore, there is a need to study the same
issue related to brand awareness and perception in India. They explained the all types of brand
awareness but they are not explained about the perception.

Raluca Ioana Gui (2015), The Effect of Brand Awareness, Internet Search Patterns and Product-Line
Characteristics on Revenue Premium, journal of product and brand management. Product
advancement is the mechanism by which brands develop, which means category and line expansions.
It’s by line extension comprehended another item launched in a similar product class, under a same
name, while the extension of brand is an absolutely new product in an alternate item classification.

Gap identified:

The mentioned above study was conducted the brand awareness of internet search pattern but the
present study is brand awareness of Byju’s online education company. The present study identified
this is one of the gaps.

Elizabeth Stephanie Conradie, H. B. Klopper, Mornay Roberts-Lombard, (2012), The Influence of

Eleven P’s of Internal Marketing on Brand Awareness: An Emerging Economy Perspective, journal
of business and psychology, volume 18. This research intended to give direction to developing
organization in South Africa rental vehicles to improve their particular brand awareness, empowering
them to extend customer bases while holding existing customers. The impact of 11 components
internal marketing mix on South African vehicle rental customers brand awareness perception was
researched using basic condition demonstrating and equivalence testing.

Gap identified:

The mentioned above study is conducted in South Africa, therefor there is a need to conduct study the
same issue related brand & brand awareness. The study is has taken in the consideration of Rental
vehicles in SA. But the present study is on online education company, so the present study identified
this is one of the gaps.

Hsiu-Wen Liu, Heng-Chiang Huang (11 October 2014), Trade-off Between Push and Pull Strategy:
The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness, journal of marketing research 37. The authors inspect
brand awareness, dissemination force, and their connection impact on customer heart share and the
market share. Information gathered from the two retailers and buyers in the purchaser gadgets mall
are used to test the applied framework. The discoveries likewise propose that brand awareness,
assuming a moderating role in the effect of circulation power on marketing outcomes, should to merit
more attention.

Gap identified:

The above study is conducted in a two retailer and mall around a theme called trade-off, but the
present study is on online education company.

Gilles Laurent, Raphaëlle Lambert-Pandraud, Carolyn Yoon, Etienne Mullet, (June 2017), Impact of
age on brand awareness sets: a turning point in consumers’ early 60s,

Marketing Letter, Volume 28. Age affects the brands a shopper knows, i.e., the "set of awareness "
which fundamentally decides brand decision and consideration. Brands are in the middle of normal
things and appropriate names yet past psychology inquire about offers conflicting results on the effect
of age on learning of basic nouns vs. proper names. Our observational investigation on radio stations
demonstrates that age direct affects set of awareness is set apart by a defining moment in consumer’s
early 60’s, with 2 differentiated patterns.

Gap identified:

The mentioned above study is conducted the impact of age on brand awareness for the consumers of
early 60’s. but the present study is on present generation. This is the one of the gap.

Ulrich Doraszelski, C. Robert Clark, Michaela Draganska (8 May2009), The effect of advertising on
brand awareness and perceived quality, they use a board informational set that consolidates yearly
brand-level advertising expenditure for more than three hundred brands with proportions of brand
awareness and perceived quality from a large-scale buyer survey to examine the impact of promoting.
advertising is display as a dynamic investment in a brand's stocks of perceived quality and awareness
and we ask how such a venture changes brand awareness and quality recognitions.

Gap identified:

The above is conducted on the brand awareness around 200 to 300 companies to know the advertising
effect, but the present study is conducted in only one brand i.e. Byju’s

John R Rossiter (June 1993), Brand awareness and acceptance: A seven-set classification for
managers, Journal of Brand Management, Volume 1. Another model with suggestions for brand
management is proposed for arranging brands as far as awareness and acceptance, enhancing the prior
Narayana-Markin show (N-M model). The N– M model recognizes six sets into which brands can be
sorted as far as purchaser awareness and acceptance: complete set, awareness set, ignorance set,
neutral set, latent set, and inept set. the last two awareness sets at that point lead to the acceptance set,

unbiased set, and rejection set. The new model gives off an impression of being all the more
strategically helpful for brand management.

Gap identified:

The above study is conducted a creating a new model on brand awareness and acceptance i.e. N-M
model, but in the present study collected the all primary data to understand the brand awareness and
perception of the customers. In present study there is no models are introduced.

