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© 2017 InnovMetric Software Inc. All rights reserved.

These release notes, as well as the software described in it, are furnished under license and may be used or
copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this document is furnished for
informational use only, and is subject to change without notice. InnovMetric Software Inc. assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document.

Except as permitted by such license, reproduction in whole or in part in any way without written permission
from InnovMetric Software is strictly prohibited.

PolyWorks® is a registered trademark of InnovMetric Software Inc. InnovMetric, PolyWorks|Inspector,

PolyWorks|Modeler, PolyWorks|Talisman, PolyWorks|Viewer, IMInspect, IMEdit, IMAlign, IMMerge,
IMCompress, IMTexture, and "The Universal 3D Metrology Software Platform" are trademarks of InnovMetric
Software Inc. SmartGD&T is a trademark of Multi Metrics Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.

Intermediate Release Notes

January 2017
PolyWorks® 2016

2 Introduction

2 Instructions for installing intermediate releases

3 Intermediate Release 8

10 Intermediate Release 7

15 Intermediate Release 6

20 Intermediate Release 5

23 Intermediate Release 4

30 Intermediate Release 3.1

30 Intermediate Release 3

36 Intermediate Release 2.1

36 Intermediate Release 2

42 Intermediate Release 1

45 Intermediate Release 0.2

48 Intermediate Release 0.1

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 1


InnovMetric Software offers intermediate releases of PolyWorks on a monthly basis. These intermediate
releases contain new tools, improvements to existing tools, and fixed issues.

The changes and new tools included in the latest major release of PolyWorks are documented in the
WhatisNewInPolyWorks.pdf file, available on the Help > What’s New submenu of modules as well as the
Workspace Manager.

Instructions for installing intermediate releases

The latest intermediate release always includes all of the previous intermediate releases as well as the base
major version of the software. Intermediate releases are numbered sequentially. When installing an
intermediate release, the previous intermediate release is automatically uninstalled.

To download and install an intermediate release of PolyWorks, proceed as follows:

1. In your web browser, go to

2. Click Technical Support Zone.

3. Enter your Username and Password, then click LOG IN.

If necessary, create a user account.

4. Click the Software Releases tab, then click the desired intermediate release to download a
compressed .zip file.


6. Close all open PolyWorks applications.

7. Decompress the downloaded file and install the intermediate release of PolyWorks.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 2

Intermediate Release 8

Intermediate Release 8


 New translated documents are available:

 Intermediate Release Notes available in: French and Japanese.

 Version 6.2.2 of the Faro SDK has been integrated into the FLS file reader.

 Fixed issues:

 Issues with the IGES, STEP, and Parasolid CAD model importers.


 PolyWorks 2016 IR8 delivers a complete set of tools to handle measurements made on multi-CMM setups,
which consist of two or more CMMs used to measure a large volume. A typical example of a multi-CMM
setup is two horizontal CMMs used to measure the left and the right sides of a car.

 When using a multi-CMM setup, each CMM is typically connected to a dedicated computer running
IMInspect. All computers must have access to a common network location, where the inspection
projects will be located.

 Here is the basic workflow for performing a complete inspection on a multi-CMM setup:

 Localize: The devices must first be localized to each other, so that they share the same
coordinate system.

 Prepare the inspection: A complete inspection project is created, containing both the left- and
right-side measurement objects. Two measurement sequences are created in the inspection
project, one for each side of the car. Synchronization points are added to the measurement
sequences in order to share measurement results between computers.

 Deploy: The complete project is deployed to all devices that are part of the multi-CMM setup.

 Run the inspection: For each device, the inspection is performed using the Play Inspection tool.
In the end, the inspection projects of all computers will contain all the measurements for both
the left and the right sides.

 A new toolbar, named Multi-CMM Setup, has been added to manage a multi-CMM setup. The
Tools > Multi-CMM Setup menu also gives access to the same functionalities.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 3

Intermediate Release 8

 The toolbar first provides a Configure Multi-CMM Setup button, which opens the Multi-CMM
Setup dialog box.

- This dialog box presents the list of devices used in the multi-CMM setup. By default, two
devices are suggested: left and right.

- Users must then associate a CMM configuration with each device. The list box in the
Configuration column presents the list of configurations available for the CNC CMM, I++
CMM, and Manual CMM plug-ins.

- In the multi-CMM setup, each device has its own device position and measurement
sequence, which are presented in the last two columns of the list of devices. If they do not
exist, the device positions and measurement sequences will be created automatically when
activating a device.

 The toolbar also provides a list box giving access to the list of devices. When selecting a device
from the list of devices, the corresponding plug-in, configuration, device position, and
measurement sequence will also be activated.

 Finally, the Deploy Project toolbar button is used to deploy the inspection project to the
computers connected to the other devices.

 Prior to performing a multi-CMM inspection, the devices must first be localized in a common
coordinate system.

 The localization consists of two transformations:

- A rotation, which consists of matching the axes of one CMM to the axes of the other CMM.
This is typically performed once or twice a year. A macro script is provided by InnovMetric to
perform this axis match.

- A translation, which consists of defining a common origin for all devices. The definition of
the device origin is typically performed every day. The Probing Device toolbar provides a
new Define Device Origin button , which allows users to locate a reference sphere in
order to define the common origin. The parameters of this operation are the same as those
of the Locate Reference Sphere operation.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 4

Intermediate Release 8

 Once the rotation and translation have been defined, users can visualize and edit these
transformations on the new Coordinate system tab of the Edit Machine dialog box of the
CNC CMM plug-in.

- The Coordinate type allows users to switch between the Machine coordinate system and
the User-defined coordinate system. When using the Machine coordinate system, no
transformation is applied to acquired data points. When a User-defined coordinate system
is specified, the Axis match and Origin are used to define transformations, and acquired
data points are transformed according to these transformations.

- When using the Manual CMM plug-in, the same actions can be performed on the
Coordinate system tab of the Probing Device Properties dialog box.

 The next step in a multi-CMM inspection is setting up the inspection project. A single inspection
project containing the complete left- and right-side inspections must be created. A typical workflow
for creating the inspection project is the following:

 Import the CAD model and define the nominal components of all measurement objects.

 Define the left- and right-side devices using the Multi-CMM Setup toolbar.

 Create the left-side inspection:

- Activate the left device. The corresponding device position and measurement sequence are
created, if necessary.

- Complete the left-side measurement sequence using the Offline Simulation mode or by
defining the measurement parameters of all measurement objects.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 5

Intermediate Release 8

 Create the right-side inspection:

- Activate the right device.

- Create the right-side measurement sequence by first copying and pasting all measurement
steps from the left sequence to the right sequence.

- Mirror all measurement steps using the Mirror Steps operation, available through the Edit >
Mirror menu item of the Sequence Editor. The Mirror Steps dialog box provides a new Copy
measurement parameters to the mirror objects check box, which will automatically
define the measurement parameters of the mirror objects (right side) using a mirror copy of
the measurement parameters of the mirrored objects (left side).

 Add synchronization points to the measurement sequence:

- A synchronization point is a new type of measurement sequence step which is added to a

sequence using the Insert > Synchronize Multi-CMM Measurements menu item of the
Sequence Editor.

- This measurement step automatically synchronizes all measurements (data objects,

measurement objects) between the instances of IMInspect running on each computer (left-
and right-side CMMs). To use a synchronization point, it must be added to all relevant
measurement sequences. When reaching a synchronization point during the execution of a
sequence, the execution is halted until all other synchronized sequences reach the same
synchronization point. The measurements are then synchronized and the execution is
resumed in all sequences.

- Synchronization points are identified using a unique

name, which is specified in the parameters of the
measurement step. Users can also view the list of
Synchronized sequences which use the specific
synchronization point.

- When using a multi-CMM setup, users must add a final

synchronization point at the end of all measurement
sequences in order to obtain a complete inspection
project. A synchronization point can also be placed prior to an alignment requiring
measurements on more than one device, such as a feature-based alignment or a reference
targets alignment.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 6

Intermediate Release 8

 Once the inspection project is complete, it can be deployed in order to be executed on all the

 Deploying a project consists of creating a copy of the inspection project for all other devices
which are part of the multi-CMM setup.

 The Deploy Project button of the Multi-CMM Setup toolbar opens the Deploy Project dialog
box. In this dialog box, the user must select which device corresponds to the current project. A
copy of the inspection project will be created for all other devices.

