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“The Effects of Tardiness Towards Students Academic Performance”

Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Incorporateed

A Research Paper presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Incorporated

Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte


Abriann Chloe D. Demillo

J-aron B. Ego-ogan

Mara Florepaz V. Reyes

October 2019




STUDENTS ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE” prepared and submitted by Abriann

Chloe Demillo, J-aron Ego-ogan, and Mara Florepaz Reyes, in fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Senior High School that has been examined and is

recommended for oral examination, acceptance and approval.


Research Adviser


APPROVED by the thesis committee on oral examination with a grade of



Chairman Member

ACCEPTED and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Senior High

School Department.


School Principal

This study aims to determine The Effects of Tardiness Towards the Students

Academic Performance. Tardiness is one of the main problem that the school of

Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. Is facing today. The data were

gathered 40 junior high school students and 20 senior high school students od Saint

Francis Xavier Academy 10 respondents from grade 7 up to Grade 12. The data

revealed according to the students themselves as well as others. As is generally

known, students who possess regular attendance tent to achieve better result as

success is related to one’s punctuality. Students who are late in class will also cause

class disruption to other students. Students who are tardy tend to achieve lower

grades and can affect their deportment. The study suggest students to manage their

time especially when coming to school and being aware of the effects of being late.

Teachers may guide their students when it comes to school policies and parents

may encourage their children everyday to develop heir behavior.

Table of Content


Title page I

Approval sheet II

Abstract III

Acknowledgement IV

Table of content V

List of Tables VI

List of Figures VII


Chapter 1


Tardiness is one of the main problem that the school of saint francis xavier

academy of kapatagan inc. is facing today. There is no single day that there are

some students cannot avoid to come late in school. Many students come late to

school and as a result, academic subjects will be affected as well as the grade, and

they will be able to miss classes as it affects their class performance that is why

every student should eliminate the cause regarding tardiness. A tardy student

presents a lack of responsibility. Being tardy all the time to class is a sign of

carelessness and a waste of time. Being on time is not only a duty for students, but

also a part of good manners, respect and reputation. Hence, student should know

how to value their time and their best not to go to school tardy at all times. Tardiness

is not much of an issue for students nowadays; to them it seems to be a normal

thing. Nonetheless, some reasons that cause the tardiness among students can tell

whether it is being committed or not or being peer pressured.

When student come to class late, it can disrupt the flow of a lecture or

discussions distract other students impede learning, and generally erode class

morale. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can become chronic and spread

throughout the class because there are number of possible reasons students arrive

to class late. From bottom to top, along the level of the education sector and the

community, the tardiness of students has a lot of disadvantages. The tardiness, of a

student, teachers, the school and the society. Everyone suffers quandaries one way

or another. If we can identify and pinpoint the

reasons behind the tardiness of students, a solution to this dilemma will easily be


The Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. as part of the premiere

educational institution in the province, has a reputation of having intelligent and

competent students and producing the best professionals. This could be at risk if

tardiness among students seeks to grow and amplify.

As part of the SFXAKI community, the researchers decided conduct a

research wants to find out if the tardiness of SFXAKI students is significant enough

to cause a call of concern for the institution. The aforementioned effects of tardiness

to the student, school and society are the motivations of this study.

The researchers choose this topic so that researchers can know what are the

reasons why students come late to school.

The researchers are motivated to choose this topic which is “The effects of

tardiness towards students academic performance” so that to lessen the late


The researchers aims to determine the effects of tardiness towards the

academic performance.
Statement of the problem

1.) What are the disadvantages of coming to school late?

2.) What are the reasons why some students come late to school?

3.) What are the self-intervention programs for the students to reduce tardiness in

coming to school?

Significance of the study

The result of this study are hope to be significant to the following:

*To the Students so that they can be more responsible to their duties of not coming


*To the Teachers they will no longer be repressive to that students.

*To the School will have a better background because of the low percent of late


*To the Parents it will help them to lessen their problems to their children by not

scolding them, because of discipline that the school implements.

*To the Administrators this study can aware administrators to enhance their

interaction with their students to avoid tardiness with proper discipline.

*To the Future researchers this study can aware future researchers to be always

active ay school activities to avoid any fail grades.

*To the Community this study can aware the community to apply discipline on their

life for them to be more direct and proper.

Conceptual Framework

Dependent Independent

Effects *Academically distracted

Of *Low student morale

Tardiness *Poor students


Scope and Delimitation

The study will be conducted in Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. This

respondents will be selected from the said school.

Definition of Terms

* Academic- relating to performance in courses of study. (Merriam Webster)

In this study it refers to what kind of performance does the students have in

their study.

* Effects- power to bring a result. (Merriam Webster)

In this study it refers to the result or consequences for being late in class.

* Punctuality- the quality or habit of arriving or being ready on time. (Merriam


Is an opposite personality trait is tardiness.

