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10140 Kuwadzana Phase3

Harare, Zimbabwe
Cell: +263774777205

Director’s Resolution to open Bank account

Company Name_______________________________________
Whereas the Board of Directors has determined it to be in the best interest of the
company to establish a banking resolution
RESOLVED, that the Managing Director of the company is hereby authorized to
designate the bank as a depository for the funds of the company.
RESOLVED, further, that the Managing Director of the company namely:
Is hereby authorized to name and designated to withdraw funds of the company
The person whose signatures appears below, one whom is a Director of company,
have been duly authorized to mandate the opening of the company. The
information provided for the opening of this account is true and correct in all
material respect.

Dated_________________________ Date_____________________________
Name_________________________ Date_____________________________
Designated_____________________ Designated________________________
Signature______________________ Signature_________________________

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