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Sedimentary Geology, 86 (1993) 137-158 137

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Fluid flow in sedimentary basins

K n u t Bj0rlykke
Department of Geology, P.O. Box 1047, University of Oslo, 0316 Oslo 3, Norway

Accepted April 16, 1993


Bjcrlykke, K., 1993. Fluid flow in sedimentary basins. In: S. Cloetingh, W. Sassi, F. Horvath and C. Puigdefabregas (Editors),
Basin Analysis and Dynamics of Sedimentary Basin Evolution. Sediment. Geol., 86: 137-158.

The pore waters in sedimentary basins are ultimately derived from sea water, meteoric water, mineral bound water, or
from the underlying basement. Geochemically these waters initially have different signatures; however, the pore water
compositions are easily altered by reactions with minerals or by mixing with other fluids.
Meteoric water is driven downwards into sedimentary basins by the gravitational potential, which approximately
corresponds to the elevation of the ground water table above the sea or lake level. It is difficult to model such flow, however,
because the permeability on a large scale is almost impossible to represent realistically. The continuity of confined sandstone
and limestone aquifers plays an important role in determining the flux of meteoric water received by rocks in different parts
of the basin, but this is again difficult to predict.
Pore water flow driven by compaction typically has velocities several orders of magnitude lower than what is commonly
found in meteoric water flow regimes. The average rate of upwards flow is lower than the rate of subsidence and the
difference is the rate of incorporation of sea water in the topmost layer at the sea floor.
The salinity of formation water provides important constraints on fluid flow in sedimentary basins. In the North Sea
Basin and the Gulf Coast Basin, these types of data indicate that vertical mixing by compaction-driven flow and convection
is limited.
Compaction-driven flow obeys Darcy's Law but there are complex interdependencies between pressure, permeability and
compaction. Given the low compressibility of water, the flow which can result from pressure release alone is very limited,
except on a local scale along permeable faults and fractures. The main flow of pore water during burial is driven by
compaction, which is a slow process, even when overpressure is released abruptly with a resulting increase in the net
effective stress. In the case of high permeability faults, the flow into the fault from low permeability sedimentary rocks at
depth may be rate-limiting. The displacement of pore water in adjacent sediments near the top of the faults may also slow
down fluid flow on fractures that do not reach the sea floor. Modelling of fluid flow in sedimentary basins should be based
on permeability distributions which are mostly determined by primary facies, diagenesis and the tectonic history of the basin.
Extensional tectonics produce a predominantly vertical fracture network which may serve as conduits for pore water
flowing deep into the crust. Upward flow of hot fluids in basement fractures must have a high velocity in order to produce
large thermal anomalies. Concentrations of dissolved components precipitate at the surface and form deposits of quartz and
ore minerals. If basement fractures are overlain by a thick sequence of soft sediments, the rate of flow on the fractures will
be reduced because of the low permeability in the sedimentary cover, and conductive heat transport will dominate. Flow of
water at high enough velocities to bring hot water to the surface and produce hot springs is most likely to occur in fractured
basements rocks or well-cemented sedimentary rocks. Concentrated precipitation of dissolved components will occur near
the surface, where the rate of cooling is highest. Also, sediment-hosted ores precipitated from flow of hot water on fractures
are therefore likely to form before accumulation of thick overlying sedimentary sequences.

Introduction we shall here only consider the hydrodynamic

potential, which is P-pgh, where P is the pres-
Pore water in sedimentary basins flows from sure, h is the height of a water column (up to a
areas of higher hydrodynamic and chemical po- reference level, i.e. sea level) and p is the average
tential to areas of lower potential. For simplicity, density of the pore water. Since the hydrody-

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Rechar~te Area
namic potential is also dependent on the density
of the water, flow can also be driven by salinity Precipitation I Potential Lines I
gradients. / [Water Table I
When the pore pressure P exceeds the hydro- Infiltra!ig~i;'~/")// Stre m Lin s
static pressure (pgh) the rocks are said to be Head(...,~,....,,v,,.,x,,,.~,:,:~,L
t ~ / / a e Sea Level
overpressured, and the excess pressure can be
expressed in terms of potentiometric surfaces
(Figs. 1, 3).
Differences in chemical potential will set up
diffusion and this may also cause pressure differ-
ences and flow of some significance (i.e. through
osmosis). Both pressure gradients and concentra-
tion gradients will cause a diffusion-type trans- Fig. 2. Meteoric water flow in a homogeneous rock matrix
port. (uniform permeability). The flow is perpendicular to the
Fluid flow resulting from differences in hydro- isopotentiometric lines.

dynamic potential can be treated mathematically

using Darcy's equation and mass conserving equations during flow (continuity equations).
Modelling of flow in whole basins, however, is
Rain water very complex (Bethke, 1985). The main problem
Meteoric water flow ~ A with fluid flow modelling in sedimentary basins is
adequate description of the rock properties such
as porosity, permeability, compressibility, and
"::i~:::~:: .~,~S'~:;:~:::;:S~:::
i:?.... q ~ ~:i;:::-~;::~:'~:)?~;:~-:::;::-;:i
:_.?::~::~ thermal conductivity, given the limitations of the
models and the availability of data to constrain
Compaction-driven flow \ .M L ~.
these values. Even if the geology should be known
! in great detail, it would still be difficult to specify
Release of overpressure m
OverpressureL will cause only very sufficient grid nodes to give an adequate repre-

limited expansion
I sentation of the complexities of a detailed sedi-
mentological or structural model.
pressure , ~ Compressibility of water
= 4 X 10.10pa_L If the permeability is homogeneous in all di-
A potentiometric head of
:?~': 1km(107Pa)wouldcause rections, the pore water flow can be calculated
an expansion of 0.4 % of the
watercolumn. from the elevation of the ground water table and
the fluid densities alone (Fig. 2). However, sedi-
Compaction-driven upwards
flow < subsidence. mentary rocks are generally very inhomogeneous
and the contrasts in permeability caused by clay
layers and sand or gravel beds will generally
BASIN SUBSIDENCE totally dominate the flow of water (Fig. 3). While
Fig. 1. Types of pore water flow in sedimentary basins. Mete- sand and gravel beds may have permeabilities of
oric water flow is constantly fed by rainwater infiltrating into 1-10 darcy, the permeability of poorly com-
the ground. This flow is limited by the rate of infiltration and
pacted-mud may be 1 mD or lower. In such cases,
the permeability distribution in the sediments. Compaction-
driven water flow is limited by the volume of water buried in mathematical modelling is of little value if the
the basin. The velocity of flow is mostly controlled by the rate stratigraphy, sedimentology and the structural de-
of compaction, and the vertical component is on average formation of the sedimentary sequences is not
lower than the rate of subsidence. Due to the low compress- interpreted correctly.
ibility of water, the flow results from release of pressure of
The sediments filling the basins are usually
limited magnitude and duration. Overpressures can be ex-
pressed by the height above sea level to which a water column
quite inhomogeneous and it is not possible to
would have risen from the overpressured sequence. This is map the 3-dimensional distribution of these pa-
called the potentiometric or piezometric surface. rameters. The orientation and distribution of per-
F L U I D F L O W IN S E D I M E N T A R Y B A S I N S 139

