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KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023


Emotional intelligence in the workplace begins from the inside out with each individual. It involves
recognizing various aspects of your feelings and emotions and taking the time to work on the elements
of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Ottawa University's online
Master of Arts in Leadership degree gives you the tools to help you measure and analyze your
emotional intelligence levels.


1. Self-Awareness: The ability to recognize and understand your own emotions, is a critical part of
emotional intelligence. Beyond just recognizing your emotions, however, is being aware of the
effect of your actions, moods, and emotions on other people. To become self-aware, you must be
capable of monitoring your own emotions, recognizing different emotional reactions, and then
correctly identifying each particular emotion.
2. Self-Regulation: The ability to regulate and manage your emotions, which is not to say you are
putting emotions on lockdown and hiding your true feelings. It simply means waiting for the right
time and place to express them.
3. Motivation:Intrinsic motivation also plays a key role in emotional intelligence. People who are
emotionally intelligent are motivated by things beyond external rewards like fame, money,
recognition, and acclaim. Instead, they have a passion to fulfill their own inner needs and goals.
4. Emphatic: Being empathetic or having the ability to understand how others are feeling - is
absolutely ucial to emotional intelligence. But it involves more than just being able to recognize
the emotional states of others. It also involves your responses to people based on this information.
5. Social Skills: Being able to interact well with others is another important aspect of emotional
intelligence. The emotional understanding involves more than just consideration of your own
emotions and those of others. You also need to be able to put this information to work in your daily
interactions and communications. In professional settings, managers benefit by being able to build
relationships and connections with employees.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
1. Globalisation: Almost all home companies face the challenge of competition with their
international counterparts: Small retailers, big manufacturers, all are competing with the
international products. It has resulted in greater complexities, greater economic and political
risk and uncertainty. The problems of internationalization are faced in the fields of goods and
services, finance, human resource and advertising.
2. Quality and Productivity: Companies compete with international competitors with respect
to quality and productivity of goods and services. Successful companies have been able to
maintain and enhance the quality of goods and services with fewer resources (productivity).
Managers must, therefore, focus on producing more and better with fewer resources.
3. Quality and Productivity: Companies compete with international competitors with respect
to quality and productivity of goods and services. Successful companies have been able to
maintain and enhance the quality of goods and services with fewer resources (productivity).
Managers must, therefore, focus on producing more and better with fewer resources.
4. Environment: Environment is changing at a fast rate. Organisations have to change with the
competitive environment to maintain their customers. Managers should develop deep
understanding of the internal and external environmental factors and their application to
business operations.
5. Strategy Formulation: It keeps managers constantly involved and promotes healthy
interaction between the organization and the environment. Managers who frame effective
strategies will remain in the market and those who fail to do so will leave the market. Strategy
formulation, therefore, requires constant attention of contemporary managers.
6. Workforce Diversity: Diversity in the workforce exists when members differ along
dimensions like race, colour, caste, creed, nationality, gender etc. Traditionally, organizations
were managed by workforce with no or very little diversity, like all men, all whites or all
Indians but today almost all organizations experience tremendous change in the composition
of workforce.
7. Change: Change is a continuous process. If firms want to compete in the complex, dynamic
and diverse environment as they are facing today, where expectations from managers and
their organisations are on an ever increase, they must accept the changes that confront their
every day life.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
8. Empowerment: Though management is 'the art of getting things done through others,' the
others/subordinates will not do things if they have to merely carry out the orders and
instructions of managers. Workers want more information about the organisation to perform
and control their jobs. Participative decision-making and formation of groups and work teams
help in fulfillment of individual, group and organisational goals.
9. Information Technology: Information technology "refers to the resources used by an
organisation to manage information that it needs to carry out its mission". Information is an
important part of communication and managers have to be careful in selecting the amount and
type of information (out of the large quantity of information available) for carrying out the
business operations.
10. Ethics and Social Responsibility: Firms which do not adhere to ethical standards and social
responsibilities are not accepted by the society. It is, therefore, a challenge for managers to
define relationships with the social environment. Organization that violates social
expectations has the risk of legal interference, loss of goodwill and even loss of business.

Organizational goals are the overarching targets established by organizational leaders. Leaders create
organizational goals to achieve a certain level of output and success. These specific objectives are
typically used to guide desirable organizational outcomes and create outlines for employee workflow.