Alexandra Claudia Hess (19 November 2014), The impact of gender cues on brand perceptions. The
motivation behind this examination is to explore whether, how and why gender cues impact brand
perception and resulting purchasing behavior. Crosswise over four trial thinks about led online with
either an accommodation sample (Studies 1a and 1b) or an representative sample of shoppers (Studies
2 and 3), the author experimentally explores whether gender cues sway brand perception along
measurements of warmth and skill and how other warmth and capability cues in a customer situation
moderate the impact of gender cues on purchaser brand perception.

Gap identified:

The mentioned above study conducted on particular of gender cues on brand perception. But the
present study is not conducted on gender cues but the study is conducted perception and awareness.

Jenni Romaniuk (30 June 2016), Revisiting an old metric for a new world, brand awareness is a
pivotal, but often neglected, aspect of consumer-based brand equity. This paper returns to measure
brand awareness with regards to worldwide brand the management. Taking a look at the strategy for
Laurent et al. (1995), this longitudinal cross-section investigation inspects modification in brand
awareness after some time, with size of test around 300 whisky customers for each wave in 3 nations:
United Kingdom, Greece and Taiwan.

Gap identified:

Jumiati Sasmita (March 2005), Effects of brand association, brand loyalty, brand awareness, and
brand image, Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 43. The reason for this is the paper
look at impacts of brand affiliation, brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand picture on brand value
amongst young purchasers. Information from 200 young shoppers were investigated using descriptive,
multiple regression and correlation examination by means of the Statistical Package for Social
Sciences PC program rendition. Observational outcomes by means of numerous regressions
confirmed that brand awareness dominatingly influences brand value amongst young customers.
These young buyers gaining input and awareness from social life about the particular item or brand.





Byju’s is an educational learning application with 10 million

downloads. It is a Bangalore based educational technology (EdTech) and online tutoring
firm. Byju’s was founded by Byju’s Raveendran in 2011.Byjus application not only
teaches and provides materials from classes 4-12, but also trains students for
competitive exams like IIT, JEE, NEET, CAT, IAS, GRE and GMAT. Delivering
world class learning experience, BYJU‟S is making learning contextual and visual, and
not just theoretical. The app has been designed to adapt to the unique learning style.
Byju’s, the creator of leading educational app in the country, is expecting a quantum
jump in its revenue for the next fiscal given the rapid growth of its users.

History of BYJU’S

This is Byju’s Raveendran's story. Byju’s, a graduate who started working as an

engineer. During one of his work breaks, he sat for a CAT exam with no preparation and
scored a 100 percentile! Totally surprised at his score, he took the test again to get 100
percentile again. This was just the beginning to the creation of India's largest Learning
App, BYJU'S! Byju's friends encouraged him to teach and help them prepare for the CAT
exam and before he knew he was conducting workshops for over 1000 students in packed

Byju’s eventually quit his job as an engineer and took up teaching full-time. He travelled
to other cities to reach as many students as possible. With a strong dedicated team in
place, Byju’s launched online video-based learning for CAT through VSAT. This helped
the team to conduct lectures in multiple centres across the country. Through these
sessions, Byju’s realised that if he wanted to make a real impact on the way students
learn, he needed to make students fall in love with learning. The crucial and founding
years of learning are when the students start feeling the subject. Byju’s launched Think
and Learn Pvt. Ltd. (the parent company of BYJU'S) with a focus on K-12 segment
(school going students from 4-12) in 2011 followed by their flagship product of BYJU'S
learning app in 2015.

3.1 Profile

Type : Private

Industry :Edtech, distance education, m-learning

Founded : 2011; 9 years ago

Founder : Byju Raveedran (Founder, CEO)

Headquarters : Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Area served : Multinational

Product : BYJU’S - The Learning App

Total equity : $5.4

billion (2023)

Number of employees: 3600

(2023) Subsidiaries :

TutorVista, Osmo

Website :

Nature of the business

BYJUs follows a freemium business model, so most of the revenue is incurred
from the subscription amount which is paid by the students for learning. BYJU also earns
from product purchase from its website, offline career counselling, offline coaching, and
revenues from API. BYJUs is a platform which was created by Byju Raveendran.
BYJU’S app was developed by Think and Learn Pvt Ltd in 2011. It is a platform and a
way for the teachers to teach and studentsto learn, different educational concepts through
the app and understand them better. It mainly focuses on mathematics and science.

