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The Rise of
Nationalism in
CH 1 History | Class 10
Hand Written Notes

During the Mth century nationalism emerged as a
force which

changed the political and mental world of Europe and the end
result was nation state .

4 Nation -
State . . . . . . . . .

One in which rulers along with citizens develop a sense of
common identity .

This identity was forget through struggle .

The French Revolution and the idea of the Nation :

Started in 9789 .

It was first expression of nationalism in Europe .

It abolished monarchy


Powers were transferred from monarch to a body of French
citizens .

Major changes during French Revolution :

idea Patrie
' '

of and La citoyen emphasized united

community and equal nights .

Power transferred from monarch to common people .

A new French flag ,
the tricolor , was chosen to replace the former
royal standard .

New national anthem composed and oath was taken .

A centralised administrative it
system put in
place and


formulated uniform laws for all citizens

within its territory .

Internal customs duties and dues were abolished .
Spread of Nationalism :

When the news of the events in France reached the
different cities of Europe ,
students and other members of
educated middle classes
began setting up Jacobin clubs .

Their activities and
campaigns prepared the
way for the French
armies which moved into Holland , Belgium ,
Switzerland and much
of Italy in the 9790 .

With the outbreak of the revolutionary wars ,
the French armies
began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad .

→ In 9799 , Napoleon took over political power .

Civil code of 9804 :

Equality before law .

Right to property .

Feudal system was abolished .

Freed peasants from serfdom .

Transport and communication systems were improved .

However ,
in the areas conquered ,
the reactions of the local
populations to French rule were mixed .

Initially ,
many places such as Holland and Switzerland , as

well as in certain cities like Brussels , Mainz Milan ,

and Warsaw ,
the French armies were welcomed as harbingers of liberty .

But the initial enthusiasm soon turned to hostility ,
as it became
clear that the new administrative arrangements did not
go hand
in hand with political freedom .

Increased taxation , censorship , forced conscription into the French armies

required to conquer the rest of Europe ,

all seemed to outweigh
advantage of administrative
changes .

The Making of Nationalism in Europe :

What we know today as Germany Italy ,
and Switzerland were

divided into
kingdoms ,
duchies cantons whose rulers had their
autonomous territories .
Structure of European Society

The New Aristocracy Peasantry

Middle class ( High Class) ( poor)
(Low class)

The New Middle Class :

HIT consist of industrialists ,

doctors ,
teachers .

4 For the new middle class liberalism stood for freedom for
the individual and equality of all before the law .

4 Later they became the force of Unity and Nationalism .

Features of Liberalism :

* For Middle class it means -

Freedom for individual

Equality before law

* Politically it means -

Government by consent

End of Autocracy and clerical privileges
* Economically it means -

Freedom of Market

→ Abolition of Taxes

wave of Economic Nationalism :

Napoleon Administrative system had created confederation of 39
States .

4 Each of which had its and

currency weighing system .

Custom barrier in each city hindered economic growth and

exchange .
Zollverein # Custom Union)

by Prussia in 9834 .

Reduction of number of currencies from 30 to 2 .

→ Abolished tariff barriers .

Facilitated railway mobility for economic interests and unification .

* Napoleon was
defeated in battle of WATERLOO ( 9895) by
the conservative forces .

Treaty of Vienna was signed .

Believe in traditional institutions and family values .

For instances -
Church ,
Monarch ,
etc .

Revolutionaries :

During the years following 9895 ,
the fear of repression drove
liberal nationalists
many underground

↳ Secret societies
sprang up in
many European stakes to train
revolutionaries and spread their ideas .

D Revolutionaries also saw the creation of nation -

stakes as a

necessary part of this

struggle for freedom .

Giuseppe Mazzini
→ As a
young man of 24 ,
he was sent
into exile for attempting a revolution .

→ Mazzini believed that god had intended nations

to be natural units of mankind .

→ Found Italy in Marseille and

young young
Europe in Berne .
model ,
secret societies were set up in
Germany ,
France ,
Poland .

t Mazzini 's relentless opposition to monarchy and his vision of democratic

republics frightened the conservatives .