1. Official goals: Official goals are those that an organization aims, or hopes, to achieve. These
goals may describe an organization's attempt at achieving its mission and are often publicly
announced. For example, the official goal of a media company might be to keep local
communities informed and protected.
2. Operative goals: Operative goals are those that organizations see as requirements to achieving
a desired outcome. These goals are the tangible and actionable steps that an organization can
take to fulfill their overall purpose.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
5 Ways To Achieve Goals in the Workplace:
1. Time efficiency: Many organizations may seek to be more efficient with their time. For
instance, if a car manufacturing company typically takes approximately 19 hours to build a
single vehicle, they may aim to cut down on this time investment by improving specific
manufacturing processes.
2. Increased data security: With more technological innovations being implemented globally
each day, an organization may make it a goal to increase their security measures. For
example, if a social media company possesses a significant and growing amount of user
information, they may need to alter their processes to carefully handle such information.
3. Improved customer support: Client-facing organizations consistently seek to improve their
customer support mechanisms to ensure satisfaction. For example, if a business that sells
outdoor apparel has a robust guarantee policy, they may make it a goal to provide excellent
customer support to achieve higher rates of brand loyalty.
4. Strategic social media engagement: Since social media engagement has become an
important indicator of brand success in recent a goal to be strategic in the ways they relate to
consumers years, many organizations may make through such platforms.
5. Increased environmental sustainability: With more attention being geared toward climate
change and social responsibility, many organizations may set a goal for fostering
environmental sustainability through their processes. For example, if a coffee company
ordinarily sells their products using disposable plastics, like straws and to-go cups, they may
seek to become more sustainable through using more eco-friendly, biodegradable materials in
their products.

Creativity is a concept which we often come across in our everyday conversation. We hear of
creative people, admire creative objects of art or read creative books. Despite our almost innate
understanding of what it means to be creative there is much confusion about the nature of creativity.

Four basic creative strengths are:

1. Ability to produce many ideas.
2. Ability to produce flexible ideas.
3. Ability to add detail, depth, mixtures of viewpoints / perspectives.
4. Ability to have original, creative ideas.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023

Characteristics of Creative People:

1. Bright: A creative person should be intelligent and bright and must have the ability to come up with
new ideas, this will help him in solving problems if any.

2. Good at generating many ideas quickly: A creative person must be able to generate new ideas
quickly and efficiently. This will help him in coming up with new thoughts which can be
apploied practically.

3. Positive self-image: A creative person must have a positive attitude towards everything. If he
does so, he will be able to look at things in a better way rather than cribbing about them.

4. Sensitive to the world and others: A creative person must be sentimental at time, he must
show or have the nature of helping others with a positive attitude.

5. Motivated by challenges: In the personal life of an individual, various problems and challenges
will be waiting on his way. But if the person is creative, and can see or look things in a
positive way he will be able to overcome challenges and in fact be motivated by them.

6. Can withhold a decision until facts have been collected: A creative person must not
implement a decision once for all he must take time and think over once again before
implementing them.

7. Value independence: A creative person will have his own value system and thoughts that differ
from that of others.

8. Rich fantasy life: As he will be creative in thinking he will have new ideas and thoughts
thereby being rich in fantasy.
9. Flexible: A creative person will be able to adjust everywhere as he will be hang new ideas
and willing to change according to changing circumstances.
10. Implications of a problem not small details: He will C onc erned wi t h m ean
concentrate less on smaller problems and move ahead in order to achieve success.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Importance of Creativity:

1. Time management: The time management for creative people includes finding the method of
creativity. The creative people must identify and prioritize most important work. They must get in
right state of mind for focused work.

2. Innovation: Creativity means idea generation. The creative people are able to generate or gather
many ideas. The new idea can be simple or it can be complex. The innovation is creativity implemented.
Innovation is putting idea into practice.

3. Motivation: Motivation is a personal drive to accomplish the process of instigating and sustaining
goal directed behavior. Motivation is extremely in:portant in creativity because it drives an individual to
persist at problem solving.

4. Problem solving: Problem-solving is a mental process that involves discovering, analyzing and
solving problems. The goal of problem-solving is to overcome obstacles and find a solution that
best resolve issue. Creativity is all about finding new ways of solving problems and approaching

5. Enhance productivity: In an attempt to gain a competitive advantage, organizations are now

focusing on enhancing their employee's creativity. In a changjig world and economy, the role
of creativity in the workplace is becoming ever more prominent.

6. Decision making: Creativity plays vital role in the process of decision making. Creativity
helps to generate scientific way and modern approach to organizational problem solving. It helps to create
innovative technology and production system and enhance productivity.

