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Systematic Review
Clinical Effectiveness of Faecal Immunochemical Test in the
Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer—An Umbrella Review
Jakub Świtalski 1,2 , Tomasz Tatara 2,3 , Katarzyna Wnuk 2 , Wojciech Miazga 2 , Dagmara Karauda 2 ,
Adrian Matera 2 , Magdalena Jabłońska 2 , Sylwia Jopek 1 , Urszula Religioni 4, * and Mariusz Gujski 3

1 Department of Health Economics and Medical Law, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of
Warsaw, 01-445 Warsaw, Poland
2 Department of Health Policy Programs, Department of Health Technology Assessment, Agency for Health
Technology Assessment and Tariff System, 00-032 Warsaw, Poland
3 Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw,
02-091 Warsaw, Poland
4 School of Public Health, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education of Warsaw, Kleczewska 61/63,
01-826 Warsaw, Poland
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-22-5601-150

Simple Summary: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a commonly occurring neoplasm causing significant
decrease in quality of life as well as premature death. Due to this fact, screening is crucial, as the
prognosis is dependent on disease advancement. There are several screening tests available for this
neoplasm. One of the most promising and increasingly utilised is the FIT (faecal immunochemical
test). The aim of our umbrella review was to analyse available data regarding the efficacy of the test.
In this review, secondary studies concerning parameters such as specificity and sensitivity have been
Citation: Świtalski, J.; Tatara, T.; included. The results of this study confirm the high usefulness of the FIT in early CRC detection. The
Wnuk, K.; Miazga, W.; Karauda, D.; authors were able to conclude that FIT is an effective and possible to introduce screening test, which
Matera, A.; Jabłońska, M.; Jopek, S.; may be especially significant regarding systemic changes in countries where CRC screening had been
Religioni, U.; Gujski, M. Clinical
conducted using different methods.
Effectiveness of Faecal
Immunochemical Test in the Early
Abstract: Introduction: The colorectal cancer prognosis depends on the stage of the neoplasm;
Detection of Colorectal Cancer—An
therefore, its early detection plays an important role. The aim of the study is evaluation of the
Umbrella Review. Cancers 2022, 14,
sensitivity, specificity, and clinical effectiveness of the faecal immunochemical test in the early
cancers14184391 colorectal cancer detection. Methods: The clinical analysis was based on the results of the studies
included in a systematic review conducted in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration guidelines.
Academic Editor: Ernest
The following medical information sources were searched: Medline (via PubMed), Embase (via
Ramsay Camp
Ovid), The Cochrane Library. Results: From 241 citations, 13 studies were included in this review.
Received: 1 August 2022 All included studies had a low risk of bias. The faecal immunochemical test is highly specific in all
Accepted: 6 September 2022 analysed populations ranging from 85% to 97%. In most of the found studies, sensitivity is over
Published: 9 September 2022 75%. The faecal immunochemical test screening also determines a reduction in death (10–59%)
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral due to colorectal cancer. Conclusions: The faecal immunochemical test is an effective and cost-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in effective method of conducting population-wide colorectal cancer screening. It is an alternative or
published maps and institutional affil- complementary to other screening tests, including colonoscopy.
Keywords: faecal immunochemical test; colorectal cancer; screening; sensitivity

Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.

Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
1. Introduction
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
Globally, colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer (with a total of
conditions of the Creative Commons
nearly 1.9 million new cases in 2020). The number of new cases in 2020 divided by cancer
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
site was as follows (age-standardised in parentheses, incidence rate per 100,000 people, years based on the 1966 Segi-Doll World standard population):
4.0/). • Colon—600,896 in men (13.1), 547,619 in women (10.0);

Cancers 2022, 14, 4391.

Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 2 of 14

• Rectum—443,358 in men (9.8), 288,852 in women (5.6) [1].