meable sediments (usually sandstones and lime- of flow is. a product of the directional nature of
stones) will to a large extent dominate the pattern the permeability tensor and the pressure gradi-
of fluid flow. Sealing versus permeable faults are ent.
also very important because of the properties of This presentation will emphasize the impor-
the fault plane and their consequent offset of tance of basin heterogeneities related to sedi-
permeable layers. mentary facies and structural deformation. Ad-
Pore water flow in sedimentary basins can be vanced mathematical modelling is of little value if
classified according to the origin and driving the model does not realistically represent the
mechanism for the flow: (1) meteoric water flow sedimentologically and structurally controlled
is sourced by ground water which has a potentio- heterogeneities of the basin.
metric head above sea level and flows downwards
into the basin (Fig. 1); (2) compaction-driven wa- Flow of meteoric water into sedimentary basins
ter is driven by the net overburden stress causing
a reduction in available pore space; (3) density- Meteoric water (fresh water) has a potentio-
driven flow is driven by gradients in density due metric head defined by the ground water table,
to salinity or temperature and this can set up which is normally higher than sea level. Pore
convective flow. Convective flow differs from the water will thus readily flow into marine sedimen-
two other types of flow in that " t h e same water is tary basins. In an isotropic rock matrix with con-
used over again", and it does not, therefore, stant fluid density, the flow of meteoric pore
depend on the supply of pore water. water follows a curved pattern perpendicular to
Pore water flow in sedimentary basins is im- the isopotential lines (Fig. 2). Along the coast and
portant because of its potential capacity to trans- underneath islands, lenses of fresh water float on
port heat and solids in solution. This may also more saline pore water. The depth to which fresh
cause dissolution and precipitation of minerals water will penetrate is:
and thus influence the quality of reservoir rocks.
The migration of petroleum in sedimentary basins H = h "Pmw//(Psw--Pmw)
is an example of two- or three-phase flow which Here, H is the depth of penetration below sea
may be very complex. level, h is the height of the ground water table
Pore water flow in sedimentary basins is to a above sea level and Prow and Psw are the densities
large extent controlled by rock properties such as of meteoric pore waters and saline water, respec-
permeability, porosity and the compressibility of tively.
water. The fluid flow is not necessarily perpendic- For Psw = 1.025 g / c m 3 and Pmw = 1.0 g / c m 3,
ular to the isopotentiometric lines; the direction H = 40h, meaning that the depth of the fresh


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fig. 3. Pore water flow into a sedimentary basin through a confined aquifer overlain by a low permeability layer (aquitard).

RAINFALL water lens is 40 times the height of the ground

100 cm / yr
108cm / m.yr water table underneath an island or within a
confined aquifer along the coast (Fig. 3).
Relative sea level changes serve as a pumping
mechanism, driving meteoric water into sedimen-
tary basins at low stands due to the additional
hydrodynamic head when the sea level is lowered
5km . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . iii (Bethke et al., 1988). In the modern Gulf of
I~ U ~ A R O S FCOW f j. ". " c . ' . \ \ ' ~'. Mexico Basin, the depth of meteoric water pene-
tration is estimated to be about 2 km (Harrison
and Summa, 1991).
THE METEORIC WATER FLUX The depth of penetration of meteoric water
THROUGH SEDIMENTS DEPENDS ON: does not, however, depend only on the head of
1. RAINFALL AND INFILTRATION the meteoric water, but also on compaction pro-
3. PERMEABILITY cesses which can generate overpressures which
4. SEDIMENTATION RATE may exceed the meteoric water head. High over-
OF SANDSTONE BODIES pressures are restricted to rather few rapidly sub-
siding basins, but even slight overpressures due to
Fig. 4. Recharge of meteoric water into an aquifer. The flow
of meteoric water is limited by the recharge, which is the
compaction will strongly reduce the depth of me-
infiltration of rainwater into the ground water. At 10% infil- teoric water penetration. Well log analyses from
tration and a rainfall of 100 c m / y r , the recharge is 107 cm 3 offshore Georgia, USA, suggest that fresh water
c m - 2 M a -n and the flux of pore water will decrease down- extends underneath the shelf up to 100 km off-
wards along the aquifer as more water escapes to the surface.
shore (Manheim and Paull, 1981).
The fluid flux and the rate of dissolution of feldspar will
In most basins the change in lithology from
decrease away from the area of infiltration. It is also evident
that the total flux of meteoric water will be inversely related permeable sandstones or limestone to less perme-
to the sedimentation rate. able mudstones and the tilting and continuity of


.... 111~ Ak't /

~r" l 7 ,Art I

.4k.,,.1 1
Rain Fall

High intensity of meteoric water flow

,,41----- Low intensity of meteoric water flow

Fig. 5. Relationship between meteoric water flushing and depositional environment based on Bjorlykke and Aagaard (1992). The
degree of leaching of feldspar and mica is a function of the meteoric water flux through the sediments. In the North Sea Basin,
fluvial and shallow marine sandstones show a high degree of such leaching and have abundant authigenic kaolinite. Sandstones
representing distal shelf facies and turbiditic environments show little or no leaching of feldspar and have little authigenic kaolinite.
Sandstones deposited in dry climates (Permian and Triassic) experienced little leaching shortly after deposition, but may have been
exposed to meteoric water flushing after later uplifts.

such layers would very much control the pattern proximal shallow marine sediments will be flushed
of meteoric water flow. Simplified models assum- by meteoric water shortly after deposition. The
ing a homogeneous rock matrix therefore have flux is then likely to be high and the pore water
limited value. The flux of meteoric water depends still very much undersaturated with respect to
on the continuity and orientation of permeable feldspar and mica. The total volume of water
aquifers, usually sandstones, and on the perme- flowing through each volume of sediment is in-
ability of the mud overlying the aquifers (Fig. 3). versely related to sedimentation rates. Sands de-
The upper limit of meteoric water flow is deter- posited in more distal shelf facies and turbidites
mined by the rainfall, the catchment area, and are normally less well connected to the main
the percentage of infiltration into the ground ground water wedge, so that the flux is lower and
water (Fig. 4). The flow of meteoric water down the pore water is closer to equilibrium with re-
into sedimentary basins must eventually flow up spect to the mineral phases (Fig. 5). In the North
to the surface. If there is not sufficient outlet for Sea Basin it has been demonstrated that the
the flow, pressures will build up in the aquifer reservoir sandstones deposited in fluvial and shal-
and reduce the meteoric water flow. The large low marine environments have been subjected
area of contact between the aquifer and the over- to more feldspar dissolution (secondary porosity)
lying mud compared to their cross-sectional area and contain more authigenic kaolinite than those
will allow relatively high volumes of pore water to sandstones representing turbidite facies (Bjcr-
escape upwards, even if the permeability is rather lykke and Aagaard, 1992). Sediments in sedimen-
low. At shallow depths ( < 500 m) prior to severe tary basins like the North Sea may be intensively
compaction, mud will have a much higher perme- flushed by meteoric water immediately after de-
ability than compacted mudstones and shales. position and also after uplifts. The depth of me-
The degree of meteoric water flushing is highly teoric water penetration and leaching below un-
dependent on climate and facies. Fluvial and conformity surfaces has been the subject of some

k = 1 Darcy
E Siltstone Shale
o h = 1.0rn h--0.1m
o k=10 -3Darcy k = 10 -5 D a r c y

k = 1 Darcy

Zkh : 0.001 Ah = 10 -4
n = 0.001 n = 10 5
n = ratio between the permeabilities in
the thin layers and the thicker layers

R = 1 . 2 • 1 0 -2 • A T K H 2 ]
Fig. 6. Thermal convectionin sedimentary basins. Modelling of thermal convectionhas shown that even very thin 0.1 m-thick layers
of low permeability shales may cause very effective flow separation in permeable sandstones (Bj0rlykke et al., 1988). Potentially
large convectioncells may therefore split into smaller ones which are too small to exceed the critical Rayleighnumber.
142 K. B J O R L Y K K E

discussion (Bjorkum et al., 1990). However, good served down to 300-400 m depth in the Missis-
examples of clay mineral diagenesis related to sippi Gulf Coastal plain (Hanor and Mcmanus,
modern ground water systems have been ob- 1988). In Canada there is isotopic evidence of


