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Earthquake Detection and Early warning system

Submitted in Partial fulfilment for the award of the degree





Saikiron. S Bhatt (11708115)

Rituraj Bhattacharjee (11708109)
Salman Ahmad (11708116)

under the guidance of


(Lecturer, Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering)

Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

SRM University


April 2012

Certified that this project report “EARTHQUAKE DETECTION AND EARLY WARNING
SYSTEM” is the bonafide work of SAIKIRON. S BHATT (11708115), RITURAJ
BHATTACHARJEE (11708109) and SALMAN AHMAD (11708116), who carried out the
project work under my supervision.

Mrs.A.K.Jayanthy M.E (Ph.D) Mr J. SAM JEBA KUMAR

Electronics and Instrumentation Instrumentation and control
Engineering Engineering
SRM University,Kattankulathur‐603203 SRM University,Kattankulathur‐603203




We are extremely thankful to our Vice-Chancellor Dr. Ponnavaikko and our

Director, Dr. C. Muthamizhchelvan, SRM University, for providing us excellent lab
facilities, infrastructure and constant encouragement throughout our academic programme.

We wish to express our sincere thanks and deep sense of gratitude to

Mrs.A.K.Jayanthy M.E (Ph.D), Head of the Department, and our guide Mr J. Sam Jeba
Kumar for their unconditional support, consistent encouragement and valuable guidance
throughout the course and for providing us infrastructure needed for testing the system.

We express our thanks to Dr. C. P. Ravi Kumar and Mr. Sagar Juneja of Texas
Instruments India, Bangalore for being supportive throughout the phase of TI India Analog
Design Contest and helping us in procurement of various components and other
infrastructure during the course of the contest.

We also take this opportunity to thank our project coordinator, Mr. K Palanithanraj
and Srivastav V.J.S for providing time to time suggestions, critical reviews, and guidance
throughout the project.

We also thank the parents, friends, and family for bearing with us throughout the

course of our project


The main aim of this project is to build a cheap and effective electronic device
that could predict and forewarn an earthquake by acquiring and processing the P
waves and subsequently rejecting other similar acoustic signals and vibrations
occurring along with it. During the project course, the signal conditioning and
effective processing mechanism for the device was successfully implemented. The
device needed to provide real time data acquisition, analysis, processing and
correspondingly provide an alarm in case an earthquake is about to occur. The device
is implemented with the use of Integrated circuits from Texas Instruments and
microcontroller units by microchip to create a circuit that detects, processes seismic
wave signals. The final design employs 2 OPA277 operational amplifiers, 1
74AHC1G08 AND GATE, 2 PIC microcontrollers and 1 ULN2003A Relay Driver.


1. Introduction..................................................................................................................7

2. Motivation....................................................................................................................9

3. Technical Background...............................................................................................12

4. System Requirements&Constraints............................................................................15

5. Goal of Project...........................................................................................................17

6. Proposed Solution......................................................................................................19

7. Hardware Implementation.........................................................................................23

8. Software Implementation...........................................................................................28

9. Simulation…..............................................................................................................30

10. Results & Conclusion................................................................................................34

11. Future Scope..............................................................................................................35

12. References..................................................................................................................36

13. Appendix…................................................................................................................37


1.1 Seismicwave occurrence pattern..................................................................................7

2.1 A simple seismometer…............................................................................................10

3.1 SOS-LIFE..................................................................................................................13

6.1 Block Diagram….......................................................................................................21

6.2 Sensor Design............................................................................................................22

7.1 Circuit Diagram.........................................................................................................23

7.2 Power supply Circuitry..............................................................................................24

7.3 P-spice fig representing sum of 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th & 9th harmonics approximates a
square wave…............................................................................................................25

7.4 Hardware Prototype…...............................................................................................26

8.1 Frequency multiplication algorithm...........................................................................28

8.2 Frequency Division algorithm...................................................................................29

9.1 Lab VIEW Front panel at <1 Hz................................................................................30

9.2 Lab VIEW Front panel at 1 Hz…..............................................................................30

9.3 Lab VIEW Front panel between1 Hz and 10 Hz........................................................31

9.4 Lab VIEW Front panel at >10 Hz..............................................................................31

9.5 Lab VIEW Block Diagram…....................................................................................32

9.6 LabVIEW Front Panel for real-time recorded seismic data…...................................33

9.7 LabVIEW Block Diagram for real-time recorded seismic data…............................33


The W.A.S.Ps (Warning and Alert System using P-wave sensor) is a low cost
device used to provide accurate warning and alerting the surrounding areas of a
potential upcoming earthquake. The device basically functions by detecting the P
waves, which constitute a part of the seismic acoustic waves that are released and
move up towards the crust on an event of tectonic movements deep under the earth’s
surface eventually giving rise to an earthquake as they surface.