According to data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, the disability-
adjusted life years (DALYs)/100,000 for different age groups had been presented for colon
and rectum cancer. The DALY is utilised to determine the condition of people’s health
and represents the total years lost due to untimely death or disability due to injury or
disease. In 2019, a significant increase in the DALY value was observed in men 60–64 years
of age (1265.00/100,000). High DALY values are prevalent in all older age groups. A slight
decrease of the DALY was observed in the 90–94 and 95+ age groups, but the value does
not fall below 2454.24/100,000. In women, a significant increase in the DALY value was
observed in the age group of 70–74 (1231.88/100,000). The gradual increase in DALYs by
approximately 200 applies to each subsequent age group, ultimately reaching the level of
2356.17/100,000 among women over 95 years of age [2].
The colorectal cancer prognosis depends on the stage of the neoplasm; therefore, its
early detection plays an important role. The main screening methods are the faecal im-
munochemical test (FIT), the guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT), as well as endoscopic
examinations, i.e., a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy [3]. Efforts should be made to promote
patient participation in research, with screening by non-invasive testing being one of the
possible incentives.
This article focuses on FIT and its role in the early detection of CRC. Several types of
tests appear in the analysed publications, including:
• OC-Sensor—quantitative (test principle: latex agglutination, measured as optical change);
• OC-Light—qualitative (immunochromatographic);
• OC-Hemodia—quantitative (latex agglutination, measured as optical change) or quali-
tative (visual particle agglutination) [4].
Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity, and clinical ef-
fectiveness of FIT in the early detection of CRC. Due to the large amount of secondary
evidence analysing colorectal cancer detection, the authors decided to perform an umbrella
review, which is currently the highest possible form of scientific evidence in medicine.
This study was conducted because in the public eye of many countries, the selection of
the optimal CRC screening test had been discussed. In certain countries, Poland amongst
them, shifting from screening methods based solely on colonoscopies to a FIT-based method
has been considered.

2. Material and Method

The clinical analysis was based on the results of the studies included in the systematic
review carried out according to the following protocol:
• defining the criteria for including studies for reviews;
• development/verification of a research report search strategy;
• searching for sources of medical information/updating of searching for sources of
medical information;
• finding full texts of scientific reports that are potentially useful in clinical analysis;
• selection of studies based on inclusion criteria for the review;
• research results development;
• qualitative synthesis consisting of the analysis of the statistical and clinical relevance
of the results of studies included in the analysis.
The process of searching for clinical trials was based on a detailed protocol developed
prior to the start of the trial. The systematic review was carried out according to the
guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration [5]. The criteria for including studies for review,
the search strategy, the method of selecting the studies, and the planned methodology for
carrying out the analysis were taken into account.
The analysis included clinical trials that met the criteria:
• population: general adult population;
• interventions: FIT;
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 3 of 14

• alternative technologies (comparators): unlimited;

• methodologies: meta-analyzes of randomised and/or observational trials; systematic
reviews of randomised and/or observational studies;
• endpoints: to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and clinical efficacy of FIT.
The following databases were searched in the research process: Medline (by PubMed),
Embase (by Ovid), and The Cochrane Library. The last search of the database was carried
out on 28 February 2022 (Supplementary Material Table S1).
Research at all stages of the systematic review was selected by two independently
working analysts (K.W. and A.M.). Any inconsistencies were resolved by consensus involv-
ing a third independent analyst (W.M.). The most common reasons for excluding studies
from the analysis were related to the intervention (lack of a detailed FIT analysis) and
Cancers 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW methodology (lack of correct description of the material and method, incorrect synthesis
4 of 16 of
the review results). The study selection steps are shown in Figure 1. A list of included and
excluded publications has been included in the Supplementary Material.

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram.
The included studies were assessed for quality and risk of error by validating the key
domains of the studies
The included AMSTAR2 weresystematic review
assessed for tool
quality [6].risk
and The ofutilised
error bytool allows the
validating for key
ficationofof the
domains the highest
AMSTAR2 quality publications.
systematic reviewTo tool
highest rating,
utilised toolthe publication
allows for
must positively conform to every statement. One negative score in
identification of the highest quality publications. To obtain the highest rating, thethe critical domain
results inmust
publication the systematic
conform rating being
to every downgraded
statement. to “low”.score
One negative Furthermore, two or
in the critical
more results
domain negative scores
in the lower the
systematic evaluation
review of thedowngraded
rating being study to “critically
to “low”.low”. The quality
twoassessment was performed
or more negative by twothe
scores lower independently
evaluation ofworking
the study analysts (M.J. andlow”.
to “critically A.M.).
quality assessmentwere wasresolved by consensus
performed involving a third
by two independently independent
working analysts analyst (J.Ś.).
(M.J. and
A.M.). Any inconsistencies were resolved by consensus involving a third independent
analyst (J.Ś.). All included studies had a low risk of bias. Detailed results of the quality
analysis and risk of error can be found in the supplementary material.
Secondary studies include the results of statistical analyses of individual studies.
However, due to the fact that they are based on primary data, they are a reliable source of
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 4 of 14

All included studies had a low risk of bias. Detailed results of the quality analysis and risk
of error can be found in the supplementary material.
Secondary studies include the results of statistical analyses of individual studies.
However, due to the fact that they are based on primary data, they are a reliable source of
information. The results of each publication are presented individually.

