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SVKM’s NMIMS MUKESH PATEL SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT & ENGINEEI Programme: MBA Tech ( All Streams) Year: IV Semester: VIL Academic Year: 2018-2019 \ Subject: Information System Management Marks: 70 Date: 20 November 2018 ‘Time: 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm Durations: 2 Hrs Nolerpages ieee Final-Examination Instructions: Candidates should read carefully the instructions prinfed on the question paper and on the cover of the Answer Book, which is provided for their use. 1) Question No. _1__is compulsory. 2) Out of remaining questions, attempt any _4 3) Inall__5_questions to be attempted. 4) All questions carry equal marks. 5) Answer to each new question fo be started on a fresh page: 6) Figures in brackets on the right hand side indicate full marks, 7) Assume suitable data if necessary. questions. SECTION A ~ All questions in this section are compulsory au A. What ae the essential features of a modern organization? 2marks 8. What is Disruptive innovation in? 2 marks C. How are Management information systems different from transaction processing systems? 2 marks D. Name any four the information systems used to support activities of the value chain 2 marks &. Howisa Porta different from an Aggregator? 2marks F. What s the difference between centralized and decentralized management of 17? marks 6. Who are knowledge workers in an organization? 2marks Wh SECTION B— Attempt any 4 questions from this section a: {A) Briefly explain seven challenges faced by the manager, who has to manage an organization's information systems (IS). = 7 marks (8) Explain with examples how MIS can help in making tactical, operational and strategic decisions in a car manufacturing firm. Which types of employees can make these types of decisions? =7 marks a3: (A) Explain Roger's Model of Diffusion of Innovation with a suitable example. —7 marks (8) Give one example each for seven types of business innovations with IT. -7 marks as: (a) Illustrate difference between centralized and decentralized IT management with a diagram. —2 marks (8) IF you were made the Chairman of a company responsible for setting up the IT governance structure, what categories of decisions would you be making that are crucial to determine the IT governance of any organization? = 5 marks (C) What is meant by IT governance archetypes? Briefly explain six IT gavernance archetypes. =7 marks as: (A) Justify and critique workplace monitoring, In what different ways are organizations monitoring their employees, when at work? ~7 marks (8) What is Green IT? How green practices are used in hardware design & manufacturing and that in software design? =7 marks, 6, Read the brief Case Study and answer the questions that follow: [ABC is a real-estate company in a big city that buys land parcels at premium locations and builds high-end apartments for residential purposes. There are only a few such real-estate companies in the city who command such @ premium, ABC markets and sells these apartments to well-off people who can pay a premium and would like to enjoy best amenities and live among people of certain class. ABC sells directly to the end-customer and does not have any distributor or agents for sales or marketing and rely heavily on Digital channels for sales end marketing as their end-customers are tech-savvy. At any given point in time, they may have many finished and under- construction projects to select from and for under-construction property they offer customization as per end- 2b 1 customer needs. They usually equip their apartments with latest in technology which enables end-customer to automate many aspects like energy-and-climate-control, solar power, high-tech lifts, automated parking, monitoring and security etc, They deploy state-of-the-art construction technology and are known for their on-time and high- quality delivery and thus have earned quite a reputation. (A) Arrive at Industry profitability of such real-estate businesses using Porter framework. Make suitable assumptions about various forces and state them. ~ 6 marks (B) What are various IT systems or modules that you would like to suggest for their business across their business value-chain? Consider all primary Value-chain activities like inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and maintenance. - 8 marks Q7. Read the brief Case Study and answer the questions that follow: Case Study : Transforming through IT The State Bank of India (SBI), the largest bank in the country, has a phenomenal reach in terms of number of branches across the entire length and breadth of the country, serving more than 110 million customers, SBI has recently linked all branches on a computerised system, Bank Master, to improve operational efficiency and maintain leadership position in the country. Considering the threat posed by technically sound private and foreign banks, and to establish SBI as one the most advanced banks in the world, SBI undertook core banking projects to network 1400+ branches which is one of the largest core banking projects of its kind in the world. ‘The project enabled SBI to integrate all delivery channels such as ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, and payment system network of the country. Eventually, the bank would be able to reap the benefits of such centralised database by going into data mining and data warehousing which would enable the bank to trend analysis, forecasting of customer preferences, cross selling products, and gathering business intelligence. The project was designed on a traditional software development life-cycle with six phases: feasibility study, requirement analysis, design, development, implementation and post implementation IT Made it all Possible «Interconnected branches customer can approach any branch and make transactions «+ Intemetbankingto enable banking atthe cick ofa mouse . Easy and instant transfer of money from one place to another at reduced cost . Immediate transfer of account from one branch to another «+ tnstant transfer of money between Sl and its asocate banks Hassle fee and faster inter-bank money transfer through NEFT . Inter-bank money transfer anytime, anywhere + No.queue fr Bl pyments fh + Powered by core-banking solution, online payment facility for mobile bills, electricity bills, credit card bills. etc. + Use of ATM for booking of railway tickets, airline tickets, bill payment and money transfer ‘The project began in 2001 with feasibility study, evaluation, benchmarking and selection process and the first pilot branch for core-banking implementation was taken up in 2003. TCS was the solution provider which has carried out customisation of the software originally purchased from FNS, Australia, Major challenges during project implementation were problems in design freeze, user training and poor connectivity. The design freeze problem was addressed by controlled customisation and proper release maintenance. The problem of connectivity was addressed by bandwidth segregation and sorting out port problem. Planned training infrastructure was built through various modes including e-learning, to ensure all users are adequately covered. The entire bank was on CBS by the end of FY 08 and expects to see the real power of core banking soon. This has placed SBI in the forefront of the global banking arena. Questions: (A) As stated above, TCS customised the software purchased from FNS, Australia. What do you broadly understand by customisation in this context? Give couple of scenarios where such customisation would have been needed by SBI in Indian context. = 5 marks (8) What according to you, are top four benefits of core banking implementation by SBI? <4 marks, (C) What are the key tasks that the C1O of S81 would have performed during the entire project until its completion in 2008? “S marks

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