Ballb Sem Vii Child Law

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Paper I Subject Code: BL 706 I Child and Law

Total No. of Printed Pages: 2

B.A LL. B (Semester - VII)

EXAMINATION November 2019
Child and Law

[Duration: Three Hours]

Instructions: 1.









Paper I Subject Code: BL706 I Child and Law

Q.l3 Explain the following: Any 2

a) Child in conflict with law
b) Minimum Age Convention, 1973
c) Juvenile justice Board


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B.A.LLB Semester VII, Examination April 2019


Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 75

i) Answer any eight from question no 1 to 12.
ii) Question no. 13 and 14 ore Compulsory.
(8 X 8= 64)

1. Discuss salient features of the Goa Children's Act 2003.

2. Examine the provisions relating to offences against children under

Indian Penal Code 1860.

3. Explain the guardianship of child under the Hindu Minority and

Guardianship Act 1956.

4. Examine the Constitution, powers and functions of Juvenile Justice


5. Discuss the procedure for adopting a child under Hindu law.

) 6. How does Indian Constitution Protect rights of children? Explain.

7. Examine the salient features of the United Nations Convention on the

Rights of the .child 1989.

8. Define child and explain the provisions relating to child prostitution

under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act 1956.

9. Discuss the Commission for Protection of Child Rights Act 2005.

10. Critically analyse the right to education guaranteed to children in


11. Discuss the rights available to an illegitimate child under Indian Laws.

12. Explain the following:

a. liberationist approach to child rights
b. Will theory of rights

13. Write short notes (any two) (2 X 3= 6)

a. Child labour
b. The Minimum Age Convention 1973
c. Child Welfare Committee

14. Write short notes (any two) (2 X 2.5= 5)

a. Child marriage
b. Harmful Publications
c. Child in conflict with law
11111111111111111111111111111111 m11111111111111111111 BALBO -3418
B.A. LL.B. (Semester- VII) Examination, October 2018

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 75

Instructions : 1) Answer any eight questions from Q. No. 1 to 12.

2) Q. No. 13 and 14 are compulsory.

1. Discuss provisions relating to children's court under the Goa Children's
Act, 2003.

2. Write short notes on the following (both questions are compulsory) :
a) Definition of child under various legislations.

b) Child rights and Directive Principles of State Policy.

3. Discuss special provisions for children under the procedural laws in India.

4. Examine the position of a child under Indian Contract Act 1872.

5. Explain the essential features of the prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.

6. Discuss procedure for adoption of children under Juvenile Justice (gare and
protection) Act.

7. The convention on the Rights of the child 1989 is an international statement of

the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the children. Explain.

8. Explain the Rights of child under laws of succession in India.

9. The child labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 prohibits employment
of children in certain occupations and process. Explain.

10. Examine the law relating to guardianship of the child.

BALBO -3418 1111111111111 111111 IIIIIIIID Ill 1111111111 111111111 1111

11. Explain the following (Both questions compulsory) :

a) Child in need of care and protection.
· b) Special Juvenile Police Unit.

12. Discuss various right theories with reference to child rights.

13. Write short notes on (any two) : (2x3=6)

a) Child Pornography.
b) Child and Fundamental Rights.
c) Kidnapping of child under IPC.

14. Write short notes (any two) : (2x2Y2=5)

a) Child abuse.
b) The-Minimum Age Convention 1973.
c) National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
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B.A. LL.B. (Semester- VII) Examination, April 2018 ·


. Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75

Instructions : 1) Answer any eight questions from Question No. 1 to 12.

2) All questions carry equal marks.
3) Question No. -13 and Question No. 14-are compulsory.

1. Examine the law relating to adoption of a child in India.
2. Discuss Minimum Age Convention, 1~73.
3. What is the presumption of child witness and paternity of the child under the
law of evidence ?
4. Which offences against children are punishable under the Indian Penal
Code, 1860?
5. Define the term 'Child in conflict with law' and provisions relating to Juvenile
Justice Board under Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000.
r'- 6. Discuss the Constitutional provisions for children enshrined in the Constitution
of India.
7. No estoppel against minor. Explain.

8. Discuss the Young Persons' ·(Harmful Publication) Act, 1956.

9. What is the procedure to deal with offences of child labour under The Child
Labour Regulation and Prohibition Act, 1986 ?

10. Explain <!ffences against children under the Goa Children's Act, 2003.

11. Explain the role played by the National Commission for Protection of Child
Rights in conducting inquiry. -- --- -------- ----'-

12. Explain the provisions of Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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13. Write short notes (any two) : ""' (2.5x2=5)

a) Agnates and Cognates

b) Children in difficult circumstances

, . ; i ·.

c) Child friendly society. - . ·., '

14. Write short notes (any two) : (3x2=6)

a) Principles of non-stigmatization, semantics, decisions and actions.

b) Child in need.

c) High risk areas .

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lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllm 1111 BALB0-2817

B.A. LL.B. (Semester - VII) Examination, November 2017


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75

Instructions: 1) Answeranyeightquestions from Question No.1 (o 12.