3. Results
The criteria for inclusion in a systematic review, including the assessment of the
sensitivity, specificity, and/or clinical effectiveness of FIT in the detection of CRC, met
the following scientific evidence (n = 13; Forbes 2021, Lin 2021, Mutneja 2021a, Mutneja
2021b, Gini 2020, Meklin 2020, Niedermaier 2020, Zhong 2020, Imperiale 2019, Selby 2019,
Stonestreet 2019, Katsoula 2017, Zhang 2017):
• Forbes 2021—a systematic review based on 8 observational studies, which analysed
the impact of specific time intervals from a positive FIT result to colonoscopy on the
presence of CRC, the presence of advanced CRC at diagnosis, overall mortality, and
CRC mortality [7];
• Lin 2021—a meta-analysis of 223 publications (RCT and observational studies), which
analysed the effectiveness and diagnostic precision of tests, and harms related to CRC
screening as part of the USPSTF recommendation [8];
• Mutneja 2021a—5 RCT meta-analyses comparing the effectiveness of FIT with sigmoi-
doscopy in screening for CRC [9];
• Mutneja 2021b—a meta-analysis of 6 observational studies, evaluating the influence
of the time after a positive colonoscopy following faecal occult blood test on CRC
detection [10];
• Gini 2020—a systematic review of 18 RCTs and observational studies comparing the
impact of CRC screening on mortality in European regions [11];
• Meklin 2020—a meta-analysis of 31 single-arm clinical trials assessing the diagnostic
precision of FIT and gFOBT in screening tests [12];
• Niedermaier 2020—a meta-analysis of 44 observational studies, determining the diag-
nostic precision of FIT depending on the stage of CRC stage [13];
• Zhong 2020—6 RCT meta-analyses comparing the effectiveness of FIT and colonoscopy
in detecting CRC in the intermediate-risk population [14];
• Imperiale 2019—a meta-analysis of 31 observational studies, defining the diagnostic
precision of FIT in the detection of CRC and advanced colorectal adenomas in people
from the intermediate risk group undergoing screening colonoscopy [15];
• Selby 2019—a meta-analysis of 46 observational studies, defining the diagnostic pre-
cision of FIT in the detection of CRC and advanced colorectal adenoma at different
diagnostic thresholds in regards to gender and age [16];
• Stonestreet 2019—a meta-analysis of 17 observational studies, assessing the diagnostic
precision of FIT in the detection of CRC in symptomatic and asymptomatic people [17];
• Katsoula 2017—a meta-analysis of 1 RCT and 11 observational studies, determining
the diagnostic precision of FIT in the detection of CRC or advanced neoplasia of the
large intestine in asymptomatic people at high risk [18];
• Zhang 2017—a meta-analysis of 44 RCTs and observational studies, evaluating the
effectiveness of screening methods in preventing CRC disease and death [19];
The results of the included studies are presented below.

3.1. Sensitivity and Specificity of FIT in the Detection of CRC

The authors of the Lin 2021 meta-analysis determined the diagnostic precision of FIT
depending on the type of test used. The observed observational studies described the results
of the screening conducted in the population of asymptomatic people aged ≥40 years at
the general risk of developing CRC. According to the results of the 13 publications meta-
analysis, the sensitivity of the OC-Sensor test in terms of CRC detection is 0.74 [95% CI:
(0.64; 0.83)], and the specificity is 0.94 [95% CI: (0.93; 0.96)]. However, the precision of the
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 5 of 14

