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Table of Contents

Introduction to Excel...................................................................................................................................1
The Excel Environment............................................................................................................................1
Get Help Using Word..................................................................................................................................3
Help Window..........................................................................................................................................3
Working with Spreadsheets........................................................................................................................3
Entering Data..........................................................................................................................................3
Editing Data.............................................................................................................................................3
Fill cells with a series of data...................................................................................................................4
Navigating in Your Worksheet.................................................................................................................6
Insert and Delete Cells, Rows and Columns............................................................................................7
Save a Document........................................................................................................................................8
Save As....................................................................................................................................................8
Creating New Folders..............................................................................................................................9
Save an Existing Document.....................................................................................................................9
Selecting Data.............................................................................................................................................9
Move and Copy data between cells..........................................................................................................10
Move Data.............................................................................................................................................10
Copy Data..............................................................................................................................................11
Drag and Drop Method.........................................................................................................................11
Spell Check a Worksheet...........................................................................................................................11
Find and Select..........................................................................................................................................12
Find Data...............................................................................................................................................12
Go To.....................................................................................................................................................14
Go To Special.........................................................................................................................................14
Creating Formulas.....................................................................................................................................14
Formulas with Operators......................................................................................................................15
Formulas with Functions.......................................................................................................................16
Formatting Cells........................................................................................................................................18
Change Font Type..................................................................................................................................18
Change Font Size...................................................................................................................................18
Apply Font Effects.................................................................................................................................18
Change Font Color.................................................................................................................................19
Change Cell Border................................................................................................................................19
Change Cell Background Color..............................................................................................................19
Vertical Cell Alignment..........................................................................................................................20
Horizontal Cell Alignment......................................................................................................................20
Cell Orientation.....................................................................................................................................20
Wrap Text..............................................................................................................................................20
Merge and Center.................................................................................................................................21
Number Formats...................................................................................................................................21
Format Cells Dialog Box.........................................................................................................................22
Modify Column Width and Row Height.....................................................................................................22
Method #1.............................................................................................................................................22
Method #3 –..........................................................................................................................................22
Hide Rows or Columns..........................................................................................................................23
Unhide Rows or Columns......................................................................................................................23
Conditional Formatting.............................................................................................................................23
Data Bars...............................................................................................................................................24
Color Scales...........................................................................................................................................24
Icon Sets................................................................................................................................................25
Customizing Conditional Formatting.....................................................................................................25
Clear Conditional Formatting................................................................................................................25
Format as Table.........................................................................................................................................26
Working with Tables..............................................................................................................................26
Cell Styles..................................................................................................................................................28
Creating Custom Cell Style....................................................................................................................28
Applying Custom Styles.........................................................................................................................29
Changing Themes in a Document.........................................................................................................29
Modifying components of a theme........................................................................................................29
Formatting Worksheets.............................................................................................................................30
Renaming Worksheet Tabs...................................................................................................................30
Modify Worksheet Tab Color................................................................................................................30
Insert Worksheets.................................................................................................................................30
Reposition Worksheets.........................................................................................................................31
Delete a Worksheet..............................................................................................................................31
Hide/Unhide Worksheets..........................................................................................................................32
Hide Worksheets...................................................................................................................................32
Unhide Sheet.........................................................................................................................................32
Set Page Orientation.................................................................................................................................33
Paper Size.................................................................................................................................................33
Adding Backgrounds..................................................................................................................................33
Page Breaks...............................................................................................................................................34
Add Page Breaks....................................................................................................................................34
Remove Page Breaks.............................................................................................................................34
Headers and Footers.................................................................................................................................34
Adding a Header and Footer.................................................................................................................34
Removing a Header and Footer.............................................................................................................35
Print Titles.................................................................................................................................................35
Print Area..................................................................................................................................................36
Set Print Area........................................................................................................................................36
Clear Print Area.....................................................................................................................................36
Scale to Fit.................................................................................................................................................36
Modifying Scale.....................................................................................................................................37
Width and Height..................................................................................................................................37
Freeze Panes.............................................................................................................................................37
Split Worksheet.........................................................................................................................................38
Arrange Worksheets in a new Window.....................................................................................................38
Sheet Options............................................................................................................................................39
Introduction to Excel
The Excel Environment
Title Bar
The title bar is the blue bar at the very top of the window. The title bar indicates which Microsoft
program is being used and title of the current document. In the example below you can see that the
title of the document is “Sample Spreadsheet” and the program being used is Microsoft Excel.

Open Office Button

The open Office Button is located in the upper left corner of your screen. The button holds
many of the same commands found under the file menu in previous versions of Excel. Click on
it to see commands for New, Open, Print, Save, etc.

Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is a place reserved for the commands you use most often. Save, undo and
redo are included by default but additional commands can be added
simply by right clicking the appropriate icon on a ribbon and selecting “Add to Quick Access Toolbar.”

Ribbons hold all the commands used to format and manipulate text, numbers and formulas in Excel
2007. There are eight main ribbons that can be accessed by clicking the appropriate label. Additonal
ribbons will appear when an object requiring their use is clicked on. For example when you click on a
piece of clip art, the picture ribbon will appear. Excel 2007 does not allow the user to modify the
ribbons but frequently used commands can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Groups are collections of commands that are available on the Ribbon tab you have selected. Groups
change depending upon which tab you have selected on the ribbon. For example the Clipboard group
above contains the paste, cut, copy and format painter commands.

Name Box
The name box is found between the spreadsheet and the
ribbon. It is a small box that displays the cell reference of
the cell currently selected.
Formula Bar
The formula bar displays all the formulas or pieces of text contained in a cell. Click on a cell and the
contents will be displayed in the formula bar.

Horizontal and Vertical Scroll Bar

The horizontal scroll bar is located near the bottom of your page; the vertical scrollbar is on the right. The
scrollbars allow you to quickly move up and down and left and right within your document.

Spreadsheet (worksheet)
The spreadsheet portion of the page is comprised of columns, rows and headings. Columns are vertical
and labeled with letters; rows are horizontal and labeled with numbers. A cell is the point at which a
column and row intersect. Cells are referred to by the cell reference, the letter and number that
represent where the cell is on the spreadsheet. For example, the cell in the upper left corner of the
spreadsheet is cell A1. Cells can hold data or formulas; formulas will perform calculations on the data
stored in cells.

A workbook is a series of related excel worksheets. Any time you open an excel file you are actually
opening a workbook. By default, when a new workbook is created it has three sheets. However, you
can add or delete sheets so that the information presented is well organized. For example, an annual
budget workbook could be created to include thirteen worksheets, twelve for each month of the year
and a totals worksheet.

View Buttons
The view buttons are located in the bottom right portion of the screen and allow a user to see a document
in different ways. It is important to remember that even though your document may appear different,
nothing has changed. A document in print layout view will print exactly the same way as it will in normal
view. See the table below for a description of each view.