7. Stress management: Creativity helps in relieving stress in people. The creative people have
intense focus and concentration towards their work Creativity helps the people to feel good about
whom they are. The creativity gives a space solely for themselves during which they
can e innermost thoughts, feelings, problems, joys etc.

8. Positive thinking: Creativity is developed by noble and positive thoughts. The creative thinking
people remain untouched by anger, greed and other destructive disposition.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Elements of Creativity:

1. Learn: The people must learn something new every day. The people enhance their learning capabilities to be
competitive in the present scenario. In order to achieve their dreams and be successful in life the people must
involve themselves in continuous learning process.

2. Finding relationship between facts: The creative thinkers produce ideas by finding the relationship between
facts. Facts merely on their own are useless until one sees the connection between them. When you see the
connection between facts, you are able to create something different. The connection between ideas doesn't happen
unless you explore a little. Start enhancing your natural gift with the skills that complement it.

3. Make a list: Creative thinkers use lists as mental road maps. Now take a good look at you list. Keeping in
mind the habits of creative thinking, what is stopping you from making the things on your list a reality?
Remember that reality is what you create.

4. Avoid interruption: You don't want someone knocking down your ideas before those ideas flourish. When
it comes to being a freelancer though, we have to sometimes tone down our creative mind. First, design with
your initial instincts. Then tone it down to meet the requirements.

5. Broad perspective: Come up with creative ways to take one person's vision and make it a well-rounded
piece. The person must put the efforts to think beyond a one-way street. As a creative freelancer, you need a
broad perspective. Creative minds are curious about how the world works. They find various topics fascinating.

6. Take risks: Its okay to be wrong. By definition, to be creative you must consider new, and therefore
untested, ideas. Einstein said that he could have ninety-nine ideas that were wrong before he got the one that was
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Factors Influencing Creativity:

1. Confront assumptions: Every time people approach the problem in any way of life they bring inbound
that limit their ability to conceive fresh solutions. The creative People are always aware of are always
happy to confront them. The avoidance of assumptions leads to proper understanding ir the people. The
people develop ideas which are practically feasible in the real world.
2. Exhibit curiosity: Curiosity results in new art forms, entertainment practical inventions and additional
valuable things. For example, Newton was curious about why an apple fell straight down from a tree this
eventually resulted in his theory of gravity.
3. Imaginative: The creativity considers everything from the invention of masking tape to breakthroughs in
mathematics from memorable ad campaigns to Shakespeare an tragedies. The imagination and fictions
make up more than three quarters of our real life. The people must be highly imaginative to b successful in
4. Management Practice: Management practices ensure creativity in the organization culture. Creativity allows a
person woiik in free environment. The creative people cope up with challenging environment Best
raimagement practices develop interest in their work team.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
5. Risk Taking: The organization must encourage risk taking and idea generation at all levels. The organization

should have supportive evaluation plans for new ideas. The rewards and recognition for creativity plays a vital
role in organizations success.
6. Involvement: The creative environment in the organization leads to people involvement in daily operations
and long term goals. The creative climate has a dynamic and inspiring quality. People find meaning in their
work and are intrinsically motivated to invest more efforts.
7. Performance: An organization resource enables creativity to generate organizational performance. The higher
the degree of resources allocated towards research and development, the more creativity and innovation
are enabled in the organization.
8. Team diversity: The organizations having multiple perspective and views contributing to a creative
initiative leads to higher degrees of brainstorming and creative generation in the creative

Barriers of Creativity:

1. Functional fixedness: It is a term used by psychologists and means to only see the obvious ways of looking at a
Problem. It's where the individual does not leave their• Comfort zone when thinking about solutions to a
problem domain. This has much to do with an individual's past experience.

2. Self Censorship: Self censorship is that inner voice that holds you. back. and tries to prevent you from
making a fool of yourself or looking stupid. It's the negative thoughts that come into your mind, such as
"that will never work".

3. Micro Management: Micro management stifles a person's ability to be creative as micro managers
provide too much detail related to how a particular task or problem should be tackled. This reduces the
ability for the person to think for themselves and add their own creative flair.

4. Over Thinking: Over thinking about a problem or task uses the logical conscious side of our mind.
Often creativity comes from the subconscious mind so rather than over thinking it might be wise to go for
a walk or simply start day dreaming

5. Creativity Myths: Creativity myths act as bathers through their power to shape everyday behaviour. Visit
the creativity myths page to learn about some of the common myths and why they are not true.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
6. Image Risks: Image risks are where people worry about the impression that people will have of them after

suggesting an idea. If an individual's role does not specifically call for creativity or innovation then they
believe that co-workers will think negatively of them if they try and come up with better ways to do things.
Ifs the thought of making someone angry by initiating change that upsets the status quo.