1 O0
3OO 100 200
' I
30o , 100 200
NaCIeq. XlO00

1 Km I ---------
---_--_--._--_ ~ Claystone
2 Km I ---...-_---:
:-5-- ~ Sandstone
-_- • • ~ Limestone
"r .....
-,,, ,,. ,:

t-- 3 K m l [ ~ 1 Dolomite

CI 0 '.'.%'. ~ ~] Halite
4 Kml •

5Kml ~

6K m ~

• Rodessa
O Hosston
2,000 ~k Cotton Valley
o= 3,000
m'o*@aOo O0

K 7,000
B | I I i I 11
0 5'0 100 200
150 250 300 350
Concentration, thousands of PPM
Fig. 7. (A) Salinity trends in pore waters in the Central Graben, North Sea (Gran et al., 1992). (B) Salinity gradient from Arkansas,
USA (Dickey, 1979). Increasing salinities with depth indicate stable, crudely stratified pore waters. Recent large-scale vertical
mixing would have destroyed the salinity gradients.

recent meteoric water diagenesis extending sev- Because of the low vertical permeability in
eral hundred metres below the land surface layered sequences, Rayleigh convection is proba-
(Longstaffe, 1984). bly not very important in sedimentary basins.
Non-Rayleigh convection will always take place
Pore water flow driven by thermal convection when the isotherms are not horizontal; in such
cases the flow rates are rather low and not very
Thermal convection is an convenient mecha- significant in terms of diagenesis,, unless the slopes
nism for mass transfer of dissolved material in of the isotherms are steep as around hydrother-
sedimentary basins, because very large fluxes can mal intrusions and possibly salt domes. Sloping
be obtained using the same water over and over isotherms will also result from sloping beds be-
again (Cassan et al., 1981; Wood and Hewett, cause the heat flux is reflected when the conduc-
1982; Davis et al., 1985). tivity of the beds varies.
Thermal convection is driven by the inverse The density of pore water is primarily a func-
density gradient resulting from the thermal ex- tion of the thermal expansion of water and salin-
pansion of water. If the isotherms are horizontal, ity. Even moderate salinity gradients strongly in-
a reversed density gradient is stable until a criti- fluence fluid flow in sedimentary basins. At 30,000
cal condition is reached and the layers of pore p p m / k m , the effects of the thermal expansion of
water start to overturn. This condition can be water are more than offset so that the water
expressed in terms of a critical Rayleigh number, becomes denser with depth, thus removing any
R. drive for convective flow (Bjorlykke et al., 1988).
R = gflATHK/Kv A downwards increase in the pore water salin-
ity in sediments overlying evaporites helps to
Here, /3 is the thermal expansion of water, H is
stabilize the pore water. When such trends are
the height of the convection cell, and AT is the
temperature difference over the height H. K is recorded in formation water analyses or well logs
the diffusivity of heat and v is the kinematic it provides strong evidence showing that vertical
mixing is not taking place (Gran et al., 1992) (Fig.
In the case of thermal convection of water this 7).
can be expressed as follows (Bjorlykke et al., The salinity in sediments surrounding salt di-
apirs can be used to trace fluid flow, since C1- is
not consumed to any significant degree by diage-
R = 1.2.10-2H2(Tt - Tz)/H netic reactions. Near-linear salinity increases with
Here, K is the permeability, H is the thickness of depth are often observed (Fig. 2). Analyses of the
the layers, and ( T 1 - T z ) / H the temperature gra- salinity distribution around salt domes from off-
dient in the layer. shore Louisiana show some evidence of convec-
The critical Rayleigh number is about 40, with tion, but the observed salinity stratification and
the most critical factors being the thickness of the the lack of more mixing and dilution of the saline
permeable bed and the permeability. If the per- pore water suggest that the rate of convection is
meability is 1 D, the layer must be thicker than very slow (Ranganathan and Hanor, 1988; Evans
300 m for the critical Rayleigh number to be and Nunn, 1989). Inverted salinity gradients are
exceeded so that thermal convection can occur. only likely to develop around salt diapers or
Sedimentary rocks, however, are rarely uni- underneath salt layers. The inverse salinity gradi-
form and the vertical permeability typically ents can only sustain flow on the down-going limb
changes abruptly in a sequence of sandstones and of a convection cell and vigorous thermal convec-
shales. Thin layers ( < 1 m) of low permeability tion would homogenize the pore water salinity.
shales or cemented layers in sandstones may cause
Pore water flow driven by compaction
almost complete flow separation (Fig. 6) and thus
disrupt potentially larger convection cells In a sedimentary basin, the average porosity of
(Bj~rlykke et al., 1988). the sedimentary strata will normally decrease with

Porosity Supply of sea water

layer V2 of pore water is described by the area under the
New layer of
sediments AXt :ial porosity p o r o s i t y / d e p t h curve. For simplicity, we assume
that the p o r o s i t y / d e p t h function remains con-
o :lriven flow stant, that the basin is subsiding at a constant
=o lost layer V].
rate, and that the sedimentation keeps pace with
(O subsidence. The pores in each new layer of sedi-
ment deposited will be filled partly with pore
water driven upwards relative to the sediments by
compaction, and partly with sea water from above.
If we assume the p o r o s i t y / d e p t h function to be
SubsidenceAX2 the sedimentary
constant, the ratio between upwards-directed
nent compaction-driven flow and subsidence can be
Basement calculated. From Fig. 8 it can be seen that the
Fig. 8. Simplified illustration of the rate of pore water flow ratio between the rate of upwards flow and subsi-
driven by compaction relative to the rate of sedimentation dence depends on the porosity in the topmost
and the subsidence rate in a sedimentary basin. A new layer
layer and the basal layer. When the first layer of
of sediment with a thickness A X t will be filled with pore
water partly by compaction-driven flow (V2) from underneath
sediment is deposited on top of the basement, the
partly by incorporation of sea water (1/1). Assuming constant difference between the initial porosity (0 o) and
sedimentation rate and a constant porosity/depth function the porosity of the basal layer (0 b) becomes zero,
these relationships can be quantified. The difference in the which means that 100% of the pore volume is
volume of pore water per unit area buried in the sediments filled by sea water. This is also self-evident since
before and after the deposition of the new layer is V2 = A X 2-
we have assumed that there is no contribution of
0 b. This volume of pore water (V 0 has to be taken from the
sea water. The remaining volume of pore water needed to fill water from the basement. As the basement be-
the pore space in the uppermost layer (V 1 = A X I . 0 o - A X 2. comes deeper, the porosity of the basal layer (0 k)
0 b) is derived by compaction from underlying sediments. will approach zero and the proportion of com-
Compensation for compaction in the ratio between the subsi- paction-driven pore water is 1, meaning that there
dence of the basal layer and the uppermost layer can be
is a balance between subsidence and pore water
expressed as A X 2 = A X I ( 1 - 0 o ) / l - 0b). Substituting in the
flow and that no sea water is incorporated into
equations above the Iz2 = 0b'AXI(1 -- 0o)/(1 -- 0 b) and Vt =
AAXI(O o - 0 b ) / ( 1 - 0b). From this it can be seen that during the sediments on the sea floor. This implies that
the sedimentation of the first layers above basement there is pore water remains at the same depth relative to
little difference between the porosity of the basal layer and the sea floor.
the topmost layer so that (0 o - 0 b) is small and the contribu- The above is consistent with modelling of com-
tion from compaction V2 is low. The new layer of sediments is
paction-driven pore water flow from basins off-
then filled with almost only sea water (V~ = Ob.AX O. In the
case where the basin is very deep, the porosity of the basal shore Australia (Caritat, 1990). For theoretical
layer will approach zero (0 b = 0). The volume of compaction- calculations of compaction-driven flow see also
driven water will then be sufficient to fill all the pore space Berner (1980).
and there is no incorporation of sea water in the sediments. In the above discussion, a constant porosity/
This means that the same volume of pore water is being
depth function is assumed in the calculations.
shifted upwards.
This is reasonable in the case of constant sedi-
mentation rates and uniform lithologies where it
increasing burial depth (Fig. 8). The relation be- represents a highly "idealized basin". It is a use-
tween burial depth ( D ) and the porosity (0) may ful starting point. We can see from this that as
be described by a token function f so that 0 = f . the sedimentation rate slows down, the rate of
D. compaction relative to the rate of subsidence will
The porosity of each layer of sediment is an change, modifying the p o r o s i t y / d e p t h curve and
expression of the fluid content, and by integrating in this case increasing the relative contribution by
the function f over a depth interval, the volume compaction-driven flow. This is because the
of pore water can be calculated. The total volume porosity of the sediment is not only a function of