OC-Light test was determined on the basis of a meta-analysis of the results of 4 publications
and amounted to 0.81 [95% CI: (0.70; 0.91)] for sensitivity and 0.93 [95% CI: (0.91; 0.96)]
for specificity.
In the Meklin 2020 meta-analysis, the FIT diagnostic precision for the detection of
CRC in the general population was determined based on the synthesis of the results of
24 publications. According to the results of the meta-analysis, the sensitivity of the FIT is
0.86 [95% Cl: (0.78; 0.93)] and the specificity is 0.85 [95% Cl: (0.81; 0.88)].
As part of the Niedermaier 2020 publication, the authors conducted a meta-analysis
of 44 observational studies that determined the precision of FIT among people post-
colonoscopy participants. Said study presents the results of the sensitivity and specificity
of FIT tests depending on the studied population and the CRC stage determined during the
diagnostic colonoscopy. According to the meta-analysis results, the overall sensitivity of
the test in the detection of particular CRC advancement stages is 0.73 [95% Cl: (0.65; 0.79)]
(stage I/A), 0.80 [95% Cl: (0.74; 0.84)] (stage II/B), 0.82 [95% Cl: (0.77; 0.87)] (stage III/C),
0.79 [95% Cl: (0.70; 0.86)] (stage IV/D). The specificity of the study for all patients who
underwent colonoscopy was 0.89 [95% Cl: (0.85; 0.92)].
As part of the Imperiale 2019 meta-analysis, based on 31 observational studies, the
diagnostic precision of FIT in the detection of CRC was determined for various values of
the diagnostic threshold. It has been shown that, with a diagnostic threshold of <10 µg/g,
the sensitivity is 0.78 [95% CI: (0.63, 0.88)] and the specificity is 0.90 [95% CI: (0.81, 0.95)].
At the diagnostic threshold of 10 µg/g, the sensitivity was 0.91 [95% CI: (0.84, 0.95)] and a
specificity of 0.90 [95% CI: (0.86, 0.93)]. A diagnostic threshold of >10–<20 µg/g showed a
sensitivity of 0.82 [95% CI: (0.63; 0.92)] and a specificity of 0.93 [95% CI: (0.91; 0.95)]. On
the other hand, at the diagnostic threshold of 20 µg/g, the sensitivity was 0.75 [95% CI:
(0.61; 0.86)], and the specificity was 0.95 [95% CI: (0.92; 0.96)]. With a diagnostic threshold
of >20 µg/g, a sensitivity of 0.71 [95% CI: (0.56; 0.83)] and a specificity of 0.95 [95% CI:
(0.94; 0.96)].
Selby’s meta-analysis, based on 46 observational studies, determined the diagnostic
precision of the FIT test in the detection of CRC at various diagnostic thresholds in terms
of gender and age. According to the results of the meta-analysis, the sensitivity of the
FIT test is 0.76 [95% Cl: (0.72; 0.80)], and the specificity is 0.94 [95% Cl: (0.92; 0.95)]. In
three observational studies where assessed the gender impact, the sensitivity of CRC
detection was 0.77 [95% CI, (0.75; 0.79)] in men and 0.81 [(95% CI, (0.60; 100)] in women.
The specificity reached 0.92 [95% Cl: (0.89; 0.95)] in men and 0.94 [95% Cl: (0.91; 0.97)] in
women. According to the results of three observational studies with two age groups, the
sensitivity of CRC detection for the age of 50–59 years was 0.85 [95% CI, (0.71; 0.99)], and
for the age of 60–69 years was 0.73 [ 95% CI, (0.71; 0.75)]. Specificity, in turn, was estimated
at 0.94 [95% Cl: (0.92; 0.97)] in the 50–59 age group and 0.93 [95% Cl: (0.90; 0.96)] in the
60–69 years group.
As part of the meta-analysis of Stonestreet 2019, based on 17 observational studies, the
diagnostic precision of FIT in the detection of CRC was determined, showing the sensitivity
and specificity at the level of 0.69 [95% CI: (0.54; 0.81)] and 0.94 [95% CI: (0.94; 0.95),
respectively)]. On the other hand, the results of the 2017 Katsoul meta-analysis, including
1 RCT and 11 observational studies, showed a sensitivity and specificity of 0.93 [95% CI:
(0.53; 0.99)] and 0.91 [95% CI: (0.59; 0.99)], respectively.
The following are the characteristics and results of studies on the diagnostic precision
of FIT in the detection of CRC (Table 1).
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 6 of 14

Table 1. Characteristics and results of tests in regard to the diagnostic precision of FIT in the detection
of CRC.

Population FIT Result

Number and Type Cut-Off
Author/Year Population FIT-Brand Sensitivity% Specificity%
of Studies Description (µg/g)
Size (95% CI) (95% CI)

Lin 2021 [8] 13 observational studies Asymptomatic people 44,887 OC-Sensor 74 (64–83) 94 (93–96)
aged ≥ 40 years have a general risk of -
(MA) 4 observational studies 32,424 OC-Light 81 (70–91) 93 (91–96)
developing CRC
2020 [12] 24 observational studies General 87,073 - - 86 (78–93) 85 (81–88)
I/A: 75 (56–88)
People at moderate risk of CRC 203 II/B: 77 (63–87)
10 cohort studies (population screening) who - - 87 (75–94)
underwent colonoscopy III/C: 85 (65–94)
IV/D: 79 (42–95)
I/A: 79 (68–86)

Symptomatic patients who underwent II/B: 88 (80–93)

17 cohort studies 799 - - 87 (83–90)
colonoscopy III/C: 85 (75–91)
Niedermaier IV/D: 87 (76–93)
2020 [13]
(MA) I/A: 64 (50–76)

Patients diagnosed with CRC who II/B: 80 (74–84)

