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I’m excited to introduce myself! Well, my name is Juan Diego, but I prefer to be called just Diego.

It’s much
simpler and easier. I’m 27 years old; I had my birthday at the end of May. I've been studying law since 2013
at Catolica’s university, but since August I’m going to move to UPC because I see a great academic
opportunity if I want to finish my studies in the USA. In my free time, I love to do a lot of things. First, I play
sports a lot, especially volleyball and soccer. I was on Catolica’s team, and we won a championship with a
great performance. Also, I like to play the guitar and piano. Actually, I have been playing guitar since 2010,
and piano is something I just started learning. When I don’t feel strong enough to do physical stuff, I distress
watching series or animes. I consider myself an otaku, but just in a good way. My favorite anime is “Shigatsu
wa kimi no uso”. It’s an amazing anime that I always recommend seeing. It’s about Arima that he's been a
pianist since he was 3 years old. His mother was a pianist also, but her dreams were cut short when she got
a degenerative disease that prevented her from playing the piano again, so she put all her dreams into Arima,
and she wanted to convert him to a great pianist that won every piano competition. Arima was a prodigy,
and for him, it was really easy to understand the music. He loved her mother so much that he assumed her
dreams and won every competition for her, even though she abused him physically when he was practicing.
Arima broke his mind when, before a competition, her mother died, and before that, they had a terrible fight.
He was like a robot and went to the stage to play his “étude” after his mother died. In the middle of the song,
he started to not listen to his sound. He played the notes on the piano, but he couldn’t hear the sound of
them. So, he was in the middle of the stage, totally traumatized and scared, and since that day, he never
played the piano again until he met Kaori when he was 15 years old. Arima became an introverted kid, and
he only talked with his two friends, Tsubaki and Ryota.
Arima met Kaori when Tsubaki put together a plan for Ryota to meet Kaori. Kaori was a violinist and had a
competition where the others accompanied her. To Arima, Kaori was a totally different person from her. She
was effusive and crazy; she said what she thought; she played the notes her way and not like Arima's mother
taught him; she was how the author said it. In a few words, Kaori destroyed the precepts by which Arima
lived and helped him get out of his trauma. He began to play again, and that's what the plot is about: how
Kosei overcomes his fears and his musical deafness, how he once again faces the death of the person most
important to him at that moment, and how that anxiety should never block you, but you must learn from it.
One of my favorite series is Criminal Minds, which is about a BAU team that resolves serial killer cases. For
me, it’s a fantastic option to understand how these kinds of people behave and why their minds behave that
way. One of my dreams when I was young was to work at the BAU.
I was born in Arequipa in 1996 but I moved to lima to finish my university studies. My parents divorced when
I was 8 years and I moved with my mom after that. I have a little sister; her name is Luana and she lived in
Arequipa with my dad. She is studying his school and she is a really good student.
I was always hooked on the idea of going to the USA and I could finally go on 2018 to work three months, I
was living on Taos, New Mexico since December of 2018 until March of 2019. It was a terrific experience
because I was alone all the time. I decided to travel on airplane to Miami. From there, I traveled on Bus to
Albuquerque and then I move to Taos. It was three day of trip and I met diferents states. In Taos I work on a
snow resort, in a restaurant. When I was there, all the day I practiced snowboard. It was an amazing sport.
Also, I drunk a lot with my room mates.
After that I traveled again to USA with my parents. We went on 2019 to Orlando, Florida to meet the Disney
parks. It was a unique experience because we rented a car in Miami and we drived to Orlando since there.
We went one park one day because it was freaking big. After we walk all the parks, we went to a cruise for
two days.
The last year we traveled to Europe for 18 days and we met a lot of countries there. For example, France,
Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. Europe looks like another world if you traveled
since Latin America. Everything is so beautiful and organized.

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