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Understanding Group behavior and Motivation in

Organizations: A study on Wah Nobel Company

Submitted by


Department of Business Administration

Faculty of Management Sciences
International Islamic University Islamabad 2023


Ms. Kiran Kayani


Dept. Business Administration (IIUI)

Department of. Business Administration

Faculty of Management Sciences International Islamic University

Islamabad 2023

Copyright@2023 by Ms. Laiba Inayat and Ms. Kashaf Adeeb.

All rights are reserved. No part of this report can be reproduced in any
form or any means such as a photocopy or electronic media, etc. without
prior approval of the Authors.

Table of Contents
CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................................................................. 5
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................................. 6
DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................... 7
FINAL APPROVAL ..................................................................................................................................... 8
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 9
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER 1: ............................................................................................................................................ 11
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 11
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE:.................................................................................................................. 12
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: ..................................................................................................................... 12
RESEARCH QUESTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 13
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................................. 14
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................................... 14
Group behavior in Organizations: ...................................................................................................... 14
Motivational factors in Organizations: .............................................................................................. 14
Time Management in Organizations: ................................................................................................ 14
Effective Strategies for improving Group behavior and Motivation in Organizations:...................... 15
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................................. 17
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 17
PROBLEM STATEMENT: ..................................................................................................................... 17
RESEARCH DESIGN: ............................................................................................................................ 18
TYPE OF STUDY: ................................................................................................................................. 18
RESEARCH INTERFERENCE: ................................................................................................................ 18
UNIT OF ANALYSIS: ............................................................................................................................ 18
RESEARCH QUESTIONS: ..................................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................................. 20
DATA ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................... 20
DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................................... 23
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................... 25
RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 27
LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS ................................................................................................ 28
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 29


It is to certify that our work embodied in the Thesis is “Understanding

Group behavior and Motivation in Organizations: A study on Wah Nobel
Submitted by Laiba Inayat (5819-FMS/BBA/f19) and Kashaf Adeeb
(5868-FMS/BBA/f19) for the partial fulfillment of the requirement in the
International Islamic University Islamabad remain an original record
carried out under the supervisor of Ms. Kiran Kayani and stay up to her


All the praises and blessings to Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most
Compassionate; and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad, His
servant and messenger, in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the
Most Compassionate.

First and foremost, we express our inexhaustible gratitude to Allah, the

Ever- Glorious; the Ever-Grateful for His help and Blessings. Without
His guidance, we are certain that this mission would never have fruition

We are thankful to our institution for providing us with the opportunity to

do this work, and we would like to dedicate this study to our supervisor,
Ms. Kiran Kayani who worked faithfully to guide us from the beginning
to the end.

We would also like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to our parents for
their unwavering guide during our lives, incredibly through the pursuit of
our Bachelor’s degrees. We have the opportunity to finish this thesis as
a result of their unfailing love and prayers.

We hereby declare that the work present in the following thesis is our
effort, except where otherwise acknowledged, and that the thesis is our
composition. No part of the thesis has been previously presented for
any other degree.

Date: _____________________


Laiba Inayat (5819-FMS/BBA/f19)


Kashaf Adeeb (5868-FMS/BBA/f19)


We declare that this project report, neither as a whole nor as a part, has
been copied out from any source. It is further stated that we have
prepared this report entirely based on personal efforts made under the
earnest guidance of our supervisor. No portion of work, presented in
this report, has been submitted by Laiba Inayat and Kashaf adeeb in
support of any application for any degree or qualification of this or any
other university or learning institute.

Ms. Kiran Kayani
Department of Business Administration
International Islamic University, Islamabad -------------------


Dr. Zara Sabeen
Faculty of Management Sciences
International Islamic University, Islamabad ---------------


In the first place, all the praises and thanks to Almighty Allah for giving
us strength and ability to recognize our work and His messenger
(Muhammad P.B.U.H) for illuminating our lives.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to our Final Year Project
Supervisor, Ms. Kiran Kayani, Lecturer, Faculty of Management
Sciences (FMS) IIUI, for her patient guidance, Enthusiastic
encouragement, and beneficial opinions of this research work. The door
to her workplace was constantly open each time we ran into bother or
had a question about our Research or write-up.

