HBS Assessment Enterprise Referral Deferral 2023.

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Assessment Brief 2022

Module Title: Enterprise Module Code: 5BUS1080

CW1 Poster (20%)
20% - 100%
Assignment Format & CW2 PowerPoint Slideshow (30%) Assignment
depending on
Maximum Word count CW3 Multiple Choice Test (20%) weighting
CW4 Reflective Essay (30%)
Time : 23.59 pm Coursework return
4 weeks from
Coursework Submission: Date: 23.06.2023 Date returned to
Method: Canvas students:
Module Leader Marianna Dorking First marker Marianna Dorking

Internal Moderator Sofie Mallick Module Board name Marketing

Approved ☐
External Examiner Module Board date TBC
Module eligible for an
extension on submission date N/A
(subject to UPRs)

Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment:
 Research and assess the nature and impact of entrepreneurship for social and economic
 Evaluate the practical problems, challenges and risks faced by entrepreneurs;
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment:
 Apply different approaches to research and methods of enquiry related to aspects of
 Identify and analyse problems and communicate effectively viable solutions on issues
pertaining to enterprise.
 Work successfully in a team and reflect on their own effectiveness within that team;
Transformational Opportunities:
E.g. Use LinkedIn Learning to improve skills
 Document Enterprise skills (with examples) for use on CV/in future interviews etc.
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
 Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric)
 Feedback for improvement will be given in writing via your Canvas module site within 4 weeks of
 Lateness Penalty: For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework
relating to modules submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or
unless the numeric grade reaches the minimum pass mark (UG 40/PG 50).  Where the numeric grade
awarded for the assessment is less than the minimum pass mark no lateness penalty will be applied.  If
the coursework is submitted more than 5 days after the published deadline, it will not be marked and a
grade of zero will be awarded. Please note: Referred coursework submitted after the published
deadline will be awarded a grade of zero (0).”

 Extensions: Students do not have an automatic right to an extension.  If you require an extension, this
must be requested in advance of the submission deadline.  Please give your reason(s) for needing an

Karen Robins - Updated June 2022

Assessment Brief 2022

Detailed Brief for Individual Assignment

Description of the assignment, task, content and structure:

You only need to resubmit/submit each element of coursework that you failed or did not submit. If you are
unclear which element of the coursework you need to submit please contact the module leader.
CW1 Referral/Deferral Assignment Title: 3 Business Ideas Poster (20%)
Using your creative skills and having applied a wide range of idea generation techniques to generate business
ideas, produce an A4 poster that summarises 3 possible business ideas. For each idea you should briefly indicate
WHY you think this is a good idea.
This assignment should either be presented as an A4 Microsoft Word document or using Microsoft PowerPoint.
Maximum 1 A4 pages or 1 PowerPoint slides.
Mark Scheme

Weighting %

Visual presentation of ideas (design, style, layout, colour, use of space) 30

Evidence of creative and innovative thinking 30
Clarity of ideas and reasoning for choice i.e. Why? 40
CW2 Referral/Deferral Assignment Title: Business Plan Summary (30%)

For a business idea of your choice, produce a business plan summary slideshow using a maximum of 6
PowerPoint slides. A cover slide and a reference slide can also be included (not counted towards the 6 slide

Mark Scheme

Weighting %

Business idea clarity including Value Proposition 30

Content of Slideshow to make a business case/reasoning 60
Overall viability 10
CW3 Referral/Deferral Assignment Title: Referral Multiple Choice Test (20%)
See Assignments on Module Site on Canvas.
CW4 Referral/Deferral Assignment Title: Reflective Essay – Could you be an entrepreneur? (30%)
In a maximum of 500 words answer the following question:
Could you be an entrepreneur?
This question is designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of ‘entrepreneurship’.  The question is an
‘open’ question to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the term and for you to highlight relevant
knowledge, skills and examples. First person narrative can be used.
This is a reflective essay and therefore first person narrative can be used as necessary.
You are expected to include approximately 3 – 5 academic references to support your answer.
Mark scheme

Weighting %

Presentation, structure, grammar, Harvard Referencing and tone of voice. 10%

Karen Robins - Updated June 2022

Assessment Brief 2022
Understanding of question and subject matter including evidence of research/reading. 40%
Line of argument (reasoning and justification) and use of supporting evidence and 50%

Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Essay Mills

 You are NOT allowed to copy any information into your assignment without using quotation marks and a
reference – this is ‘plagiarism’ (a type of academic misconduct). 
 You are NOT allowed to copy from other students (or allow other students to copy from you) – this is
 You are NOT allowed to copy from your own assignments on other modules – this is ‘self-plagiarism’. 
 You must NEVER buy assignments from websites (essay mills) – this is called ‘contract cheating’ and it is
now illegal in the UK. 
 If you commit academic misconduct, your mark will be reduced, and you will face disciplinary action for
repeat offences. 
Contact academic-skills@herts.ac.uk if you are unsure of the rules or how to avoid academic misconduct, and
you will receive help.

Student Support and Guidance

 For further help on module content and assignment details, contact your Module Leader in his or her
drop-in / office hours or by email.
 Use the Learning Outcomes and HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) to help inform you of the expectations of
the assessment.
 Use CASE (Centre for Academic Skills Enhancement) website resources: http://go.herts.ac.uk/CASE .
Attend CASE workshops and drop-ins to develop academic skills to meet HBS expectations (see timetable
on CASE website homepage or drop-in to CASE in L064, in the LRC).
 Visit the Academic English for Business Programme Site for tips on developing your academic English and
contact hbsacademic-english@herts.ac.uk if you have any questions.
 For help with Turnitin, look for the “Check your work (Turnitin Originality Report)” practice assignment in
the Assignment section of all of your modules.  For help with understanding plagiarism and how to make
changes to your assignment, contact hbsacademic-english@herts.ac.uk.
 Use the Online Library to access quality business information resources:
o Library Search will help you find books, journal articles and more.
o Use the Subject Toolkit for Business to access to industry standard databases.
o Use Library SkillUP for guidance for searching and referencing.
o Get help: use SkilIUP module chat, visit the Study Success Hub, or book an 1:1 with a librarian.

The relevant HBS Grading Criteria (Rubric) for your assignment should be added as a table immediately below the
assignment description. If you are unable to find the Grading Criteria (Rubric), please contact your Module Leader.

Karen Robins - Updated June 2022

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