net overburden stress but also of time. In the case in sedimentary basins, minerals will dehydrate
of zero sedimentation rate (hiatus), compaction and denser minerals wilt form. In the case of
will continue and there will be a net flow of pore dehydration of gypsum to anhydrite, 38% of the
water upwards across the sediment/water inter- volume is released as water. Clay mineral reac-
face. If the overlying sea water is oxidizing, this tions involving dehydration of crystal bound wa-
will lead to precipitation of oxides or hydroxides ter or OH groups account for a smaller percent-
of elements that are more soluble in the reduced age of water released (5-10%). An example is the
state than in the oxidized state above the transformation of smectite to illite, which could
R E D / O X boundary (i.e. Mn(OH) 2, Fe(OH)3). be significant in terms of building-up overpres-
Sulphate reduction will remove most of the iron sure (Bethke, 1986).
as sulphate below the R E D / O X , but manganese The reaction between K-feldspar and kaolinite
will to a large extent remain in solution before it to form illite also releases water (Bjcrlykke et al.,
is trapped in the oxidized layers at the sea floor. 1983).
Accelerating subsidence rates will increase the Maturation of kerogen and formation of
porosity of the sediments relative to depth due to petroleum is a very important phase change. The
the delay in compaction and more of the pore main effect of the generation of petroleum is not
space in the top-most layer of sediment will be the slight overall volume increase which may re-
filled by sea water. sult from this reaction, but rather the transforma-
One of the best quantitative studies of com- tion of solids (bitumen) to a liquid state which
paction-driven flow in sedimentary basins is from becomes part of the porosity. Assume that a shale
the Gulf of Mexico Basin (Harrison and Summa, has 5% porosity filled with water at the onset of
1991). At the present day, the maximum fluid rapid oil generation (in the North Sea, typically
flow velocity in the compactional regime is 6.5 3.5 km depth) and 10 weight% kerogen. This is
c m / y r and the maximum vertical velocity is 0.20 equal to about 20% by volume and one can see
cm/yr. This is just a little short of the estimates that by the time half of the kerogen is trans-
of Pliocene/Pleistocene sedimentation rates, formed, the porosity is increased by at least 200%,
which may reach 0.22 c m / y r (Harrison and if petroleum is not allowed to escape. The excess
Summa, 1991). Large parts of the basin have porosity in the source rock caused by the kero-
present fluid velocities of 1 0 - 2 - 1 0 -4 c m / y r and gen-petroleum phase transformation causes high
the lowest values (0.5-10 -6 cm/yr) were, not overpressures since less of the overburden pres-
surprisingly, found near the basement where there sure can be carried by the rock strength (grain
is little underlying sediment to release pore water framework). If gas is generated directly or by
by compaction. In contrast, the maximum flow cracking of oil, the build-up of overpressures will
rate in the meteoric water regime is 58 cm/yr. be even higher.
This confirms theoretical models and estimates Expulsion of petroleum from the source rock
suggesting that the flow rates of meteoric water into the surrounding rocks must displace the pore
may be several orders of magnitude higher than water and contribute to the build-up of overpres-
compaction-driven flow. sure.

Phase changes Overpressure

Porosity in rocks is defined as the ratio be- Pore water with a potentiometric surface
tween fluids and the total volume (fluid + solids). higher than the sea level or the ground water
If there are no phase changes or mineral reac- table is said to be overpressured (Gretener, 1977).
tions, this ratio can only be changed by com- Overpressure is an indication that the pore
paction. Mineral reactions releasing or consum- water is not expelled from a volume of rocks at a
ing fluids (i.e. crystal bound water) will change sufficient rate for the pore water to remain under
the porosity. As sediments subside and are heated hydrostatic pressure. This depends on the flux of

compaction. The thermal expansion of water has
been claimed to be a contributing factor in the
build-up of pore pressures. In the Gulf of Mexico
~.........-.~ pore. ;l:Ysdr°$static
Basin the contribution from aquathermal pressur-
ing to the build-up of overpressure is only 1%
(Harrison and Summa, 1991). We have seen above
/~ Top of overpressure
that in a thick sedimentary sequence, the up-
F~f Porosity / Depth curve wards flow of pore water approaches the sedi-
at overpressure mentation and the subsidence rates. The pore
Depth /,,~' Volumeof water held back water therefore has only a small downwards com-
/~__~__.~ from upward compaction ponent even in an overpressured sequence. This
~,~- driven flow
means that the pore water is heated at a rather
Fig. 9. Overpressured sediments will normally have higher slow rate if the geothermal gradients remain con-
porosity than what the same sediment would have had at stant. In areas of very high subsidence, the
hydrostatic pressure. This is clearly true for shales and also
geothermal gradients are considerably lower than
clay-rich sandstones where mechanical compaction is domi-
nant. This m e a n s that the porosity/depth curve is changed
and that the upwards flow of pore water is relatively restricted
to a situation where the pressure is hydrostatic. Well-sorted P Erosional Unconformity
sandstones show limited compaction even at high overburden J J i i:
stress. Chemical compaction (pressure solution) also may be ~Pressure ".' i ,'..........."
l: ~ i f ..~...--~'~ Shale/'~p~r~n~able Sandstone
increased by increasing net stress, but here temperature is
also very important and the relationship between overpres- d,iven flow "',"x,Ov~p . . . . . . . . _~-'-~i'~i'i::i:::'"
sure and porosity is more complex. .pw,,ras a,,a :'~ ) ~ ~ : i : i : i i : i : i : ! : : , , . ,

~ t u l l offsetting
pore fluids due to reduction of porosity, thermal : . , , " permeable aquifer
expansion of the fluids, or phase transitions. The
overpressured volume of rocks must be enclosed
Compaction-driven fluids A
by low permeability layers or faults through which
," P o r e w a t e r f l o w in a q u i f e r
fluids will flow very slowly even at high pressure
gradients. Overpressure reduces the net (effec-
tive) stress acting on the grain framework and , !~!!i'iii!iiiiiiiiiiii
causes reduced compaction. Overpressured se-
quences are therefore usually characterized by :::::::::::::%:::::::::::::::::::::::::
dsto e::!:: }'i:i:
higher than normal p o r o s i t y / d e p t h ratios (Fig. 9).
During the build-up of overpressure the rate of
upwards compaction-driven flow is lower than
ili;i il;!iili;!i li;!iiiiili;i;
" Fluid Flow' B
normal since water is held back. If the overpres-
sure is gradually released (drained condition), i.e. Permeability of sands: 1 to 10 `4 D
Permeability of shales: 10-5 to 10 -9 D
due to a reduced rate of subsidence, the excess
Fig. 10. Compaction-driven fluid flow in relation to the depo-
pore water must escape upwards and the total
sitional and structural history of sedimentary basins. The
integrated flux will be the same as if overpressure continuity of sandstone facies is the most important factor
did not develop. The rate of upwards com- controlling fluid flow and subsurface pressures. In an offlap-
paction-driven flow relative to the rate of basin ping sequence (A), pore water flows also downward into the
subsidence is then high, since the p o r o s i t y / d e p t h underlying aquifer and a reverse pressure gradient is created.
Faults offsetting continuous sandstones will have a major
function is changed. The main factors that con-
effect on the pressure distribution. In the case of onlapping
tribute to the development of overpressure are a sequences (B), the potential for build-up of overpressure is
high sedimentation rate and fine-grained clay-rich greater but the marginal facies is usually more sand-rich,
sediments which have very low permeability after providing the most permeable pathway for fluid flow.