 Once the deployment is done, the Deployment Summary dialog box will indicate to the user the
name and location of each of the inspection projects. The newly created projects will be adjacent
to the original project and should not be relocated.

 After completing the project deployment, the inspection can be done using the Play Inspection tool
with each of the devices.

 Here are a few other changes brought by the introduction of the multi-CMM setup:

 In the Device Positions and Targets pane, users will note that the alignment method of all device
positions used in a multi-CMM setup is set to Multi-CMM Setup.

 To facilitate the creation of a mirror inspection project, users can now set the measurement
parameters of an object by copying and mirroring the measurement parameters of a mirror
object. This can be done through the Mirror Steps operation, as mentioned above. It can also be
done on any selection of objects by using the Measure > Measurement Parameters > Set from
Mirror Objects operation.

 Synchronization points are typically used to synchronize measurements performed using all the
devices that are part of a multi-CMM setup. Measurements can also be synchronized by manually
importing the measurements performed using another device. This can be done using the
Tools > Multi-CMM Setup > Import Measurements of Other Device menu item.

 The polygonal model prereduction, which was introduced in PolyWorks 2016 IR7 when creating
polygonal models using real-time quality meshing, is now available when creating polygonal models
from spherical grid data objects.

 The Prereduction tolerance is available in the Create Polygonal Data Objects dialog box (Tools >
Data Objects > Create Polygonal Models menu item), as well as on the Measurement tab of the
property sheet of polygonal models created from spherical grid data objects.

 Distance features can now report a new dimensional control in the Geometry Controls pane: the 3D
Signed Distance. The 3D signed distance can be measured when one of the source features of the
distance feature is a plane feature or a line cross-section feature.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 7

Intermediate Release 8

 Fixed issues:

 The order of the created points is inconsistent when creating point features from the intersection of
circle features.

 Issues with tool orientation changes in the measurement path when using multiple coordinate

 The Play Inspection could not be resumed after pausing during a scanning operation.

 A software crash when editing the measurement zone of an airfoil gauge.

 A software crash when editing a snapshot containing a textured data color map.

 Missing cross-section annotations when creating snapshots through the Report > Create Snapshots >
Capture All Cross-Sections function.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 Following the acquisition by the Zeiss Industrial Metrology group of a majority interest in Steinbichler
Optotechnik, and following the release of T-Scan LV systems, several plug-ins have been rebranded:

 The Zeiss L-Scan/CMM plug-in replaces the Steinbichler L-Scan/CMM plug-in.

 The Zeiss Probe Scanner plug-in replaces the Steinbichler Probe Scanner plug-in.

 The Zeiss T-Scan CS/T-Point CS/T-Track CS plug-in replaces the Steinbichler T-Scan CS/T-Point CS/
T-Track CS plug-in.

 The Zeiss T-Scan LV/T-Point LV/T-Track LV plug-in replaces the Steinbichler T-Scan/Optotrak

 The Zeiss T-Scan CS/T-Point CS/T-Track CS and Zeiss T-Scan LV/T-Point LV/T-Track LV plug-ins can now
connect to Zeiss colin3D, which is the latest software platform from Zeiss Optotechnik. The following
particularities should be noted when connected to a Zeiss colin3D system:

 The Point-to-point distance and the Min line-to-line distance are not available in the Scan dialog

 The Tip diameter must be configured in the Probing Device Properties dialog box.

 The latest SDK from Nikon Metrology has been integrated into the Nikon Metrology Laser Radar plug-in.

 All laser tracker plug-ins now play a sound when the laser beam is lost.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 8

Intermediate Release 8

 Planar grids scanned using the Faro 3D Imager plug-in now create
planar grid data objects which can be processed by the quality
meshing algorithms, thereby allowing users to create high-
quality polygonal models without going through IMAlign.

 In the Create Polygonal Data Objects dialog box (Tools > Data
Objects > Create Polygonal Models menu item), when using
the From Data Objects method and the Quality Meshing
meshing method, Planar Grid data objects scanned using
the Faro 3D Imager plug-in can now be selected.

 When creating polygonal models from planar grids, a

Resolution must be specified. Users can choose between the
Low, Medium, and High presets, which automatically
compute a sampling step, or specify a Custom sampling step.
A Max angle must also be specified.

 All other meshing parameters are the same as when meshing

line scan data objects.

 The default compensation method for the Mitutoyo Probe and

Scanner plug-in is now Compensation Point.

 A macro command has been added to obtain the serial number of

a Leica laser tracker.

 A macro command has been added to obtain the piece temperature, for devices which have the
appropriate sensors.

 Fixed issues:

 The Min distance for new measurement parameter of the Automatic stability trigger could not
be set for the NDI OPTOTRAK plug-in.

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 The import of Wenzel VO2 compensation maps has been improved.

 The use of a temperature sensor to monitor the piece temperature can now be deactivated to
accommodate users that don't use such sensors. This can be done using the Sensor check box of the
Temperature compensation tab of the Edit Machine dialog box.

 Fixed issues:

 The initialization of a Nikon CMM could fail to complete after connection.

 An invalid data point at (0,0,0) could appear when scanning with a Nikon scanner.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 9

Intermediate Release 7

Intermediate Release 7


 The Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Polish, and Portuguese dictionaries have been updated.

 New translated documents are available:

 PolyWorks|Inspector Essentials Premium Package available in Japanese.

Detailed information on installing translated documents is available through the Help > Reference
Guides > Translated Documentation menu item of the PolyWorks Workspace Manager.

 The Z+F data file importer now supports version 8.9.0.

 Version 8.5 of the JT Toolkit has been integrated into the PolyWorks JT translators.

 Fixed issues:

 Issues with the IGES, STEP, CATIA V5/V6, and SolidWorks CAD model importers.

 In IMKey, the license server name is not displayed when the user does not have administrator rights.


 Most CAD software allow users to assign colors to CAD surfaces.

These surface colors are now imported when importing CAD models.
Once imported, users can display CAD surface colors by going to the
Display tab of the reference object's property sheet and selecting
the new By CAD Surface choice of the Color mode list box.

 In the Select Elements interactive mode, users can also select

CAD surfaces based on their color by right-clicking over a CAD
surface and choosing the Select CAD Surfaces with Same Color
item of the contextual menu.

 The import of CAD assembly files has been improved. Geometry and
coordinate systems are now imported from assembly files. In
addition, features and controls are imported from CATIA V5/V6 and
NX assembly files.

 To improve cross-section best-fit alignment results in high-curvature areas such as the edges of airfoil
gauges, the Fit within Tolerance Zone method now offers the standard Max angle and Max distance
parameters. These parameters are available when the Tolerance zone uses Cross-Section Tolerances,
for all functionalities using a cross-section best-fit alignment:

 Best-fit alignment properties of cross-sections

 Best-fit cross-section properties of airfoil gauges

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 10

Intermediate Release 7

 Best-fit segments within tolerance zone of the Analyze segments properties of airfoil gauges

 Align Data using Best-Fit Cross-Sections dialog box, available under the Align > Best-Fit > Data using
Cross-Section menu item.

 Technical drawings sometimes show angles that are greater than 180 degrees. To allow the control of
such angles in IMInspect, two new dimensional controls, 3D Angle 3 and 3D Angle 4, have been added
to angle features. These controls report the conjugate angles of 3D Angle 1 and 3D Angle 2. Two angles
are conjugate if their sum is equal to 360 degrees.

 IMInspect now offers the possibility of releasing license keys, for users who wish to operate multiple
devices on multiple computers using a single license key.

 License key releasing is available on the General page of the IMInspect Options dialog box, using the
Release All button.

 Upon releasing license keys, users are first asked whether they want to save the current project. Then,
all license keys used on the current computer are returned to the license pool and IMInspect falls into
a suspension mode. In this mode, a message box is displayed, offering users two possible actions:
Resume to reclaim the license keys and reactivate IMInspect, or Quit to exit IMInspect.

 For users of node-locked license keys, disconnecting the dongle from the computer automatically
releases the license keys and puts IMInspect in the suspension mode. Reconnecting the dongle to
the computer reclaims the license keys and turns off the suspension mode.

 Fixed issues:

 The link between a cross-section and a project view is lost after renaming the cross-section.

 The property sheet of reference targets fails to update when using the Previous or Next buttons.