The Age of Revolutions 9830 -

9848 :

t As conservative regimes tried to consolidate their power ,

and nationalism came to be
increasingly associated with revolution in

many regions of Europe .

July Revolution (France) :

* The France July

first upheaval took
place in in 9830 .

t The Bourbon king was overthrown .

I Installed a constitutional
monarchy with Louis Philippe as its head .

→ The
July Revolution sparked an
uprising in Brussels which
bed Belgium breaking away from the United Kingdom of
the Netherlands .

Greek war of independence :

Greece had been part of the Ottoman Empire since the 95M

century .

Struggle started in 9829 .

Nationalists in Greece got support from other Greeks living in
exile and also
from many West Europeans .

The Treaty of Constantinople was
signed in 9832 .

Greece was
recognised as
independent nation .

Romanticism :

A cultural movement that rejected Nationalism by science and reasons .

It introduced nationalism through art and love .
Case of Poland :

Poland had been participated at the end of the 98in century by
the Great Powers between -

Russia ,
Prussia and Austria .

Emphasized on vernacular
language foe carrying the modern nationalist
message to large audience who were mostly illiterate .

→ The use of Polish came to be seen as a symbol of the

against Russian dominance .

Hunger Hardship .
and Popular Revolt :

The 9830, were
years of great economic hardship in Europe

Population increased

Unemployment increased

Peasants struggled against Aristocracy .

Rise in food prices

The Making Germany

of and
Italy :

Unification of Germany :

feelings were widespread among middle -
class Germans .

• Tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation

into a nation -
state governed by an elected parliament .

Otto von Bismarck ,
was the architect of this
process carried out
with the help of the Prussian army .

• 7 years of war with Austria ,

Denmark ,
France .

• In 9879 ,
William I was proclaimed as German Emperor .

• Process of nation
building had demonstrated the dominance of Prussian
power .

The new state placed a
strong emphasis on
modernising the currency,
banking , legal and judicial systems in
Germany .
Unification of Italy :

During the middle of the Mth century ,
Italy was divided into
seven States .

t Out of seven
only Sardinia -
Piedmont was ruled by an Italian Princely
States .

Giuseppe Mazzini
4 He had also formed a secret society called
Italy .

T Mazzini
During the 9830 , Giuseppe had sought to
together a coherent
programme for a
unitary Italian Republic
4 After his failures in 9839 and 9848 the responsibilities fell on Victor
Emmanuel -
I .

Chief Minister Cavour :

t the bed the movement and Sardinia -

Piedmont defeated the
Austrian forces in 9859 .

Giuseppe Garibaldi :

4 He succeeded in
winning the
support of the
local peasants of two Sicilies in order to
drive out the Spanish rulers .
Victor Emmanuel -

f In 9869 he proclaimed the

was as
king of
Italy .

The Strange Case of Britain :

* Ethnic Composition :





All of these ethnic groups had their own cultural and political
traditions .

4 But as the English nation steadily grew in wealth , importance and power '

it was able to extends its influence over the other nations of the
islands .

English parliament had seized power from the
monarchy in 9688 .

4 The Act of Union ( Hot) between England and Scotland that resulted in the
United Great

formation of the
Kingdom of Britain .

Later Ireland was

merged to form to form Great Britain .

Visualising the Nation :

It difficult to face to nation

give a

was a .

Artists Mth found by the nation

century out

way .

Nations were
portrayed as
female figures .

Ego -

Marianne in France and Germania in

Germany .
Nationalism % Imperialism
During the end of 99 th century nationalism started converting into


imperialism .

Case of Balkan States :

Nationalist tension started in Balkan area after 9879 .

Large area of Balkan was under control of Ottoman empire .

Weakening of Ottoman empire allowed them to break into

independent States


These States jealous of each and each wanted to

were other

territory .

The situation got more intense when
big European powers entered the war .

This World War I

finally led to


* Later anti
imperial movement started which
finally lead to

independence of many countries .

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