Normal View: view the spreadsheet in normal view

Page Layout: view document as it will appear on the printed page, including
headers, footers, etc.
Page Break Preview: View a preview of where pages will break when
document is printed

Zoom Level
This allows the user to zoom into the spreadsheet. Click the plus sign to zoom in, or the minus sign
to zoom out. The slider can also be used to zoom in and out of the document.
Get Help Using Word
Excel 2007 has a built in help feature that is able to provide
answers and step-by-step instructions to questions or
problems you may be experiencing. The help feature can
be accessed by pushing the help icon in the upper right

corner of the screen.

Help Window
The help window lists a variety of topics that users
commonly need help with. Click on the appropriate heading
to get a list of subtopics related to the main heading. Click
the desired topic to receive information and instructions on
completing the task described.
If none of the topics provided seem to fit your need, a search
field is provided at the top of the window. Simply type in a
topic with which you need help and a list of possible
solutions will be provided.

Working with Spreadsheets

Entering Data
Text and numbers can be entered into cells in two ways.

Method #1
1. Double click in the cell in which you would like the data to appear, the blinking insertion point will
appear in the cell.
2. Type desired data into cell
3. Press Enter on your keyboard

Method #2
1. Click the cell you would like the data to appear in.
2. Click in the formula bar near the top of your screen. (see picture of the formula bar above)
3. Type desired data
4. Press Enter on your keyboard

Editing Data
If data is entered incorrectly, it can easily be modified.
Method #1
1. Double click the cell that needs editing.
2. Use your keyboard arrows to move to the exact location in the data.
3. Use your keyboard to delete old data and retype new data

Method #2
1. Click the cell that holds the data to be modified.
2. The data will appear in the formula bar.
3. Insert the mouse pointer in the formula bar.
4. Use your keyboard to delete old data and retype new data

Fill cells with a series of data

Using the Fill Handle
The AutoFill feature (also known as sequencing) is a great way to enter data into several cells at once.
AutoFill will fill in days of the week, months of the year, or any pattern of numbers with just a couple of
mouse clicks.

1. Enter the first piece of information into a cell.

2. Select the cell. Note: When using auto fill to add numbers in a pattern (Example: 2, 4,
6….) At least two cells will need to be selected.
3. Locate the small black square in the lower right corner of the cell.
4. Click and drag the handle to a new location in the worksheet. You will see the additional
information appear in fly out boxes as you drag.
5. Release the mouse button to fill in cells with data.
Using the Fill button
Some individuals may find the fill handle to be small and difficult to move.
Excel has made sure that this helpful feature can be accessed through the

Copying text
The fill button allows the user to copy text from one cell and paste into
many other cells very quickly.

1. Enter Text into the first cell.

2. Hit Enter on the keyboard
3. Select the Cell that contains the text that was just entered.
4. Click and drag to select the cells that you wish to fill with the copied data. See example below.

5. Activate the Home Ribbon

6. Click the Fill button in the Editing group
7. Select Down, Right, Up or Left depending on where the highlighted cells are in relation to the cell
containing the text. In the above example, click Right
8. The text will immediately be duplicated to the selected cells

Fill a Series
Just like the fill handle could be used to complete the months of the
year, days of the week or any other numerical pattern, the fill button
can also be used.
1. Enter a piece of text into a cell
2. Hit Enter on the keyboard
3. Select the Cell that contains the text that was just entered.
4. Activate the Home Ribbon
5. Click the Fill Button in the Editing group
6. Click Series. The dialog box pictured at right will appear.
7. Enter information as needed
a. Series in:
i. Rows: will keep all data in one row, populating each column with a different
piece of information. ii. Columns: will keep all data in one column, populating
each row with a different piece of information.
b. Type:
i. Linear: This will add step values to the original value until the stop value is
reached. Example: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12…..
Note: subsequent cells can be selected in place of supplying a stop value, text
will then be added to cells based on the number of cells that were selected. ii.
Growth: This will multiply the step value by the previous cell value, starting with
your original number and ending with the stop value. Example: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32…
Note: subsequent cells can be selected in place of supplying a stop value, text will
then be added to cells based on the number of cells that were selected.
iii. Date: When a date is used as the original value, dates can be added by selecting
cells and a date Unit, or by using step and stop values. iv. AutoFill: To enter
information such as Days of the week or Months of the year, select cells and choose
AutoFill to complete the series.

Navigating in Your Worksheet

Use the Mouse To:
Move the worksheet display up or down one row at a
Vertical Scroll Arrow
Move the worksheet display left or right one column at a
Horizontal Scroll Arrow time
Hold down the mouse button on the horizontal or Continuously move the worksheet display horizontally
vertical scroll arrow or vertically
Click the horizontal or vertical scroll bar Move the worksheet display one screen at a time
Move rapidly vertically or horizontally through the
Click and drag the scroll handle
worksheet area
Click in the Name box, type the cell reference, hit enter
Move to a specific cell in the worksheet
on your keyboard.
Use the Keyboard To Move the Active Cell:
Arrow Keys One cell at a time to the left, right, up, or down
Home Key Column A of the current row
Page Up or Page Down Up or Down by one display screen
Tab To the Right one cell at a time
Shift + Tab To the Left one cell at a time
Ctrl+Home To Cell A1 in the active worksheet
Alt + Page Up or Alt + Page Down One screen to the left or right
Insert and Delete Cells, Rows and Columns
The Insert and Delete commands allow you to quickly modify the layout of your
spreadsheet. It is often easier to add or delete columns and rows than it is to
move all the data.

Insert Rows or Columns:

1. Activate the home ribbon.
2. Select a cell below the row to be inserted or to the right of the column
to be inserted.
3. Click the Insert button, which is located under the Cells group.
4. Click the appropriate option
5. The row or column will be inserted immediately

Insert Cells
1. Activate the home ribbon
2. Click on a cell to the right of, or below where the new cell will be
3. Click the Insert button, select Insert Cells
4. The insert dialog box, pictured at right, will appear.
5. Click the appropriate option
6. Click OK

Note: Multiple columns, rows or cells can be inserted simultaneously. Simply select the number of cells
equal to the number to be inserted. For example, if you want to insert 5 new rows, select 5 existing
Delete Rows or Columns
1. Activate the home ribbon.
2. Select a cell in the row or column to be deleted.
3. Click the Delete button, which is located under the Cells group
4. Click the appropriate option.
5. The row or column will be deleted immediately.

Delete Cells
1. Activate the home ribbon
2. Click on the cell(s) to be deleted.
3. Click the Delete button, select Delete Cells.
4. The Delete dialog box, pictured at right, will appear.
5. Click the appropriate option
6. Click OK

Note: Insert and Delete commands can also be found by right clicking on a cell, row or column.

Save a Document
Save As
The first time you ever save a document you should use the “Save As” command. This allows you to name
your file and say exactly WHERE you want it saved.