In modelling of older basins in the Mississippi If we disregard the effects of the kinetic reac-
Valley, compaction-driven flow has been shown tion rate and assume that the pore water is in
to be quite insufficient to generate hot fluids equilibrium with the main mineral phases, the
capable of precipitating ores (Bethke, 1986). rates of dissolution and precipitation are func-
Compaction-driven flow from thrust belts may tions of the solubility gradients ( a T) and temper-
produce significant thermal perturbations on a ature gradient (OT/aZ).
relatively local scale, but modelling suggests that The volume of cement precipitated (Vc) for
such flow is insufficient to cause large-scale ther- each volume of water flowing through a porous
mal anomalies in the adjacent foreland (Deming rock is:
et al., 1990). In continental rifts like the Rhine
Vc = sin fl "a T " dT/dz/p
Graben where the rift margins are exposed and
elevated topographically, ground water flow can Here, /3 is the angle between the direction of
to a large extent explain the observed thermal flow and the isotherm and p the density of the
anomalies (Person and Garven, 1992) precipitated mineral phase. In the case of quartz,
a T 3" 1 0 - 6 O t T (150°C) (Wood, 1986). In the case

of vertical flow perpendicular to average geother-

Transport of dissolved solids in pore water mal gradients dT/dz of 3 0 ° C / k m ( 3 .
10-4°C/cm), Vc = 3 . 1 0 -1° cm 3. This means that
The concentration of dissolved elements in the volume of cement precipitated in each vol-
pore waters is a function of initial pore water ume of rock is only 3" 10-10 cm 3 for each volume
composition and the rate of dissolution and pre- of pore water flowing through the volume of rock.
cipitation of solids (mainly minerals). If we ignore It can be seen that 3.109 volumes are required
meteoric water flow, all of the pore water is so to precipitate 10% quartz cement, assuming equi-
called connate water, which in marine basins is librium between water and quartz crystals.
sea water. The rate of quartz cementation is also con-
The composition of the primary sea water is, trolled by the kinetics of crystallization, and at
however, changed drastically by interaction with low temperatures ( < 80°C) this rate becomes so
minerals and amorphous compounds. Sea water slow that it becomes insignificant, even at geolog-
sulphate is for the most part taken out of solution ical time scales of millions of years.
right below the sea floor in the sulphate reducing Carbonate minerals have retrograde solubili-
zone. ties, meaning that upwards flow of pore water
The pore water will attempt to approach equi- (cooling) will dissolve them rather than precipi-
librium with the mineral phases present through tate. The rate of dissolution of carbonate miner-
the dissolution or precipitation of minerals, but als will in most cases be several times higher than
the kinetic reaction rate, which is very much the rate of quartz precipitation (Bj0rlykke and
temperature-dependent, will determine the time Egeberg, 1993).
required for such equilibration. The rate of dissolution or precipitation during
In the case of silicate minerals, the kinetics of pore water flow is proportional to the rate of
pore mineral precipitation is very critical at low temperature change. In the case of upwards pore
temperatures. The distance that supersaturated water flow the temperature change is a function
or undersaturated solution can be transported of the geothermal gradients.
before approaching equilibrium with the mineral
phases can be expressed in terms of the half Fluid flow from the underlying basement and the
saturation distances. This is the distance that formation of ore deposits
pore water can flow before the supersaturation is
reduced to half is original value, and it depends In most cases we may assume that the base-
on the flow and kinetic reaction rates (Giles, ment underlying sedimentary basins does not re-
1987). lease much fluid. If the basement rocks are of

high metamorphic grade, they will not be subject tance to the flow to the surface. If there is a thick
to any significant dewatering during basin subsi- sedimentary sequence on top of the basement,
dence. Basement-derived brines may, however, the permeability of those sediments will be the
flow along fractures in the basement and into rate-limiting factor for the total flow (Fig. 13). In
overlying sedimentary rocks. If there is only a cases where the flow is perpendicular to bedding,
thin sequence of sandy sediments on top of the the effective permeability is the harmonic average
basement, the sediments will offer little resis- (k b) of the permeabilities of n superimposed



Intrusion of hot
fluids (1S0°C) into
sediments at < 40 m
Flow o ~ " ,. ,.., ~ x x x ~ x ~ x x ~ , . , , . , below sea level. land. Deposition I ' ; ' ' ; 4 t " . ~ "
Water will boil and of met.~oxides.I ' . ' . p ~
along f r ~ ; ' ~ ' , > ' ; ' ; Surface deposits~'~"
c a r b o n a t e S ~ o r ~ , ~ , ~ , j ~ j , ~ concentrate salts.
Steam dissolves will quickly be I
into k a r s t i ~ r e d p i t a t e metal. weathered or I
Cooling and I Requirement: quartz in sandstones
and metals (Pb, Zn) eroded. I
p r e c i p i t a t ~ must have sufficient
metals ~ y and metal content to be precipitate as
Valley type. J heavier than sea water. sulphides.
Result: preserved.
Result: Exhalative sedimentary
deposits Sed ment hosted ore

g 3000 -- PbS Solubility (ppm) from:
Deloule and Turcotte, 1989
2000' . . . . . . Quartz Solubility (ppm)
3 from: Morey et al, 1962

100 200 300

Temp (°C)
Fig. 14. (A) Flow of pore water from fractured basement to the surface, precipitating ore minerals. Maximum rates of cooling and
concentrated precipitation of dissolved sulphides will occur near the surface. If the brittle and fractured sedimentary rocks or
basement rocks are overlain by a thick (several hundred metres) sequence of soft sediments, the overall flow velocity on the
fractures will be decreased due to reduced overall permeability to the surface. High flow velocities are required to bring hot fluid to
the surface, and rapid cooling will occur in contact with ground water or sea water. Boiling will occur at 200°C if the water depth is
less than 140 m. If thin layers of sediments (sand) deposited in shallow water overlie the fractures, boiling will occur and sediment
hosted lead-zinc deposits may form. The steam will lead to the corrosion of silicate minerals like quartz and concentrate the
salinity of the remaining fluid. If fractures reach the sea floor at greater water depth, no boiling will occur and the hot brines may
flow out on the sea floor and form Sedex deposits. When fractures in carbonate rocks intersect karstic systems, rapid cooling will
occur due to mixing of water and Mississippi Valley-type deposits may form. (B) Solubility of sulphides (galena) relative to quartz
showing that the rate of sulphide precipitation may very much exceed the rate of quartz precipitation during cooling.

average due to the loss of heat to the subsiding fluid flow in sedimentary basins (Fig. 10). This
sediments. The heat flux is then reduced by an can only be understood in terms of primary facies
amount corresponding to the heat capacity and relationships and the tectonic history of the basin.
the subsidence rate of the sediments. As shown above, the transformation of solid
The main factors contributing to high over- kerogen into liquid hydrocarbon may contribute
pressures in the Viking Graben and the Central very significantly to the build-up of overpressures.
Graben of the North Sea are rapid subsidence
and oil and gas generation (Buhrig, 1989). Flow olong fractures and permeable fault planes
In some wells inverse pressure/depths ratios
are recorded. This also suggests that the degree Fractures are continuous large void spaces
of lateral drainage of fluids along permeable which may be important conduits for fluid flow.
sandstones is one of the most important factors They are normally formed by tension set up dur-
(Buhrig, 1989). Overpressured sections of sedi- ing tectonic deformation or uplift and unloading.
mentary basins are not always defined by strati- Relative movements along faults may also have a
graphic horizons and there may be rapid lateral tensional component so that fractures are pro-
pressure variation leading to the formation of duced. The properties of fault planes are deter-
overpressured compartments (Hunt, 1990). mined by the sediment lithology and the stress
The distribution and continuity of permeability conditions at different depths. Unless there is an
in permeable sandstone beds are the most impor- overpressure exceeding the lithostatic pressure,
tant factors controlling pressure distribution and there will be a component of vertical stress acting

Sea Level


trying t o :lose ~ ~ | Flow limited by the rate of

fault plane |!i ~ ~ i : displacement of pore water
..~%...-::..~. ."-~.:.::.~:..:.:.:?--.-:......
-. ~i~
in the shallower aquifers
~--_----=--~,E--=- ~"-E~-.Z-~::- (volume, permeability, etc.)