11 case-control studies 1228 - - 89 (85–92)
underwent colonoscopy III/C: 82 (77–87)
IV/D: 79 (70–86)
I/A: 73 (65–79)
II/B: 80 (74–84)
27 cohort studies, 11 All of the above patients (Total) - - 89 (85–92)
case-control studies III/C: 82 (77–87)
IV/D: 79 (70–86)
10 observational studies 8364 <10 - 78 (63–88) 90 (81–95)
16 observational studies 50,892 10 - 91 (84–95) 90 (86–93)
7 observational studies 12,727 >10–<20 - 82 (63–92) 93 (91–95)
14 observational studies 56,638 20 - 75 (61–86) 95 (92–96)
12 observational studies 17,341 >20 - 71 (56–83) 95 (94–96)
7 observational studies 6715 ≤10 86 (75–93) 90 (86–93)
Asymptomatic people at moderate
Imperiale 4 observational studies risk of CRC, at the age of screening 3890 >10–<20 81 (55–94) 93 (91–93)
2019 [15] (usually between 50 and 75 years of OC-Sensor
(MA) 11 observational studies age) who have participated in 27,827 20 77 (66–85) 94 (91–96)
7 observational studies colonoscopy screening 4347 >20 73 (48–89) 95 (94–96)
5 observational studies 3428 10 OC-Light 90 (72–97) 91 (83–95)
1 observational study 4260 ≤10 89 (72–96) 94 (93–95)
1 observational study 3090 >10–<20 53 (32–73) 87 (86–89)
1 observational study 3794 20 Hemodia 25 (6–57) 96 (96–97)
2 observational studies 4260 >20 70 (47–86) 97 (96–97)
18 observational studies 447 * ≤10 - 80 (76–83) 91 (89–93)
26 observational studies 432 * >10–≤20 - 69 (63–75) 94 (93–96)
12 observational studies 188 * >10–≤30 - 73 (62–81) 96 (95–97)
8 observational studies 188 * >30 - 66 (55–75) 96 (94–97)
Selby 8 observational studies 14,407 ≤10 31 (25–38) 92 (88–95)
2019 [16] Asymptomatic adults screened OC-Sensor
13 observational studies for CRC 49,510 >10–≤20 71 (64–78) 94 (92–96)
(MA) /OC-Micro
3 observational studies 5029 >20 64 (26–90) 96 (95–97)
3 observational studies 4267 - FOB Gold 95 (60–100) 90 (85–94)
3 observational studies 30,301 - Magstream 91 (31–100) 94 (92–95)
6 observational studies 67,894 - 68 (47–83) 96 (93–98)
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 7 of 14

Table 1. Cont.

Population FIT Result

Number and Type Cut-Off
Author/Year Population FIT-Brand Sensitivity% Specificity%
of Studies Description (µg/g)
Size (95% CI) (95% CI)
Women 1,459,185 - - 81 (60–100) 94 (91–97)
3 observational studies
Men 1,459,185 - - 77 (75–79) 92 (89–95)
screened for At the age of 50–59 1,393,499 - - 85 (71–99) 94 (92–97)
3 observational studies CRC
At the age of 60–69 1,393,499 - - 73 (71–75) 93 (90–96)
All of the above patients screened for
46 observational studies 2,412,518 - - 76 (72–80) 94 (92–95)
CRC (Total)
Adults with symptoms of
gastrointestinal disease and
2019 [17] 8 observational studies 34,186 - - 69 (54–81) 94 (94–95)
asymptomatic adults over 50 years
of age
Katsoula Asymptomatic patients with a family
1 RCT, 11 observational
2017 [18] history of CRC or a history 4872 - - 93 (53–99) 91 (59–99)
(MA) of polypectomy
* number of colorectal cancer cases—stratified by positivity threshold, limited to cohorts with colonoscopy
follow-up. MA—meta-analysis; CI—confidence interval; RCT—randomised controlled trial; FIT—faecal immuno-
chemical test; I–IV/AD—stage of colorectal cancer.