1. Click the Office Button.

2. Click Save As
3. A new window will open; “Save As” will be in the title bar (see below).
4. Select the location to save your document
a. Click the dropdown arrow next to the “Save in” box
b. Locate the appropriate drive and folder in which to store the document
5. Type the name of the document in the File Name Box.
6. Click the Save Button
Creating New Folders
New Folders can be created while the Save As Dialog Box is open.
1. Click the Create New folder Button on the Save As dialog box toolbar.
2. Select the location to save your folder
3. Type a name for the new folder in the Name text box.
4. Click OK

Save an Existing Document

To save changes to an existing document (one that was previously saved):

1. Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar OR

click the Office button and click save.
OR press Ctrl+S keys

Selecting Data

A Single cell Click the cell.

Double-click the cell to place the insertion point inside the cell, and then
The contents of a cell doubleclick again to select the contents of the cell OR Select the cell, and then
select the contents of the Formula Bar.
Select the first cell in the contiguous range, navigate to the last cell in the range,
A contiguous range of
press and hold Shift, and then click the last cell to select the full range. OR Click
and drag from the first cell to the last cell.
A noncontiguous range Select the first cell in the range, navigate to the next cell in the range, press and
hold Ctrl, and then click the cell. (You can combine the Shift-click and Ctrl-click
of cells
Click the gray square below the Name Box (where the column
An entire worksheet
and row identifiers intersect).
Move and Copy data between cells
Move Data
1. Highlight the data you want to move
2. Cut the data by (choose one of the following methods)
a. Clicking Cut from the clipboard group on the Home ribbon
b. Right Click the selected text and choose cut
c. Hit CTRL+X on your keyboard.
3. Click in the new cell where the data will appear.
4. Past the data by (choose one of the following methods)
a. Clicking “Paste” from the clipboard group on the Home ribbon
b. Right Click the new cell and select “paste”
c. Hit CTRL+V on your keyboard.
Copy Data
1. Highlight the data you want to copy
2. Copy the data by (choose one of the following methods)
a. Clicking Copy from the clipboard group on the Home ribbon
b. Right Click the selected text and choose copy
c. Hit CTRL+C on your keyboard.
3. Click in the new cell where the data will appear.
4. Paste the data by (choose one of the following methods)
a. Clicking “Paste” from the clipboard group on the Home Ribbon
b. Right Click the new cell and select “paste”
c. Hit CTRL+V on your keyboard.

Drag and Drop Method

1. Click the cell with the original data
2. Run the mouse pointer over the thickened cell border until the insertion point turns into a four
pointed arrow.
3. Click and drag the cell to its new location.
Note: to copy data, hold down CTRL while dragging.
4. Data will be positioned in its new location

Spell Check a Worksheet

1. Activate the Review Ribbon
2. Click the Spelling Button.

Note: The spell check will begin its search for misspelled words at the cell that is selected when
the button is clicked. It will then scan down through the rows of the worksheet. It is best to
activate cell A1 before spellchecking, however if another cell is selected a dialog box will appear
that asks to user if spell check should continue from the beginning of the document, Click Yes.

3. If any misspelled words are found, the dialog box

pictured at right will appear.
4. The misspelled word will be in the top box
labeled, “Not in Dictionary”
5. In the lower box labeled “Suggestions” are
several possible alternatives to the misspelled
6. Click one of the buttons on the Right side of the
dialog box.
a. Ignore Once: Will ignore the misspelling
for the current entry
b. Ignore All : Will ignore the misspelling throughout the document. This is often used for
c. Add to Dictionary: Adds the word as it is currently spelled to the dictionary. This will
prevent the word from being flagged on future documents.
d. Change: If the word is misspelled, click one of the provided suggestions and click
change. This will change the word for that one instance of the misspelling.
e. Change All: If the word is misspelled, click a suggestion listed and click Change All. This
will replace all instances of that particular misspelling with the chosen suggestion.
f. Autocorrect: Enables the user to add an AutoCorrect entry for the misspelled word.
When that misspelling occurs again, the word will automatically be changed to the
correct spelling.
7. Once a word is corrected / ignored, spellchecker will move through the document identifying
additional misspelled words. Continue to use the buttons as needed.

Find and Select

Find Data
As spreadsheets grow, it becomes increasingly
difficult to easily locate individual pieces of
information. The Find command makes locating
specific pieces of data easy.

1. Activate Cell A1
2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the “Find and Select” button, under the Edit Group
4. Click “Find”
5. The dialog box at right will appear.
6. Type the piece of text or number you are looking for into the space provided.
7. Click one of the buttons provided.
a. Find All: This will move you to the first cell that contains the desired information. It will
also open up an additional piece of the dialog box that lists other cells where that
information appears. Click an entry from the list to move to that cell.
b. Find Next: This will move you to the first cell that contains the desired information.
Continue to hit “Find Next” to find subsequent instances of the data.

Find Options
Additional options for finding pieces of information are available. They may help you find pieces of data
or allows the user to look in different areas.
1. Click the “Options” button.
2. The dialog box will expand to provide more
options for searching. See picture at right.
3. Use the dropdowns and checkboxes to select how and where to search for the desired data.
a. Within: Choose weather to search in just the current worksheet or the entire workbook.
b. Search: Choose weather to search by rows (top to bottom) or columns (left to right)
c. Look in: Choose to look at values (the actual text seen in the cell) or in formulas (the
numbers that give the value)
d. Match Case: This is used when searching for text and will locate data only if it has the
same case as the search term. Example: “Oshkosh” is the search term. If this is
checked it will only find instances of “Oshkosh”. All instances of “oshkosh” will be
e. Match entire cell contents: When checked, only cells that contain data exactly as
entered will be found. Example “Oshkosh” is the search term. If this is checked, cells
that contain “UW Oshkosh” will be ignored.
4. Click the “Options” button to collapse this portion of the dialog box.

Replacing one piece of data with another can also be very helpful.

1. Activate Cell A1
2. Activate the Home ribbon
3. Click the Find and Select Button
4. Click Replace
5. The dialog box pictured at right will
6. Enter Information as necessary
a. Find what: type the piece data or piece of text that should be found.
b. Replace with: Type the piece of information that should replace the found data.
7. Click one of the buttons provided.
a. Replace All: This will replace all occurrences of the found text.
b. Replace: This will replace a single occurrence of the found text. The “Find Next” button
must be used first to locate the text.
c. Find All: This will move you to the first cell that contains the desired information. It will
also open up an additional piece of the dialog box that lists other cells where that
information appears. Click an entry from the list to move to that cell.
c. Find Next: Click this button to locate a piece of text. Then click the “Replace” button to
insert the new piece of text. Continue to click the “Find Next” button to move through
the document.
Go To
In most instances, you can quickly move around in a worksheet by
clicking on the cell you need to modify. However, when worksheets
become very large, it is often easier to navigate to a specific cell
using the “Go To” command.