Product and Service

BYJU’S runs on a freemium model. Free access to content is limited to 15 days

after the registration. Their main product is a mobile app named BYJU'S-The Learning
App launched in August 2015.It provides educational content mainly to school students
from class 1 to 12 (primary to higher secondary level education).The company trains
students for examinations in India such as IIT-JEE, NEET, CAT, IAS as well as for
international examinations such as GRE and GMAT.

The main focus is on mathematics and science, where concepts are explained using 12-
20-minute digital animation videos. BYJU'S reports to have 33 million users overall,
2.2 million annual paid subscribers and an annual retention rate of about 85%. The app
purports to tailor the content provided to the individual student’s learning pace and style.
The average student spends 53 minutes daily using BYJU’S. The company announced
that it will launch its app in regional Indian languages in 2019. It also plans to launch an
international version of the app for English- speaking students in other countries in 2019.


Byju’s Provides a CBSE and ICSE classes from class 4th to class 10th students can get a
best training from this application so for many students are going to prefer this for their
studies. The latest product offering from Byju's does what it does best - gets your child to
fall in love with learning! Engaging video lectures that appeal to the young minds, not
only do the video lectures stimulate interest towards math & science but also boost the
overall retention and learning capability of the student. This provide a very good
coaching regarding maths and science and also they have a well-qualified teachers these
people are mainly concentrate on student’s development.


This course for PCMB contains CBSE syllabus and is valid for 2 years. It helps target
entrance exams like NEET and IIT JEE with equal ease. The adaptive learning is made
using artificial intelligence to boost retention and revision. High definition visualization
techniques help in exam preparations like NEET and JEE. Made by top professors, this
course is everything you

need for your NEET and JEE. Also, this has been done using NCERT and other preferred
reference books, so this is the complete study material one requires to ace the JEE or

 Competitive Exam

The Civil Services Examination is conducted by Union Public Services Commission

(UPSC) for recruitment to various Civil Services, including Indian Administrative
Services (IAS), Indian Foreign Services (IFS), and Indian Police Services (IPS), among
others. This examination is conducted in three phasesAt BYJU’s, we have handpicked
India’s Best Trainers for all these subjects and made their classes available in a Tablet.
These high-quality engaging video lectures by India’s Best Trainers will prepare you for
all the three stages of this examination in the most comprehensive way. This product
consists of a Tablet, a SD Card, Current Affairs, Study Material & All India Test Series
(Pre & Mains). Please note that this tablet can only be used to attend classes during the
course. You can use the tablet as a normal tablet after the course is over.

3.2 Mission and Vision Statement

Mission statement

“Mission is to help children fall in love with learning. Our learning products have enabled
millions of students across the globe to take the initiative to learn on their own.”

 Vision statement

“vision was to complete learning experience that integrates classes from the best of the
teachers, assessments and assignments which are personalised for every student, along
with in-depth analysis and recommendations”

3.3 Awards and Achievements

EY Entrepreneur of The Year Award – Start-up – 2018

VC Circle Awards for Education Company of the year (2016, 2018, 2019)
Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India and Fast 500 Asia Award Year
(2012-2017 and2019)
NASSCOM Design4India Design Award 2018 for the ‘Best Design’- Mobile
Business Standard- Start-up of the year 2017
Google Play’s “Best Self Improvement” App in India
CNBC TV18 Young Turks evangelist at the 6th Annual Young Turks Summit

3.4 Area Of Operation

BYJU'S is a company that operates an online learning platform. It also develops a

related mobile app that provides a number of learning programs for students. It also
offers exampreparation classes. The platform comprises original content, watch-and-learn
videos, rich animations and interactive simulations for its users.

BYJU'S is headquartered in BENGALURU, India and has 6 office locations across 2

countries, Byju’s also doing their business in CHENNAI and HYDRABAD. Byju’s also
doing their business DUBAI, United Arab Emirates Byju’s is one of the famous online
training applications in the modern era, it always concentrates on students’ career as well
as job aspirants. Basically, it is a Multinational company even the foreign students can
willing study in the app because it has effective and efficiency teaching.