Fig.1.1: Seismic wave occurrence pattern. Courtesy, Seismic Warning Systems

Earthquake sensors currently available are basically of two types viz.

Vibration Sensing type (convectional type) and the acoustic wave sensing type. The
former detects the foreshocks that precede an earthquake and issues a warning
whereas the latter uses the acoustic precursor waves released inside the earth to know
that a tectonic movement has occurred. The major disadvantage of the vibration
sensing type detectors is that they are not a viable source for prediction purposes as
vibrations are just a minute form of the upcoming earthquake and hence, the overall
margin of time between a ground vibration and the succeeding earthquake is very
minimal. Hence, they are merely confined to detection alone and not prediction. Also,
the cost of making and installation of vibration sensors is very high and the recording
and logging instruments used such as Pen-recorders are bulky and consume a lot of

Acoustic sensors, on the other hand, prove to be a dependable and a cheap
source of detection for a quake activity as they make use of cheap sound sensors such
as hydrophones and microphones to detect the acoustic waves underground and also,
as the P (pressure)-waves, which surface much before the destructive S(shear)-waves,
when tapped effectively and detected, can prove to be a more viable source of
warning and alert as compared to other sources.


An earthquake is a natural destructive phenomenon which results due to a

sudden discharge of energy in the earth's crust leading to formation of seismic waves.
This catastrophic event undoubtedly accounts for a major share of the loss of lives and
property in the world. As per the reports published by distinguished seismologists in
different parts of the world, the intensity, periodicity and ferocity of the earthquakes
have increased significantly over the past few years. The recent destructive quakes
like the Indian ocean, Haiti, Tohoku, Sichuan, Chile and Christchurch are the burning
examples to this ominous fact. There was a time when most of the earthquake
warning measures were experimented mostly in Japan and United States pertaining to
the frequency of destructive calamities in these areas. But the past decade has
witnessed how experimentation with seismology has emerged from a regional thought
to a national phenomenon and finally as it stands today - a global concern.

Though different range of magnitude scales for the measurement of

earthquake intensity have been devised including the Richter scale & Mercalli scale,
very little has been done towards it's prediction. Scientists have come up with some
natural indicators which are considered to be possible precursors of earthquake.

Firstly, as per the 'Mogi doughnut hypothesis', there exists a precursory

seismicity pattern before large earthquakes. It is believed that earthquakes tend to
occur in seismically uncalm areas. However, there is no possible statistical analysis to
measure the authenticity of the claim.

Secondly, the theory of emission of radon gases was presented where

seismologists verified the emission process just before the shifting phenomenon of
tectonic plates. The claim failed to clear the reliability test in most of the cases.

Thirdly, in order to detect an electromagnetic precursor, a method based on the

detection of "seismic electric signals" (SES) via a telemetric network of conductive

metal rods inserted in the ground was proposed and tagged as the VAN method. But
later the physics involved in the process was found contradictory and hence the
method was declared controversial.

Fourthly, detection of foreshocks that precede major quakes was adopted but it
often leads to false warnings.

Fig2. A simple seismometer

Fifthly, proper observation of animal behaviour just before a major quake was
suggested as a mark of prediction. Though in some of the cases, the claim stands true
but in majority the reports are generally ambiguous.

Another possible method for predicting earthquakes is Fractoluminescence.

The process is attributed to the relaxation of the free bonds and unstable oxygen
atoms that are left when the silicon oxygen bonds have broken due to the stresses
within the rock. It has not been applied yet only because of various limitations of
current technology.