3.2. Reporting for Screening and CRC-Related Detection, Occurrence, and Deaths
As part of the Mutneja 2021 meta-analysis based on 5 RCTs, the effectiveness of FIT
was compared with sigmoidoscopy in screening conditions for CRC. It was shown that
participation in the screening test using FIT was statistically significantly higher compared
to the screening test using FS (Flexible Sigmoidoscopy) (OR = 2.11 [95% Cl: (1.29; 3.44)]).
The publication presents different results in terms of the effectiveness of FIT compared
to FS in the detection of CRC. The per-protocol analysis showed a statistically significant
reduction in the CRC detection rate for FIT compared to FS-OR = 0.76 [95% CI: (0.61; 0.96)].
Based on the intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis, no statistical significance was demonstrated—
OR = 1.15 [95% CI: (0.65; 2.02)]. The ITT analysis breaks down end-points into groups,
to which test subjects had been randomly assigned regardless of whether subjects were
ultimately subjected to planned intervention or not. This method allows keeping the
idea of randomisation—starting balance of known and unknown prognostic variables
between groups.
Similar results were presented in the Zhong 2020 publication (meta-analysis of 6 RCT),
which compared the effectiveness of FIT and colonoscopy in detecting CRC in the moderate-
risk population. Participation in the FIT screening study was shown to be statistically
significantly higher compared to the colonoscopy screening RR = 1.73 [95% CI: (1.29; 2.34)].
In the per-protocol analysis, a statistically significant reduction in the CRC detection rate of
FIT-RR = 0.53 [95% CI: (0.33; 0.83)] was demonstrated. However, in the context of the ITT
analysis, no statistical significance was shown—RR = 0.73 [95% CI: (0.37; 1.42)].
The characteristics and individual test results concerning the participation rates in the
screening and the CRC detection rates are presented in Table 2.
In a systematic search conducted in Lin 2021, the authors also identified one cohort
study assessing the effect of FIT screening on the risk of CRC death. According to the results,
the FIT screening intervention method during the six-year follow-up period, compared
to the lack of screening tests, statistically significantly reduces the risk of death by 10%—
RR = 0.90 [95% Cl: (0.84; 0.95)].
In the Gini 2020 systematic review, it was shown that among those invited for FIT
screening, CRC mortality was 36% lower compared to uninvited subjects. In turn, the
probability of death due to CRC was 41% lower in the group participating in the FIT
screening compared to those who did not participate. It was shown that the probability of
death due to CRC in the FS study in combination with FIT was 25% lower in the invited
group compared to the uninvited group—RR = 0.75 [95% Cl: (0.57; 0.99)].
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 8 of 14

Table 2. Characteristics and results of studies on reporting for screening and detection of CRC.

Population Screening Method

Author/Year N Studies End Point OR/RR Score (95% CI) **
Description Size (n/N) * Intervention Comparator
65,368/122,264 (I); Reportability for
OR = 2.11 (1.29–3.44)
47,025/114,498 (C) screening

Mutneja 266/65,368 (I);

2021a [9] Patients > 50 years of age 255/47,025 (C) OR = 0.76 (0.61–0.96)
(MA) per protocol CRC detection
266/122,264 (I);
254/114,498 (C) OR = 1.15 (0.65–2.02)
19,233/46,189 (I); Reportability for
RR = 1.73 (1.29–2.34)
8081/36,853 (C) screening

Zhong 57/19,169 (I);

People at medium risk of 52/8043 (C) RR = 0.53 (0.33–0.83)
2020 [14] 6 RCT FIT Colonoscopy
CRC (aged 59–69) per protocol CRC detection
54/45,955 (I);
55/36,639 (C) RR = 0.73 (0.37–1.42)
* n = case; N = number of people in the intervention or control group ** results in bold indicate statistical
significance. MA—meta-analysis; SR—systematic review; CI—confidence interval; RCT—randomised controlled
trial; RR—risk ratio; FIT—faecal immunochemical test; FS—flexible sigmoidoscopy; CRC—colorectal cancer;
(I)—group examined; (C)—group control.

In the Zhang 2017 meta-analysis, it was shown that screening with the use of the
FIT test determines a statistically significant reduction in the incidence of CRC by 21%
(RR = 0.79 [95% CI: (0.69; 0.92)]) and death due to CRC by 59% (RR = 0.41 [95 % CI:
(0.29; 0.59)]).
The characteristics and results of studies on CRC deaths are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Characteristics and test results in regards to death due to CRC.

Author/Year Number of Studies Screening Method End Point RR Score (95% CI) *
Characteristics of the Population Population Size
Asymptomatic people
Lin 2021 [8] RR = 0.90
cohort study aged ≥ 40 years have a general 5,417,699 FIT
(MA) (0.84–0.95)
risk of developing CRC
Death due
Gini 2020 [11] People invited to or participating RR = 0.75
1 RCT 10,283 FS + FIT to CRC
(SR) in CRC screening (0.57–0.99)
1 case-control study, RR = 0.41
5,460,619 FIT
2 cohort studies (0.29–0.59)
Zhang 2017 General population with an
[19] (MA) average risk of developing CRC Incidence of RR = 0.79
2 cohort studies 75,396 FIT
CRC (0.69–0.92)
* Results in bold indicate statistical significance. CI—confidence interval; FIT—faecal immunochemical test;
FS—flexible sigmoidoscopy; MA—meta-analysis; SR—systematic review; RCT—randomised controlled trial;
RR—risk ratio; CRC—colorectal cancer.