1. Activate the Home Ribbon

2. Click the “Find and Select” button.
3. Click “Go To”
4. The dialog pictured at right will appear.
5. Enter the desired cell name (coordinates) into the box
labeled, “Reference” or select a cell reference from the list in
the “Go to” box.
6. Click OK
7. Your cursor will immediately move to the cell specified.

Note: The button labeled “Special” will open the Go To Special dialog box. See below for details.

Go To Special
Excel gives many more options than simply going to a particular
cell; users can also go to and/or select cells that have certain
properties. Although this might not be as beneficial with smaller
spreadsheets, it will be an important tool when spreadsheets are
large and/or complex.

1. Activate the Home Ribbon.

2. Click “Go To Special”
3. The dialog box pictured at right will appear.
4. Select the property you would like to locate in the cells of
the worksheet.
5. Click OK
6. The cells containing the property chosen will be selected.

Creating Formulas
Formulas are a key component to Excel. They help to automate many aspects of a spreadsheet and
allow users to save time by doing complex computations very easily. Formulas are made up of three
basic parts, the equals sign, a function or operator, and arguments.
When a formula is being written, it is important to always start with an equals (=) symbol. This tells
excel that the cell should display the solution to the formula, not the actual text that makes up the
There are two main ways to write excel formulas, with an operator or with a function. Both operators
and functions serve the same purpose; they tell excel what to do with the numbers provided in the

Lastly are the arguments. Arguments are the numbers or cell references that will be used to figure a

Formulas with Operators

Operators are symbols that represent mathematical operations.

The plus sign (+) for addition.

The minus sign (-) for subtraction.
The asterisk (*) for multiplication.
The forward slash (/) for division.
The caret symbol (^) for exponents.
The open and close parentheses ( ) to group computation instructions

To write a formula using an operator

1. Select the cell where you want the formula to appear.

2. In the formula bar, type an equal sign (=) to start the formula. Continue to add any necessary
operations and arguments. (Examples: = 2+6 OR =A1-A2)
3. Press Enter on your keyboard
4. The solution to the formula (6) will appear in the selected cell.

When writing more complex formulas using operators, be cognizant of the way arguments and
operators are entered. The order in which they are entered may alter the solution that is displayed.
The order of operations is the sequence of computations that a formula follows to arrive at a desired
result. The order of operations follows this sequence:

Computations enclosed in Parentheses, no matter where they appear in the formula.

Computations involving exponents.
Computations involving multiplication and division. Because they are equal with regard to
the order in which Excel performs them, Excel performs them in the order in which it encounters
them (from left to right).
Computations involving addition and subtraction also performed in order in which Excel
encounters them (from left to right).
Order of Operations

Formula Solution
=6+7*2 20
=9+6*(8–5) 27
= ( 14 – 5 ) / ( 9 – 6 ) 3
= 3 * (6 + 12 / ( 4 – 2 ) ) 36

Formulas with Functions

Functions serve the same purpose as operators; only in many situations functions can be much more
powerful. They allow a user to analyze data at a higher level then operators do, for example finding the
largest number in a set of results. In addition to some of the higher level functions, there are functions
that replace each of the operators. (SUM is the same as +)

Formulas using functions have a different format than formulas using operators. Function formulas still
start with an equals sign, but instead of a mixture of arguments and operators, the function is entered
right after the equals with the arguments following in parentheses.

= Function (Argument1, Argument2, Argument 3)

To write a formula using a function

1. Select the cell where you want the formula to appear.

2. In the formula bar, type an equal sign (=) to start the
1. Type the desired function. Several commonly used
functions are listed in the table at right
2. Enter arguments (numbers or cell references) in
parentheses. Arguments should be separated by
3. Press Enter on your keyboard
4. The solution to the formula will appear in the selected

Calculating a range of cells

Excel is a very useful tool when calculating a large amount of numbers. However, entering each and
every cell reference into a formula can be tedious and time consuming. To save time and effort, Excel
provides a simple way to calculate all the cells in a given range at once.

The colon symbol (:) is used to signify “through” in a formula. It allows the user to calculate many
adjacent cells at the same time. All other aspects of the formula remain unchanged; the formula will
still start with an equal symbol, followed by a function, followed by arguments. Only instead of listing
arguments individually, the first argument is added, followed by a colon (:) and then the last argument
in the range is added.

= Function (Argument1: Argument 3)

The AutoSum button makes writing simple formulas even easier by doing most of the formula building
automatically. It is most often used to calculate a range of adjacent cells. Simply, select the first blank
cell after the range and click the AutoSum button (located on the Editing group of the home ribbon). A
formula will automatically appear that sums the cells above.

AutoSum is not only essential when totaling numbers, but it also has several
other built in functions including, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX and MIN. To apply
one of the other functions, select the first blank cell after a range of adjacent
cells. Click the AutoSum dropdown and select the desired function. The
formula will appear in the selected cell.

Caution: Although AutoSum is a very useful tool, it “guesses” at the formula you
want to create. You must be careful to make sure the formula is accurate
before the total can be accepted. To change the automatic selection simply click and drag the
correct range of cells.
Formatting Cells
Change Font Type
1. Select the cell(s) you would like to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the Font dropdown menu on the Font group.

4. Drag down to the font type you would like to apply.

NOTE: Notice how the selected text changes as you run your mouse over the various fonts, this
is called live preview, it is a new feature in 2007.

5. Click the desired font.

6. Your text will immediately change to reflect the modification.

Change Font Size

In addition to the Grow Font and Shrink Font buttons, which let you increase and
decrease the size of selected text incrementally, you can also change size using the size drop down.

1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the size dropdown menu on the Font group.

4. Drag down to the size font you would like to use.

NOTE: Notice how the selected text changes as you run your mouse over the various sizes, this is
called live preview, it is a feature in 2007.

5. Click the desired size

6. Your text will immediately change to reflect the modification.

Apply Font Effects

Effects are located on the Home Ribbon under the Font Group.

1. Select the cell(s)you want to modify

2. Run your mouse over each button to get a description of the command and how it will affect the
selected text.
3. Click the button that corresponds to the type of effect you would like to apply.

4. Your text will immediately change to reflect the modification.

Change Font Color
1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the font color button on the Font group.

4. Select the color for the font.

NOTE: If you don’t see a color you like, drag down to “more colors.” The Colors dialog box will
appear, click the color from the palette you would like to use and click OK.

Change Cell Border

1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the Border button on the Font group.

4. Click the appropriate command for your border needs

a. Option 1: (Under the Borders Heading) - Immediately apply

the specified border to the selected cells.

b. Option 2: (Under the Draw Borders Heading) - Allow the user

to choose the color and style of the border then click on the
actual spreadsheet to apply.

Change Cell Background Color

1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the fill color button on Font group.

4. Click on the desired color.

NOTE: If you don’t see a color you like, drag down to “more colors.” The Colors dialog box will
appear, click the color from the palette you would like to use and click OK.