We would also like to acknowledge our institute IIUI (International

Islamic University, Islamabad) for providing us with the best of the
faculty. We are very thankful to our Head of Department Dr. Zara
Sabeen, Faculty of Management Sciences, IIUI, for providing us
facilities for this research work.

Finally, we must express profound gratitude to our parents, sisters, and

friends for their continuous support and encouragement throughout our
project. This Accomplishment would not have been possible without
them. We feel fully justified to pay words of gratitude to our parents.
Their unconditional and pure love, support, and encouragement have
enormously created a person of meaning in us. May Allah bless them
with the best of health (Ameen). Allah bless you all.

This case study investigates the relationship between employee work
motivation and their performance in the workplace, time management
and their productivity. It examines the main and common motivation
theories and different approaches to motivate employees. The main
aim is to find a correlation between employees work motivation and
how their performance effect on business productivity. Qualitative
method was used to conduct this study. The data collection technique
was interviews with the HR employees of Wah Nobel Company. The
study was conducted on small sample size of 5 employees. Future
studies could have pursued by employing longitudinal design,
increasing sample size as well as visiting the company more than 3
to 4 times.
Keywords: work motivation, performance in workplace, motivation
theories, correlation between employee work motivation and
performance effect on business productivity.



An organization or organization is an entity—such as a company, an institution,

or an association—comprising one or more people and having a particular
purpose. An organization is a social entity that has a specific purpose or mission
and is composed of people who work together to achieve that mission.
Organizations can take various forms, including for-profit businesses, non-profit
organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions.

High performing teams are felt to give companies competitive edge; thus, a team
is fundamentally a social technology, the mutual commitment and accountability
of members being a contingent in the service of achieving performance goals.
Understanding the factors that make teams better performance units has been a
focus of much literature (Stevens and Campion Citation1994; Marks, Mathieu
and Zaccaro Citation2001). How to motivate people in team environments is a
natural concern amid this more general search for variables that explain team
However industrial-organizational psychologists have been studying motivation
and satisfaction in the workplace for some five decades. For at least three
reasons, however, progress in understanding these phenomena has been slow.
First, it turned out that the motivation to work (exert effort) and satisfaction are
relatively independent outcomes; thus somewhat different theories are required
to understand them (Locke, 1970). Connecting the two types of theories has
proven to be especially difficult (Henne & Locke, 1985). Theories that have tried
to explain both phenomena with the same set of concepts generally have been
unsuccessful. Second, theories within each domain, especially motivation–
performance theories, have focused only on a limited aspect of the domain such
as needs (Maslow, 1970), perceived fairness (Adams, 1965), or managerial
motives (Miner, 1973). Third, the phenomena themselves are highly complex;
thus extensive research has been required to understand them irrespective of
any attempts to connect them.
Wah Nobel is a joint venture which was founded in 1962 between
Wah Industries Limited, Saab (Sweden) and Almisehal (Saudi
Arabia). Wah Nobel Group is a multinational group with six
companies on its orbit. It is engaged in production of Commercial
Explosives/Accessories, wide range of Industrial Chemicals and
Acetates and has a presence in the Energy Sector. The primary aim
of this Joint Venture was to start production of Commercial
Explosives indigenously.Wah Nobel operates as a Commercial
Subsidiary of POF on commercial frequency and wavelength.
Since 1962, Wah Nobel Group has experienced rapid expansion of business and
has grown into one of the largest manufacturing conglomerates in Pakistan with
6 Companies on its orbit. This has been the result of our team of dedicated
workforce working diligently to satisfy the needs of our customers. In pursuit of
excellence, we are driven by Customer Satisfaction, Quality Control and
Corporate Social Responsibility.

