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Centre for Near Net Shape

Processing of Materials

Prepared by:
Alan Machin
Technical Officer
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Date Prepared:
Date Revised:
May 25th, 2023
May 25th, 2023 Page 1

Casting Procedure

1. Clean all of the old coating off of the utensils.

2. Re-coat the equipment the day prior to pouring. This includes piglets, tongs, degasser,
RPT (reduced pressure test) cups, utensils and especially the thermocouple probe
(be careful of the tip).
3. Dry the equipment in the drying box overnight at 130oF.

Now is a good time to clean the aluminum for tomorrow’s pour.


1. Always use the magnets on the accelerometer when the vibration equipment is not in
2. Gently put the accelerometer on the barrel.
3. Vibrate at 1 g for the length of time depending on the style of vibration that you wish to
use. *See Andrew Packer’s thesis for an example.
4. Put the pouring cup half way down the foam used for pouring. The cup should fit nicely
around the sprue.
5. Do not vibrate with the pouring cup on or you will crack the coating.
6. If you are using thermocouples, make sure that they are well away from the pouring cup.



1. Ensure all appropriate PPE is worn.

2. Clean out the furnace and crucible then vacuum every time.
3. Place the crucible block in the center of the furnace chamber and on top of the brick.
Never place the crucible on the furnace floor; doing so causes a cold spot at the bottom
of the crucible and retards the melting.
4. Sprinkle a small handful of sand on the crucible block so that the crucible doesn’t stick to
5. Turn the fume hood on.
6. Orient the crucible correctly on the plate ready for pouring. There should be NO
aluminum in the crucible at this point.
7. Clean and rake the sand pit, then dig your trenches and prepare your equipment for use.
Do not forget the sand bucket in case of a “break out”.
8. Do not put your aluminum on the lid for preheating. This is considered poor
practice because the high temperatures form a heavy oxide on the aluminum.
May 25th, 2023 Page 2

9. Check that the emergency drain in the bottom of the furnace is free from debris.

In order to increase the furnace efficiency, a layer of high temperature refractory insulation is
cast between the lining and the steel furnace shell. Because the insulation is casting material, a
certain amount of moisture is absorbed in the furnace lining. The moisture must be expelled
from the lining slowly, thus two short firings are required. The firing periods should last no
longer than ten minutes and the moisture may appear as steam or drops of water.


10. Make sure the AIR and GAS valves are closed.
11. Turn on the main gas supply located on the wall.
12. Push the start button.
13. Listen for the solenoid to click (this is a safety device).
14. Open the gas valve to start the flame. The furnace is equipped with an automatic spark
ignition system so you have a limited amount of time to start the flame. If it won’t light,
then press the button, wait 10 seconds and try again. You may need to use the
reset button.
15. With the lid closed, adjust the gas and air valve until the exhaust shows 2-3 inches of
yellow flame.
16. Obtain a neutral flame by slowly closing the gas valve until the flame is almost invisible
(slightly yellow).
17. Wait 5-10 minutes to get rid of the moisture.
18. Adjust the flame if necessary.

While you are drying out the furnace, now is a good time to set up the D.A. (Data Acquisition)
and to prepare your flux and degasser.


19. Add the first piece of aluminum (smaller pieces melt faster). Do not jam the crucible full
of cold aluminum; linear expansion of the material will crack the crucible. Also, do not
charge the crucible through the exhaust hole.
20. As one piece melts, place another in the crucible (use tongs!).
21. Check the melt temperature.

If your pouring temperature is 750 oC, turn the furnace off before 1250 oF (Approx. 676 oC).

3.4 FLUX

Proportions: 4 oz. per 100 lb. (45.36 kg) of melt.

22. If you are pouring a lot of metal, throw in half of flux when you have an inch of melt.
May 25th, 2023 Page 3

23. When all of the aluminum is in, skim, then throw in the rest of the
flux. 24. You may now degass (if required).


Proportions: 4 oz. per 100 lb. (45.36 kg) of melt.

Throw it in the crucible and hold it down with the plunger until it stops bubbling.

3.6 RPT (Reduced Pressure Test)

25. Let the temperature cool to 750oC. Just before you reach 750oC, start the RPT test.
26. Quickly skim, recheck the temperature, start the D.A., and pour.
27. Maintain a constant head.
28. Pour the remainder into the piglets.


29. Push the stop button to turn the furnace off.

30. Turn the main gas supply off.
31. Leave the lab for 20 minutes.
32. Give the pour 4-5 hours to cool down before handling.
33. After 3-4 hours, turn the fume hood off.



1. Ensure all appropriate PPE is worn.

2. Clean out the furnace and crucible then vacuum every time.
3. Place the crucible block in the center of the furnace chamber and on top of the brick.
Never place the crucible on the furnace floor; doing so causes a cold spot at the bottom
of the crucible and retards the melting.
4. Turn the fume hood on.
5. Turn the power switch to “on” and the melt input switch to “chamber.” 6. Adjust the
temperature accordingly, depending on the desired parameters. 7. Place the pieces of
metal into the crucible one at a time. Do not “jam” the crucible with the metal pieces. (See
8. The remaining steps follow 3.4 to 3.7 accordingly.
May 25th, 2023 Page 4


Student #:

I certify that I have received, read and understood this document and will do my best to ensure a
safe working environment for myself and other users of the Centre for Near Net Shape Processing
of Materials. I will read all of the MSDS sheets for the chemicals that I intend on using. I will
dispose of the used etchants in the proper waste container. I understand that failure to follow the
rules of the laboratory will result in losing my privileges to use this facility.

Student’s Signature: __________________ Date: __________________

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