5. The cell color will immediately be modified.

Vertical Cell Alignment
1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click one of the vertical alignment buttons (Top, Middle, or Bottom) on the Alignment group.

4. The data in the cell will immediately be modified.

Horizontal Cell Alignment

1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon.

3. Click one of the horizontal alignment buttons (Left, Center, and Right) on the Alignment group.

4. The data in the cell will immediately be modified.

Cell Orientation
Cell Orientation describes the way data or text is displayed within the cell.

1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the Orientation button on the Alignment group

4. Select one of the available options

5. The data in the selected cell(s) will immediately be modified.

Wrap Text
By default when the data contained in a cell is too large for the size of the cell, the
data although present will not be visible. The Wrap Text button allows a user to
wrap the text to a new line, thereby increasing the row height and allowing the
entire piece of data to be visible.

1. Select the cell(s) you want to change.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon.

3. Click the Wrap Text button on the Alignment group

4. The data in the cell will continue onto subsequent lines

Merge and Center
Merging cells takes several individual cells and forms them into one cell. It is most often used to change
the size of an individual cell, without changing an entire row or column.

1. Select the cells to merge.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the Merge and Center drop down on the Alignment group

4. Select the appropriate action.

a. Merge & Center: This command consolidates all selected cells into one big cell and
centers any data contained in the cell.
b. Merge Across: This command consolidates each row of selected cells into one wide cell
per row.
c. Merge Cells: This command consolidates all selected cells into one big cell.
d. Unmerge Cells: This command returns cells to their original size and number.

5. The selected cells will be modified immediately

Number Formats
Excel 2007 not only gives you a variety of options for formatting the size, shape and
color of cells, but it also allows you to quickly format the data within those cells. The
Number group on the Home Ribbon offers several options for formatting data.

1. Select the cell(s) to modify.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon

3. Click the buttons provided to format data as currency, a percent or apply a

comma. The dropdown menu can also be used to apply more specific types of
formatting, like date, time, or fraction.

4. The selected cells will be modified immediately

Format Cells Dialog Box

Many of the actions that can perform by using commands on
the ribbon can also be done by launching a dialog box. Using
the dialog box allows the user to complete more complex
formatting changes all in the same place and apply them all at
the same time.
1. Select cell(s) to modify.
2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the Dialog Box Launcher found in the Font group.
4. The “Format Cells” dialog box will appear. Click the appropriate tab at the top to modify various
properties of the cell(s).

Modify Column Width and Row Height

Cells can also be formatted by changing the size. Occasionally the information contained in a set of cells
requires the row or column to be larger or smaller. For example, a column containing a persons street
address will need to be longer than the column containing their zip code. There are several methods
that can be used to resize rows and columns.

Method #1
1. Place the mouse pointer on the right border (bottom border
for rows) in the heading area of the column or row to
enlarge or shrink. In the picture at right, column B is being
2. The cursor will turn into a double pointed arrow.
3. Click and drag to resize the column.

Note: if you use the method above and double click the heading border, the column or row will
resize to accommodate the largest piece of data.

Method #3 –
1. Activate a cell within the row or column to resize.
2. Click the Home Ribbon
3. Click the Format button in the Cells Group
4. Select the desired option
a. Row Height: a dialog box appears in which an exact height can be
b. AutoFit Row Height: Automatically adjusts the row height to
accommodate the largest piece of data
c. Column Width: a dialog box appears in which an exact width can be measured.
d. AutoFit Row Width: Automatically adjusts the column width to accommodate the cell
with the largest amount of data
e. Default Width: allows the user to determine the default width of rows for an entire
Hide Rows or Columns
Occasionally you may want to view or print a spreadsheet and
not display all the information contained. For example, a
summary spreadsheet containing budget information should
include the total amount spent on employee wages, but you may
not wish to include the column of individual wages in the printed

1. Activate a cell in the row or column that needs to be

2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the “Format” button on the Cells group.
4. Click “Hide and Unhide” 5. Click the appropriate option.

Unhide Rows or Columns

1. Activate cells on both sides of a hidden row or column.
2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the “Format” button on the Cells group
4. Click “Hide and Unhide” 5. Click the appropriate option.

Note: Rows and Columns can also be hidden by clicking on the row or column label, notice that ALL of
the cells in that row or column are selected. Right click the selected cells and choose Hide. In a similar
fashion, select the row or columns on both sides of a hidden column and right click to unhide.

Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting is a great way to automatically format cells according to the piece of data
contained in the cell.

This type of conditional formatting allows the user to set up certain criteria; cells
are then formatted to highlight those criteria. For example, a student payroll
supervisor may want to identify the five students that work the most hours in a
pay period. Instead of viewing each cell one by one, the supervisor can use
conditional formatting to quickly locate the highest five numbers in the selected

1. Select the cells to evaluate.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon.
3. Click the Conditional Formatting button on the Styles group.
4. Choose one of the rule options
a. Highlight Cells Rules: Click one of the options available to format the appropriate cells.
Examples: Greater Than, Less Than, Cell contains, etc.
b. Top/Bottom Rules: Click one of the options available to format the appropriate cells.
Example: Top Ten Items, Above Average, Below Average
5. When a rule is selected a dialog box will appear requesting specific
information regarding that option. Use the roll box to choose exact
information to highlight and how the cells that fit that criterion
should be formatted.
6. Click OK
7. The cells that meet the desired criteria will be formatted appropriately.

Data Bars
Data bars automatically fill the cell with a gradient color according to the cell value. It acts as a visual
representation of the number in the cell.

1. Select the cells to apply formatting

2. Activate the Home Ribbon.
3. Click “Conditional Formatting’ from the Styles group
4. Select Data Bars
5. Click on the color you prefer
6. Gradient color is automatically applied.

Color Scales
Color Scales apply two-color or three-color formats according to cell value. It acts as a visual
representation of the values in a range of cells.

1. Select the cells to apply formatting

2. Activate the Home Ribbon.
3. Click “Conditional Formatting” from the Styles group
4. Select Color Scales
5. Click on the color scheme you prefer
6. Selected color scheme is immediately applied to cells.

Icon Sets
1. Select the cells to apply formatting
2. Activate the Home Ribbon.
3. Click “Conditional Formatting” from the Styles group
4. Select Icon Set
5. Click on the icon set you prefer
6. Selected icons are immediately applied to cells.
Customizing Conditional Formatting
If you would like to use other formats other than the ones
Microsoft provides you can change many aspects of the

1. Select the cells to conditionally format.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the “Conditional Formatting” Button on the Styles
4. Click “New Rule”
5. The New Formatting Rule dialog box will appear.
6. Select a Rule type from the list at the top of the box.
7. Depending on the rule type chosen, the Rule description will change.
8. Make desired formatting changes.
9. Click OK
10. Changes will immediately be applied to selected cells that fit the desired criteria.

