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Many high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the

workforce in many developed countries consists of 50 percent female workers.

Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of management
positions to women. Discuss what is your opinion? (321 words )

Women's contribution to building a nation is equally important to that of men,

and given the chance, women can be equally adept to take responsibilities in
higher management positions in a company. Gender equality is no longer a
concept, but a proven way to accelerate progress. I, therefore, strongly believe
that a portion of higher positions in companies and organisations should be
reserve for female.

To begin with, half of the world population is women and their empowerment
determines the overall progress of nations and the global economy. If these
women are kept away from decision-making positions, true empowerment of
nations would become impossible. To cite an example, when half of the
decision-makers in a large company are females, they can bring diverse
perspectives and innovation to the company. Some of the Asian countries
including Bangladesh and India have incorporated reserved seats in parliaments
for women, and these female leaders have done a great deal to encourage
women to actively contribute to the country's politics and business sectors.

Furthermore, women in higher positions, in the police force, for example, can
better understand the crimes and injustice against women and can propose better
solutions to these issues. Similarly, almost every large company has a great
portion of female consumers and having some female key employees would
only ensure more favourable product research, planning and productions that
would better serve females and ensure more loyal female customers.

To conclude, allocating a certain portion of higher positions for women is not a

courtesy to the women. Rather it ensures a balanced working environment,
innovation, happy female customers and women empowerment which are the
key ingredients to sustainable progress and better business development.

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