The study can impart further knowledge to the prevalent research
base. The findings derived from this study can be useful for the all
industries specifically for Human Resource Management Department
as well as employers in several ways. These includes interpretive
research on the problem grouping behaviour and motivation in
employees and their time management. Grouping behaviour and
motivation are crucial factors that impact the success and
performance of organizations. Grouping behaviour refers to how
individuals form groups within an organization, and how these groups
interact with each other. Motivation refers to the internal and external
factors that drive individuals to achieve their goals. The aim of this
qualitative research proposal is to understand the grouping behaviour
and motivation of employees in organizations, and to identify the
factors that influence these behaviours.

The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of employees’
relation and time management in relation to the level of performance displayed
by the Wah Nobel Company. I've broken it down into smaller objectives below:
1. To explore the group behaviors of employees in organizations.
2. To understand the motivation factors that drive employees in
3. To identify the factors that influence group behaviors and motivation in

The goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of strategies
connected to workplace motivation and group behavior over the
performance level displayed by the Wah Nobel Company in order to
address the question raised by the title of the study. Subdividing it
into inquiries below:

1. How does group composition impact motivation and

engagement among employees in organizations?
2. How do different types of grouping strategies impact
motivation and engagement among employees in



Group behavior in Organizations:

Group behavior within an organization is a critical factor that influences employee
performance and productivity. Effective group formation and interaction can lead
to higher levels of group cohesion, improved communication, and increased
individual accountability (Hoch & Kozlowski, 2014). In contrast, poorly managed
grouping strategies can lead to conflicts, reduced motivation levels, and
decreased productivity (Cartwright & Zander, 2020).

Motivational factors in Organizations:

Motivation is an essential factor that drives employees to perform well in their
work environment. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1970), fulfilling the
basic physiological and safety needs of employees is the primary motivator. After
these basic needs are met, employees are motivated by belongingness, esteem,
and self-actualization needs. Additionally, Herzberg’s two-factor theory (1959)
identifies intrinsic and extrinsic factors as motivators for employees. Intrinsic
factors such as recognition, achievement, and growth opportunities, while
extrinsic factors, including pay and benefits, provide external motivation.

Time Management in Organizations:

Effective time management skills have a significant impact on employee
performance in organizations. Time management involves prioritizing tasks and
developing an action plan to complete those tasks efficiently (Kobasa, 1979).
Effective time management can alleviate stress, increase productivity levels and
lead to better job satisfaction and motivation (Mehrez & Rostom, 2021).

Effective Strategies for improving Group behavior and
Motivation in Organizations:
Strategies can be employed to enhance group behavior and motivation in
organizations. Firstly, establishing clear goals and objectives and communicating
them effectively can promote group cohesion and motivation (Atkinson &
Butcher, 2003). Fostering a supportive and participatory work environment
encourages employees to engage in group decision-making, resulting in higher
motivation and productivity (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). Furthermore, providing
employees with growth opportunities through training and development initiatives
and recognition programs can enhance intrinsic motivation (Gagne & Deci,
2005). Lastly, implementing effective time management strategies, such as
prioritizing tasks and developing schedules, can alleviate stress and improve
motivation levels (Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2019).
Group behavior and motivation are critical factors that impact employee
performance in organizations. Based on the findings of this literature review,
effective strategies for enhancing group behavior and motivation include clear
communication of goals and objectives, fostering a supportive work environment,
providing growth opportunities, recognition programs, and effective time
management techniques. Understanding these factors can help organizations
enhance their productivity and competitiveness.