Clear Conditional Formatting

1. Select the cells with Conditional Formatting applied.
Note: If a cell does not have visible formatting, a conditional formatting rule could still be
applied but the value of the cell does not meet the specified criteria. When clearing make sure
the select all cells with the rule applied.
2. Activate the Home Ribbon.
3. Click “Conditional Formatting” from the Styles group
4. Select “Clear Rules”
5. Click an available option
a. Clear Rules From Selected Cells
b. Clear Rules from Entire Sheet
6. Formats will automatically be cleared from desired cells.

Format as Table
The Format as Table button is a great way to apply many features and functions to a range of cells all at
the same time. The cells can have a variety of formats added as well as applying a filter function. This
saves time by quickly formatting a range of cells so that headings, data and totals are easily separated.

1. Click in the desired range of cells.

Note: the range will be a continuous range, any blank rows or columns will not be included in
the range.
2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the “Format as Table” button in the Styles group
4. The Table Gallery will appear
5. Click on the desired set of formats.
6. The Format as Table dialog box will appear. Verify the cells listed are the cells you wish to
7. Click OK
8. Cell formats and an autofilter tool will immediately be applied.

Working with Tables

Once a table style has been applied to a range of cells, there are several options for further formatting.

Table Name
Excel automatically applies a name to every table created in a worksheet. Default names are usually
Table 1, Table 2, etc. You can change the name of the table by selecting the Table Tools Design Tab (you
must be in the table to see this tab. Then click in the Table Name field on the Properties group and
typing in a new name. The cells in the table can then all be selected at once using the dropdown in the

Resizing Tables
Table formats will only be applied to a range of cells containing data. For example, you have rows one
through ten populated with data. Formats will only be applied to those ten rows, to extend the
formatted section into unpopulated rows (or columns), you must resize the table.

Resize by dragging
1. Click the handle in the lower right corner of the table.
2. Drag the handle to expand the table
3. Release the mouse button when table reaches the desired size.

Resize using dialog box

1. Activate the table by clicking a cell within the formatted range.
2. Activate the Design Ribbon
3. Click the Resize Table button on the Properties group 4. Modify the cell references provided to
extend the table.
5. Click OK
6. Table will extend to include new cells.

Summarize with Pivot Tables

Pivot Tables are located on the Table Tools Design Ribbon (you must be within the table to see this tab).
Pivot Tables help users organize and manipulate data in a variety of ways; they are discussed in greater
detail in the Tables and Charts workshop.
Remove Duplicates
The Remove duplicates button, located on the Table Tools Design Ribbon in the Tools group (you must
be within the table to see this tab) will do just what it says, it removes duplicate entries from a range of

1. Activate the table by clicking a cell within the formatted range.

2. Activate the Design Ribbon
3. Click the Remove Duplicates button on the
Tools group.
4. The Remove Duplicates Dialog Box will
5. Excel takes the column headings from the
worksheet and inserts them into the
Columns window at the bottom of the
dialog box.
6. Click the checkbox adjacent to t the fields
that Excel should assess when looking for
duplicates. For example, if all fields are checked, excel will only remove those records or rows
that contain the exact same information in all fields. If only Last name is checked, it will keep
the first instance of the particular last name, but subsequent rows containing that particular last
name will be deleted.
7. Click OK
8. A Message will appear with notification of how many rows were removed and how many
9. Click OK
10. Duplicate entries will be deleted.

Convert to Range
Click inside the table. On the Design tab under the Tools group click the Convert to Range button to
remove the Table feature from the range of cells. Although formats will remain applied to cells, the
range will no longer operate as a table (you can not access the Table Design ribbon) and the AutoFilter
option will be removed.

Formatting a Table
Once a range of cells has been formatted as a table it is extremely easy to modify those formats and to
change the amount of information the table displays. The entire format scheme can be changed by
clicking on various formats displayed in the Table Styles group. Tables can be further customized by
clicking the check boxes in the Table Style Options group.
Cell Styles
Instead of applying several formats to a single
cell, Excel has included a series of preformatted
styles. This allows the user to change the look
of a cell with a single mouse click.

1. Activate the cell(s) to format.

2. Activate the Home ribbon.
3. Click the Cell Styles button in the Styles
4. Click one of the Styles available.
5. The Cell will immediately change to reflect the chosen style.

Creating Custom Cell Style

The cell styles provided by Microsoft may not always fulfill user needs. Custom Cell Styles can be
created and saved so that they can be accessed at any time.

1. Select a blank, unformatted cell.

2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the Cell Styles button from the Styles group.
4. Click “New Cell Style”
5. The Style dialog box will appear.
6. In the field labeled Style name, type a easily recognizable
name for the style.
7. The formats currently applied to the cell are listed below in
the section labeled “Style Includes.” An unformatted cell
was selected so the default cell styles are listed.
8. Click “Format” to modify current style.
9. The Format Cells dialog box will appear. Use the tabs
provided to modify the cell formats.
10. When finished adding formats, click OK to close the Format Cells dialog box.
11. The formats listed in the Style dialog box have now changed to reflect the modifications.
12. Click OK to Close the Style dialog box.

Applying Custom Styles

1. Select the cell(s) in which to apply the custom cell style.
2. Activate the Home ribbon.
3. Click the Cell Styles button in the Styles group.
4. The gallery will appear with a new “Custom” category
5. Click the appropriate custom style to apply it to the selected cells.

Themes are similar to styles in a lot of ways, they share the goal of unifying a document into a concise
set of formats, but there is one major difference. While styles focus on individual cells, themes are
meant to control an entire document. When a theme is used, it affects not only text, but tables, graphic
objects, text boxes and cover pages.

Changing Themes in a Document

1. By default the “Office 2007” theme is applied to all new spreadsheets.
2. Whenever appropriate use the styles provided on the Styles group of the Home ribbon. Add any
text boxes, or graphics that are needed
3. Activate the Page Layout Ribbon
4. Click the Themes button in the upper left corner.
5. Mouse over each theme to see how that partcular theme will look on your document.
6. Click the Theme that you prefer.
7. The new theme will be applied to your current spreadsheet

Modifying components of a theme

If you like the font of a theme but not the color, the various aspects can easily be modified.

1. Activate the Page Layout Ribbon

2. Click the button that corresponds to the formatting aspect you would like to change from the
Themes group.
Note: The effects button will let you control how the shapes in charts, SmartArt, and pictures
3. Select the theme that contains the color, font, or effect you want.
4. Use traditional methods for changing colors within the themes coordinated colors.
5. Note: In Excel 2007, the font dropdown (located on the home ribbon) contains two sections, one
holds fonts that coordinate with the theme, the other section contains all fonts.
Formatting Worksheets
Just like the pages of a book, similar worksheets in Excel are put together to form workbooks. By
default, new workbooks come with three worksheets, labeled Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3. Additional
worksheets can be added, deleted, renamed, and repositioned so that the data is presented in a clear
and concise manner.