 A missing update when remeasuring a best-fit alignment using a selection of reference elements.

 An update issue when ignoring or using data objects on which features have been fitted.

 A missing datum reference frame update when changing the tolerance on a surface profile GD&T

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 11

Intermediate Release 7

 Problems when mirroring a surface feature and its linked comparison points.

 Tolerances cannot be changed in the control templates of features.

 A software crash when using ISO tolerances.

 A missing error message in the Geometry Controls window for composite GD&T tools.

 The mirror of dependent features is no longer working properly.

 A software crash when editing the measured points of a feature while the Feature Navigator is open.

 A performance issue when drawing the 3D Scene in projects containing many color map point
annotations and a textured color map.

 A software crash when sorting lines in an Object Control SPC annotation.

 A software crash when opening a formatted report after replacing a reference object.

 A software crash when importing objects from an IMInspect project.

 When scanning using the real-time quality meshing, problems have been fixed when changing the
sampling step after deleting parts of the scan.


 Curvature-based display and selection have been improved.

 Two functionalities are currently available for analyzing the curvature of polygonal models:

 A curvature color mode for displaying a color map on polygonal models based on surfacic
curvature. This color map can be activated by setting the Color mode to Curvature on the
Display > Polygonal Models page of the IMEdit Options, or using the Object Display Options
button on the 3D Scene toolbar.

 IMEdit also offers functionalities for selecting triangles or vertices based on curvature, through
the Select > Triangles > Advanced and the Select > Vertices > Advanced menu items.

 The parameters and algorithms used by these two functionalities have been unified, thereby giving
consistent results when first viewing curvature and then selecting triangles or vertices based on

 The Curvature units are now on the Project option page.

 A new Curvature option page gives access to curvature options which are common to both
display and selection. These are the Surfacic curvature type, the Curvature sign, and the

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 12

Intermediate Release 7

Curvature evaluation radius.

 Options specific to the curvature display remain on the Display > Curvature option page.

 When using the advanced selection of triangles or

vertices and selecting with Curvature, the curvature
type used will be the one specified on the Curvature
option page. If a curvature color map is displayed in the
3D Scene, the low and high selection limits in the
Advanced Selection dialog box will be initialized to the
same values as the low and high limits of the color

 Fixed issues:

 A performance issue when optimizing equiangularity.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 When scanning is started from a macro script, users can now finalize the mesh by pressing the device
button, or using the new Finalize Mesh button of the scanning toolbar.

 Fixed issues:

 A missing error message when changing the minimum delay between measurements in the Leica
AT960/AT930 Laser Tracker plug-in.

 An issue when probing a cylinder using a special reflector and the Use Initial Circles submethod.

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 Brown & Sharpe volumetric compensation maps can now be imported in the CNC CMM plug-in, using
the Import button of the Volumetric compensation tab of the Edit Machine dialog box.

 The CNC CMM plug-in now supports the Hexagon RC1 controller.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 13

Intermediate Release 7

 The CNC CMM plug-in now supports Hexagon probe heads capable of indexing in increments of 2.5
degrees (HH-A-T2.5, HH-AS8-T2.5, HH-A-M2.5, and HH-AS8-M2.5).

 The support of the InSight L100 Nikon Metrology scanner has been completed and the scanner now
allows changing the mount rotation angle. To use this scanner, users must create a separate tool for each
mount rotation angle. In the Create Tool dialog box, when the InSight L100 is selected, users now have
access to the Mount rotation angle.

 Fixed issues:

 A problem with scan path optimization in the Offline Simulation mode.

 A software hang when connecting to a Nikon CMM if the configuration folder is missing.

 The tool changer is not drawn in the Device Properties window.

 Scan passes could be lost when CNC scanning.

 A performance issue when changing tool orientations on a Wenzel WPC 2030 controller.

 In the I++ plug-in, an issue with the split of tools and tool orientations on a Accretech CMM.

 A software crash after obtaining an error message from the I++ plug-in.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 14

Intermediate Release 6

Intermediate Release 6


 The Japanese, Italian, and Korean dictionaries have been updated.

 New translated documents are available:

 Intermediate Release Notes available in: Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

 PolyWorks|Inspector Essentials Premium Package available in: Chinese, French, Italian, and Spanish.
Detailed information on installing translated documents is available through the Help > Reference
Guides > Translated Documentation menu item of the PolyWorks Workspace Manager.

 Improvements to the JT CAD translators have been released.

 Fixed issues:

 Issues with the IGES and the STEP CAD model importers.


 The mesh finalization operation that converts a real-time mesh into a polygonal model in IMInspect
consists of three steps: mesh stitching at high resolution, mesh smoothing, and mesh reduction. Since
the mesh is stitched at the highest resolution in this process, polygonal models processed by the
smoothing and reduction algorithms can contain hundreds of millions of triangles, which can lead to
significant computing time when finalizing a mesh.

 To improve the performance of the mesh finalization process, we are proud to announce the release
of the second generation of our meshing technology. It adds an innovative high-performance
prereduction method to the meshing process in order to reduce the number of triangles of the
stitched model by a factor of 3 to 5 prior to smoothing and reducing it. The improved meshing
process significantly speeds up mesh finalization, thereby allowing users to mesh larger projects in
less time.

 The following figure shows a polygonal model before and after applying the prereduction.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 15

Intermediate Release 6

 The prereduction level is controlled by a Prereduction tolerance. The default value can be set in the
Polygonal Models page of the Line Scan Options dialog box. The tolerance is also available in the
Mesh optimization section of the Measurement tab of a scanned polygonal model's property
sheet, as well as in the Create Polygonal Models dialog box.

 Following recent improvements to the best-fit alignment within a tolerance zone, GD&T Surface Profile
controls now support unilateral and asymmetrical tolerance bands through the use of the U (ASME) or
UZ (ISO) modifiers.

 When using the ASME Y14.5 2009 standard, the U modifier is available. Following the modifier, users
enter the value of the high tolerance of the tolerance zone. For example, the notation
defines a tolerance zone having a width of 1.000 mm and a high tolerance of 0.200 mm, which gives
a tolerance band of +0.200/-0.800.

 When using the ISO standard, the UZ modifier is available. The number following the modifier is the
offset which is applied to the center of the tolerance zone. For example, the notation
defines a tolerance zone having a width of 1.000 mm and offset by -0.300 mm, which gives a
tolerance band of +0.200/-0.800.

 In all cases, the measured value of a Surface Profile control with a U or UZ modifier is the signed
distance between the data point which is farthest from the tolerance zone center and the reference

 Several enhancements have been added to trend charts when using Object Control SPC.

 Trend charts of active geometry controls can now be

displayed in the annotations of measurement objects. To
add trend charts to annotations, users need to start the
Edit Annotations interactive mode, available through
the Tools > Annotations > Edit menu item, and select an
annotation in the 3D Scene. Trend charts can then be
activated in the Header section of the annotation. Also
note that the edition of object control SPC annotations
now uses the latest annotation edition technology.

 Users can now choose whether to display Measured values or Deviations in object control SPC
trend charts, using the new Trend chart display option of the Object Control SPC dialog box.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 16

Intermediate Release 6

 Deviation direction flags are now displayed in object control SPC trend charts, following the options
set in the Objects > Deviation Direction Flags page of the IMInspect Options. The deviation
direction flags are displayed to the right of trend charts for all controls reporting X, Y, or Z deviations.

 When CNC probing curve-based features that are significantly deviated from their nominal locations,
collisions or point acquisition failures can occur. The situation also results in the measurement sequence
being interrupted. IMInspect provides two new functionalities to help users handle these situations.

 Users can now specify an offset, which is applied to all

measurement points, in order to successfully measure a
feature which is strongly deviated. In the Point acquisition >
More subsection of the Measurement tab of a curve-based
feature's property sheet, users can select the Offset
measurement points check box to enter an XYZ offset which
is applied to all measurement points. Additionally, users can
specify whether to Keep offset for next pieces, in cases
where a deviation is also expected for next pieces. To set the
offset, users can either enter the numerical values directly, or
position the CMM in the center of the deviated hole and use
the Compute Offset from Current Probe Position button to
read the probe position and compute an offset. To compute
the correct offset, it is important to position the probe in the
constraining plane of the actual hole. These new parameters
are also available in the Define Measured Feature Components
dialog box.