3.3. Time of Colonoscopy Measured from Positive FIT Result

The aim of Mutneja’s 2021b meta-analysis was to assess the impact of time passing
from receiving a positive result of stool test to performing a diagnostic colonoscopy on
the final detection of CRC. The publication authors analysed the results of 6 retrospective
cohort studies (N = 361,637; 16,721 people with CRC and 3617 people with advanced CRC)
comparing the CRC detection rates obtained later than a given cut-off point to the results
obtained sooner than a given cut-off point (e.g., >1 month vs. ≤1 month). According to the
results of the meta-analysis, no statistically significant differences were found in the 1-, 2-,
and 3-month intervals between FOBT and colonoscopies in the detection of both CRC and
advanced CRC. In regard to colonoscopies performed >6 months from receiving a positive
FIT result, compared to colonoscopies <6 months, a statistically significant increased chance
of detecting both CRC (OR = 1.58 [95% Cl: (1.23; 2.03)]) and advanced CRC (OR = 2.16 [95%
Cl: (1.47; 3.16)]).
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 9 of 14

The Forbes 2021 publication is a systematic review of primary research also included
in the Mutneja 2021b publication. The authors, despite the failure to perform a quantitative
synthesis of the results, formulated a joint conclusion that a colonoscopy should not be
performed later than 9 months after obtaining a positive FIT result. The authors also noted
the additional time required to obtain a referral and surgical planning in the event of CRC
detection and therefore proposed the best period for colonoscopy as shorter than 9 months
after a positive FIT.
The studies included in the Forbes 2021 and Mutneja 2021b reviews included the
analysis of CRC detection rates in the case of using the FIT OC-Sensor at a diagnostic
threshold of 20 µg/g.

4. Discussion
Based on the results of the studies found in the systematic review, the sensitivity,
specificity, and clinical effectiveness of FIT in the early detection of CRC were assessed.
The test is highly specific in all analysed populations (both symptomatic and asymp-
tomatic), ranging from 85% to 97%. In most of the found studies, the sensitivity of FIT is
over 75% [8,12,13,15–18]. The results of one of the studies indicate a reduction in the risk
of death due to CRC as a result of screening with the use of FIT, compared to the lack of
screening tests [8].
For discussion purposes, the current clinical practice guidelines for CRC screening
were reviewed. The most important conclusions from the recommendations regarding
screening with FIT are presented below.
The authors of the recommendations found agree that the main method of preventing
the consequences of CRC is to perform screening tests aimed at early detection. Most
clinical practice guidelines also note the significant role of FIT in the detection of CRC.
Some organisations consider the FIT test to be one of the basic screening strategy, while other
consider utilising the FIT test as an option depending on the clinical situation, usually at one
or two-year intervals (ASCO 2019 [20], NHMRC 2017 [21], AAFP 2021 [22], ACG 2021 [23],
ACS 2020 [24], USPSTF 2021 [25], ACP 2019 [26], ASGE 2017 [27], USMSTF2017a [28],
CTFPHC 2016 [29]).
At the same time, several of the found guidelines emphasise that the best CRC screen-
ing method is colonoscopy due to its highest clinical effectiveness and the simultaneous
possibility of removing polyps that can potentially lead to cancer development (ACG 2021,
NCCN 2021 [30], ACS 2020, ACPGBI 2017 [31], ASGE 2017, USMSTF 2017a). Some organisa-
tions, highlighting the risk of potential harms related to colonoscopy tests, indicate the FIT
and gFOBT tests as the preferred screening tests in the asymptomatic population (ASCO
2019, CCA 2018a [32], CCA 2018b [33], RACGP 2018 [34], UK NSC 2018 [35], USMSTF
2017b [36], NHMRC 2017, CTFPHC 2016, BCG 2016 [37]).
Despite the greater clinical effectiveness of colonoscopy in the detection of CRC, in
most European Union countries, the first screening procedure used is stool examination—
the FIT or gFOBT [38–40]. This is likely due to several factors, one of them being the test
reporting level. The studies showed that people were more likely to participate in the
FIT screening than in the screening using colonoscopy [14,41,42] or sigmoidoscopy [9]. In
countries where CRC screening is based on FIT, the median reporting rate is 54% [95% CI:
(49.28%; 58.69%)] [43]. For comparison in Poland, where the screening program is based
solely on colonoscopy (in a system where the potential participant receives a personal
invitation to the study), it is below 20% [44]. The lack of necessity to perform an endoscopic
examination in the population of asymptomatic people causes an increase in the number of
people willing to participate in screening. Moreover, it should be noted that colonoscopy
requires the involvement of experienced medical personnel and the patient’s appearance in
person at the facility performing the examination. Availability, simplicity, and the ability to
self-collect samples for the FIT test can play an important role in maintaining high screening
reporting rates. Another reason is the higher cost-effectiveness of the FIT compared to
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 10 of 14