* Tardiness- The quality or state being tardy or late. (Merriam Webster)

In this study it refers to the students for being late during school time.
Chapter 2

Review of related literature and studies

Review of related literature

According to the Tenny school in texas “being late to class: it’s not cool”,

being late to class is seen as something of a token of coolness. Kids who are late

“edgy” or they’re seen as being “cool for school”. They clearly have large concerns of

their time and energy than making it to class just as a bell rings. Some students, in

facts, will press the issue all year, arriving late at the beginning of each school day or

finding themselves running behind for class each day. Unfortunately, this can be

incredibly determined to the functioning of each classroom and even to the school as

a whole.


Late arrival to class nearly always have an excuse from the common “oh I

overslept and missed the bus to” I had to go to the bathroom before I came in,

there’s always a reason why it wasn’t their fault. As a result, student excused and not

suffer the consequence in spite of the fact that they’re disrupting the classroom and

their own learning in order to avoid the excuse cycle and helps students take

responsibility for their own actions l, there are several steps that can be helpful.
Students can be encouraged to take bathroom breaks between classes or at

pre-specified times some teachers may make it clear that students are welcome to

tale restroom breaks during specific periods of quite work time it necessary.

Students can make a habit of waking a little earlier in the morning so that

they’re able to make it to class on time more regularly.

Students can be lead through a discussion of what caused them to be late

and why allowing them to come up with solution for getting to class on time in the

future. This can be helpful for avoiding everything from oversleeping or traffic snarls

to spending too long talking to a friend in the hallways.

Students can be provided with the specific activities that they’re expected to

complete before the bell rings or in the early minutes of class, helping them to

understand how they can use their time more effectively l.

Teachers can make the effort to be in class early interacting with their

students, instead of sliding in just as or after the bell rings. This helps demonstrate to

students that their learning time is valuable and that they’re expected to be in place

on time.

It’s also critical that students understand the instructor’s expectation that is

that they know they are expected to be in class at a specific time and that when the

bell rings, it’s time to be in their seats, ready to learn. Chronic lateness creates a

problem for students and faculty alike. By correcting the chronic lateness problems,

students and teachers alike can experience smoother running classroom where

learning time is valued by the entire community. Looking for more information about

school where each child is valued and their time is taken seriously.
Review of related studies

One factor that dictates the quality performance of a student is his/her

punctuality that is getting to school on time or being tardy. As cited by Nakpodia and

Dafiaghor (2011), “ lateness” can be defined as the “situation where an individual

arrives after the proper, scheduled or usual time (Oxford Advance Learners’

dictionary, 5th ed ., 1995), Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe “people

not showing up on time” and breeze et al. (2010) contributed by saying that, lateness

is synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond,

thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. Lastly, weade (2004) defined

tardiness as “being late for any measurable lengthof time past the stated or

scheduled start time for work or school.”

One of the most recurring and the most “frustrating problem” that the schools

are having with their students nowadays is tardiness (Sprick and Daniels, 2007). It

creates problems, not just to the students bit also to the teachers (Cowan Avenue

Elementary School Community, 2007, para1). Cowan crier, the official school

publication of CAESC, also states that while having “occasional tardy” isn’t a big

deal, unfailing tardiness is and it gives students problems including being ill prepared

for the job market. According to the results of the study of the U.S Department of

education on “truancy”, which is related to tardiness, being present and on time

going to school are big factors on the “success and behavior” of the students (Zeiger,

2019, para1). Thus, it is a lot important to value time and practice being on time

while being a students.

According to CAESC (2007) and Zeiger (2010), the most essential learning

time of the day for the students lies in the morning, specially between 8:00 to 9:30

AM. It is because the students are most mindful and observant at this time of the

day. It is also the reason why the most important lessons and subject matters are

discussed during this time. So when students are late or are not present during this

time of the day, they in effect, miss out most of the important lessons to be noted

and learned.

A study conducted by Barbara Lee Weade on 2004 tried to “determine if

school tardiness is a predictor of work tardiness “(weade 2004) it provided a lot of

literature that observes correlations and factors affecting a students tardiness. As

cited by weade, the 3rd most common cause for the failure of a student is “excessive

tardiness and unexcused absences” (Ligon and Jackson, 1988). “Inconsistency of

school rules” (Britt, 1988) and situations such as “crowded halls, limited opportunities

for social interactions, irrelevant course content, and teacher indifference” ( Damico

et al., 1990) are also factors that affect a students attendance and punctuality. As

mentioned by Weade personal values, financial security and lack of parental

guidance (Payne, 2001) as well as family background (featherstone et al., 1992)

influence tardiness and absences of students.

In Saint Francis Xavier Academy policy, you ate considered tardy when you

ate not in the line during the flag ceremony in the morning and when you enter the

class after the opening prayer in the afternoon. Disciplinary sanction will be imposed

for habitual excessive tardiness. No student will be allowed to enter classroom

beyond the allowed time which is 7:30 AM except with emergency or valid reason.

(Note: school-based practice routine)

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research design

The researchers used the descriptive design, which concerns gathering data

from selected number of respondents. A descriptive design of research concerns

data gathering from a specific populations which is neither manipulated nor

experimented on. It is selected by the researchers and only requires data from the

respondents who can suggest interventions which an be further resolve the common

issue of tardiness. This method consists of using fave to face interview.