 In cases where a measurement error occurs,

IMInspect provides a new guided error handling, to
help users fix the problem and continue their
inspection. When a CNC probing error occurs,
whether in the context of a measurement sequence
or of a standalone probing operation, a dialog box is
displayed offering ways to correct the situation:

 Offset measurement points for this piece

only: Choose this option when the hole is
deviated for the current piece only, and will not
be deviated for subsequent pieces. The user
must first manually move the probe to the center
of the feature, and then select this option. The
computed offset will be encapsulated in the
Offset measurement points property of the
feature, and the Keep offset for next pieces property will be deselected.

 Offset measurement points: This option is similar to the above, with the difference that the
deviation is also expected to be present in subsequent pieces. When choosing this option, the
Keep offset for next pieces property is selected.

 Retry: Choose this option when the measurement error is not due to a deviated feature. Rather,
it can be due to an obstacle that can be removed, to an accidental hit of the probe by the user,
or similar situations.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 17

Intermediate Release 6

 To improve the efficiency of users that perform many scanning operations in the Play Inspection
functionality, IMInspect now offers an option to automatically continue the inspection after a scanning
operation without having to press the Continue button of the Guiding Zone. The Automatically
continue inspection when scanning ends option is located in the Project page of the IMInspect

 A macro command has been added to obtain the names of all objects for which the annotation is visible
in the 3D Scene.

 Fixed issues:

 Missing data points when extracting the measured component of mirrored surface features.

 Problems when picking sphere features on CAD models.

 A software freeze when probing features with the Thin Material submethod.

 When using Feature Extraction Groups, valid data points beyond surface boundaries could be
ignored by the best-fit alignment.

 A problem when creating more than one Go To Position point between two measurement points.

 Some datum reference alignments could not be measured following a New Piece operation.


 Fixed issues:

 The add-ins used to import PWSF files into CAD software could fail to function when PolyWorks was
not installed on the computer.

 Delays when drawing the scene using the curvature display.


 In PolyWorks|Viewer, users can open IMInspect projects and perform various operations on the project,
such as creating reports, creating cross-sections, and activating data color maps, coordinate systems, or
data alignments. Up to now, these changes could not be saved and transferred to other PolyWorks users.
Starting with the latest version of PolyWorks|Viewer, IMInspect projects can now be saved.

 Two menu items, File > Save and File > Save As have been added to PolyWorks|Viewer.

 To allow saving projects and manipulating workspaces, the Workspace Manager is now shipped with
PolyWorks|Viewer, and is automatically started when PolyWorks|Viewer starts.

 Some users may prefer to block the modification of their inspection projects in PolyWorks|Viewer. To
achieve this, they can simply clear the new Allow saving project in PolyWorks|Viewer option in the
Project page of the IMInspect Options and then save the inspection project.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 18

Intermediate Release 6

Portable metrology plug-ins

 The Faro 3D Imager plug-in now supports measuring using an

array of scanners, allowing users to scan large parts without
having to move a single scanner around the part.

 A new Mode has been added in the Device section of the

Scan dialog box to allow users to choose between the Single
Scanner mode and the Scanner Array (Beta) mode.

 When connecting a scanner array, scanners can be added or

removed from the list of Scanners using the Add and
Remove buttons.

 Before using a scanner array, a localization procedure must be

performed to align each scanner using a list of global targets.
To start the localization procedure, use the Localize All
button below the list of scanners.

 After starting the scan, the plug-in sequentially connects to

each scanner of the array and launches the acquisition.

 Note that this first version of the support of scanner arrays has
a Beta status. More functionalities will be added in upcoming releases of PolyWorks.

 A macro command has been added to the Leica AT960/AT930 Laser Tracker plug-in to allow the use of a
touch trigger with a virtual tip.

 Fixed issues:

 When using a T-Probe, an unnecessary error message about a tool change would open when the
beam was lost.

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 Nikon CMM users should know that the CNC CMM plug-in now supports the LC15Dx, LC50C, LC50Cx,
LC60D, LC60Dx, and InSight L100 laser scanners from Nikon Metrology. However, note that the InSight
L100 scanner currently only supports a mount rotation angle of 0 degrees; support of all angles will be
delivered in an upcoming release.

 Performance enhancements were made when probing multiple objects in a measurement sequence.

 Fixed issues:

 A software freeze when using the Read Properties from Controller function with Pantec and Wenzel

 The length of the MIH probe head has been corrected.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 19

Intermediate Release 5

Intermediate Release 5


 The French and Spanish dictionaries have been updated.

 A new CNC CMM Essentials for PolyWorks|Inspector document is available under the Help >
PolyWorks|Inspector Essentials > CNC CMM menu item of the Workspace Manager.

 New macro commands are available for manipulating character strings. They are found under the
MACRO STRING node of the macro script control language. The new commands allow users to obtain the
length of a string, obtain a substring, trim spaces, replace part of a string, find a character sequence in a
string, and split a string using delimiter characters.

 Version of the JT Toolkit has been integrated into the PolyWorks JT translators.

 Version 6.1 of the Faro SDK has been integrated into the FLS file reader.

 Fixed issues:

 Issues with the IGES and the STEP CAD model importers.


 Quality and performance improvements have been made to the best-fit alignment within a tolerance
zone, available by selecting the Align > Best-Fit > Data to Reference Objects menu item and then choosing
the Fit within Tolerance Zone method.

 When the Tolerance zone is set to Reference Object

Tolerances, unilateral tolerances can now be used,
meaning that the tolerance zone can be completely
located on the positive or the negative side of the
reference object. Note that reference object tolerances are
specified through the Tools > Reference Objects >
Tolerances menu item.

 The optimization algorithm has been improved and will no

longer stop when the data objects are within tolerance.
The optimization will continue in order to minimize first
the number of out-of-tolerance points and then the
deviations of the data points. The deviation minimization
strategy can be controlled using the new Minimize
deviations from list box. By default, deviations from the
Tolerance Zone Center are minimized, but users can also
choose to minimize deviations from the Reference

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 20

Intermediate Release 5

 Note that when using a Tolerance zone of the Between Two Reference Objects type, users also
benefit from the improvements to the optimization algorithm.

 When inspecting symmetrical parts, such as automotive vehicles, measurement objects can first be
created and measured on one side of the vehicle, then mirrored and measured on the other side of the
vehicle. To facilitate this workflow, the following improvements have been made:

 The Mirror Objects functionality, available through the Edit >

Mirror Objects menu item, has been enhanced. By clearing the
Mirror measured components check box, users can now
exclude the measured component of an object from the mirror
operation, and mirror only the nominal component and the
measurement parameters. The mirrored object can then be
directly measured on mirror side of the part.

 For users of the CNC CMM plug-in, scan paths can now be
mirrored using the Mirror Paths button of the Scan Paths pane.
This button opens the Mirror Scan Paths dialog box, which is
similar to the Mirror Objects dialog box.

 Users can now perform a mirror operation on measurement

sequence steps. The Mirror Steps dialog box is opened using the
Edit > Mirror menu item of the Sequence Editor. Step mirroring is
typically used in the following scenario:

 Create the complete inspection project for both the A and B

sides of a part.

 Create a measurement sequence for the A side.

 Perform the inspection of the A side using the Play Inspection


 Copy all of the measurement steps of the A-side sequence to create the B-side sequence.

 Mirror all measurement steps of the B side using the new Mirror Steps operation. For
measurement object and scan path steps, the mirrored object is automatically found and the
sequence step is adjusted to reference the mirrored object.

 Perform the inspection of the B side using the Play Inspection functionality.

 In large inspection projects, it can become difficult to identify the measurement step associated with an
object in the measurement sequence. Users can now select an object in the 3D Scene or in the Tree View
and use the Select > Sequence Steps > From Objects menu item to automatically select the associated
measurement steps in the active sequence.

 Improvements have been made to the best-fit alignment of cross-sections.

 Users can now expand or collapse all items under a Tree View branch that includes objects, such as
features and cross-sections, as well as object groups. This is done by using the Expand All and Collapse All
items of the contextual menu of a Tree View branch.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 21

Intermediate Release 5

 Fixed issues:

 The new isometric views were not available in the Edit Snapshot interactive mode.

 The use of uppercase or lowercase in source feature names was not considered when creating angle
or distance features.

 When creating features using the Pick, then Fit method, data points of ignored data objects were

 An automatic project update error could occur when extracting features that were previously

 A problem when reading units from a JT polygonal file.


