2021 Entrance Examination IB Trial Test

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(Entrance Examination 2021)

Name of the Applicant: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………….......................................................

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes.

PART I Multiple Choice Test on Written Material

Read the sentences on the answer sheet and choose the correct answer (each correct
answer worth 0.5 p)

1. In the face of the accelerating pandemic in the spring of 2020, the consumer industries mobilized to deliver
extraordinary value, both as individual businesses and through cross-company partnerships. But, at
the same time, they saw their deepest vulnerabilities exposed.

a) Massive supply and demand imbalances drove estimated losses of $4–5 billion for US dairy farmers.

b) The precarious position of informal workers, including those leading small and medium-sized businesses,
led to significant job losses and bankruptcies

c) Jobs lost in 2020 could total more than 165 million – if the virus comes under control

d) All are correct

2. The pandemic has underscored the underlying and persistent problems that predated COVID-19 and have
exacerbated its effects:

a) Climate change; pollution.

b) Decreased levels of consumer trust

c) Poor education about nutrition; full of information and resources to enable healthier lifestyles;

d) None of above.
3. Moving from aspiration to reality will require disruptive business models featuring a mix of emerging
components that create new value. These include:

a) Circular-economy approaches, which aim to keep products/materials in use, by design, for as long as
possible to capture their maximum value.

b) Shared-value chains, where companies integrate and/ or share their value chains vertically and/or through
partnerships, e.g. sharing a workforce

c) Digital enablement, where data and new technologies provide seamless visibility, amplified insights and
magnified capabilities.

d) None is incorrect.

4. There’s no question that, as COVID-19 evolved quickly from a fast-moving virus into the pandemic the
world continues to fight, the consumer industries saw the deepest vulnerabilities in their structures – and in
the structures of other industries – exposed

a) More than 165 million jobs are created by the end of 2020 – and that’s if the situation continues to stabilize.
That number grows to approximately 240 million jobs at if COVID-19 spikes uncontrollably again,

b) Younger people will be penalized, and if history is a guide, the short-term impact they suffer will carry
forward, affecting an entire generation of consumer economic health and spending ability.

c) The growth in lower-income populations has been slowing down.

d) All are not true.

5. Which of the following is not TRUE:

a) The vast majority of consumers have made at least one healthy change since the pandemic began

b) More than half of consumers also now state that authenticity is an important factor in their purchase

c) One in three consumers surveyed did purchase goods marketed as “sustainable” because they found it
difficult to understand the product’s impact on the issues important to them

d) All are not TRUE.

6. The Consumer Industries community has established an overarching vision: We are first and foremost
human-centric, creating shared value and operating with integrity to ensure a sustainable and resilient future
a) The industries’ actions, individual and collective, will be guided first and foremost by thoughtful and
thorough consideration of human needs.

b) Decisions will include and benefit all stakeholders – individuals, business, both vision and mission. They
are: to improve consumer health and wellness; increase sustainable consumption; accelerate inclusive growth;
and build trust and transparency.

c) Ultimately, the game changer will be individual and collective ecosystem actions working in concert

d) All are correct.

7. COVID-19 has accelerated market evolution – and this current crisis has highlighted the importance of new
mindsets, models and capabilities that can propel the consumer industries from aspiration to action. Vital to
this change will be innovative business models that feature a combination of disruptive strategies and
emergent components

a) Already, new innovators have emerged to redefine industries and restructure the economics of value

b) Consider platform models built on harnessing network effects, shared value chains that maximize
transparency and efficiency and asset-light structures that create agility and mitigate cost.

c) Significantly, e-commerce growth has not skyrocketed

d) a and b are true.

8. The human-centric ecosystem approach comprises an interdependent system of diverse players

collaborating on a human need with a shared vision, goals, governance and incentives.

a) Each player participates based on their unique comparative advantage

b) All participants must adopt an owner mindset – always looking to maximize shared value for the
benefit of the ecosystem

c) Participants need to align on the human-centric objectives and outcomes

d) All are correct.

9. Which of the followings is true

a) A culture of shared values and strong leadership is not necessary to drive collaboration Governance is vital
to an efficient ecosystem, given the complexity of the relationships
b) Governance is vital to an efficient ecosystem, given the complexity of the relationships

c) Incentives need not to be strongly aligned with the desired outcomes dictated by the shared vision

d) None is correct

10. Consumers want to lead healthier lives, they face multiple challenges because of the followings:

a) Many consumers struggle to manage the potential trade-offs of healthy vs. lower-cost goods.

b) Many are confused by conflicting messages about “what is healthy”. And, while government intervention
can be effective (e.g with sugar taxes), policy is not always aligned with the latest scientific findings.

c) Due to distribution costs, companies often struggle to serve rural or poor communities in a way that aligns
with their margin requirements.

d) All are true.

11. Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability, but – as with health and well-being – face
confusion when it comes to making the “right” decisions. How can we help consumers to make more
responsible/sustainable choices?
a) Encouraging companies to lower the environmental impact of their products
b) Third-party certification of a product’s carbon footprint to communicate impact
c) Company is forced to provide background information on production in each category sold.
d) All are right except c.