Recently, BYJU's app replaced Oppo as Indian cricket team's official sponsor. "The
BCCI is pleased to welcome India's leading education and learning app BYJU'S as the
official Team India sponsor from 5th September, 2019 until 31st March, 2022," a BCCI
statement said.

3.5 Ownership Pattern
Byju Raveendran, the founder of BYJU's learning app, is India's newest
billionaire. The parent company of the app, Think & Learn Pvt., recently raised $150
million in fresh funding taking the company's valuation to nearly $6 billion. Raveendran,
a former classroom teacher who developed the education app, currently owns more than
21 per cent stake in the company. Today, 42 million students are learning on the
company's flagship learning app, which was launched in August 2015. It has launched an
early learning program for younger children in collaboration with Disney in June 2019.
There are 1 million students learning on this new app as of July 2019.

Byju Raveendran : Founder and CEO

Mrinal Mohit : COO

Ranjit Radhakrishna : Chief Product officer

Siddhesh Joglekar : Associate VP

Arjun Mohan : Vice President Marketing

Cherian Thomas : Vice President, International Business

3.6 Competitors


Vedantu is a company providing a live online tutoring platform that enables personalized
learning. It uses technology to bring together teachers and students on a single platform to
enable live learning between them. The company has technology tools that enable
teachers to provide teaching to students in an interactive manner using a whiteboard,
audio and video technology.

 Meritnation is the division of Applet Learning Systems that caters to the learning
needs of students for classes IV-XII from CBSE, ICSE, and leading state boards.
Meritnation’s online & correspondence courses cater to students from classes 1st to 12th
in subjects such as Maths, Science and English for CBSE, ICSE and other leading State

 Toppr

Toppr develops a test preparation platform designed to support students preparing for
various entrance exams in India. It offers learning programs and focuses on school
curriculum and test preparation for engineering and medical entrance exams.

 Wonder school

Wonder school is a provider of a network of in-home early childhood programs. The

company helps educators and childcare providers start their own preschools out of their
homes and provides assistance with licensing, program setup, and marketing. Its digital
marketplace platform allows teachers to manage their students, parents, and programs, as
well as enables parents to search programs, schedule visits, enroll children, and make

 Simplilearn
Simplilearn Solutions provides online education and in-house training for
professional certification courses. It creates course programs, exams, and labs that help in
cracking the certification exams. The company offers various business and technology
courses in the areas of project management, agile and scrum certification, quality
management, IT service and architecture, big data and analytics, finance management,
sales and marketing, business productivity tools, design and multimedia.

3.7 Brand Building Strategies Fallowed by BYJU’s

Raveendran's experience outside the rigours of a structured education system, or

spoon- feeding, underpins much of Byju's product strategy today. “Our product is built on
that strong belief that when students learn on their own, where they take the initiative,
whatever you call learning, that counts for 50%.

Potentially vast market

Byju’s initial offerings were all centred around test-preparation, and these were much
more low- key than the jazzy, high-production-value videos and content that it currently
generates for the K-12 (kindergarten-Class XII) segment, with more than 500 members in
the research and development team.This content is what’s helping Byju’s accelerate
growth and be one of the top education start-ups in the country.

There are about 20 million children between Classes VI and XII in India who have
access to the Internet and take private coaching classes, which translates to an
addressable market opportunityof about $2.5 billion, according to research by consulting
firm RedSeer Consulting.

Cracking the B2C market

Raveendran’s experience outside the rigours of a structured education system, or spoon-

feeding, underpins much of Byju’s product strategy today. “Our product is built on that
strong belief that when students learn on their own, where they take the initiative,
whatever you call learning, that counts for 50%. Unfortunately, today it’s 100% spoon-
feeding in a lot of students’ cases, 100% learning for exams and not the other way
around. The other way around is you learn such that exams are taken care of. They are
just part of the process and not the end of it," he explains.

Byju’s has made progress in cracking the business-to-consumer (B2C) market, one
typically thought to be very tricky because it involves not just engaging children, but
convincing parents that an app is a suitable substitute for real-world coaching, and
trusting the company with their child’s education.
Getting people to pay

What Byju has done really, really well and why he is getting all this love from the market
is because he cracked the commerce part of the question very, very successfully. To get
people to pay at a $150 price point, almost Rs10,000 and get them to pay for this annually
was a bold move, because this is not your primary offering to parents. You have school,
you have your regular classes and this is the extra step that you take," says Murali. Byju’s
is a part of InnoVen’s portfolio. The fact that Byju’s had an offline presence has also
helped in gaining parents’ trust in the brand.

