0 - HHW-class 11, Maths Indu 23-24, Assignment

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ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL, BATHINDA MIL.STN. CLASS XI MATHEMATICS HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (2023-24) ‘LRevise chapters 1,2 and 3 2.Do the assignment in Maths copy. 3. Do the activities on assignment sheets. ASSIGNMENT SUBJECT : MATHEMATICS Class: XI Sr.No. SECTION-A Marks ‘The set of all natural number x such that 4x+9<30 is equal to (a) {2,3,4,5) ¢b) (1,2,3,4,5} (©) (1,2,3,4,5,6) none of these @ Which of the following sets is an infinite set ? (a) Set of concentric circles ina plane —_(b) Set of letters of English alphabets © (ex EN,x < 200} (d) all of these IFA =(1,2) and B=(1,3).then (A x B) U (Bx A)is (2) 4(2,3)(2,3),(8,2)(3.2)2,2),(2,2),(2,20) (b) {(2,3)6(2,3),(2,2),(2,2)) (e) 4(2,3),(2,3),(3,1),(3,2),(1,1)) (d) none of these Let R be the relation in N defined by R= ((x,y):x + 2y = 8, x,y € N}. The range of Ris (a) {2,4,6} (b) (2.2.3) (c) {2,2,3,4,6} (d) {4,5,6,7) If sinO + cosecO = 2, then sin*0 + cosec’@ = @1 (b) 4 ©)2 (@) none of these If f(@) = cos*x + sec*x, then fa) f(x)<1 (b) f(x=2, 2 {c) Affx)<2 (6) f@)= Which of the following is not correct? (a) sina (b)cosd =1 (@tano = 20 =é (©) seco = The value of tanitan2tan3"... 1 tan89" is, @o ©} @ not defined ASSERTION-REASON BASED QUESTIONS In the following questions, a stetement of assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct answer out of the following choices. (a) Both A and R are true and Ris the correct explanation of A. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) Als true but Ris false, (d) Ais false but Ris true. Assertion (A): Relation R={(2,0),(4,8),2,1),G,6)} is not a function. Reason (R) : If first element of each ordered pair is different with other, then given relation is a function. 1 >cannea witn LamScan 10 Assertion (A) :The value of sin(-690%)cos(-300%+cos(-750"}sin(- 240°)=1 Reason(R): The values of sinx and cosx is negative in third and fourth quadrant respectively. SECTION-B i If set A=(1,3,5) write the subsets of set A. Also write the number of elements in P[P(A)]. OR Te A=[x: x=0?, ,2,3) ,then write the proper subsets of set A. 2 13-5x46=0} ,B={2,4) ,C=(4,5} Find A x (B.C) 2B Iftan@ =+ and tang =* then find the value of 0+ 9 ‘SECTION-C 14 11,13,15,17}A = (3,5,7,9,11} and 1,13}, € = {11,13,15} and D = {15,17} then find (1)(A NB) U (CMD) (ti)AU BUC (iit)(AN BY’ cc fan? 15 Toeantass OR If tan(A-B) =1, sec(A + B) Fang the smallest positive value of B. Find the value of, ‘SECTION-D 16 (a) A relation R is defined in the set Z of integers as follows: (xy) €Riffx? ty? =9 Write roster form of R (ii) Write domain of R iii) Write range of R (b) Find the range of the function , f(x) = Sox xa 7 (If sing (b) Evaluate 3(sinx — cosx)* + 6(sinx + cosx)? + 4(sin®x + cos®x) (c) Simplify : 4sinAcos*A — 4cosAsin?A sin 15° +sin45° find @ SECTION: E (This section comprises of 2 case-study/passage-based questions of 4 marks each with sub parts. First case study question has two sub- parts of 2 marks each . The second case study question has three sub parts of 1,1 and 2 marks each.) ‘Case-Study 1: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below. A class has 175 students. The following data shows the number of students opting one or more subjects Maths-100,Physies- 70,Chemistry-40,Maths and Physics-30,.Maths and Chemistry- 28.Physics and Chemistry-23,Maths,Physics and Chemistry-18. (@)__ How many students have opted for anyone of the subjects? (ii)__ How many students have opted for exactly two of the subjects? 19 Case -study 2: Shabnam is preparing a geometrical design using circles and line segments, the design shown here is such that whole Circle is divided into parts of five colours. If area of each sector is, given as in the table. >cannea witn LamScan colour | Pink Blue [Orange [Green | Yellow Partof | 1/8 1/8 yo jaf aaa the area of the circle Based on the given information answer the questions given below. () What will be the angle subtended (in radians) by pink |1 shaded sectors at the centre? (i) What will be the angle subtended (in degrees) by each |1 yellow shaded sectors at the centre? (iil) ifradius of the circle is 10cm,whet will be the total length of |2 black boundry around blue shaded sectors? >cannea witn LamScan SETS AND SUBSETS a Qa ——_ Objective To verify distributive law for three given non-empty sets A, B and C that is | aiaeEen geo MAN BYC)=(ANBU(ANG) 1. Hardboard (i) AU(BAC)=(AUB)A(AUC) 2. White thick sheets of paper Pre-activity Knowledge 3. Colourpencils 1. Venn diagrams 4. A pair of scissors 5. Fevicol 6. Geometry box 2. Concept of sets and operations on sets 3. Laws of Algebra of sets Procedure $2 Troma sheet of paper and paste them on the hardboard in such a wa that three ofthe rectangles are placed in ahorizontal