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TTH 9:00-10:30


Environmental science is the study of the relationship between human activity and the environment.
Environmental science is an unusual discipline because it requires a scientific knowledge of the natural world and
an understanding of how humans interact with the natural world. In this thread, I learned that human-caused
environmental degradation is a global and enduring problem. Most scientists believe that the project's top 910
billion population can sustainably live in Earth's ecosystems if human societies strive to live sustainably within
planetary boundaries. Environmental issues in coastal areas require a cooperative approach by governments,
civil society and individuals, which presents complex challenges for collective action. We also learned that
environmental issues are scattered across national borders and jurisdictions. There may be incentives to ignore
cross-border impacts and neglect joint resource management, especially when the decentralized nature of
benefits makes sharing the efforts of others free of charge. Environmental problems faced today differ from those
of most of the Earth's history in both kind and degree. It the remaining months of school I want to learn more
about the environment because I want to contribute on saving the resources that are left.

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