3.8 New Trends In BYJU’s

Byju's, India's most-funded educational technology platform has launched a new version of
its learning app to create a one-on-one learning experience for its app users through
personalisation using big data analytics.Featuring unique learn journeys, guided paths,
actionable feedback and intelligent recommendations, this version of the app aims to trace the
learning fingerprint fusers. “We started off by a 'one teacher to thousand students' approach in
our offline teaching model. Now, leveraging the technology we have built on our app over
the past couple of years, we aim to achieve providing a one-to-one learning experience for our
users," said Byju Raveendran, CEO of Byju's. Byju's, which counts International Finance
Corporation (IFC), the investment arm of the World Bank and Sequoia Capital among

What is BYJU's program?

Together, BYJU'S solutions support Pre-K – 12 education and a wide range of competitive
exams. BYJU'S delivers a world-class learning experience with tools that sit at the cross-
section of mobile, interactive content and personalized learning methodologies.

What are the key features of Byjus Classes NEO program?

A. 2 Teacher Advantage - 1 Master Teacher + 1 Live Subject Matter Expert. Right on! ...

B. Parent Teacher Meeting - Mentor Feedback & Guidance. ...

C. Monthly Report Cards, Attendance , Completion Rates. ...

D. Teacher would personally visit the customer's place to teach the kid.

What are the features of Aakash BYJU's tablet program?

Download Aakash BYJU'S app

1. Adaptive Learning Journeys.

2. In-depth analysis with performance tracking.
3. 1000+ hours of free Video Lessons.
4. One to one mentoring.
5. Ask a doubt anytime with 24/7 support (Get. doubts cleared instantly)


Objective of the Study
Management as a profession can’t be taught merely in the four walls of classrooms. Only
theoretical knowledge is not sufficient to build competitive managers. Practical knowledge of
the business environment is equally important.
The purpose of this report is to pick up the most suitable candidate who would meet the
requirements of the job and the organization best, to find out which job applicant will be
successful, if hired.

“Recruitment is a process to discover the source of manpower to meet the requirements of the
staffing schedule and to employee effective measures for attractive that manpower in
adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Selection is
the process of picking individuals with requisite qualification and competence to fill job in
the company.” With the respect of we define the selection process of employee.

This report is shows Communication sector & how Communication is most important part of
As a Trainee Byju’s give me very practical knowledge about Communication Indurtry and
how to working in organization, How manage work, how to maintain relations with top level
management as well as colleges and bottom level management. So, this experience will
helpful in future. I am pleased by taken training at India’s one of the best Industries.


Null Hypothesis: The right candidate for right job enhances the efficiency of the
organization and also motivates employees to work


REASEARCH METHODOLOGY is a way to systematically solve the research

problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done. In it we
study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying her research
problem. It is necessary for a researcher to design the methodology for the problem as the
method may differ from problem – problem.


Before embarking on the details of research methodology & techniques, it seems

appropriate to present a brief overview of the research process. Research process consists
of series of actions or steps necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired
sequencing of these steps. One should remember that the desired sequencing of these
steps. One should remember that the various steps involved in a research process are not
mutually exclusive; nor are they separate and distinct. They do not necessarily follow
each other in any specific order and the researcher has to be constantly anticipating at
each step in the research process. However, the following order concerning various steps
provide a useful procedural guideline regarding the research process


Research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it is

basically the blueprint for the collection of data, measurement it analysis of data. A
research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in

My research design is of descriptive type. A descriptive research includes survey fact –

finding & enquiries of different kinds, with a major purpose of description of affairs as it
exists at present.

DATA COLLECTION: I have used primary and secondary data for which a
comprehensive questionnaire was prepared and was got filled up by the employees of the






Sampling procedure includes finite type of universe with random sampling which comes
under probability method of sampling because under ther method every item of the
universe has an equal chance of being selected & no place for biases.


A sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It
refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in selecting items for
the sample. Sample design is determined before data are collected.

The sample size should also be ascertained before starting the research program. The
larger the sample sizes the better and accurate will be the result. I have chosen a sample
size of 25 employees although I wished that it had been larger if the time would not have
been the limiting factor.