Renaming Worksheet Tabs

1. Activate the sheet to rename by clicking the appropriate worksheet tab at the bottom of the
2. Right click on the Sheet tab to rename.
3. Select “Rename” from the menu
4. The sheet tab will appear as though the text has a black border, in actuality the text is all
selected. Type the new name for the sheet.
5. When finished typing, hit “Enter” on the keyboard.
6. The name of the tab will be updated immediately.

Modify Worksheet Tab Color

1. Activate the sheet to modify by clicking on the tab at the bottom of the screen
2. Right click on the Sheet tab to color.
3. Select “Tab Color” from the menu
4. Choose a color from the menu provided.
5. The color of the tab will be updated immediately.
Note: The tab color may not appear to change immediately, this is because the sheet is still
activated and much of the color disappears behind the tab name. Activate another sheet to
reveal the full tab color.

Insert Worksheets
By default, workbooks are comprised of three sheets. If more sheets are required, they can easily be
added with a few clicks of the mouse.

1. Click the sheet to the right of the position you want the new sheet to
appear. For example, if you click Sheet 2, the new sheet will appear
between Sheet 1 and Sheet2.
2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the “Insert” button in the Cells Group.
4. Select “Insert Sheet”
5. A new sheet will be added to the tabs at the bottom of the page.

Note: New sheets can also be added by right clicking a sheet tab and selecting insert or by clicking the
new sheet button located adjacent to the named sheets.
Reposition Worksheets
Move or copy Dialog Box
1. Right Click the tab of the sheet to move or copy.
2. Select “Move or Copy” from the menu.
3. The Move or Copy window will appear (pictured at right).
4. Select the book to move the worksheet to. By default the
current workbook is selected but other open workbooks
can be selected by clicking the dropdown.
5. Click on the sheet below where you want the sheet to be
placed. In the example at right, we want to move Sheet 3
so that it is between Sheet 2 and Sheet 4, so Sheet 4 would be clicked.
6. Click OK.
7. The sheet will immediately move to the new location

Note: The “Create a copy” checkbox, will keep the original worksheet in place, but will place a
second copied worksheet in a new location.

Drag Method
If a spreadsheet needs to be moved to a new location in the current workbook, the drag method may be
easier and faster.

1. Click the tab of the worksheet that will be moved, hold

down the mouse button and begin dragging.
2. The mouse pointer will change to appear as though it is dragging a piece of paper.
3. Drag the mouse pointer to the new location of the worksheet.
4. The sheet will be placed at the location of the small black arrow.
5. Release the mouse button.
6. The worksheet will immediately move to the new location.

Delete a Worksheet
1. Click the sheet to delete.
2. Activate the Home Ribbon
3. Click the “Delete” button in the Cells Group.
4. Select “Delete Sheet”
5. The sheet will immediately disappear from the tabs at the bottom
of the workbook.
Hide/Unhide Worksheets
Occasionally you may have a worksheet that you may need to keep but do not need to view on a regular
basis. For example the data that makes up a chart. You want to have the chart visible, but not the data
required to make the chart. The sheet containing that data can be hidden, and accessed only when a
change needs to be made.

Hide Worksheets
1. Activate the sheet to be hidden
2. Activate the home ribbon
3. Click the Format button in the Cells group
4. Select “Hide & Unhide”
5. Click “Hide Sheet”
6. The sheet will immediately disappear.

Unhide Sheet
1. Activate the home ribbon
2. Click the Format button in the Cells group
3. Select “Hide & Unhide”
4. Click “Unhide Sheet”
7. The Unhide dialog box will appear.
5. Click on the sheet to unhide from the list provided.
6. Click OK
7. The sheet will immediately reappear in the workbook.

Margins determine the amount of space between the data in your worksheet and the edge of the paper.
They are specific to worksheets, so Sheet 1 can have different margins than Sheet 2.

1. Activate the desired worksheet.

2. Activate the Page Layout ribbon.
3. Click the Margins button in the Page Setup Group
4. Select one of the margin combinations provided or click Custom Margins to choose your own.
NOTE: In addition to the regular margins, the Page Setup dialog box allows control over the size
of the header and footer. There is also the option to override any margins settings and instead
center the spreadsheet on the page horizontally or vertically.
Set Page Orientation
The page orientation of a document is the way the text is printed on the paper. By
default, Excel is set to print spreadsheets so that the paper is in portrait (8 ½”
wide x 11” tall). However, worksheets with a large amount of data in columns
may be too wide to fit paper in this direction. In these situations, the paper
orientation can be changed to landscape (11” wide x 8 ½” tall).

1. Activate the Page Layout Ribbon

2. Click the Orientation button
3. Select one of the options provided.
a. Portrait: tall and
b. Landscape: short and fat

Paper Size
In some cases, a regular piece of copy paper may not accommodate the large
amount of data contained on a worksheet; other situations may demand a smaller
spreadsheet on a half sheet. Excel allows users to change the size of the paper they
are printing on.

1. Activate the Page Layout Ribbon

2. Click on the “size” button
3. Click on one of the standard sizes provided in the gallery.
4. Click “More Paper Sizes” to choose additional paper sizes.

Adding Backgrounds
Excel 2007 allows the user to add a background to an excel worksheet, this could be your departmental
logo or watermark. Although useful, it is important to remember that backgrounds are only visible in
the electronic form of the document. A background will not appear on a printed worksheet.

1. Activate the Page layout Ribbon

2. Click on the Background button
3. Browse to the appropriate background picture
4. Click the “Insert” button
5. The selected picture will be added to the worksheet as a background.
6. NOTE: To delete the background, activate the page layout ribbon and click the button labeled
“Delete Background.”
Page Breaks
By default page breaks are automatically added to your worksheet when the data extends past the
space available for the selected page size. These page breaks (referred to as soft breaks) appear as a
dotted line, but only after the worksheet is viewed in print preview. If desired, a user can force page
breaks (referred to as hard breaks) so that data is printed to a page in a specific manner. Notice that
Hard breaks have a more dashed line.

Add Page Breaks

1. Select the entire row (by clicking the row label) below the desired page break position. In the
example above, the user would select row 22. 2. Activate the Page Layout Ribbon
3. Click the Breaks button.
4. Click “Insert Page Break”
5. A hard page break (dashed line) will appear immediately above the selected cells

Remove Page Breaks

1. Select the entire row (by clicking the row label) immediately below the page break.
Note: Only hard breaks can be deleted.
2. Activate the Page Layout Ribbon
3. Click the Breaks button.
4. Click “Remove Page Break”
5. The hard page break (dashed line) will disappear.

Note: To remove all hard page breaks and return a spreadsheet back to its original soft break form,
Click “Reset all page breaks.”

Headers and Footers

Headers and footers are used to hold titles, page numbers, or any other pieces of information you
would like to appear on every page. Headers are at the top of the page, while footers are at the
bottom of a page.