2) All questions carry equal mar/(s.
3) Question No. 13 and Question No. 14 are Compulsory.


1. What are the powers and functions of the Juvenile Justice Board.?

2. Discuss the constitutional provisions for 9.hildren enshrined in the Constitution of


3. What are the penalties prescribed under.the Young Persons' (Harmful Publication)
Act, 1956?

4. Explain the offences under Goa Children's Act :

a) Child Pornography
b) Child Trafficking.

5. Where is the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights located ? State
the powers and functions of Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights ?

6. Examine the law relating to custody of child in India.

7. The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the most important document to
protect the rights of the child. Explain.

8. Which Offences are mentioned in the Indian Penal Code punishing those preventing
the birth of the child ?

9. What is the punishment for Prohibition of Employment Of Children In Certain

Occupations And Processes as .outlined in .the Child Labour Regulation and
Prohibition Act, 1986 ?

BALBO- 2817 11111111 ~111111111111111116 ~IIRIIIIIIIIIIIID lUI

10. Discuss Minimum Age Convention, 1973.

11. How is maintenance ensured for children under Section 125, Criminql procedure

12. Discuss guardianship of a child underpersonallaws.

13. Write short notes (any two). (2.5x2=5)

a) Adoption r

b) Children's Home
c) Illegitimate Child. ·

14. Write short notes (any two). (3x2=6)

a) Parental Alienation Syndrome
b) Bail of a Juvenile
c) Child Welfare Committee.
.'fliEinllll mtliMil lllilllii lllliliDIIImfliM 1111 BALBA - 111-7

B.A. LL.B. (Semester - VII) Examination, April 2017


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Answeranyeightquestions from Q. No.1 to Q. No. 12.

2) Question No.13and14arecompulsory.

. 1. Explain the following theories : (8x8::64)

a) Will Theory of Rights.

b) Interest Theory of Rights.

2. Discuss the Constitutional provisions for children enshrined in the Constitutton

of India.

3. Discuss Minimum Age Convention, 1973.

4. What is the meaning of "Best Interest" in the Convention of the Rights of the
Child ? How does the Convention on the Rights of the Child ensure the best
interest of the child ?

·s. 'Critically analyze the provisions of Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.

6. Examine the-law relating to.legitimacy of child in India . .

7. Can a minor enter into a·Contract. Discuss the legal posi.tion.

8. Analyze the legal provisions relating to adoption of children.

9. Which offences against children are punishable under the Indian Penal Code, 1860?

-10. Discuss the provisions under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 which
deal with child prostitution and their rehabilitation.

BALBA-1117 lllmlllllllllmiiUIIIIIIIIIUI ~Ill ~Ill ~IIIIIIIIHI

11. What is the. compositi_()n of the Juvenile Justice Board ? State its powers and

12. Explain the working of the Children's Court?

· 13. Write short notes (any two) : (2:x3=6)

a) Child nudity.
b) Paedophilia.

·c) Juvenile in conflict with law.

14. Write short notes (any two): (2.5x2=5) --

a) Child in need of care and protection.

b) Child Welfare Committee. ·

c) Young Persoil's Harmful Publication.

IIII~IIIIIIIIIRIIUlllllm II 1111 Rill ~fil fill IIR:- · BALB0-2816

B.A. LL.B,~ ·(S~~este; ~'\111) Eia~~ation/ ·october 2016 ·


Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks: 75

Instructions: 1) Answer any eight questions from Q. No. 1 to Q. No. 12.

2) Question No. 13 and 14 are compulsory. ,


1. Explain the following theories:

a) LiberationistTheory of Rights.
b) Interest Theory of Rights.

2. Discuss the constitutional provisions for children enshrined in the Constitution of


3. Discuss Minimum Age Convention, 1973.

4. Explain the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989.

5. Critically analyze the provisions relating to guardianship of a child.

6. Examine the law relating to adoption of a child in India.

7. Explain the Young Person's (Harmful Publication) Act, 1956.

8. There is need for spec.ial provisions under the Criminal Procedure Code for
children. Explain.

9. Which offences against children are punishable under the Indian Penal Code,

10. Discuss the composition, power, functions of the National Commission for
protection of Child Rights.

11. State the procedure used by the Juvenile Justice Board for dealing with juveniles
in conflict with law.


BALBO- 2816 . ImDIIIDIIIR~ 1m 11111• ~m Willi 1111

12. Discuss the offences against children as defined in ·the Goa ·Children's Act,
• • ' • • . . t
2003. . ' .· . . -: . ' .
• t r \ ' • --- '~ _,.

13. Write short·notes (any two). (2x3=6)

a) "Child in need" ·.
.. . -_ ,
b) Children's Court

c) Children's Home.

14. Write short notes (any two). ·(2.5x2=5)

a) Child witness

b) Offences against juvenile

~ ··- . .
c) Rehabilitation and social integration.


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