A close analysis of the above mentioned techniques of earthquake prediction

clearly indicates the absence of a sophisticated warning device and thereby strikes the
alarming call for its construction. With reference to all the parameters claimed to be

the precursors of earthquake, it is found that none of these provide a stable and
repetitive response to be used as the alarming criterion. Therefore the extension of
these ideas isn't enough to generate a reliable early warning system. It thus becomes
very clear that there is an urgent demand of a stable, reliable and affordable device
working on a new concept to nullify all the errors disturbing the present warning

Our project titled ‘Earthquake Detection & Early Warning System’ is an

attempt to respond to the present technical shortage in the field of Earthquake
prediction. We intend to develop a device which accurately responds only to P waves
(Pressure waves) which is the notifying marker for the prediction system. The quality
of the device performance is maintained by providing a suitable re-checking system
depending on the unique properties of P waves. The overall cost of the device is also
taken into account to make the device user friendly & affordable.


A general earthquake warning system is a system of accelerometers,

communication, computers, and alarms that is devised for regional notification of a
substantial earthquake while it is in progress. Most of the earthquake alarm units
operational in the world use the same sequence of subunits assembled to provide the
suitable response.

There are various sophisticated devices developed by different standard

organisations across the globe to unfold the mystery of earthquake origin & its
prediction. Some of the devices along with their characteristics and a brief
comparison with WASPs are as presented below:

(a) QuakeGuard by Seismic Warning Systems (SWS) Vs. WASPs:

The QuakeGuard seismic warning system relies on the early detection of non-
destructive, fast moving P waves emanating from the origin of an earthquake.
The elimination of false warnings is a result of QuakeGuard's patented DSP
algorithms that filter detected vibrations to isolate the signature waveforms of a
seismic event that has just occurred. Depending on the geological composition of the
terrain and the distance from the epicentre of the seismic event, a warning of 10 to 60
seconds is possible. The device incorporates advanced sensor design which is difficult
to maintain and requires stable environment conditions for suitable operation. The
complex algorithm and sensor assembly increases the cost of the device significantly.

On the other hand, WASPs is proposed to use a simple magnetostriction

element along with the peripherals which can be integrated very easily and in any
climatic conditions. The false alarm prevention is simplified by using a high
temperature medium relating to the property of P wave.

(b) SOS-LIFE Earthquake Early warning and detection system Vs WASPs :

This is a very famous device widely used in different parts of United

Kingdom. The device continuously monitors the surrounding environment, in search
of an earthquake's initial P waves. When the quake alarm has detected a P wave
(representing the warning of a future imminent major earthquake), the visual and
acoustic quake alarm will start. SOS-LIFE uses rapidly responding sensors and digital
signal processors in combination with reliable “P-wave recognition software”, based
on real earthquake data from various earthquakes, to identify the P-wave and
immediately initiate an alarm. The SOS-LIFE unit will only alarm when a major
earthquake threatens to occur. The unit will not respond to normal trembling, caused
by heavy trucks, slamming doors, playing children etc. The SOS-LIFE system is
extensively tested by independent earthquake research institutes worldwide.

The promotional cost of the device is set at 250 euro and the digital
equipments need proper orientation to respond.

Fig 3.SOS-LIFE, earthquake warning and detection system

On the other hand, the WASPs translates the properties of P wave thereby
avoiding any complex step by step frequency pattern analysis of P wave. The cost of
WASPs is very low when compared with SOS-LIFE as it uses simple handy
peripherals which can be settled anywhere.

(c) Earthquake early warning system by Japan's meteorological Agency Vs


The warning system uses proper seismic intensity estimation techniques to

predict a forthcoming earthquake. General seismographs are used to track the
different seismic wave patterns involved in the process of estimation. It faces various
limitations like small window of time (few milliseconds) between announcement and
event, false alarms, faulty magnitude estimation and seismic intensity estimation.

The National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, Japan is in
the process of taking suitable measures to overcome the limitations.

On the other hand, WASPs provides a guaranteed false alarm prevention

mechanism and a decent window of time for suitable action. The analysis process of
the P waves is free from any internal noise effects or faulty pattern recognition

Thus, our proposed device includes the specific features which we believe will
be instrumental in improving the present warning systems available & functional.

The effect of magnetostriction phenomenon on any longitudinal elastic wave

was studied by a scientist Mr J. De Klark at the Imperial College, London. The results
of the experiment have been used in this device for a full-proof system performance.
The characteristics of P waves published time and again by different renowned
institutes of seismology have been incorporated to build a stable, reliable and
affordable false alarm prevention system.


The proposed system is required to effectively detect the incoming wave signals and
respond to changes in the velocity of the signal within the medium.