Adding a Header and Footer

1. Activate the Insert Ribbon
2. Click the Header & Footer button in the Text Group.
3. The following three items will immediately display
a. The screen will change to display the page layout view.
b. The areas designated for Headers and Footers will become visible
c. The Header/Footer Ribbon will be displayed.

4. Headers and Footers are split into three sections (left, center and right), click the section in
which you would like to add text.
5. Type text or use one of the preformatted sets of text under the Header and Footer dropdowns
or under the Header and Footer Elements.
Note: the dropdowns under the Header and footer are preformatted to include the location of
the item, text from these dropdowns will go directly to the left, right, or center, the user does
not get to choose the location.
6. Text will appear in desired location and will be printed at the appropriate location on all pages of
a spreadsheet.
7. When all text has been added to the Header and Footer, click in the spreadsheet portion of the
8. If desired, click the normal view button in the lower right corner of your screen to return to
the original view of your worksheet.

Removing a Header and Footer

1. Activate the Insert Ribbon
2. Click the Header & Footer button in the Text Group.
3. The Header and Footer Ribbon will appear.
4. Click the Header or Footer button on the far left of the ribbon.
5. Select None.
9. If desired, click the normal view button in the lower right corner of your screen to return to
the original view of your worksheet.

Print Titles
Similar to Headers and Footers, print titles appear at the top of every page. However, they differ in their
overall purpose, information in headers and footers relate to the overall worksheet, a title, page
numbers, etc. Print titles are meant to display column or row headings at the top (or right side) of every
page. In other words, when there is enough data to extend onto multiple pages, print titles will repeat
the column or row headings so that data on subsequent pages can easily be interpreted.

1. Activate the page layout ribbon.

2. Click the Print Titles button in the Page Setup group.
3. The page setup dialog box will appear.
4. Locate the Print Titles area of the dialog box
5. Click the collapse dialog box button next to the desired field.
6. Select the rows or columns to repeat.
Note: the cell references can also be typed into the space provided.

7. Click the expand dialog box button to open the dialog box again.
8. Click OK
9. Click print preview to ensure that the print titles were applied.

Print Area
The Print Area feature allows a user to specify ONLY a specific range of cells to be printed. When
completed, the rules will remain in place until they are removed. This feature should only be used if the
range is the only portion of the worksheet that will ever be printed and will only very rarely be a need to
print the entire worksheet.

Set Print Area

1. Activate the page layout ribbon.
2. Select the cells to be printed.
3. Click the Print Area button.
4. Click “Set Print Area”
5. The rule will immediately be put in place.

Note: The Print Area can also be accessed by launching the Page Setup dialog box.

Clear Print Area

1. Activate the page layout ribbon
2. Click the Print Area button.
3. Click “Clear Print Area”
4. The rule will immediately be cancelled.

Caution: If different portions of a worksheet need to be printed on a regular basis, select the
desired cells and in the print dialog box, click the radio button next to selection.

Scale to Fit
Often times there may be a spreadsheet that is just a little bigger than the space allowed on a page. It
often works out, so that only one line or one column extends onto the next page. Although there are
various ways to modify the layout of a document to force it onto the desired number of pages, the scale
to fit option can often take much of the guess work out of the process.

Modifying Scale
The Scale option is located in the Scale to Fit Group on the Page Layout Ribbon. Use the roll box to
increase or decrease the scale of all aspects of the worksheet. In other words, this will allow you to
shrink all portions of the worksheet at once.

Width and Height

Another option for forcing data onto the desired number of pages is
using the Width and Height feature; this will automatically modify
the scale depending on the number of pages the user wants the
worksheet to be.

1. Activate the Page layout Ribbon.

2. Click the Width or Height dropdown in the Scale to Fit Group.
3. Click the number of pages wide or high the spreadsheet
should be.
4. The Scale of the worksheet will automatically change to
accommodate the data on the specified number of sheets

Freeze Panes
When worksheets get long it is often difficult to see the areas that need to be reviewed. Various
methods have already been discussed for viewing long spreadsheets while printed, but very often work
is done just by looking at the computer screen. Fortunately, Excel has a Freeze panes feature that will
force a specific row or column to always appear on-screen. This is most often used to freeze column
and row headings in place, allowing scrolling through the remaining data.

1. Activate the View Ribbon

2. Click the Freeze Panes button in the Window Group.
3. Click one of the options available:
a. Freeze Panes: This option is dependent on which
cell in the worksheet is selected. All cells above
and to the left of the selected cell will freeze.
b. Freeze Top Row: This will freeze row one of the
c. Freeze First Column: This will freeze column A of the worksheet.
4. A thin black line will appear on the screen separating the frozen cells from the rest of the
5. Test frozen cells by scrolling through document.
Split Worksheet
Splitting a worksheet is especially handy when you must compare various sections of a worksheet to
other sections of the same worksheet. Although the data may not be located next to each other , you
can view all the data on the same screen.
1. Activate the View Ribbon
2. Click a cell in the worksheet. The sheet will be split above and to the left of the selected cell.
3. Click the Split button in the Window Group.
4. Thick blue bars will be added to the worksheet splitting the sheet into four separate sections.
5. Each section is scrollable, so that the data can be positioned adjacent to each other for easier

Arrange Worksheets in a new Window

Freezing Panes and splitting worksheets allow for data comparison within a single worksheet. However,
often times related data can be separated on different worksheets within the same workbook. Excel
2007 allows a user to open another copy of the same workbook so the different worksheets can easily
be compared.

1. Activate the View Ribbon

2. Click the New Window Button in the Window Group
3. Another instance of the workbook will open in the system tray.
Note additional instances of the workbook can be added by
continuing to click the new window button.
4. Click the Arrange All button in the Window Group.
5. The Arrange Windows dialog box appears.
6. Click the radio button next to the desired option.
a. Tiled: Will organize different instances of the workbook next to each other, so that the
entire space is covered.
b. Horizontal: will place different instances of the workbook on top of one another so that
the top instance can be compared to the instance below it.
c. Vertical: will place different instances of the workbook to the left or right of the original
so that one instance can be compared to the instance next to it.
d. Cascade: will place different instances of the workbook on top of one anther in a
cascading fashion.
Note: By default, when arranging work sheets all open instances of Excel will be included. If
only the instances of the currently viewed spreadsheet are to be included in the range, click the
check box next to “Windows of active workbook”

7. Click OK

Sheet Options
By default, items such as the gridlines and column headings are always present in Excel
to help users organize data as it is entered. However, these items may not always need
to be viewed. At other times it may be helpful to have these items printed onto paper
along with other data. Excel 2007 makes modifying this very easy.
1. Activate the Page Layout Ribbon
2. Locate the Sheet Option Group.
3. Click the checkboxes next to view or print under each category.
4. The changes will immediately be applied to the worksheet.

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