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Plot Summary

With the exception of the 1st Reader, all graphic readers follow Doctor Lunar and the Moon
Crew on a series of adventures

The Readers back-story

On his way out the door to school, a young boy named

Roddy finds a strange package in the doorway of his
family's New York City apartment. Unbeknownst to
him, three other children in different corners of the
globe-Kai in Shanghai, Lilly in Moscow, and Ruby in
Jakarta-also discover similar packages resting at their
doorsteps on the very same morning. Upon opening
the packages, the children find identical wristwatches
with instructions to say a specific word into the watch
at a predetermined time. While the watches are the same, the word each child is instructed
to utter varies. Roddy is directed to say “Doc, Kai says “Tor”, Lily Says “Lu”, and Ruby says
“Nar”. At the designated time, the children follow the instructions and are suddenly
transported to a secret laboratory located in the center of the Moon. There they meet a
strange, alien scientist named Doctor Lunar. He explains to the started students that he
keeps the world safe by monitoring the universe for trouble. Dr. Lunar introduces the
children to his robot assistant, Prog, and his faithful dog Zpot. While both characters aid the
good doctor in his mission, the time has come for him to enlist additional help. Dr. Lunar
explains that he used his technology to find the four most trustworthy humans on earth.
The result of that search yielded Roddy, Kai, Lily and Ruby-the Moon Crew.

Readers One and Two

Title: Doctor Lunar and the Moon Crew

In this first story, the Moon Crew must stop the dreaded Star Shark. This massive creature,
half shark/half spaceship, travels from solar system to solar system feeding on the moons it
finds. Dr. Lunar provides the children with rocket suits and sends them into space to place a
magnetic plate on the Start Shark. Once on the beast, the moon Crew is suddenly attacked
by space fish. A struggle ensures during which Lily's rocket suit is damaged. The other
members of the Moon Crew come to her aid and prevent Lily from falling into the great Star
Shark's mouth. After saving Lily, the crew successfully attaches the plate to the shark. Then
they split into two pairs-Lily and Roddy, Kai and Ruby. With the help of Dr. Lunar, the pairs
move to opposing asteroids and plant poles in the solids. Dr. Lunar flips a switch, which
causes a giant net of energy to flow between the poles. As Star Shark moves into the energy
net, the magnetic plate on its back sticks to the net. The trapped creature is then dragged
out of our solar system as the asteroids continue their cosmic journey through space.
Readers Three and Four

Title: “Attack of the Ants”

As the story opens, Roddy is enjoying a picnic in the park with his family. He decides to
explore the park and finds an anthill teeming with ants. Within seconds, the ants follow him
upward. Roddy uses his high tech wristband to contact his good friends-the other Moon
Crew kids. He discovers that hundreds of ants are attacking each member of the Moon Crew
at various locations on Earth! The children decide it's time to call on "Doctor Lunar" and are
instantly transported to inside the Moon. When children are safely inside his laboratory,
Doctor Lunar turns on his Moonputer. He discovers that Earth is indeed being overrun by
ants under the direction of a tiny space criminal named Bug Mug McGrub!! In an effort to
stop Bug Mug McGrub, Doctor Lunar shrinks the Moon Crew to ant-sized beings. In their
new size, the children speed back towards Earth to take on Bug Mug McGrub. As the
children move through the atmosphere, they must first escape hungry birds that view them
as food. When the Moon Crew finally reaches Earth, they search for McGrub's anthill where
they are taken prisoners by an army of ants. Haven been captured by Bug McGrub's ant
army, The Moon Crew is taken deep inside the anthill and made to work.

Reader Five and Six

Title: “Moonwalking the Dog”

As the story opens, Roddy is out walking his dog, Rufus. His wristband suddenly rings
signaling a call from Dr. Lunar who is in his Moon lab. Roddy soon discovers that Kai, Lily,
and Ruby are also on this cosmic conference call. Like Roddy, they were also having fun with
their pets when their wristbands went off. Dr. Lunar tells the Moon Crew that he is sick with
the Blue Moon flu. He asks them to come to the moon to take care of his dog, Zpot. He
explains that he would ask his robot, Prog to care for the dog but he is recharging his own
batteries. The children agree to help Dr. Lunar. As they say the words "Doc", "Tor", "Lu", and
"Nar", they are beamed up to the Moon. The children immediately take Zpot out for his
daily walk on the Moon. Zpot leads the crew on a crazy romp until they suddenly run into
Dr. Lunar's mean brother, Professor Solar! Professor Solar has come to the moon to steal his
brother's dog. Upon seeing the Moon Crew, he decides to take the dog and the Moon Crew!
Professor Solar uses his sun-fire powers to imprison the group in a glass bubble. Roddy
manages to escape just as Solar begins to move the bubble towards his home at the center
of the Sun. Roddy makes his way back to Doctor Lunar's lab. He arrives just as Professor
Solar appears on the giant Moonputer screen. Professor Solar shows his brother his
hostages-The Moon Crew and Zpot. Doctor Lunar begins to panic, but when an alarm beeps
he calms down and begins to form a plan. The beeping is Prog who is now all charged up
and ready for action.
Readers Seven and Eight

Title: “Kongo Pwango”

While outdoors playing with his dog, Rufus, Roddy notices the moon has turned bright
green. He uses his wristband to check in with the other Moon Crew members. While their
locations on Earth differ, their observations of the Moon are the same-a bright green circle
in the sky. The children use their wristbands to visit Doctor Lunar and find out what has
happened to his homeland. Upon arrival at Doctor Lunar's laboratory, they discover that it-
as well as the entire surface of the Moon-is covered in green slime. Doctor Lunar tells the
crew that the green slime is actually space algae. He explains that the algae will be
destroyed only if it is exposed to the blue light given off by a rare crystal-the Deep Sea Moon
Stone! Unfortunately, the Moon Stone lies deep within a cave ruled by a monster shrimp
named Kongo Prawngo. In order to rid the Moon of its algae covering, the children travel to
the cave to find the Moon Stone. They soon come face to face with the monster shrimp.
After a brief fight, Kongo Prawngo captures Roddy in his giant claw
and carries the boy deep into his cave. Doctor Lunar contacts Roddy
(using the last bit of his lab not covered with green slime). He tells
Roddy that the Moon Stone is nearby and then directs the boy to
push a button on his wristband to activate a scanner leading him to
the stone. Roddy follows Doctor Lunar's directions and finds the
Moon Stone with the aid of the scanner. However, as he tries to
retrieve the stone, Roddy disturbs another monster living in the cave.
When Kongo Prawngo and the creature engage in battle, the Moon
Crew suddenly appear in the cave. They grab Roddy-who is holding
the Moon stone in his hand-and race to the Cave's giant front door.
With Kongo Prawngo fast approaching, the Moon Crew runs through
the door and hops into a waiting escape vehicle.

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