other screening tests. The results of cited studies indicate that FIT performed at two-year
intervals is a cost-effective strategy [45–47].
It should be stressed that there are articles comparing the efficacy of FIT and gFOBT
methods. In the secondary study by Lin 2021, it has been “in pooled values, commonly
evaluated FITs and stool DNA with FIT performed better than high-sensitivity gFOBT to
detect cancers” [8]. Few other studies also pointed to the advantage of the FIT method
when compared to gFOBT [48–51]. The USMSTF 2017b recommendation underlines the
specificity of the FIT in comparison to gFOBT in CRC and advanced neoplasm of the large
intestine detection. Therefore, the organisation recommends choosing the FIT method
over gFOBT [36]. The analysis of the European Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines
Working Group guidelines currently points to FIT being the test of choice for population
screening [52].
It should also be noted that conducting screening for CRC is a complex process in
which many aspects must be taken into consideration. Cancer detection can be influenced
by such factors as progression at the detection and performance of the FIT screening test
based on the location of the tumour.
The efficacy of the screening tests is related also to the amount of interval CRCs. The
interval CRCs percentage in the screening programmes utilising FIT had been estimated
to be 7–23% amongst all detected CRC cases with a cut-off ranging from 10 to 20 µg/g
depending on the study [53–59]. One of the most recent studies conducted in Belgium
showed that interval CRCs after FIT usage were more common in women, in older age
groups, in right-sided locations, as well as in the advanced stages of cancer [53]. In screening
programmes utilising FIT, patients should be informed to conduct self-observation of any
worrisome symptoms, even after a recent examination [60].
Additionally, using the FIT method is potentially related to surgical intervention
possibilities. According to results from Italy, after implementing FIT-based screening pro-
grammes, the surgery rates decreased significantly (colonoscopy had been performed after
a positive FIT result). During the first five years of the screening, the distal CRC resections
insignificantly increased, and after that period, they significantly dropped by 9.1% annually.
Similarly, in proximal colon cancer, in the beginning, an increase (by 5.8%) of the factor had
been noted, and after a five-year period, a 4.1% drop had been observed [61,62] Similar
results had been observed in other studies conducted in Italy [63]. The discernible differ-
ence between regions was based on the conducting of screening programmes (in regions
without screening programmes, the surgery rates were higher) [61,62]. A different study,
where surgery rates in patients with nonmalignant cancers had been analysed, showed the
small value of the factor, and the surgical interventions had been performed mainly on the
unresectable polyps [64].

5. Review Limitations
Only publications in English were included in the review. The search has been limited
to publications in the last 10 years (28 February 2012–28 February 2022). The studies in-
cluded in the secondary evidence found studied a diverse population in terms of ethnicity
and geography. Most of them were observational studies. Moreover, they were charac-
terised by high heterogeneity and different methods of presenting the analysed data were
used. It should also be noted that the reviewed publications were created in relation to
the cultural and economic context, as well as according to the way the local health care
system functions.

6. Conclusions
CRC is a severe problem both for the individual and for the general population.
Colorectal cancer, through its classic symptoms, significantly reduces the patient’s quality
of life. At the same time, CRC generates high direct and indirect costs related to the
treatment and medical leave of patients, burdening the public budget and increasing social
costs. Therefore, the introduction of appropriate systemic solutions aimed at the early
Cancers 2022, 14, 4391 11 of 14

detection of CRC (including FIT screening) allows for the implementation of effective
treatment and reduction of the consequences of the disease.
FIT is an effective and cost-effective method of conducting population-wide CRC screen-
ing. It is an alternative or complementary to other screening tests, including colonoscopy.
FIT screening should be performed in the asymptomatic population aged 50–75 years,
preferably at two-year intervals. The optimal cut-off value for the FIT test is 10 µg/g. If
the result indicates CRC, a colonoscopy should be performed no later than 6 months after
receiving a positive FIT result.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https:
//, Table S1: AMSTAR 2 rating.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization: J.Ś. and T.T.; Methodology: J.Ś., T.T. and W.M.; Formal
Analysis: J.Ś., T.T. and W.M.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation: J.Ś., T.T., K.W., W.M., D.K.,
A.M. and M.J.; Writing—Review & Editing: J.Ś., T.T., K.W., W.M., D.K., A.M., M.J., S.J., U.R. and
M.G.; Supervision: T.T. and M.G. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors want to thank Krzysztof Jeziorski from The Maria Sklodowska-
Curie National Research Institute of Oncology in Warsaw for his valuable help, expert input, and
solutions in the making of this systematic review.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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