line and emaining two rectangles are placed ina line jut bbelow the above three rectangles, Draw three circles and mark them as A, B and C - Colour/shade the portions as shown in the figures, 1. Here U denotes the univ the subsets of the univer in each of the five rectangles as shown in the figure, rsal set represented by the rectangle in each figure and circle A, Band C represer sal set U, @ || Bia Figure 3(4) BUC Figure 3(6) A.B Figure 3(¢) ANC QS Figure 3(¢) (AM B)U (ANC) Figure 34) An (BUC) Scanned with CamScan ocanned witn Lamscan | Scanned with CamScan >cannea witn Lamscan a RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS | MERI CBOE O Objective To identify a relation anda function. O Pre-activity Knowledge 1. Concept of ordered pairs 22. Cartesian product of sets 3. Concept of relation and function Q Procedure 1, Tekea piece of hardboard of convenient size and paste a white chart paper on it. Drill eight holes on the left side of board ina column and mark them as Ay, Az, A3,A4, As, Ag, Ay and Ag as shown in the figure 5, 3. Drill seven holes on the right side of the board in a column and mark them as T, U,V, W, X, Y and Z as shown in the figure 5 4. Fix bulbs of same colour in the holes Ay, Aa, As, Ag, As, Ae Arand Ag. 5, Fix bulbs of the other colour in the holes T, U, V, W, X.Y and Z. 6. Fix testing screws at the bottom of the board marked a8 1, 2,348, 7. Complete the electrical circuits in such a manner that # pair of corresponding bulbs, one from each column slow simultaneously, 8. These ordered pairs of bulbs will give ordered pairs, which will constitute a relation which in turn may/ ‘may not be a function [see Figure 5]. Demonstration column at T, U, Z represent co-domain, obtain different order pairs. In ich as (Ay, T), (Az, V), (As, U), (Ass X) (Ass Us Hardboard Battery Electric bulbs of two different colours Testing screws Tester Electrical wires and switches, 7. Fevicol 8. White chart paper 9. Geometry box 10. Drill machine Domain Codomain Figure § 1. Bulbs at A,, A; I Aas. AWAs, Ags Ag and Ag along the left column represent domain and bulbs along the right, i t S,all the eight ‘Sone can make different sets of ordered pairs. Lb Manual in Mathemarin ve09¢ Scanned with CamScan ocanned witn Lamscan VIVA-VOCE @ L. IEA~ (1.2.3), B= {4, 5,6}. Is the following constitute a relation R from A to B? R=(.4,4.2,2.4),8,0,0,5)) Ams. No. Q2r |s this statement “Every function is a relation but not conversely” true ? Ams. Yes. | if every element of set A has one and Scanned with CamScan >cannea witn Lamscan drants using given values in first quadrant. ity Knowledge 1. Cardboard : 2. White chart paper 1. Concepts of coordinate system and quadrants 3. Geometry Box 2. Mirror images wr. x-axis y-axis and origin 4. Fevicol ; 5. Steel wires 3. Values sin®, cost, sin™,cos™, sin, 6. Needle z ,coS— of Ist quadrant ieee 2 1 Procedure 1, Take a cardboard of suitable size and paste a white chart paper with fevicol, 2. Draw a unit circle with centre O on chart paper. 3. Using the centre of circle, draw two perpendicular lines XOX and YOY" representing x-axis and y-axis respectively as shown in figure 8 (a). s|2 ¥ Y Figure 8(a) | 4, Mark the points as A, C where the circle cus the x-axis and B,D, where the circle cuts the y-axis, as “in figure 8 (a). a Scanned with CamScan >cannea witn Lamscan Figure 8(6) 3. Look at the position OB, of t in Figure 8(4). Since — = n= OB, is the mirror image: 1 of the need| ine i ae igure 8(b), Sin OB, irror i re: weet to y-axis. Therefore, the coordinates of By are [ Li |: Thus, we have sins % 2" V2. per 1 — J Scanned with CamScan >cannea witn Lamscan . In oot of-sine or cosine of some angle inthe fourth quadrant, say ~,-» rotate the needle in ay rection making an angle of “ with the positive direction of x-axis represented by OD, a _ x, sede Shown in igure (a) Angle inani clockwise drection= Angle ~7 inthe clockwise direction bs] | a Figure 8(c) 7. From figure 8(c). Dj is the mirror image of Ap with respect to x-axis, Therefore, coordinates of D, ae 1d } 7 +) Scanned with CamScan >cannea witn Lamscan a 3. Sine function is non-negative 4. Cosine function is non-negative in Qu. Ans. Q2. Ans. Q3. Ans. Q.4. Ans. Qs. Ans. Q.6. Ans. pheemetions.” 1, Angle made by the needle in one complete revolution =sin 2x + “(y) quadrants. quadrants. Vv VIVA-VOCE Name the ‘-ratios which are positive in second quadrant, and .. sine and cosecant ‘Name the r-ratios which are negative in third quadrant. (i) sine, cosine, cosecant and secant. ‘Name the quadrant in which all ratios are positive. First quadrant Name the trigonometric functions (t-ratios) which are periodic having period x. tan 0 and cotangent 0. What is the value of sin (0) ? -sin @ What is the value of cos (0) ? cos @ Scanned with CamScan >cannea witn Lamscan

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