1. Detect acoustic waveform and obtain its 5
velocity information
2. Ease of handling& size 4
3. Cost 3
4. Power consumption 2
5. Additional features 1
Table 1 System Requirements & its Importance

The main constraint and problems faced in achievement of the above requirements
are as follows:

1. The lamb’s characteristic equation was used to obtain the velocity indirectly
by sampling the frequency of the input waveform.

2. The ease with which the system could be handled was improved by choosing
chips and components that could easily be placed in a PCB and replaced when
faulty by anyone with basic knowledge of IC’s and the size was significantly
reduced by using state–of-the-art component manufactured by TI.

3. Design and making of the sensor from the scratch added to the cost of the
device. Additionally, an increase in demands for quality increases the cost

4. The MCU, relay driver and the alarm buzzer were the main consumers of
power in the device.

5. Additional features such as interfacing high sensitivity vibration

accelerometers to more accurately detect the phenomenon adds to the cost,
size and reduces the ease of handling the device.


The basic intention of our proposed model is to establish the role of P wave
detection in the prediction mechanism of a forthcoming destructive earthquake. Two
important constraints formed the basis for designing the architecture of the device

1. The quality of P wave detection.

2. The authenticity of P wave verification.

P wave is a typical elastic longitudinal wave which has its own natural
generation process. It's evolution from the hypocentre of a forthcoming earthquake is
caused due to the primary movements in the earth's crust. Typical values for P-wave
velocity in earthquakes are in the range 5 to 8 km/s. The precise speed varies
according to the region of the Earth's interior, from less than 6 km/s in the Earth's
crust to 13 km/s through the core. The typical frequency range of P wave is usually 1-
10 Hz.

Due to the extreme low frequency range and extreme high wave velocity, the
generation of P wave for the testing of device becomes very challenging and critical.
The alternative input which was used to test the working of WASPs was a typical sine
wave with a frequency range of a very practical P wave. As we know from practical
reports of P wave characteristics, the wave undergoes successive expansion with
respect to the waveform and its intensity when it travels away from the hypocenter. In
order to model the actual phenomenon the operational amplifiers have been used in an
open loop configuration mode.

The various alterations which a P wave is expected to go through as it passes

through two different media - ferromagnetic rod and high temperature medium are
modelled by using different electronic units. The changes induced in the P wave
waveform marks the essence of the entire early warning mechanism. The alterations

in the wave velocity as it passes through the media are monitored through the
frequency variations of the wave.

The warning alarm is expected to trigger when the altered characteristics of

the P wave matches with the reference characteristics based on the properties of the
wave. We are interested in construction of a proper sequence of electronic units to
depict the alterations happening in the P wave parameters which leads to a reliable
and simple identification system for the modelled P wave.

Hence, the objective of the project is to practically verify the incorporation of

the concept of magnetostriction effect and the temperature dependent property of P
wave in a pre-quake alarm unit. Feasible solutions for the low scale demonstration of
events in the prediction process are of prime importance which relates to the selection
of appropriate electronic systems for the project. The proper demonstration of
waveforms at different stages of analysis has been presented by the software
simulation using Labview. The frequency range of input signal is monitored and
checked for the alarm status indicator to indicate accordingly. The PIC controller is
fed with a reference frequency value for comparison with the incoming signal. The
controllers have been programmed to function in the specific range of input frequency
i.e. 1-10 Hz.


We propose to construct a device which can accurately detect a P wave and is

able to distinguish it from other acoustic waves moving around the system. In order to
achieve accurate functioning of both the operations we need a two - way system
running parallel to each other in a single unit favouring the least level of complexity.

The internal design has been divided into two phases:

1. Detection of P wave:

The principle which has been used to shoulder the responsibility of accurate
detection is magnetostrictive effect on longitudinal waves.

Magnetostriction is a property of ferromagnetic materials that causes them to

change their shape or dimensions during the process of magnetization. The variation
of material's magnetization due to the applied magnetic field changes the
magnetostrictive strain until reaching its saturation value, λ. Internally, ferromagnetic
materials have a structure that is divided into domains, each of which is a region of
uniform magnetic polarization. When a magnetic field is applied, the boundaries
between the domains shift and the domains rotate, both of these effects cause a
change in the material's dimensions.