Top of

I Hard sedi:::::!~":!:(:ry ?':i": g":::Sandstone:

I rocks (high shear
strength) may form Flow Limited By:
breccias with high 7) Permeability along the fault plane (low in soft
2) Pressure gradient
3) Permeability of sediments in the overpressured
4) Rate of compaction following /hcreases in net
stress due to reduced pressure

Fig. 11. Schematic representation of faults and their potential as conduits for fluid flow. T h e velocity of pore water flow on faults
d e p e n d s not only on the permeability along the fault but also on the supply of water from sediments in the deeper part of the
section and the displacement of water in overlying sediments when the fault does not extend all the way to the sea floor.
Particularly if the deeper part of the fracture occurs in low permeability shales, the flow of water from the shale into the fracture
will also be rate-limiting. The flow rate that can be sustained over time through the fracture depends on the rate of compaction of
the sediments.
148 K. BJ O RL Y K K E

on the fault plane trying to close it. This force has permeability conduits would have been reduced
to be resisted by the shear strength of the rocks. by the overlying low permeability shales and
Soft clays, mudstones, and poorly cemented sand- mudstones.
stones have low shear strengths. Faults through Fractures will cement-up by two different
such lithologies cannot remain open unless the mechanisms:
overpressure comes close to being equal to the (1) Transport by diffusion of solids from sur-
component of lithostatic stress acting on the fault rounding rocks and precipitation of minerals in
plane. Well cemented sandstones, shales and the fracture. Minerals in the rocks on both sides
limestones have a high shear strength which can of the fracture are under stress from the overbur-
resist a much higher mechanical stress. den and, in some cases, also tectonic stress. Min-
Fractures are temporary features and will after erals like quartz and calcite are then more solu-
some time be destroyed by mechanical deforma- ble than minerals in the fracture which are only
tion or become cemented-up by precipitating subjected to pore pressure and no stress. There is
minerals. Brecciation developing along fault therefore a thermodynamic drive for minerals to
planes helps to wedge them open and maintain dissolve in the surrounding rock and to precipi-
high permeability. tate in fractures. The rate of this process, how-
Sand normally does not become significantly ever, is difficult to calculate, since we do not
quartz-cemented at temperatures below about know the degree of oversaturation due to over-
80°C or 2-2.5 km burial (Bj0rlykke et al., 1992; burden stress.
Giles et al., 1992). At shallower depths, sand is (2) Precipitation of minerals by fluid flow
usually loose and poorly indurated when not ce- through the fracture. The rate of precipitation
mented by carbonate or other types of early ce- can in this case be calculated by assuming differ-
ment (Bj0rlykke et al., 1992). Carbonate rocks ent fluid flow rates, temperature gradients, and
more commonly are subjected to early cementa- mineral solubilities.
tion and frequently develop a high shear strength It is also important to attempt to constrain the
capable of preserving fractures at shallow depth. fluid flow rates and total fluxes along fractures in
Even if a fracture or fault plane is highly perme- sedimentary basins. It is therefore necessary to
able, the rate of flow is not only a function of the look into the source of fluids and the driving
transport capacity of the fracture. In many cases mechanisms for fluid flow.
the rate of flow into the fracture near the base of Upwards flow of water on a fracture will trans-
the fracture and the displacement of water near port heat upwards and result in the loss of heat
the top of the fracture may be rate limiting. The to the fracture walls. The heat transported Q =
continuity of flow is very important and the high- pC'F. T, where C is the heat capacity of water
est velocities can be obtained where the fractures (4200 J kg -I K - l ) , F is the fluid flux, and T is
continue all the way to the surface (Fig. 11). In the temperature in Kelvin.
the North Sea Basin the main phase of faulting The simplest model assumes a constant veloc-
was of Upper Jurassic age and rather few of the ity of upwards pore water flow on a fracture.
faults observed on seismic lines extend upwards Such a flow will cause an upwards advective
beyond the Cretaceous sequence (Glennie, 1990). transport of heat which is proportional to the flux
Very few faults are seen to offset the Tertiary and the geothermal gradient (which is here taken
sequence on seismic lines and small tectonic to be horizontal). This will result in a change in
movements may have been partly taken-up by the temperature distribution compared to what it
soft sediment deformation. Deeper faults and would h~ve been without advective pore water
fractures that were no longer active in Tertiary flow. The result is non-Rayleigh convection of
times would be expected to gradually lose their pore water in these rocks. The velocity of such
permeability. If faults and fractures in the Meso- convection is primarily a function of the slope of
zoic sequence in the North Sea should have pre- the isotherm, the permeability of the rocks and
served significant permeability, the flow on high the thickness of the beds in which convection

CAP ROCK influence the flow rate. The highest flow rates
(tightshale) TRAPPED
can be expected when the fault extends all the
(sand~c way to the surface and the pore water can flow
into sea water or onto the land surface (Fig. 11).
A high flux of pore water on a fault plane will
cause precipitation of cement which will reduce
Locally high
saturation, the permeability. Silicates precipitate as the pore
relatively h water cools during upwards flow and carbonate
minerals may precipitate due to degassing of car-
bon dioxide.
expulsion of petroleum

Flow of petroleum from source rocks to reservoir


PRINCIPLES OF MIGRATION FROM SOURCE ROCK The flow of petroleum in sedimentary basins
must be understood in terms of two-phase and in
is drivenprimarilyby buoyancy. A pathwaywithhighoil some cases three-phase flow.
or gas saturationis requiredso that the relativepermeability
ofoil will be sufficientlyhigh. The trap willhydrodynamically
The primary expulsion of petroleum out of the
be almosta "deadend",particularlyafterthe accumulation source rocks is for the most part driven by the
of an oil lag. Therefore,practicallyno waterwillflowinto the
reservoirduringmigration. :acreased pressure caused by the phase transition
Fig. 12. S c h e m a t i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of m i g r a t i o n o f p e t r o l e u m from kerogen to petroleum. In a homogeneous
f r o m s o u r c e rocks to r e s e r v o i r rocks. S e c o n d a r y m i g r a t i o n o f porous medium the relative permeability for oil is
p e t r o l e u m is d r i v e n by b u o y a n c y . T h e t r a p is a h y d r o d y n a m i c
small, as the oil phase fills less than 40-50% of
" d e a d e n d " , p a r t i c u l a r l y a f t e r t h e a c c u m u l a t i o n o f an oil lag
the pore space. Expulsion of oil therefore re-
w h e r e t h e r e l a t i v e p e r m e a b i l i t y for w a t e r is close to zero.
quires that enough oil is generated to exceed this
saturation. It is, however, not necessary to reach
takes place. Preliminary calculations suggest that this saturation in the entire source rock. Local
such convective flow is of little significance if the developments of high oil saturation along silty or
bed thickness is taken to be 10 m. sandy layers is sufficient to establish pathways for
Open fractures will also tend to be slowly expulsion of oil and the effectiveness of the ex-
cemented-up by diffusion from the surrounding pulsion depends on such pathways (Leythaeuser
rocks. Carbonate and silicate minerals next to the et al., 1987).
faults are under lithostatic stress and therefore After the primary expulsion from the source
are more soluble than unstressed minerals grow- rock, the oil and gas phases will flow upwards,
ing along the fracture. It is therefore a thermody- driven by buoyancy, along pathways where the
namic drive towards a diffusion of solids into the petroleum is concentrated, so that a high oil
fracture. Consequently, inactive faults will tend to saturation can be reached locally (England et al.,
be cemented-up. It is in general difficult to ex- 1987). On a larger scale a sedimentary basin will
plain total cementation of fractures by advective always have a low average oil saturation. Re-
flow since the permeability will reach very low gional pressure gradients in sedimentary basins
values before all the porosity is lost. will therefore only move water since this is the
The flow rate along a fault depends not only continuous phase on a large scale.
on its permeability and the pressure gradient but When oil or gas flows upwards and accumu-
also on the conductivity of the surrounding sedi- lates in traps, it is probably not accompanied by
ments feeding into the fault plane. If a fault water flow. The trap is in a way a hydrodynamic
plane does not extend up to the surface, the "dead end", and as an oil or gas lag starts to
upwards moving pore water will have to be ac- accumulate, water cannot flow through the top of
commodated in shallower strata and that will the trap (Fig. 12).

