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Individual Middle Years Report Card - Years 6-9

ABA Global School

Student: Pedro Henrique Godoy Bezerra Laureano Class: YR9A Year: 2022

Term dates: 16/09/2022 - 29/12/2022 Date issued: 17/07/2023

Frequência 1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term Total

Days absent: 0 1 1 2

Tardies: 10 15 9 34

Academic Performance Grading Scale

A+ 95%-100% Excellent comprehension and aplication of concepts and skills.

A 85%-94% Optimal undestanding and aplication of concepts and skills.

B+ 80%-84% Very good understanding and aplication of concepts and skills.

B 70%-79% Good understanding and aplication of concepts and skills. Minimum grade required to pass.

C+ 65%-69% Understands and applys the basics of concepts and skills.

C 60%-64% Low understanding and application of concepts and skills.

D+ 55%-59% Little understanding and application of concepts and skills.

D 50%-54% Limited understanding and application of concepts and skills.

E Below 50% Still not present understanding and application of the necessary concepts and skills.

Subjects Teacher 1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term Average Final
English Language Pablo B+ B+ B+ B+ B+
Math José - Daniel B+ A B B+ B+

Science Flavio - Marianna B+ B A B+ B+

Portuguese Romulo A B B B B
History Felipe B+ A B B+ B+

Geography Carlos A+ A A A A

Physical Education Gileno A+ A+ A+ A+ A+

Arts Gabriela - Lucas A A A+ A A

Spanish Elton A A A A A

Music Rostan A+ A+ A+ A+ A+

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Student Academic Performance

Strengths, areas for growth & learning expectations.

The development of Pedro Henrique Godoy Bezerra Laureano during the ninth grade of elementary school was
satisfactory. He clearly understood and applied the concepts and skills in all subjects he was studying.
Showed commitment and responsibility by completing the tasks independently and within a reasonable
timeframe. His learning path involved active participation during classes and self-assessment of his study
He Communicated effectively in both languages Portuguese and English (orally and in writing). In the second
language, even outside the classroom, he tried to use it constantly.
He showed good interaction with colleagues and teachers in collective work and interpersonal relationships,
always with respect and following the established rules and agreements.
By the end of the school year, he showed resourcefulness in public speaking and expressed his views and
opinions with good arguments and confidence.

Learning Behavior Scale

4 Consistently – Demonstrated almost all or all of the time..
3 Usually – Demonstrated more than half of the time.
2 Sometimes – Demonstrated less than half of the time.
1 Rarely – Almost never demonstrated.

Learning Behavior 1st Term 2nd Term 3rd Term

Personal Management Skills

Uses class time effectively; works independently; completes 4 4 4
homework and assignments on time.

Active Participation in Learning

4 4 4
Participates in class activities; self-
assesses; sets learning goals.
Social Responsibility
Works well with others; resolves conflicts appropriately; 4 4 4
self, others, and the environment

Engagement in speaking English

Speaks English with teachers and classmates in a variety of 4 4 4
situations; contributes to the English
environment of the class.

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