The theoretical framework of this study is based on social exchange theory and
self-determination theory. Social exchange theory suggests that employees
engage in a reciprocal relationship with their organization, whereby they provide
effort in exchange for rewards such as salary, job security, and career growth
opportunities (Blau, 1964). This theory emphasizes the importance of perceived
fairness in the workplace and how employees’ perceptions of fairness can impact
their motivation, job satisfaction, and commitment (Adams, 1965). In the context
of this study, social exchange theory implies that employees who perceive their
organization as fair and just are more likely to be motivated and engaged at
work, which can lead to better performance.
Self-determination theory, on the other hand, proposes that employees have
innate psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Ryan
and Deci, 2000). Autonomy refers to the need for self-determination and control
over one’s work, while competence refers to the need for feelings of
effectiveness and mastery. Relatedness refers to the need for social connections
and meaningful relationships with others. This theory suggests that employees
who have their psychological needs satisfied are more likely to be motivated and
engaged at work, which can lead to better performance. In the context of this
study, self-determination theory implies that employees who have autonomy,
competence, and relatedness at work are more likely to be motivated and
engaged, which can lead to better performance.
Both social exchange theory and self-determination theory suggest that the
working environment plays an important role in determining employee
motivation, engagement, and performance. Therefore, this study aims to
investigate how the working environment, including group behavior and time
management, impacts employee motivation, engagement, and performance in
the context of the Wah Nobel Company.


The research will use a qualitative approach, specifically a case study
design, to explore the group behavior and motivation of individuals in a
specific context.The semi-structured open interview with experts
provides the space to reveal opinions, thoughts, and reflections of an
expert, and hence, it was considered to be appropriate for this study.
The following procedures were applied to collect primary data from the
experts. After selecting a research topic, and preparation and planning
phase, conduction series of interviews by visiting the organization, then
data were analyzed and interpreted, and finally conclusions and
recommendations based of the results was made.

Motivation and group behavior are crucial factors that influence the performance
and success of organizations. However, despite extensive research in industrial-
organizational psychology, our understanding of these phenomena remains
limited. In the context of the Wah Nobel Company, there is a need to evaluate
the effectiveness of employees’ relations and time management strategies in
relation to the level of performance displayed by the organization. Employees’
group behavior and motivation are also critical factors that impact the
organization’s performance. Therefore, the problem statement of this qualitative
research proposal is to understand the group behavior and motivation of
employees in the Wah Nobel Company and to identify the factors that influence
these behaviors. The study aims to explore the effectiveness of workplace
motivation and group behavior strategies and their impact on the performance
level of the Wah Nobel Company. By addressing this problem statement, the
study can contribute to the existing research base and provide insights into
effective strategies for enhancing employee motivation, engagement, and
performance in organizations.

The current study investigates the relationship between group
behavior, motivation and organization performance. The study will
use semi-structured interviews to collect data. The interviews will be
conducted in-person, and each interview will last approximately 20-30
minutes. The interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed for
analysis.The population of this investigation entails the employees
working in Wah Nobel Company and HR executives are selected for
gathering qualitative data with the help of interviews.

This is qualitative, cross sectional research. Qualitative method entails
in depth understanding of a particular phenomenon by analyzing the
beliefs, perceptions, values or attitudes related to that phenomenon
(Rahi 2017). Data was collected in one-time frame from employees of
Wah Noble.

There was no research interference that could affect the findings of the
research. Thus, work is very smoothly done.

The unit of analysis was Wah Nobel Company. All the departments of
Wah Nobel company specially HR department those who are well
aware of Group behavior and motivation and its relationship with
organizational performance.

1. Have you ever had to take on additional responsibilities or cover for a
colleague who was frequently late? If so, how did you manage this
additional workload?

2. How do you prefer to work in a group? What are some characteristics of a

group that make you feel comfortable and productive?

3. In your opinion, what role do leaders play in group motivation? Have you
had any experiences where a leader positively or negatively impacted
group motivation?

4. Would you still be interested in this job if you knew, at some point in the
future, the work environment would change from an individual
environment to a team-based approach?

5. Share an example of a team project that failed?

6. How do you think the dynamic of a group affects motivation? Have

you ever been part of a group where the dynamic negatively impacted
motivation? What were the consequences?

7. Your Organization is giving every type of facilities; transport, flexible timing

and 2 off days in a week, so do you think the Work flexibility is one of the
reason that affected the behavior of group?

8. Is there anything that motivates you to stay at your company for the next 5
years? If not so what is it?

9. Describe your ideal supervisor? Tell me about a time when you worked for
someone like this? What qualities do you not prefer in a supervisor?