Rainlatl (organic acids) will not change the pH of the pore

water significantly (Hutcheon, 1989).

Heat transport by fluid flow

Crustal Extension - opening of faults and

fractures. Deep penetration of surface waters Heat is transported by conduction and by fluid
and upwards expulsion of hot fluids. flow (advection).
The relative contribution from those types of
heat transport can be expressed by the Peclet
number (Pe):

Pe : pfCfqzL / ( A°f • g~' -o,)

Here, Of is the fluid density, Cf the heat capacity
of the fluid, qz the vertical component of the
Darcy velocity, L the length of the flow path, and
Flow into a sedimentary basin may be resisted by L/AOf. Al<l-0> the thermal conductivity of the flu-
build-up of overpressure during compaction and
low permeability in highly compacted sediments. ids (water) and the solid phases (minerals) (Per-
In the softer sediments of the shallower parts of the son and Garven, 1992). The heat capacity of
basin, fractures cannot be sustained as in more water (4200 J k g - l K - l ) , which is about four to
brittle rocks.
five times that of minerals (8-900 J k g - I K 1
Fig. 13. Flow of pore water in fractured basement and sedi-
mentary basins. Fractured basement deformed by extensional Deming et al., 1990), but taking the density into
tectonics will have a high vertical permeability. Sedimentary account, the heat capacity of water by volume is
rocks normally have much higher horizontal than vertical only about twice that of the matrix. The conduc-
permeability due to sedimentary layering with low permeabil- tivity of water depends on temperature and salin-
ity shales. Flow of pore water from the basement into sedi- ity but it is much lower than that of the matrix
mentary sequences will be resisted by low permeabilities and
(0.6 W m -1 ° C - I and 2.5-3.5 W m -1 °C-l,
also by any overpressure which may develop.
respectively). Hot pore water therefore rapidly
loses its heat to the mineral matrix. Convection is
driven by the primary temperature gradients. Pore
Organic acids generated in the source rocks water convection does change the temperature
must therefore be transported mainly within the field but temperature perturbations due to the
oil phase into the reservoir. However, many of flow are not very large (Ludvigsen, 1992).
them are rather water-soluble and will diffuse Numerical calculations of fluid flow in modern
into the water phase in the source rock and sedimentary basins like the Gulf of Mexico basin
during migration.. show that compaction-driven pore water flow is
The sandstones adjacent to or interbedded with quite insignificant in terms of advective transport
the main source rock in the North Sea Basin of heat, and that there are not many local ther-
(Kimmeridge Shale) show little or no evidence of mal anomalies due to focused compaction-driven
dissolution of feldspar and precipitation of authi- flow, i.e. along faults (Harrison and Summa,
genic kaolinite, suggesting that generation of or- 1991).
ganic acids in the source rocks has an insignifi- Also in the North Sea Basin the geothermal
cant effect on the development of secondary gradients vary within rather narrow limits (35-
porosity (Bjcrlykke and Aagaard, 1992). 40°C/km). The occurrence of locally higher val-
Compared to the total buffering system of, ues in the Stord Basin, North Sea, has been
firstly, the silicate mineral system and, secondly, attributed to the effect of recent glacial erosion
the carbonate system, the addition of relatively producing transient thermal heat flows (Herman-
small amounts of comparatively weak acids rud et al., 1991).

layers. This can be expressed as k h = n~ ~., 1/k, anomalies to cause the observed mineralization.
where k is the sum of the permeabilities in a This is because compaction-driven flow moves so
sequence of n layers of equal thickness (Martin, slowly that conductive cooling is predominant.
1992). This means that the flow is very much Introduction of hot fluid from depth into the
controlled by the least permeable strata. shallow subsurface requires high velocities to re-
In actively subsiding basins, build-up of over- duce the loss of heat to the rock matrix (Deloule
pressure at depth is very common. If meteoric and Turcotte, 1989). This again requires high
water should flow into overpressured sediments it permeability pathways that offer little resistance
would require a head exceeding this overpres- to flow. Open fractures in basement rocks, formed
sure. The head of the meteoric water in a mete- during extension tectonics, may form deep, verti-
oric recharge area is considerably reduced along cal, highly permeable fractures. This will cause
the flow path. The potentiometric surface must deep penetration of meteoric pore water from
always be falling along the flow path for flow to tectonically uplifted areas (Fig. 14A). The up-
continue, and even moderately overpressured wards return flow of hot fluids will also be con-
sediments may have higher potentiometric sur- centrated along vertical fractures and flow to the
faces than the hot fluid from the basements. The surface as hot springs. Precipitation of dissolved
low overall permeability in thick sedimentary se- minerals, including ore minerals, must be concen-
quences may cause fluid from the basement to trated where the rate of cooling is highest, and
find other pathways where fractured basement is this is close to the surface. Further down the
closer to the surface. Precipitation of minerals fracture, the geothermal gradients are lower due
from upwards-flowing fluids is a function of the to slower rates of heat dissipation through the
rate of cooling. Since rocks are good insulators rock matrix. If there is a thin layer of sediments
and fluid flow along fractures will heat the frac- on top of the fractured basement, the maximum
ture walls, the most rapid cooling will occur near cooling and precipitation may occur there.
the land surface. Here, hot fluid (150-200°C) Thicker layers ( > 200-300 m) of low permeability
from the basement will cool rapidly. If the base- sediments like mudstones are likely to slow down
ment is covered only by a shallow layer of sandy the rate of upwards pore water flow on the frac-
sediments, the flow of water from deeper frac- ture. The temperature of the fluids reaching the
tures will not be dampened. If, on the other surface must then be correspondingly lower, due
hand, there is a thick sedimentary sequence on to higher heat loss. Pb-Zn deposits like Broken-
top of the basement, the rate of flow in open Hill in Australia have been interpreted to be
fractures will be strongly reduced. Cathles and formed by "compactive expulsion of metal-
Smith (1983) showed that the average com- bearing brines during accumulation of the sedi-
paction-driven flow was less that a thousandth of mentary pile" (Wright et al., 1987). As argued
the flow needed to sustain the types of thermal above, it is difficult to see how sufficient flow
anomalies that could produce Mississippi Valley- velocities and total fluxes of compaction-driven
type ore deposits and they proposed that the flow can be obtained during accumulation of soft
dewatering occurred as episodic pulses. As dis- sediments which are characterized by low perme-
cussed above, the velocity of fluid flow is very ability and low shear strength. In modern sedi-
much controlled by the rate of compaction of the mentary basins like the Gulf Coast and the North
sediments, and soft sediments are likely to Sea, there is certainly no evidence of recent
dampen the flow. Cemented limestones, however, "compactive expulsion" of pore water producing
have sufficient shear strength to sustain open large thermal anomalies or moving large quanti-
fractures. ties of metals (see the discussion of compaction-
In the case of the Mississippi Valley Mineral driven fluid above).
District, Bethke (1986) has shown that fluid flow Modelling of flow of hot fluids along open
derived from the compaction of the sediments in cracks suggests that this mechanism can transport
the basin cannot produce sufficient thermal volumes of brines sufficient to precipitate Missis-
154 K. BJ(,0RLYKKE