Proper selection of ferromagnetic material is crucial for the satisfactory

working of the device. Cobalt exhibits the largest room temperature magnetostriction
of a pure element at 60 micro strains. Among alloys, the highest known
magnetostriction is exhibited by Terfenol-D, (Ter for terbium, Fe for iron, NOL for
Naval Ordnance Laboratory, and D for dysprosium). Terfenol-D, TbxDy1-xFe2,
exhibits about 2,000 micro strains in a field of 2 kOe (160 kA/m) at room temperature
and is the most commonly used engineering magnetostrictive material. Another very
common magnetostrictive composite is the amorphous alloy Fe81Si3.5B13.5C2 with
its trade name Metglas 2605SC. Favourable properties of this material are its high
saturation magnetostriction constant, λ, of about 20 micro strains and more, coupled

with a low magnetic anisotropy field strength, HA, of less than 1 kA/m (to reach
magnetic saturation). Metglas 2605SC also exhibits a very strong ΔE-effect with
reductions in the effective Young's modulus up to about 80% in bulk. This helps build
energy-efficient Magnetic MEMS.

Application of magnetostriction effect with respect to interference of a

longitudinal wave (P wave) forms the tool for the detection process. When a
longitudinal wave passes through a ferromagnetic system (consisting of a
ferromagnetic rod suspended between a well calibrated system of electromagnets
providing a constant magnetic field) , each and every particle of the wave suffers a
shift in its velocity profile due to the domain shifting process in the ferromagnetic
material. As a result, there occurs a suitable increment in the wave velocity after the
longitudinal wave crosses the system.

The change in the velocity of wave can be read with respect to the change in
frequency as they bear a proportional ratio as per the Lamb's characteristic equation
for a longitudinal wave which reads as:

V = f x λ.
Where, V represents the velocity of longitudinal wave

F represents the frequency of the longitudinal wave

λ represents the wavelength of the longitudinal wave

The effect of change would be more pronounced if the frequency of the wave
is in a very low range like the P wave.

Thus the increase in frequency of the wave coming out of the ferromagnetic
would indicate the possibility of a P wave.

2. False alarm prevention system:

The principle which assures a reliable P wave identification system is the

effect of increment in temperature of medium on the velocity of P wave. This stands
as a very peculiar and unique property of P wave which differentiates it from normal
acoustic waves.

Since the P wave is an elastic longitudinal wave, the variation in temperature

in medium causes a drastic change in elastic property of the wave. The particles of the
P wave spectrum undergo systematic shift in their velocity profile due to which the
velocity of the wave sharply decreases with the increase in temperature. The process
of decrement of wave velocity as the wave passes through a high temperature medium
provides a unique mark of identification of a typical P wave.

Similar to the P wave detection process, the change in velocity of the P wave
is studied with respect to the frequency shift of the wave as per the Lamb's
characteristic equation for a longitudinal wave.

Thus the overall design consists of these two systems arranged with the help
of different electronic units working parallel to each other. The outputs of the two
systems are used to trigger the earthquake alarm through a relay driver.

The block diagram depicting the entire process of operation is presented below.

Fig.6.1. Block Diagram

Fig.6.2. Sensor Design


Component Manufacturer Cost per Quantity Total cost of component
1 OPA2337 TI 0.60 1 0.60
2 LM7805C TI 0.60 1 0.60
3 PIC16F877A MICROCHIP 5.44 2 10.88
4 ULN2003A TI 0.21 1 0.21
5 SPDT RELAY 3.0 1 3.0
Total cost of the project 15.29


The schematic of the overall hardware organisation of the device is shown below.

Fig.7.1: Circuit Diagram

The main components employed in the hardware design of the device are:

1. Power supply unit:

(a) Step down transformer
(b) Rectifier
(c) Filter
(d) IC7805 voltage regulator made by Texas Instruments

2. OPA2337 Operational amplifier (1 No.) made by Texas Instruments

3. PIC microcontroller (2 Nos.) made by Microchip Technologies

4. 74AHC1G08 AND gate made by Texas Instruments

5. ULN2003 Relay driver made by Texas Instruments

6. Buzzer to depict alarm

The hardware implementation of the proposed device is a model of the actual

system involving the components which can work with a typical sine wave being
assumed as the input.