 The performance of the curvature display has been improved.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 The following enhancements have been made to the Nikon Metrology Laser Radar plug-in:

 In addition to the Nikon measurement method, users now have access to a new Extract method for
measuring trimmed edge comparison points. The Extract method consists of measuring a number
of scan lines around the comparison point, determining the boundary point on each of the scan lines,
and then extracting the comparison point on the boundary points. The parameters of the Extract
measurement method can be configured on the Object Scan > Comparison Points > Trimmed
Edge page of the Line Scan Options dialog box.

 When measuring curve-based features using the Extract measurement method, the filtering based
on the Max normal distance now uses a plane fitted on the measured data points of the curve-
based feature instead of using the nominal plane of the feature.

 Fixed issues:

 A crash could occur during calibration with the Faro Laser Line Probe plug-in.

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 Fixed issues:

 Support of the I++ protocol has been improved.

 Problems have been fixed with laser scanners on Nikon CMMs. We recommend that users update the
NMAPI to version, which can be downloaded from InnovMetric's FTP site: API v4.3 beta (CMM).

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 22

Intermediate Release 4

Intermediate Release 4


 All PolyWorks modules now offer standard isometric views as well as a new interactive view selector to
easily position a part in the 3D Scene.

 The eight standard isometric views can be accessed through the new View > Standard Views >
Isometric menu item.

 In order to facilitate the selection of the appropriate view, an interactive view selector has been
introduced. The selector is a cube located in the lower-left corner of the 3D Scene which
automatically appears when the mouse pointer approaches the corner. As the pointer hovers over
the cube, the standard views are highlighted. Isometric views are activated by selecting a corner of
the cube, while orthogonal views are activated by selecting a face of the cube or a coordinate system

Isometric Orthogonal

 When selecting objects interactively in the 3D Scene, users can now

determine which objects are selectable, using the menu of the
Select Objects Interactively menu button of the Selection toolbar.

 The ACIS 2017 1.0 release of Spatial's InterOp CAD import

technology has been integrated. The following formats can now be

 Parasolid 29.0.137

 ACIS SAT 2017 1.0

 Version 6.0.2 of the Faro SDK has been integrated into the FLS file reader. Note that starting with this
version, 32-bit support has been dropped by Faro. From now on, 32-bit versions of PolyWorks will always
use version 5.5.3 of the Faro SDK.

 The performance when creating new pieces and saving existing pieces has been significantly improved
in large multipiece inspection projects. PolyWorks can now handle projects containing several thousand
pieces with no significant impact on performance.

 Starting with version 2016 IR4, the Workspace Manager will be less restrictive when opening workspaces
of later versions (forward compatibility). This will allow opening a workspace in different versions of
PolyWorks without compromising data integrity. Note that the forward compatibility may still be broken
in case of major changes to the workspace format. In these cases, users will continue to be warned in
order to preserve workspace integrity.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 23

Intermediate Release 4

 The Chinese, German, Korean, and Polish dictionaries have been updated.

 New translated documents are available:

 Intermediate Release Notes available in: Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish.

 Fixed issues:

 Issues with the IGES and the STEP CAD model importers.


 When CNC probing features, IMInspect can automatically determine measurement points and a
measurement path that optimally measures the feature. However, the automatically generated
measurement path may result in collisions if the feature geometry is irregular or if a fixture is in the way
of the measurement. To manage these situations, users can now add Go to Position points between
measurement points in order to modify the measurement path and avoid collisions. The following image
shows a Go to Position point inserted between measurement points 1 and 3 in order to avoid the fixture.

 Go to Position points are inserted into the measurement path using the Measurement Points pane.
They are displayed directly in the list of measurement points. The new Type column identifies

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 24

Intermediate Release 4

whether the point is a measurement point or a Go to Position point.

 Go to Position points are created using the Pick Go to Positions button of the toolbar. This enables
an interactive mode where users first pick the segment into which the Go to Position point will be
inserted, and then pick the exact location of the Go to Position point.

 Go to Position points can be edited through the Edit Measurement Points dialog box, which is
opened using the Edit toolbar button. This dialog provides a Read Coordinates from Device button
to set the position of the point using the current position of the CMM.

 Note that the Edit Points, Drag Points, Delete Points, and Delete Points Interactively toolbar
buttons operate on Go to Position points as well as on measurement points.

 When defining measurement points using the From Nominal

method, it may occur that some measurement points are not
located on the surface of the reference object. This can happen,
for example, when measuring a trimmed cylinder, or the local
plane of a hole located near the edge of a surface. In these
situations, problems will occur when CNC probing the features,
since no contact can be made with the surface of the object at
these points. A new probing parameter has been added to allow
users to specify how the probing mode should behave when
measurement points are not on the surface of the reference

 For the Probe and CNC Probe measurement methods, when

measurement points are defined using the From Nominal
method, the new Points not on reference surface
parameter offers three choices:

 Skip: Points not on the reference surface are skipped.

Note that this may result in an insufficient number of
points to measure the feature.

 Acquire: Points not on the reference surface are

acquired. Note that this may result in acquisition failures.

 Disallow: Points not on the reference surface are not allowed, and the probing mode will not
start when the situation occurs. To remedy the situation, users must displace the measurement
points which are not on the surface. This is the default value for newly created features.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 25

Intermediate Release 4

 In order for users to easily identify measurement points which are not on the surface of the reference
object, a warning icon is displayed next to these measurement points in the 3D Scene and in the
Measurement Points pane.

 The font size of measurement point annotations can now be configured independently of other
annotations. This can be done through the new Measurement points section of the Display >
Annotations > Formatting page of the IMInspect Options dialog box.

 When a GD&T control uses datum features, the GD&T engine creates datum feature simulators, which are
the perfect inverse counterparts of the datum features, and uses these datum feature simulators to create
the DRF alignment. The size and location of the datum feature simulators are determined by the
modifiers applied to the datum features. The tools for visualizing and creating features from the datum
feature simulators have been improved and now fully support the M, L, and BSC datum modifiers.

 To view the datum feature simulators, users must open the Feature Navigator, using the View > Object
Navigator > Features menu item, and select the Show datum feature simulators check box.

 Features can be created from the datum feature simulators through the Geometry Controls pane.
Simply right-click over a GD&T control and choose the Create Features > From Datum Feature
Simulators menu item.

 Users can now select islands of triangles on data or reference polygonal models, as can be done on CAD
models. While in the interactive selection mode, right-click over a triangle and choose the Select Island
item on the contextual menu.

 The performance of the automatic project update mechanism has been improved in projects containing
formatted reports with a large number of snapshots.

 Fixed issues:

 Probing trimmed edge comparison points using a shank could fail to find the correct boundary curve
on thin sheet metal parts.

 A software crash when creating new materials for device position temperature compensation.

 Changes to the accuracy model of device positions could no longer be applied.

 The failure of the Device Position and Targets pane to refresh on a device position change.

 The Point Normal alignment direction of reference targets could not be selected in languages other
than English.

 Cross-sections created along curves could have incorrect normal vectors when the reference object
was transformed.

 A software crash when initializing Surface Data SPC with pieces using different units.

 A scaling issue when using Surface Data SPC in inches.

 Incorrect positioning of data color map min/max annotations in snapshot project views.

 Snapshot project views were not correctly mirrored using the Create Nominal Project functionality
with an active coordinate system other than world.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 26

Intermediate Release 4

 The focus was not set on the feature name when opening the feature creation dialog box.

 A software crash when activating the automatic project update mechanism in a project containing
spherical grid data objects.

 An issue with the automatic update of comparison points which would prevent the update of the

 An object update error when editing the measured points of a probed object.

 Polygonal models would not update when the source line scans were inverted.

 Interactive object selection could no longer be performed while in a probing mode.

 Performing an undo operation while in the Sequence Editor could cause a software crash.

 Using Play Inspection with an autogenerated sequence and the Manual CMM plug-in would fail
when the project contained a CMM prealignment.

 The scene would constantly refresh when the Feature Navigator and the Properties dialog boxes
were both opened.

 The alignment constraints were not properly applied when aligning data objects using cross-

 The axis of an extracted measured cone feature could be inverted with respect to the nominal cone.

 The extraction of measured arc features could fail due to problems filtering points based on the max

 An update error when a polygonal model created from line scans is imported from an IMInspect

 The local constraining plane of a probed feature could be lost when the feature was imported from
an IMInspect project.

