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84 Seon day book of Vendors Mly abstract of Stock and sales sent to Dt. TRY Stamps with Sts. I to : VII—annual report on the subsidiary Rns for Standard Area Determination of and revision of under Consolidation Act = Standard Forms v. Accounts rales of NA assessment Standing Orders v. Acts ander Consolidation Act under Shop Act under various Land Tenure Abolition Acts State emblems unauthorised use of nent of account of expenditure received from the loance Statement showing persons to whom compensation amounts have becon Statement of eredit and debit 's: under nule 6(i) to (ix) of Consolidation Act advices of despatch & c receipts, issue and balance Rgrs. sanctions to local purchase of Printing XLIX receipts and payments all subsidiary cor thereto Stationery and forms indents and memos of requireme Stations, new v, Railways Status of Estabiishme: Stock v. Promissory Not register of Banderols Stone v. Earth Storm v. Flood Sub-Depots Sub-division and transfer under Subordination ¥. officers Sub-Registrar schedules of mutations from— —Treasury : cert of safety of: Staten .epayable Statio of sub-offices Consolidation Act— permission for Subrogation Deeds V. Insurance Company Subsidy cases in respect of Khar Lands Subsidy Grant of—to Marketing Committees Sud. v. Pahani S$: Woodland Summary of inheritances, RR fines and Hissas Summary Settlement, land Sanads of V. Akarband Summonses v, Notices for other 0 iployees nnuation XXII of receipts and payments all subsidiary cor. thereto Supplementary v. Awards Supply. Bills, receipt and payment ail subsidiary pp theret Sureties v. defalea Surveillance v. Bad Survey Supe proposals to survey villages Survey (by minor triangulation) ‘adjustment of polygons and sides—st o' calculation of sides —st of classification records combined map sTP STP STP TRY STP. PFG crs LND RCD PFG SHP LTA PTL LH LTA PEG PFG ADM. ADM. ADM TRY TRY ADM PWD EST TRY STP LND AGR stp. PFG RCD RTS PWD POL KHL APM crs FOR RTS crs crs crs EST piisc AW URRY TRY TAQ TRY Th ESI SRV SRV SRV SRV SRV 28a 183 INDEX S—contd. index map of sheet for triangulation stations é : SRV original Plane Table sheet statement SRV SRV urvey correction cases (Forms IV, V) LRD 8: V. corrections LRD Stations y. Magnetic 3 SSR, furvey Department v. Maps SRY numbers v. Akarband cts and BM repaired and cost IRD records : extracts of—issued (Form 1) zs LRD spensions and Remission REV T Mab. Register Form A Mab. Register Form B Magavi advances for—payments —miscellaneous pP. 5 general discussions as to principles, rules and standing orders ¥. Coercise Processes. ¥. irrecoverable ¥. remissions or suspensions v. vouchers Megavi accoun ‘ADM R—statisties of (form No. 15) annual Trial Balance Sheet of Collections and and interes nces, TAG FX, principal chalan in Tal, Office TAG F. VI 3 = Gay book or TRY Rer of recoveries, TAG F. VII irrecoverable items written off—Rer of— TAG edger of individual loans and recoveries, TAG F. III TAG Mly intimations of fresh advances, TAG F. IT TAG Mly plus and minus memo TAG F. VIII TAG Rgrof loans paid to applicants TAG F. 1 T > challans returned from Tal. TRY receipted, TAG F. VI TAG Y_ Day Book and receipt countefoil, TAG F.V TAG V. Stof dues, TAG F. IV TAG vi applications enquiries ig in rejection TAG in cases where loans granted, Ioan bond, specia of works ani cestimati rs upon individual cases , notes on inspection TAG progress reports 0 TAG MTagavi recovery coercive processes TAG summary recovery orders for misappropriation