The power supply unit provides sufficient voltage to each of the components
working in the device. It consists of a step down transformer which reduces the ac
voltage level after the device is plugged in. The full wave centre tapped rectifier
converts the ac waveform into pulsating dc power signal. The capacitive filter is used
to reduce the ripples in the rectified signal. The IC7805 voltage regulator is used to
generate a constant 5 volt supply to the individual components connected to the

Fig. 7.2: Power Supply Circuitry

The system is initiated by a function generator which provides sine wave as

the input to the system. The signal is then fed to two OPA277 operational amplifiers
used in the open loop configuration providing infinite gain.

It has been found that any repeating non sinusoidal waveform can be equated
to a combination of sine or cosine waves. Thus, square waves are equivalent to a sine
wave at the same (fundamental) frequency added to an infinite series of odd-multiple
sine-wave harmonics at decreasing amplitudes.

The operational amplifiers offering infinite gain therefore acts to produce

square wave. This process is analogous to the actual phenomenon of expansion of P
wave as it travels away from the hypocentre of earthquake.

Fig.7.3: P-spice fig representing sum of 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th& 9th harmonics approximates a square wave.

The outputs of the two amplifiers are connected to the two PIC
microcontrollers as shown in the schematic. The microcontrollers are used to model
the two different media involved in the practical process. One of the PIC
microcontrollers has been programmed to act as a frequency multiplier depicting the
ferromagnetic system and the other as frequency divider representing a high
temperature medium. In fact, the characteristics of the two media have been used to
model it with the help of PIC microcontroller.

The outputs of the two PIC microcontrollers are fed to the 74AHC1G08
AND gate instead of feeding it to another microcontroller. The use of AND gate IC
reduces the cost of implementation of the device drastically and the complexity of the
system is further nullified.

The AND gate provides a HIGH output when both the signals branching from
the microcontrollers are high. The AND gate output is used to initiate the ULN2003

relay driver which finally drives the alarm.

Thus the alarm gets triggered only when the input signal frequency range lies
between 1 Hz and 10 Hz representing an earthquake.

Fig.7.4. Hardware Prototype


The reference frequency for the PIC 1 is set at 100Hz (Increase in Velocity,
signifying a frequency multiplication) and the controller generates the active high
output when the frequency of the multiplied signal falls within the set point range. A
flowchart showing the software process described above is as shown below.

Fig.8.1. Frequency multiplication algorithm

The reference frequency for the PIC 2 (velocity reduction, signifying a
frequency division) is set at 0.1 Hz and the controller generates the active high output
when the frequency of the divided signal falls within the set point range. The program
algorithm is shown in the flow chart below.

Fig.8.2. Frequency Division Algorithm


The design of WASP is implemented in LABVIEW software to check the

operation of the different parts of the system.

At <1 Hz

Fig.9.1. LABVIEW Front panel at <1 Hz

At 1 Hz

Fig9.2. LABVIEW Front panel at 1 Hz

Between 1 to10 Hz

Fig.9.3. LABVIEW Front panel between 1Hz and 10Hz

At >10 Hz

Fig.9.4. LABVIEW Front panel at >10 Hz

Fig.9.5. LABVIEW Block Diagram

The software approach to the design of the warning system was to model the
waveform of the input signal and to represent the changes in it's parameters at
different stages of the process.

The input signal has been represented by a typical sinusoidal waveform. A

frequency adjustment knob is modelled to check the system performance for different
values of frequency. The waveforms representing the multiplied and divided signal
indicates the changes in the frequency of the wave after it passes through the
ferromagnetic system & high temperature medium respectively.

Two different reference waveforms are shown which are fixed based on the
range of operation of the system i.e. 1 - 10 Hz. The system checks for the match in
frequency range for both the multiplied and divided signals.

Another simulation in which a previously recorded seismic wave data is sampled and

determined for the phenomenon is as shown below. The real time recorded data in .WAV is
loaded and read by the Sound File read VI and arranged in an index array function. The
sampled data is measured for its tone and the frequency is processed further to model the
system and the process.

Thus the LED representing the alarm glows when both the signals match their
corresponding reference signals.

Fig.9.6: LABVIEW Front Panel For real time recorded seismic Data

Fig.9.7: LABVIEW Block Diagram For real time recorded seismic Data


 The hardware design of WASP was successfully implemented in PCB.

 The prototype of WASP was successfully tested and it was observed that the
earthquake alarm gets triggered only when the input signal frequency ranges
between 1 to 10 Hz.
 The operation of the prototype was successfully implemented in LABVIEW
and the different waveforms as per the modelled process were obtained.