12. Employment is one of the most powerful levers the consumer industries have to battle inequity and
promote inclusion. With COVID-19 driving significant employee disruption and permanent job loss,
employers and employees alike are re-examining the long-held constructs of work across companies and

a) New types of jobs require a different set of skills – for example, data science, experience in emerging
technologies and also significant facility with human and interpersonal skills
b) COVID-19 will significantly accelerate automation and put a large percentage of repetitive jobs at
risk of redundancy.
c) There is the urgency to find reskilling/upskilling solutions that can adapt over time and operate at scale
d) None is not relevant

PART II MATHEMATICS AND LOGICAL DEDUCTION (each correct answer worth 0.4 p)
1. A discount store takes 50% off of the retail price of a desk. For the store's holiday sale, it takes an
additional 20% off of all furniture. The desk's retail price was $320. How much is the desk on sale for during
the holiday sale?

a. $107 b. $114 c. $128 d. $136 e. $192

2. If a ¼ of a teaspoon is 1 ml, then how many milliliters are in 6 teaspoons?

a.10ml b.12.5ml c. 15ml d.20ml e. 24ml

3. Simon arrived at work at 8:15 A.M. and left work at 10: 30 P.M. If Simon gets paid by the hour at a rate of
$10 and time and ½ for any hours worked over 8 in a day. How much did Simon get paid?

a. $120.25 b. $160.75 c. $173.75 d. $180 e. $182.50

4. A scale on a map states that every ¼ of an inch represents 20 miles. If two cities are 3 ½ inches apart, how
many miles are actually between the two cities?

a. 14 miles b. 20 miles c. 125 miles d. 230 miles e. 280 miles

5. Michelle wants to expand her flowerbed by increasing the length and width each by 2 ft. What will the new
area of the flowerbed, if L and W represent the original dimensions of the flowerbed's length and width?

a. 2 LW b. 2(L+W) c. 2L+2W d.(L+2)(W+2) e. LW/2

6. Melinda's lights went out. She has 3 pairs of red socks in her drawer, 2 pairs of black socks, and 5 pairs of
white socks. What is the minimum number of pairs she must remove from the drawer to ensure that she has a
pair of each color?

a.3 b.5 c.7 d.9 e. 10

7. A football team has won 10 games and lost 5. If the team wins the remaining games, they will have won
75% of all the games. How many more games will they play?

a.3 b.5 c.7 d.9 e. Other

8. Johnny has $100 now and saves $10 every month. His brother Jimmy has no money currently and is going
to save $15 per month. In how many months will Jimmy have as much money as Johnny?

a.10 b.5 c.6 d.4 e. Other

9. The electric company charges 3 cents per kilowatt-hour. George used 2800 kilowatt-hours in April, 3200
kilowatt-hours in May, and 3600 kilowatt-hours in June. What was his average cost of electricity for the 3

a. $72 b. $88 c. $96 d. $102 e. $113

10. James invested $4,000 at 5% interest per year; how long will it take him to earn $200 in simple interest?

a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4 e.5

11. A lamp is marked with a sale price of $23.80, which is 15% off of the regular price. What is the regular

a. $26 b. $28 c. $30 d. $32 e. $43

12. There are 12 more apples than oranges in a basket of 36 apples and oranges. How many apples are in the

a) 12 b) 15 c) 24 d) 28 e) 36

13. A share lost 80 % of its value. How many percent should it increase to reach the original value?
a) 500 % b) 80 % c) 120 % d) 350% d) Other

14. The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of its
digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?

a.3 b.4 c.9 d. cannot be determined e. none of these

15. A mattress store sells their stock for 15% off of retail. If someone pays cash, they take an additional 10%
off of the discounted price. If a mattress's retail price is $750, what is the price after the store discount and the
cash discount?

a. $550.75 b. $562.50 c. $573.75 d. $637.50 e. $675.00

16. 85% of what number is 136?

a.160 b.170 c.180 d.190 e.220

17. A building that is 150 ft tall casts a shadow of 20 feet long. At the same time a tree casts a shadow of 2 ft.
How tall is the tree?

a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25 e. 30

18. A men's basketball team won 24 games and lost 32. What is the ratio of games lost to the number of
games played?

a. 32:24 b. 4:3 c. 3:4 d. 4:7 e. 3:7

19. Sarah has a 20-dollar bill and a 5 dollar-bill. If she purchases two items, one for $11.23 and the other for
$8.32, then how much money does she have left over?

a. $3.75 b. $5.45 c. $6.34 d. $7.77 e. $8.12

20. The fine for a driver riding in the carpool lane without any passengers is $133. A driver is issued a bench
warrant for $2,294.25, which includes a 15% fee for late charges and court costs. How many tickets has the
driver not paid?

a.10 b.12 c.13 d.14 e.15

WRITING TEST (max 10 points)

In this test, your task is to write a summary as instructed below. The answer must be based on information
presented in the pre-reading material, Vision Towards a Responsible Future of Consumption. The
answer will be evaluated in terms of both content and quality of written expression.
Write the answer in your own words. Do not reproduce passages from the source material word for word
except where terminologically essential. Include details and examples to illustrate the main points. Use a
formal style and write full sentences. Write your answer in clear handwriting on the lines below. Do not
exceed the lined area.

Topic: summarize

(1) Goal: Improve consumer health and well-being, Action: Better nutrition for all

(2) Goal: Advance sustainable consumption Action: Enable sustainable consumer choice

Remember that the answer must focus on information presented in the indicated part of the material

---------------------------------------------------------The End----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Answer sheet for Part 1 and Part 2

1) Multiple-choice question

Order number a b c d e



2) Math and Logical đeduction

Order a b c d e Order a b c d e
number number

1 11

2 12

3 13

4 14
5 15

6 16

7 17

8 18

9 19

10 20

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