7. Lack of Time: Lack of time and opportunity. People often feel that they are too busy with their day-to-day
efforts to have time to focus on being creative. Resolve this by setting some phmned time a side each and every
day for creative efforts.

8. Lack of Sleep: Lack of sleep not only forms barriers to creativity but to most other things too. Try and lead a
healthy well balanced life with lots of exercise and water and healthy nutrition. You're more hiely to generate ideas if
you are well rested and feel great about yourself.

9. Criticism: by others can off put you from proceeding any further with your ideas. Try and dismiss
negative thinkers or win them over by demonstrating the validity of your idea with a prototype.

10. Cultural: Culture can be described as learned behaviour patterns that are characteristic of members of a
society and which are not a result of biological inheritance. Exposure to some cultural behaviour
patterns can act as a barrier to creativity

11 . Rules, policies and procedures: Rules, policies and procedures: If the organization that you
work in has lots of rules, policies and procedures then these can sometimes stifle creativity due to the
bureaucracy that they create. If you can't advance your project forward without five signatures then
you will fund it difficult to maintain momentum.

12. Fear of Rejection: Just having that underlying fear that others will reject your ideas can be a bather to
creativity. Work with your passions, enjoy your creative moments and don't let others put you off.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Steps in Stimulate Creativity:

1. Stimulating yourself: The people who involve in stimulating themselves with a sights, ideas,
conversations, taste, people etc. leads to enhance creativity within self. The stimulations lead to enhance
performance in the individuals.
2. Identify creative moods: The individual must know their creative mood& When people are stressed due
to daily routine it is better for them to break the routine and involve in some other activities.
3. Give space for yourself: The people involving in continuous work lead to stress. The people manage
stress by giving space for themselves in busy schedule.
4. Leadership: Leadership is a key linkage between individual emotivity, knowledge and
organizational innovation. Leadership influences motivation. The organization communicates values to the
people based on innovation.
5. Enhance imagination: The most powerful characteristic possessed by the people is creativity
The enhanced creative imaginative power has helped brilliant thinkers, genius and ordinary people to
discover fantastic theories and concepts.
6. Situation: The People experience majority of ideas in everyday situations.Eg: ideas
can be generated while working, walking etc
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
7. Capture Ideas: The people experience best ideas unexpectedly. The idea may generate

inconvenient situations, it is important to make some preparations to catch hold of these ideas.
8. Variation:Variation helps people to enhance creativity. it supplies lot of new experiences, feelings, thoughts,
ideas and insights in the individuals. The people can increase creativity, discovering many things.
9. Brainstorming: The creative potential of brainstorming can be beneficial to enhance creativity. Brainstorming helps
to establish associations and integrate different ideas with each other.
10. Evolve ideas: The people have to accept the fact that many secrets have already been
unhidden, theories constructed and many ideas discovered. Whenever people have interesting thoughts or ideas
they must try to evolve the idea until it starts to develop to an interesting concept.

Techniques of Creativity:

1. Mind Mapping: Mind map is a technique for drawing visually outline information in diagrams instead of writing it
in selltences. A mind map takes the basic format of a tree. It is created around a single word or text, placed in the center
called as central key word or idea, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added as branches.

Mind Mapping Process:

1. To do mind-mapping the individuals need a big sheet of paper and colored pencils or crayons with differeat
colors as possible.
2. The individuals must start the mind map in the middle of the sheet. It is created around a single word,
text or image placed in the center called as central key concept, to which associated ideas, words
and concepts are added as branches.
3. The individuals must write down, as spontaneously as possible, all the associated ideas, words or
concepts that appear to them to be linked with the central theme.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
4. The individuals must note these down in the form of keywords using upper and lower case letters.
5. They should fill the sheet as quickly as possible with everything that comes into their head in connection with
the central theme no matter how ridiculous or insignificant it may appear.
6. They should create links between the words, ideas or concepts trying to bring them into relation with
one another, correlate their associations and arrange them in groups.
7. The individuals must use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also to encode or
8. The individuals must develop their own personal style of mind mapping.
9. They must emp hasis and show associations in their mind map.
10. The individuals must make use of radial hierarchy, outlines to embrace branches and clear mind map.

Uses of Mind Mapping

1. It is an effective tool for problem solving.

2. It helps to outline the design_
3. The structure and relationship representations can be achieved using mind map.
4. It helps in anonymous collaboration,
5. Individuals can express their creativity using mind map.
6. It helps to condense material into a concise and memorable format.
7. It helps in teambuilding.
8. It enhances workers morale.