of tagavi TAG suspensions or remissions—general orders of AG Taba Pavtis in possessory (i.e. Wahiwati) suits LAW Talatis v. Circle Inspectors : SRY Taleband : TF IX—A & B REV Taluka : Forms (New)- I RRC u LND m ALN IV [REV URRC v RRC correspondence regarding discrepancies in — RRC VIA&B RRC Vil sREV URRC VIL A&B E REV IX A&B REV X 5 SAC xi ACT xi : ALN xm - y ALN xiv 2. ALN Mo-a Hi 2347-25 2b 17 Vac 12a 15 24 55-6 B 96-102 10 n 95¢xi) 96 14 16 13 a 7 15 16 148 101 and 151 104 14a 114a 45 B 84-87 82-83 4 xy XVI XVII AB s xvIIC xvi D thereof sent to TO XVIII XIX pS XXxI XXII xxl al changes Teak v. Blackwood grams v, Des and Post, Telegraph, Department y. cor atch Boc pensation andTelephone offices Receipts and paym ll subsidiary cor thereto and Re map: Periodical Return Residuary Summary of modes of (New VF VIB mnancy accounts Rers of forms printed and sold by Government through Tal offices Tenancy app orders including orders passed in revision Tenancy Awal Karkuns—Diaties of Bhatta Rgr, ledgers and receipt books depositions of parties original applications and decisions thereon other miscellaneous papers sheets and list of exhibits assed for handing over possession naney notificatio tion of the value Of crop share publish ette Crop cutting experiments done by the Revenue Officers: Rates of rent payable by tenant for the lease of different classes of land—orders nt payable by tenant for the lease o xd by fresh orders 18 when superceded by fresh orders. Tenants : ledgers of lands purchased by Tentage advan Tenure v. Grant: sanads Termination of teanc Territorial v. Taluka Tests : Notes of by District surveyor or DILR different classes of land when notices of RC ADM {MSC PWD TRY TRY TNC TNC TNC NC TNC RTS TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC TNC ACT ACT ALN ALN TNC RCD crs LRD 46 2 187 INDEX T—voneld. ‘Tharavband or VF V ‘Theodolite stations v. index —refixing of Ticket books (counterfoils) Tippans v. Measurements Title-holders : annual report on lists. of ss: Recommendations for Token Register Tours: Visits of the President, Vice-President, P. M. & Governor Ministers and Dy. Ministers (Central and State) Foreign delegations, Commissions etc. ‘Town planning (non-Municipal) ‘Training classes for Patil’s clerks ‘Tramways y. Light railways ‘Transfer of land to another village -ppand orders as to Travellers’ Bungalows : reservations of rules of vy. Furniture : Traveling allowance Bils and Memos : —enquiries for distances for the purpose of ‘Traverse measurement Books Belaiag v, multiplication Treasure trove : v.Inam, ‘Treasure v. Day Book ‘Treasury : AR of working of inspections v. Fraud vy, District Taluka ‘Treasury and Bank Pass Book ‘Treasury remittance book Trees : cut by Telegraph Deptt. compensation for— planted by Private agencies—Register of Roadside ‘Unauthorised cutting 7 S Trial Balance Sheet v. Lavani Patrak Triangulation stones : AR on ‘Triangulation v. minor a ~ ‘Tribute XI receipts —all subsidiary cor thereto Trigonometrical Survey stations Es : ‘Troops : supplies for—on march a s _ Trusts : suits as to public or charitable ” F v. Associations Fi js v. Deposit ‘Unanswered v. Nikal patraks Unclaimed land : notices of . i and Intestate movable property” ‘ 2 Uncurrent y. Coin cs A : Undisbursed v. Cash Book 7 Unlawful Assemblies v. Riots a = Vaccination : % complaints against VO about v contributions H 2347-250 MAG REV ALN TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY TRY LND LND PWD ‘PWD LND. LND TAG LRD SRV. TRY TRY SRV MLY LAW LAW i RCD cts POL, TRY