sippi Valley-type ore deposits (Deloule and Tur- (4) Carbonate sediments are usually cemented
cotte, 1989). Such deposits would therefore be early and are easily fractured. Where fractures
expected to form where fractures in basement intersect karstic caverns, the hot fluid flowing up
rocks or well-cemented sedimentary rocks can along the fractures will be subjected to rapid
provide a highly permeable and continuous path- cooling because of mixing with a large volume of
way to the surface for hot fluids. water
The solubility of sulphides like PbS decreases
by a factor of 10 -~ from 200°C to 0°C (Deloule Limitations of basin modelling
and Turcotte, 1989). The maximum rate of pre-
cipitation of sulphides like PbS will occur near Great progress has been made in recent years
the surface where the rate of cooling is highest. in the field of basin modelling. Modelling of basin
Soft sediments overlying the fractured rocks must subsidence and temperature history has been very
form only a thin layer if the rate of flow in the useful in predicting maturation of kerogen and
fractures is not to be strongly reduced such that quantifying relationships between tectonics and
most of the heat is lost by conduction. The rate of sedimentation. Basin modelling can also help to
precipitation of dissolved solids during flow is a quantify fluid flow and to analyze the effects of
function of the solubility gradient (Fig. 14B). varying the different parameters. Generalized
Concentrated precipitation of dissolved solids in models which assume homogeneous porosities
water flowing in fractures will occur where the and permeabilities do a poor job of representing
rate of cooling is fastest. This is likely to be near real sedimentary basins. The importance of the
the termination of the fractures where the fluid sedimentological and structural development of a
flow mixes with ocean water or is dispersed in basin on fluid flow has been stressed by Chapman
sediments, forming a shallow overburden (Fig. (1987).
14). Even if some sort of layering is simulated by
Fractures in basement may reach the surface taking the vertical permeability to be a fraction of
on land or beneath the sea floor and sulphate-rich the horizontal permeability, the result is still a
hot fluids may then form different types of ore rather primitive representation, since the perme-
deposits, depending on the environment at the ability usually has preferred orientations related
upper end of the fracture system: to sedimentary facies (orientation of sand bodies)
(1) Hot fluid reach the surface in a land area and tectonic deformation (i.e. faults). The poros-
without sedimentary cover. This corresponds to i t y / d e p t h function which controls the main flow
many modern-day hot springs where metal de- of compaction-driven water is modified by com-
posits are being oxidized at the surface. Precipita- plex diagenetic reactions. The rate of compaction
tion in fractures below the surface may, however, of shales as a function of net overburden stress
be preserved. The fluids are being concentrated depends very much on the primary grain size
by boiling. distribution and mineralogical composition of the
(2) Where fractured basement is overlain by a mudstones deposited. Different types of sand-
thin sedimentary sequence and shallow water, stones and limestones also have very different
boiling will also occur, but the sulphides may porosity/depth functions, often dependent on
precipitate in sandstones and form sediment- rather small primary compositional differences.
hosted ores. Boiling of water at 150-200°C will The limiting factors in basin modelling are
generate considerable amounts of steam which now the uncertainty about the rock properties
may corrode quartz grains. and the three-dimensional orientation of high
(3) If the water depth is more than 150 m, permeability units which will serve as pathways
boiling will not occur even if the temperature is for most of the fluid flow. The build-up of over-
200°C. Hot fluid from fractures may then flow pressure is a function of very complex interaction
onto the sea floor and precipitate so-called Sedex between subsidence rates, sedimentation rates,
deposits (Sangster, 1990). thermal history and rock properties such as

porosity and permeability. The build-up of over- tionships, which, at 4 km burial depth, can cause
pressure cannot be predicted from calculations sandstones to vary from 10 to 20% in porosity
based on Darcy's equation, since the effective and from 0.1 to 100 mD in permeability (Bjcrlykke
permeability of sedimentary sequences cannot be et al., 1992). The permeability of clays may vary
measured or predicted sufficiently accurately. by 102-103 , depending on the clay mineralogy
Since the volume of pore water held back in (Audet and McConnelli, 1992).
overpressured sediments is at most 20% higher Rapid release of overpressure will cause in-
than normal, a 50% higher permeability in the creased compaction, but the rate is inversely re-
sediments would have increased the flow rate, lated to the square of the thickness of the layer
even at lower pressure gradients, sufficiently to and several other complex parameters (Rieke and
prevent the build-up of overpressure. In mod- Chillingarian, 1974).
elling compaction-driven flow Mudford et al. Highly sophisticated models now exist for fluid
(1991) used the following values for permeability: flow in sedimentary basins based on the Darcy
sandstones 2.2.10 -11 m 2, shallow shale 4 . 1 0 -15 equation and formulations of continuity of fluid
m 2, and deep shale 2.12-10 -2o m 2 (2 nD). The volumes. Such models are useful in obtaining
ratio between the permeability of sandstones and some general quantifications and in testing spe-
deep shales is here 109. The flow of fluids in such cific theories.
sedimentary basins is then totally controlled by The main limitations in the application of such
the distribution of sandstones and the communi- models, however, is the lack of control on rock
cation between them through shales and faults. properties like permeability, compressibility and
The flow of pore water is probably not predomi- diagenetic reactions.
nantly vertical and 1-D models therefore have The best predictions can be made for meteoric
severe limitations. It does not seem likely that the water flow (Bethke, 1989). Here, the pressure
necessary data on the permeability distribution gradients are defined as the head of the ground
can be obtained to allow realistic 3-D modelling water table above sea level. The flow of meteoric
of fluid flow on a large scale in sedimentary water is also limited by the rate of infiltration
basins. into the groundwater table from rainfall. The
The main control on fluid flow in sedimentary main control on the rate of meteoric water flow
basins is the supply of fluids. The pressure gradi- into sediments and the distribution of such flow is
ents are transient due to the low compressibility the permeability distribution in the sediments.
of water (AV 10-10 pa-1). Very small volumes The presence of confined, highly permeable
of pore water need to be removed by fluid flow in aquifers and the permeability of the overlying
order to reduce the pore water pressure from sequence are other important factors. The strati-
being highly overpressured to hydrostatic condi- graphic framework and sedimentary facies pro-
tions, if the rock volume remains constant. The vide, therefore, the main control on the pore
pressure therefore has to be reinforced by com- water flux through different parts of the basin.
paction of rocks, which are more compressible General mathematical models which assume uni-
( 3 . 1 0 -8 Pa -1, Mudford et al., 1991). Com- form sediment properties are not very useful in
paction of sedimentary clastic rocks involves de- prediction of fluid flow since it depends so much
forming the grain framework and chemical disso- on sedimentary facies and the structural history
lution and precipitation to reduce the rock vol- of the basin.
ume. These reactions require a long geologic time
to reach equilibrium, and the porosity is not a Conclusions
function only of the maximum overburden stress
but also of the time-temperature history (Bloch Pore water flow in sedimentary basins is driven
et al., 1990; Ramm, 1992). Diagenetic reactions in by potentiometric gradients which may drive me-
sandstones depend also to a large degree on their teoric water down into the basins and force pore
mineralogical compositions and on textural rela- water upwards out of compacting sediments. In

the case of meteoric water flow, water is added the water will be very much reduced. Ore miner-
by infiltration of rainwater and the pressure is als precipitating from basement-derived hot flu-
maintained by the ground water table. The rate ids will tend to be concentrated near the surface,
of meteoric water flow may be very much higher where rate of cooling is highest.
than average compaction-driven flow rates.
The upwards flow of pore water driven by Acknowledgements
compaction is limited by the volume of pore
water in the underlying sedimentary sequence. This research has been supported by VISTA, a
High rates of pore water flow driven by pressure research cooperation between the Norwegian
gradients can continue only for a short time be- Academy of Science and I_ztters and Den Norske
cause of the low compressibility of water. The Oljeselskap (Statoil). Support from Norwegian
flow of pore water which can result from the Research Council (NAVF) is also appreciated.
expansion of water is small even in the case of Reviews by R.T. van Balen, M.R. Giles and
high overpressures. The pore water flow resulting Laszlo Lenkey and comments by T o m Pedersen
from release of water pressure alone is rather and K. H0eg are very much appreciated. The
limited and mechanical and chemical compaction author has benefited from discussions with A.
are more time-dependent. Bjcrlykke and D.E. Sangster about the formation
The pressure gradients which drive pore water of ore deposits.
upwards have to be sustained by compaction of Scott Simmons has kindly assisted in the prac-
the sediments. Reduction of overpressure causes tical preparation of this paper.
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