 In the offline simulation mode, CNC parameters could be inserted in the active sequence even
though the parameters were unchanged.

 The Geometry Controls pane would not reset when creating a new project.

 Strings could be incorrectly converted to uppercase when importing DMIS files.


 The rendering speed of polygonal models in IMEdit has been improved by optimizing graphics card
resources, as has previously been done in IMInspect. For graphics cards that support OpenGL 3.3 or
higher, this optimization is enabled by default. An Optimize polygonal model rendering check box has
been added to the Display > 3D Scene > Performance page of the IMEdit Options dialog box to disable
the optimization, if necessary.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 27

Intermediate Release 4

 Add-ins used to import PolyWorks PWSF parametric sketch files into professional CAD software solutions
have been updated:

 The CATIA add-in now supports CATIA V5-6 R2016 64-bit.

 The SolidWorks add-in now supports SolidWorks 2017.

 The Autodesk Inventor add-in now supports Inventor 2017.

 Fixed issues:

 The wrong search radius was displayed when creating curves using feature tracking and the N Points

 N-sided patches could no longer be created in holes surrounded by other patches.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 New macro commands have been added to decrease target lock-on time when using the Leica AT960/
AT930 Laser Tracker or Leica T-Scan/Tracker plug-ins:

 When the targeted tool is known by the user, it can be specified to the new plug-in specific GO_XYZ
commands, allowing the operation to execute more quickly.

 A Go to XYZ operation followed by a stationary measurement can be performed through a single

optimized command.

 The latest SDK from Nikon Metrology has been integrated into the Nikon Metrology Laser Radar plug-in.

 The latest SDK has been integrated into the API Laser Tracker plug-in.

 A new version of the Laser Design Surveyor Scanner plug-in is distributed.

 Fixed issues:

 Users are now warned when changing a reflector or tool during a probing operation, to prevent them
from acquiring points with a tool other than the tool expected by IMInspect.

 The Resume measuring on target recovery laser tracker functionality could often fail.

 With the Leica Laser Tracker plug-in, an error message would be displayed when closing the Device
Properties dialog box after accessing Leica's BUI.

 A software crash with the Leica AT960/AT930 Laser Tracker plug-in when disconnecting the network

 A software crash when acquiring a point in the Build/Inspect mode.

 A software freeze could occur with line scanning plug-ins when using the Limit number of points
in data object option.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 28

Intermediate Release 4

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 In the Tools and Tool Orientations pane, users can now select the tool orientations that are used in the
active sequence. The pane’s contextual menu offers the new Select > From Sequence submenu that allows
users to select All, only the Calibrated, or only the Uncalibrated tool orientations.

 From the Sequence Editor, it is now possible to launch the calibration of all tool orientations used in the
active sequence by choosing the Tools > Calibrate Tool Orientations menu item.

 The naming of tools, tool changers, and reference spheres has been improved. When creating these
components, users now have the choice between an Automatic name and a Specific name. The
automatically generated names include the name of the components or the size of a reference sphere.

 Fixed issues:

 The manual calibration of tactile scanning tools was permitted. It is no longer possible.

 The performance of scan path optimization has been improved in projects containing many scan

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 29

Intermediate Release 3.1

Intermediate Release 3.1


 When validating device position matrices, a problem occurs resulting in PolyWorks 2016 IR2, IR2.1, and
IR2.2 projects being seen as corrupted by PolyWorks 2016 IR3. The IMInspect project is consequently
opened in read-only mode and all data alignments are removed from the project. Reopening the original
project in PolyWorks 2016 IR3.1 will fix the problem with no permanent consequences. All data
alignments will be available and valid.

Intermediate Release 3


 The least-squares feature-fitting algorithms of PolyWorks 2016 IR3 have been certified by PTB.

 The German and Japanese dictionaries have been updated.

 Improvements have been made to the naming of device positions in IMInspect and to the sharing of
device positions between IMInspect and IMAlign.

 The automatic naming of device positions has been improved in

IMInspect. Device position names are now unique within a piece,
not within a workspace. This results in shorter and more consistent

 The management of device positions in IMAlign has been

simplified. The active device position in IMAlign is now always
synchronized with the active device position of the last-saved piece
in IMInspect. The Device Position dialog box, accessed through the
Tools > Device Position menu item, details which device position is
currently active by specifying the names of the project, piece, and
device position.

 Fixed issues:

 Issues with the IGES and the STEP CAD model importers.

 The digital signature of the PolyWorks|Viewer MSI file could be viewed as corrupt by some web

 The MACRO END_ON_ERROR command would not stop the execution of a macro script when an
error was returned by the MACRO EXEC command.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 30

Intermediate Release 3


 A new family of profile gauges has been added to inspect feature lines. Feature lines are characteristic
lines creased into the side of a car to give it visual distinction. Here is what users should know about these

 To use Feature Line profile gauges, select the Design Lines

family in the Create Profile Gauges dialog box, accessible
through the Measure > Gauges > Create > Profile Gauges menu

 A particularity of Feature Line profile gauges is that their fillet

radius is variable. The measured component of the profile gauge
is obtained by best-fitting a curve to the profile rather than a
circular arc.

 Feature Line profile gauges offer the following geometry controls, A1 and A2 being the entry and exit
points of the fillet:

 A Rad: Radius of the circle best-fitted on the profile.

 Angle: Angle between the tangent vectors at A1 and A2.

 Distance: Distance between A1 and A2.

 Length: Length of the profile between A1 and A2.

 Bending Index: Indication of the bending level of the profile. A higher value indicates a strongly
bent profile.

 Sharpness Index: Indication of the sharpness level of the profile. A higher value indicates a
sharp profile.

 The Feature Line profile gauge uses two new functionalities of the Profile Gauge Type Editor dialog
box, accessible through the Measure > Gauges > Profile Types menu item:

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 31

Intermediate Release 3

 The Fillet radius list box allows users to specify whether the radius of the profile is Constant or

 A new Expression operation has been added to create measurements consisting of

mathematical expressions. Expressions are also available for Flush & Gap gauges.

 When exporting measurement objects to a Q-DAS file, standard project and piece properties are
exported to their corresponding Q-DAS K-fields, along with the SPC results of the selected objects. The
project and piece properties are specified in the Project Properties dialog box, using the File > Project
Properties menu item. In addition to the standard properties, users can specify custom project and piece
properties specific to their manufacturing process. IMInspect now offers the possibility of associating Q-
DAS K-fields to these custom properties. The new Statistical Process Control page of the IMInspect
Options dialog box lists all the custom project and piece properties, and allows users to specify a K-field
to which the property value is exported. This option page is also available by way of the Options button
of the Export as Q-DAS File dialog box, which is displayed by choosing the File > Export > As Q-DAS File
menu item.

 Sphere features are now supported when aligning reference targets by probing.

 When an object is mirrored using the Edit > Mirror Objects menu item, and the Keep original objects
option is selected, the “- mirror” suffix is added to the name of the mirrored object to facilitate its

 A macro command has been added to allow users to modify the matrix of a data alignment created by
importing a matrix from a file. These data alignments are created by selecting the Align > Transform using
Matrix menu item and choosing the From File method.

 Fixed issues:

 In the Sequence Editor, when using a macro script step that launched an interactive mode such as a
probing or scanning mode, IMInspect would not wait for the execution of the interactive mode to
complete before continuing the execution of the sequence.

 Probing device position targets in the Offline Simulation Mode sometimes resulted in a software

 The use of a probe diameter of 0 in the Offline Simulation Mode prevented the use of the Hole
Smaller than Probe probing submethod.

 A software crash occurred when saving the user configuration following the edition of an annotation

 A problem when initializing the Max probe-to-nominal-surface angle parameter could result in a
failure to probe the measured component of a comparison point.

 Columns could no longer be visible in the Device Positions and Targets pane.

 The default measurement method was incorrectly applied to dependent features.

 Validations were missing in the Sequence Editor when using a Datum Reference Frame alignment.

 Datum Reference Frames consisting of two quasi-parallel cylinders could fail to compute.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 32

Intermediate Release 3

 The Digital Readout could no longer be shown or hidden while probing an object.


 Fixed issues:

 A crash could occur when using the Extrapolate Curves function.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 Enhancements have been added to the automatic stability trigger for laser trackers.

