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Cross sectional view of 4-pole machines.

Cross sectional view of 2-pole machines

E.M.F. Equation of d.c.gnerator

Φ = flux /pole in weber

Z = Total number of armature conductors

( Number of armature slots * number of conductors/slot )

[ S*(Z/S) ]

P = Number of generator poles

A = Number of parallel paths

A =2 ( Wave winding )

A=P ( lap winding )

N = Speed or armature r.p.m.( revolution per minute )

Eg = generated emf induced in any parallel path in armature

According faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction principles

Eg = N (dΦ/dt)----------------------------------------------------------------(1)

EMF generated per conductor = Eg =dΦ/dt, volt----------------------------(2)

Now, flux cut/conductor in one revolution, dΦ = PΦ, weber, --------------(3)

Number of revolutions/second = N/60 --------------------------------(4)

Time for one revolution dt = 60/N------------------------------------(5)

Equation (3) and (5) , substitute in equation (1)

Eg = N (dΦ/dt) = Z [ PΦ/ (60/N)]

= PΦNZ/60

For wave winding connection, no of parallel path=2, (Z/2)

Eg = (PΦN/60)*(Z/2)

For lap winding connection, no of parallel path=p, (Z/p)

Eg = (PΦN/60)*(Z/p)
In general, Eg = PΦNZ/60A

, Eg = (PZ/60A)* ΦN

Eg = k* ΦN

Eg α ΦN

Φ α If

If α 1/Rf

Eg(generated Φ,(flux) N,(speed)


N α Eg /Φ

Φ α If

If α 1/Rf

, Eg = V+IaRa+IseRse D.C.series generator [ Ia=Ise=IL]

, Eg = V+IaRa D.C.shunt generator [ Ia = If+IL]

, Eg = V+IaRa+IseRse D.C. long shunt compound and short shunt compound.

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