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Bratzier & Co. GmbH Am Großmarkt 10 D-76137 Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe, August 17, 2022

Subject: Global GAP Chain of Custody certification (CoC)

Dear supplier,

In order to comply with the requirements of the Global GAP Chain of Custody (CoC) Version 6 Standard,
as of the 1st October 2022 Bratzier & Co. GmbH requests that all its suppliers
1. Are certified through the Global GAP CoC Standard or optionally through Global GAP IFA Option 1
or 2 * if the supplier happens to be a producer as well. It is required that the supplier shares the
Global GAP CoC or Global GAP IFA Option 1 or 2 certificate by September 1st. If the supplier is
currently in the process of getting audited the audit Status needs to be reported by September 1st as
2. Indicate on packaging the Global GAP number of the respective producer. **
3. Mention on each delivery note or packing list:
a. The Global GAP number of each producer in the consignment with corresponding quantities
per Global GAP number
b. Depending on which certification Standard applies EITHER the phrase “Global GAP Certified
Product, CoC [insert supplier name here]: [insert Global GAP number here]”, OR “Global GAP
Certified Product, GGN [insert supplier name here]: [insert Global GAP number here].
Each delivery note and packing list has to be shared with Bratzier & Co. GmbH prior to the delivery
of the goods.
4. Mention on each invoice depending on which certification Standard applies EITHER the phrase
“Global GAP Certified Product, CoC [insert supplier name here]: [insert Global GAP number here]”,
OR “Global GAP Certified Product, GGN [insert supplier name here]: [insert Global GAP number

As Bratzier & Co. GmbH requests ONLY goods from Global GAP certified producers and Global GAP
Chain of Custody or Global GAP IFA Option 1 or 2* certified suppliers, Bratzier & Co. GmbH will not be
able to market the goods if the above mentioned instructions are not being followed starting the 1st
October 2022.

The producer’s Global GAP certificate must be valid prior to delivery and needs to be certified for the
European Union, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. The non-renewal or loss of the certificate
furthermore needs to be reported to Bratzier & Co. GmbH to the following address:
prior to the delivery of the goods.

Kind regards

Quality Manager

*The Global GAP IFA Option 1 or 2 certificate of a producer can only be considered a Global GAP CoC
certificate if the certificate holder is the Company that markets the products.
**ln the case of a Global GAP Option 2 certificate for a producer group, the Global GAP number of the
producer itself and not of the producer group has to be indicated.
Bratzier & Co. GmbH

Am Großmarkt 10 Sparkasse Karlsruhe Postbank Karlsruhe Volksbank Viersen eG Chamber of Com.: HRB 103717
D-76137 Karlsruhe IBAN: DE04 6605 0101 0010 5763 95 IBAN: DE41 6601 0075 0506 1037 52 IBAN: DE32 3146 0290 0033 5270 12 VAT number DE143595617
Tel. +49 (0)721 96185-0 Managing Director
Fax +49(0)721 96185-99 Thorsten Blasius, Jens Fabisch-Klammer, Sascha Weidinger, Andreas Wolf

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