10. Do you feel comfortable speaking your mind at this company?

11. What makes you excited to work at this company and complete your


Following below graphs shows the grounded theory using open coding and axial
coding of the transcribed interviews. For this research we took 5 interviews of the
employees. The analysis aimed to identify themes and patterns related to group
behavior, motivation, and their impact on organizational performance.
The interviews were conducted with a sample of five employees from different
departments of the Wah Nobel Company. The responses were transcribed and
analyzed using a systematic approach. Open coding was used to identify initial
themes and concepts from the interview data. The researchers read through the
transcripts multiple times to identify meaningful units of data and assigned initial
codes to them. Once the initial coding was completed, axial coding was
employed to establish connections and relationships between the codes. This
involved categorizing the initial codes into broader themes and sub-themes. The
researchers looked for patterns, similarities, and differences within the data to
create a more comprehensive understanding of the research topic.
The following are some examples of the initial codes and themes that emerged
during the data analysis:
1. Group behavior:

• Formation of informal groups

• Communication within groups

• Influence of group norms on behavior
• Collaboration and teamwork
2. Motivation Factors:

• Recognition and rewards

• Opportunities for growth and development

• Supportive work environment
• Autonomy and decision-making authority
3. Impact on Organizational Performance:

• Employee engagement and satisfaction

• Productivity and efficiency

• Collaboration and knowledge sharing
• Innovation and problem-solving
Through the axial coding process, the researchers identified the relationships
and connections between these themes. For example, they found that a
supportive work environment and opportunities for growth and development
positively influenced employee motivation, which, in turn, contributed to improved
organizational performance.
The analysis also revealed some challenges and areas for improvement within
the Wah Nobel Company. These included issues related to ineffective
communication within groups, lack of recognition and rewards for employees,
and limited autonomy in decision-making processes.
Overall, the data analysis provided insights into the group behavior, motivation
factors, and their impact on organizational performance within the Wah Nobel
Company. The findings from this analysis will contribute to addressing the
research objectives and answering the research questions outlined in the study.


The data analysis conducted in this research provides valuable insights into
group behavior, motivation factors, and their impact on organizational
performance within the Wah Nobel Company. The findings highlight key themes
and patterns that emerged from the interviews with employees from various
departments. These findings shed light on the current state of group behavior
and motivation within the organization and offer implications for improving
performance. One of the important themes that emerged is group behavior.

The analysis revealed that employees form informal groups within the
organization, which can have both positive and negative effects. Effective
communication within these groups was identified as crucial for fostering
collaboration and teamwork. The influence of group norms on individual behavior
was also noted, indicating the importance of promoting positive norms that align
with the organization’s goals and values.

Regarding motivation factors, several key themes emerged. Recognition and

rewards were found to be significant motivators for employees. When employees
feel recognized and rewarded for their efforts, it enhances their motivation and
engagement. Opportunities for growth and development were also identified as
important factors in motivating employees. Providing avenues for employees to
enhance their skills and knowledge not only boosts their motivation but also
contributes to their long-term career satisfaction. The presence of a supportive
work environment, where employees feel valued and supported, was another
factor that positively influenced motivation. The analysis also explored the impact
of group behavior and motivation on organizational performance. The findings
indicated that employee engagement and satisfaction play a vital role in
determining performance outcomes.

Engaged employees who feel motivated are more likely to be productive,

efficient, and innovative in their work. Collaboration and knowledge sharing
among employees were also identified as factors that contribute to improved
performance, as they foster creativity and problem-solving. However, the
analysis also uncovered some challenges and areas for improvement within the
Wah Nobel Company. Ineffective communication within groups was identified as
a barrier to collaboration and teamwork. Additionally, the lack of recognition and
rewards for employees was highlighted as a demotivating factor. Limited
autonomy in decision-making processes was another area that can hinder
employee motivation and satisfaction.