The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research
design / plan chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to be used
for the study, two types of data are used:

a) PRIMARY DATA are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time, and
thus happen to be original in character.

b) SECONDARY DATA on the other hand are those which have already been collected
by someone else and which have already been passed on.

c) The methods of collecting primary and secondary data differ since primary data are to
be originally collected, while in case of secondary data the nature of data collection
work is merely that of compilation.

d) PROCESSING & ANALYSIS OF DATA: The data, after collection, has to be

processed and analysed in accordance with the outline laid down for the purpose at
the time of developing the research plan. Ther is essential for a scientific study and for
ensuring that we have all relevant data for making comparisons and analysis.

The term ANALYSIS refers to the computation of certain measures along with searching
for patterns of relationship that exist among the data – groups. The term PROCESSING
technically speaking implies editing, coding, classification, and tabulation of collected



Q1. What is the estimated recruitment timing / process in Byju’s ?

(i) 6 Month

(ii) 3 Month

(iii) 1 year

(iv) Less than 1 Month

6 month ,

3 month ,
less than 1 30%
month, 60%

1 year, 0%


According to diagram estimated recruitment timing / process in Byju’s is less than one
month as shown in figure 60 %

Q2. Is CBI (Competency based interview) questions are being adapted at Byju’s in
comparison to traditional method?

(i) Yes

(ii) No

(iii) Can’t Say


Yes , 20%

Can't say,
50% No, 30%


According to figure 50% we cannot say that Competency based interview questions are
being adapted at Byju’s in comparison to traditional method.

Q3. Both technical and behavioral factors are taken into consideration at the time of
recruitment ?

(i) Yes

(ii) No

(iii) Can’t Say


Can't say,

No, 60%


According to figure, not 60% technical and behavioral factors are taken into consideration at
the time of recruitment.

Q4. When application are called for the interview they know that who will be present in
the interview panel and for what duration?

(i) Yes

(ii) No

(iii) Can’t say


yes, 0%

Can’t say,

No, 80%


According to 80% employees do not know who will be present in the interview panel and for
what duration.

Q5. What is best sources in information of reference check for an employee?

(i) Personal reference

(ii) On the job performance

(iii) HR Office

(iv) Good questioning technique


questioning Personal
tefhnique , 30% Reference, 40%

HR Office, 20%

On the job


According to 40% personal reference is best and remaining 20 and 30 % are margin.

Q6. Which recruitment source are being adapted most in Byju’s .?

(i) Internal resources

(ii) Employee reference

(iii) Head hunting

(iv) Advertising agency


Advertising Interest
Agency, 0% resources,

reference, 20%

Head hunting,


According to 70% head hunting is mostly adopted by Yamaha for recruitment process.

Q7. What is the mode of recruitment information received by applicant?

(i) Post

(ii) Electronically

(iii) Both

(iv) None


None, 0%

Post, 30%

Both, 50%



According to 50% both Post and Electronically recruitment information received by


Q8. If by post than how many days after you requested the pack being received?

(i) 1 to 2 days

(ii) 2 to 3 days

(iii) Above 3 days


Above 2 days,

2 to 3 days, 40%
1 to 2 days, 60%


According to 60% after 1 to 2 days of request the pack has being received.

Q9. Is there is professional equity in recruitment and selection policies in Byju’s .?

(i) Yes

(ii) No

(iii) Can’t say


Can't say, 30% yes, 40%

No, 30%


According to 40% yes there is professional equity in recruitment and selection policies in
Byju’s ..

Q10. What is the present recruitment hiring ratio?

(i) 1 on 20

(ii) 1 on 5

(iii) 5 on 15

(iv) 6 on 12


5 on 15, 20%
1 on 5, 30%

10on 20, 50%


According to 50% present recruitment hiring ratio is 10 on 20.

Q11. What is the average joining ratio?

(i) > 50%

(ii) <25%

(iii) >75%

(iv) None


None, 0%

> 50%, 30%

>75%, 60%
<25%, 10%


According to 60% average joining ratio is more than 75%.