BGT POL MED MED 92, 93 104,) 108, 48 9 46 16g (1) 50 4 260, 26 24 141 31 3la 31b i4 10 9a 3B 7 10-13 1a 9a ul 68, 69 67 t 28. ” 137 i 144 ” Valuation st Vault v. Vendors of Stamp: Village Commit Village Forms (N 188 INDEX V—contd. and Panchanama under Consolidation Act Double lock intment of—under Consolidation Act i ce c ‘i ; 0 m1 IV Vv vi VI (Maxwell) var var VII-A (latest) VIB (latest) New triple VIT VIT-A and XII f vm-A VUI-B & XI x x xm XIVABC XIV B : Annual absiract of xv XVI Xvi Village Panchayats Declaration of delegation of powers of the Cmr's, Cir’s disputes about validity of election of sarpanchas and upa sarpancizas elections to a newly constituted interim panchayat establishment o! extension of term training of wards of grants to budget. provisions for grants to scheduled caste and scheduled tribes : measure for the amelioration of con (Sec. 4 of VP Act) declaration of villa Village Panchayat Election pp appeals to Mrs. against the orders of R. Os. ‘Challenged vote Contesting candidates—tist of fixation of various stages of elections nomination pp eae tacts officers on duty at polling stations—voting of recounting of votes—application for result of electi ROs, Presiding and Polling Officers spoilt ballot papers ‘tendered ballot papers contested elections—declaration of allot papers jppointment of used ballot papers ers lists marked copies of E Wards—Formation of and reservation of—for women, S. C. and S. T. proposals for Collector's orders thereon withdrawal of candidature—notice of PEG TRY STP PEG LND ‘OR LND LND ALN REV REV RTS RTS RTS. RTS RIS RTS AGR RTS REV RRC RRC AGR AGR MED MED AGR AGR RCD ver ver Ver ver VPT vPT ver Ver Ver vr vPT VPE VPE VPE VPE PE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE VPE 10 189 INDEX ‘V—contd, Village Panchayat membe criminal cases ay disqualification liability of—for loss, waste or misapplication of money or property suspension of sarpanchas and upa sarpanchas facing eriminal prosecution ‘Village Panchayat Property : decisions of claims to ; Village Panchayat Record and money— —recovery of Village water supply Village v. cash Maps site land v. Kabulayat Frontier ines. Visit book maintained for the administration of Shop Act Visits v. Jail Vouchers v. Contingent Payments Wadas Wahiwati suits : (see possessory suits) Wakalatnamas v. Public Prosecutor Wakfs v. Endowments Wards v. Municipal \ Warrants notices... Warshasans ¥. cash allowances Wasulbaki v. Collections Ledger Wasuli Patraks Watan lands permission to sell Watan registers, ‘Watandars claims to be held ‘Watans v. Alienations appeals . certificates commutations ‘Water _courses—construction of logged or Kohania land supply v. Drainage . y. Village Form XVI ‘Water course (private) : —repairs to—by PWD ‘miscellaneous pp Week Celebration of prohibition ‘Whereabouts— of displaced persons who took loans Whippings (Annual) Criminal Rns ‘Wild Animals : permission to shoot man-eaters and cattle lifters rewards for destruction of Witnesses, Summonses Woodland plots = ‘grant of forfeiture of- ¥. Suds Worksbeets and weekly lists of arrears Writs 2nd notices from HC & SI : —special register for ‘Writs in revision or appeal yer PT VPT ver yer ver SCY ACT LND SRV SHP JLS TRY LND MAG MSc. MUN» MAG ALN RRC ACT SRV ALN ALN ALN ALN ALN ALN ALN TNC REV MUN AGR ACT ACT PTL DPP MAG FOR POL, MAG FOR FOR RCD MAG MAG Gi) 1) 2 Tiv) 37 43 B 61 21 340-24 90g 127 2 30 13a 5 67 BI 10 33a, 40-41 B 6,21 3 a 19 29 97 a 34, 38 95¢xii) 96 53a 2a 86

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