The design of the device is a representation of an innovative approach in

construction of an earthquake early warning system.
The system uses two different subsystems and detects the change in the P
wave induced by the subsystems. Any specific sensor available at a very high cost is
not involved in the operation of the device which makes it a user friendly and
affordable product.


The design of WASP is an innovative implementation done at a mini scale for

the demonstration of the principle involved in the working of the device.

A ferromagnetic system can be designed by using a ferromagnetic rod

suspended in a well calibrated magnetic field. Similarly a high temperature medium
can be designed by using cuvettes or any heat isolation equipment to provide a sudden
temperature change with respect to the external environment as the wave passes
through it.
The proper implementation of the two systems can make the device actually
suitable for detecting successfully a practical P wave originating prior to a destructive

MEMS accelerometer can also be connected to the device to make it capable

of detecting landslides too, which is a frequent phenomenon in hilly areas. Also, it can
sense and estimate the earthquake intensity and report accordingly.

The device can also be upgraded to have a GPS unit which can locate the
accurate position of the origination of the P wave.


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#include "pic.h"
#include "delay.h"

#define noofsec 3

static volatile bit led1 @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+5;

static volatile bit led2 @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+6;
static volatile bit led3 @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+7;

static volatile bit relay @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+2;

void settimer0counter(void);

voidtimerstart (void);

unsignedinttcount = 0 ;

static unsigned char dispstring[7];

static unsigned int speedrps1;


static bit tover;

void main (void)

TRISA4 = 1;

TRISD2 = 0;
TRISD5 = 0;
TRISD6 = 0;
TRISD7 = 0;

relay = 0;

led1= 0;
led2 = 0;

led3 =1;
led1 = 1;
led1 = 0;
led2 = 1;
led2 = 0;
led3 = 0;


tover = 0;

freq = pulsecount;
freq = (freq/10)/noofsec;
if(freq>= 0.1)
led2 = 1;
led2 = 0;
if(freq<= 1)
led3 = 1;
led3 = 0;
if(freq>= 0.1 &&freq<= 1)
led1 = 1;
relay = 1;
led1 = 0;
relay = 0;


void interrupt int1 (void)

if (TMR1IF)
if(tcount== 10 * noofsec) //10 (also TMR1H
== 118 for the first time) for 1 second
TMR1IE = 0;
TMR1ON = 0;
pulsecount = TMR0;
tover = 1;
TMR0 = 0;
T0IE = 1;
// led1 = ~led1;
TMR1IF = 0;

voidtimerstart (void)
TMR1H = 118;
TMR1L = 0;
TMR1IE = 1;
TMR1ON = 1;

void settimer0counter (void)

TMR0 = 0;
T0IE = 1;


#include "pic.h"
#include "delay.h"

#define noofsec 3

static volatile bit led1 @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+5;

static volatile bit led2 @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+6;
static volatile bit led3 @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+7;
static volatile bit relay @ (unsigned)&PORTD*8+2;
void settimer0counter(void);
voidtimerstart (void);
unsignedinttcount = 0 ;
static unsigned char dispstring[7];
static unsigned int speedrps1;
static bit tover;

void main (void)



TRISA4 = 1;

TRISD2 = 0;
TRISD5 = 0;
TRISD6 = 0;
TRISD7 = 0;

relay = 0;

led1= 0;
led2 = 0;

led3 =1;
led1 = 1;
led1 = 0;
led2 = 1;
led2 = 0;
led3 = 0;


tover = 0;

freq = pulsecount;
freq = (freq*10)/noofsec;
if(freq>= 10)
led2 = 1;
led2 = 0;
if(freq<= 100)
led3 = 1;
led3 = 0;
if(freq>= 10 &&freq<= 100)
led1 = 1;
relay = 1;
led1 = 0;
relay = 0;


void interrupt int1 (void)

if (TMR1IF)
if(tcount== 10 * noofsec) //10 (also TMR1H
== 118 for the first time) for 1 second

TMR1IE = 0;
TMR1ON = 0;
pulsecount = TMR0;
tover = 1;
TMR0 = 0;
T0IE = 1;
TMR1IF = 0;

voidtimerstart (void)
TMR1H = 118;
TMR1L = 0;
TMR1IE = 1;
TMR1ON = 1;

void settimer0counter (void)

TMR0 = 0;
T0IE = 1;








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