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small talk on past simple

a. how was last night?   

b. it was good, thanks for asking , and how was yours?
a. thanks God it was wonderful!   
b. oh nice!    what did you do before go to bed las night?
a. you know, normally I only do two things before I go to bed everyday. I cook my
breakfast for the next day that I just have to heat it up and have it and read a science
fiction story book because I love imaginary world. I wish I could live there.
b. you mean you love watching science ffiction films a lot?
a. you're right, I can't image my life wthout unreal world.
b. when was the last time you saw a science fiction movie?
a. well, last week I went to the cinema with a friend of mine and we watched an
interesting one that I can't remember the title.
b. what was it like? Did you enjoy that?
a. for sure, it was awesome, specially the they were one of my favourite! And
you? Do you have any favourite films you like watching?
b. Atually, I'm not very interested in films, I prefer sport. So my favourite one is football. I
like football so much that sometimes I have to spend hours and hours watching football
on TV and forget to feed myself. That    usually happens when there is a new football
a. you're kidding!    I know that I love science fiction best but I don't believe there's
something more important in this world than food or rather be ; forgetting to feed myself.
that's such a crazy thing!
b. You know, eh... it depends on how much are addicted to something. In my case
football is unreplaceable by nothing.
a. Did you go away for the weekend?
b. fortunately yes, I went to see a friend of mine who came from LONDON with his
family two days ago. They're staying in SKYNA HOTEL for ony one week.
a. oh that sounds nice. How is he doing?
b. He's great, he's just complaining and feels uncomfortable about the weather, he says
it's very    hot here in Luanda and the children feel like goinh back to their homeland.,
which the UK. However, all of them are enjoying the local food, they say it's delicious.
They are also enjoying the KUDURO music nad dance, they just don't want    stop
dancing once they're listeng to it!
a. really! that's amazing. I feel so good when a foreigner says and comment on such
good things about our country or ciy. I really feel proud!
b. And what are you planning to do next week?
a. Fow now I have no idea but one of my counsins is coming home to see me in two
days time, maybe we can plan to do something together. you know I appreciate it a lot
when I have a plan to go somewhere I hate going on my own because if something bad
happens to one of us, he other person could try his best to reach home and let the
everyone know in the family about    whatever it is. ( whatever= anything)
b. I think you're but I prefer to explore a new by myself rather than going with someone
else to avoid him stop me from whatever I want to find out    ( find ou= discover).
a. what do you think is the best thing about travel?
b. I believe that the best thing about travel is; first of all,    it allows you to meet and if
possible you can get to knwow diffent people from different parts of the world. you can
also try out local food, visit many places and secondly, the most important of all, you
can make friends and have the freedom to choose whether you want someone to
become your partner not.   
b. Is there anything you would like to change in your community or in your
a. In fact there are a lot of things that I would like to change where I live such as;    basic
sanitation( sewage disposal), improve public health system, general educatinal system
and so on. I think if there is a lot of improvement in these areas, people will get less
sick, and even if they get sick , it's obvious that they will get better fast as long as the
health assurance is exposed for them and if the educational sistem is stable, school will
train students to become better doctors, surgeons, nurses in many areas of hopitals in
the future. This is what I 'm really concerned about my community and the whole
b. I agree with you at all that if we improve health system we will have fewer problems
of deaths, illness and if we focus on education, for sure this and the next generation will
have a better future. however, we must invest more in education I think that's the best
investment for all of us. Once we improve our educational system, every area will be
improved as well.

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