Hypothesis testing

In ANOVA single factor if ‘F’ is greater than ‘F- critical’ (F – critical= 2.38, F= 49.77, i.e. F
> F critical) hence Null hypothesis [H0] is rejected and Alternative Hypothesis [H1] is
accepted. From the above analysis, we can interpret that right candidate for the right job
enhances the efficiency of the organization



The data shows that to recuiting a employee varies according to person’s profile. Most
of the unemployed person want to get a job with salary. Unemployed don’t have any
kind of job. They just want to do something which can give them a position in corporate
world. Since the work profile of an employee is to interacting with the people and convincing
them for purchasing.

Private employees whose salary within Rs 15,000, are highly interested to become an
employee. They just want to make money. Age also matters here, most of the private
employee who were showing their interest. Hence they have the higher percentage among all
the employee.

The Byju’s a multinational concern is busy in recruiting and selecting employees tactfully,
skillfully and with expertise. In view of the competition, especially in the private sector, the
Byju’s Makes efficient sales team effort with expertise to create excellent customer
relationship management with great online support and personal contacts. The Byju’s is
one of the most prominent companies with expertise and experience. Employee are
extensively trained in understanding customers needs with a dedicated work force behind it,
the Byju’s success story is a result of the unique vision of the company.

Hence, recruitment of employees is one of the most important jobs. Inefficient employees are
burden for the company. Hence only the capable people who have desire to earn and work
hard are selected.


This study has focused on the recruitment process of Byju’s. The study has been conducted
from the employees working for recruitment process in Byju’s The Company seems to be
moving its right lines as far as its recruitment strategy is concerned. However a few
drawbacks were found and suggestions are recommended for it.

Since the company is at its early stages and since recruitment is carried out on a mass
scale it becomes important to concentrate on this aspect. With these objectives in mind this
study has been conducted.


 The company should increase its intake of employees by recruitig from Educational
Institutes more vigorously.

 The company should introduce a mobile recruitment team who can go from places to
places to select the candidates quickly and cost effectively.

 To avoid the drain out of candidates because of less pay, company should give
incentives to the candidate based on the performance every month.

 Company should give appraisal to the candidates in form of promotion or raise in

alary to enhance their performances and company should arrange further workshops
for least performing employees so as to increase their performance level.

 Candidates with working experience in any other export company shouldn’t be

drained at all instead should be hired and given training according to the requirement
of the company process.

 Advertisement is the best source to grab maximum candidates, even though it is

expensive. This one time investment helps to reach maximum candidates. In addition
to this, employee references are the best source to get skilled candidates.




Devis, Keith – Human Behaviour at Works: Organizational Behaviour (Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi).

Robbins, S. P. – Organizational Behaviour (Pearson Education, New Delhi).

Luthans, Fred – Organizational Behaviour (McGraw Hill) 1998, New Delhi.

Aswathapa – Human Resource Management (Tata McGraw Hill) HR and PM


 News papers - business standard

 Monthly magazines

 business world

 Front line


 www.Byju’





Name:- .....................................................................................................................................

Age......................... yrs. Gender................................Contact No...............................

Occupation ……………………………Address....................................................

Q1.What is the estimated recruitment timing / process in Byju’s . ?

i. 6 Month
ii. 3 Month
iii. 1 year
iv. Less than 1 Month

Q2. Is CBI (Competency based interview) questions are being adapted at

COMPANY in comparison to traditional method?

i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Can’t Say

Q3.Both technical and behavioral factors are taken into consideration at the time of

i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Can’t Say

Q4. When application are called for the interview they know that who will be present
in the interview panel and for what duration?

i. Yes

ii. N

Q5. What are best sources in information of reference check for an employee?

i. Personal reference
ii. On the job performance
iii. HR Office
iv. Good questioning technique

Q6. Which recruitment source are being adapted most in Byju’s . ?

i. Internal resources
ii. Employee reference
iii. Head hunting
iv. Advertising agency

Q7. What is the mode of recruitment information received by applicant?

i. Post
ii. Electronically
iii. Both
iv. None

Q8. If by post than how many days after you requested the pack being received?

i. 1 to 2 days
ii. 2 to 3 days
iii. Above 3 days

Q9. Is there is professional equity in recruitment and selection policies in Byju’s ?

i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Can’t say

Q10. What is the present recruitment hiring ratio?

i. 1 on 20
ii. 1 on 5
iii. 5 on 15
iv. 6 on 12

Q11. What is the average joining ratio?

i. 50%
ii. <25%
iii. >75%
iv. None


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