Based on these findings, it is recommended that the Wah Nobel Company takes
steps to address these challenges and enhance group behavior and motivation.
This can be achieved by fostering a supportive work environment that values
effective communication, providing opportunities for growth and development,
and implementing recognition and reward systems. Empowering employees with
more decision-making authority and autonomy can also boost motivation and


The research conducted in this study aimed to explore the group

behavior and motivation of employees in the Wah Nobel Company and
identify the factors that influence these behaviors. The study used a
qualitative approach, specifically a case study design, and collected
data through semi-structured interviews with employees and HR
executives. The analysis of the data revealed several key themes and
patterns related to group behavior, motivation factors, and their impact
on organizational performance. The findings indicated that effective
group formation and interaction can lead to higher level of group
cohesion, improved communication, and increased individual

On the other hand, poorly managed grouping strategies can result in

conflicts, reduced motivation levels, and decreased productivity. In
terms of motivation factors, the study found that fulfilling employees’
basic physiological and safety needs is the primary motivator, followed
by needs related to belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization.
Intrinsic factors such as recognition, achievement, and growth
opportunities were identified as important motivators, along with
extrinsic factors like pay and benefits. Effective time management skills
were also found to have a significant impact on employee performance.
Prioritizing tasks and developing action plans were highlighted as
effective time management strategies that can alleviate stress, increase
productivity levels, and enhance job satisfaction and motivation. Based
on the analysis, the study proposed several strategies for improving
group behavior and motivation in organizations. These include
establishing clear goals and objectives, fostering a supportive and
participatory work environment, providing growth opportunities and
recognition programs, and implementing effective time management

Theoretical frameworks such as social exchange theory and self-

determination theory were used to underpin the study. Social exchange
theory emphasized the importance of perceived fairness in the
workplace, while self-determination theory highlighted the psychological
needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The study
suggested that employees who perceive fairness and have their
psychological needs satisfied are more likely to be motivated, engaged,
and perform better. Overall, the findings of this research contribute to

the existing knowledge base and provide insights into effective
strategies for enhancing employee motivation, engagement, and
performance in organizations. The recommendations derived from this
study can be valuable for the Wah Nobel Company and other
industries, particularly the Human Resource Management department
and employers, in understanding and addressing group behavior,
motivation, and their impact on organizational success.


 Foster a culture of teamwork and collaboration:

Grouping employees together in teams and encouraging them to work

collaboratively can improve motivation and performance. This can be
achieved by creating team-building activities and providing
opportunities for employees to socialize and build relationships.

 Provide clear goals and expectations:

It is important to provide employees with clear goals and expectations,

as this can help to motivate them to work together and achieve their
objectives. This can be done by setting SMART goals and regularly
communicating progress towards them.

 Create a sense of ownership and accountability:

Giving employees a sense of ownership and accountability over their

work can increase motivation and performance. This can be achieved
by giving employees autonomy and empowering them to make
decisions and take ownership of their tasks.

 Encourage innovation and creativity:

Encouraging employees to be innovative and creative can improve motivation

and help the organization to stay competitive. This can be done by providing
opportunities for employees to share their ideas and suggestions and by
rewarding and recognizing creative thinking


Group behavior and motivation refer to the ways in which individuals behave in
groups and the factors that drive their behavior in the organizational setting.
Although group behavior and motivation have been studied extensively, the field
is still subject to some limitations and challenges that need to be addressed in
the future.

One of the main limitations of the current research on group behavior and
motivation is the lack of a comprehensive theoretical framework. There is still a
need for a unifying theory that can help researchers and practitioners better
understand the mechanisms behind group behavior and motivation.

Another limitation is the tendency to rely on self-reported data. While self-report

measures have their place, they can be subject to bias and may not provide an
accurate picture of how individuals behave in groups. More objective measures,
such as direct observation or physiological measures, may provide a more
accurate assessment of group behavior and motivation.

Additionally, Future research should aim to better understand how group

behavior and motivation operate in different cultural contexts.

In summary, while there has been significant progress in understanding group

behavior and motivation, there are still challenges that need to be addressed in
the future. A comprehensive theoretical framework, more objective measures, a
focus on cultural diversity, and attention to diverse workforces are all areas that
require more attention in future research.


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