 The automatic stability trigger can now be used to start or stop a continuous time or a continuous
distance measurement, in addition to single point measurement.

 The compensation point can now be acquired using the automatic stability trigger. A specific
tolerance for compensation point acquisition can be specified in the Automatic stability trigger
section of the Probing Device > Measurement Mode page of the IMInspect Options dialog box.

 Access to frequently used measurement options has been added on the Probing Device toolbar. The
new Probing Options button gives access to the following options:

 Continuous time interval

 Continuous distance interval

 Automatic stability trigger

 Automatic compensation point trigger

 Users of Leica laser trackers can now execute macro scripts when pressing T-Probe buttons. This can be
configured using a macro command.

 The latest SDK has been integrated into the API Laser Tracker plug-in.

 Fixed issues:

 A software crash in the Leica AT960/AT930 Laser Tracker plug-in when the beam was interrupted
while measuring an object.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 33

Intermediate Release 3

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 The position of the CMM table can now be

configured on the Properties tab of the Edit
Machine dialog box, available through the
Probing Device Properties dialog box of the
CNC CMM plug-in. By default, the Table
position is set to 120 mm below the
working volume. It is recommended that
users set the exact position of the table in
order to view potential collisions with the

 The fly mode can now be activated for

Hexagon and Leitz controllers. Using the fly
mode prevents delays between each of a
series of CMM displacements. However, the
fly mode must be activated with care since
collisions may result from movement
approximations made by the controller. The
Fly mode can be set on the Properties tab
of the Edit Machine dialog box, available
through the Probing Device Properties
dialog box of the CNC CMM plug-in.

 Fixed issues:

 A performance issue resulting in a delay when launching the CNC probing of a feature or a
comparison point.

 Collisions when changing tools on eccentric probe heads.

 Collisions when localizing a HR-X1 tool changer.

 A software freeze with Pantec or Wenzel controllers while homing the CMM.

 Errors when connecting to Wenzel WPC 2010/2020/2030 controllers using a serial connection.

 When scanning with a Nikon CMM, the measurement could be terminated when the CMM stopped

 A software crash in the Manual CMM plug-in when using the Samsoft protocol.

 Problems regarding the split of tools and tool orientations in the I++ CMM plug-in.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 34

Intermediate Release 3


 Computers often have access to many network connections. For example, an Ethernet connection may
be used for a measurement device, and a Wi-Fi connection may also be available to connect to the
company network. By default, the Talisman server uses the first available connection. In cases where the
desired connection is not the first available one, PolyWorks now offers the possibility of choosing the
network connection that is used to communicate with the Talisman client. The Talisman page of the
PolyWorks/Workspace Manager Options dialog box offers the new Network connection list box, which
lists all available connections, as well as the (Automatic) choice.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 35

Intermediate Release 2.1

Intermediate Release 2.1


 An issue has been fixed in the property sheet of features for which a datum feature label is set. The issue
resulted in an invalid error message being displayed on the Feature tab, preventing users from accessing
other tabs.

Intermediate Release 2


 The French, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish dictionaries have been updated.

 Certain documents are now available in several languages. These documents can be installed using
new .msi files (one file per language). Once the documents are installed and the corresponding language
is set on the Display page of the PolyWorks/Workspace Manager Options dialog box, the translated
documents, accessed through the Help menus, are opened in the specified language. Translated
documents will be offered on an ongoing basis, as they become available.

Detailed information on installing translated documents is available through the Help >
Reference Guides > Translated Documentation menu item of the PolyWorks Workspace Manager.

New translated documents available:

 What's New in PolyWorks available in: Chinese, French, Japanese, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

 Issues have been fixed with the STEP CAD model importer.

 All PolyWorks modules now offer the possibility of displaying

larger toolbar icons. The Options tab of the Customize Visual
Layout dialog box, available through the Tools > Visual Layout >
Customize menu item, presents a new Icon size list box, offering
the following sizes: Small, Medium, Large, and Extra Large. The
default value is Medium.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 36

Intermediate Release 2


 The order of creation of surface comparison points

sampled using a grid has been changed to obtain a path
that optimizes speed and reduces the risk of collisions
when probing using a CNC CMM. When creating
comparison points with the Sample using Grid creation
method, the points are now created in a zigzag pattern, as
shown below. This eliminates unnecessary and potentially
hazardous CMM displacements between each row of
comparison points.

 Feature extraction groups, introduced in version 2016 IR0.2, allow

users to successfully extract features on globally bent parts. Several
enhancements have been added to this functionality:

 A new Manage Feature Extraction Groups dialog box has been

added. This dialog box, accessible through the Measure >
Features > Manage Extraction Groups menu item, displays the
list of all feature extraction groups and allows users to create,
edit, and delete groups.

 The Create Feature Extraction Group dialog box, available

through the Measure > Features > Create Extraction Group
menu item, and the Edit Feature Extraction Group dialog box,
available through the Measure > Features > Edit Extraction
Group menu item, now offer more control over the extraction
group parameters:

 The Add and Remove buttons allow users to add features

to or remove features from the extraction group.

 Several best-fit alignment parameters have been added.

The Considered features list box specifies whether the
data points neighboring All or Specific features are
considered to perform the best-fit alignment. The
Advanced subsection gives access to other best-fit
alignment parameters, including the Initial data
alignment, which specifies the data alignment to activate
prior to computing the best-fit alignment.

 Users can now transfer a datum feature label from one feature to another to support cases where a datum
feature label was incorrectly assigned. When creating or editing features, the Datum feature label list
box now offers two sections: Unassigned Labels and Assigned Labels. When selecting an assigned
label, the label is removed from the former datum feature and transferred to the new datum feature.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 37

Intermediate Release 2

 Fixed issues:

 An issue preventing users from editing the measurement points of a feature while in the Define
Measured Feature Components dialog box has been fixed.

 When probing point features in the Play Inspection mode, the probing mode could fail to start
automatically, forcing the user to click the Probe button.

 Probed cross-sections could incorrectly be in an error state when cross-section calipers were present.

 The probing of features using a Probing Zone could fail in the Offline Simulation mode.

 A software crash has been fixed when scanning using real-time quality meshing in the Offline
Simulation mode.

 Datum reference frames containing cone features could fail to compute when nominal feature
components were not defined.

 Datum reference frames consisting of a primary datum plane, a secondary datum axis, and a tertiary
datum plane could fail to compute when a datum modifier was used with the tertiary datum plane.

 An issue resulting in the failure to anchor points on spherical data objects has been fixed.

 The interactive selection of data objects could fail when loading projects of versions prior to 2016.

 When performing the New Piece operation, data color maps using the Texture display mode could
sometimes fail to be reset, and consequently persist in the new piece.

 The color of comparison point annotations could fail to update when the comparison points were

 An unlimited number of colors can now be used in the Edit Reference/Primitive Tolerances mode.

 Issues have been fixed when generating pie charts from cross-sections.


 Fixed issues:

 Object highlight issues have been fixed in the sketching and object selection modes.

 The automatic boundary curve extraction would incorrectly operate on ignored polygonal models.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 The probing toolbars have been modified in order to simplify them and improve their usability. Here are
the highlights of these changes:

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 38

Intermediate Release 2

 The following items have been removed from the Probing Device toolbar and moved to the status
bar of the application:

 Environmental Parameters (Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, and Air Pressure)

 Power Status

 Device Status

 To simplify the Probing Device Control toolbar, a new Probing Device

Utilities button has been added to the toolbar, giving access to a new
tear-off toolbar. This new Probing Device Utilities toolbar groups a
number of less frequently used functionalities:

 Real-Time Positions

 Camera

 Motors

 Target Lock

 Automatic Target Recognition

 Target Illumination

 Laser Pointer

 Change Face

 All the displacement toolbar items are now grouped under a single

 Go Home

 Go Front

 Go to Object

 Go to XYZ

 Go to XYZ Options

 Manual Controls

 The control of the visibility of the Digital Readout has been moved from the Probing Device toolbar
to the 3D Scene Display Options button of the 3D Scene toolbar.

 Users can now highlight and select the OK and Cancel buttons of the Move Device dialog box using
device buttons, in the same manner they control the buttons of standard message boxes. This allows
users of the Play Inspection functionality to complete an inspection without having to return to the

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 39

Intermediate Release 2

computer. As for message boxes, a short press on a device button toggles the highlight between the OK
and Cancel buttons, and a long press activates the highlighted button.