Research Locale

The researchers focuses on the still of Saint Francis Xavier Academy of

Kapatagan Inc. which is located at Poblacion Kapatagan Lanao del Norte. The

students from six (6) sections in the school.

Data Gathering Procedure

First the researchers will prepare a self-made checklist to determine the

advantages of the Effects of Tardiness Towards Students Academic Performance.

Second, the researchers will seek respondents who are willing and available to

answer their research questions through face to face interview. Third the researchers

will ask permission to the selected students.

Statistical tools

Statistical treatment to have certain interpretation of the gathered data, the following

statistical tools are to be authorized

1.) Frequency and /or percentage. These were used in the distribution of the

respondents responses.

2.) General weighted mean. These was used to determine the respondents level of

response in the conduct of survey.

Instruments Used

This study will utilize a individual face to face interview with a checklist in the

gathering the data from the respondents.


This research becomes reality with the kind support and help of many


We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

First and foremost, We would like to thank God Almighty for giving us the

strength, knowledge, ability, and opportunity to undertake this research study and to

persevere and complete it satisfactorily. Without his blessings, this achievement

would not have been possible.

The researchers would also like to express their sincere gratitude to Ma’am

Jihil Kisha Almerol for unselfishly sharing her knowledge, time and skills for assisting

us on improving the study.

To Mrs. Rosita A. Cortes, who gave us the golden opportunity to do this

wonderful study.

To Ms. Baby Marie F. Apas, Statistician, for her support, advices, and

guidance. Sharing her knowledge and helped in the analysis of data and it’s

statistical computations.

Last, but not the least, to our parents who are also an important inspiration for

us. So due regards, we express our gratitude to them.

Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Incorporated

Kapatagan Lanao Del Norte

“The Effects of Tardiness Towards Students Academic Performance”

Name (Optional): ___________________________________ Date:

_____________ Grade: _______________ Gender: ___________ Age: _____

Direction: Please put check to the box that correspondents to your answer

based on the following.

1- Strongly Disagree 3- Neutral 5- Strongly Agree

2- Disagree 4- Agree

Questions 1 2 3 4 5

1. Pay for a penalty if come to school late.

2. Being late can affect your grade.

3. Lates can affect deportment.

4. Waking up late in the morning.

5. Arriving late because of transportation.

6. Staying up late at night.

7. Preparing my things at night to avoid being late.

8. Come to school early.

9. Use proper time management .

10. Self-motivation.
Chapter V


On the basis of the findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers offer the
following recommendation:

To the Students

The researchers recommend that the students may know properly on how to
manage their time especially when coming to school. Also the students will benefit
form the study by being aware of the effects of being late to their academic
performance in school.

To the Parents

The researchers recommend that the parents may always guide and encourage their
children every day and also it helps their children to develop their behavior.

To the Teachers

The researchers recommend that the teachers will guide their students when it
comes to school policies. And also teachers may motivate the students in coming to
school early.

To the Future Researchers

This study can be beneficial and can help the future researchers for this will serve as
their guide and will open for the future development of this study.

This study focused on what would be the possible effects towards the students’
academic performance, In Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. The
research study used the descriptive method type of the research using the
questionnaire as the main gathering tool.

The data were gathered 40 junior High school students and 20 senior High school
students of Saint Francis Xavier Academy of Kapatagan Inc. 10 respondents from
grade 7 up to grade 12.


We, the researchers, conclude that being late can affect the students’ academic
performance. Avoiding being late is very helpful in terms of improving the students
grade and it also enhance their skills like self-discipline and ability to manage their
time. The researchers also conclude that through avoiding being late can also
develop their maturity.
1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL
1. 1= 0= 0 3= 5% 5= 8.33% 51=85% 60
2. 1= 1=1.67% 2= 3.33% 5= 8.33% 51= 85% 60
3. 1= 0= 0 2= 3.33% 9= 15% 48= 80% 60
4. 1= 0= 0 9= 15% 39= 65% 11=18.33% 60
5. 0= 0 0= 0 4= 6.67% 29=48% 27=45% 60
6. 0= 0 0= 0 11=18.33% 38=63.33% 11=18.33% 60
7. 3= 5% 2= 3.33% 7= 11.67% 3= 5% 45= 75% 60
8. 1= 1= 1.67% 4= 6.67% 7= 11.67% 47=78.33% 60
9. 1=1.67% 2= 3.33% 5= 8.33% 5= 8.33% 47=78.33% 60
10. 3= 5% 0= 0 3= 5% 5= 8.33% 49=81.67% 60
12 6 50 145 387 = 600

1. Developed 2. Prepare the 2. The researcher

START questions for asked for a
the survey permission to the
principal &
respondents to
conduct a survey

Conducted the random

sampling through a rolled
piece of paper that is
already indicated the
Retrieve the The giving of the
questions for the
questionnaire survey questionnaires
respondents. The
researchers picked ten
(10) respondents per
grade level.

Evaluate and
interpreted the END

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