2. Method 635:
Method 635 is also known as the 6-3-5 Method or 6-3-5 Brain writing. It is a group creativity technique. It
was originally developed by Professor Bernd Rohrbach in 1968. The focus is to genesate 108 new
proposals in half an hour.

The Method 635 process

1. This technique includes 6 participants who sit in a group and are supervised by a moderator to solve
the existing problem by developing proposals.
2. Each participant is given a sheet of paper with problem for which a solution must be worked out.
3. Each participant must list 3 proposals for a solution in 5 minutes.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
4. The written proposal on a worksheet are passed on to the next panic ants. The participants
wad the proposals and use them as inspiration for more proposals and thus stimulating the
creative process.
5. Each participant has to participate in 6 rounds in the duration of 30 minutes. At the end of the session the
wow has 108 proposals. (6 Participant X 3 Proposals X 6 Rounds=108 proposals).

Uses of Method 635:

1. It is helpful in generating lot of ideas in fewer limit time.

2. It is useful in marketing
3. It is helpful in designing the advertisement
4. It is useful in product development
5. It helps in resolving conflicts

3.Mental Provocation:

Mental provocation is the creativity technique developed by the pioneering engineering Edward de bono. It involves inducing
state of instability in person which may create a path to earn new idea by using apparently contradictory statement to liberate
oneself from traditional patern of perception.

4. The Morphological Box:

The morphological box was developed by the Swiss astrophysicist Ftilz Zwicky k is a method that
involves a systematic approach to the development of ideas, working with a matrix.

The method includes the following five step:

1. The question is defined and is written over the morphological box as a caption.
2. The higher level parameters are allocated to the subordinate aspects and entered in the first
column of the matrix.
3. For each parameter possible attributes are to be determined and entered in the matrix cell to
the right of the associated features.
4. Each possible combination of individual attributes represents a solution.
5. The alternatives that have been identified with the examined to see if they are technically
feasible and economically viable.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023

Execution Skill (PDCA):

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle or Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle is an iterative four-step problem-
solving technique used to improve business processes continuously.

1. Plan: As a change practitioner, you must map existing pain points and change opportunities with a
Pr°Posed solution in the planning stage. Create hypotheses for the underlying issues, and test
them for clear results.
2. DO: Execution i s more crucial than planning. This stage is divided into three sub-

a) Training team members to bridge the skills gap

b) The implementation process

c) Documenting the execution process for future reference.

3. Check: The check phase happens at least twice per project. Once the results of your pilot test are
analyzed to evaluate them against the criteria you outlined in step 1 to determine if it was a
4. Act: The final step involves connective action and adjustments to implement the improvement
project on a larger scale.
KLE Society’s Degree College, BBA Department 2023
Benefits of the PDCA cycle that directly impact your business:

1. The PDCA Cycle is a simple yet powerful tool that results in successful change while helping to
reduce waste and increase process efficiency.

2. Repeating the PDCA Cycle multiple times simplifies processes and minimizes errors, helping to create
standard operating procedures.

3. The PDCA Cycle is a versatile technique used for various use cases across industries, such as project
management, change management, product development, and quality management

4. The PDCA Cycle is an exceptionally effective methodology that gives you visibility into core
processes and captures data to prove results.

Limitation of PDCA Cycle:

1. PDCA is a continuous loop and an ongoing process, meaning it requires buy-in from
leadership and a firm commitment to the process.
2. It's only useful if carried out repeatedly, and one-time implementations would only lead to wasted

3. Although the PDCA Cycle is a versatile technique, it isn't suitable for time-sensitive projects.

Comparing PDCS with Other Lean Methodologies:

1. PDCA Vs Kaizen: PDCA is similar to the Kaizenphilosophy as both strive towards continuous

improvement and anchor change into overall organizational culture. Kaizen focuses on applying

incremental changes that result in significant improvements over time while the PDCA Cycle provides a
framework for identifying improvement opportunities and evaluating them objectively.

2. PDCA vs. Total Quality Management: Total Quality Management aims to improve customer
satisfaction by driving continuous process improvement adoption across the entire organization- This
improvement methodology empowers employees by fostering a change culture where employees are not
afraid to experiment and have a shared business goal.

3. PDCA vs. Six-Sigma: Six Sigma isspecifically used to reduce variability and defects. It aims to minimize
errors and maximize value across industries by using two approaches- DMAIC (define, measure, analyze,
Improve & control) and DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design & verify), to achieve the desired results.

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