 A new Mitutoyo Probe and Scanner plug-in is released to support the SpinArm-Apex series. This device
allows probing as well as scanning using the SurfaceMeasure scanners. The plug-in is available in
IMInspect and IMAlign, and is activated through the Mitutoyo Probe and Scanner option of the Plug-
ins page of the Workspace Manager options.

 The plug-in can be used for probing by selecting the Mitutoyo Probe item in the list of probing
devices of the Devices toolbar. Three measurement modes are available: Single, Continuous Time,
and Continuous Distance.

 The plug-in can be used for scanning by selecting the Mitutoyo Scanner item in the list of scanning
devices of the Devices toolbar. The Scan dialog box offers all the standard line scanning parameters
and options, as well as the Mitutoyo software section to configure device-specific parameters.

 To use the Mitutoyo Probe and Scanner plug-in, users must install version 2.2 or higher of Mitutoyo's
MSURF-M software.

 A new version of the Laser Design Surveyor Scanner plug-in is distributed.

 Fixed issues:

 Invalid points could be sent to IMInspect when the laser beam of the API Omnitrac 2 Laser Tracker
was interrupted.

 The Offline Simulation line scanning options are now saved in scanning profiles.

 Software freezes could occur when failing to connect to the Leica Laser Tracker plug-in.

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 Eccentric probe heads, such as the HH-A-T5, HH-A-M5, HH-AS-T5, and HH-AS-M5 probe heads, are now

 Nikon CMM users will need to confirm their Nikon Metrology API license in order to continue using their
device. Upon connecting to the CMM, a message box will guide users to the Nikon Metrology website
where they can obtain the required license.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 40

Intermediate Release 2

 Fixed issues:

 Issues have been fixed with manual probe heads.

 Issues have been fixed with HP-S-X1 (LSP-X1) scanning probes.

 Unit conversion issues in CNC CMM configurations have been fixed.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 41

Intermediate Release 1

Intermediate Release 1


 The German, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Czech, and Hungarian dictionaries
have been updated.

 Enhancements have been released for the IGES and the STEP readers.

 Issues have been fixed with the CATIA V5/V6 and the SolidWorks CAD model importers.

 Version 5.5.3 of the Faro SDK has been integrated into the FLS file reader.


 Users can now cut, copy, and paste steps in the Sequence Editor
using the associated items of the Edit menu or the standard
CTRL+X, CTRL+C, and CTRL+V shortcuts. The cut and copy
operations affect the selected steps. Steps are pasted before the
first selected step in the sequence, or at the end of the sequence if
no steps are selected. Steps can also be pasted into a different

 A performance issue has been fixed when saving projects that have a large number of pieces.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 Issues have been fixed when probing cylinder features using flat nest or pin nest reflectors.

 An issue that could result in software crashes has been fixed in the Leica AT960/AT930 Laser Tracker plug-

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 The interactive selection of tool orientations using the CAD model offers important usability
enhancements. This tool is available through the Pick Tool Orientation button of the Probing Device
toolbar, or when editing a Tool Orientation step in the Sequence Editor.

 The color of the arrow now indicates to the user whether the tool orientation exists, can be created,
or is out of range:

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 42

Intermediate Release 1

 Green arrow: The tool orientation exists and can be selected.

 Yellow arrow: The tool orientation does not exist, but can be created because the A and B angles
are within range for the current device.

 Red arrow: No tool orientation can be created because the A and B angles are out of range for
the current device.

 When the user selects a tool orientation that does not exist, IMInspect now offers the possibility of
directly creating and calibrating the selected tool orientation. A message explains the problem and
offers three possible actions:

 Create the tool orientation.

 Create and calibrate the tool orientation. In this case, the Calibrate Tool Orientations dialog box
is opened and the calibration operation can be directly launched.

 Do not create the tool orientation.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 43

Intermediate Release 1

 In the Probing Device Properties dialog box of the CNC CMM plug-in, three virtual configurations are
available for use with the Offline Simulation mode. Users can now restore the default values of a selected
virtual configuration using the Restore Default Values item of the menu button next to the list of

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 44

Intermediate Release 0.2

Intermediate Release 0.2


 The display of color maps on CAD models is greatly improved through the use of texture mapping. Even
in situations where there are large triangles or a low point density, the Reference object displays a
complete and uniform color map, whether it is viewed from a close or far point of view.

Colored Points Texture

 Here is what users should know about using texture-mapped reference objects:

 All color map display options have been moved from the Color Map Display Options dialog box
to the Display > Color Maps page of the IMInspect Options. In this page, users can specify
whether they want to display a Texture color map for CAD models.

 The texture mapping can be configured through the options of the Display > Color Maps >
Texture page.

 More detailed information can be found in the “Using texture mapping to display color maps”
section of the WhatisNewInPolyWorks.pdf document, accessible through the Help > What’s New >
PolyWorks 2016 menu item of all PolyWorks modules.

 IMInspect offers a new tool for extracting features on flexible parts, such as those made of sheet metal or
plastic. These parts can be globally bent and deviate strongly from the CAD model at various locations.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 45

Intermediate Release 0.2

When performing a global best-fit alignment on these parts, it is not possible to match the data points to
the nominal feature components at all locations on the part. Users had to manually create local best-fit
alignments, using subsets of data points surrounding deviated groups of features, in order to successfully
extract those features. This process is now fully automated with the use of feature extraction groups.

 Here is how feature extraction groups are used:

 First select a group of features in the same neighborhood.

 Then create the feature extraction group through the

Measure > Features > Create Extraction Group menu item. The
list of features and the best-fit alignment parameters can be
configured through the Create Feature Extraction Group
dialog box.

 When a feature extraction group is defined, a local best-fit

alignment is first computed using the reference object and
the data points in the neighborhood of the nominal feature

 The local best-fit alignment is internally applied to the data

objects, bringing the nominal feature components in
correspondence with their features on the part. The
measured feature components are then extracted.

 More detailed information can be found in the “Using feature

extraction groups to obtain measured components on highly
deviated parts” section of the WhatisNewInPolyWorks.pdf
document, accessible through the Help > What’s New >
PolyWorks 2016 menu item of all PolyWorks modules.

 When extracting trimmed cylinder features from CAD models, the resulting cylinder could sometimes be
untrimmed. The bug has been fixed.

Portable metrology plug-ins

 In laser scanning plug-ins, an issue has been fixed that would cause the Resume Scan button to be
grayed out after stopping scanning, which prevented users from continuing scanning.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 46

Intermediate Release 0.2

CNC CMM and I++ plug-ins

 IMInspect now offers the possibility of optimizing scan paths by

projecting them onto the surface of reference objects. This
optimization has several benefits, such as optimizing
measurement accuracy and avoiding data loss by always
keeping the scanner at the optimal distance from the measured
part, as well as reducing air scanning by trimming the scan path
segments that extend beyond the surface of the part. The scan
path optimization is controlled using the Optimize using
reference objects option of the Edit Scan Path and Create Scan
Path dialog boxes, as well as the associated Max displacement
at surface discontinuities and Max scanner-to-reference
angle parameters.

 More detailed information can be found in the “Optimizing

scan paths” section of the WhatisNewInPolyWorks.pdf
document, accessible through the Help > What’s New >
PolyWorks 2016 menu item of all PolyWorks modules.

 Volumetric compensation maps can now be imported for

Wenzel controllers. In the Volumetric compensation tab of the
Edit Machine dialog box, the Compensation map section allows users to browse for a compensation
map file. The application of the compensation map can also be deactivated using the check box.

 Users can now reset the tool orientation offsets, in cases where the initial calibration is invalid due to an
invalid parameter or tool definition. The Reset Offsets button is available in the Volumetric
compensation tab of the Edit Machine dialog box.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 47

Intermediate Release 0.1

Intermediate Release 0.1


 Under rare circumstances, an error message stating that the workspace is corrupted could be displayed
when opening PolyWorks 2015 workspaces in PolyWorks 2016, even though the workspace was not
corrupted. Consequently, the workspace could not be opened. This issue has been fixed. Note that no
data loss can occur from this issue. The workspace integrity is preserved.

 A software crash when using the MACRO INPUT FILE_PATH command has been fixed.


 Software crashes could occur when loading or changing pieces. The bug has been fixed.

PolyWorks 2016 Intermediate Release Notes 48

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